How To Create and Edit Vox Style Map Infographics (After Effects Tutorial)

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hello guys in today's tutorial I'm going to be showing you guys how to create this simple infographics animation from this box video we elect representatives to Congress where every representative comes from a different District each district holds its own election and this is actually the third tutorial making from this video and if you haven't seen the previous two please I'll be linking that in the description below and before we start please like And subscribe to our Channel and if you want to support my small unmonetized Channel you can do that on patreon or by your coffee so without wasting much time let's get into it so the first thing we need to do is to download the map so I've downloaded this map from and before we Port it into after effect we need to take it into adob illustrator then I'm going then I'll just unlock this here then delete the background and the texture which we won't be needing for this video I'm going to delete that then also delete this here then down in the group I'm going to select the group here then go down to this option here then release two layer sequence so that each of them is in a separate layer then I'm going to select the first one then go down to the last one then drag them above outside of the layer then you can delete this object these two layers here which won't be needing anymore so what I did was that I renamed the each of the state we're going to be using so I'm going to be using about s stat here California and Washington Oregon and the rest of then just this six Western State here so I renamed them which will be our mainc I won't go into all of the processes here because I renamed them and move them above each of the rest of the layers so this is basically what we'll be doing so let's jump in to after effect so instead of after effect I'm going to import the map I've worked on already which is US map so I'll import it as a composition leave the layer size then I'm going to double click on this to bring that inside of into our timeline here and we already have a composition here which is 1920 by 1080 so before we go further I'm going to import a a screenshot from the actual video which I want to use as my reference this Vox video so I'm just going to steal this background color here so what I'm going to do is that I'm going to go to layers go down here go to layers new then go down to solid then I'm going to take this Color Picker here and select here select this background color here and click okay then move that down to the end of our layers I'm going to delete this background here we don't need it so now we see you have we have that color as our background I'm going to delete also delete the screenshot then the next thing we need to do is I'll go down to 2 seconds I time indicator this is a shortcut to do that and go down to 2 seconds then I'll select everything except from this layers have renamed everything from four down to c0 hold shift to select that select everything then I'm going to move them crop them down to 2 seconds so what we need to do is that I want everything to end here but I don't want them to disappear once so I'm just going to randomly so that they they disappear randomly so any just going to crop them random l or it shouldn't exceed this out 2 seconds but two it's just going to be a lot so I'm just going to do this quickly now you can see that when we play back it all disappears randomly so this is what we want so the next thing we need to do is that I'm going down to 2 seconds and 10 frames forward then I'm going to select all the layers I named from to Washington then I'll bring up the P press p on my keyboard to bring up the position parameter then click on this key frame here to set a key frame from there then maybe go down to 3 seconds and maybe 3 seconds and five frames forward depending on what you want I just do that 7 seconds then I'm going to separate each of them just slightly from where they are now so I'm just going to do that quickly also so once you have separated them select all of the key frame then make them easy is like pressing F9 then go down to your graph editor select a everything here then I'll move this first one down to the to this point then move the second one a bit not to it don't get to the main point but let's leave it like this then go back to our main com now when you play through you see that we have this animation this split animation so finally I'm going to be at at 3 3 seconds and 20 and 20 frames forward I'm going to click on this diamond shape here to create another hold key frame here then go down to maybe and before we do that I'm going to make sure just going to drag this down to 7 seconds so that animation continues going to go down to 4 seconds and 10 frames forward again then I'm going to bring in my proportional grid proportional grid here so that we can see what we doing I'm going to align each of this mous map and horizontally on a straight line so this m this Gadi here will help us align it to this to this point here to this straight line here so I'm just going to do that also so after that the next thing we need to do is I'm going to select all the map layers including the unnamed layers I'm just going to select everything then precom them and precompose them like this then I'm going to import a texture map I'm going to use this texture one here then bring it down below below our pre then make sure it's aligned properly down to the end then I'm going to change the track M to Alpha Al forat then once you've done that double duplicate your preon turn it back on then change the the mode to either screen or add so I'll just go with screen so now you can see that there's a texture just behind behind our map player now and once it animate you see how it flows with the the texture which is really nice and it's also part of the original what Vox did in that video so once you've done that the next thing we need to create is our Graphics the wheel the wheel I I don't know the name so just maybe add maybe 4 seconds and 20 20 frames I will go down to my rectangle to here then hold press it down and select the ellipse to make sure no no layer is selected so that we can draw a shape so no F and stroke at 30 pixels then I'm just going to to hold down shift so that my C is perfect then draw something down like this not too big something like this should be okay then I'm going to import another another screenshot to use as a reference for color so this shape here you can duplicate you can either duplicate the shape or duplicate the ellipse one here with but for this Tut I'm just going to duplicate the shape we pressing contr D then go for the shape one I'll go down here and add a trim part to it and before I do that I'm just going to take a color maybe go down to the stroke use the Color Picker to select this red here won't be able to see the because we have the other shape on top of it like this so we have that red just make this red a bit a bit darker then I'm just going to turn off turn off the upper one for now then go back to our train part then select a key frame here bring down the end to 0% then go forward like maybe 5 seconds or maybe 5 10 I don't know depending on what you want F1 then bring the red to like 100% then I also do the same thing for what shape two so once you're done with both shapes we just do F9 for easy is this isn't really necessary but it's still good and you can add a third color to it in case you want in this case they have a pink color ball I won't go into that so once you do that you can close that and I also delete the screenshot here which you won't be needing anymore just going to delete the screenshot so you can then duplicate this two shape layers you can use one shape layer for for each of the map but it's still easy like this so you can duplicate each of this shape layer here for all of the all the rest of the map and animate them separately like that so and also we can also add maybe labels here like names and name of each of the State here to make it more unique and so so just so that we don't drag this H tutorial longer this will be the end and thanks for watching and please if this was helpful please do subscribe to my channel and if you have any question you can leave that in my comment section or chat me up on Discord and I'll be able to help you so thank you
Channel: Max Opacity
Views: 316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe after effects, vox animation, Edit Vox Style, Infographics, How To, Adobe Illustrator, easy tutorial, map infographics, After Effects Tutorial
Id: 2fkG1DXq8vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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