Ultimate DIY Tool Storage For Small Garage Workshops - Workshop Organizer

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right guys so in today's video I'm going to build a storage and organizer units for all the loose hand tools I have in my small single garage Workshop now because space is the one thing I can't afford to waste in my small Workshop I want to look at maximizing the storage capability of the space I have available so I'm going to look at a multi-layer storage system that allows me to layer these storage units behind each other with easy access to maximize the storage capability so what do I mean by multi-layer well if we look at all these tools they're all different shapes but if I pack them out on a backboard like they are now they will have one thing in common they're all well fairly shallow which means that if I install them on backboards like this I can fit quite a few backboards behind each other and not accommodate or require a crazy amount of space in terms of depth not possibly the easiest way to achieve this is to add each layer on a hinge kind of like paging a book each time I open a layer I gain access to the layer behind it but the problem with that design is that the unit would require quite a bit of space in front for the layers to open and also possibly space on the sides which doesn't really work within the space I have allocated so what I'm going to do is I'm going to add the layers on rollers which will allow me to move them side to side to gain access to the layer behind them right so most of this project is going to be fairly straightforward I'm going to start by making a wall mounted cabinet and at the back I'm going to install mini kits this will allow me to make custom holders four sets of tools like pliers sockets or wrenches and from there I'm going to add the additional layers on rollers to maximize the storage this is going to be the first of many new additions to my revised Workshop layout in an effort to maximize my space so if you guys aren't subscribed it and you want to come along for the ride you should do that now all right as for this project well it starts with the frame a very basic frame that gets screwed together and it's not going to be visible so I used old plywood I salvaged from my workbench when I took it apart foreign is going to serve as the main support structure for this project because most of the other panels are going to be attaching onto the frame as I said I'm going to be using screws to assemble this project now the frame is also going to be the point where I fixed the unit to the wall and to do this I'm going to use a cleat but the only reason I'm using a cleat is because I'm going to be taking this unit off the wall a number of times to demonstrate the assembly for this video if I wasn't making this video I wouldn't have used the keys I would have finished the units and fixed it straight to the wall foreign nothing crazy complicated just a few planks screwed together the cabinet backing is going to be attaching onto this and then obviously I'm going to be suspending tools on the backing against the need for the backing support or the backing frame it's also going to serve as a jumping off point for the rest of the project because the side panels top and bottom panels are going to be attaching onto the backing frame all right next up is the base of the unit and it is again a simple subframe and I'm going to be attaching a piece of laminated Pine on top of it there is however something to note here into the base panel I'm scoring two slots with my table saw the purpose of these slots I will explain a little bit later in the video thank you now guys at this stage I don't have plans available for this project but if you would like some plans let me know in the comment section down below I will then prepare some plans and post them to my plan's website when I do I will share the link in the description of this video thank you okay so this is the backing frame with the base attached and this is more or less what the depth of the unit is going to be when it is completed now the only thing I want to note here is these slots I cut into the base using my table saw because these are going to act as guides for the shelves or backboards that are going to be able to move side to side but you will see later on when the project comes together exactly how everything works foreign okay so that's the top panel installed so it's the top panel the backing frame and the base once again I assemble the frame and I attached the top panel and the trim piece from the inside the frames really helped to conceal the screws because I'm assembling this unit using screws instead of any complicated joining methods it is just a project for my workshop now you'll also notice that the top panel is a little bit bigger it's got a bit of overhang and that's because the top of this unit is going to double as a shelf because I want to store some stuff up there as well foreign okay so that's the side panels installed and they have greatly increased the rigidity of this project next I'm going to be installing the backing before doing the rolling backings and finally adding the doors I decided to dump the mini Keith idea and instead use an OSB backing so I can fix the tool holders straight to the backing I think the cleats are going to take up unnecessary space another reason why I went for OSB is because I'm going to be attaching Custom Tool holders to the backing board over here and over time a tool Arsenal might change and I would need to replace some of these holders for me OSB is less likely to show where a hole was drilled or screw was driven in in the past and hopefully it will be a better cosmetic option in the long run at this point I need to mirror the guide slots from the base panel onto the top of the unit so I cut these slots into a plank and I'm going to be installing the plank into the top of the unit [Music] okay guys so that's it for the basic unit along with the slots for the rolling backings or sliding backings next I need to get to that component which will hopefully make this project unique and increase its functionality and storage capability within this space I have available which is of course the rolling backings okay so this is pretty much what the vertical drawer or vertical backboard is going to look like and I'm going to be attaching Custom Tool holders to these to store whatever tools I want to and then obviously they'll be able to move left and right so I can access whatever layer is behind them now the Assembly of this unit is fairly straightforward I simply screw together a frame out of four planks and then I attached a six mil or quarter inch plywood backing foreign so the next challenge was to figure out how I'm going to allow these vertical shelves or backboards to roll left and right now first I considered attaching small casters at