Advanced diagnostic methods using pure electronics knowledge without schematic

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hello so we are back yeah Wednesday morning around Hobbs turn yeah beautiful weather outside so like how I said few videos ago yeah I'm trying to do like chops like different like new jobs which I don't know nothing about them and apply the electronic technology so today we have a nice job I will show you now I can I can fit it on the desk about showing you you know all about this hopefully you can see so we have a big big Bluetooth speaker it's a Sony one and the model is gtk - xb7 yeah so that's what we have to fix the problem with this one is that yeah well I haven't checked anything I open the screws it's getting opened by the top yeah this one and we have here the digital part and I don't know the buttons and things and inside we have the boards so I open the screws and I will take out yeah I checked before is that so but I haven't checked anything else so I'll take this out to see exactly what's going on here okay so this is out this is everything electronic here we have the speakers I think we have a screen and yeah that's all right I think the display should work without the speakers yeah that's what we have to face so what happened exactly I'll plug this ribbon cable here okay okay let me plug the power cable power cable plugged so now if I press the power button I'll have some lights and some things but it's no light it's nothing it's just that okay so what I will do next let me get this ribbon cable out probably the first things what I will check will be the power supply obviously and normal yeah so what we can expect to be here we expect to have a power supply to have a audio amplifier and to have the digital part and bluetooth thing yeah because it's a bluetooth speaker okay so let me grab the multimeter let me pull up the microscope [Music] okay so what do we have here we have the power supply yeah they wish to have like a close-up camera app or so where we have this connection and you know the good part is the voltages are writing on the board yeah so let's see what do we have there so what do we have there we have the what voltage we have only one voltage 36 volts yeah so we have to check if we have that voltage yeah so actually we have no signal we have nothing we have just just 46 volts which probably must be there all the time I don't know what's the pin number one well a shake for voltage a multimeter how can I fix this yeah like that ground let's say Plus yeah and we have 34 volts which i think is fine yeah so 3 4 34 so the power supply is good so we don't have a power supply problem ok that's bad ok probably what I will check next yeah it will be if we have any voltage on the digital part because it's not coming on so it's not coming on because the power supply is faulty no it's not coming gone because I press the power button in nothing happened so two things the digital part is burned or the digital part doesn't have voltage or only these two things yeah only these two so let's try check the power button so I'll check the power button for voltage that's the first thing what I will check because I have no idea where it's plus and minus on the digital part because obviously we have no voltage yeah why not for sure I shall have voltage in the power button true multimeter power button to the power button sign is here and we have nothing I can't see I'm sorry so we have the sign on the board you know the the switch sign here and the switch sign here so here is the switch because on the other side is clicking so I should have voltage here so that's the power button it is no voltage okay what I'll do next I'll try to identify the power supply and I will concentrate my attention on the big caps like this one so we have here a tiny antenna so I suppose this is a bluetooth module and this is a capacitor and on the capacitor we have nothing zero volts okay next one we have here like a carbo resistor so probably that's like small one tiny one the zero point something ohms we have two ceramic big capacitors so I suppose there should be a power earlier so we use ground ground and now we'll check next for voltage and it's no voltage okay so I believe our problem is not from here I believe our problems from here yeah so let me unplug the cable okay let me take this out and let's move on the second part here we have the probably the processor and the probably this is a memory I don't know we have some you see this big coils this coil coil the support supply here we have a transistor can be a regulator yeah here we have a bioship so this is our processor so let's see let's see what's going on there here we have a heat sink and we have some quails so I believe this is a power amplifier Class D I think Class D is the newest one and it's like you know it's a new the new amplifiers with MOSFETs and things and actually the they are very efficient and here we have a relay which is supposed to connect the speakers or connect the audio amplifier yeah connect the power for the amplifier I think or maybe not I don't know but I don't care my issue is I don't have voltage on the on the on that board with the power button I don't connect the cable again and the problem is I don't know nothing about this okay so I have no idea what what was going on here is all checks on voltage on coils yeah you have no schematic so if you die if you have no schematics everything is random on the board but you can separate the things like probably this is like a power supply area yeah here is the process for one second you okay sorry for that here so yeah like how I said the power area the digital one that would you amplifier so let's do some checking so yeah ground let's check on these squirrels to see what we have here here I'll check on caps is more easy so here we have sorry this should be voltage voltage so here we have twelve point two okay so this is