Adolf Hitler: From Obscurity to Power | Hitler’s Power, Ep.1 | Documentary

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Documentary - Hitler's Power [Music] Munich the 26th of February 1919  a funeral for a revolutionary the Bavarian   Premier Kur Eisner hundreds of thousands  pay their respects to the murdered Jewish socialist among them is a young private  who feels uprooted following a lost War   Adolf Hitler he had fought for the Reich and the  Kaiser now he must come to terms with the forces   of a revolution out of conviction or just as an  opportunist behind him is a past full of defeat   ahead of him lies an uncertain Future How could  an absolute nobody rise to dictator in such a   short time what was his power based on and why  would so many Germans follow him into the abyss [Music]   Munich in the beginning of 1919 a civil  war rages the Kaiser the German Emperor   has abdicated and Germany is declared a republic  enemies of democracy fight in the streets radical   Communists engage in bloody batt battles with  soldiers of the German military the re as well   as the right-wing paramilitary groups the fryo  power within the Republic is its stake on the   sidelines Adolf Hitler does everything within his  power to remain in the Army his alternative is homelessness during the weeks and months of  the Revolution Hitler appears to be driven by   a kind of political opportunism it seems  most important to him for things to stay   the same and if that means taking part in  the revolution then he is clearly willing   to do so initially Hitler is on the side of the  leftists but then the forces of the right assert themselves Munich becomes the center of their  movement hatred of Jews and Communists is on   the rise imately after first world war Hitler is  somewhat at a loose end in 1918 uh early 1919 he's   not a completely uh open book uh or an Unwritten  page uh he's somebody whose views have already   been formed in the first world war to a certain  extent we know for example that he was concerned   by what he called the inner internationalism of  the Germans but there's no sign for instance of   any any anti-Semitism before the summer of 1919  so the Hitler that we know the principal outline   of his worldview that is formed from the  summer of 1919 onwards in Munich the XXV   sets the political tone Captain Carl Meyer  begins an anti-communist propaganda campaign   a volunteer offers to work as an informant  for the movement a stray dog as Meer later recalls he takes Hitler under his wing and sends  him to a course about propaganda techniques it's   a turning point for Hitler he now has a task and  an ideological framework and the chance to prove himself he picks up on a lot of things and  tries to convey them to those who will listen   testing whether he is well received or not  this allows Hitler's self-confidence to grow   and strengthens his belief that politics  could be a promising field of work for him the Vienna of his youth the city on the danu  influenced Hitler's understanding of politics   from an early age at the turn of the century  the Metropolis is part of the diverse austr   Hungarian Empire in 1907 a young Hitler moves  from the Austrian Province to the city of 2   million he is 18 and considers himself a  budding artist Hitler wants to become a   painter but fails the entrance exam to the  academy twice he lacks Talent he scrapes   by he spends his time reading and following the  political events taking place in the parliament lerat it offers a disturbing  picture of the state of the country [Music] Hitler and his close friend AUST kubek  attend the often chaotic debates there are about   30 parties representing the ethnic groups of  the austr Hungarian Empire Germans austrians   Czechs poles Italians all argue in their native  languages he spends a lot of time trying to   keep warm in the parliament buildings watching  debates he thinks they're e feat and useless he   thinks parliamentary system is terrible you  need strong men you need strength and so on   all this leaves a lasting impression on Hitler of course this is a unique spectacle in  terms of style and in terms of the quality of   the performance the Parliamentary debates could  not be topped Czechs were particularly Innovative   because they occasionally used music to accompany  their act it was a spectacle and for someone who   saw politics through a performative point of  view there was no greater inspiration than that however there is no evidence of Hitler's  anti-semitic worldview during his time in Vienna   he supports himself by selling his watercolor  paintings to Jewish art dealers for his time   in Vienna he probably was not in any major way  an anti-semite at that time he had friends he   had business partners who were Jewish at the  time he's known to have visited families in   Vienna later in Munich who were Jewish and  had friendly dealings with them he sometimes   expressed admiration for Jewish culture it really  seems to have been especially the end of the first   World War uh that converted him into the vehement  anti-semite that he later became Munich September 1919 Hitler becomes a modeled student eagerly  absorbing the right-wing propaganda he likely   suspects what his Superior Captain Meyer wants  to hear it is not the Germans who are to blame   for their plight but foreign powers who  