FAT Girl HATED Her MODEL Sister! (Full Movie)

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come on Lucy you can do this just ask him out that was good Chad will you go on a date with me what a date with me are you making a joke well no you're definitely not my type too [Applause] fat oh yeah it was just a dare I was so I'm totally kidding oh cuz you set me up with your sister though my sister yeah I saw her model in my fave magazine I would love to date her sure thanks bye I hate my pretty model sister look at me no no look at me I'm so strong no you want to date me I'm better guys y'all are too funny you know we're just friends come on I'll never be as pretty as my sister I'll have to embarrass Carrie down to my level if people are laughing at Carrie they won't have time to laugh at me Carrie your new interview in top magazine is so cool I'm going to show it to everyone in school today seriously it's nothing Sarah just don't make it that big of a deal I just model occasionally you're like totally a celebrity now oh Lucy are are you okay do you have allergies or something [Music] today principal smarty OMG wait wait principal smarty you just crashed into that sign are you okay waa is he okay OMG OMG what time is it uh I don't know like almost time for first period dude you good his outfit's so messed up I'm late I'm late huh that was so weird I have never seen him that frantic before what kind of principal what in the world what was that about huh I don't know I hope he's okay but H we don't have to go inside just yet we're not that late no no we should hurry inside we we don't want to be super late you know wao what Lucy since when do you want to hurry up and get to class he I just don't want to miss anything interesting uh I don't really know what you're talking about because our first period is math and that's normally not very interesting but I guess you're right we should probably get inside what is going on who put all these pictures of me on the walls wa Carrie what is all of this it's a really terrible baby picture of me that's what it is don't look at don't look at it OMG the braces seriously Sarah just stop who would do something like this it has to be somebody who's known me for a long time I would never let these pictures get out to the public wait Sarah you've known me since I was a kid did you do this I'm your bestie I would never do thisy what the heck are you laughing at what's so funny about this I am publicly humiliated did oh I uh uh just had something in my throat yeah Lucy don't laugh yeah Jake that's so funny oh no oh no this is not good you have to hide me if Chad makes fun of you your reputation at this school is ruined just hide me over here no one no one can see me it's nothing it's nothing I'm not even here yo car over here Carrie no not here oh no oh no Sarah just drop it he saw me hi Chad um just serious don't even think about these pictures please do not spread any terrible rumors about how terrible I look I know they're bad it's a crazy mean prank I don't know what happened where all these pigs come from you used to look so whack everything's going perfectly look I know it's terrible you don't have to remind me but wait Jake what did you mean by why I used to look whack you're the prettiest girl in school now and you're a bottle yeah you glowed up yes she did that's my bestie you're not going to publicly humiliate me in front of the whole school and ruin my reputation I guess you're right I did glow up didn't I it's no problem everyone looks funny when they're little right yeah Carrie I totally looked weird as a kid too we should get to class I'm just going to embrace that I glowed up yeah let's go how did that not embarrass Carrie they acted like nothing even happened I have to do something bigger look at her everyone thinks she's so pretty well not after this it's time for an overnight makeover a what happened to my face oh my gosh why won't any of this come off of my face is this a permanent marker did somebody drw makeup on my face in permanent marker Lucy Lucy OMG Carri your face what happened I don't know what do you think happened someone must have I don't know drawn on my face in the middle of the night did you do this what no I would never I'm your sister you're right I'm sorry I shouldn't be suspecting you I just I can't get it off my face I bet it was Pat that awful dog what you you think it was Pat that did this I thought I saw him with your permanent markers I can't believe this Pat get up here right now look at my face did you do this bark bark bark do not laugh at me I told you not to mess with my stuff maybe next time practice your makeup skills on your own face now get out of here you hurt me go go oh my gosh I can't believe that dumb dog what am I supposed to do I can't be seen like this I have to stay home from school that sucks today is our midterms though you can't miss that oh my gosh you're right what am I supposed to do I have to figure something out I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed my whole face and nothing would come off so I just had to put makeup over it I look ridiculous at least you're a happy clown now so not helping Lucy what the heck it's almost like you're enjoying this or something thing I doubt anyone will even notice I sure hope you're right she'll be the laughing stock of the whole school maybe if I'm lucky even the modeling agent will drop her you look great sis oh my gosh wait don't talk to me here um follow me follow me follow me follow me I cannot be seen by any other people okay do you hear me before you laugh Sarah just listen it was all a misunderstanding with some markers and a makeover and I don't know what happened are you starting a new trend for The Fall season I love it huh Halloween Chic is so in you're joking right I'm not joking at all I would never joke about a fashion trend you think this is a trend oh well yeah you know a Halloween chep definitely I'm starting that tread this was all on purpose PO for me I got to get a pick friend uh yeah yeah I I can pose there we go definitely a fashion trend wow everyone's going to be doing this right aie Perfect by Monday this will be all over the school everyone will be doing this you're such a trans Setter I sure hope this works I can't believe this I thought this whole terrible makeup incident was going to completely humiliate me but everyone went along with it thanks to Sarah I guess Chad where did you get