Advanced Swords With Special Features You Never Considered

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it was cold steel in the hands of brave men that forged the history of our civilization from short blades to enormous two handers history has shown us a variety of unusual designs many of them had some quite interesting advanced features that you've probably never heard of so let's find out the 20 most unusual varieties now whoa a sword sure would come in handy right now but before we get into it let me show you our sponsor for this video a super ambitious RPG game raid Shadow Legends it's an immersive RPG game for your smartphone forget everything you think you know about mobile games because rate is going to change it all the game is totally free it's got an amazing storyline awesome 3d graphics giant boss fights PvP battles and hundreds of champions to collect and customize look how crazy the level of detail is on these champions best of all if you go to the description of this video now and download raid only through my link you'll get 50,000 silver immediately and a free epic champion now let's get back to it number 20 guru me coming from India this sword is a whip sword also known as the curling blade this two millennium old sword has a blade so thin and long at the same time that it can effectively be used as a whip with such a flexible design it's made primarily for slashing and you can hardly defend against it because it bends around shields or any other defending obstacles guru me is also effective as a defensive weapon as fighters can whip it around their head to create a defensive bubble unsurprisingly it's also very difficult to wield and dangerous to the user number 19 tiger hooks swords these types of swords are traditional weapons associated with Chinese kung-fu martial arts hook swords always come in pairs and are all about slashing the hook tip is also used for grabbing weapons or tripping enemies the Crescent guards in the bottom of the hilt are also sharpened what's especially cool as they can link together via hooks when hook they turn into a longer flexible weapon extending their reach number 18 scimitar this is a legendary saber of the medieval orient scimitars were famous for their unusually strong but light blades due to the use of so-called Damascus steel forged in a manner to provide both extreme hardness and excellent flexibility for their time the excellence of scimitars on the battlefield also came from their curved design which allowed cavalry men to slice their opponents from shoulder to waist in full run whilst continuing to advance straight swords tended to get stuck number seventeen khopesh this rare Egyptian battle sword of the ancient times was derived from a battle ax and had a blade with a crescent-shaped upper half the curved top half provided excellent slicing and cutting power entire blades were about half a meter long making them perfect for close quarters battles the inner part of the Crescent blade was blunt and was used to disarm or trip opponents number 16 Conda this was the preferred weapon of Indian Sikh warriors unusually they used this sword with a straight double-edged blade for slashing which was enabled by its light elastic blade reinforced with narrow strips of steel it had another interesting feature as well a short protrusion on the bottom of its hilt to grab the sword with two hands in order to inflict heavier strikes number 15 in Gambian Gullu this odd-looking sword comes from the cannibal in Gombe tribe of the congo who used it for ceremonial executions the blade is elaborately designed for decapitating victims since it's heavy and has a very sharp crescent-shaped top which is sufficiently curved for executioner's to cut off victims heads and just one stroke the decorated back also assists bears to carry the blade on their shoulder as the sword is heavy after the ceremony was over the tribe would then feast on what was left of the poor person number 14 near temple sword this sword is closely associated to the Hindu Minaya Devi temple dedicated to the mother goddess Naya even though it has a very mean look in a very sharp double-edged blade it wasn't necessarily used for military purposes quite the contrary it was mostly used for religious purposes it even had small holes on the blade to attach charms and other trinkets number 13 pata sword this sword is unusual because has an integrated handguard which is made in the shape of a gauntlet providing almost complete protection for the swordsman's hand inside the gauntlet is a shaft to hold the sword since the sword is strongly supported by the arm pattice were mostly used for powerful slashes and often wielded by mounted Calvary number 12 Camp Allen this single edged longsword was the favored battle sword of various ethnic groups in the Philippines because of its very strong blade made from the Damascus steel pattern welding process the end of the blade is much broader and thinner than at its base requiring a heavy divided hilt that balanced the blade and is also thought to represent a mythical creatures open mouth along with being used in battle it was wielded for head hunting as was the case for chief lapu-lapu who defeated portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan with it number 11 pan abyss this is another sword from the Philippine Archipelago it was used equally as a tool and as a combat weapon distinguished for its proportionately long hill made of hard wood its uniquely long forward curving blade made it unique for swinging so the sword was used for finishing off wounded enemies though it was rarely ever used on the battlefield today it's used domestically mostly for clearing unusually dense vegetation and slicing large chunks of tuna fish number 10 fall kata these swords were versions of Macedonian kopi swords used in three Roman Iberia which is present-day Spain similar to cope if al-qaeda's have forward curved single-edged blades perfect for slashing as the weight pitches forward to the point enabling it to deliver a blow with the momentum of an axe their distinctive feature is a curved grip and an unusual hooked Hill without a pommel providing better protection for your hand it was supremely effective not only because of its shape but also because of the quality of iron used to make them and the process they used to bury the steel to corrode its weak points number nine a stock this French sword also known as tuck in English was designed specifically for defeating enemies