wish to destroy Germany from within and without in a report Hitler now declares the Jews  to be the greatest threat and sees in them quote   a racial tuberculosis of the people I believe  very much in accordance with the writings of   nationalists and eugenicists the reason why  Germans should be anti-semitic Hitler says is   because uh the Jews and money the Jews and  capitalism the Jews and the Americans are   essentially one and the same thing so  Hitler's uh concern with and fear of   capitalism particularly International  capitalism is absolutely Central to   to the origin of his anti-Semitism and so in  the fall of 1919 the first written testimony   of Hitler's anti-Semitism is recorded it  calls for quote the removal of the Jews all together of course we can't tell  for sure if he has already decided   what the most radical solution  is when he wrote this [Music] letter but we do know that soon after already in  the 1920s he explicitly states that it would be   best if all the Jews of Germany were hanged  on The Gallows until there were no Jews left in 1919 Hitler becomes a member of the  DAP the farri German Workers Party theena   BR restaurant is one of the meeting  places of the radical group its aim   is to win over the working class with  nationalist goals it is an alternative   to the Communists and the social  Democrats Hitler quickly becomes connected here all of a sudden is this new group  the German Workers Party Hitler is celebrated by   the members and it is in this moment that he has  found a new home both in an emotional and in a   political sense for the first time he has found  people who are encouraging him and his political   convictions instead of laughing at them Hitler  quickly becomes an important member of the party   on February 24th 1920 at the Hof proy house in  Munich he announces a 25 program to an audience   of 2,000 soon thereafter the party is renamed the  National Socialist Workers Party or the nsdap for short their agenda Remains the Same  a mixture of nationalism and anti- capitalism their basic ideologies do not sound  right-wing they use the language of the left to   their advantage this kind of pseudo socialism  is a central element for understanding why the   nsdap succeeded in penetrating parts  of the working class and peasants so quickly as head of advertising Hitler designs a  party flag with Mass Appeal the black swastika   is to represent a superior race in combination  with the colors red and white symbol molic of   the power of nationalism and socialism  he plays with the contradiction of the   two movements which he wishes to unite  under his image of a national Community   Hitler wants to shape the world around him  as freely as the artist he once had hoped to become his childhood was not a happy  one his father was a tyrant and often   beat his son for not studying enough  and failing during Secondary School Hitler reacts defiantly to pressure he becomes  a dreamer escaping into fantasy worlds he seeks   comfort in exotic Adventure novels and above  all the music of rishard [Music] Vagner the   Opera in Vienna for over50 years it has  been a place of longing for music lovers including young Adolf Hitler standing in the back  of the hall he and his friend kubitsek experienced   the spectacle of Wagner's musical theater  extravagant sets tragic Heroes overwhelming   [Music] music both Sight and Sound are supposed to  blend you can't turn away you can't lose focus you   are completely captur Ed by what's happening on  the stage if you transfer that to politics into   a stylized and perfected political performance  then you gain the undivided attention of your audience on their way to power  the national socialists too will   rely on extravagant sets and passionate  performances Hitler will take his place   at the front of the stage manipulating  masses now and forgetting the cheap seats Forever at the beginning of 1920 Hitler is still  a nobody in January the Treaty of Versailles   comes into effect assigning Germany the blame for  the first world war the consequences are costly   reparation payments hundreds of thousands of  young men lose their jobs in the military outrage   spreads across the country across all party lines  the Treaty of Versa is seen as a treaty of Shame   this will later play into Hitler's hands this  is the piece of paper that you can blame and so   it became a fantastic propaganda tool for Hitler  he could point at the Treaty of her sign and say   look what they say here look what they do here  and it was this concreteness of what was seen to   be so unfair that made uh made it such a wonderful  propaganda tool despite the fact that in reality   it wasn't by mid 1920 Hitler is a local celebrity  in Munich a beer hall agitator best known for his   fanatical speeches but to further his political  career Hitler needs more wealthy supporters and   access to the salons of high society dietr eart  a journalist Bohemian and an opium addicted   anti-semite is more than happy to provide him  with both eard aend Hitler OT recognizes Hitler's   political talents and chooses to support and  promote him eot introduces Hitler to wealthy patrons after all Hitler is penniless in  1919 and 1920 he eats at the soup kitchen   in Munich Hitler has practically no money  whatsoever and no education to speak of and   these people the wealthy patrons