Adepta Sororitas vs Blood Angels - A 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Battle Report

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welcome back to tabletop Titans on this lovely Thursday evening we're bringing you a couple of more data slay changed armies we haven't played these yet this is sisters against blood angels known fact we've never played these armies against each other ever never not even once not even once uh I gained an extra strength on the charge you largely got points changes yeah mostly points changes and then there was a change to the Triumph with the miracle dice the way that they interact that got changed to now it's only two so you can't just make them all sixes yeah that was silly it was silly if you're enjoying these data slate uh changed games if you want to see more go ahead and click the like and the Subscribe button and ding the Bell because if you don't ding the Bell you don't get notifications if you don't get notified how are you going to know to watch you need it to show up on your phone like Bing and then you watch uh we're going to have a good game tonight we're going to hang out and have fun we hope you enjoy it as well let's get take a look at the armies Rider is taking command of the blood angels today with a new update from the balance data slate giving them an extra strength on the charge I'm really excited to see how this pans out his warlord today is none other than Commander Dante joining a unit of 10 sanguinary guard this is a fast and deadly brick that's really hard to deal with good luck with that Brian next up we have a lieutenant with the icon of the Angel just cuz we had some extra points joining a unit of 10 hell Blasters for our last character joining squads we have a sanguinary priest with the Visage of death joining a unit of 10 assault intercessors his enhancement is going to half the OC of units and engagement range of him which is going to make this bully unit even better for objective play next up we have a unit of five assault intercessors all on their Lonesome a unit of five death company with jump packs equipped with two Fists and three Hammers and we have three units of inceptors one with plasma and the other two with bolters their ability to drop in just beyond three in makes them fantastic for scoring backfield objectives rounding at the list with a couple Vehicles we have a librarian dreadn who's going to be able to teleport a single infantry unit every single turn on a two plus and last of all we have a regular repulser that can hold up to 12 models it's probably going to be the assault intercessors but it could also be the hell blasters now before we take a look at Brian's Army I want to give a special thanks to all of our members who make everything here possible for $5 a month they gain access to an extra stream every single week where we vote on what we play how we play and where we play it we also offer extra behind the- scenes content where members are able to find out early about new boards new projects we're working on and gain access to our hobby stream every single Thursday Brian today is once again taking up the mantle of the adepta sorus in this list that pushes MSU to the max with some amazing scoring ability his warlord today is morvin Val the High Lord of terara who's going to be joining a unit of three Paragon War suits full R rolls to hit and wound while she's leading the squad is am amazing we also have St Celestine who's going to be joining a unit of five seraphim and while the seraphim don't hit as hard as their close combat cousins they do give her access to a move shoot move for some early game positioning sitting on the back objective we've got junith arito with a unit of five sacras this is going to be generating a command point every single turn for Brian and we also have a Palatine with the blade of St Eleanor a nice little come back character joining a unit of 10 sister novitiates moving right down the list we have 1 two three units of battle sisters in squads of 10 we have two utility rhinos for whoever needs them and we've got two castigators with the auto cannons which are going to be essential to taking out some of these Elite infantry beyond that we've got a lot of individual scoring units including two lone mortifiers a unit of five repentia newly reduced in cost another unit of five seraphim and two units of five zephram we've seen a number of points drops across some key sisters units that make them interesting to take once again let us know who you're rooting for and who do you think will actually win let's take it away there you have it blood angels and sisters both buffed we both used to be like kind of middle tier little maybe like bottom middle and now we're like upper middle yeah I think that these armies are always pretty much equal in power level or at least similar in power level similar yeah yeah um so it's always kind of just a classic game yeah that we've never done before not once ever uh I think we're ready to take a look at the mission all right so we got dawn of War a classic hot dog of war we have sights of power this is where characters get extra points for standing in the No Man's Land objectives extra points yes bonus points bonus points uh and then we have chosen Battlefield you and I arranged the objectives on this battlefield uh as is our tradition we put one in the middle yeah because you place the objectives before you know who's on which side so this is the the old cut the pie one person cuts the pie the other person chooses the pie the other person chooses the slice so we want it to be fair so we put one in the middle then each of us plac two uh and we went for kind of a weird shape yeah it almost symmetrical like the ones in the middle are basically in a straight line as they would be normally and then the ones in the deployment just shifted over slightly so it's yeah I think there's no point in chosen Battlefield if you're not going to do something weird with the objectives I agree that's how I feel but then you could just like gamble right put everything in front of one deployment Zone and then you don't get that deployment Zone do that and then uh do that you're having a bad time and we're here for a good time Bri we are here for a good time and hopefully a medium long time a medium long time like have a history of short times but not too short you know if it's getting too short I'll start telling stories we'll just hang out and have a good time you about some other stuff we're going to do a roll off I'm going to be white I'll be yellow whoever rolls higher just goes first that's it that's it there's no thinking Dinger nice that's going to be me blood angels going first I like it yep there we go all right all right oh but I get Miracle dice so I'm playing sisters sisters but better lar cuz they have better Miracle dice well so I have three all them over here I mean Eldar have recently won events sisters they won an event didn't they I don't know maybe maybe I don't follow them in the tournament circuit uh Adrian and Mel are of course having a lovely dinner tonight a belated Valentine's Day actually belated Valentine's Day I saw them yesterday climbing on actual Valentine's Day they could have just done it then but it's always busy on Valentine's Day right all the restaurants are always packed and whatever oh that's a good point and The Climbing Gym was largely empty everybody's out to do they they made the right choice yeah Choice cuz trying to get a reservation for Valentine's Day especially at like an ice restaurant it's tough It's Not Easy yeah uh you know what Lindsay yeah I would like some