Adobe XD Advanced Animation Tutorial - Igor Vensko | Hottest In Design | EP 1

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you [Music] do [Music] so [Music] steal my lady spiders in the mirror and film it can't be right back to the scene of a friday night full of blessed is still frozen time spill drink is deeper than the sound of the best part of my life [Music] around [Music] is [Music] out is you don't want to listen even when the place is [Music] don't make a sense [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] is brandon gross and we are the game changers [Music] designers creatives alike we are in a world that runs on value our next designs will be the shiniest our next animation will be the most buttery ladies and gentlemen game changers let the games begin ladies and gentlemen welcome to one of the very first episodes of hottest in design this amazing broadcast is brought to you by adobe xd and we want to thank you guys for showing up because we have one amazing guest his name is igor vensko we'll be introducing you to him for some of you guys you know him for some of you guys he is new but he's going to be showcasing to us today how to make this absolutely beautiful piece that you guys see on screen here today first off i want to say hello to everybody in the chat we have what's going on dave ux hacks we have mourinho we have fergie vickus henry creative journey and so many more hello guys welcome we have a couple of announcements before we get into igor and bring him up on stage and have him tell us a little bit about himself his work and what we're gonna do today three things one today what we're going to showcase to you guys today are really igor the links are down in the description you guys have access he gave access to you guys um to the adobe xd file so you can go down it's the second and third link in the description you guys can download that and follow along second thing do not forget to follow igor all his links are down in the description and thirdly if you guys enjoyed this session and want more of these it will help tremendously if you guys fill out the survey second link down in the description as if you want more of these we gotta have some of those surveys filled out all right guys so with that being said here is eagle how are you doing my man how you feeling hi everyone i'm fine thank you hi everyone my name is igor wenska i'm a professional web graphic ui ux designer and always try to create cool projects and today i will show you an interesting project with interesting animation in adobe xd that i have never done before and i will try to do this quick and easy to understand for you so you know i'm ready and we can start i hope we will make it in an hour it's a lot of stuff guys really igor was like brandon i'm not sure you know you said an hour but i'm not sure if we can do this um by the way if you guys have i know some of you guys are watching on you on instagram as well if you want to check out the adobe xd files you want to ask questions you want to have some of your questions asked in the chat um whether that be for me or igor come over to youtube link is in my bio come join us and we'll see you there all right you go up sharing your screen what are we what are we getting into first okay first i show this project because you know it's in adobe xd and let's see how it looks um we have this animation that i want to show you and i need to tell you about this project this project was created for design of tournament and this kind of animation i want to try create a long time but when i heard that this the designers need to create a game platform yeah i decided this is project for this animation because you know every game always had have some trailers or covers or wallpapers some graphic assets and at this moment i'm not a gamer and i just want to check what games released in this month in in may and i'm going just find some pages like this and choose three games random games this is resident evil destiny and assassin's creeds then i found some cool wallpapers and covers for every of for each of this game and i like horror games and yeah i decided this resident evil it will be my you know kind of video animation in this project what's crazy is you did all of this in like an hour and a half when you were building it no maybe that yeah but you know this project take me three hours and 15 minutes for this project got it uh for the project i found on google phones this cool phones with his name sign this fit for game game platform of course and find this cool trailer with game just download from youtube and now i show you how to create all these assets i'm prepared for quicker writing i found this wallpaper for destiny and assassin's creed and let's see how it works i have this background and i like this character then i just need is the latest character usually i'm using potato but when you don't have any i don't know color corrections or you know you don't have time for photoshop for example you can just you know isolate with mask in adobe xd wait hold on you can do the mask with the pen tool and xd too and yep here we have simple mask whoops then i'm just copying paste this background and make make mask with this character wow i always bring it into photoshop that's interesting and then but in this case i need my background without this character because it looks weird in this case we can go to photoshop and detail photoshop and use just this tool spot healing brush and click to remove this character from this background oh hold up [Applause] what uh save this background and we have our background without character all right we have to go we have