Advance Camera Movement Without the Background Moving Just Like Johnny Harris

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hello guys so someone in my previous video commented that I explained how to create this edit from one of Johnny Harris's video and in the edit or in the video as you can see here when the camera Zooms in you notice that the background is not moving the background Remains the Same and also once the camera is focused on this newspaper here the rest of the background is kind of blurry but when you zoom into one of the images the newspaper becomes blurry so there are actually two scen that I want to show you how to edit that are similar but because of time I don't want this video to be too long so I'll be breaking them down into two two different two separate videos so this is the second one here and this is almost the same you can see the camera following along certain parts and the background image where there's a drug there is still the same so please don't forget to like and if you're new to the Channel Please Subscribe and if you want to support my Channel please you can do that on patreon or buy me a Cofe so without waso much time let's get into it so inside of after I F I've already created a composition of 920 by 1080 so I have some project files here that I'll be using for to show the examples of example of this video so the first and asset we have here is a scratch texture that downloaded from Free PE then a news an old newspaper Saddam Hussein and his military Chiefs and also a picture of a military behind the fire so that's what I'll be using so I'll be linking this in the description below if you want to follow along with the tutorial so the first we need to do is to bring down our scratch texture and resize it because it's a bit lar so I'll just press X on my keyboard to bring up the scale property then scale it down to just fit our composition then next I'll bring in the newspaper it don't it doesn't matter you can bring in any of them as you want then scale it down I just scale this down to this size here then select these two and put them on top then scale them I'll scale this down and bring up the position by pressing P I'm moving it to the side then I also press p on this this US military and also move it to the left so the next thing we need to do is I'm going to highlight all the newspaper US Marine and Sadam hin and make them 3D except for the background image you need to leave that as 2D you need to leave that as 2D then go to toes and switches and click on click on mode and make them multiple now you can see that they they a bit transparent just like the video from har video so the next thing we going to do is that you're going to make it two views so we can have another view from the top because they are now 3D so we can now have another view from the top I'm going to close this so we have ler View so I'm going to move this image of marine here and this image of Salam B to the back in Z space so you can do this with sorry I'm going to just unlight this and select only one you can do this with this controls here or you can press p on your keyboard and use this Z parameter here to move it to the back depending on your project you might want to scale it down or scale it up depending on your project I won't go into details about how to do 3D here so I'm going to do this for the both images on the left I'm going to move it to the back a bit then move this newspaper to the front just a bit here yeah I'm going to make this half half resolution half R so that it's a bit faster so the next thing we need to do is to bring up a camera to do this you need to put the camera to do this go to layer new then camera then I won't go into details here you can search on YouTube to see more tutorials on how to use a camera if you have if you don't know about it I'm going to use one node you can pick two nodes or one depending on your project then I'm going to pick the 80 mm camera and enable depth of dep of field we can change any of the settings here it doesn't matter you can leave this as as it is but we can change any of the settings even after creating I'm just going to click okay here and zoom out on this so the main thing you're going to be working on is let me just go to click on this drop down here and go to go to camera options so the main we going to be working on is and aperture and focus distance so wherever the focus distance is is where the camera will be focused on mainly let me just hold on let me explain so this is our Focus distance here this line here right here so I'm just going to push it a bit inside and raise the aperture just going to raise it high now you can see that in our image here the images further away this images at the back here now are becoming blurry because our distance is closer to the to this newspaper than the images behind it but when you zoom in but when you zoom in like this you notice that our newspaper becomes blurry and this images here becomes sharper because our Focus distance is closer to the images in the background or behind it so you can always animate this Focus distance and and and aperture to get what you want you can also use the blood and blood level to do more Stu so I'm just going to create a quick animation just to show you how to do this so I'm just I'm going to close this my aperture is in one going to set the number going to go back to default then bring up the position value for the camera depending on your project you might need to and get a two camera or add a null object object to control your and to control your camera but for this I'll just keep it simple just because of time if you have any questions or you need an indepth tutorial you can chat me up on Discord I will link my Discord usern name for the description below so if you want to create a an animation click on click on the stopwatch icon here and move it a bit further to the front then go to maybe 2 seconds and more there then move your camera forward a bit then go forward a bit copy your key frame from here and paste it copy and paste then go to the front and move your camera backwards there are lot you can do with this so just because of time I don't want to keep this video long so if you have any question you can let me know so thank you for for watching and please don't forget to subscribe if you haven't thank you
Channel: Max Opacity
Views: 3,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: johnny harris, edit like johnny harris, johnny harris map tutorial, 3d map after effects, parallax effect, after effects tutorial, free map, camera in after effects, 3d in after effects, adobe illustrator, how to
Id: jVrbB3R0wFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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