Advanced Bastion Routes || Sub 1 Treasure

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all right everyone welcome back to another bash riding video um today we're going to be covering the treasure bastion today uh this is quite a long overdue video and i do apologize for that but this car has been taking quite a while you'll notice that i usually start off with tutorials at the end of the video and i do speed up at the start but this time around i'm doing a tutorial at the start because this route is going to be very complex because none has used it before um that's gonna be exciting uh the reason why i'm doing a treasure video is because you guys voted on my youtube community poll and an overwhelming amount of you wanted me to do a sub one treasure route so i'll show you how to do that today so before i hop into this if you guys have watched t wags treasure bastion video you guys should definitely go watch that i'll link that in the description and you can go watch them talk about the structure because we're going to be working with all that today so yeah we're going to be starting off with a little bit more advanced talk about the structure so a lot of the times people will tell you that the only parts that really matter are the ramparts um and this is where more the rats are situated because there's chests here which have obsidian and there's also gold blocks in the back of the walls the second room is the loot room which is a little more popular it has gold blocks at the bottom and it has a map and cube spawner it's the most dangerous part of any bastion so it's usually not commended that we're doing rats there but the third part we usually don't talk about is actually the middle here so the middle here has a bridge but it also has this lava mode so the lava mode is really never talked about by runners because usually the lava motor is like completely useless and the only time you'll ever see the lava ever being used is for runners to go from the loot room under a little bit of the tunnel down here off to the ramparts which you never really see in actual runs or even in practice so you'll never really see this right used because uh there's actually something kind of secret that just got discovered so in tsar we looked through bastion code and it turns out there's actually this other thing that can generate under the lava mode which only has a one in a hundred chance of generating and right here i found one of those super rare fashions that have one of these components and they're crazy i'd go as far as to say it's like a third rampart and i'm going to show you right now so if we go down here this is going to blow your minds check it out look at this thing it's totally different usually all you see is like this big hole that people usually go through to get to this ramparts but this is totally different this right here is like an entirely other bastion it's insane um so take a look at it so you notice there's this little bit of a lava tunnel down here and this leads to the staircase of the ramparts with all that stuff that normally uses um and there's this double chest there's this one chest here and then there's another bit of a hole uh with some more pigs in it so you can totally do some stuff around here show you um so this double chest right here this double chest is just generic chest so these are the most common chests you're gonna find they can have obsidian they can have string um gold armor gold blocks old ingots crying obsidian so yeah just look at this it's uh it's usually the chest you're gonna see whenever you open like anything bastions so that's pretty normal but like what's really really cool is this chest right over here um so this this chest is very special and i'll actually show you the loot tip i want to open this chest because this is very very unique what you're going to see in here we got ender pearls it's like a it's like a warped themed type kind of chest that can have pearls in them there's some bricks there's some twisted vines it's pretty sick uh so that's what's in this area but over here is what's really kind of special so you have some pigs over here and you have this chiseled stone wall um and behind this wall there's actually a set of gold blocks which has which each has a 100 chance of generate uh generating i mean i can't speak i'm sorry but if you look in here you can check it out there you go we got six gold blocks in here uh it's in this orientation every single time and unlike the other gold blocks and treasure you don't have to worry about any of these not generating because they're always going to be there so this is pretty sick it's it's basically like it's on little bastion in here um so yeah again this is super rare but if it works out then this might even be faster than just doing like any sort of route except for housing um like this route can be insanely insanely good you do only have six gold blocks but you do have access to the room and you also have access to vampires as a backup you even have this bridge if you want you can use this gold blocks like there's stuff everywhere so it's pretty crazy um so i'm going to go over the structure because no one's talked about this rampart ever yet and i have to be able to identify it when i'm going into this thing because if i can find that it actually is whatever this is it can basically just like boost around from like a 230 average split to like a one minute split so uh some ways of identifying it are from here and from here so i'll show you uh the first thing is