Adopted by a RICH FAMILY in Roblox!

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today we're going to be getting adopted in Roblox guys are you ready to be adopted wait what you're getting adopted yep daddy we're leaving you you're not going to be my daddy anymore oh thank goodness hey why would you say that I mean oh man the horror this is this is a horrible Daddy yeah but if he get adop to then you're going to be our brother no I'm not being related to you guys I heard the family that's going to adopt us is super rich no way Daisy like they have a lot of money they have more money than the entire world what guys there's one way to find out come on everyone hop on the bus we're going to go to the house right now yes I'm sitting right here no one's sitting next to me the back all right guys here we go guys we made it to another house W where's our family at oh look at our beds ew why are they this color Daisy did you do this there's blue ones over here where's the yellow ones um you don't get a yellow one oh my gosh wait who's Hazel I don't know hey children welcome welc to chains adoption center oo we're in the adoption center my name is Hazel you're caretaker here hi Hazel get out the way portion today is the day parents come in and bring you all to your new homes guys we're going to go to new homes ni sit down on the chair so your parents can come choose who they want they better choose me they're going to choose me guys we need to be good kids and sit on the chairs I'm sitting all the girls over there all the boys over here Boys Rule Girls Drool I'm scared what if I don't get adopted see I'm going to hit them with this bats yeah me too get your bats out yeah the boys got the bats here we go guys wao what the these people look nice hey kids I am dad and this is Mom you guys all deserve a home well except my daddy he's weird I already have a home looking for six kids to adopt they pick me no they pick me no don't pick Daisy or Gooby or my daddy just me right here guys six kids seems like a lot of kids though right maybe they want a lot of kids we are millionaires they have everything they want guys oh my gosh Daisy you were right I told you let's go let's go there are seven kids here one is going to have to stay behind oh my gosh oh my gosh they're going to vote each other out everyone vote for my daddy vote for my daddy no don't do me don't do me do a random person do this Meadow person okay fine do meadow do meadow 3 214 I voted for Meadows Hi Meadow get that person out should vote for my daddy but oh my gosh this person just got kicked out of the game bye meow good luck oops have fun all alone loser let's go do some paperwork kids start packing your bags we need to pack our bags guys we to grab our blankies yeah we got to get our blankies got to get some snacks feel kind of bad for Meadow um I don't care about Meadow uhoh pickle bags we have to get all this stuff pick it all up I want this I want this I want this taking all that what is this blocks o I'll take the blocks I'll take this oh my gosh I'm not packing fast enough o i kind want to take these Minecraft trees trees yep by a chance oops I think I got everything same here we got everything guys I'm kind of scared to go to our new house though me too I'm excited yeah Daddy you're right this is going to be awesome we're going to be so rich all right everyone wait by this door let's see if they come and get us Daddy what if they change their mind what where are we they're not changing their mind that's our new bus wao that's crazy it's a party bus oh yeah I'm going upstairs oh they have Netflix on here gosh this is actually insane wait are we sleep are we living on here no we're just going to our new house Daddy this is what they drive because they're millionaires kind of crazy they live in a bus this is actually insane we can Netflix and chill down here heck yeah hang out in the limo oh yeah it's a party dance party it's dance party dancing party with my dance party you're not dance partying with Marty I Don't Dance Daddy it's a dance party with Marty dance party no no everyone comment down below dance party with Marty right now oh you dare comment that I will delete your comment dance party with Marty you guys need to stop with that you're making this weird that should be a new song Yeah dance party with Marty guys we're home wow we made it to the mansion we decided to set up a scavenger hunt so you could explore the house kind of weird Daddy it's not weird lollipops even weirder ooh I love lollipops but what if they like take us one by one Daddy what are you talking about why does everything have to be so creepy and weird for you I got a lollipop hey I don't know I think this is kind of weird I found one I found one I found another one this is so hard to find hey Daisy keep some for me what are you doing I'm following you now one yet this is this is crazy I want to eat them all she's stealing my lollipops I'm going to hit you with this bat come here hey she's stealing my thunder she's stealing the Thunder th I'm going upstairs we need to find four more oh yeah they're definitely going to be upstairs good thinking Daisy any more up here um let me check this room nope I don't see any I don't see any lollipops anywhere got another one oh they're definitely going to be over here yep we got another one come on we're looking for one more in the bathtub no I didn't find it someone else found it I didn't find one I found three let's go o I found a game boys where I want to play it s up here it's DS oh my God he's right I'm so happy they adopted us yeah this house is insanely huge now I see why they adopted six kids this house is huge nope I found something before the back door is locked guys what do we want for dinner ew