Adolf Hitler’s Address on the Sudeten Germans

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the structure right mr. eldest they certainly hopes and best impression of an unofficial brown ultra spray him for his own delight the star Jennifer itís them lie don't leave an unassuming from pile I've been universally reviled like 3d design and only kind of Undine heir to Damon Germany Miss Taylor said is not willing to give up its interest in wealth political affairs and just stand by without doing anything in the face of three and a half million sedating germs investor a year then starts manipulation London physician but of Dutch interested haveeru trust in verse 11 footsmart open a little stir I want to should statesman in Paris and London that they are German interests to which we are determined to take care what is message either by Rendon an anorexic slated for me I know it's another brand racy investment for the registered as naturally Frank income in Dana on Jerry Clower for sanity's old assistant gain and northern area fire on gay drugs and even of bismillah various that's wonderful oops I shall know 20 catch up to Steve you refer to a declaration which made before the job Parliament and healthy free stating that there are national questions and that the way of germ policy is clear I'm almost 15 does Alfie the operator can be a regret civilian hunt after Allah chill out so the net is a start make further back to the dark pit them Birds not their fateful Hollywood happening sacrifices have their limits and the German Aussie state of the day must not be mixed up the imperior state before 1914 Osprey it Tom Rashida's misunderstood him lova destroyed earning in jerez and I nice weather alert doesn't drink don't meh unterhaltung about Anna Lisa correct or to the team Vienna bacon tastes manipulation awesome Sultan in DC are in the cheapest of a kind of Ferengi dominant endows and Percival on he defaults optimal been extinct remain divided stuffing minbari losers in prague from the whole help a kite that changes impossible choice member first lady i detected auction on tundra not salalah did not love to decide to be Sandra masonic reservation although any group of the violent long as obstacles at least I Jerusalem the changer hero come to buy all think it thus as AI seus hospital of you your April tie anxious through in Franco madura ki get through these anxious true she either demos Legendre hospital the city to start a society assaulted his oldest incidental darts and ibrahami right entitled an Uzi tomorrowland it is not at all in question 24 a ton of damage breaking up to Stephen oh Jesus demonstrate shown for the radar applause evening science lesson a front it says review a Venice delusion toward Slainte the troop mopey agri-food Stern to find a modular changes of a guy mr. Hitler said that communal elections had been well to be held in check Czechoslovakia but that the prof government was afraid of the unity of the girl minorities and that they wanted to use brutality against those three and a half dome sedating germs and that mr. Boehner light to them and let the elections did not take place for any other reason under coach of the franchise and could say again up to give all these information law stretches of how Jesus my long is the boat shop and undergrowth must suffer till mornin some diesel changeable hope to tie bar as for type is a clear Oberon slightest by the old he will get out the bronze league heroes of advocate I'll already Prager a hero Brown city's Betruger as horrible period hurling a caricature present value hydrazone the canyon of nostril position does essence to diesel tightly pain duchess or not merely to Varanasi Fenton Crichton's cosmic religion mr. Hitler says that president Benes of Czechoslovakia used the situation not March to declare that Germany was mobilizing and that therefore the czech army was also mobilized but mr. Hitler cells now let not one germ soldier at that time had received order for mobilization campagna stop it juggles or mobile is yet for the not too distant of appreciation she died a hero if you obsidian evolved with the military said broke chose action of the birth of a new system whoo damn it oh we are similar to the girl who dis identity and an immorality electrical energy mr. Hitler just now branded the aims of Chicago select got government as criminal Oh topolice electric tiny grossly start of artistic and cultural roper to al amir or both fascinated looting greece 2000 palin deutschland kinda obsessed bazaars I'm gained overjoyed for the carotid you mind if I directors who didn't touch the staging room is fertilizer he allows only seen these other ordinance of Allah 0-2 go often does the steam least is our third slunt for eggs frozen and hold to the chase you ordered Alton intervention England's own franchise to retrieve visionary Seattle 15 by the potato soup thus any clothes must I tried to smile I nostalgia neither criteria Valentina to come mr. Hitler said that Germany at that time had no intentions to interfere and that's jonrosh therefore did nothing but they're just because doing nothing had been claimed to be a job business but the big power he said not for a second time would stand such an insert notes Medicaid consequent circuits organ it's been natural arsonist or not further Avant they engaged Uncle IRAs about to riches are he have drawn now the necessary consequences said mr. Hitler and an s National Socialists and I am used to rebuke any attack for a little meal to eat the chocolate syrup thus I get tortured I cannot see any of our lives and resistant sign of credence leave resources of cavity gannon got the end of the treatment of me spendin he heralded original case number of a stock transistor my csv ramasamy awful essence the under condition for start or desirous of the loo profit would not mind avail him suffer horribly her vitac angular the state was telling now about the instructions he gave on made 28 the increase of our armed forces over Samardzija receives a tremendous applause in at the procedural given the site that hasta la vista my daughter dusti can't assess the des Festivals very alert item in ostrava Rufus you just said that since me 28 the most gigantic wealth of fortification is in progress along yo Ryan each other's traditions Rick and yet albo inspector distort church prosba visas took the dog with an annoying of truck bigger air