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Column rules! I'm so happy I could cry.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/strayslacker 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Still not interested in monthly or yearly subscriptions.

I want to buy it, download it and own it. Just like before.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/dtheme 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

Those are pretty underwhelming.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/firthy 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm excited for variable font support! Was hoping to see a bit more from this release though.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dannisbet 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

Here are the new changes in quicker text form. For what it's worth, while variable fonts hopefully will be cool real soon now I'm probably most excited about the stability and performance improvements:

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/tvshopceo 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

A little bummed I can't run Sierra anymore.

Guess I'll jump to Mojave.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ionp_d 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Is "Select everything on all pages/spreads" one of those?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/excalibur_zd 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello InDesign nerds it is that time of year again Adobe have released their new version of InDesign is InDesign 2020 this video I'm going to cover all the new features that from the kind of beginning of what I think is the most important right through to the end of kind of the more obscure things to keep you around though for the whole thing I have given you my top five tips for InDesign shortcut to type things that is right at the end so check that out it's well Who am I I'm Dan Scott come on Adobe certified instructor for InDesign and why wouldn't you trust me look I made a shirt this is I love Adobe I trust me you should trust me let's just get into the video Dan all right all right it is my favorite feature in the new version of InDesign 2020 and it is Colin rules it says line down the middle here before you have to draw it with a pen tool or the line tool okay and adjust it depending on how big your column was now it's all automatic it's part of the object style okay so I drag it makes it bigger I can do the color move it around up and down and I can even turn it into a style swatch this other paragraph no columns no line really City big day on using a bita copy of this office has a little bit slow but you get an idea it's pretty cool huh it's gonna add the line for you pretty nice it's aligned in the middle let's work out how to do it though alright put it in our column rules we're going to find this page here I'm gonna turn w2 to my normal mode back on and type tools right up a type box within my little margins there and I'm going to fill with placeholder text now if yours looks different from mine over here just go to window go to workspace and just make sure on essentials and then click reset essentials and yours a look a lot like mine go so got my text box I'm gonna hit fill with placeholder taxes I'm getting used to the properties panel quite like it now loads of useful stuff in here so I've got that what I want to do now is split into two columns and you like but it's not over here why is it not over you used to be at the top and you've got to select up a little instead of a look with that text box you've got a circle with a black arrow can you just have this text box selected and you'll see here's my tics frame options I've got two columns and I'm gonna put my spacing up 2.6 inches all right so there is my columns nothing to new here but the new thing is the line in the middle it's pretty easy either hit this button here so remember you have to be on the black arrow select the box that it's in click on options okay or command B or control be on PC if you're used to using that shortcut and in here we're gonna switch to column rules and then that make sure previews on its off by default and voila we got aligned in the middle okay and it adjust depending on the size of the box and let's go through just the basics in here start and finish pretty easy if I go up okay it's positive numbers makes it come in okay or come down it does the same distance from the bottom you can unlink them to do them separately okay you can do them so they're negative okay so there are negative numbers in here all right a link going back up and still impactors zero horizontal position just left and right you see it moving there okay and Stroke weights it's all pretty easy I'm gonna use one of my swatches and nothing much else now the things I want to show you are you might like soon as I saw this it's like oh can I do something like this and maybe I'll sit at a bit and they may be lower than tenth okay you could start doing some interesting kind of paragraph things for sure good minor but you get my idea right there's some sort of reusable thing design option thing anyway it's in this bag 2-0 I'll speed through this that we're back let's click OK and next thing you want to do is probably turn into a style because I got lots of pages here like this is the old way I did it this I found this document cuz it's like I remember during all these lines so what I did before this new feature is I was on my master pages let's have a look my a master and I put all these these lines here on every page the problem is is that if there if I made the column Heights different if I made it up like this these wouldn't come along for the ride a bit of a pain so let's go back to my page so let's say this