to go back i know you're tr and here's the thing we can always bring you back but that you're doing a lot of like i didn't even know so let's let's back up like 300 real quick because there's a lot of people are like whoa hold up you can use masks in in xd cool i think that was a little bit simple um but let's go back and kind of show people how that was done so you you made essentially a shape and then how did you pull him because there's two things here i i know what you did but let's go back to how you made the mask and kind of like dissect that a little bit okay one more no thing you went you went fast i know there's a lot here today maybe we can do like part one of like three okay i'll just pick this path too and just make some shape this is simple shape we can make like this and close this path the fill fill this mask and like i'm just copy this background because i need my background right behind and place it under wrist mask under my background use all these two layers then for example right click mask with shape and okay this is shape isolated object in photoshop got it all right cool now let's go into the photoshop piece because i don't think that's where the second they're like wait where'd it go so what tool did you use to well first off how did we get into photoshop within xd can you explain that real quick connection from adobe xd in photoshop if you want to edit this image in photoshop you just click right click and we have added in photoshop and we are going to photoshop with this image and in photoshop i'm just you know i'm use one two spot healing brush that that just remove all things all elements that you want of course it's not perfect and sometimes we can just add some clone stamp too use clone stamp and make it more more precisely got you and you just so just so everybody knows clone stamp tool in the healing brush but what's important is that there's a lot of people don't know there's a nice integration between xd and photoshop which is why i wanted to have igor rewind real quick um because i think it's important a lot of people in the chat were like what is going on what's that where all right so essentially he used a mask he pulled out a background piece um and now he basically is just saving it in photoshop which saves it in xd all right and now we just press ctrl s to save this image and this update in our xd file okay now i have prepared one images for game this is will be character and background the same things i create for another product but this is same technique i'm just going using mask or isolated and again i just can't one more time go to the photoshop make this spot too and this is super quick and easy what you make it look easy you're like i'm just gonna paint this person out there you go good night like this okay now we have background and our character and now i need to create this kind of assets for my resident people and in this case i'm best download trailer simple mp4 and just drop into photoshop now we have this timeline we are going to window timeline if you don't have it and we have full this trailer in photoshop now i need to find exactly the same frames that i want to use in my video in my animation and just crop it oh like hell in my original file and video on instagram i'm using maybe 20 30 frames but today we can make it maybe longer like this and we just crop this trailer in this video i planned this animation add to adobe xd i'm just saves it save it i can't wait to see how this is gonna work out this is probably the most quiet i have been on a on a on an interview so i can just be like hmm get the real secrets guys okay now i need to isolate this already dimitrisco i'm just copy this video layer then right click merge group and i have this screen i have this frame like one picture then just export like png name it resident background and let's let's create new document and then paste the same screen and i need isolate this lady okay while you're doing that i'm gonna try to regurgitate what we've done so far because we are moving at three million miles an hour and we ladies and gentlemen in the chat i see your questions flying we have 75 people in here so just be just be patient um okay first off everybody igor they're saying you're blowing their mind okay it seems so far we have a video we have a still image we're cutting out her as a caricature and i'm actually curious this might be something you answer for us um did you and some people in the chat are probably wanting this as well the video that you exported did you bring the animation of xd and the video that you exported and that you cropped together in after effects or how did you are we gonna get to something are we gonna get to that explanation i i will show it a a in the end of this time cool sweet as long as we're getting into it sweet all right i'm gonna be quiet now assets all right cool okay we have this character part without hat and you know in photoshop it's not a problem make just add like this make selection then again i'm using clone stamp tool and just add this hat that's how you did it i was like her hat is not there that's crazy man and this is like the things that you bring you're always like what do you mean brandon this stuff is so simple i'm like well i didn't think of that i'm made maybe make some shadows and we have this assets then just export like png and rename it resident character and now i can place it in my project and make it same size like previous assets and now this assets need to fit perfectly like this let's resize it and now we have all assets for our page and and prepare this template with you know text this is simple logo with font on the left side