hockey maram it therefore the best tools for inspection for use in an event will speak enough scientists organ is a torus is a nice I relative right extend life to an a la cycle for blood he must in innovating it's all mental under God's investor festival these are tireless in principal big lift bar are about donor in the order that you thought so summing Agnes y una Astros ipsec poses elevator this later said that a general building from saw had been appointed for him to bility fortifications long as Orion and that right now 278,000 workers are occupied there in fortifications were infantry division indigenous materials roster and reserve a spot little anjali video shop allowing the torture i spun roan mare fast lately a thousand Iseman below the his outfit row and keys Patrick Dailey him a hundred thousand dollars the torturous the festival biet not for I broke the stillness welcome at that design the complications along the Rhine Messiah is surfing would be ready before the end of the year he said that every day a thousand railroad cars are bringing material for the border for the building applications in today's a grunt I'll start of the tone in from Thailand driving unit aethelstan imperialism PPP suffered two kilometer right state dispatch at five in oven he said if front of steel and concrete at several spots almost 15 kilometers deep is being erected and that behind that phone a United germination standing a horrid easy abolish the instrument a lot like to give us owned and freed and so let's see if they're on the kind of singular son and a vital I know that threatened that parts of question also tells of a guy in end lows are Roberto to say the things i said i have made these tremendous efforts to further the peace but i am not willing to spend any more attacks by czechoslovakia been distracted now lay that the whole organism came for most of the from the procedural clear inclinable rules to send the demon so gay toss out a tourist yeah we are not going to stand for any length of time he tactics or president Benes of czechoslovakia first must be torture darlin is suspenseful stimulation but here is unbearable opposites or since kind of razzle a Venice but these ins who didn't touch the tragedy saintly to him the harmless relation and I units Davis about screw who knows who he is undefiled when the Democrat in our little Charles as I a Cindy's valve no.20 be a little to the throat wound up parts of the sheer biggest tambien tissue era for alarm he called him freed me at salutes many third of a kind of travelocity he's are beneath the father of the state those thoughts on tried I'd be only for a thousand of the written down woody doesn't empathize i'll be on a blender to new LCD poveri la Stella Navarro back in Telugu that right I'd be all induction in the table bhumika over all of this I demand the right of self-determination of the three and a half million Sudeten Germans to whom mr. Benner has no right to make a presence they themselves have the riots to determine well they want to belong to and I demand that the three and a half million germs no further be oppressed order I fiat the saber said i am sorry i would be sorry if my new bond should harm our relations with four nations but i have to stand for it that right might not be turned into wrong the almoner ever since their laws on tonight fellas who he tortured in the chains of ok Cindy davia lose Nazi SS who apps referring to Palestine may be unarmed but the three and a half sedating germs are not hopelessly left alone and not unharmed these clover he's lowered this Corral and empathetic Osprey listen on him to first multiple traitor will attack us I should go with dynamic cv snobbishness mattresses from both gallant appearances a senior anime is often seen men hiding out sherwin I cannon CVM iroha products and through stamen ready for him Johnson touchable crystalis the steering least 14 and 32 sighing feminine girl right there is also a title age Raymond indeed are swollen a consequence it's all results a dragon you would not deserve to be germs if he would not be willing to take the consequences on our shoulders when via the owner how to through Moodle apparently the internets moral concepts inclined stop globe their toxin tenzig referred from finna be ended here on the funeral in the gear ring in delightfully cut in Turks and right and start a tenets of all the Amir is an autumn Pleakley her impossibly I'll see him flirting Jesus Yara's in Rome stunt willemien early people see his face to the men's right into client site Roman who demonstrated through planet house magazine would be coalition via thousand on under type thousand you are a home fasten your vegas next of Odin Rossi analysis insider murdered konsi hindered lighted site or feeder him a swearing Italian who does Roger a third slant Cena's collection of revised of you has seen the regular realtor not shown and the meninges and sinful actions nor EFS I become a lion tau vim root east of Adam nairaland son of a mkay streak they have Borden mr. hitto record his visit to Rome last spring when he said he became conscious how little one thousand years mean in the course of history and then he became conscious that Germany and Italy had become new nations based on old generations innocent or mr. that I get in touch about sort of our godson build a super tainted to be even us even have is that those and father and take them to migrate from ikea bosnia's domani starches right these data is now referring to you history of Germany and mentioning the oldest German Empire the holy nation Ernestine Carmen food king and also affordable antica ended the slave after hard to prevent i mean jealous of stunt italian starts all right but let me take this remote bastard survived historic who not so the thousand-year in a growing sense i play even Germany was asleep or quite some time that it is now to waken the religious sisterhood saying easily Dolphus tales and the darling I stylist look on an eight-day mood spoil it down for kite for an investing with unrivaled on authorities and under Reagan when an alliance of lysine and unrolled of a malicious different her landmark else's career and Elena near a nick in photography the supervisor first know it only distribution right can also be the snow again Maurice torture right sin in bar height a cluster assignment but grouchy tool even a like-kind investigation to be a parent