a power supply it's a working one here you can check the straight on coil here we have nothing let me check on the capacitor it's not necessary to all the power supplies to be on yeah maybe they are coming go on and when you press the power button so we don't know we can't say like isn't if it's no voltage the box place 40 okay here we have another Quayle assume this Quayle five point two volts okay one more on the bioship on the bioship the P number eight and we have three point three really no we have nothing watch beeping three now zero let me check with the other multimeter I don't really trust that one now it's zero now zero volts so we don't have voltage there okay the closest regulator is this one let's check this one nothing nothing nothing so we have no voltage you want that regulator okay this one is a 5 volts power supply yeah yeah okay here we have a capacitor we do have five point two volts what do we have here these connectors speakers parity gain okay okay we have a USB port so can be the five volts power supply to supply power to the usb yeah can be can be okay here we have another small chip so I suppose it's another regulator and on the output we have wise changing to ones I can't believe so here we have zero we have nothing so this is not working whatever it is yeah here we have an ARM chip so copy this is a microcontroller which we have no voltage on the crystal so problem is that the chip is has no voltage okay so this power supply is good this is a 5 volts one that's good so it's hard to spot a problem from here we have a small chip so for me this is another power supply which is zero so we can't really know what can be the problem here yeah but I'll get concentrated yeah on these power supplies this is nothing hot it's okay you know what I'll try to do morale check check for short on the bioship which probably is the 3.3 volts power l diode the ship P number 8 and P number four and it's not short it's not short okay that's good it's good to know you know now what I will do next year what I will do next I will try and find ya so here we have the processor okay here we have the BIOS what I will try to do I will use the continuity yeah and I'll try to find the processor and BIOS power supply yeah and for down one I will stick one probe here and no yes sorry here here pin number eight which is probably plus okay and I will try with the beeping okay is going here so here you have some carbon resistors so probably this is the main you can see the track so previous this is the main 3.3 volts power a is beeping here and is beeping here so I know for sure this transistor is meant to supply a regulated 3.3 volts I know three point three because the bioship is a 3.3 volts one yeah so this is a regulator which this is the output of the regulator let me check what the regulator is not one if we can check 1 1 1 is 1 1 1 7 a here which I don't really know what is 3 but we can check online you know 1 1 1 7 a is the datasheet here okay yes and I found something one second let me switch regulator ok let's see what is the link it's a voltage regulator what what what I need I need the pins configuration so I know which is our input yeah so we have we have this V okay so we are on the wrong direction so this is V in this is V out okay so I believe this one is there so from three point free is going here and is coming out with different voltage probably one point something for different I don't know but what I'm doing wrong here because that's the in input of the regulator is not the output so what I'm doing here one more time here let's check one more time so from the pin number eight it's not coming here it's coming here okay so this is not our regulator this is the input of this regulator yeah so we should try and find out different power supply yeah so it's not this one what about this one the dead one it is does the one no it's not this one okay what about this one can be this one no it's not this one so what is going on my power here here maybe here no no so it's not coming here nope she probably is not here probably is not here okay it's not here here no it's not here so where is my 3.3 volts power supply whoa boy here yeah so here we have zero no we don't have zero here your voltage we have a capacitor which is getting charged okay so it's not this one so which one it is which one is the 3.3 volts power supply and this clear is the input yeah let's check this let's get concentrated let's see what is the output of this one is going yeah okay doesn't mean does the ground here it is the ground let's see where this is going this is going to the chip so the chief need two voltages one from here the 3.3 yeah which is coming on the chip yeah and one from here which is going somewhere here okay but that doesn't help me you know I still need to find my 3.3 volts power supply okay so I know it's coming here you know I can see this truck and I was thinking what is going so for me is going here this one yeah and from here is coming to this transistor and probably this transistor yeah so I believe my power supply is this one which is not working so this probably this is the 3.3 volts one this one okay let me plug again the cable a nice check again to see we have input so the power is blocked the check voltage both worlds let's try to check again when my screen goes off and now it's ohms again vote so these poor supplies that and I believe this is meant to be on all the time and we have this coil and we have this switching thing you can see the coil and serial mode of this switching thing yeah and probably this is the input yeah this one and all the input we have zero and we have two resistors released which are good and these two resistor is coming from here so this power supply it's on serial mode with this power supply so in order to have this working I have to have this working yeah this is another poor supply remember we checked and was dead and I said you know what