Adult Drinking Games for Entertaining | Scrap Wood Project | Hook Ring and Drink Plinko Bar Games

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welcome back to the channel this week we have some scrap wood projects we're going to be making some adult games um that are perfect you have you know just at your own house for entertainment when you have people over or these are also perfect for bringing to your family holiday celebrations so let's get into project number [Music] one the first project we're going to build is the hook ring game the object of this game is to swing the ring and try and land it on the hook you're competing against an opponent to move the shot glass with each successful hook first one to move the glass all the way to their opponent's side is safe and their opponent must drink the shot we're going to start by cutting a scrap piece of wood about 10 in long and 8 in wide these measurements can vary but try and keep it close if you can [Music] next I use a forcer bit to cut five circles along one side of the board where the shot glass is going to sit note we're only cutting these about an 1/ in to 1/4 in deep the shot glass will start in the middle and move in both directions as you and your opponent successfully hook the ring with those cut we will now make one more hole for our dowel this is the upright that we're going to attach our hooks to make sure this hole is drilled in the center of the board with our base complete we can now pivot to our dowel we simply need to drill a pilot hole a few inches from the bottom that we'll use to attach one hook on each side that's all we have to do to the dowel so now we can use a generous amount of glue and place our dowel ensuring the hooks are parallel with the five holes we drilled on the side [Music] once we set that aside to dry we cut a strip for our top piece that our rings are going to hang from this will be a foot or so long for my application but just make sure yours is a little bit wider than the size of the base you made with our strip cut we then measure and Mark our Center and proceed to drill a hole to accept our dowel over on the drill press followed by one more pilot hole on each end to accept the hooks that our string will be tied [Music] to with those installed we now glue our top piece into place ensuring the top is square with the [Music] bottom once that dries we can then tie our Rings onto some fishing line and then tie the other end to our eye hooks make sure you hook the ring before attaching to the top eye hooks as you want there to be a little bit of slack in the line but too much or too little will make it nearly impossible to hook the [Music] ring [Music] drink plco is a game where you drop your bottle cap or your aluminum pop top in a slot and it bounces off pegs on its way to the bottom whatever action it lands on you must perform first I'm starting with a scrap piece of plywood I went ahead and marked some lines about an inch and a quarter apart part in both directions creating a grid and hammered a nail in at each intersection I left my nails about 3/4 of an inch above the surface just make sure all of your nails are hammered to the same depth I have a ton of roofing nails left over from last week's oneman roof install video which is why I went with roofing nails but you can use whatever you have on hand and if you missed that video I'll drop a link up in the corner if you want to check it out once all of our nails are in we rest our plexiglass on top and take another scrap piece of plywood and Mark where the plexiglass meets the side this tells us where we need to cut our slots to slide our plexiglass into later on once we have that Dimension we can now cut four strips of plywood that we are going to use to frame out around our [Music] board off camera I ran each strip through the table saw making that Groove that you see for the plexiglass we continue measuring and cutting the ends of each strip until we have all four sides [Music] cut once we're happy with the fit we can go ahead and glue and nail the top and the two sides to our board make sure that we leave the bottom piece off for the time being we'll get to that in just a [Music] minute [Music] now we measure the opening and cut our plexiglass to fit luckily I only had to remove about an eigh of an inch but just be careful and go slow when you're cutting [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] this off camera I cut a few small pieces of Quin plywood that be our dividers and glued these to our bottom piece after cutting some vinyl on the Cricut Machine I went ahead and placed each action in each section of our bottom piece once I liked the arrangement I went ahead and ironed these [Music] on [Music] oh [Music] with that done I grabbed a bottle opener and screwed it to the top of the piece followed by gluing and nailing the bottom section of the frame in place [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Pur [Applause] [Music] oh that is going to do it this week with just about 2 hours and some scrap wood you guys have just laying around taking up space you can knock out a couple fun little projects that be sure to make your parties this season just a little bit more fun um make sure you guys like you're subscribed we have new videos every single week uh thank you for watching I really do appreciate it and we'll see you next week
Channel: Modern Maker
Views: 7,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: holiday, adult game, drinking game, scrap wood, plywood, diy
Id: zb49b36DGgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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