we have this released mounts and three names titles for our games and of course a button more info let's place it to our project but first of all i'm select all these backgrounds and make corner radius 50. now ah we can make it now like this lady democrats can residential we can make it with other characters and just resize for more deep effect like 3d now i'm just focusing elements that's it behind my text remember like and it's spaced out and everything swayed guys he does all the calculations in his head there even he just put them there and it fits almost almost did the last one you know i need to move a little bit but even still and those in the chat don't worry we will have time for uh there well there will be a time for questions we might not get through everything there's a lot here that igor wants to get through and i would like to get through that's why we're racing through things so if you have questions it's okay the chat is going to look there's a 20 there's 70 78 of you guys here on youtube um but there will be time to ask particular questions so hold them until we get there but i've already taken store of some of them who are some of the questions that i've already been asked now we need to create background for each of these okay i'm just copy this background layer paste place it behind all layers and rename it because we in future we can have some problems with this and i'm rename it and add object blur in 50 and maybe opacity maybe 70. okay same thing i'm great for brother [Music] backgrounds through size little behind all of the blur and playing with opacity in this case we just create some cooling backgrounds right here nice and paint is done all right so this is the base now we're gonna get into i'm assuming how you got those crazy animations and then we'll so guys this is also why we dropped the xd file down below there's we're glossing over a lot of the basic stuff some of you guys might have wanted to know well igor how did you do like the logo the the things of that nature we're spending a lot of time today on the animation which is why we've spent past like two-thirds of how to make the basic uh form so igor go ahead okay now i'm just a group my first game green grove and my that's including game this will be groups and rename it in destiny and assassin and this game resident evil will be just layers for you know for more for interesting animation i need that this project will be in layers i don't know how and you will see okay now i'm just duplicate this artwork and in this moment i need this i need to tell you one thing that i'm i don't know uh i have a lot of time to understand this in adobe xd but it's crazy thing uh in the bixby when we move our group layer outside our artboard then go to this paperbox pasteboard this gray background and when you create animation you will have some problems with this because you want to move it to to the top for example and this project this layer and group just flow yeah and one problem is you must remember that you need to [Music] wire it up your artworks with auto animate transition before you will move your layers if you move your layers and then add animation it doesn't work but when you first of all add transitions for example i'm wired first and second screen going to auto animate is the in out situation 2.5 in this case when i move my group it's always will be inside this artboard what the way i've been doing getting across that is by grouping things i didn't know you want to wire everything up before you animate yeah that's new it's working it's strange but it's working okay guys move these layers like this and it still will be in this artboard it's one important thing with for animation that that is mind blown right there i swear okay now we have all these three videos and we can animate now i easily can select all these layers and move up and my layers always will be in this cardboard first now the top and let's see what we have yeah it's working my second one didn't it was like i will not be told what to do yeah i need to yeah rename the name blur or with the naming yeah oh i start from beginning okay so then blur and just rename it blur and again up this airports add transitions and move these layers now you just you just open the world for us igor we're like wait that's a thing we even have people in the chat like yeah you guys didn't know that well it's news to us okay [Music] and now we can make it more interesting for more interesting effect i'm using a 3d transform and let's make it i'm just select this background and go into 3d transform and rotate in x and megrik position like here and select my character and make it the same maybe move to the top there we go maybe more and on my second screen i have the same folder with same names and i now i can move all these layers for more parallax effect move up make maybe this text and we have on first screen we have 3d transform and on second screen we have zero in our 3d transform and in this case we will have this effect when our background has tried up and for our resident people we can create same things just 3d transform let's rotate and be like this it's character too they're very it's beautiful people in the chat are like this is enough this is already created enough just for me i'll take this and run from screen i move some elements down and we will have this it's beautiful same thing i'm creating on my last screen with 3b transform okay it layers down and then last screen move these layers up now let's see okay yeah it's working [Music] yeah cool now let's play with this oh we can make it more cleaner in adobe xd i'm just select all this artboard and change