is not necessary to be on so this power supplies that this solves power supply is driven by this chip yeah this chip input is this here and on the input we have 34 volts you can see on this pin 34 volts I don't know how much voltage will be on the output but we have a diet here possible to be a Zener diode and possible to have a short here so my attention is now on this chip yeah so let's take the power out let's switch on down mode and let's check the diode and these deities it's it's zero okay so I think there is short point in 18 1 point 8 ohms free ohms 3 ohms so I believe if something is wrong here sorry you can't see because we have like no it's 0.5 ohms 0.5 ohms here so this is the output of this power supply this is the coil after the coil we have the capacitor yeah we spoke about the power supplies the switching ones so I don't know if these there is burned yeah can be something else can be like different things burn but it's most likely this diet which is on the output most likely it's a Zener diode so remove that diode and I'll check again here let me grab nozzle one second a small one so let's remove the tire then check for shorty that's what I want to do more air okay let's leave the diode and check the dial with a multimeter when the diet is good really okay the diet is good and the short is still here okay that's bad that's bad enough so it's not a diet let me shoulder back the diet now what he'll do now the soaring style you know the brute force the savage way I'll come with a lot of amps from the power supply I'll try to find out what is getting hot here yeah it's all you special you know Zippo petrol I see many comments what petrol car petrol no is equal you know Zippo you know for lighter now is use the perpetual yeah and I want to see what is getting hot here power supply output the post to play on the low voltage because they don't know what voltage has that power L yeah so we don't know maybe we should be minimal like three volts three volts around 2 amps let's see and what is getting hot here okay let me pay attention on this gee maybe this ship is that one more time it's taking two amps and the voltage is 0.6 so sometimes something is getting mad heart by can't see nothing here I can't see the things is the capacitor I don't think is the capacitor you think is the capacitor can be let's put some pressure on the capacitor probably is not the capacitor here but something else is getting hot obviously we don't know what because this pole really sees is long you know this this is probably going on different things different chips mmm-hmm let me try and try to find out by hit see what is getting cut on the you know on the older board not only here close to the power supply because I think this fault is somewhere on the board but not near okay let me stick the ground somewhere on the case because the case is ground thus plus two arms okay let's go up let's go 2.3 MCLs a free arms with three arms something is burning something should be burning hot okay okay the quail is the quail it's warm so very possible the sure shall be on the other side not on the output of the power supply but on the ow put of the before the the quail yeah on the switching part you know what I mean so you have the switching the driver yeah MOSFETs you have the coil and the output I think the short is on the on this side with the switching devices here I think I can't say for sure let's use more apps yeah Rams let's check again forums or arms yeah yes oh okay let me switch the arms down let's have a look together because something is getting hard there by I don't know what so like how I said yeah that's the schematic of the power supply so the things that this piece from here is going out to my bore so this is going through the coil to the driver do you know the MOSFET driver this is a chip inside there are some MOSFETs they are switching yeah so that's my power supply so the direction of the power is coming from this side here here it's coming on this side yeah it's like that it will be to draw like like our oh yeah so I I checked on the output here going but it's not it's it's here on the summer here something is getting hard let me do special yeah let me use more petrol here somewhere now let's check again with the power supply let's see what is getting harder I can see here some movement I can see when I put okay you can see okay on off on off she was more ramps on off okay here is weird on this cap what do you think on off on on 3.12 three arms now and I can see here some movement but I don't know what was here because here it's a swarm hot well you know what's very short that cap look on that cap yeah look on that cap yeah this one this one this this black one so what do you think you know a cap is not meant to do like that you know a cap is not driving the electricity through you know on DC 1 DC so let me remove that cap you Hey ok ok does normal know one second that's normal ok does the diode what is not normal it's a door capacitor now confuse we have one more here from the ground can be that can be capacitor can be a diet so we have the output of this chip which is coming to the coil is coming to this this is a diode this is this is not a capacitor I was thinking it's a assembly capacitor but I think it's a diode the second line SS 3 4 B yeah one second ss 3 for B 3 for B yeah yeah so we found what did I clicked what did we found is it's not here yes yes here here yeah SS 3 4 be softened surface mounts Kottke barrier rectifier so we know it's a diode it's a silly to Scott Scotty idea Scott Key something like that yeah so let's remove the diode check the diet check for short okay so this diode is meant to be here to cut down the the flyback current you know it's a flyback because we have a coil you know what I mean yeah and on the other side is the ground any more air so this is a very important lesson she's about how you step-by-step find a fault on something which