one here I want to apply it as a style so we'd think I don't know if it's weird and I always feel like it should be a paragraph style but it's not okay so what we're going to do is it's gonna be an object style yeah object Styles those Styles you never use okay so you have to select it with the black arrow it's got a window because we're not treating it like type we're treating it like an object let's go to styles let's go to object Styles let's make a new style let's give our style a name I'm double clicking it and we're gonna call this one what are we doing column body copy go and you'll notice in here there's one called text frame column rule options obviously you can make changes here but I've pulled mine from that or all looks good it's click okay so now I get to use it come down here and really City boom Kawai so it can be an object style can't be a paragraph style and that's the sweet new feature column rules I want to show you one last thing because just it's it's handy trick it's a tip and so there are times where you want this hitting to actually span across the the two columns okay because the content denieth is kind of related to this and I'll show you that and I'll show you how split columns so find it's a little bit tricky the properties panel at the moment it just doesn't show it you can click on this and it doesn't have it in here check yours though because people are demanding it complaining it's not around it's not easier fine so it might just appear there some stage for the moment there's two ways most people just go to window and turn back on the organ trial panel that they've tried to replace the properties panel with but I know something comforting about this big giant messy m-pin hold on the top and switch it to paragraph which is a stick and little icon you're looking for this like little bridge thing okay so it's called span columns have title selected in a two column layout and then go to this when it says I'm going to span all two of them or span one of them doesn't matter you can see it kind of crosses it across all of these do the same thing with should we try that one there you go he spans across so you can see what we're doing here we're kind of living that chunk of text be defined by this hitting and the same down here doesn't work for all kind of page layouts but you might have yeah it might be a way of you wanting to work can't explain myself probably one of the nicer options of that is you can also split it's in the same bit okay so you look under span columns find split and it's watch us ready call this elected click on it nothing's clicking come on InDesign oh it worked there it is okay I'm using a bead a copy of this so there are some slight little bugs but you can see the cool thing right you're like just split it into three column in a column okay you're gonna split it to two if my version works give it a sec here we go okay so it's so that you don't have to play around with tabs or how painful a tab yeah split in span you might be like I can't find it I can't see it up here okay the the long way to do it is if you want to find it say I want to do this one I've got a selected go to window go to type in tables paragraph and in here this little flyout menu there's one in here that says span columns and that gets you to the same place okay you just have to do it with this dialog box preview it on span all I'm gonna say spin I'm gonna turn it hit hung as a single column okay and it goes back to how it was before and I can do my split and span all of these sorts of things it also gives you a little bit more and control in here which might be useful for you okay so especially when you're doing like split and you want it to be on different columns okay you might want to add just that you have to do them all one go okay but you can explai sorry adjust the gutter between them okay I'll talk about this one here the space between all these guys all right that is it for columns plus a little bit of bonus action with the split in the span all right that's it I'll see you in the next video hey everyone this video is all about this guy okay he is an SVG format like a PNG or JPEG just another image file that you can use now in InDesign scalable vector graphics are new and InDesign couldn't use them up until this version of InDesign 20/20 I like it as a feature because I use them loads you'll see them on lots of websites and I'll show you a cool place to get them from and kind of some perks for using them let's jump in alright get started where do we get SVG's from anywhere they're coming all over the place I'm getting mine from icon finder calm I need a little gardening icon I kind of go to their free Victor options and you'll notice that a lot of sites are offering SVG ok they still add ai ai and there's no real difference in this use case okay except SVG's is getting super common so let's say that I want one of these let's decide I want this weed blobby tree gating I've gone on the SVG version and download it stick it onto my desktop and I've got an SVG one thing with this site though is if you click on it and go to view details I like it because often it's part of a bigger group of like icons you know just kind of picking one random icon by itself and trying to match them with us these are all free ones let's have a little look at InDesign so before you could only import AI files pin geez it doesn't weed stuff through the libraries but now I'm gonna use this one it was button import file you know you were gonna hit command D or ctrl D click the button and let's go to desktop and there's my SVG and magic the cool thing about SVG's if you haven't used them before is there the acronym is scalable vector graphics so they are Victor which is cool that means I can make them any size I like holding