see something  in him that he himself has yet to see they see   him as an upand cominging politician the  opposite of the typical politician of the day without access to high society Hitler's  rise in the following years would barely be   conceivable wealthy women from Conservative  Business dynasties also promote Hitler like   elza Brookman and Helena beckstein they  gladly give their money so that their   Protege can instill the values of the rich among  the population make Germany great again Hitler   is one of the most prominent representatives  of a new kind of counterrevolution it is a   kind of counterrevolution introduced by the new  right-wing leaders serving the general public   the so-called folks minda their every desire on  a silver platter folk mind shaft is basically a   synonym for the renewal of the country and  a rebuilding of the nation for the next War to achieve this you need new leaders new faces   a completely new style and  Hitler promises to be all that August 13th 1920 the Hof Bry house the  2,000 people filling the beer hall are there   to hear Hitler speak the star orator of the  nsdap by now his speeches promise a spectacle you have to imagine these beer hall rallies  like attending a concert people pay an entrance   fee and wait in lines they don't just happen  to be there Hitler speaks it's announced on posters Hitler begins carefully asking why is  the nsdap Turning against the Jews he lectures   about honest labor and the exploitation of it  he refers to the Jews as parasites and points   to Jewish big business as the main culprit for  Germany's misery Hitler speaks for hours without   a microphone he could almost whisper he could  just as well scream he could sound soft he could   sound hard he spoke very visually he was always  making jokes it was easy for him to Captivate an audience they roared they cheered they  interrupted him this was something that   Hitler was particularly good at using  to his advantage and then the climax of   his speech the former Frontline Soldier  shouts spitting and foaming at the mouth   what today appears to be the performance of  a Madman was considered a revelation at the time only someone who wants something from the  innermost conviction someone who shouts it out   is truly convinced of what they Proclaim in  other words this is no paid parrot not someone   who just reads from a script this is someone who  earnestly conveys the conviction of their beliefs   and this leads to Hitler assuming a unique  position as spokesperson for the people of [Music] Munich cobore Castle the dark history of  the Town Beneath The Fortress is no longer   visible but in the 1920s cobor was a prime  example of the growth of National Socialist   power in October of 1922 the German nationalist  protection and Defiance Federation calls for a   day to celebrate Germany up until this point  such occasions had been an excuse for older   gentlemen to get together but in 1922 Hitler  arrives with 600 Storm Troopers of the sa in   tow the sa was founded as an athletic club but  it soon had only one goal left the intimidation   of political opponents crush the skulls of your  opponents this will become the attitude adopted   by the Storm Troopers violence used deliberately  as a form of communicating propaganda assaulting   people or provoking a street fight will attract  the attention of the press it is a way of showing   that the war is not over it continues as a  civil war left against right Storm Troopers   against Communists and Nazis against the Jews  the Democrats and the Republic itself Colberg   is one of the earliest examples of the language of  violence being perfected and communicated to the public within a few years a poorly  outfitted group becomes an efficient   and deadly paramilitary unit  challenging public [Music] order the Storm Troopers become the party   Army without whose brutality  Hitler's rise would hardly be conceivable their model on Italy's fascists  in October 1922 Bonito musolini and his   black shirt supporters set out on the  march on Rome assuming power Hitler is thrilled the success of Italian fascism  especially between 1922 and 1924 is electrified   in Europe's right-wing politicians and perhaps  the most important thing the Italian fascist   accomplish is they reached the rural and  working classes their movement is seen as   an example and a blueprint that can be followed  Hitler has become the unchallenged leader of the   National Socialist Party with Limitless Powers  he has also gained a group of loyal followers   who glorify him with the title furer leader  men like Rudolph Hess who had later become   Hitler's Deputy but the national socialists  are still just one of many radical right-wing groups January 1923 as a result of stalled  reparation payments from Berlin French and   Belgian troops occupy the ruer region  of Germany now one crisis follows the   next hyperinflation wipes out the savings of  countless citizens over the summer and many go hungry the viar Republic is struggling anyway it's  struggling with its legitimacy it's struggling   with even Basics like bureaucracy trying to  run itself it's struggling with Revolution on   the streets it's struggling with polarization  and all of a sudden you get a year it's just   it's a terrible year and all people see is  despair more Despair and even more despair   Hitler