secondaries yeah let me get those going for you so these are your first ones outp this here they are here it is overwhelming Force that's kill uh units on objectives and capture enemy Outpost hold the one objective in your deployment Zone it's not impossible I am blood angels you could get there but I have a lot of stuff on my objective yeah so yeah that's tough it'll be tough yeah it it will be tough um cool well I'm going to keep those cuz throw them away on turn one it's silly you can now see where we put objectives which is just it's just fun kind of scattered them about in like a like a snake kind of like an X like a weird X like a bow tie yeah kind of like a bow tie Z like a like a pasta like a bow tie pasta oh like a Zoro Z yeah I I on the on its side or like a weird n but more like a z weird n yeah mhm yeah yeah uh so with those lovely excellent awesome great secondaries that I'm really happy to have I'm going to start moving I'm glad you have them too do I eat in the command phase no it's in the movement phase oh what do you want to oath oh I am space Mar every time I play Bloods I forget I'm Space Marines um I'm going to take a look over here this is a rhino with with something in it uh yeah so that one has the novitiates with the Palatine and this one has just battle sisters and this is just 10 battle sisters 10 battle sisters kind of in the open think I choose you this rhino that Rhino okay you're show my Rhino could do oh or do I choose hold on give me a second and then I'll I'll choose one um Brian's doing something he's never done before y we'll see how this goes I think it's going to go quite well end of my mvee face let me do something well Clayton sou Southerland is asking anyone going to adepticon oh yeah I will be going to adepticon and uh Adrien also will be at adepticon yes so that'll be fun yes so if you're there definitely check it out say hi uh we would love to meet you guys yeah what are you going to be doing at adepticon um I will be there for Golden demon mostly I am going to be playing in a uh Star Wars Legion team event no way how fun I think it's on Saturday Friday I think um this guy likes Legion I love Star Wars Legion uh so that's what I'm doing but mostly there for the painting for Golden demon I'm going to keep my choice of oath Target which is that Rhino yep now changing it all right we're going to move this Repulsor up oh I know while you're moving that repulser up ah we do have some super chats just want to thank Daryl Smith for the $10 Super Chat and they say so glad to see blood angels on the channel Channel can't wait to run the flesh Terrors at Cherokee oh good luck they are greatly improved I would say when do either of you know when Cherokee's gonna be or when it nope no no I don't Adrian might I I keep I'm I'm hearing more and more talk about it so it feels like it's coming up it is coming up yeah yeah in the soon times but not in the now time yes let let us know chat when um Cherokee's coming up okay this going to be a quick movement phase to be honest there's not a lot not a whole lot to be done I do have uh 10 assault intercessors in this Repulsor along with their um sang Priest The Lemon man as he is um referred to on this channel why wait the lemon man yeah because he is like a really really bad kids soccer coach kid soccer coach um he knows that you're supposed to to bring Citrus like snacks for the kids um but he's he's just not great at his job of being yeah a parent coach uh so he brought lemon slices instead of orange slices and when the kids get injured he rubs lemon slices on the kids wait what what is the Lemon man sangary priests so how did this come about were just really bad apothecaries for a long time um and that's where I I got the name lemon man is he's just not he's trying real hard he's doing his best out there he loves the kids's cheering them on that's his job as the sanguinary priest but he is not helping oh my gosh okay so Cherokee is in two weeks two weeks that's so soon that is very soon yes yes well good luck enjoy yourself take some good blood angels and bring a lemon man cuz they're good now yeah they're not bad yes yes uh I at the end of my movement phase have a little roll to do here oh uh we're going to try to fling some hell blasters I've identified a safe region of the board I think how safe is this region BR um it's not super safe but I'm I'm going to do my best with it so I'm going to on a two up launch with my um librarian dreadn M launch these hell blasters yes it is another six so I'm going pick them up and put them down oh baby 10 hell blasters with their left tenant who has some awful enhancement gives me anti- chaos 5 not going to be super relevant all right and we're going to plop ourselves down shoot my Rhino we are going to shoot that Rhino that we nice and we're going to take up position wow hiding behind this wall from your vindicators your validators your yes that's exactly right what are they called the castigators is that what they're called the tanks I think they're called vindicators The V you're playing space go it's another it's another running joke that I have I don't know if I'm going to be safe there I need to be I really need to have not get shot by your castigator might be a line I think I think maybe potentially oh well I did what I could do you want to move him no you can still move him no I did what I could okay I think if I go any farther to the right I get shot by the other one fair enough and I'm going to blow this one up so oh are you now try okay I believe you that's the end of my movement phase it was a good one I know that was ruing it was pretty exciting uh we're going to proceed straight to the shooting phase where I will shoot castigator 10 hell blasters I don't even think I need to over yeah I'm going to shoot the Rhino I don't even think I need to overcharge here think I'm just so much stronger than [Music] you real all hits and I lethal I'm only toughness nine I don't really want to overcharge yeah so we're going to leave it uh so this will be 20 shots 20 shots six eight 10 10 guys 20 shots um we're hitting on threes rolling everything mhm MH you don't have anything you want to do nope great nothing um I'm really looking for sixes here and this isn't the optimal strategy I don't think I think it's probably better to not do what you're about to do no I'm going to take them all yeah cuz I'm wi to on fives I guess so I I'm really just looking for sixes here with lethal we do have a lieutenant in the squad you're only strength eight in your PL what you're only strength eight on plasma yeah that is uh that is how plasma works I'm actually strength seven cuz I'm not overcharging so uh we got five sixes there five lethals nice and I'll pull out not that many ones and twos so I think you came up on that one for sure that's the good end of that deal fives to wound yes uh looks like we got 10 wounds for you here if you fail all these you die oh I got a six you ready or six apartment ready you have a five apartment cuz it's only ap2 oh and you failed every single one wow whoa Brian whoa that's a darn to and shame calm down there that's a nothing above a three huh that's pretty bad interesting do I blow a boom no no no boom just keeping the trend of the low dice uh I do however n boom get a miracle dice cuz you killed one of my units mhm and then I have some people roll to get everybody out this is lovely is that nice so on one they'll take Mortals I take a damage so I'll kill a lady and now my excellent n vies get out with one less uh you can still charge me if you desire no uh okay did you advance with the death company yes okay that's