ctrl + shift dragging it bigger okay and it means that just a lot of formats are coming this way okay and changeable between programs other than Adobe okay because illustrator files are good but they're proprietary and EPS is nobody uses anymore if you're old-school like me but SPG's is a cool new little feature in InDesign 2020 not really a feature more of finally we can do that now all right let's get onto the next video all right my third favorite feature in InDesign I changed my mind it's actually the second I want to switch around SVG in this one because this one's actually pretty cool kind of a more of a workflow thing so if you've ever done a spell check like I have got embedded it in it and you go to spelling and change and do a spell check please it starts going through and you're like okay Center alright that looks right no I'm gonna skip that and you get to croak that's where I live it's the name of the area that I live and you're like actually no I want to go back to Center okay and do that one because I've decided that I've spelt Center wrong or I can never know which one it is it's ER or re anyway but let's just say I want to go backwards you like you can't well you can now look because you just have to do this right skippity skip skip skip and then if you had a long document you'd have to like start again to go back or fingers crossed you remembered to go back to fix that one but now you can go backwards start again from wherever you were and go skipping skip skip skip skip skip skip and go back to that one without having to all let's go forwards come down in there you go Center and I can say it's this one they have to be capitalized I mean my head is spinning not know which one to do I'm gonna leave it but yeah you can go forward and backwards now that is new and frustration relieving let's call it that alright let's get on to the next feature hi there and this next new feature for InDesign 20/20 is you can actually add shortcuts to your paragraph styles now you used to be able to do them only if you had one of those like number keep heads you know if you look down at your keyboard and you had that like group of numbers to the right hand side gave you didn't have those which most modern laptops don't have now okay you couldn't do shortcuts they were like fused to those things it was annoying now you can do the anything I'll show right now alright to sit the shortcuts to our paradise nails make sure you've got your window styles paragraph Styles open okay and in here I'm going to cut some styles already made so you need to make your paragraph styles but then you go through and say all right there's hitting one that I use for this company B as gardening at heart green at heart that's what it is double click it and in here the shortcut I can now I don't have to use the number keypads I can hold down I can hold on anything problem is we're using something like I know command H it's already it's not a sight of anything I assumed it would be and but I'm using command shift one for my hitting one and then much two three four five for the different kind of descending order of headings that I might have okay come on chief one and I'm gonna click OK you can see there's the shortcut for it I didn't have to use that pesky number keypad you can use any keys and let's say the subheading is going to be two and not assigned to anything I got a buddy copy I decided to use command ship is zero okay on the key bed came just using the numbers on the top of my keyboard and yeah I tried to use command should be because it's like that's good but it's already used for a bold and even if you override it it doesn't override and tried and hit command should be and it still makes it bold even though I've changed the shortcut I don't know why but hey ho punch of zero and you can do loads like it's great to have paragraph styles for numbering and all sorts of cool stuff so let's use them let's click on this box once command shift 0 ah body copy let's grab this thing in here command shift 2 because it's my subheading there's my other subheading there was one anyway you get the I actually know that it's command ship one come on I had a flow for this tutorial who's gonna look half decent as well come on ship - ah you're impressed alright so we just needed shortcuts to it it's not that big a deal but it was a big deal because you couldn't do special shortcuts on with the number unless you had a number keypad and I used them enough for my old computer that was actually thinking about buying one of those fancy mech number keypads but I couldn't justify the cost so here yeah problem fixed all right let's get on to the next video alright in this video we're gonna look at the new feature call variable fonts in InDesign watch this I can adjust the weight not just like going from light regular to bold and black I can actually just I can stretch them the width I can make them how italicize do I want them it's pretty amazing it's a font but it's not restricted to kind of a sit group of predefined sizes and styles you have full control crazy okay to find variable fonts in your characters panel in here delete what it was in there and just type variable that's the easiest way to do will just start typing variable you'll see that I've got acumen what else have I got on my machine everyone's gonna be different acumen there is minion myriad source codes or sands or serif there's a few different ones ok so let's look at probably the most complex when is acumen okay now you can kind of see there's all the different weights and things you just pick any one of them doesn't matter cuz we're gonna go and change them that's the beauty of variable fonts okay so the big difference between variable fonts and normal fonts okay either true type or open type ones is