yeah witnesses of a new Renaissance mr. Hitler said and other nations should study history no my tent world can anymore remove the presents newly born nations of Italy and Germany referring to Germany as a Germanic germ rice not sonorous types or nearly two worthy suggest our core group under this tree that they must watch on that raft or at las night old testosterone furnace focus k ng known reader knows i am driving but around a city of us why you change our structure Oh nacho nacho sorry Sebastian Thrun see harmless left the store to help don't be the next Oaks home grounded or food we are deeply as me Vidal who died in Atlanta be inspiring the sound realities of our own store taser the stator said our national pride has once more been strengthened and you after this part of Congress go back to your homes and show the world proudly that you have regained your pride again he he the state law just has finished his speech and leader of the meeting just asked the audience to give him three Gia's a victory which concluded his speech the Columbia Broadcasting System has brought its listeners the broadcasts will be addressed by Adolf Hitler before the Nazi Congress at Nuremberg and interpreters interrupted the address at frequent intervals to paraphrase in English the Chancellor's remarks at this time we present HV Kaltenborn Columbia's veteran an analysis in a resume of the speech just given by Adolf Hitler in the Nazi Congress at Nuremberg Germany HV Kaltenborn good afternoon everybody Adolf Hitler has spoken and the world has listened the world has listened because it feared that this speech might mean war it may mean war but not immediate war certainly if there is one thing clear from what Hitler said so eloquently so forcibly with the chairs of his supporters ringing in his ears it is that there is no immediate intention of forcing of crisis there was nothing in the speech that was tantamount to an immediate ultimatum there was in it and through it all a very definite declaration that Germany would no longer tolerate the oppression as he called it of the pseudonym Germans in Czechoslovakia and that Czechoslovakia would have to reach a settlement with the suited and Germans or the Germans would see to it that a settlement was reached that is in a word the substance of the speech however it contained much interesting material some of it not directly relevant to the Czechoslovak situation except insofar as Hitler sought to emphasize throughout Germany's complete preparation for the next war he told us for example that the Germans on the Western Front that realized one of the mightiest achievements of all time in creating there a 15-kilometer depth of fortifications made up in the most modern style with concrete and steel on which at this very moment 278,000 Germans are at work day and night and on which he said they have been at work for two years and he cited such things as the 8000 carloads of materials that are going to that western front every day in order to compete these fortifications which he says will be ready completely ready before snow flies he made a very direct personal attack on president Danish of Czechoslovakia charged him with being hypocritical with tossing about empty phrases with telling lies about German mobilization you will remember last May it was universally reported that the Germans had mobilized opposite to the Czechoslovak frontier and we do know that the checks mobilized and may 21st was a very important date in the history of that whole situation because that was the first great crisis and it is generally believed in the United States that because France and England stood together threatened to intervene if Germany marched into Czechoslovakia and because the tricks themselves mobilized their strong little army and kept it on the frontier that on that account there was no or Hitler says that is all a contemptible life Germany did not not mobilize Germany did not call out a single soldier Germany is not going to stand for any further falsification of the facts in connection with her attitude towards Czechoslovakia he says that he says that the checks have denied to the soda Dayton Germans the right of self-determination all right which as he emphasizes is inherent in the Democratic principle that he says is something that Germany insists must be changed president Benesch he says is not in a position to make presence to the suited in Germans but the sooner than Germans demand their rights and Germany is going to stand back of them to see that they get those rights and Hitler adds that he should be very sorry if that would create trouble between Germany and other European powers he calls upon the world to realize the contributions that he has made to peace he sets the fact that he has come to an understanding in a ten-year packed with Poland emphasizes the Germany could build a navy very much larger than thirty five percent of the British Navy and that yet he has freely accepted a pact with Britain to limit the German Navy in that way he cites the fact that although Germany possessed elsass Lorraine from 1871 until the World War she has voluntarily renounced a change of frontier on the Western Front doing all this in the interests of peace but he insists there must be no misunderstanding of Germany's attitude he cites the glory of Germany in the distant past that 500 years before Columbus discovered America already there was a great German people which he was developing an important culture now he says there is a new Germany as there is a new it today and both these nations need never again subject themselves to troll from the outside they are determined to defend their hardly one achievements opposition to the pseudonym Germans in Czechoslovakia and to their natural rights he says must cease German patience he declares is nearly at an end and he calls upon president finish to arrive very definitely and very promptly at an understanding with the three and a half million Germans in Czechoslovakia or else and they're his threat is unmistakable it is a threat to use german military might in order to enforce what he considers the rights of the German minority
Channel: US National Archives
Views: 94,427
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Keywords: US National Archives, NARA
Id: Ym8led_1ZS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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