This only takes Three 2x4s. Huge Profit

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can you believe I built each one of these with three two by fours I did you can't even find a piece of at a yard sale for that price and these are nice they're pretty nice and I'm going to show you exactly how to build them so go get yourself three two by fours and let's build this alrighty we're gonna jump right into this build there's a lot of YouTube videos out there that'll tell you not to use like lumber from Home Depot or Lowe's to build furniture and while it's not the best Lumber to build Furniture I highly disagree with them I think using things like your standard one by sixes your standard two by fours is a great and fantastic way for beginner Woodworkers to learn that's how I learned and I believe that's how a lot of people learn for example these are made entirely out of two by fours a two by four is planed to a specific Dimension so it's perfect if you don't have a jointer if you don't have a planer but just want to get started in learning and it also makes it perfect for pocket hole joinery so each of these costs about fifteen dollars to build so before you go spending all this crazy money on a walnut and maple learn with this use it learn it then jump into the more expensive Hardwoods alrighty let's build this one of your three two by fours is gonna be dedicated to the top so pick out your straightest one whatever one you want for the top and we'll get to gluing this up all right I want the finished width of my nightstand to be about 18 inches but for gluing it up I'm gonna cut five pieces out of this at 19 inches just to keep it a little long and then it'll get trimmed down after the glue dries so five pieces out of your first two by four at 19 inches foreign all right I'm gonna try to make this like a really beginner's friendly project so I'm going to try using minimal tools usually you're going to want to Joint them to glue up a tabletop I'm not going to do that because I'm trying to make this really beginner friendly so with your five pieces you want to bring them over to the table saw I'm going to take about an eighth inch off one side flip it over and then I'm going to take it down to 3 and 3 16. you make all five of these three and three sixteenths it'll give you a final Dimension which is going to end up being our depth of 16 inches foreign okay so for the legs I'm going to want to cut two pieces out of this two by four at 24 inches 24 inch legs is going to make our finished nightstand about 25 and a half which is right around typical for a nightstand cut two pieces out of each of these an inch and a half so it'll make four pieces inch and a half by inch and a half [Music] foreign okay so with what's left out of this two by four this is the two by four we just cut the legs from we're gonna cut two pieces at 12 inches one piece at 14 inches this is gonna make up our side panels as well as our back panel with these apron pieces we want to get these down to a finished width of three inches so it's basically rinse and repeat as last time I'm going to cut this rounded edge off flip it over except this time I'm going to set the fence to three inches to give this final width of three inches foreign we're going to want to stay right at the table saw you're going to want to set the center of your table saw blade to exactly three quarters of an inch so take your time with that just make sure the center of your blade is exactly three quarters of an inch from your fence what we're going to do now is we're gonna resaw all these pieces right down the middle into two pieces that we can glue up for the apron go through this way keep the same face up against the fence after that flip it over and run it through that way and that'll give you two book Matched pieces it's not the safest way to resaw a board but if you're careful you can get it done what if you're not comfortable with it definitely use your bandsaw because that's a safer way to do it okay so now all we want to do is glue these up all three of them so what we're just trying to achieve here just get our aprons at a six inch width okay so what I'm going to do here now is take my four pieces that are gonna make up my side aprons and just glue them up together just gonna glue this seam in this seam not this seam actually you know what I think I got enough space where I can glue all up with this one clamp okay now we got our top legs three of our side panels now we got to get the drawer front and drawer box made the last two by four we got these little grasses on sale they were on the brink of death and we brought them back except now my dog just eats them by the way I got a video on those planner builds too if you want to check it out okay so now with the last one this is gonna be our drawer box I don't know what I was doing when I picked this board out so hopefully this works out okay okay so the length of our drawer box I'm gonna cut this to 12 and three quarters the insides of the drawer box that's going to run the width is going to be 12 and a quarter so cut one piece at 12 and three quarter one piece at 12 and a quarter I'm not going to get into def how I did the drawer box I did a dedicated video to that a few weeks ago okay so it's the same thing I'm going to cut an eighth inch off Square these up to three inches because the depth of my drawer is going to be three inches and then once again rip them down the middle okay your two 12 and a quarter pieces are going to get pocket holes drilled here here here here my drawer box is done as I said I made a dedicated video on this just watch that if you're actually going to make this it's like five minutes long and I go through the whole process of building the drawer box from start to finish okay so we know our back piece is going to be 13 and a half inches finished so we're going to cut this to 13 and a half inches okay so with this piece we want our piece above the drawer to be one inch thick and the next piece is going to be an inch and a half that goes below the drawer [Music] also another thing you're going to want to do out of that piece of wood my camera died so I lost the footage I didn't get the footage of it me cutting it but I ripped a piece for the drawer