you notice this little bit of the tunnel with love on it and the way you get to here is from the tunnels in the rampart so if you actually go into this side of the wall there's actually a bit of a staircase and you can just go straight down here and just straight down obviously left turn and this will lead you straight down to there you want to find um you're going to find this intersection here you just turn left and then if you see this then you basically got the ramp part so that's pretty cool uh so that's kind of a really obscure way to find out it's more of like the high roll thing because again 100 chance pretty rare uh so i like to do this other way it's really like the only way possible but what you do is if you ever end up in the loot room um usually you're gonna go to this side of the staircase so this bridge is always going to be the same there's going to be a magma cube on the opposite side of the ramparts and there's going to be the stairs facing towards the side of the ramparts so you want to go to the side over here and this is where you're going to notice a lot of runners usually dig into um so this area is the easiest way to find out if there's uh the 100 rampart and what you do is you just break the box around it if this is blackstone bricks it's gonna be normal but if there's black stone then it's gonna be the 100 ram part so that's my favorite way of identifying it because it's gonna be part of identifying that you can actually do this route because right here you'll notice as a staircase so it's really easy to find it out here and then just dig in so i'm gonna show you guys throughout now um all right so let's throw this stuff in the lava now the way we start this off is obviously loot rubentry because the most likely way ever going to do this route is a loot room entry if you want to do it from here and go for the hyrule then you can also start here but i recommend starting from the loot room so what you want to do is you want to obviously go in and you want to immediately identify the bottom bridge so this bottom bridge is going to be the easiest way to determine which direction is the rampart section you want to go in and also it's a really good way to get your height leveled because um the main area you're going to be doing your stuff is actually like in that general area which is obviously the same height as the bridge so we're going to hop down here you're going to go towards the staircase we're going to ignore all these gold blocks because there's article blocks in the area of the piglens so what you can do here immediately identify that this is the rampart and you're gonna hop in here straight on the left side of this wall you're gonna hop in and you're gonna dig straight into the staircase there we are um so i wanna i prefer saving these chests for later because there's already pig ones here but what you want to do is from this corner you want to dig four blocks in so it's one two three four and then you take a little bit of staircase up to the right so then there's your gold block and here's the room um so i like to go four blocks in because the gold block is right there so it makes the flaw easier and the way you do this route is you're gonna dig another bit of a hole in here and then you're gonna dig two blocks down just like that so then um that's where your pigment hole is so then you can just if i grab a pickaxe you can break this gold block i don't know a lot of health actually so uh but you get the idea i'm not gonna try to kill myself in you but you can just drop the gold in the hole and they're gonna hop in really easily so i'll just try to get these guys in and there's seven piglets in here by the way so you're gonna have these piglets traded really really fast um okay and then you want to get the rest of your gold blocks so there's one there there's one here and then there's some up there just like this so this is pretty simple and straightforward you don't gotta worry about a lot of stuff and then from here you can just grab the pearls and you can also try to hire all for this chest right here um so there's your obsidian and if you don't have enough obsidian you can always go back in the lit room because the lid room always has generic chests hidden inside of them now i don't know we don't exactly know how to find the chest in the loot room yet but they can be super useful i'll see if i can find one usually they're along like the corners like the sides and they can have obsidian they can have string they can have gold um i don't think i'm having good luck finding these things but i think you get the idea so yeah the rat's pretty simple um i will provide a seed in the description you can practice with this bastion and you can maybe give it a shot there because this is a pretty rare thing so i think maybe it's better if i give you a seed and then um you can get you guys should practice it there uh so yeah there's the there's the bastion um again it's pretty rare and it's not gonna work out most times but once you do get this rampart you you got to know damn what's going to be a crazy run so yeah uh thank you guys for watching i'll see you guys for the next advanced best friend video and yeah um be sure to subscribe i do stream on twitch quite a lot so if you guys want to follow me there then that'd be great appreciated and yeah i'll see you guys later
Channel: Fyroah
Views: 10,146
Rating: 4.9682541 out of 5
Id: vaa_nFWqC94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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