this little icon here click on that you'll know it's a variable find if you can see this thing if you can see it these are the cool little sliders okay so in here I can say actually I want this light to go back to zero okay you see it stood up and I'm gonna move this over I'm gonna grab my window type character just so we're not kind of working all the way over there okay so wait look at that just magically gets bigger so there's no like light regular medium bold black okay you can actually just pick the size you want it's pretty crazy cool okay same with the width okay I don't know who what typographer spend the time kind of connecting all this up it's part ness part design but it's pretty amazing huh okay so you can tell uh size width and weight you get the idea now not all of them have the weight width and slant okay there's a couple of different options but like most of them this one here it's you can see it's a concept font it's pretty crazy what they can do with it and but not all of them of X fistic ated and it's okay essence the one I was using in this earlier was source serif okay a nice kind of Times New Roman esque okay and the cool thing about this is it just has weight so what you can do is actually get it down to a nice kind of mm weight for this kind of middle stuff and then just highlight certain parts and go alright I want this first drop cap to be just a heavier weight okay and that's the fine control you can have a so cool you have to be a bit of a nerd to find it that cool nice alright that my friends is variable fonts okay now to buy them they are crazy expensive because obviously they take a lot of work you've got some built into machine depending on what you've got installed puppet n should become more and more popular and before we leave I'm going to turn off the hyphenation because it's driving me crazy so with it selected I'm going to go down to my paragraph and turn hyphenate off alright variable fonts they are available now in InDesign that been available in Illustrator for a little while now alright on to the next video hey there this new feature in Adobe InDesign allows us to find an image that I'm using the clients come back and say don't like it want a different version of it something similar but not quite this fella okay and you can see there's this feature now that allows you to go through and these all sorts of other stock images it's kind of picked them for me I didn't do anything I said just find something similar to this and it's also gone through and Fran lots of stuff from the Adobe stock library that are the same similar composition somehow bright colors it's pretty amazing how it goes through and find stuff that it's pretty close all right let me show you how it works all right to make it work you can select on it okay and right-click it and say find similar images and what's gonna happen is your CC libraries panel is gonna open and it's gonna go through and search Adobe stock so Doby stock is a paid service so I pay $29.99 us a month for 10 images that I get to use for commercial purposes and the cool thing about that license is that they add up so I get 10 per month if I don't use them they kind of collect I can't think of the term but I think to a maximum of like 150 I always have like 150 left over and and then I go through do a big job and end up using loads of them anyway what's really cool is that you can see it's gone through that was a stock image to start with so it's actually found very similar photographs from the same photographer from the exact same scene so the clients is nope don't like it can we can you be less smiley you can maybe use this one here or is this guy is it the same cafe you know same tile work that seems to be pretty popular at the moment but no different cafe another day oh hey there's two guys this guy okay you can see it's pretty amazing at the colors that it's picked and where it's from case that's getting a bit fake down here it doesn't so good this is a Dobby was it called a doobie sensei it's there like I'm not sure it's machine learning or artificial intelligence but it's they're crazy good matching scenes and compositions of people so if you do decide like okay that's the guy want okay this handsome fellow I could straight up license it but let's say I gotta go back to the client and say actually I want to just add a preview okay it's gonna download it to the library that I had open and then over here I can update it okay the easiest way to update it is you can just drag it out again but I can go to window let's go to links links links and links there it is and you can with it selected there's an option here it says re link from cc libraries click on that you pick the one you want and then this is not very obvious see down right down the bottom here there's one that says click relink there you go still got a watermark and you can go to the client pitch it say what do you think will your boss or your client whoever it is and if they do like it all you need to do from your cc libraries is see that little button this is licensed image okay I'm cheap no I've got hundreds left over but I don't want to use one horns in the tutorial okay so you click there and all that happens is this becomes a high quality version without the watermark and life is good but yeah you need that paid service so it's not right for everybody you can buy it from there there's all sorts of cool ways of doing it anyway I find it really useful for finding images that are similar but not the same we've all done their scrolling through stock library images and scrolls Carl ok this can can really help speed things along alright that is finding visually similar images and Adobe InDesign alright this new feature for InDesign is that you can now import colon or semicolon