you have no idea what it is yeah on something which you don't have a schematic yeah and you just apply pure electronics knowledge here okay so let's check these diodes arms then the other day the shirt that is 1 ohm you can see there on the multimeter let's find another diode what do we need in the first switching diet fast switching diet fast switching one about plasma board we can find safety yeah yeah a lot I think all of us teaching that yeah so our lives what is any diet what do you mean these are all fast switching that you can see sorry yeah yeah so I will take any diodes [Music] okay the dial it's out this old it'll dial back PJ to zero to nine probably does scotchy diet you know what I can check PJ to zero to nine we can show ej20 tonight - yeah saving Scottie rectifier here Scott Key sorry the sort of add I can't believe one second you okay let's order the dyes let's use some flux one second just to be sure so that actually the board is Susie it's used yeah but like a heat sink yeah so the diet is getting cooled down is getting cooled down by the board so it's very important like the fins to be soldered properly this is a flux motion girls and now we are surely solder in place yeah they just way to cool down and we can plug the power and we can test it yeah we can find more damage like it's not only this shorted it's also the chip is shorted yeah so we can find more damage I'm not sure this this this is finished I can use some heat sink to cool down the thing yeah let's cool down it's just a thermal pad you know thermal pad it's a composite thermal pad let's plug the cable the power cable let's check some voltages here volt let's check the output here and here we have 2 point 4 volts ok ok that's that's that's that's a little bit too low only 2 point 3 okay one more time the dirt is fine is not getting hot but it's hard to believe here should be two point three books about other power supply what do we have on the output of this one nothing what which is now two point three volts you know I'm not I'm not ok with this there is fine is not getting hot let me check the bioship voltage same zero okay so like how I told you this is not yet sold so on the input 34 volts on the output two point three we have here a 2.2 ohms resistor no happy I'm not happy at all so something is wrong here I only took my three walls [Music] and the input of this one second let me check so we have this turn this know how I said I said here is 2.3 and is coming on this one and the output of this one is nothing zero so this is no mo switching we took my free this one okay here we have a power supply which is working this is the the 12 volts one you know what I would all switch the dance just to be sure is not a diet problem yeah so how long plug yeah that's the risk when you are no using same parts well I don't think is the diet you know if it was like a diet to be open too long the dad will get hot I don't think we have a diet problem but I will switch the diode anyway now this is the same diet so I'll put these dials here okay nobody saw that move on this this is a working power supply so you can see if it's working with my diet come on just stay there okay that is on her own place I was called down you know that that's what I hate when something is working so it's not bad is not working fine it's just working somewhere on the house like this boss by 2.3 volts which is not normal at all okay let's plug the cable and check that post by the 12 volts on so Luci my diet is working no it's not okay three point four volts that's sick what about the other one this one even this one is not worth change 44 volts and on the output we have nothing how this is possible and this here flip my 4 volts okay so we'll get my words back you cannot replace the diet with any diet let's check for short on this one which is not working again I don't understand why so this diet is good it's short it yeah it is short it's I finger diet died not their diet okay I bought this one here it's only 3 point 4 volts is supposed to be 12 okay so yeah it's important the diet it's important probably the switching up the switching speed is important on the diets so let's find another diode a proper one you know I have some TV diode here I think that's that will be fine a TV diet what do you think about that not anymore it's not here they don't find another one I shall final laptops laptop boards what a power supply board oh yeah oh yeah a TV board yes okay let's try together diet from a TV board strange does propose strange okay okay let's use the other one so I got long way you know just finding this hold and now I get stuck for a diet I can't believe because obviously we don't have that dial and now we don't have time to order the diode because this should be fixed today okay this is just around on load another Scott Key dive there are no more one second you okay the microphone was off I can't believe so we need a proper diet here it's not working with any diet I study this diet the burned one yeah so what do we know where I can find something like that you know what let's use a TV one base two big big one normal one five amps diode and I don't need five amps okay that's not good no I get worried you know what can I found out that if I'm stuck here because they don't have a diet power supplies board goes nice let me play let me play and use this idea this is a big one okay give me one second because I'm alone here you yes okay with work problem yeah okay this a little note of course I can solder because my solder iron it's only like 25 watts I'll show you after thus this first law he will - plus okay Bob on the input I was checking with this one now she can't believe safety 3 point 4 volts is not working it's not working it's not supposed to be 3.4 so we need to find a proper fast switching diets otherwise it's waste of time yeah okay so any proper fast switching dad's or something is wrong but I don't think it's