that mask dude Jake I dig the Frankenstein wow we look great yes OMG Frankenstein is so spooky I know we're having like a whole spooky season super early I'm so glad everyone is having fun with it no wonder you're a model Carrie look at what you started yeah thanks Carrie Halloween Chic is dope yeah she's iconic oh come on guys stop it I cannot believe this how did this turn into a trend she looks ridiculous she was supposed to be embarrassed whatever it's just a setback I am not giving up H I can't believe that makeup finally came off I feel so much better and I'm so shocked that everyone actually went along with that whole Halloween Chic thing but I guess it was kind of fun Carrie come downstairs it's an emergency hurry what what what's going on Lucy luccy Lucy what's happening what who are these people Carrie what do you have to stay please comment on the recent news link to the magazine girl what is the comments about this leak Lucy what are they talking about what news was leaked to the magazine I didn't say anything read for yourself huh this just in anonymous source says Top Model Carrie hyper wets the bed she has to spend every morning washing her pink flower bed sheets what is this this is a lie how did this get linked to the magazine oh no what am I going to do do you have any idea who laked this rumor I have no clue Carrie do you have to wear a diaper at night a diaper of course I don't have to wear a diaper none of this is true right that down in your little notepad have you ever considered potty training classes please the people want to know good one Thomas are you kidding me is this some big joke to you oh no what am I supposed to do I'm I've been humiliated in front of all of blockburg come on Pat I can't handle these people anymore you just you deal with them okay oh no Lucy I am losing my mind here Lucy who would say something like this it's all completely lies how did they get all of these rumors the only thing is well they actually didn't get a rumor about the bed sheets I do have pink flower bed sheets but I don't want the bed wait who would know that I have pink flower bed sheets oh no the the baby pictures the the the makeup in my sleep and and knowing about my bed sheets the only person that knows all of this is Lucy Lucy did did you do this yeah it was me Lucy what the heck why would you try and do all these things to me you totally blamed Pat for the whole makeup thing what the heck is up with that I've been trying to embarrass you all week huh I wanted to stop being the butt of everyone's joke since I could never model like you GH I had to bring you down to my level what kind of level is this making me completely miserable and wait why do you think you can't model what the heck stop joking around I'm too fat that's why you think you can't model that's why you've been trying to do all of this to me that's what everyone tells me Lucy none of that is true you are beautiful just the way you are and you can do anything you want wait really you actually think I'm beautiful of course I do everybody is beautiful just the way it is you are absolutely perfect don't even listen to any of the haters okay they don't judge your life Wow sis I'm speechless it's all about being confident and just doing what makes you happy now that we've gotten all that cleared up will you please tell those guys outside that I don't wantet the bed my sister hated that I was the prettier sibling she wanted the boys to like her instead so she set out to ruin my life stick around until the end of the video to see what she does wow you're so pretty you're the prettiest girl in school I'm tired of not being the pretty one oh there's the Bell whoo whoo wao What the he what the heck rabbit rabbit what the who is that guy hold on what is this note by my locker um what the heck Hello beautiful you may be pretty now but just wait until I'm done with you what what what is that supposed to mean until you're done with me done done with what um what kind of sick threat is this I mean hey pretty thing oh oh my gosh Benji what are you doing I I don't have time for this right now A why do you look so scared you're messing up your pretty face first of all that's rude second of all look at this note somebody left me oh don't worry about that what someone just threatened to make me Unpretty or something like that I don't know how can can I not be worried about it I can protect you um with your with your your cat lock I mean uh hell yeah look at these big muscles girl big strong man yeah you know whatever Benji could you just leave me alone I have had enough of this today and then he said Ribbit Ribbit and just ran away and that's when I saw the note how freaky is that and is handled for the rest of the day um Mr Hillard who is that hurry up or I'm taking even more in this divorce uh I think that might be his wife a divorce yeah I think you're right please don't touch my pet rocks he is Pet Rocks okay uh you know you could try a fish maybe those are nice to have too I'll smash all of your pet rocks no please they're my babies she can smash rocks what kind of buff lady he just called them his babies I'm I'm a little uncomfortable here should we um you know is this for drama class please tell me this is a joke don't make me count to 10 one two uh-oh she's counting also Cara that note sounds pretty serious you should do something about that three um maybe maybe we should leave I you let them have their moment I guess to to fight um let's go okay I'm [Music] coming anyways I'm pretty sure we just saw our teacher cry uh this has definitely been a really stressful day well you know what sis maybe we can go home and relax since class is cancelled I guess but maybe I should you know do something about that not I don't know hey hey hey Carrie hey hey you want to ride home I can I give you a ride home no no let me give her a ride home come on we can find something fun to do we're going home with the guys I'm scared to breathe come on Cassandra it's fine hey guys hey Carrie hey uh thanks for the ride home I I really appreciate the offer but are you sure it's okay to take me and my sister home it's really out of you guys this way are you sure this car is sanitary yeah sure Cassandra's fine what we're taking the ugly one too it looks not up to code hey don't call my sister ugly what the heck yeah I I guess we are G I'm not so D bad you guys are so funny that's really mean why would you say something like