We Became AI in Minecraft!

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uh do you guys find the end portal yet not yet where is this place I don't know I think I'm lost though yeah me too what wait guys I see something what is it oh my gosh is it the end portal no look what what is this place wait a second I've never seen anything like this before wait what is all this stuff there's cobwebs and bookshelves oh that's what I'm wondering I've never seen a stronghold like this before yeah there's a sign that says donut push donut push what do you mean that says do not push oh okay well we probably shouldn't mess with the stronghold guys so I don't think we should push that button I think we should push it wait what no sparkly it says do not push guys obviously we shouldn't push it it says push for free donuts no that does not Nico wait what's going on AI systems rebooting please wait what does that mean guys wait what you have been upgraded with the latest in AI technology wait what you guys look weird what is happening to you I look weird you look weird don't you look weird you guys are all moving around so crazy wait what oh my gosh did we turn into robots what is going on with me wait guys look at this I Drea and I'm super fascia wait I can too oh my gosh whoa did we turn into robots I think so I told you guys not to click the button what do you mean it said push for free donuts so I did no that says do not push not donut push what if you push it again maybe we turn him back I don't think that's gonna work Nico AI system's offline oh okay looks like we're good Nico that was just you talking I heard that oh my gosh what are we supposed to do now well this is Clay not the end portal room yeah I don't know but my eyeball is kind of hurting wow hey what just happened did you just blasphemy I think we have eyeball Powers guys no way oh my gosh I think we do guys I don't know you just shoot Fireballs out of your eyes I guess what I think these are lasers this is so cool okay guys we should probably be careful with this I don't want to die same let me try oh gosh Nico oh my God yeah you know what let's forget about this end portal and let's just go up to the surface to test our powers all right guys now that we're out here we can actually test these lasers much more whoa these are so cool guys you might want to be careful with that stuff you might kill some pigs yeah we probably shouldn't do that what pigs Shady stop cut it out guys look I have an idea let's all go over to this Village over here and play with it oh play with it what do you mean play with it well we could just test out our powers a little bit are you sure yeah let's see are any villagers home oh found one hello sir I think I just killed him look at this guy over here oh yeah let's fight him attack let's go oh my gosh he just got blasted all the way up oh shady I think he's dead I think that was a bit of an Overkill yeah guys that was so cruel these things are kind of overpowered I could be an AI all day if I wanted to wait error code 401 system malfunction please return to manufacturer I don't want to die manufacturer I was manufactured by my mom wait no oh gosh guys I think something's going wrong I'm starting to get sleepy system down oh good night systems online wait what what's going on guys well where are we I could have sworn we were just above ground what happened I think our system's malfunction cash oh my gosh I feel super weird ah get me out of this robot thing already yeah get me out of here where are we though is this some sort of testing chamber excuse me Mr cameraman let us out who's spying on us must be the AI people I don't think talking to it is gonna do anything what about this chest has anyone looked in here diamond pickaxe why would I have a diamond pickaxe maybe we can break out of here with it yeah do it cash oh I just instantly broke that thing gosh I think you're too powerful wait hold on place that down again I want to try that again okay okay oh gosh let me try try what okay guys I think we all know what to do what is that up there what I don't know it looks like some sort of sensor this place is so weird do you think whoever made these robots made this whole laboratory I think so look we're in some sort of maze now yeah and we've been turning to robots uh just try and find the exit guys I don't want to be in this maze much longer yeah me neither this place is huge well guys I think I found a room a room where are you follow me out over here oh sweet yeah I know right and there's a chest in here finally found you guys what is in here red tulips I read tulips I don't know but I do like the color red what do we need those for that's not gonna be useful at all I know right maybe there's other ways we can go help search around guys come on okay let's all split up no splitting Up's a bad idea what if there's monsters oh no oh yeah that'll be scary I can't find any other sort of exits this is a big maze have you guys found anything yet no but nothing over here just a bunch of dead ends okay nope not here either I do see some doorsto cash just break through them I think I see another door here oh okay this place is definitely different wait what there's robots in here what do these robots do I don't know but oh gosh they look like they don't even work