exploits the desperate situation  his attacks on Democrats Communists and   Jews whom he blames for the loss of the war and  eventual downfall of Germany are increasingly   well-received this is a situation where someone  is declaring an intent to build an entirely New   Germany a new and strong German Empire a  Germany with a population United in their solidarity it's an attractive message and   offered to the people providing  them with a vision and a simple solution in 1923 the national  socialists achieve a dramatic   breakthrough in Bavaria increasing their  membership to 55,000 but one man still   dominates right-wing politics in Germany  retired General Eric luden the icon of the nationalists in the fall of 1923 Hitler travels to   byro home of his great Idol Richard  Vagner once worked here in the Villa vaned September 30th 1923 once again a celebration  is to be held in honor of Germany this time in   broid Hitler's first meeting with the vagna clan  takes place on the sidelines of a nationalist   rally in the vonf fried Villa Hitler meets Vagner  son zekri and his wife vined the beckstein owners   of Germany's most renowned piano Factory have  arranged the meeting vined Vagner is Charmed by   Hitler's modest appearance and zigfried Hales him  as the coming savior of Germany he writes thank   God there are still German men he must get the  job done they have V Hitler a devotee of Vagner   has been accepted in the Master's home while  Vagner himself is no longer alive his family   his Villa and his piano were still there this is  a form of advancement the symbolic significance of   which cannot be overstated this is truly huge and  not just for Hitler himself this event highlights   the fact that Hitler is now recognized and  well received by Germany's upper classes the   highest Circles of German intellectuals and  me MERS of the bis accept him as one of their own shortly thereafter Hitler decides on  a gamble November 8th 1923 the leaders   of the Bavarian government meet  for a rally in Munich's burer Bry Keller with a squad of Storm Troopers  Hitler bursts into the Hall declaring   that a national revolution has begun joined  by en ludendorf Hitler coerces the heads of   the Bavarian government the Reich and the  police into supporting the coup but things   don't go according to plan the moment Hitler  releases people from the hall his Revolution   implodes those who had just agreed to  support him begin calling off their orders Hitler tries desperately to  save the coup leading 2,000 loyal   supporters Hitler and ludendorf marched toward  the center of the city but at Munich felt heral   the coup is ended when State Police open fire  on the procession a total of 15 pists die the   man next to Hitler is hit by a bullet a few  inches further to the right and history would   have taken another course the plan backfired  badly Hitler attempts to flee the country and   the only reason he doesn't reach the Austrian  border is because his car has engine trouble Hitler will soon rewrite his failure as a  sacrificial March Of Martyrs and his survival as   an act of Destiny but in February of 1924 things  look Bleak the National Socialist Party and the   Storm Troopers are banned in Germany at a trial in  Munich Hitler ludendorf and their co-conspirators   are accused of high treason but Hitler takes the  public by surprise taking full responsibility   for the coup stating he had wanted the best for  Germany in claims the coup only failed as a result   of betrayal and it's at that moment actually  where complete failure turns into sort of partial   success because Hitler made of the trial uh a  quite effective media moment he got news coverage   across Germany quite prominently day after day the  judges clearly admired him the presiding judge was   heard to say at one point what a splendid chap  this Hitler uh and that that is in many ways the   impression that Hitler made on a lot of Germans  through this trial so he comes out of the trial   a considerably a bigger celebrity than he was when  he went in even General ludendorf is forgotten by   the media Hitler's Narrative of being Germany's  failed savior impresses his judges they hand out   the minimum sentence for high treason 5 years  with the possibility for parole after 6 months lansburg Bavaria Hitler  serves his sents in the local prison he enjoys comfortable quarters  with his loyal followers by his side he   spends much of his time reading and  receiving visitors who offer their support moment it is at this time that a  group of patrons and reporters gather and   begin making pilgrimages to lbur they visit  Hitler often and try to persuade him that   he has the talent to become a leader so we may  ask wasn't it actually them who tempted Hitler   into Power feeling empowered Hitler writes mine  com my struggle an idealistic autobiography and   a powerful piece of propaganda his years wasted  in Vienna and Munich are reinterpreted as years   of study his traumatic experiences during the  war are Rewritten as a trial by fire for a future leader Hitler shares the ideas of  Houston Stuart Chamberlain a political   philosopher an outspoken anti-semite who  was born in Britain and lived in Dresden Germany Chamberlain is Chamberlain is  The Mastermind behind the Aryan worldview   his books are holy texts for the Nazis shortly before Hitler's