high like my viewport high 810 and it will looks like this simple three prince now let's create this animation i'm just copy this second screen and from last screen from this button when we when we click we're going to our last screen and let's make animation for this button i have this simple group with text and circle and add one more circle place it behind and change fill in this same color and i have two ellipses and one text then i'm just copy this button and place to next screen on the first screen i'm change opacity to zero and on second screen i'm resize this ellipses and rotate this text in this case we will have animation for our button like this maybe move it to the left and now we can make this background to 0 in 3d transform character 2 and let's fit like this okay now we can even resize this element to the left and this is it to the top now when we go into our second screen then press on our button we will have something like this and after this element after this screen we will have our animation it's i can't wait to see how this is done because this is what i haven't been able to understand the entire time okay now i need to back to my trailer in photoshop delete this image and we have this a video oh what i need is just export frames from this video i'm going to export render video and in this place i have adobe media encoder and choose photoshop image sequence then select folder and just press render now we're just exporting all these frames let's see oh you're exporting them as like p uh like a png sequence uh like jpg essentially yeah oh you are sneaky you are a sneaky eagle okay i can't wait to see how you do this and we have i know 77 frames holy cow okay now we need to create for each of this frame one arbor this is 77 airbox and place all these frames in these armboards yeah if you think it's a lot of time so you just have like 70 000 however many sequence things yeah it's likely animation all right if you guys haven't already hit that like button and followed eagle right now i i will personally haunt you this is crazy in just space for this airport okay um now if you i don't know if you duplicate one artboard you can create press ctrl d and you know duplicate but in this case when you want to add transition you will need and this 77 times like this it's so boring now we can make it easier just copy one then go into prototype add this transition and in this moment i'm at transition use transition dissolve easy none and duration 0 0.2 i duplicate these two artboards and just add an add transition to between these two upwards and we have only four bubbles now i'm copy one more time and again just a transition between these servers and same things i create admob and we have yeah some people are asking why not ae at this point i think honestly it was because of just it may have been in while we're duplicating things there might be a great reason to suggest why you built it this way rather than go into after effects and just slap the two exported videos together for me you know it's like i want to create this in the bxd because i have now this option at this moment but i want to create a video in the bixty because anyone can create in after effects you know yeah but in adobe xd is something different yeah and that's what for everybody watching like this is not what you would do if your boss is like hey can you take this clip and like it's 3 000 in whatever frames you do not do this this is a no-no do not take that from this what igor um because like he said this entire thing was built for design off which is literally you had an hour and a half to put something together and he was testing himself to see could he kind of do everything uh in adobe xd which was i didn't even think this was possible a lot of the people in the chat didn't think this was possible um so if you had something that was you know frames like this rather than you know because even in my mind i'd export a video my animation in xd i would export that i would have my video and i would go into after effects and i would put that together or premiere what have you but this is actually a really interesting workflow you know it kind of opens up a new new way of working so you might not do what igor is doing here but there might be another way that you know you might have been working on something and being like oh i can't you know have gifts in adobe xd but i remember when i watched igor do this and oh this is how it was done so options hashtag hacks now let's add our frames to the bixby and make it same size like our our boards and just make distribute horizontally too much now we have our artboards and screens and just place all these frames to our boards and that's all now we place another portion [Music] let's take some times but it worth it [Music] there you go and he's just using for those of you guys who are wondering like how is he moving all those things he's just using uh his distribution tools to very simply um move things and he even knows his shortcuts for them guys i don't know the shortcuts he didn't even go put his mouse to the right hand corner of uh adobe xd he's just pressing numbers and keys to get them where they are but you know we just re we just need to to to read the command line a little bit more for adobe xd okay now we have one and we're still good on time man we have like 20 minutes left oh yeah we're good on time [Music] everybody's saying he's so fast so diligent um some people are in the chat are asking about anima have you tried anime at all no no um it's a it's a xd plugin and some people were asking could you utilize the gif ability in there to do something like this yes um however