what I was measuring for you won't you're not oh my noises are charging them for sure okay all right uh I'm going to move on to this Repulsor I'm examining it closely it's twin heavy Builder has been replaced with a twin last Cannon and the heavy onslot Gatling Cannon is still there great uh we'll start with the twin last can it's going to shoot everything into that castigator now I will spend a CP for smoke smoke yes this is smoking section yeah okay it's nice and Smokey so this uh twin last Cannon will hit on a four nice no wasn't going to hit anyway no uh heavy onl Gatling Cannon eight 12 we're looking for Forest here saved a couple nice mhm oh that was yeah something else that saved you a that did save me a lot and then sixes are cool nothing there's one no AP okay I take a damage I have to roll so many shots with this stupid thing yeah that's what you get dude oh jeez how many 10 left 12 and then six more defensive array I need to aggressively defend myself in your direction aggressively in my direction forc to hit there's an argument for othing here yeah but you got the Rhino I guess there's a good argument for othing here yeah probably but um I am blood Angel so I need you to not be in transports can you pick uph I was just looking at that uh sixes to wound one defense array wound AP nope got it great there so many guns uh do I have a last tal no Repulsor I think we're done it's actually not that many guns we did it nice okay you that's my whole turn oh okay I call that a dub I think you did CH that up as a dub in the books uh scoring nothing get rid of both of them okay boom boom all righty so onto me I get two CP one for the turn and then one because I have junith as she's just alive she's there yeah and then this is my Miracle dice for the start of the turn yeah it's a two don't know what I'll use a two for but I'm sure good luck using that I'll find something all right uh command phase stuff no I don't think so so just movement secondaries actually secondaries okay okay for movement here are your first secondaries of the game good ones please here they go boom secure and extend both of those are very doable okay uh so I have to hold one in no man's land and hold my own for extent and then just hold two or one secure no man's land yeah seems pretty doable they work well together got this I should mention I have a unit of seraphim off the table oh I have my Paragon War suits and Morin ball off the table as well as the Demona Fugue which I don't know if that was in the oh it was not yes yes so Adrian forgot to add it to the the P pin that means you don't get it yeah well which means I didn't know that it was in it so it wasn't intro exactly so I do have a Demona yes so when I put on the table you guys don't they're pretty good yeah pretty good they're good uh and then what else I think that's everything everything else on well have attitude you get moving I will get moving uh I have 3 by three inceptors in reserve um one of the units is plasma the other two have cool big bolters that go they sustained too it's pretty good yeah good story yeah wonderful you coming from I'm bro I told you I'm going to charge these dude I'm going to OverWatch you so bad to dude afraid of you you're going to get overwatched uh there are people on my um oh also I have to roll for another miracle dice let me actually double check but you have sister on a battle sisters on objective yeah you definitely get that one that's a that's a thing you want to roll it for me Brer no I would never all right you should roll me six it's not a six I take it I can't six that was powerful dude you should roll all my magical that was crazy um thank you Brier you're welcome so kind of you I do what I can no you're National Treasure we do have another Super Chat this one is from anani moose thank you so much anani moose and they say hey Titans yeah hope it's a nail biter any predictions for the TOA codex or more specifically The Mont Cod attachments see you at adepticon uh oh God I so they announced a a bunch of new cruit models that we've seen yes so if there's not a cruit Detachment I will be shocked yeah and appalled my name will become Paul um yeah so I think there's definitely going be cruit Detachment in terms of Mont Cod Detachment so kaon gives you sustained in the back three turns of the game Mont CA I mean if I were templating out this game it would probably give you lethal on the first three turns of the game because that's the other keyword um no it might give you like advance and shoot I would think that's pretty thematic for Mont CA although I don't know how many of their guns already have assault probably a lot of them cuz historically T have had a lot of assault weapons I haven't played them in 10th like on the side of TOA um so I was not keeping track of what is and is not assault but yeah I I can almost guarantee you it's going to affect the first three turns of the game instead of the last three and the ability that it gives you it's going to be something to do with Mobility that's the M call thing being fast wish I had a better answer but uh I can take guesses at the other detachments can you roll me in advance for this you know a good time to for them to ask this question is on Saturday when we're going to be playing to and it's so we all know Brian's coming into town British Petroleum yes BP is coming into town Brian um who is a tow player he is but he's not playing TOA no it's going to be Adrian so there's G to be two TOA players in front of y'all simultaneously yes ready to answer all your tow burning tow questions stereo MH that'll be interesting I'm curious to see what they predict for mon because it's yeah it is weird in 10th edition I feel like there's not much that you can give them that would be very montot um but I think there's definitely going to be a stealth Detachment that's always been a thing there will be uh a a stupid ethereal Detachment that is stupid either stupid good or stupid bad that's kind of just how it always is um and then at the end of the day everybody's still going to play tep which isn't called tep anymore but they're still going to play tep we have like the far sight stuff too A lot of people play far sight oh people might play far sight although I don't I don't know what they do or what they will I don't know if they're still going to do detachments for like cuz they they have explicitly tried to separate faction subactions from detachments in 10th edition so the idea of a farsight enclaves Detachment we're used to that concept because that's like always been a thing I don't know if they'll still do it are you fronting on me right now I'm going to wow oh up in my business up in your business bro I'm going to fight you you fight T Hangar with Mr Dy yes and I got a mortifier to help dude okay yeah you hey you do you man I'm going to charge your tank Brier come on well then I will intervention you well I'm going to charge the dudes with the mortifier well then I'll already be in combat and I won't need to intervene yeah exactly also I'm not going to ADV this Mor part I took it back you want to charge that's great yeah I want to charge I love it um I'm actually secretly playing blood angels you know you're what I have I'm secretly playing blood secretly playing blood Angel yeah I have a lot of charges this turn turn one well wow I mean bloody Rose was kind of the blood angels of sisters true do you think you're going to get bloody Rose B with the sisters book I don't know I feel like yeah but I don't know if it would be the same as what it was I imagine it' be different because the Army rule currently is already plus one to hit if