separated files instead of just comma okay in the past if you're bringing in stuff at that image okay you had to and this is what your database gave you and gave you lots of lists but they're all semicolon you then had to go out and convert it all to colons which is not huge drama but pin the bum so you can now just bring in semicolons if you're like what is he talking about why is the data sits on the screen what is that image I continue on in this tutorial I'll show you how this gets applied okay because that image is pretty sweet no the short version is we're gonna take this one-page document that we connect to that CSV and it's gonna output all of this all the names really quickly just by clicking a button so you be useful for yeah and this case it's gonna be swing tags for an event might be business cards might be tickets invites there's lots of reasons all right let me show you a quick once-over of what done images all right so the updates pretty simple but if you've never done a data merge document you might not be sure why it's white out emerges and why it's useful so I'm gonna give you a quick demo so just got a real basic business card layout and I want to add loads of people's names okay there's a database that I work with with their client okay the see mystic it kind of exports everybody's name in tends to be one of these two okay so it's either a comma separated file so a CSV which is pretty common but a lot of databases will kick out kind of CSV with a colon separated one and it's the kind of upgrade for the 2020 InDesign that accepts this one as well as this so before you to go into a find and change and switch all these out which was a pain but regardless of which data you've got now you can do it so how do we connect it up so what we're going to do is we're going to go to window I'm gonna go to utilities I'm gonna get it data merge okay first of all you need to connect it to a sort of data okay and a CSV doesn't matter member either a colon or comma separated I'm gonna use the colon or the semicolon one because because it's the new feature you can see in the end giving me all the first name last name all that stuff that was in here okay that's all that data cool so how do we implement it grab the type tool I'm gonna do a big type box across the top here and I'm gonna put first name I just clicked on at once okay and you can see it put it in there put a return into my keyboard sits underneath last name okay and down the bottom here I'm gonna have another type box and I'm going to delete all that and I'm gonna put the company name you know if you use all of this I'm just using these okay first name last name company name and I've got some styles already set up so I want you to be company name it's disappeared it's actually just white there is the F and this is gonna be maybe not business cards maybe swing tags for an event because there's not many details on here first name you don't have to add paragraph styles I'm just making it look nice okay alright so I've got my data in there nothing really happens right you're like that's not very exciting and you need it kind of previewing it is the easiest way click on well to get started preview it you can see it's pulling through the first kind of record from that list okay so it's grown where is he Robyn there he is there so Robyn's ended up first name last name intend oh where it gets really cool is when you click on this option here okay so create a merge document the moment is just one page you can see one page I've got one tab upload up here at the top they click on this a little button and you can mix around with this but we're just gonna click OK for all the defaults back relax and our huge document is going to generate a separate tab you can see it's kind of like damage done image - one it's made a separate document no tix was over set which is lovely okay and you'll see now butl the names okay so it's just one of those saving a million years of time okay where you can merge data from a database maybe it's in trees in a drawer or in trees in a fun run can you want to produce edges and stuff Oh sette price from Smirnov who else then okay very funny debt is pretty cool it's my last name all right so there's that image and the kind of new thing isn't that it's more just you you should be only able to use commas no you can use semicolons you're away all right on to the next feature all right we're getting into the Driggs of indesign updates but i'll show you them all because you might find them useful there's a little home button here click on this get you back to that home screen or the welcome screen that's some people love and some people hate it appears I've got used to words yeah that's fine that's perfect and the thing though is if you do click the home button it's not clear what's happened to all you have the documents I show you this because you need to click this little kind of Chevron back here to get back into it why it's useful it's probably the only thing I'm using it for is the search option up here so let's say I want to search for one of my invoices that have been working on and you can see it's giving me things like tutorials on how to make invoices except it's not quite perfect Support Forums all sorts of stuff what I like is this down the bottom here your work so all I do is I switch it to your work and you can see it's gone through and search for invoices on my computer that are InDesign files because that can be useful right just cut it down to InDesign files they have the word invoice in it and you can just you can do some filtering double-click them to open them all right one other thing is big cross over here to get out of the search then go back over here it's a bit weird you might be like I'm never gonna use them and I might be the same