that to my sister I'm lucky to have a sister like Carrie she makes everyone look ugly in comparison a well that's sweet but that's not true nah you're just straight up ugly Alex what the heck let's just get in the car and go home okay let's just go home so I can knit probably the ugliest person I know gross dude just don't touch anything inside my car and everything will stay clean don't get your ugly on it please don't drive fast I get really car sick oh my gosh let's just go milk before bed every night so my bones grow strong he wants some milk no I'm okay I'm I'm afraid if I eat or drink anything it's just going to make me more nauseous but I am definitely exhausted it might make your brain work more you sure you can make good grades like me hey I I make pretty okay grades yeah but you don't make A's like I do hey who just knocked on the door what wait wait don't answer don't answer get back get back here what what if it's the stalker is that you don't think well well it could be I don't know maybe it's the guy that left me that note oh what else would somebody be doing at my house this late at night it's almost midnight what if he takes us both and chops this up into little pieces Cassandra why would you say something like that you're just trying to freak me out okay I don't want to be ended you're not going to be ended okay but we got to enter the door they're not leaving they they're they're still knocking on the door oh my gosh okay okay let's enter it together and and we'll we'll take him down for with the both of us oh okay they're they're still knocking oh my God okay okay here we go you ready 3 2 1 hello a little kid I'm a girl scout uh what the heck I sell cookies and stuff like I sell F mins you you sell cookies at midnight in a neighborhood alone chocolate chip cookies some candies uh little girl where are your parents it's stolen credit cards you sell what hold on did I just hear her right ignore that last part she definitely just said that but we have cookies you like th mitts here sis I'll take care of it what what what are you going to do now we don't want your moldy cookies you stinky little brat or the credit cards go get a real job you worthless little piece of poo Cassandra what what the heck we don't want nasty children they're not moldy now get out or I'll chase you off my lawn with a baseball bat did you just threaten a little girl with a baseball bat what what the heck ignore her we have more cookies I'm sleeping on your doorstep please buy my cookie all right I need my brain to rest get off of our porch I'm not leaving I'll chop you into little bits and put you in a bowl of soup ah you're crazy Cassandra what the heck was that she was just a little girl well she left didn't she I mean I guess so uh it's pretty late though um okay it's time for bed seriously don't forget to sleep with one eye open sis all excuse me don't don't forget to huh oh cuz cuz the the note you got it it's a joke went over your head h don't worry night sis good night time for Carrie to get what she [Music] deserves okay let's see what the heck happened oh my gosh what happened to my hair oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God cadra oh my gosh what happened to me Cassandra oh hi morning sister good morning what this is not a good morning look at me what do you know what happened to my hair what is going on look at me I'm hideous oh right the [Music] hair look at you wait what what's going on here why are you laughing at me like that you deser it wait what what do you mean I deserve this whoa whoa whoa whoa there's a dog hang on Sis hey you where did that dog come from what is happening in this house stop The Barking right now wait hey hey where are you going what are you doing with that dog where where did that dog even come from now stay there where you belong what is going on here can somebody explain something this what explain this situation to me what did you mean I deserve this and where' you get that dog from well to put it simply I'm sick of being the ugly one so now you can match me you did this to me are you crazy you can feel my pain now Bor bork bork now the dog is laughing at me too what is going on hi dog I said shut it wait who's outside who just honked oh that's our ride to school silly school people can't see me like this hey Benji get in here we've been waiting for you Cassandra what no don't don't let him in here he can't see me like this are you crazy no no no no no uh Benji Benji just just go home hey guys oh no oh no no don't come over here oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh hey Carrie what are you doing hiding by the stairs oh just close your eyes okay don't even look at me I'm hideous you do something to your hair don't you think it looks different of course something happened to my hair but I can't say I'm the one who did it look at me this is terrible look look don't don't you don't don't you think she's ugly bark bark bark ugly bark bark well it's different but uh I like it wait you what hold on you you don't think she's ugly of course I don't think she's ugly prettiest girl at school she still has a pretty face thanks I guess uh well what about me why am I always seen as ugly well maybe cuz you go around chopping people's hair off because you are ugly duh it's not just your face it's your personality too bark bark bark you're uglier than me bark bark how is that dog talking Benji I like you why don't you feel the same why are all of you so mean to me I'm going to cut your hair too loser sleep with one eye open I know where you live uh oh I think your hair looks nice Carrie see you at school bye what the heck just happened today guys I'm getting a adopted into a new family I'm even going to get a brand new sister I really hope she's nice this is going to be so fun I am on my way to my new family's house you guys I just got adopted and I'm so excited because this family actually seem super nice and like really welcoming and everything and sometimes stuff like this can be pretty fun so I'm I'm not going to lie I am super excited about this one I have a really good feeling about it I think it's going to be pretty fun and I think we are here for you guys this house is so cute but before we hop into it you guys make sure you're using star code carry when buying Roblox to help support me and the channel but anyways you guys I I guess we're going to go meet my new family okay you guys I'm here this house is so