anymore oh no no I think they're deactivated guys we should probably get out of here boy I don't gonna get deactivated yeah just find the exit room already wait if we die it's a robot will we die forever I don't know but I don't want to find out yeah me neither and I think I found the exit room look it's right here let's go oh this place does not seem safe yeah wait why are there four pods yeah what are these for I don't know and there's a huge screen up here too okay guys I have an idea maybe we can somehow hack this Mainframe and get out of here I was supposed to hack a Mainframe cache probably by entering these little pod things everyone just getting one okay oh my gosh these things look so scary yeah let's see does this do anything oh wait what guys did you see that in chat yeah it's asking us a question it says what is 10 times 12. oh boy okay don't worry I got this I'm pretty sure it's 120. did that work I think I hear loading noises oh my gosh it said password accepted difficulty increased oh gosh it's asking another question what yeah it says what's the rarest flower that's so hard who's supposed to know that wait guys I got red tulips earlier maybe it's that you can try okay here let's do it red to lip boom okay let's see if that works password rejected what do they mean how about try with a rose oh with a rose is that the rarest one I think it's pretty rare okay I'll try that out password accepted oh my gosh Zoe you are so smart no you're so but are we through yet no I don't think so nothing's happening oh gosh now it says difficulty Max oh gosh it says what is the strongest ore in Minecraft I know gold what no Shady it's not gold Shady I'm pretty sure gold is the weakest ore oh wait password rejected only one try left Shady oh you just ruin a chance guys does anybody know what it is I think it could be diamonds right I wish it was diamonds but you guys always say it's not uh oh yeah it's not diamonds it's netherite here I got this don't worry another right okay please tell me that's correct access granted you can now move on guys we did it oh my gosh finally we're out that was close I know and we can probably move on look just break through this wait what where are we now I don't know whoa guys look along the sides there's robots oh boy and they all look deactivated this is not good this probably means they're gonna do this to us too oh no what do you mean what humans right we can't be deactivated yeah no we're not humans right now look at us we're robots yeah I forgot and we got malfunction nearly here do you think a human can shoot lasers like this no probably not shitty what are you doing I'm stepping on all these big robots that's probably not a good idea ah whatever it's fun well whatever where do we go from here anyways this looks like a huge cave guys this is not look right let's backtrack I don't want to go in there Nico we have to go through there I think to make it through wait maybe I can stop at one of these pots and I'll turn human again three two oh boy yeah [Music] Nico this is just not gonna work let me try get me I want to become human okay okay three two one good luck in their cash am I human now you just broke through the door oh my gosh it's not working maybe we're supposed to go jump in the lava and melt off this iron shady I don't think that's gonna work don't shade it Shady oh my gosh where'd he go I think he's dead oh my gosh one down there's only three of us left to kill guys I respawned oh wait what yeah but you're still a robot I know oh my gosh okay you know what let's just go through this place oh fine how do we even do this who's waking me wait is there a person in that cage since when did he get there where am I hey hello who are you oh no the evil robots wait we're not evil yeah you're not evil no we just pressed a button and we turn from humans into whatever this thing is oh well our lab got raided by evil robots and I'm guessing that's how I got here wait so you're not the one that created them yeah I guess we did create them oh my gosh so it's your fault wait you created robots and they trapped you yeah my mistake okay well what can we do to help you get out I don't know probably get me out of this cage how are we gonna get over there you need to get to the chest it will grant you flight Powers wait what chest I don't see one it's right over there oh I see it how are we supposed to get there though maybe we parkour like this guys oh gosh this is gonna be difficult I know right okay be careful I'm taking a lot of damage on this thing yeah come on I made it what about you guys I'm almost there yeah me too wait where's Shady oh gosh we need to go back for him guys I'm in here trying to reactivate one of these big robots shady I don't think that's a good idea they might attack us yeah that's scary well it says friendly robot on the sign okay well whatever let's just leave him to do that gosh what is this oh this is what the scientist said it has the flight feathers what can we do with the flight feather I don't know I think he said it could make us fly though hold on wait guys look just right click on it what it does allow us to fly scientists and you code this creation no but whatever here you go sir just use this to fly this is weird I don't remember making this wait whoa hey what are you doing uh what