Advanced Burn Effect - BMD Fusion - Tutorial

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[Music] hello guys and welcome to this new video today i'm going to show you this awesome technique from the texture lab youtube channel which is about photoshop in after effects but i'm porting the same exact technique in fusion so let me show you what we are going to create here [Music] so as you can see it's a nice burning effect with some embers and some particle effects and this is a hundred percent procedural and there's no particle involved in this uh one more thing i'm going to add a link in the description where you can download the scene file for a small price okay let's get started with this i'm using these text node as the object that i'm burning but remember that this um could be anything actually just be sure that it has an alpha channel so what i'm going to do here is to add a filter node and i'm going to choose the grain and deselect the animated power 2. so that we have these kind of paper e effect on my text here and also we want to add a background note and merge the text on top of my background okay so this is basically what we are going to be burning so we need a burning map so kind of something that drives the way of the burning happens so to do that we are going to use a fast noise or maybe more than one but anyway we want to move into the color tab and choose gradient and the gradient type to radial and we want to place our gradient where we prefer and let's move into the noise settings maybe discontinuous and inverted and bring high up the details and decrease the scale a little bit maybe add some cd rate so there's some nice animation in the noise and then we want to move back to frame 0 and into the color tab just add one keyframe to the offset here and we want to go minus one in the offset maybe a little bit more since until we cannot see the noise anymore and then we want to move to frame 160 or 180 whatever you want and move these back to two maybe more than two since we want the the frame to be completely black and so yeah let's see what happens here as you can see the noise spreads like if it was kind of burning so to bring this one a step further we can copy the fast noise and paste it and add a merge node and multiply the second noise on top of the other and maybe we want to just let's if you denote the image here we want to place these in a little bit differently maybe something like that let's have a look yeah i think something like that is nice maybe we want to change the cd rate a little bit and decrease the brightness and contrast and now what we want to do is to grab our text and merged on top of our burning map and we want to overlay our text on top of on top of it on top of it okay this looks nice so now what we want to do is add a couple of notes here after the merge and would be a brightness contrast and we want also a blur note and in the brightness contrast what we want to do is just to remove completely saturation and this happens because we are going to be using this as an alpha so we don't want to have any color information in this and in the blur we want to add a value of 4.5 or maybe 5 and then after our merger 3 here we want to add another brightness contrast and what we want to do here is to increase the contrast so that we basically have a black and white image without any of these mid-tones so to do that we want to clip the black and the whites and move the high and the low until we get something like this maybe we want to blur this a little bit more something like that let's go six what we want to do now is to use this black and white map to hide some of the text here so we can add a channel booleans and connect text and our map and we want to multiply let's use the red channel on all of our inputs and this is the result okay so now we want to use these same burning map and we want to add a another brightness contrast and we want to do the same clip the black and the whites and this time we want to have just a little bit more mid tones here and we want to add a blur node and we want to add a color corrector and we want to merge this one on top and for now just set it to multiply and if i blur as you can see we get this darkening effect and this is exactly what we want we can then color correct this one and bring that into the amber color here yeah something like that it's perfect and we want to add a wireless known by the way you can find this one on reactor so this one would be the alpha and we grab the filter and drop it into the input so we have this alpha which will come handy later and we want to add another wireless node and this one is going to be this map here and we're going to drop the merge 3 as an input and we're going to call this one burn matte okay now what we want to do is to grab a copy of our burn mat and paste an instance so that the link will remain active and we want to add a brightness contrast and again clip black and white and do the same like so now we want to add a channel booleans and is going to be used for invert these map and do that we want to do nothing in alpha and the operation we want to set it to negative we are inverting our math and we want to add another channel booleans and this one is going to be set to do nothing in alpha and multiply and this is the result no sorry you have to use the brightness contrast as an input and as you can see what we have here is just the edge of our burn map and if we merge these on top of our scene and set the merge to screen this is what we have and as you can see is some kind of burning edge so we want to grab a copy of the alpha and paste an instance and use that as a mask and then we want to add a blur node between the brightness contrast and the negative we want to add a display node and we will need a fast noise and a create bump map so just pipe the fast noise into the bump map and let's tweak the fast noise a little bit something like that should do and in the displaced node we want to move into the x and y and we want to set the x offset and y offset to minus 0.5 right click on the y refraction add an expression drag to the x refraction so when we move one will be linked to the other so if i look at these channel booleans if i increase the height scale when i'm increasing the refraction this is what happens and as you can see this is a pretty nice effect okay so now what we want to do is to go into the merge node here and change from screen to color dodge and maybe we want to add a blur node and before that we want to add a brightness contrast note and maybe we want to just decrease the gain just a touch and yeah that's working pretty pretty well if you feel that the animation is too fast we can always go into the two fast noises open the spline editor here on these three dots we can select show only selected enable the fast noises command f4 ctrl f to fit the curves and move a few frames ahead let's see what happens [Music] [Music] yeah i feel this is a little bit better yeah perfect now what we want to do is to create a little bit of smoke which will add a little bit more depth to this effect so what we want to do is again grab a burn mat copy paste an instance here again we want to add a brightness contrast clip black and white and again same thing just want this to be a little bit less and now what we want to do is to add our channel booleans use copy and we are going to use white for all of our channels and to alpha we're going to use red and we are going to add a alpha multiply and here we have exactly what we needed so at this point we are going to use um a kind of updated node but in this case