nice I'm going to go ahead and knock on the door and I'm not going to lie I'm so excited right now but I get a little bit nervous when I do things like this okay wait that's miss Robin she said oh my goodness hello guys she seems so excited I'm going to say hi oh and she's so pretty too you guys wow she said I'm so so excited to meet you I'm going to say um I'm excited too um thanks for having me oh my gosh you guys I mean I can already kind of see into their house they have like a whole like chandelier right when you walk in a super fancy staircase she said please come inside okay oh my gosh you guys this house is so pretty oh I I can't even I don't even know what to say she said I'm so excited for you to meet Susie okay guys I guess that's my sister I'm going to say Me too um I love having siblings um you know I mean I think hopefully we can we're able to get along I haven't had the best luck with siblings in the past but you know I have a really good feeling about this one she said this is going to be so much fun with you oh my gosh you guys I cannot get over how beautiful this house is and how nice my new mom is she said look at your outfit so adorable I'm going to say thank you um this house is amazing I mean guys like I don't even know like they have super fancy furniture they have like some pictures in there they've got like a pretty blue kitchen I mean wait wait wait wait I I guess that's Susie over there she said thank you so much it took a while to build I'm going to go ahead and say um I bet and I guess I'm going to go ahead and say um hi Susie uh you know she hasn't said anything to me yet but you know I bet she's nervous she just said mom who's this oh wait did she not talk to her before I came she said Susie come meet Carrie oh no no no uh I'm going to say um it's very nice to meet you I'm going to try and be really polite so we can get along she just said oh so you're my new sister wait wait guys I think she actually might be excited about this she said you two are sisters now yes she said I'm so excited to have a new sister I'm going to say yay me to you guys oh I mean I don't know guys it's not very often that you meet someone and they're super excited and welcome to have you in their home especially when it's another kid so I think this is already a super good sign miss Robin said think you two are sisters now you should be nice to each other um I'm going to say of course um I would love to hang out I mean you know I I don't know you guys I think this could be a really fun experience you you know make some new friends she said yes Mom of course she's being so nice uh I'm going to say um thank you so much for um I don't know asking me to be here um I don't know I I'm really glad to be a part of their family you guys she said Terry it's very nice to meet you and I can't wait to get to know more about you I'm going to say it's very nice to meet you too guys I already have a feeling that we are going to have a ton in miss Robin said okay Susie go show Carrie the room I'm just going to go ahead and say yay you guys she said yes Mom Follow Me Carrie miss Robin said I'm going to make some dinner for everyone um have fun okay you guys I guess I'm going to go see our room this is going to be so fun guys even the upstairs of this house is so pretty she said all right here is our room okay oh my gosh you guys this is so fancy I'm gonna say um I love it I I'm so excited right now okay wait why did she close the door and wait what the heck is she doing you guys she just turned around so slowly um guys I'm going to I'm going to say um this will be fun guys I'm getting a weird vibe from her right now she said okay Carrie um I'm just going to throw some question marks um I I I don't know she said listen I don't like the fact that we're sisters wait what she said I honestly don't even like you I'm I'm just going to say um what I mean downstairs she seems so excited what is going on right now I mean it's like her personality totally changed she said this whole room you're standing in is mine so don't forget that what the heck is going on you guys I'm just going to say um uh why I guess she said this was a my room before you came along oh no no no no no guys I I did have a really good feeling but I guess she's just like a really good actor she said and now my mom thinks I need to share with you no thanks oh my gosh um she said by the way she's my mom I I don't even know what what to say right now she said I can make one promise to you I'm just going to say uh okay um I I I mean I don't know this this is kind of a a weird thing she said as long as you're under this roof and living in this house guys she's being so serious right now she said I will make your life horrible got that I am so sorry to interrupt this video you guys but I had to let you know that Team Pink is absolutely destroying team blue at hyper apparel. shop and you can make sure that we keep winning by coping the pink Hyper hoodie at hyper apparel. shop but anyways you guys back to the video I genuinely don't know I don't even know where to go right now I mean like we're in our room but I I don't even feel comfortable in my own bedroom because I don't know clearly she is not fond of sharing or anything like that and she's just kind of staring at me right now guys she's really intense and uh not going to lie it's making me pretty nervous right now oh there's there's miss Robin she just said knock knock oh okay um guys I I don't really know how to react to any of this right now she just said oh hey Mom I'm going to say uh hi um she said hi girls how is everything going I mean what what can I tell her that she just threatened to ruin my life she said great we're just getting to know each other 5 seconds ago she wanted me out of the house what the heck is wrong with her she said we have so much in common Mom I'm honestly speechless right now she said wonderful I'm so glad to hear that guys I I think this mom is totally oblivious to how suie actually is she said I'm so happy to have a sister what what the heck she said now I can share all my neat stuff with her guys 5 seconds ago she did not want to share anything didn't want anything to do with me she said Carrie did you see around the room I'm going to say um yeah I love it I I mean I I I don't even know what to do I mean Susie really freaks me out so I definitely don't want to like try and expose her right now she said I showed her everything and miss