do you mean what am I doing sir you can't leave here without us oh no you guys are evil get away yep I'm joking we're just kidding scientists I think we traumatized him mean it they killed my whole family I don't want to die of Lee wait they killed your whole family what do you mean just get away we're sorry this is awkward let's just go back to Shady guys yeah gosh will this thing turn on Shady what are you doing gosh this thing does not work Shady what the heck oh my gosh someone give him a flight feather all right here you are thanks look we found these things and they allow us to fly whoa but hold on we need to go ask the scientist how we can get back to human form is that what all that noise was in there yeah while you were in here playing with the robots we saved a scientist he also tried to destroy him okay I'll go talk to him you guys stay here got it scientists sir um I just wanted to ask uh how do we get out of this AI form well you can't really do much what do you mean we can't do much you just can't you're just gonna be that way for the rest of your lives what no there's got to be some way to fix this what do you mean I'm sorry but you guys are robots forever that's not true scientists I know you're hiding something okay fine well you went through a computer room to get here right yeah and there was four pods uh-huh Yeah so basically since you hacked your way in here you're gonna have to get back in those pods and unhack it and then the AI software should be off of you okay well how do we unhack it then don't we need a fifth person for that yeah I guess I can do it for you guys oh you would do that yep okay let's go everybody in your pods okay what are you gonna do by the way you'll see everyone get in okay okay let me turn this thing on so does this whole process like hurt or anything I think there's a few side effects burning screaming yelling crying wait what that sounds like a lot of side effects if you don't want to be a robot anymore that's what you got to deal with I'm already getting a side effect what Nico he didn't even start it yet screaming Nico oh my God he's overreacting I'm scared just go ahead and activate it come on okay I'm activating it right now okay a few questions should pop up like last time and do we have to get them right yeah or you'll be stuck with the AI Powers forever oh my gosh okay just run the system all right first question name a mob that is three blocks tall a mob that's three blocks tall there's zombies skeletons spiders zico all of those are two blocks tall and a spider's one block uh what about the Ender Dragon the Ender Dragon Shady that thing is way too big to be three blocks what about an iron golem I guess that could work but I was thinking of an Enderman Enderman yeah I think I'm gonna put that one in let's see if it works come on please I think that's right question correct oh my gosh yes good job guys now on to the next question question two out of three which tool breaks leaves fastest which tool breaks leaves fastest guys what is it there's oh there's a shovel I don't know what about golden shovel golden shovel yeah that's probably right no Shady you only think that's right because you like gold so much whatever listen hose do break leaves pretty fast but I think shears break them faster oh yeah shears do that one we want to lock in that answer yeah here I'm just gonna put shears in chat please tell me it's right yes oh my gosh correct question three out of three which mob can walk on lava this is the last question what what are we gonna do I don't know the answer at all gosh what it walks on lava I think it has to be a mob in the nether can I phone a friend Nico who are you gonna phone oh yeah you guys are my only friends I forgot that oh my gosh there's a blaze maybe that could be the right answer what is it I can't help you that's not how it works why not it just isn't how it works okay fine I'm just gonna put Blaze then lock it Blazer come on It's gotta be right question incorrect one try left oh my gosh guys I knew it was gonna be wrong come on guys you got this it walks on lava you guys want a hint yeah you can put a saddle on it a saddle saddle wait I got it it's a Strider oh why did I not think of that okay I'm putting it in chat Strider is my final answer please please tell me it's right question correct reverting machines to humans there we go no way let's go I'm a human again you have been downgraded to normal technology oh my gosh guys I think we're fixed happy we're human again all right I'm getting out of here wait what where are you going scientist see ya guys I can finally feel my hands again me too oh my God my gosh but wait we're Shady oh my gosh Shady are you asleep wake up Shady oh my gosh well at least we're all back to humans no wonder you weren't talking when we were doing those questions yeah I was wondering why you're being silent I was letting you guys do all the hard work but wait guys I still feel kind of weird wait what I feel like I just yeah wait I need to sneeze too no if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys
Channel: Cash
Views: 2,372,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, We Became AI in Minecraft!
Id: On_ACyxec-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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