nothing wrong in the problem is a budge together - from where we are for some that we change the nozzle okay these are from power supplies visual world their check ground let me cool down the diet okay okay those the wife so let's see this one it's working 12.6 see it's working yeah so let's replace the second one which I know is shorted yeah yes so that is important what I do use what did I use I use this kind of diodes is a big probably better but I learn my lesson yeah I learn my lesson let's see some solder wire the spares are very important yeah so you know what I mean to have all the times board so we can take things like here like that this is a big diode so the switching speed is important I know how solder this way I can maybe not oh is hot how can I do it think I'll do the solder atom or maybe not okay okay let's call down let's check laughter yeah anyway it's expensive Bluetooth speaker so I think it's worth you know the time what we spend on this but a simple thing like a shorter diet changin so long Thank You Elysee on volts so what we have here here we have 12 here we have nothing okay input 34 output nothing that's not good that's not good at all why we have nothing still sure there it's not short in 87 ohms my diet really no my dad is good so was a catch the secret has only 18 ohms the output so how this is possible the coil 22 all's Quiet on the other side for five volts forums something is wrong here why now is short the diet is not connected 3.43 freak my true yeah let's say let's get the power supply let's get a power supply when that resistor is getting hot two points let me get out everything yeah why why this happened to me what do you think why so again yeah it is short to point items here obviously is ground yeah was here I don't know here is something else but this is Easter if I come with arms is getting hot so I believe my chip is gone I think my chip is gone that's bad that's proper bad does come with the power supply again yeah one point four hours another history smoking okay so that's going receive those ships are the same I think of the same let me take this room this one is 6 or P 3 4 9 0 P 3 4 9 0 P 3 4 9 0 which is it's nothing okay we'll see ya okay so what power supply is supposed to be there so now I'll put cap ten volts that's when the power supply should be five let me check those chips well this is something else yes okay I don't even know what board is this is on TV board team no TV no probably CCTV board yeah okay we are good we will do try some things here let's use five volts on output now let's try to find out what power supply is this yeah less amps 800 milliamps and the current is 2 point 7 volts he's dropping down so I think we have a short but here the shortest there yeah no no shortest on that resistor no Ashley oh yeah let me get out the chip one second even one second you I can't believe I'm speaking with a microphone off okay so what we did and what we have right now here yeah this is already too long so what happened exactly now yeah I come with the five volts here so this is a five well spoke supply and now I'm happy with that because I can use something else to supply power here yeah so I come with five volts here we have on the ammeter on the screen 300 milliamps here and it's going down to 90 but the problem is if I check the power supply the second one yeah the second one which is which must be three point three this one on the output we have three point three you can see that three point three but the voltage on the bias is going down because this is also switching so this transistor it's a switch we have zero here and we have here we have three point three here so if all keep their this is the bias power power and the processor power so I'll take the power from here when I put the power is going down now we have three point three and it's going down to zero then that can be normal yeah can be kind of normal yeah let me connect the panel and see if it's working because if we don't have a working thing let me see if it's working so what do I need I need this yeah and connect the connector let me connect the panel the panel is connected yeah let's only use 3.3 volts study 5 volts 5 volts we do have power on the power button yeah we have green light and off let's press the power button green light and off let's press the power button and it's coming on yeah so now it's on but obviously we don't have this cable connected yeah so what I will do I'll modify the toy because it's working fine yeah so my chip is born I took out the chip if you if you checked yeah so I remove that chip and the diode here was yeah so I remove that one it's gone what I will use I need a five volt regulator five volt regulator I need from someone to find it this will be another long story the fan of five was regulated which normally it's on any board any board has the five walls regulated one of me oh no one second not me no me I don't I can't have seven 8:05 which is the most common regulator I have a home when out here so that's the most common regulator here 7a 0 5 7 7 8 12 can't believe I don't have a 5 volt regulator that's when you watch why you need to have boards Wars for spares you have a lot so you can choose what parts do you need easy you know what let me try maybe have one I remember I've bought few buy use them I use them for same things 5 8:05 how hard can be 5 volts regulated that's all what I need it's just a basic one 5 8:05 I need a ball I need something to give that chick out for maybe maybe one second one second amazing five 8:05 yeah so what do you think about this so we have a five a zero five-year what I will do with this one let me check the pins to be sure yeah one second 5e 0 5 image okay let me switch yeah that's five a zero five okay the number three pin its output good so we will have something like that this is another dodgy job so we have plus yeah - obviously now you can't see spirit the focus where