Robin said absolutely wonderful guys how could she not see that her daughter was just like insane she said I had to make my new sis comfy of course well she didn't do a very good job you guys because I am the opposite of comfortable right now I am so stressed out um she said well if everything is going well we can go downstairs and eat guys how am I supposed to live with the girl that just threatened to make my life horrible she said Oh yay I'm I'm starving she said come on sis let's go to the table I'm just going to say uh okay I guess all right we've been eating dinner for a while you guys and I actually haven't really said much I've just been kind of playing off the fact like I'm new and nervous but the real reason is that I don't know how Susie is going to react to any of it uh she just said that was great mom uh I'm going to say uh yeah I loved it you know I want to try and just like go along with it a little bit but I don't know she definitely really freaked me out earlier miss Robin said Carrie do you mind helping us with some chores after dinner uh I'm going to say of course um I would love to I mean you know guys it keeps me busy and honestly like I would love to help out around the house Susie said oh I could help too okay um I mean I don't know maybe things are going to get a little bit back to normal now I don't really know how like the whole dynamic with this works like with suie being so intense but I mean maybe maybe it was just like a a onetime thing I don't really know she said wonderful Susie that's okay Carrie is just going to mop okay you know what I can do that that's easy enough maybe if I show that like I'm excited to be here and I'm willing to like help out around the house and stuff that maybe having a sister can be kind of fun uh I'm just going to say um that works for me um I mean I want to be like super Cooperative just go along with everything you know it is you know Miss Robin and su's house so I don't know she said great please follow me and I will show you where it is okay you guys um I guess I'm just going to you know clean up a little bit and I I don't know I kind of a feeling that maybe if I just go along with it and I don't know like cut suie some slack I guess I'm going to go ahead and grab the mop and I don't know maybe maybe she'll like warm up to the idea of having a sister I know it can be pretty complicated sometimes so I I don't really know um I guess we'll just go mop the kitchen or something she said the kitchen and the dining room should be mopped I'm just going to say okay and uh go ahead and clean you know kind of stay out of the way a little bit she just said Thank you and I don't know I mean hopefully everything will just blow over and it'll be it'll go back to normal and it'll be fine and I don't know maybe maybe we can bom and it it can be hard to have a new family member so I'm going to cut her some slack she could have just been defensive and I think it'll be all right I think I'm almost done cleaning you guys and honestly it gave me some time you know calm down honestly like you know siblings like to joke and stuff like that she was probably just trying to like I don't know scare me or something something silly like that I'm sure it was was no big deal I think everything's going to be fine I'm feeling a lot more comfortable about it now that I've had had some time to you know like I don't know be to myself and take some deep breaths and realize it's really not that big of a deal Miss Robins just said the fours look amazing I'm going to go ahead and say thanks and I don't know um you know I'm glad I was able to help clean up and stuff and maybe I don't know take some of the chores off of Susie's hands I guess she said so how are you liking the family okay well um I really don't want to start any drama you guys so I'm just going to lie and play along with everything and say um I love it I feel very at home okay um I mean I I I don't know I don't I definitely don't want to worry the mom so uh I'm just going to try my best to get along with Susie and you know cut her some slack she said I'm so excited to have you here that is wonderful I'm going to say this is going so well I mean I bet I bet I can get through to Susie and she was probably just teasing me and you know maybe getting a little defensive which is no big deal I can totally handle that okay I finished up you know I was helping clean around the rest of the house but uh it actually wasn't too hard cuz this place is already super spotless and very well put together so uh I'm just going to go tell my mom that I you know I got everything done and she was even helping me with the smaller things I'm going to say uh I think I'm done cleaning um you know it's it's kind of late right now so I'm to say I think I'll go upstairs and rest you know just like you know calm down a little bit it's been a crazy day so uh I don't know I I think you know having some time to relax a little bit will do me some good she said okay that's fine thank you for helping I'm going to go ahead and say of course and head upstairs you guys I mean I'm not sure what suie is doing right now so I don't know maybe we can hang out Bond a little bit more and you know talk about what happened what the heck is going on why is this room so dirty what the heck happened in here I mean even the bed is moved around there's dirt all over the floor things are knocked over what is going on I I literally have no clue what happened in here it looks like a tornado went through this room you guys miss Robins just said what is going on in here wait wait I I mean I I don't know I I'm just going to say I don't know I I literally just walked in here you guys and it looked like this I literally don't even know what to say she said this is filthy wait Susie said Mom she's lying I saw her throwing dirt all over the place I'm going to say uh what no I didn't I was literally downstairs cleaning that whole time how could I have done this in that short amount of time guys what the heck wait Susie said she wanted to mess up our room when we were talking before she said she wanted to ruin this house I'm going to say wait she's lying she said oh I don't I'm going to say she's lying she said she I don't know wanted to get me thrown out or ruin my life I mean guys I literally don't even know what to say right now why is wait Miss Robins literally said I'm disgusted I don't know why she's getting so upset at me but hold on a second