what is that thing on the left the bottom left thing looks really weird do not pick that it looks like a squid I picked hamburger I picked Burgers too daddy we're having Burgers sorry Pizza Pizza burgers burgers Pizza Burgers that's disgusting looks like cheeseburgers one the vote let's go this is awesome they voted together mom I want my my pizza nope daddy you get what you get and you don't get upset nope nope nope no daddy should I just call you Marty now because you're not really my daddy anymore no you dare call me Marty you're just a friend now Marty no I'm not just a friend I'm your father nope Marty is my friend no no don't make that thing I'm having a party because Marty is my friend stop the party with Marty I'm not partying with no Marty it's party with Marty it's party with Mary hey Marty you want this cheeseburger nope it's mine oh great I'm going to keep my own uh oh what's happen oh what happened to the power guys it got really dark uhoh uhoh guys look at the TV breaking news live in 27 seconds guys what could possibly be happening on the news right now maybe it's storming oh you're right there's probably like a tornado outside maybe it's something regarding the pizza I didn't get o look at those pictures of doggies on the wall where's all doggies yeah there are doggies on the wall that's weird okay let's see what happens here we go breaking news wao oh nothing's happening kidnappers on the loose guys it's a scary clown I hate clowns I don't like it oh my goodness these images are terrifying well I got the power to work again good job Mom you're the best mommy ever give me a hug don't you think it's kind of weird that our power went out and now there's kidnappers let they come after us you guys it's just a coincidence daddy like you know when two things randomly happen at the same time coincidence you're calling it a coin think really yes it's a coincidence I don't think so a coincidence what's that I just explained to Gooby oh whatever okay guys it's bedtime it's time to go to bed check out these beds they're huge H what if we just jump out this window right now what daddy why we do that so I can get out of here so I don't get kidnapped dadd you're not going to get kidnapped yeah if you go outside you're going to get kidnapped I just got to take a quick poop right before we go to bed hey whole room's going to smell like poop uhoh we're going to bed guys good night uhoh it's the middle of the night guys I don't like this guys are you awake I'm still pooping stop pooping it's been like 5 hours yeah it's a really big one I think there something wrong with this boo no no I think you just fell asleep on the toilet bow oh oops I Did It Again you fell asleep on the toilet oh my God it's a kidnapper what's happening Marty wake up what the heck is that wake your butt up daddy there's a guy on fire I'm up I'm up it's hot deer why is it hot I don't know it's a super villain it's not a super villain it's a kidnapper Gooby we need to run oh he's gone no he's not joke you just jump scared us this isn't good run run run run run ow he did damage he did damage he can get on the bed I have a bat I have my bats ooh hide in the shower this is a perfect area oh no he made a scary face come in the shower come in the shower no no no he's chasing you oh God get out of there get out of there Gooby guys this is terrifying I think we have to hit him Noe I don't think hitting him is working he wants to just eat us the kid just died no way yep yep I saw it with my own eyes he's in the middle he's in the middle just keep running around I'm going back in the shower oh my gosh I'm taking a shower with all my clothes on this is weird is it too Daisy I know I'm running as fast as I can guys keep running keep running do not stop running whatever you do we're playing Ring Around the Rosie with them just keep going in circles Ring Around the Rosie ring around the Ry you can't get me he's going to get really dizzy and pass out yes we did it it's a party which no party with Marty guys our dad just missed the scary kidnapper watch him not believe us he's not going to he got believe us please we were attacked you crazy psychopath that's a father oh no well they are gone now let's go back to sleep no let's go 911 we need some security up in this house what if our dad's a kidnapper this should have made us into a secure house yeah this this crib is not secure at all guys what are we going to do our daddy doesn't believe us I believe you Daddy you're not my daddy you're Marty with party hey guess this is going to sleep a I guess we're just going to go to bed wao it's the next day the park y w this trampoline goes I go high in it oh God I just went down the slide I'm want to go in the trampoline too let me go in the trampoline woo wo it's so much fun let me in let me in oh I going to do a flip you going a flip I'm going to do a flip yeah I don't think so Daddy you're not that flexible hey all right watch this daddy I'm going to go in the trampoline I'm going to land on top of this oh nope I slipped off oh me too all right here we go no I'm going to go down the side woo this is so much fun let's go oh guys it's a clown I just fell off the slide no no there's a clown hey kids do you want 1 million Roblox I want 1 million Robux I kind of do too maybe we go up to the clown and be friends with him stranger danger Daddy but he's got robox my dad owns Roblox daddy his dad owns Roblox meaning he has infinite roox that's a lie it's a lie sounds pretty good I think we can win let's go with them Daddy come on no stranger danger No Stranger come on guys everyone follow him y this is so much fun we're going to get unlimited roblo I don't know about this guys this kind of weird it's right down there all right oh no no we're