it would be um your outcome would be a little bit different it cut animaka unless it's changed it takes what you've made in xd into an actual prototype something that lives online so if you're going to be showcasing what you have online or your prototype not in xd but on the anima platform yes of course you can do that huh last one i'm doing work and at this moment guys for those of you who while igor is very diligently adding all these things together we will be having guests every week just like this so if you guys haven't already uh subscribed like the video we're gonna have amazing individuals like this in each week and if you're actually for watching this and you would like to be a guest as well there is a link down in the description or there should be actually probably isn't one but anyway dm me on instagram um or just uh leave a comment here on the video once it's here and saved if you want to participate or who you would like to have on as a guest in the future i'm super excited about this series okay now i need to create one screen for this animation when we click on this button and just copy this resident character and background and resize for this and if everything i do right okay that's animation oh no um how the enemy yeah how the animate is in out and maybe two seconds let's see full screen here we have this pulse screen oh i forgot nope we have this all these lines but i don't this is gonna be great man i don't even know how you did this because i was like oh he must have just like slapped the two together and i never would have even thought especially crunched for time that this is a solution and transition dissolves zero oh okay it's working from huh okay and this cardboard i prepared some elements from my previous screen and let's set more interesting effect at this point we have this zoom but without all this text and just copy and paste to this screen and just move some elements to the right go to the left make it and like says platform i'm just make it positive to 100 button pin press and rotate move to the right and make capacity to 0 and we have this release date text copy and paste then rotate and move to this day like this and let's see now yeah this animation and let's add this menu on the left open paste and move to the left and set the opacity to zero and now i have this power and add to my last screen for more interesting effect and again use with 3d transform and copy these three elements copy and paste to preview screen then just select transform okay move to the right opacity 0 same thing for this trailer button rotate to the left pass it to zero and rotate this cover move to the right and past it to zero and you're just setting everything up you're basically like start here and here that's kind of what you're setting up at the moment for those of you guys who are um following along and not sure what exactly why he's doing that he's trying to exactly he's like hey i want you to start at a degreed angle and come in flat this is looking really awesome and we have full animation okay and if i do everything right at this moment we will see this magic [Laughter] of the the long form gif in xd okay okay let's see maybe it works this is our page one moment whoop up it's broken it's broken it didn't work on the click or it didn't stay [Music] yeah it's going oh yeah and back okay one more time and then one two three sometimes it doesn't working uh it's a process ladies and gentlemen while we're figuring that out igor by the way i see some of you guys over on instagram if you want to come and join the chat ask questions things of that nature come over to our youtube channel the link is in our bios the first link there um and come join the fam we have about seven days strong up in here and we would love to have you igor as well as we traverse this amazing project and we learn a little bit by the way again this video will be up for you guys to watch cherish uh re-watch over and over again we will also be condensing this down over this week to share with you guys in a more compact tutorial and igor has also beautifully let us have access to this file we'll be doing uh as part of our daily or excuse me our weekly challenge in our discord so we you know there was a lot of psa by the way guys essentially come over to youtube if you guys want the insider look of this xd project link in the link in the description um and yeah just come join us and i think it's working okay until sorry go back more okay now i need to add all these elements to my seventh seven artboards oh my god oh no how select and what place it you just select the artboard and just press ctrl v and then it's there yeah can you do that to all 74 at the same time now let's select this arbor and ctrl v and we have [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa something doesn't right no that's great you are like the the secret opener of like hey guys if you know this was possible in xd what the hell we have people in the chat saying i am losing my mind right now me me too okay oh oh it wasn't on the timed it was on the tap yeah there we go that always happens too it's like things are so confusing you're like why aren't you going and of course it's the it's the tap rather than the time for that select all this time and delay zero yeah there we go ladies and gentlemen time delay zero and i hope it it's working let's see this and well did one what why i wonder it looks like uh oh never mind no oh [Music] oh it's reneged what is that first artboard the first uh png artboard or jpeg artboard look like okay i need to fix it again let's press right here [Music] and um yeah i think it's working all right please