wait Robins said now Carrie that does not make sense guys when we were all cleaning downstairs I did see Susie anywhere helping clean she must have done this to like make it look like I did it and frame me guys what the heck is wrong with her she said why would I do that Mom I'm going to say um I'm going to say she's lying to you I would never do this I mean guys this house is so pretty I would never destroy it like this that doesn't make any sense she said I cannot believe this Susie said I'm her daughter why would I lie to my own mother I I don't know you guys but that's what she's doing how is she going to put this all on me this is so bizarre I literally don't even know what to say right now I'm I'm going to say I'm telling the truth I mean guys I have been nothing but nice to Susie and Miss Robins I even helped clean downstairs so none of this makes any sense Susie said lies I I I don't know what to say right now miss Robin said why would I believe an adopted kid over my own daughter I don't know guys she adopted me so like why would she not trust me and go ahead and adopt me anyways I cannot believe anyone would think I am capable of doing something like this I mean I I don't even think I could do this in a day I don't understand how it got so dirty in here she said this is Despicable Carrie I'm going to say say I I didn't do it I I don't know what to like how to convince her that this wasn't me and it was her evil daughter suszie I she said now my room is a mess guys she's like pretending that like I messed up all of her things miss Robin says you do not treat a house like this guys I literally didn't treat a house like this wait she said get out wait what the heck I'm just going to throw some question marks I don't understand why is she telling me to get out right now when that I literally didn't do any of this sui just said I'm so upset mom she said you heard my mom you know what I'm just going to say fine and get out of this house she said do not come back you do not mess up a rub like this you guys I am not dealing with that anymore honestly this has been so ridiculous I cannot believe they just kicked me out like that I mean and in the middle of the night too what kind of crazy easy family does that wait Susie just whispered to me and said well that was easy bye-bye sis oh my gosh you guys you know what I am glad to be out of that crazy family that was way too much to handle congratulations Prince Dylan and Princess Carrie you are now married this is awesome welcome to the royal family you are a princess now I can't believe it I went from being a peasant to being a princess this is crazy G I can't believe my sister's a princess well I'm stuck as a peasant I have to ruin car's life and get her title taken away Maran I'm home oh hey there you are I just came oh no oh no oh no no no this can't be happening I'm so so sorry what what can't be happening what's going on why are you so freaked out your husband he's been seen with another girl what are you kidding me it was probably just one of the maids or something I what are you talking about I can't believe this my friend saw it all saw what I still don't understand why you're so freaked out there she is wait who wait your friend I OMG come in right now Regina tell her everything so one of the nights saw Prince Dylan out at night and he was with a noble from another family oh my gosh you guys have got to be kidding me oh my gosh how disgusting I'm so sorry what a cheater y'all are ridiculous okay I trust my husband Dylan would never cheat are you kidding me harri you have to believe us please yeah I like saw it all okay well you just told me that you heard it from a knight who saw it all so y'all really have got to stop making assumptions about this I trust my husband everything is fine no I can't this is so bad please listen to us all right all right y'all can have your whole little gossip session all you want I'm going to go look for Mom in the village bye guys I can't believe Carrie didn't even look worried well what are you going to do now they're happily married how are you going to make her lose her princess title trust me I have an idea I can't intervene with Dylan and Carrie directly but maybe I can start using other people to do the dirty work for me what do you mean you just need to wait and find out I'm so glad that we have have time to walk through the Village today yes we're so happy that you're a princess now yes yes Carrie even though you're a princess you still stay true to your roots well of course she would Mom and Dad come on I knew Carrie before she became the princess and she's super humble there is no way she would change just because she has a title now guys y'all are literally being too nice right now okay I am still say the same person though I just get to wear Tiara well I'm very proud and that is very sweet of you Carrie hey hey you wait who are they talking to Carrie who are these two people over there uh what is going on you in the Tiara uh me Carrie I mean they certainly wer talking to the queen like that what is going on what can I help you guys with the nerve you have to show up in our village how dare you show your face around here wait what I don't I don't know what you're talking about after making fun of us for being peasants and now you come back Carrie what are these two say I don't I don't know what they're talking about I don't I didn't make fun of anybody huh excuse me no Queen I I promise I don't know what they're talking about you even said my hair looks like a bird's nest and you told us we stink oh wo wo K he hey no no I swear I I didn't I I don't know what you're talking about how could you do this could someone please explain what's going on no I I really I don't know what's going on well this new princess told us that we're worth this for being poor what no no way no I okay y'all have to stop I didn't do this she's so mean and she told us we should be grateful that a princess would even talk to us I swear I I I didn't oh goodness I promise I would never say anything like that okay we were just talking about how I'm still the same person you know we don't want to see her around anymore yeah terrible princess y'all believe me right time for tea yep we should get going oh goodbye goodbye oh no no no no no no this can't be [Music] happening my plan worked the king and queen have a horrible opinion of Carrie now it's time for me to turn things up a notch and really