but anyway it's a new feature I like to try these things out and see if I can find a really good use for them all right onto the next video all right before we get onto the tips and tricks I wanted to quickly show you if you enjoy InDesign you want to get better at it you might check out my courses I've gotten design essentials and InDesign advanced be a link in the description for both of those we cover lots let me show you a quick little kind of run through now now this is just like the fast forwarded version of what we cover and both the essentials at the beginning here and there moving on to advanced now the essentials you'll find if you are new you that's perfect for you to get started but even people that are intermediate in design and really upgraded in a long time you'll probably find the essentials pretty easy you know useful as well but if you are pretty good you might want to jump straight into the advanced course and I promise if you've learned anything from this video there is tons more in the Advanced Course that both five hours a piece yeah that's what you're gonna get links in the description alright back into the tips and tricks time let's do it alright tip number one my favorite is click apply ok let's say that we know that there's ways to getting to everything right and but sometimes you just like I find this the most useful tip in InDesign is called quick apply just hit command on a Mac ctrl on a PC and hit return ok and it means that you can just type in I can type in bullets okay you can see there play bullets can I have to go and figure it out and find it out let's say they want to add a drop cap I know where it is but you've got to do lots of like compressing that that's not even open anymore trying to figure out where it is whereas I know if I just click in this paragraph and I go command inter on my keyboard and I Mac or ctrl inter on a PC and just type in drop cap drop cap there it is there drop cap nested styles and then I'm gonna temp preview on I'm gonna say how many lines you go I'm a drop cap sweet pick okay so if you can know if you know how to spell it you can use click apply to apply it alright tip number two is the flood slash key it's down in Mike my keyboard at Lisa's down next to the comma and period keys it's the ford slash mines kind of jumbled together with a question mark see if you can find the forward slash and all you need to do is click on this and make sure that the stroke is at the front remember you've got fill and Stroke I want to remove the stroke that's what I want to do and so we're gonna combine that key with the X key see the X key just toggles the fill and the stroke this works on Illustrator and InDesign and Photoshop ok so I want the stroke at the front and at the /ki cool eh I can click on this make sure that phil is at the front and hit forward slash just kind of clears off everything puts a no stroke rather than the hole over here going in here scrolling to the top finding none ok just use that four slash nice and simple and quick now before we go further I just want to show you some not very good shortcuts you might be the person who loves us and we've used /kx to toggle the stroke and the fill and /to remove it the two keys next to it next so there's a comma and a period key okay is if I have a box selected and I hit period or the full stop it adds a gradient and if you go to the comma it adds a fill so those three keys is fill gradient none okay and yeah anyway let's get onto the next tip damn alright tip number three is selecting things underneath other things okay so I've got the structure here where I've got some ticks underneath that text is logo underneath that logo is this big washed out logo and I think there is a bit boxes there's all sorts of stuff going on now if I want to select this logo here I'd have to send this backwards move that back forward try and work through my layers panel it's easy just to hold the command key on a Mac the ctrl key on a PC and click once ok and it goes through to the thing underneath take in you see it's picked this big kind of washed out version I've got take one more time and it's great the big green box it's just a way of kind of getting to things that are hidden underneath it works an illustrator as well and you never thought you'd use it look gradient fill none the shortcuts from the last one the idea so yeah hold command on a Mac control on a PC alright tip number four gratify it's useful when I'm bringing in lots of images so I'm going to import a file I'm going to bring in all three of these by clicking holding shift and clicking them all click open and a tip that's it's not the the exact tip that I'm here to show you but useful one is before you start putting these down you can see the is gives you a little thumbnail thought the next images if you use your arrow keys just tap left or right or up or down doesn't really matter it will cycle through the one so you can say actually I want that one first you know don't want this one I want this one okay and you can kind of work your way through it that's not what I came here to show you though just a bonus what do you want to do is while you've got them all three like that okay you hold down the command shift key on a Mac or ctrl shift on a PC click hold and drag out and you just kind of get a grid come on now your grids probably gonna be different from mine I'll show you that adjust the grid so to adjust the grid okay so you hold down that command shift or ctrl shift on a PC okay and don't let go of your mouse whatever you do don't let go of your mouse while you're dragging okay but let go over the other keys okay so let go and and so I'm still holding my mouse down and use the up down left and right okay arrows to cut you'll see how it works you can kind of