attempted coup the  elderly Chamberlain grants Hitler an audience it   is a deeply moving experience for both men  Chamberlain believes he recognizes a leader   in Hitler a leader that Germany is quote giving  birth to in its hour of greatest need for Hitler   the encounters like being knighted by royalty  he is inspired and reflects this in his Infamous   autobiography well my really has two purposes  one is biographical he is essentially describing   his own development uh rather untruthfully  uh but he he is is perfecting essentially   uh his biography for future reference so he's  positioning himself within a certain political   National discourse in Germany but secondly it's  a compendium and a summary of all his views   Hitler uses mcom to outline what  will later become his political   Dogma Eugenics anti-Semitism as well  as a struggle for Resources by German expansionism the central dogma is about  the competition of species in that they   should be competing for Leen realm that  Bloody struggle is normal that one race   starving another race is completely  normal normal in the sense of good   harmonious the way that God meant for things  to be this has been disrupted says Hitler by   the Jews what the Jews have been able to do  is to get ideas into our minds like Mercy or   reciprocity or solidarity and those things  says Hitler are the real evil those values   those ideas they're the real evil and the  only way to get those things out of our   heads is to get the Jews from the planet Hitler's  sentence in lansburg ends just before Christmas 1924 he is released 9 months early in this  photo the Nazi leader appears Earnest and   determined the photo was taken by hrish  Hoffman Hitler's personal photographer and   close Confidant Hoffman has been a member of the  National Socialist since 1920 his studio and the   party's office are in the same building  Hoffman Frank Nam s Hitler in the center   of his compositions he stages Hitler's  power shaping his Public Image like no other hman Hoffman's photos  have the appearance of candid snapshots here a politician is shown  in action in all kinds of situations   as often as possible here we have the  alternative to a conventional politician   both men understand the power  of images and use photography   as a form of political advertisement their  image-based propaganda is unprecedented in Germany Hoffman's portraits of Hitler begin  to appear ubiquitously as early as the late   1920s they range from official portraits to  candid pictures from magazines and tabloids it is a flood of images that  will make Hoffman and Hitler Millions anyone believing that Hitler  had been defeated by his attempted coup   is deeply mistaken Hitler has  never been more confident he   will revive the National Socialist  Party and enlarge it across all of Germany in 1926 party members begin to  agree about the direction of the Party   Party leaders in the Northwest favor socialism  one of the leftists is Joseph gbls he's an   enthusiastic member of the party following an  unsuccessful career as a writer goo sees party   leaders in Munich as quote old-fashioned  Big Shots the part is threatened with a   split but Hitler Waits only making a move  once he is certain Hitler and Hitler has a   very unusual style of leadership it's very  abstract as a result people often believe   that he doesn't quite know what he's doing  but actually his approach is a very clever   tactic for gaining leverage ttic Hitler  finally decides to remove the opponents   of nationalism effectively stopping the growth  of leftism in the party but he chooses to keep Gobles he invites the gifted orator to join  him at his weekend retreat near beus Garden in Geral Hitler sees enormous  potential for the future of the Nazi party Hitler had a very high level of social   intelligence he was able to make  close friends and then maintain them you cannot force Allegiance essentially  people came to him and chose to follow him this is also true for gerles he will  remain loyal to his furer until his own death men like him believe in Hitler   unconditionally and become  crucial supporters of his power viar in early July 1926 the  national socialists gather for   a party conference it marks the  beginning of a kind of fura cult from now on the future of the party is  determined entirely by Hitler photographs   depict him as a savior accepting homage  from his disciples loyalty is demonstrated   through quasi religious rituals such as  the christening of a new party Banner   the so-called blood flag a grim relic  of the failed coup it's striking that   so many of the Nazi leaders certainly  including Hitler were lapsed Catholic   the Nazi movement sort of breathed this air of of  a kind of secularized Catholicism and the use of   the blana that every Nazi flag was supposed to  be consecrated this is an example of this sort   of oddly you know Catholic oddly ritualistic  cult that the Nazis had Hitler presents himself   as a leader with a divine right to rule he is  on a mission made holy under the sign of the swastika new Berg The Old City sitting  beneath the Imperial Castle will become   the Showplace of the Nazi Movement by  the time the Newberg rally takes place   in 1929 Hitler's Public Image  has been firmly established in Germany in August 1926 a quarter  of a million people crowded into   the city to see Hitler