front to just under three and a half inches it's about three and three eighths by 13 and 7 8 long that's going to be your drawer font for the drawer box for our three panels our two side panels our back panel we're gonna connect these with pocket holes same with our front ones that are going to go above and below the drawer those are going to be pocket holes as well but these are going to be three quarter inch pocket holes these are gonna be for inch and a half so just make sure you switch them out just like that and then repeat alrighty guys now it is time to start assembling this thing so what I'm going to do is start with the front of this one inch piece is gonna go on the top so what I'm going to do first glue that in there now from the top you're going to want to measure six inches down on each side make a line across flying across so now bottom piece you want inside the six inch line okay there's your front now you're going to want to take your two side panels these are the 11 and a half inch ones and we're going to want to pocket hole them so that they are flush with the inside right here yep this is when it pays to have the right tool for the job right here got a nice little right angle attachment and get in there tighten it up okay so now I got the front all connected the side panels put in as for right now I'm gonna leave the back off I ripped down a piece of 2x4 that's 11 and a half inches long and it's about 7 8 thick or so and that's gonna go right flush with the bottom this is going to be what your drawer is going to ride on this is going to have no drawer slides or anything like that it's just going to be wood on wood just to keep it easy so this I'm just going to glue and bread now right here with inch and a quarter brad nails do the same thing on this side all right now what I'm going to do is just put the drawer front on the front just want to make sure it's centered even on each side for the bottom I usually have this hang over at about a sixteenth of an inch just so there's a little Gap at the top here when it's installed after you got it set where you want pre-drill foreign screw and you're going to want to push it in to where it's flush on the front once it's flush where you like it on the front that's when you turn this around and now you're going to want to put your back panel right against the back when it's flush at the front so that way you can't push it in too far take a nice sharp pencil Mark where that back is now your back panel is going to go get installed right up to that line slide right in sit flush alrighty a couple hours later we're back with the piece we started with okay so it's at the 16 inch depth I want which is good but now I just gotta Square this up and make it 18 inches width to do that I'm going to be using my cross cut slot on my table saw okay so before I move on to finishing since this is made just out of construction grade two by fours there's no sense trying to sand this and make it look good because it's just it's not going to be a finely finished piece of furniture but what you do with that is you take advantage of it and you just make it rustic so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use a combination of my jigsaw and my Sawzall and I'm just going to rough this up a little bit I'm going to uh pretty much give it kind of saw marks and in the end this is going to look like a really nice finished barn wood piece but it's built out of two by fours so basically with the jigsaw you can really put it up against it and just run it backwards and then by the time you sand this and stain it it'll give it a really cool finished look so that's what works good for the legs for the bigger pieces like your panels you use just to finely I'm using metal blades actually use metal blades because they're a lot more fine the wood blades would be too aggressive for this and the same thing just run it backwards and just another thing I like to do is just take a normal drill or impact and a little screw and make old nail holes the best part about distressing this stuff is just there's no right or wrong way to do it and you really can't mess it up now once you get stain on that and it's sanded it's going to look really nice okay so now we want to move on to sanding which is actually a pretty important part of this because you don't want to mess up everything you just did you're not going to want to start off at like a really really low grit like usual like 80 grit first of all this was already plain and then we went through and distressed it so you don't want to get rid of that Pine's a very soft wood if you put 80 grit right to this even 120 grit it's going to take away all this character you just created like that so what you want to do I'm going to use 240 grit and just lightly sand it so that there's no you know basically you're not going to get a sliver you want to smooth it over but keep a lot of the character so use a high grip and just run through it pretty good alrighty guys now finishing I did throw on a quick coat of the pre-stained conditioner and now I'm going to use early American stain now I'm just gonna spray on a couple coats of poly acrylic foreign [Music] acrylics dry attach your table top with tabletop Fasteners of your choice I usually use the figure eight or the z-clip ones and then use a drawer pull of your choice I picked these up on Amazon for like eight bucks and it came with like a 10 pack and here's a look at just how good that rough cut looks just with the Sawzall and jigsaw used just gives it a really really unique look because just stained Pine on its own just kind of Screams do it yourself but giving it just this extra character just really adds to it and really makes it look like it's not built with two by fours hey guys give this video a watch next I think you'll like it thanks so much for watching this build I've got tons of more builds coming off a lot more creative ones thanks for watching
Channel: Brady Hommel
Views: 3,044,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, beginner woodworking projects, woodworking projects that sell, cheap, diy, night stands, end tables
Id: JaEWe3tWwIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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