you're below starting strength if you're below half strength it's plus one to Loon so they wouldn't that's not what bloody Rose wasn't it extra AP and plus one or something or it was extra AP for sure and strength strength on the charge maybe attack did they get attack maybe I didn't play sisters then and I just now this is my second game of sister so no expert in you were thinking the um Marty lady is when you're below half yeah you get benefits true well have at me Brian give me give me what you got yeah so I do have some guns um just to note yep I didn't Advance anywhere except for repentia I use the six on my Miracle dice to get them up into the middle of the table that way something crazy happens I was all my units I at least hold the one in the middle that way I get extend and something for SEC um they're super cheap so if they die I'm not really too concerned about it but outside of that everything's just going to shoot and then charge so it'll be a quick shoot I do have the castigator that will shoot at these doers here I would like to armor of contempt be down to 2 CP so the castigator autoc cannon am I within 24 probably not uh looks close I just eyeballing it uh no I'll say no it was close though it's really close I'll say no it was close uh so it's only going to be four shots oh so I'm hitting on threes love hear that but I'm rolling hits cuz you're infantry I am infantry they all hit boom it's four of them and then uh let drink n Wi on twos TN link sir oh get that out of there yeah so just three it's AP one which you ignore oh so with cover oh you wouldn't have needed a contempt anyway so take CP back Lindsay huh yes I would like my command point back you um oh back to three okay sure you're a gentleman Mr Brian yep I know yeah all right one will die nice and then I got three heavy bolters the do not roll hits one is De so two misses and then these will wound on threes yeah got that many three UPS H nice can't lose another one I like it lose two lose two two of them fine uh they shoot on oh now I have to check if it's a three or four it's probably on a three right uh I don't know we're going to find out together we're going to go on this journey and then I have two heavy bolters on my mortifier to the dard my why you're looking at it uh two misses but sh it is on three and then these are strength five your T4 sard yeah yeah three uh choose great oh no I lost a sanguard you're stupid Bolter nice better I'm like not okay with these losses you lost three model you're chipping me down and you down every not okay it's still still early game right right yeah what the heck my models are worth so much more than your models like spiritually emotionally physically yeah there it is uh I'm going to reroll this okay oh good dang you away and I get to shoot with one of the two H blasters uh I'll shoot the no yes and I'll overcharge cuz I'm already dead two hits nice twos two wins oh sixes okay yeah he's taking you with him yep fine dragging you into the grave with him you're just getting me closer to my plus one to wound so why I thank you I am here it comes I got some uh charges here comes the Thunder I am going to start and the lightning the zephram y in the front here they're going to charge into the uh death company that's the one great you made it do death companies still have a cool Strat probably I don't know I think they lost their cool Strat what is this cool STP you're they used to take their six of feeling pain to a five and they don't have it anymore which is a bummer blood angels are definitely going to get a death company Detachment cuz they're the coolest they're like why you play blood angels all right so now the novitiates are going to try and charge into the hell boosters this will be your last mistake it will be a nine unfortunately cuz I kind of block myself with the zerim zepim the names of these units are ridiculous seraphim zephram hey you're doing great though the names five up oh oh you made it cool get ready I don't know how bad this is but well probably not good for me we're going to find out we'll figure it out together I'm going to I'm going to punch you with Space Marine fists yeah it's going to hurt so bad uh I do have the mortifier into the death compy death company they probably need a big charge as well yeah that'll do I don't do it you're charging me with everything man yeah ABCs isn't that what you teach that's look Chad knows I was your first people preach yeah I was your first people what are you doing over here uh mortifier into the dard yeah yeah oh my gosh you is there somewhere uh no not in particular do you want to fight first anyway do you uh I can interrupt but no I'm not going to fight first I guess that was probably a question one to hit that's what I forgetted sorry I'm G to get you all the time or just in shooting all the time they have scary masks you're scary I'm going to charge your taroon yeah with your zeph zeph yeah oh yeah he roll big tget oh yeah you should you should practice what I preach I think I'm doing that here PR got to say I think that's what I me it's working out yeah I'm just trying to advertise for class you know it's a good class you guys should take it because now I have move block you and I want to stay away from that guy he can't pile towards him oh key DOI um I don't think there's any other yares so I will go ahead and just start with the mortifier I will interrupt somewhere yeah I think the morier just dies if I don't start with the sard and I think the mortifier and this s wherever I interrupt you're going to die yeah that's the problem I do have two CP fought on death so I will start over there with the mor fire so is there fight on death guaranteed or is it one of the worst fight on deaths in the game it's probably one of the worst ones uh one adeptus unit from your arm was selected Target one more units attacks whatever until the end of the phase each time a model from your in your unit is destroyed if that model has not fought this phase do not remove from play the destroyed model can fight after the uh attacking models have finished making his attacks is then roof play so I auto yes yeah you were the whole thing look you got to read the blah blah blah that's how you missing I don't know man I'm not a big believer in that I have twin penitent Buzz saws you do yes buzz buzz uh so I have eight attacks I might as well to hit yes so I'm hitting on fours now wait do I have to hold up wait Mr danty start of the fight phase enemies within six must take a batt shock test at a minus one oh speaking of battle shock you got to take battle shock you got to take a battle shock so my battle shockk I fail and these zeph oh they one probably okay one uh zeph not zeph are leadership seven so they're fine okay uh hell blasters wow yeah they do W okay that's what you get lot of battle shock going around these parts all right so mortifier yeah eight attacks but because I charged sustained I just want to hit on fours sustained objection and then I didn't even look at the strength when I looked at these they are strength 10 on T4 okay oh are you your strength is higher than my toughness uh yeah minus one so uh that's told them yep yep uh it's ap3 who and they're two damage each what yeah you have any one these guys they have two of armor so FIV yeah did you want to armor contempt here or did you want to save the CP for interrupt oh Jeepers I think the inter oh I think contempt is probably no I think the interrupt interrupt is better yeah you could lose like three guys here uh yep mhm that's why I didn't want to lose the one in shooting that's true and I didn't allow that to happen it's a big brain