a nearly endless  procession of Storm Troopers march by   Hitler and other party celebrities have themselves acclaimed iconic photos are taken  in newberg's main Market Square   documenting the party's fighting  days as a time of struggle and sacrifice Hitler is firmly in the  center his supporters stand in the shadow VRI Vagner attends the event with her  children staying in the same hotel as Hitler few people know about Hitler's close relationship  with the Vagner family both have real interests   at stake hilter's rise opens up opportunities  for the vagnar as he raises their reputation   and popularizes the brro music festival there  are candid pictures and footage of vred vagna   and Hitler for example sharing a cup of tea when  you see these images it is obvious that he feels   insecure for once he is not the infallible leader  instead his relationship with vred vagna is one of dependence she promotes him finances him and  supports him this Inner Circle to which she   also belongs is not Beyond criticizing him they  are invested in his success and hope to achieve   something through him there's speculation about  Hitler's private life in the fall of 1931 his   relationship with gy Ral ends tragically his step  sister's daughter takes her own life with Hitler's   pistol he's devastated but maintains his role  as leader he uses her death as an opportunity   to further his propaganda publicly claiming  that he no longer has any personal attachments Hitler claims that he now will devote his entire  life strictly to politics and serving the German   people no one knows that in reality he sleeps in  late not waking until noon he constantly surrounds   himself with other people and feels uncomfortable  by himself the propaganda figure he's creating has   nothing to do with Hitler himself as a matter of  fact Hitler replaces gal with a new woman shortly   after her death Ava Brown the public will only  learn about her existence after the end of the   war by the end of the 1920s the Nationalist  Socialist Party has its sight set on winning   elections the emphasis of their campaign is on  Hitler's cult-like image and his appeal to the   masses the difference with the Nazi party compared  to other little cult followers and cult fig fig at   the time is that they organize across Germany  and they take over organizations infiltrate   organizations naify them from within so you  need that kind of tactical skill in addition to   the cultic Savior figure the national socialists  managed to gain supporters even in the smallest of   villages this will be one of their strengths in  1928 in areas with a high Protestant population   the party registers up to 20% of the vote in the  country at large however the party still must do   with a meager 2.6% NP had the Nazis relied heavily  on public speeches the party needed the vote of   rural populations so they sent representatives  to personally introduce their program to the   residents of smaller towns these people naturally  felt that they were being taken seriously the effect of this strategy cannot  be underestimated people were not   necessarily convinced by the political  beliefs of the Nazis yet were convinced   by their efforts in cobor where the party  had marched 7 years earlier the Nazis win   the majority vote in 1929 cobor becomes the  first German City in which the Nazis take power that same year the stock market collapses in New  York City the whole world slides into an economic   crisis including a debt ridden Germany once  again Hitler profits from Germany's suffering in   3 years over 50,000 businesses close the economy  contracts by almost 40% in Berlin Chancellor hinr   Bruning governs by means of an emergency decree  with the blessing of the head of state Paul Fon   Hindenburg bruning's cost cutting measures further  exacerbate the crisis the state seems helpless in   1930 the number of unemployed grows from 2  million to 3 million by 1932 the figure has doubled only a few years after a hyperinflation  large groups of German Society are again slipping   into poverty Hitler begins an ongoing  campaign against what he calls the [Music] system Hitler's straightforward Promises   of Salvation are well received voters  flock to the National Socialist Party   you had of course the background of economic  crisis uh the world economic depression which   had hit Germany particularly badly so you have  people looking for a savior and here I think uh   we have to give him credit for uh really the uh  consistency of his message however uh repellent   it is to us uh the fact that he was offering the  German people a way out uh of their impoverishment   um essentially by uh reanimating the economy so  he offered an appealing political program in his   election campaign Hitler denounces the excesses  of global capitalism a stance that also attracts Communists the rise of the  Communist Party following 1929   furthers the polarization of the political  system German Centrist voters now feel that   they have only one choice left between a  communist future and a national socialist future this in turn leads  to the erosion of the middle   class and many Centrist voters now tend to support Hitler in September 1930 elections are held   it is a landmark victory for the Nazi party  the national socialists become the second   strongest faction in Parliament but this