hey yeah no just no why all right let's check the because it's stopping on these uh on the image ones it looks like no it looks like it's stopping on the first one oh yeah and it was it just not linked oh my god that was it all right there we go yeah it's working wow clean man that's crazy the fact that like even if there's like a short little segment that we want you know with that background stuff like i know people are like you know we should do it in after effects i'm like if it's a short scene i'm gonna do it in xd now you know i mean and and laura did mention that video integration is coming for xd so that's gonna be awesome and now just i'm going to add some rectangle on last screen oh maybe okay now i'm just make fading dark got you and copy this layer on my previous opposed to zero on our last screen i have opacity 100 and copy this layer and go into my first screen paste this layer and set the positive to zero then set this one up to my first screen with timeline time zero yay maybe yeah and it's need to be working and in this case we will have some fading black and back to our first screen after this i love video animation i love how that zooming is so smooth all right it's always that last little one okay process zoom and why i bet it's it's i bet it's the timing i bet it's on tap or something what about the the acquisition huh maybe it's one of the earlier ones then oh that looks like it's not connected like that whole row isn't connected any duration every duration what about the the slide before that though or the screen before that oh yay working okay one more time now we have this video and then fade in black like some of those aren't linked yeah it's that whole bottom row see that's the sneaky stuff why why is this i was like it's stopping at a uh it's stopping at a weird part people in the chat saying i have no idea that you could do this in xd i uh just need it working on my laptop so i can start playing with xd again i'm glad that this is eye-opening guys like this is what this series hottest in design is about bringing the hottest designers on the internet to the front stage to show you guys what's up in xd there's all this cool stuff on the internet and a lot of people are like well how do i make it so we're bringing people the right people to the stage to show you exactly how to do this awesome stuff so that's it's a pleasure to hear that and yeah we were all holding our breath on that one we're all holding the breath parking that's awesome and we're right on time too we literally just hit five o'clock like that was the hour oh yeah oh and this of tournament we had some secret element yeah with this game among us among us game yeah and you know i forgot this there were some people on uh on when was it last week they were like he doesn't have the among us in the uh and i was like no he does you have to look at the last scroll it's in there okay let's make it jumping characters like this okay now let's create a component one two three then add power state move this that is up our state move up power state and move up then select default date and copy on previous screen and [Music] i love it and what is the secret teleman that is awesome man igor that's crazy guys again if you just popped in the link for this particular project is in the link in the description this is something that we're going to try to do with each one of our guests as they come and show you how to do this amazing stuff we're also going to offer up the project files as well so you guys can learn along and it will actually be part of our weekly challenge if you guys want to learn a little bit more about that go in the link in the description and join our discord we're going to have what exactly this week's challenge is and the lucky winners of that actually get some uh amazing adobe x or adobe swag we're still in the in the thought process of what that stuff is but if you guys want to join today's or this week's challenge join us in the discord uh for more awesomeness and the uh chance to win some adobe swag for this week's design challenge submission i love this easter egg stuff okay this is the end that is awesome man this is this is very well done all right so is there anything else we want to talk about about the design because i know we're at time here and there might be questions but it's while we're you know this is in a beautiful spot here we finished on time is there anything that you would like to go over is there any questions in the chat um that you is there anything you would like to go over before we close out here and go into questions real quick ego i'm leaving that to you oh okay you know i'm just want to say uh to all designers that you know do what other designers don't or do or do it completely in different way because it's more interesting and more fun follow for someone and then recreate his stuff elements animations projects and move it and make it more interesting because of your because of your animation and animations or add some elements just try and experiment with your projects do all all what you want that's all i love it i love the experimentation example i think that's really big you know i think a lot of i think what makes you super awesome in these you know in adobe xd or just really anything it doesn't even have to be adobe c i think um every time we talk i'm like wait hold on how'd you do that igor and it's because you play in the tools that you use regardless of uh even though you're not in dark mode in photoshop we'll let that slide um uh you know you do it's because you know all the short not know all the shortcuts but you dig deep enough to know all the shortcuts