play but if you had just lost one shooting you could have contempt it I think it equals out to like roughly a guy either way I don't know uh yeah fives let's do it okay lovely that was pretty good Bridger lovely uh a pair of zard will die nice we're I assume you're interrupting with the I will interrupt with the death company Lads that's all my CP Lindsay okay in a fit of rage I say nay like a horse and you are multi- damage he's not Mark you betcha well some of it is some of it is there's uh what appears to be three hammers but I don't know if that's a legal Loadout any number can take yeah they can all have hammers and fists I see a fist what does this guy have it's a fist is that a fist so two fists and three hammers yeah that's what's in there where is you attacking with what great question Mr Lea mhm um two two two Hammers and a fist into this mortifier yes and then a hammer a fist into zeph zeph zepim right now where do I want to fight on death probably the Ze I made it not enticing for either yeah that's kind of tough um I think I will probably just do it on the two CP to fight Mor that's kind of lame how many did you put into the sisters uh a hammer and a fist oh how many tax that six oh you're not going to kill the squad no which means you have nine attacks into the yeah that is what that means tough I don't know what to do yeah I made it so that I'm not really going to kill either but also you'll kill both in addition you won't really want to fight on death yeah I kind of don't want to fight on death actually I'm not going to fight on death great this kind of sucks cool uh into sisters are power fist thunderhammer the same no thunderhammer hits on fours so we're going to start there nice is Into The zephron zeph thunderhammer Fours pair of hits twos twos to not I got five UPS sir and then no five UPS kill one One D fist of power boom fist of balus we stole it uh three nice one hit a two two let's see your invo five you killed one Bridger there's a pair of hammers into the mortifier mortifier he's mortified on Force Bridge that's not pretty good that's really bad toss he's toughness five I am no toughness six sorry strength eight so threes a PA wins six AP on these it doesn't uh I have a funer pain though damage is four four total yeah four total so five of FAL PS I take two paines okay so he is down to three power fist power threes threes a pair of hits pair of hits threes one way six up five up what's your AP that's not going to do two damage pains takes one more well down to two Bridger I have successfully not really done much yeah you wasted a lot of CP for that though if that makes you feel any better it does Mak better yeah so let's do the uh engine into the death company yeah hitting on are you minus to hit no threes oh but I charged and then the wound on two is rrolling cuz Okay ap3 uh I'll get sixes and then also nice and then also sixes okay failed all those two each sir so that's a lot of damage yep you should roll them one at a time two at a time yeah yeah yeah I have a system alive and one dead nice so it's one dead uh so chat saying re death company rerolls all hits that could be a big deal you missed while they're within 12 of a chap one NOP they just always rutal hits ah okay well let's hold off on this then because he might just be dead uh do we have any idea how many does chat know hits question mark um chat let us know you only hit twice with the Hammers right yes there were four with hammer ham and you missed one with the F two more Hammer hits mhm two more Hammer WS sixes or fives okay that's four damage I got to make three of these I made two of them so he's dead does he explode great thank you chat yeah dead does he explode no and then did I miss anything this probably like maybe one of each sure hit with a hammer oh W with a hammer dies hit with a fist when with a fist BL all right so you killed one more one more uh but you did kill a unit you know what that means you gain a miracle di gain a miracle dice it's a miracle it also means it's a five that all of those failed saves against the mortifier was imaginary he was already dead and that makes the interrupt feel a lot better I got to find a place to put my dead stuff that's not this not with your living stuff yeah that's fair okay well you can fight with either Z Squad yes let's do the squad on the objective over here or not sorry not on the objective on to the death company yeah so let's do uh the problem one there's three of them ready yeah uh they have plus strength on the charge that's great so go to wound on threes then mhm three of them AP two fives two will go through damage just one sixes one death company will fall nice now I have the Palatine and the uh nivicious isn't a Palatine a thing that you carry people on yes probably isn't that a palen palanquin yeah what how is this just a madeup word from or word but it might be a real word could be it might be inspired by like a Latin word or something yeah okay I got a she has a combo and I got to remember what it is I don't remember what it is but she's got a okay so I'm going to use the paltin first I'm going to use Raptor's blow I'm going to discard the two on the Miracle dice so now each time uh she wounds you you take a moral wound in addition to any other damage okay so we're going to swing everything into the hell blasters sounds really good and she has the blade of St Eleanor which gives her plus one strength attack and damage so she has four attacks she has plus one for the thing so I'm hitting on twos mhm excellent uh and I have lethal because she's leading you that's a pair of lethals and then I'm wounding you on normal Str four but Str five so so okay so that's four wounds and four Mortals in addition in addition what's the AP on this these are ap2 so these are fives so two damage each so that would be three four or five dead five dead hell blasters and I guess that hurts uh and then I have one two three four five six seven I'm going shoot you with my plasma pistols in a minute do it you can't make melee attacks you only shoot I can only shoot that's weird okay so I have this one two three four five six noviciate weapons which gives me two three four five and six uh so plus one to hit mhm yep uh they roll hit rolls of one oh that's yep okay so hitting on threes plus one and I'm rrolling ones yep I have lethal got quite a few those yeah a lot of those uh yep then these are strength four no Str three mhm there's AP Z threes you just slapping me with like wooden swords yep basically another one will die and then I have the power weapon from the leader noviciate Sergeant you're ones though the leader noviciate Sergeant the actual name that's what you just call them yeah uh needing fours here okay excellent great all right that was that was it and then I'm going to just keep your combat I guess six three UPS yeah three of them will shoot nice threes P nice one hit and it's lethal oh I assume there's a six up inv that'll definitely kill one let's kill that one and find a new place for these dead models okay you also have Z over here yes so they're three each that's 15 attacks I don't think it's going to do anything 3 six 9 12 and 15 on [Music] threes and then on sixes I assume they're string five yeah two o AAR ap2 fours do repulsors have a two up now probably six pass two will fail easy take a damage nice uh great and then it doesn't really matter but you're already on the objectives I can't do that okay I 15 will let you smack me back with uh some sard and and tank and Hell Blaster smack I'm going to fight you with hell blasters too hell blasters I have that Lieutenant with a cool anti chaos 5 uh