ruin her life I cannot believe those people from earlier I mean I've never seen them in my life and now all of the sudden they're telling a bunch of lies about me in front of the king and queen oh my gosh I have to go explain to them immediately what was happening um okay okay let me let me let me just think I I got to figure out what to tell them uh who the heck is at my door this late night Laren good evening princess Carrie uh hi what are you doing here so late you you must come with me at once it's urgent well you have to tell me what the heck's going on I mean you can't just say it's urgent and you've been summoned by the royal family I've been what summoned by the royal family oh no they probably want some type of explanation for what happened today did did they say anything a reason why I cannot tell you but you don't want to keep the king and queen waiting oh you're you're you're right you're right okay okay um so please we must go now all right all right fine I'm coming let's just go and get this over with okay this is going to be fine Timothy and beatric love you right oh gosh um um hello um miss queen beatric and and Mr King Timothy uh what what did you uh summon me for Carrie so glad you could make it well uh you did send a guard to my door so I didn't think I had a whole lot of option this is a serious matter oh um well you know maybe maybe we should have Dylan here um you know since he's like your son and all you have a lot of explaining to do I do wait what oh okay okay seriously if this is about earlier today I do not know who those people were villan does not have to be here for this this is between us and you okay okay I am sensing some major anger Vibes right now um could y'all please just tell me what the heck's going on here I am very uncomfortable without Dylan being here but I'm here to listen the town crier came to us with interesting information the town crier he's always yelling about some type of Gossip or another y'all really listen to him disgraceful wait me I'm are you talking about me okay what the heck's going on here yes we listened to him and unfortunately you were seen with another man aside from your husband whoa whoa what are you kidding me there is no no wait that that's not true H come forth who wait who the heck are you talking about yes my king wait this guy who is this guy explain everything you saw right away my king I've never seen this guy in my life how could he know anything about me I was out getting bread for my family when I saw Carrie with a man they look to be on a date seriously you're just going to take them this guy's assumption that it looked like a date this this is not any type of evidence oh haha a man not being Prince Dillan correct this man he had hair off Brown oh come on just say brown hair now you're being dramatic and clothes befitting a noble this is no evidence at all y'all are being so unreasonable my king now I shall take my leave oh what hey wait that was is not enough information you can't just run out like that there oh no listen we can work this out right the this doesn't have to be a whole big fight that man he has no reason to lie to us well he is okay I don't know I didn't I I I'm not cheating on my husband you're the liar your behavior matches someone who' insult the citizens of our kingdom too my behavior okay okay I yet for the last time if this is about the people from earlier I don't know them I don't know what they were talking about I would never do that hush you're a disgrace to this family I'm a what wait You' can't just jump to that conclusion and and and think that I'm that terrible person now Terry we demand you renounce your title as Princess you are no longer a part of the royal family yes my plan is working Terry must be getting chewed out right now she'll finally lose her princess title and be a peasant again like excuse me what did you just say oh Prince I um I didn't say anything listen here I heard everything and that was just a test you have a lot of explaining to do to the king and queen look listen I promise you I didn't do any of those things I was accused of none of them not anything I am a good princess you need to stop lying or we'll ban you from the kingdom too I'm not lying what are you why don't youall believe anything I say shut your mouth okay okay okay fine look we can we can work this out everything is going to be just fine we will banish you from this Kingdom wait wait wait what everybody stop your fighting stop yelling at my wife immediately Dylan Dyan what son what are you doing here I am here to stop you guys from wrongfully accusing my wife and yelling at her wait Dylan how how did you know I was even here I I'm I'm so confused and MaryAnn what the heck are you doing here I um uh well she's a liar Dylan we're yelling at Carrie because she's a cheater she should have never been brought into the royal family I swear I'm not a cheater I oh shut up Carrie Dylan please please please believe me I car Carrie Carrie don't worry okay I know the truth and you know what father mother I am going to let this child right here explain the truth wait what are you talking about what the heck does Maryann know Maryanne tell them what I overheard you saying now I okay fine Maryann what what is he talking about I can't stand to see my sister as a princess when I'm still a peasant everything today was a lie made up by me yep that's right are you are you serious the people in the square and cheating and she didn't do anything wrong at all I can't believe this I can't believe my sister set me up this is outrageous this is unacceptable that's right father mother everything you assumed about Carrie today was a lie first off you both also owe her an apology I um I deserve to be a princess too oh shut up Maryann oh gosh oh Carrie I am so sorry we're so sorry for not beli in you oh that's that's nothing it's okay and Mary man yes we order you to be sent to the dungeon what no I I can't believe this my sister actually tried to ruin my life help help someone save me my room is on fire someone please help my daughter OMG thank you so much got to go car I'm so proud of you for using your super speed and saving that girl oh it was nothing there's no reason to Hype her up someone would have saved that little girl eventually Farah stop being such a buzz kill you shouldn't be getting mad at Carrie just because you have a villain power hey well well maybe if Farah figures out how to use her