what works wonders and is the trails node so let's have a look at the trails set the gain to 0.92 and let's have a look yeah this is exactly what we need and now we can increase the scale just a touch the blur size just attach and also rotation just attach now let's see the result yeah that's perfect what we want to do now is to is to grab a copy of the alpha here past an instance and we want to use the trails node moving to the settings and multiplied by mask so that the effect will happen only inside of our alpha and we want to grab another copy of our burn mat paste an instance add a brightness contrast [Music] i'm going to use a brightness contrast here and say again pipe into the mask into the setting channel luminance apply mask inverted multiply by mask let's see the result and this is exactly what we needed so if i screen these on top of our text this is what happens okay so we can use these brightness contrast to make this happen a little bit later then if the actual burning of the text and now what just we just have to add a blur node and now we have to add a fast noise and we want to multiply this fast noise on top and we want to add some scale here something like that some cd and let's add a expression here on the center of our first noise and type in math dot red parenthesis time divided by 20 closed parenthesis let's see have a look at the result looks cool to me let's add a little bit more blur and maybe we can add another fast noise followed by a create bump map and just add a displace node and we have to we have to do the same as before moving to x y offset minus 0.5 link the y refraction to the x refraction view the displace add some height maybe we want to decrease the scale add some detail and here spread and see the result of course we will have to increase the refraction we have to add some cd rate let's see the result let's watch it on top of the text now what we want to do is to decrease the blend and let's go for something like that maybe you want to have the the smoke last a little bit longer and so we have to go into the trails node and move the gain to 94 or maybe 95 and see what's the difference yeah works perfectly so now what we want to do is to grab another burn matte copy and maybe we want to move all these down here okay now we want to add again our brightness contrast and as always click black and white and crash the low and high and something like that and again we won't do the same using the channel boolean and the alpha multiply so we're going to copy those and paste them here so we have the same exact setup and we're going to use another copy of the trails node and in here we want to go 0.97 or maybe 96 i don't know let's go 96 and we want to add some blur reset and see what's the deal here yeah perfect what we want to do now is to add a fast noise and we want to multiply over this trail node but we want to set the blend to 0.5 and we want the one piece to be set to 50 in the scale brightness minus one contrast five and again we want to add a expression to the center here and we want to type in math dot red parenthesis time divided by 15 close parenthesis and let's see what's the result so we want to add maybe some see the rate here yeah something like so so now we want to add a brightness contrast let's go sorry let me get rid of this spline editor in this brightness contrast we want to again clip black and white set the low to 0.5 and let's view this and the high to be something like that actually and then we want to copy this fast noise and we want to multiply this fast noise maybe change the cd a little bit just to add a little bit of of texture in here so this is the result and yet again we want to grab a copy of the alpha over here we want to paste an instance place into the merge settings multiply by mask so this happens only within the text and then we want to add a brightness contrast and clip black and whites from here place it into here something like that and we have to apply the mask inverted multiply by masks we need this one set to luminance and we can see our embers so maybe they last a little bit too long so we can go into the trails here and switch to 0.95 and see the result yeah i think something like that works perfectly so now we can add a color corrector and we can merge these on top and set this one to screen so let's have a quick look here [Music] let's add a couple of things here so in the color corrector we want to move to the embers color here so that we have some kind of fiery look and we want to add a fast expo glow which is a macro i made you can find on reactor and we want to increase the saturation here and maybe make those pop a little bit and here we want to add another fast expo glow here but this time we want to use these as a matte for our fast expo glow and we're going to use a bitmap node to do that and we're going to select the luminance for for the alpha and now all we have to do is to here invert our math and then we can happily apply our glow here something like that will do and let's see everything together it's starting to come together okay okay so what we want to do now is again we have to go back to our burn mat and add another one and what we want to do is again add a brightness contrast same as always clip the black and whites and crush the high and the low since we have something like this and then we want to invert our map using a channel booleans and again it's going to be do nothing to the alpha and negative and we want to add blur node and something like maybe something like that let's say 24 and then we're going to need another a fast noise and let's show the tile picture here and all we have to do is basically push the detail up to 10 and set the scale to 7.5 and we want to pipe our blur into the mask input of our fast noise move into the setting tab and multiply by mask and luminance so we want to grab the blur and multiply it on top of our fast noise something like that and now we want to add a create bump map and you know how it is we want to add displace node and pipe the pump map in and again as always we want to move to x y offset set to minus 0.5 and link the two refractions maybe we want to add just a touch of spread here let's have a look and we want to yeah maybe minus point something like this maybe okay let's have a look yeah i think it works we may want one last tweak here just a little bit less spread here and that would be coming back to our brightness contrast here and we may want these to be a little bit less aggressive something like so and this one also could be a little bit less aggressive something like that okay guys uh remember that you can change your text here with whatever you want it can be a different text it can be a logo it can be everything just remember that it has to have an alpha okay so let's say we want to um switch these verna logo for these okay so um in this case these um doesn't have an alpha if you want if you watch it there's no alpha so how how are we gonna do that um in this case just it's gonna be simple so for example just add a luma here and let's just add an alpha and let's see what happens [Music] so if you want to dig deeper into this technique be sure to download the comp file from the link in the description and i think this is a wrap for me i hope you guys like this one and thank you very much for watching and see you in the next one bye bye you
Channel: Millolab Tuts
Views: 13,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BMD, Blackmagic, Resolve, Davinci, Fusion
Id: pfTcd7ZBOJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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