is  not enough for Hitler he wants total power in Germany in the crisis ridden Republic  one election follows the next no other   party leads a campaign as modern  as the national socialists [Music] they flood towns and villages with promises to   rebuild Germany they present themselves  as a party for the future Against The Establishment the rice president is an  80-year-old man the country's leaders   are generally older politicians this means  that Hitler can present himself as a younger alternative a humble Soldier a private  with an iron cross someone like them this combination of youthfulness  and appealing to the common people was a   conspicuous and highly successful propaganda  move on the part of the national socialists   propaganda the Stormtroopers continue  to incite violence in the streets as   a strategy Hitler's thugs cause  unrest while complaining about   the incompetence of the police Poli the Nazis  systematically undermined the authority of the Republic the Nazis played a kind of tricky game  with legality on the one hand uh the Nazis through   their storm tribers were clearly subverting and  attacking uh the rule of law um when they were   prosecuted they presented themselves as Martyrs  being victimized by the legal institutions of   the state they progressively delegitimized  the viar state by making it look unable   to preserve any kind of order or rule of  law during the elections in the summer of   1932 the national socialists are clearly the  strongest party yet once again they failed   to win the majority Hitler fears that  his strategy of Legally seizing power   could fail he gambles demanding the president  Hindenberg appoint him Chancellor but Hindenburg refuses o October 1932 cobor  the town prepares for Hitler's visit swastikas are everywhere the local  Nazis are full of confidence they have long   since achieved what their leader in Berlin  has failed to do gain an absolute majority   yet images of unity within the party are  deceptive there is a storm growing among   the brown shirts there are forces pushing for  yet another another kudeta Hitler is under pressure especially when the Party begins to   lose votes for the first time  in the November election of 1932 but then Hitler unexpectedly profits  from a rivalry among conservative politicians   General Kurt Von scha and his opponent  France Von pen are both competing for   the position of Chancellor it is up to  the president to make the final decision Fon Poppin suggests that Hitler be appointed  Chancellor and he Fon Poppin become Vice   Chancellor Hindenberg relents hoping that once  in office Hitler Will Be Tamed a grave mistake   Hitler's unbridled determination for absolute  power has been underestimated once again we   have to recognize that Hitler really did have  some rather intuitive political skills Hitler   had an incredible ability to read people whether  it was one-on-one in a conversation or whether   it was reading people in a crowd he could sense  what someone wanted to hear he could sense what   someone or a crowd of people wanted him to  be and then he had considerable resources as   an actor so he could act the part that he  knew someone wanted from him January 30th 1933 hinden BG appoints Hitler as Chancellor a   dangerous political agitator  and an anti-semite prone to violence thus the Nazi party comes to Power by  legal means they celebrate their Victory with   a torch light procession through the Brandenburg  gate in Berlin Hitler's successful rise to power   had to do with circumstances the tragedy of  World War I and the Decay and dismay and the   turmoil after World War I in the viar Republic  and to do with his own character his belief in   himself his Iron Will and his able to learn  how to manipulate and to orate to the German   people Hitler has made it he has proved  a successful strategist and manipulator   what's special about Hitler is his vision  of the world and his the sincerity of his   belief in it he wasn't actually making clear  to everyone who was voting for him just how   radical his vision was so the conditions that  brought Hitler to power were not so unusual   but Hitler himself was an unusually radical  figure Hitler just seemed like a solution to   an extremely unstable situation to many  people who were prepared to accept the   ethnonationalist exclusionary aspects of  his rule um that was the price they were   prepared to pay for economic regeneration  political regeneration making Germany great again this way Hitler awakes hope  in millions of Germans he's still   Bound by a coalition but soon  he will reach for absolute power
Channel: criminals and crime fighters
Views: 20,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hitler, Nazi Party, Rise to Power, Weimar Republic, Munich, Adolf Hitler, Anti-Semitism, National Socialists, German Workers' Party, NSDAP, Treaty of Versailles, Hyperinflation, Great Depression, Mein Kampf, Stormtroopers, SA, Propaganda, Fascism, Nazi Ideology, Political Opportunism, Nationalism, documentary, Hitler documentary, german history, criminals and crime fighters, Adolf hitler, Hitlers power, hitler's power series, hitlers power series, holocaust
Id: zTfNEQR4-94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 11sec (3011 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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