trapped this is not roblo uh-oh oh no no no daddy do something do something all right let me do something what do we do hey clown hey you yeah let us out oh gosh daddy that really did a lot I'll rip the I'll rip your red hair off oh my goodness I don't like this we should have never touched that clown yeah Daisy you're right oh no relax uh I'm not going to relax the fun is just beginning dot dot dot who are you and what do you want for my good question Gooby good question let's see if he answers it what it's me hazel oh my God it's Hazel she was jealous that she didn't get adopted oh my gosh I just didn't want to leave you guys what you guys were all I had a we were like her family and then we left her this isn't right you can't do this Hazel guys I think Hazel wants to kill us oh my gosh oh my gosh everyone jump jump jump oh no this evil clown scary clowns scary clowns kill them kill him with a bat we need to use our bat and kill him ow they're doing damage they're doing damage where'd you go o I fell down the cliff side all right well good thing you're still alive I just lost a lot of Health uhoh what was that I don't know the Earth just shaked uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh there's rocks leading to a tunnel ooh that could be an escape we to do parkour you're right everyone let's do parkour parkour don't mess up Gooby I mess up come on JY I'm coming um where are we now I don't know looks like maybe a maze at least we're wa from Hazel I'm really confused what do we do there are two paths we have to choose one guys do we go to the left or right hold on Daddy let everyone else decide too Daddy hey Daddy come back here I died Oh Daddy I died too oh now I got to revive using Roo I don't even have Robux of course you went down the wrong one daddy uh guys what there's more parkour oh my goodness in this lava daddy where are you I'm dead you're dead we'll come back to life I'm trying guys guys guys this is really scary oh my goodness I almost fell daddy where are you going you're going the wrong way oh I didn't know that you respawned right here good job woohoo I cheated daddy you use Robux all right with Roblox oh my goodness that was really scary parkour but I think we're all alive guys uh-oh where are we going now hopefully out of here you're right we're out we're free we escaped uhoh look behind us it's a big Hazel why she fat she's huge and she's angry she got like stuff coming out of her mouth this is your last chance to obey oh no leave us alone Hazel we said no yeah what Daisy said well you must defeat Me Oh My Gosh guys we need to defeat her oh my gosh she's walking towards us run run run run run where's that ow ow ow keep running keep running watch out for the web blobs come up here come up here oh it's pee PE there's peeee on the floor oh no she peed everywhere guys quick attack hit her hit her she's Amur it's a boss health she's weak she's weak yeah yeah take that yeah you like that mhm take that Hazel stupid oh God I can't move no I'm stuck I'm stuck what I just got stuck too get on the Rock quick boss his health we got to go kill her go go go we can't stay here for so long that's why okay wait wait and run back run back run back uh nice good job guys keep running I'm trying it's really hard hop on one thing hop on the pillars jump on the peee pillows they're not peee pillars yeah okay everyone by me quick get ready to destroy Hazel we're going to get her we're going to get her keep going keep going fast I'm trying I'm trying o almost dead she's almost dead we got it yes yay oh you guys win yeah we do hazel you suck yeah I'm sorry I never wanted this to happen sure well then why did you kidnap us she said she was just lonely without us not my problem call cap that doesn't mean you kill us Hazel it's okay you need to move on in life yeah move on weirdo why don't you just move on together I think she's in love with you with me crazy fan girl oh she's probably just one of my crazy fan girls then guys I think she's really angry you can choose me or the adopted parents guys obviously we're going with the adopted parents right of course of course yeah heel crazy yeah go to adopted parents cuz they're rich I want money Hazel and you don't got that bread yay I think we're going back to our rich house uhoh I miss them so much they're crying about us don't worry they'll come back Rich Mom and Dad we're right here we're looking at cry you look like idiots hey Mom and Dad we are back oh yeah oh yeah we're alive guys I think they're happy to see us I think so too are you sure you're crying no that those are happy tears oh God oh my God it's Hazel Hazel's going to kill them oh no oh my God oh my gosh well guys it looks like we did it yay guys I kind of want to know what's going to happen on the next chapter when Hazel comes trying to kill our parents me too that sounds scary I don't think she could do it well how about this If Everyone likes this video right now then we'll play adoption Story part two and also make sure to subscribe to the best Roblox Channel ever yeah everyone
Channel: Johnny and Marty
Views: 611,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, comedy, roblox, roblox meme, roblox funny moments, roblox obby, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, brookhaven, brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven 🏡rp, roblox brookhaven 🏡rp, roblox horror, speed draw roblox, speed draw, Roblox SPEED DRAW!, funny moments, funny videos, roblox speed draw, Adopted by a RICH FAMILY in Roblox!, roblox story, adopted by a rich family in roblox!, roblox family, roblox storytime, roblox story time, roblox storytimes
Id: Ohsh3Sbfqs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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