the bottom but in the end I decided to go for a more discreet option which is embedding small bearings into the wood exactly how I was planning on embedding the bearing into the wood was the next challenge I considered routering out a slot that would allow me to accommodate a shaft [Music] and then removed an area of the wood that would allow me to accommodate the bearing and so embed the bearing into the piece of wood foreign but this option was a bit tedious and it didn't look very nice so I decided to design a custom bearing holder and have it 3D printed if you guys are looking for the irrelevant files for these bearing holders please let me know and I will see if I can add it to my plants website then the bearing roller assembly is designed to be set or installed into a 25 mil or one inch hole that I drilled with a Fastener bit hello now this is obviously just for demonstration I have already drilled the holes into the panels at the bottom of the vertical backboards I'm going to be installing the bearings into them and then installing the vertical backboards into the unit foreign I'm using is a 636 double z bearing which is fairly inexpensive it has a six mil ID 22 mil OD and it's 7 mil thick now I will look at adding these bearings and maybe an imperial alternative to my Amazon storefront and I will put the links in the description of this video if you guys want to get your hands on some okay so that's how the backboards are going to be installed into the unit and they're going to pretty much work like that now they are rolling but they're aren't secured yet this is where these slots come in that I cut earlier in this project I'm going to be attaching aluminum strips to the vertical backboards and this will keep them in place foreign towards the end of this project I'm going to see if I can somehow lubricate the aluminum inside the slots probably with something like silicone spray this will hopefully decrease noise and help it to Glide easier foreign foreign [Applause] okay so that's the backboards installed and the mechanism seems to work next I need to add the doors now I'm not going to go for conventional doors that open sideways because as I said I don't really have the space on the sides for the doors to open all the way so I'm going to go for a horizontal split with doors that open like this this is now the doors is just going to be one solid piece of laminated Pine but I'm going to add a little trim piece around the outer edge just to tidy it up foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign now because I'm going for this horizontal split on the doors I obviously need to install a mechanism that will keep the upper door open when it is opened and for this I'm just going to go with a simple small gas strut a 18 Newton should do the trick but I am going to be attaching tools to this door as well so I hope the 80 does the trick if it's not strong enough I'll probably swap it out for a beefier one next up a handle attached to the bottom door and then some retaining plates attached to the top door so that the bottom door would need to be open first before the upper door can be opened with this mechanism it means that only the bottom door needs to get a locking or latching mechanism now guys the lock and the gas struts will also be added to my Amazon storefront all relevant links in the description of this video if you are looking to get your hands on it all right so that's the doors installed the top door will close first then the bottom door and I'm going to add a latch or lock over here to keep the doors in their closed position but I'll get to that in a moment foreign now as it stands I've got quite a bit of storage capability using Custom Tool holders I can store up against the doors on the four rolling backings and obviously on the backing itself now some of you guys might be thinking that the space between the rolling backings that they require to operate is wasted space so I'm going to try and utilize that as well so what I'm going to do is I'm going to install an additional backboard to utilize this space when the unit is in its stored position when I open the doors this backboard will move out the way using hinges allowing the rolling backboards to operate and giving me access to all the tools inside this toolbox foreign foreign kind of goes against my idea of not using hinged doors but it is fairly discreet it doesn't need to open all the way and it doesn't obstruct the layer behind it so it still fits in with the objective or what I'm trying to achieve with this project and that is the last of the backboards now installed now you guys may have noticed this cutouts I made over here and that is for the lock to operate when the unit is closed I also added a little chamfer on the outer edge of the board just to tidy it up a bit and that's pretty much pretty much it for this project next I can start filling it with tools so I made Custom Tool holders for all my tools but I'm not going to go into too much detail on that this video is about the storage unit not really about the tool holders but if you guys want a video on the tool holders let me know and I'll see what I can do foreign guys so this is pretty much all the tools that I had on the table at the beginning of this video now stored and organized and as you can see the unit still has a lot of space that I can utilize to store tools so I decided to retire some of my other storage units on my Fringe cleat wall and move those tools in here as well thank you right so I have now run out of things to store and I've still got an entire empty backboard over there and a lot of space in between the tools I have already stored so I think the concept or the project was a success and that's it for my ultimate small shop tool storage and I will be honest this project has surpassed even my own expectations because I have a lot of tools in here and I still have space to spare and that's pretty much it for this project let me know what you guys think maybe I should put one next to it for my power tools but I'll see how it goes and if you want plans for it remember let me know in the comment section down below then this is the first video of my new making the most of a small shop series where I try to optimize my small single garage Workshop so if you aren't subscribed it and you want to see what other projects I build you should do that now and that's pretty much it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed it I think the project was a huge success and I can't wait to get started on my next Workshop Edition I hope you guys decide to come along for the ride but for now however thank you so much for watching till next time cheers
Channel: Woodshop Junkies
Views: 260,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D-vM-GFidOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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