you dig deep enough for no to know what can and can't be done in xdn which allows you actually to solve problems creatively rather than looking at what other people have done even though that does help to a degree but um you solved the video problem in xd by being like oh i can just export all these frames which is highly creative make x amount of uh uh scenes in xd and just you know make that happen i literally thought coming in here today that we would actually be opening up after effects which wasn't true at all so um thank you so much igor uh the the audience man we got around like 80 plus people to to show up today um both on youtube and instagram to watch this live so um if you guys have any questions in the chat we are uh wrapping up we already are over six minutes i did i don't want to steal any more igor's time um but it's up to you eagle do you have about four more minutes uh yeah the the deep sigh okay we'll make it we'll make it two minutes um if you guys have any questions let us know um all right put it in the chat what are the best resources you found to learn design question to you igor one more time please sure what are the best resources that you've used to learn design oh youtube you know there is a lot of free cool tutorials now you just find what you want you want animation you just you know write animation and found something cool cool stuff youtube youtube and youtube youtube igor and youtube guys yeah it's cool place for find some cool interesting animations and tutorials in right hands of course for sure agreed and guys if you have any more follow-up questions again all igor's stuff is down in the description he's highly active on instagram and he also has a youtube channel that you should definitely check out tutorials from all different kinds of what you saw here today um so definitely check out his stuff i will ask igor um what is the most challenging thing that you face in learning design whether that be now or when you were starting your career and that would be our last question for today and how did you overcome that or are you still overcoming it i don't know i'm just i'm just trying to do my best in every project and every time i'm learning something new but you know just trying another program another application try to do something different and then place it in one project and you know self self-taught you know it's my no it's my religion so you always need to learn something new because no one don't want to make it i would say make it for you just you need to find some knowledge and you know interesting facts interesting tutorials and you make this project or this work best only because of you just just learning all the time yeah i love it all right igor well thank you very much learning ladies and gentlemen pick up youtube check out igor and just do something for yourself that you've wanted to put together try to put in projects if you can but always learn and try to do your best work every day all right igor thank you so much ladies and gentlemen don't forget to like the button go follow igor and uh igor will see you on the next one all right igor we'll see you thank you for joining us have a nice day thanks all right guys like i said ladies and gentlemen if you haven't already like this video this amazing production is brought to you by adobe xd and we will be here with you every week to bring yet another amazing designer to you to the stage to do some interesting things so with that said if you like what you saw here don't forget to subscribe join our discord and for those of you guys who are wondering about the challenge things of that nature we will answer all those questions in the discord so we will see you there ladies and gentlemen with that being said i will see you guys on the next one and until then your boy brandon gross is out see you see you next week if i can even find grow spot where's my tunnel i don't even know where it's at it's just it's it's crazy out here anyways ladies and gentlemen we'll see you on the next session of the hottest in design alright guys peace you want to be one of the hottest designers in the world you want to build your talent your skills through hard work and more importantly surround yourself with a team of individuals who are striving towards greatness with you and yet you sit there and you ask yourself internally brandon does a place like this exist and my answer to you would be of course that's exactly what we are doing in our discord we are the game changer we are a group of designers artists creatives that want to take our skill sets talents and dreams to the next level we come together to give feedback on each other's work give resources and laugh a lot of it and help push each other to be our best selves if you're interested in becoming the next best you and quite possibly yourself while chatting with many friends join your new design family today see you there [Music] you
Channel: Brandon Groce
Views: 2,064
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: adobe experience design tutorial, adobe xd advanced, adobe xd advanced animation, adobe xd advanced course, adobe xd advanced prototyping, adobe xd advanced tutorial, adobe xd animations, adobe xd tutorial, adobe xd ui animations, adobexd, advanced animation, advanced animation tutorial, advanced design tutorial, brand0ngr0ce, brandon groce, ui, ui ux, ui/ux tutorial, xd, xd advanced, xd advanced animation, xd advanced tutorial, xd animation, xd animation tutorial
Id: S3eL-Y3WPrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 22sec (4822 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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