in chainmail or plate armor it was this or concussive force such as using a war hammer or mace with a relatively dull edge this sword would thrust through mail links or gaps in armor rather than being thin this type of sword usually had a triangular square or diamond cross-section so that it's strong and robust enough to be used number eight flammer this european sword gets its name from its distinctive wavy blade that resembles a flame dating to the sixteenth century it had quite an unusual shape for its time however it's awkward shape had a practical use with an increased edge surface wavy blades inflict heavier wounds than flat ones as the sharp edges would drag through objects like a saw blade also waves help defend the wielder as they add friction preventing an enemy from sliding their blade over to injure you if you parry their attack they were also reserved for distinguished swordsmen so it was a way to showcase the swordsmen skill number seven is vai Honda vai Honda and German stands for the two-hander being an enormous medieval sword it required two hands being over 2 metres long and weighing a few kilograms but were carried across the shoulder these enormous weapons were result of the medieval trend of increasing sword sizes they were primarily intended to be used against Spears or other spiked obstacles even though their blade was sharp on both edges the real advantage was using their sheer weight to break opposing weapons number 6 katana katanas are some of the strongest and sharpest blades of them all which is why they were reserved for samurai and while you may like to call them samurai swords that doesn't account for the different varieties of these swords out there still they're famed because of their quality for their time which results from a centuries-old Japanese sword making technique that helps remove impurities within the steel creating a stronger blade different variations of katanas are layered for their specific purpose but in general they're tipped with a sharp edge while the core of the blade is softer and more flexible made in this manner katanas are both strong and flexible enough to withstand even the heaviest blows they're often so sharp because they're polished for more than two weeks number five executioner sword until the 16th century standard swords were used for executions but since then special swords known as executioner swords were used particularly in Europe except for England where they used axes intended for two-hand use they were double-edged blades with a blunt tip since it was never used being tools of justice they were decorated with symbolic signs including images of Christ and combined with moralistic inscriptions one such German sword had an inscription when I raised this sword so I wish that this poor sinner will receive eternal life the three holes at the end are also quite fascinating they probably prevent the tip from being reshaped into a mundane weapon of war or they were used to add weight to the tip for a heavier swing or they could have made the blade whistle for a dramatic effect number four butterfly sword though sometimes referred to as knives because of their length they look more intimidating than any knife I've seen butterfly swords blades tend to be as long as human forearms and almost always come in pairs which is presumably where they get their name from they're also easily concealed and used in several Chinese martial arts for close quarters fighting traditionally the blade is sharpened from the middle to the tip leaving the lower half blunt for inflicting non-lethal strikes the guard is designed to protect the wielders hand and also capable of being used like a brass knuckle on the opposite side the guard has a protrusion that can be used to hook an opponent's weapon number three cane sword sword sticks or cane swords are deceitfully clever objects they appeared at the end of the 18th century as a fashion accessory since at the time it became socially unacceptable to carry a sword around many men and women found the sticks is a perfect hiding place for their blades besides being used as a fashion accessory cane swords were then and now as well used as self-defense weapons the popularity of the weapon has never ceased today you can find a whole specter of cane swords online even though they are strictly forbidden in many countries number two combination sword the idea of combining firearms and cold weapons dates back to the first days of flintlock pistols since both weapons were typically used at the same time it was natural to try and connect them the first combination swords appeared in the late sick 18th century they were particularly favored among pirates who used them for boarding purposes however their design was also popular among posh aristocrats still they had many drawbacks since the sword was always in the way of the pistol and vice versa making the weapon an off-balance sword and a heavy pistol number one sulfa car this sword is considered the Muslim Excalibur it was the most famous of 9 swords of the Prophet Muhammad and the only one that is lost xofo car was actually a scimitar with the distinctive 2 prong point the reason for such design is unknown because the bifurcated point does not make for a better sword 1 legend says that the sword point was made in the shape of a snake's tongue always targeting enemy eyes the name itself may also give an answer since an Arabic sulfa car means the cleaver of the spine still there are a variety of conceptual designs out there to conceptualize what it may have looked like and it's unusual to say the least [Music]
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 1,536,672
Rating: 4.4118037 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, swords, best sword, amazing sword, amazing swords, amazing, incredible, advanced, blacksmith, katana, samurai, weapon, weapons, medieval, soldier, knight
Id: 9Wdi1WtvaUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
Reddit Comments

I know one thing: that video is worse than my 5th grade history presentation

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DragonBacon9 📅︎︎ May 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

We do not have his immence intellect. The man's capacity for knowledge exists beyond human capability.

To conclude: He is omnipotent.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JAMLENOM 📅︎︎ May 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
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