we'll go with sard M and Mr danty Mr danty um what does Mr danty want to do well I think about what Mr dainty does I just want to thank just Jupiter for gifting 10 for one ship who who was that uh just Jupiter coming in and gifting their classic one membership thank you thank you thank you so much and then um this one was weird cuz it did not like notify but it notified the the person that got it um 's go hoot gifted a membership as well thank you thank you that's right 's do go hoot I hope all the owls are hoot right now hooting right now I heard what you said but I didn't like register the words you said Al go hoot yes I heard like Al goo and I was like I don't know what you saido all right H Garden Dy I'm scared I'm going to make you regret I am some of your decisions oh they have grenades what the heck yeah grenades uh four sanary guard into zeph mhm one two three four They're All Dead probably I'll give another miracle though threes they used to hit on twos what's that us yeah I think you had to be in range of your warlord for them to H on two they're in a squad with my warlord I don't think it counts so I think that's you have like lethal or Shain count no we don't have any of those cool rules uh and then in Carmine blade strength five I am toughness three aren't you plus one strength no I didn't charge you oh that makes sense threes threes oh you're saying there's a chance wow wow there's there is a chance I do the first four I guess these are five ofs yep first four of them that's bad uh I could just Auto pass what does that do for me keep your tank in combat uh well my tank will fight you will your tank kill me though probably tanks are a lot better at fighting now I'll just use the five on fate ice and then maybe and then it's going to come down to my six attacks you prepared for six attack I'm scared for your six attack well here's eight sanguard attacks into a mortifier yeah still not twos unforge uh T6 five vies one my mortifier is holding down over there don't worry Dante is going to handle it he makes the save too oh my gosh Dante is on it don't you worry we have the axe mortalis axe mortalis we came up with cool names for all of our weapons and we kiss them before we go to battle M they Tu them in at night make sure they're nice and warm yeah oil up nice and clean uh he does hit on twos because that's his right if he didn't hit on twos that would be concerning and he is lethal what an unknown reason uh and then strength seven so threes oh Dante uh AP three sixes uh I'll do the first two what's the damage on two chat is saying Dante gives plus one to hit making sanguard hit on twos he does not Dante hit on twos he does do that here's the F of pain y yeah uh I failed all four so I'm down to three wounds no one wound Chad I'm a disappointment just in general I've failed you done one although in other aspects of my life I've been flourishing so you giving me take like your climbing career yeah I got it you very happy about climbing he hasn't been talking about it nonstop since I sent that video to like everybody um what do what do you want to how do you want to handle you I don't care you can roll a couple more you missed you definitely missed a few because you were complaining that need tell me a number Lindsay tell us a number huh take a number between I don't know how many do you think what's the range like one and five I think it was like only two on the mortifier uh on the zephram I don't know oh I got to pick up the from too aome those would wait those would win yes yes on the mortify yes uh AP two okay uh F they're going to make both of the Y he's dead close but no cigar does he explode he does not but but Miracle five it's a good one that uh I don't know what to do with zeph there's one left there's one left which I should probably pick up I charged you and you killed everything what is going on well you charged me with trash look this is the best that the Imperium has to offer that's not true the custodes are the best also not true they're the worst you're the not dead what are you doing oh you're leaving that one okay but you have to roll your attacks now how many I'm waiting for Lindsay to give me a number oh what wait let let's just try three okay yeah yeah one would cuz like now Chad's Chad's moved on now they're saying Dante also makes things take battle shocks did okay okay okay uh three lethals from okay okay cool great all right we don't need you anymore chat but I got another Mira it's a miracle all right all right so Dante and his Squad killed everything they touched yep which is what they should do yes to be fair though to be fair prob shouldn't have charged with uh correct yes I got really bloodthirsty I played Templars one time and I got used to just killing everything I touched and that's I mean the charges over here really worked out they worked out really well that was that one was definitely questionable and was not good I have three hell two hell two hell blasters and a left tenant we're going to get you Bridger we're in America we don't say left tenant oh I do can't it can't stop me um that'll be six punches M from the hell blasters and on threes here as is our right tough oh that is a pair of lethals lethal from left tenant man and then threes six wins no AP uh no AP I have four UPS on the ladies before I get to the character I believe let me just double check before I ruin stuff like Bridger does no vious four up that sounds right yeah I think they're four UPS right could be a five up I they're like just silly in naked people uh yeah so I have how manys two three four five I have five before I get to a three up save so here's five these are four UPS so two go down yep and the next one's on a four up cool so I lose two more and then the left tenant with his mastercrafted power weapon twose no lethal and a miss no lethal oh wait did you add the two for the lethal I did that's part of the six okay uh I only have six attacks they all wound it threes ap2 uh so these will go to sixes on the two novitiates yep so one goes down you're just surviving so much longer than I had hoped it's a nuisance I needed this if I failed miserably over there something had to go right over you got got so much in reserve you're going to be fine yes until I bring in my reserves and you'll do yours first I will well I think we can score you up here yeah okay Ryan what's it going to be I got extend battle lines for five excellent and then secure no man's land how many do you have on this objective I don't know I also don't know you have a tape measure you can figure it out I think I'm OC zero on death company yeah cuz I don't have a chap one nearby y okay so then I actually get five for SEC L because I have one model on this objective here and I'm and Bridger only has death company wow so he's a loser okay we got points on the board thank you Brian thank you and then it's your turn blood Angel turn two Bangles I get another miracle it's a miracle it's a two I'll probably get rid of that one sometime soon we're starting my second turn you ready I am not ready for what's about to happen y ready for this um secondaries please okay so here are only bad here they are Deo and investigate those are easy deploy T Hummers I need to do actions in your deployment zone or in the middle your deployment Zone going to do it I'm going to do an action in your deployment Zone can't do it and then investigates signals is doing action in the corners of the table the board this is inconvenient because this was the turn that I wanted to chop off your head I'm glad you got these secondaries when you did if I'm going to be honest here uh it would have been nice