powers for good she could help me G you know what since you guys think I have villain Powers I might as well be one hey wait Farah no you can't be a villain Harry don't worry she's not a villain she's just going through a phase okay whatever you say I hate how much attention my super sister gets I need to use my powers to take her down what is that do you really wanted to destroy your sister little girl uh ye yes take this all you have to do is follow my plan come alive my robot toys my robots go and destroy the bloxburg city world domination there's no managers for me to call oh that's too big of a job for me wow this pizza is so delicious oh hello robots are attacking the city I I'm on my way wa I'm here there really are robots in the city AAR robot 2 new Target sighted be beep oh gosh they noticed me and wait is it just me or do those robots look kind of familiar initiating attack protocol attack oh no okay I better deal with this quickly or else I might get hurt prepare to destroy attacking soon beep beep oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh what am I going to do I I wait I have an idea initiating laser bead bust annihilate Target oh gosh this better work super speed activate wait oh gosh I hope that my Super Speed tornado worked error error wait whoa I I I think I actually defeated them they're they're like breaking down or something and they're dying breaking news robots in the city have been defeated by Carri hyper the fastest superhero in the world that's right she's the Talk of the Town right now everyone loves her G I can't believe my plan was fooled it's time to step things up wait that's car's Crush Xander I have an idea hey Xander figure out a way to get rid of Carrie right now yes ma'am he's on top of the crane Xander oh my gosh what the heck are you do just stay right there I am on my way whoa whoa Xander okay okay um just just stay right where you are oh my gosh it's so fun being up here I'm up so high Xander stop stop jumping around what do you think you're doing oh my gosh he's not really acting like himself and wo wo I don't know if I can use my super speed up here cuz it's pretty windy ooh I wonder what it looks like on the edge sander no okay I have no time for safety I have got to get you down sander come on oh my gosh you are heavier than you look Carrie where are we wait you don't remember did did you lose your memory GH I can't believe my mind control broke I'm furious my super sister keeps foiling my evil plans it's time to do something to end her once and for all mom dad what do you need Farah I need to use your superpowers Mom Dad I'm finally back from saving people Mom Dad Dad where is everybody wa what Mom where did you come from and why are you dressed like a super villain hello Carrie you're coming with me hold on mom wait what are you talking about I hey don't put me down what is going on bom why are you acting like this it's not you and wa what the heck is this light oh my gosh what the heck wait hey hey where am I mom where the heck did you take me what is this cage welcome to my evil lair there what this is your evil lir and why do you have an evil lir wait there's been a lot more crimes lately this this must have all been you well you see I'm tired of being in a super family now it's time for us to use our parents superpowers for evil no no that is unacceptable Farah I am I am just going to get out of this cage really quickly and why the heck W my super speed break these walls that won't work in there enjoy prison while we go rule the world no wait I I can't let my evil sister Rule The World hey wait I might have an idea Farah stay right where you are what do you want now if I'm fast enough I might be able to phase through these walls I just have to go for it and wo oh my gosh oh my gosh I did it what H how did you do that you two deal with her now yes ma'am oh no Farah you've made a big mistake I was always the strongest one in the family ah no I can't believe this what's going on no I can't believe this my evil plan was ruined well you'd better believe it phah because villet Never Win w hey what's happened why why is it why is the building shaking what's going on with the power hey hey hey phah what are you doing why why is your staff glowing that's not my my fault what what's going on in wa wao oh my hey Pharaoh what what do you think you're doing now where the heck did you bring us what is this huh where are we wait what I didn't do this if you didn't do this then hey what's that sound coming from the fog over there Farah thank you for bringing your whole family here now I can destroy you you all who the who who the heck is that Farah do you know this guy what no that wasn't part of the deal I just wanted attention from my family I don't want you to destroy them so you do know this guy phoh what are you up to yeah what's going on you should have thought of that before accepting the staff now you're all gers gerss what what are we going to do I don't even know who this guy is kids stand back wait Mom Dad y'all don't know what you don't know this guy either no Mom you don't understand run we'll deal with this we'll protect you bom dad you don't have to do this stop evil [Music] villain oh he's too strong kid run no Mom Dad get out of here now for you to get hurt this is all my fault I can't believe this what what are we supposed to do barah barah okay just calm down for a second I let them get hurt listen to me we can defeat him he's strong but if we work together we can do it what are you talking about listen Farah do you want to be a hero today if so Follow My Lead You kids will never never defeat me oh shut up stupid head Farah Follow My Lead okay here goes nothing okay okay I I I think I did it you think this little tornado could defeat me jokes on you I wasn't trying to defeat you I was trying to trap you Farah do it now use your powers I'm on wait no Farah Farah you did it you got him send us home now yes ma'am wao hey there's that bright light again W oh my gosh Farah we're home we did it
Channel: CariPlays - Roblox Movies
Views: 262,974
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Keywords: roblox, roblox movies, cari, cari plays, cari plays roblox, cari roblox, roblox cari, Roblox Movie, RobloxRP, Roblox Story
Id: s5Qz4RWnIZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 41sec (4001 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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