is the focus okay plus - so we have ground an output so we have something like that I have ground we have output I need I need another solder iron okay and I need a wire I need a wire to go to the other power supply at 12 volts money so get this power from the 12 volts power supply because obviously the main power rail is 36 volts or 34 volts which is too much for this regulator yeah so I think we are fine you know so what we have here we didn't if I think we burn our thing yeah and we we modify the yeah so we find a fault we burn something and we modify the desk Amati yeah so we cover a lot of aspects today and we need 12:12 output of that diode which is on this capacitor which is here this is a nice way I can believe in each output it's protected by a channel diode it's quality things okay so let's see now now is the moment cable plugged let's check the voltage five volts on the output you can see there five volts yeah the other pole supply the 12 volts one it's working fine 12 volts so we are fine yeah one more time what I did I took everything out I use this regulator which this is the output here I got five volts then I took the voltage from the output of this coil which is 12 volts yeah and yeah hopefully you can learn something from this a simple simple job just replacing a diode that's all over they I I have to I had to do replacing a diode but just because I start playing with the diodes I burned that chip and I have to modify and use another regulator which is this as a linear regulated five volts on yeah so now I'll put all back we'll see if is playing if it's working one second over for the connectors we have a speaker here so we have few things to learn from this the first whatever happened you have to carry on you know that's an important lesson things goes wrong yes many times like now yeah we have to keep on and the fact we modify a basic power supply 5 volts from not switching to a linear one that's nothing wrong with that yeah probably it will take 1 pence more every month so there's only difference yeah the linear ones they are less efficient comparing the switching ones but the difference is so it's no important no this is just a little bit just try to put a border this back and here we have few connectors no expected connectors am giving it is back let's put plug back the connectors [Music] no another screen that's not that's not a lost connection no does the screen yeah by fingers around fifty pound yeah probably tomorrow be ready you can check it by and see yeah yeah yeah okay so everything is connected we'll see you plug the power Morris plugs Wow this one we have lights and things I'll show you after there let me connect by bluetooth with my phone yeah Brutus okay I cannot see the Bluetooth device here probably different catch where it's on it's alive you can see the lights and the Bluetooth light is flashing flashing here I'll try to find out what's going on should be some okay so you have to keep press the the pairing button here so now we have here connected yeah let me find a song copyright song song song so music okay the sick the quality I have some customer here but just wait the customer to go on and I'll put the volume up but a finger probably count just wait one second now one second you okay so we learn a few things that's good you know every time will you learn something doesn't mean you didn't waste the time thank you one more time does the speaker [Music] that's sick okay but nice sound you know the bass the high-frequency nice sound nice long nice nice way nice way yeah so anyway thank you for watching yeah so if you have this problem you know you know now what to check you know you have 12 volts power supply which is always on you have a 5 volts power supply which is always on and you have a 3.3 volts power supply which is always on yeah and after that we have a small transistor switch which is it's it's reaching only when you press the power button is sending voltage to the processor and bias yeah okay that's nice you know I should buy something like that just to have it home to connect with the Bluetooth it's nice sound the sound to bass and like for Twitter's like high frequency that's nice that's a nice way Sony that's great okay so this video is two hours long you know I can see on the on the OBS two hours two hours yeah two hours long it's a lot yeah the job is work this is the chip chip burn it and I try to find it on Google but it's nothing on Google about this chip yeah two hours hopefully you understand how the things were see how we diagnose the things how we move over to find exactly what's going on there yeah and yeah yeah and the job is done you know doesn't matter we go wrong you know we burned the chip but I replace that power supply here with different one and everything is fine now now it should all be fine what we have there like 300 milliamps and that chip is supposed to supply one amp the 5 volts one so it's fine it's not even getting hot so everything will be fine here and yeah the fee can go wrong you think I'm not burning things yeah I do like now and it's not even my fault I just replaced a diode a different one yeah so we learn not all the dish all the dyes are the same they are switching different I know that I knew that I was expecting like you know what can what can go wrong it's a switching diets a Scott Key diet should work looks like it's not okay don't forget like and subscribe if you liked the video I see you later yeah bye
Channel: Electronics repair school
Views: 228,276
Rating: 4.8673882 out of 5
Keywords: Sony GTK-XB7 bluetooth speaker, Advanced diagnostic methods using pure electronics knowledge without schematic, how we can modify the manufacture schematic., we can learn how we can diagnose step by step
Id: ydR61OiECWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 12sec (7152 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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