to chop off your head I for a long time have had a grudge against sisters Grudge playing dwars you don't get to have a grudge I am primarily a dwarf in real life I would agree with that statement yeah uh sisters for a long time I have felt are just like hey that cool thing you do we do it better for fewer points yeah now they just do Miracle dice better too yeah which I'm definitely happy about I don't know if you can tell about Advan and charge they get advanc and charge pretty much every addition uh fall back shoot and charge they get they're actually just elf Imperium yeah they like mushed elves and Imperium together well it's cuz they have a toughness three platform right so they had to give them something they don't have durability when you're toughness three you got to turn them into elves that's the only answer true uh primary wise yeah what going to be I forgot what what's our what are we doing for primary uh it's three for every objective and then a two bonus if it's a character in the middle right um I have the cards you have the cards yeah I think it's three for every and then two for this is priority targets Let's uh let's go back to different uh size of power yeah size of power uh three for each objective marker they control three for each side of power they have empowered great so it'll I will get nine points nine points does the character have to be range in the or just his unit the unit has the character keyword thus me I it nine points nice thank you yes a lot of points it's you're catching up not that many you're catching up like on average you get 10 Primary in like a normal turn I don't know if I'm going to get 10 and that was nine well no you're not going to get 10 I'm going to try to I'm going to try to zero you oh are you now like every turn of this game yeah that's fair all right here we go okay killing again excellent well while you're while you're doing that yes uh I just want to thank Patty of the cakes for gifting 10 memberships thank you so much Pat Patty the cakes yeah very kind very generous very generous very very very appreciated um and then I want to we do have some super chats uh this one is from Hamsterdam thank you so much Hamsterdam for the $20 Super Chat and they say uh hello Titans been a minute hello hope everyone has had a good New Year painting question for Brian how much sub assembly do you do for a good quality painting job for uh hqs and characters asking for a far sight and Shadow Sun project that's a question okay um yeah so sub assembling I only do if there's areas on the model that are really obscured by other like details like a weapon or a sword or a staff or whatever if I'm trying to paint it to my absolute maximum I want to be able to get into all the nooks and crannies and all the crevices and everything do you sub assemble Flags you p a flag like dude's holding up standard holding up a flag would you would you paint that separately I guess it just depends on if it's covering some of the model like the one with the Pegasus where you had the flag off the model for me that was good I would have also left that off the flag big flag uh yeah I guess just I'm trying to find where is the far sight is he farite yeah this is like what the actual model is right yeah that's converted is it actually converted it's original plastic but he like cut and reshaped pieces okay but is he still open like like this like is posing is he like this that weird like T pose not t pose no I think he's like this like this is he like this I think he's like this and then Izzy like opened up the shoulders and then the shoulder jetpacks he like put at weird angles jaunty angles all right well that would be my answer then I guess uh if there's parts of the model that you can't get to because the details are being obscured by some other thing I would leave that other thing off so you can get behind it and paint it um but outside of that I don't I tried not to sub suble too much because it makes a lot of work CU you have to either Mount things to like little painting handles uh and then keep track of them as you're painting them and it can just take a lot of time and a lot of effort that's not super worth it in the end but for characters or if you're trying to paint things for competition or trying to go all the way maximum effort then uh yeah I would I i' sub assemble often hope that helped was there another part to that am I missing something nope nope that that's pretty much it just saying hi and you know hope um hope everyone has had a good year it's been a good 2024 thus far it's been a very quick 2024 th far yeah very quick we're already February's over that's it we're done basically already done not ready yeah and March is already kind of done too there's so much going on in stop saying these things now see that I don't agree with I have so much going on in March I'll be gone the first weekend and then I'm going to adepticon and then in between that Shane's wedding oh with you and wait Shane invited you to his wedding what do you why do you say why so surprised wait what I didn't think you and Shane really knew each other I knew I've known Shane for a long time I painted for Shane oh well I guess it was for Katie but I retract yeah you my shock um with you and Adrian both at Adept con I don't I don't know what we're going to do board games maybe we're going be for La um well we're going to get past we're going to get through Lindsay and Mel play right well we're going to get through through so you and Adrian are going to magikon uhhuh yes me and Adrian we're going to Magic yeah yeah Bri and Adrian um and that's going to be next weekend yes um and so we have a plan for that we doing things for that um when we say next weekend we don't mean two days from now no no yeah that's not next weekend that's this weekend so just saying next weekend implies it's not the one coming up it's the following next could mean chronologically the next one that happens no then would be this weekend Brier this implies currentness of right now yes this meaning the one that we're going into it's not the weekend right now you're wrong again but anyway anyway so when you and when Brian and Adrian are at adepticon will have yeah yeah not not BP uh I know you said beep but I definitely heard not beep um but yeah we'll we'll probably have something in place or we we'll have an idea of of um yeah Y how we do things I think it'll be fine there's a lot going on but there's enough people here at all times that yeah there'll still be stuff at all times you all times 24/7 nobody's allowed to leave M uh do you have battle shock sir do you have to battle shock this hell Blaster yes we'll get to that oh will we now we will okay I don't there's a tank there sir oh you can be oh my gosh I forgot you can't stop me I'll just OverWatch you you have no power here oh I didn't choose an oath Target um cator looks like no no no these guys are doing signals bro oh oh these are just action monkeys signaling um I Choose You P so in that building yes there's two there's three units so there's a battle sister Squad which is 10 there's Celestine with her sarap and then there is junith with her sacrs yeah okay I Choose You Pikachu uh I'm gonna Pik go with s oh there serim like kind of in the way yes I choose serim with I'm just oh sisters are so frustrating why can't I just chop off your head cuz it grows back we have Miracle I'm just I'm like all in on your deployment zone I'm like give me give me that remember I could just wrap in INR too and get behind you and then I pins you and then I'm taking your head off which is a Pokemon I choose you that one's always creepy I the