split and divide okay so get it how you want so let's say I want three across and you go through across let go awesome you know undo let's do one more command shift or ctrl shift on a PC not negeri the mouse and I'm going to do it let's see four by four okay and you got a grid they're all the same size what you will notice is that the frame that it's in is not perfect you can see it's not all the images are all the same size but there's a little bit of gap there you can just tidy that up quickly and easily by the command shift C sorry command option C or Mac or it is ctrl alt C on a PC it just kind of snaps the borders to the edge it's a good way of getting started you can do some other fancy stuff is it fancy I don't know great the rectangle tool drag it out and don't look over the mouse so I still got it use up down left and right to get rid of a grid gun not that useful probably and fill with the gradient there's no end to that gradient application alright that's gratify the last thing I want to show you that last tip is changing your defaults forever changing fonts changing colors so they load every single time I'll show you a tune - ocean off forever so to make this work you have to have everything closed so I'm going to save and close everything close don't save don't save please don't save look it's a Toro files I'm like do I need them I don't okay so nothing needs to be open then you need to get a window workspace and pick essentials or any of them okay so you need to get back to here then you go to your total okay and you need to properties panel doesn't work and wants you to open a file up let's go to window type in tables let's go to character and whatever you put in here now will be your default okay so minion is everyone's default okay and you go in here and you say actually I want it to now be Mina okay you change the font size because nobody uses 12-point or you might you put it down to 10-point like everyone and you change the language everything changes if you have nothing open forever okay so paragraph styles let's do color swatches window color as long as nothing's open you can go into here go to use not color want color swatches where are you window color swatches even so in here if you're like man I never use these go through grab more just hit delete I can't do it myself because I'm a teacher and I need to yeah yours needs to look like mine okay so I need to keep them but you could just delete them may it's making you swatch cold you swatch called double-click it let's make it a process CMYK color and you put in your brain colors okay you type them in the ones you use all the time okay click OK and that will be there forever okay so when I go to a new document now you document yep a4 except in Europe and watch this grab a type tool start typing start typing in my crazy fonts okay with the crazy sizes would look my I picked an RGB document so it's switched my CMYK version to a GP but it's perfect okay so yeah oh I promised how to turn the hyphenation off forever so exact same thing make sure nothing is open okay and just open up your window go to your type and tools can do it your paragraph okay and in here turn hyphenation off because it's on by default I've turned mine off for any cuz that's the one thing I can't live without well I can't live with Stern hyphenation off by default there are lots of cool things you can do in paragraph a few haven't so have a look at like the paragraph composes single line versus paragraph that's something I do all the time we'd sort of if you do - ation okay how many litters okay so sometimes it's just too crazy so you want actually just do fewer hyphens because you need hyphenation but you don't need as much so everything you change in here will change because nothing's open will change by default anything you can think of anyway I'm gonna change mine back after this video back to myriad because a whole myriad minion I need to be the same as everybody but that's the end of the video I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to see you in another video my name is Daniel Scott how did I good people all right it's the official end it's me in front of the camera waving saying goodbye I hope you enjoyed the InDesign twenty20 video updates if you did give the video a like it really helps the video and me kind of do better on YouTube if you like my teaching style yeah subscribe to the YouTube channel I put out lots of stuff like this also if you do like my teaching style you're like hey I'd like to learn more InDesign from that man check out my either my InDesign essentials if you're reasonably new okay or my InDesign advanced course ok there'll be a link for both of those in the description also if you want to know the updates for Photoshop and 20:20 and illustrator 20/20 I've got other videos here on YouTube go check them out they're probably hanging out over there in the next to come videos anyway but go check those out alright that is it my friends hi Dada I hope you - see you in another video bye now you
Channel: Bring Your Own Laptop
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Keywords: adobe cc 2020, adobe indesign, adobe indesign 2020, adobe updates, adobe updates 2020, adobe indesign updates, adobe indesign 2020 updates, adobe indesign cc 2020 updates, adobe indesign new features, adobe indesign new features 2020, new indesign updates 2020, new adobe indesign updates 2020, new updates in indesign 2020, new updates in adobe indesign 2020, what are the new updates to adobe indesign, new features in adobe indesign 2020, new features in indesign 2020
Id: 6Zsq5RCYTiE
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Length: 39min 40sec (2380 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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