idea of the bug Pokemon a giant bug Pokemon with like a giant like pins up top he's like yeah he's got arms and legs like like obviously arms and legs Pokemon aren't detailed enough to have the gross parts of insects have you seen people make realistic Pokémon like then they're gross they're terfy yes signals also I found out at Elio y that Lindsay what she's a uh a professor or some type of oh yeah she's like a magic judge yeah she's a but for Pokemon a teacher Aid for Pokemon teacher a I'm an official Professor Pokemon professor okay excuse me yeah teacher Aid that's what I said teachers Aid is that like a level one judge is that do they have us judge level they do have a judge level there's like basic like level one level two and stuff yeah what level is your professor one so okay here say one here's the thing I'm I'm a basic Professor but that's because for some reason um I am one of the few there's like 10% of judges out there that are affected by this glitch where they cannot um they cannot um I I can't um report uh winnings I can't report anything oh so they can't for some reason and I went back and forth with Pokemon company for like months like hey I'm trying to report this this event and they they eventually like after six months they were like oh this is something that's affecting like a very small percent and you're one of them so I cannot I cannot run anything right now and so I cannot move rixing that are they going to fix it they're they're in the middle of doing a lot of things so I'm not expecting that to be fixed anytime soon so that is but that is why I'm a basic Professor which is why you're a teacher's aid you just didn't battle enough gems you know I did yeah I didn't I have to take a battle shock for what lieutenant and Hell blasters yes you fail they are good dang it they're very good yeah uh he lets them fall back shoting charge oh is that true probably is that a strat yes fallback charge Target priority that's what he calls it Priority I remember the start of the Edition we like this is busted you just you lieutenant you just fall back sh charge is crazy turns out when you price it at like 110 points it's like it's okay it's fine so they have fallen back and they will shoot and charge yes what are they going to shoot is the question they going to fall back to death comy no sisters over there oh you think you're going to kill my sister Squad I'll kill whatever I want Mis I think we're going to leave this objective ohow yeah you're getting crazy over can he send himself or is it infantry only probably infantry it's infantry only lib dread infantry is it movement phase ability or is it phe end of movement phase so you can just walk him over him jump them uh but then I would be farther from you mister up close and personel I'm trying to help you by helping me and you just won't let me help you we're going to wander over here so help me help you oh we can stand on this balcony this is going to be pretty epic oh my gosh pretty epic standing on this balcony all right he moves I think six cuz he's a little he's a yep he's a a a Stumpy thread from Days Gone by 10 got to the chopper he's heading over oh he's heavy um do I have I do not I'm done moving would you like War have grenades what the heck that's so silly they're also Vehicles so they have tank shock too they have grenades and tank shot uh yes I will rapid angers oh here they come um now the question is of course where mhm that is the question I don't know how to deal with any of that over there it is turn two you cannot be in my deployment Zone it is true it is true so don't even think about it I was thinking about it until you said it so now well don't think about it you're just going to shoot me with a tank I'll shoot you with everything I don't like it I can shoot on death maybe shoot no you fight on death I have a strap for shoot on death that's on a four up yeah but I can still do it Bridger yeah well I'm I'm going to drink this glass of water you do that you need to be hydrated look at your look at your Coke can we're like a Coke family here wait this isn't even the one in the shot how's there another can it is the one in the shot no it's not yes it is look at your hand yes it is oh that building's really messing with my perspective yeah cuz it looks like a coc's like sitting under messed with it so be a little weird now yeah that looks like it's in front of the building does it rich yeah it kind of does actually I that's crazy I think you're just tripping out you're having issues over there I don't know what's going on I am so you're you're going to I'm just going to risk it for the biscuit you're going to do this right now look Richard no risk no reward you're going to do this right now do it Brian do it do it now do it do it do it now yep you know if we get shot anyway I might as just be further back so you can't the charge you know what if you want to go 9 in backwards do might I don't know I don't I don't know what to think anymore I don't know if that's a good call feel like we're calling each other's Bluffs at this point it's like a triple Bluff got to remember how to use this actual Squad uh you pretty much just do anything you want with them and they're great cuz Mor ball in every edition of the game has been busted that math checks out PR yeah with re to Hidden wound it seems really silly yeah well you know hey they only put it on unit that has multi melters and giant swords so I'm sure you won't figure out how to put that to good use uh great great shooting face great yes also my shoot on that thing is not it's not for it's not on a for I just get to shoot I just shoot you but I have to lose a model interesting mhm we are going to go to the sanguard and we're going to shoot eight Inferno pistols let me make sure that I can all have Inferno pistols before chat catches me while while you're checking that I just want to thank Lord azriel for coming in and giing five memberships thank you so much Lord Azel all the infer pistols yeah eight Inferno pistols into your elino oh okay yeah take that got nothing to say about it uh we're hting on TW cuz Chad said so cuz danty toughness nine uh strength eight there so you wound me on fives you weren't lethal on these right nope three wounds it4 uh a oh sixes six UPS okay all right now these are d3s these days oh interesting three four five six down to four well just you don't go you hey all right I'll wait you stay over here I'll stay over there Mr Dante is going to shoot Dante's Inferno which got renamed a predition which is a shame Dante's Inferno did you ever play that game I assume you did Inferno a game PlayStation I remember it being I saw ads for it and it was like advertis as a very edgy game like it was a cool game uh that's not a wi not a wi can I walk over I did not play it you Cann now walk over there very sweet of you you really you're really you're crimping my style wow you're cramp cramping my St go ahead and charge my rhinoceros Bridger cramping my style here I I think that leaving them in this awkward corner of the table is probably my best play cuz now like why are they there it's true yeah they're there for when I get captury Outpost and they just Sprint across the entire table that it's very far uh more shooting the defensive array into these poor little repentia repentia repentia who have fallen quite far yes from from once they came they're they are so bad everything else Ona Gatling Cannon these are T6 they are T six yes I'll put the G Canon over there and the last Cannon the twin L into your castigator so here's twin Las into castigator yeah it Miss nice cool uh 12 12 18 shots at no at um oh the Rena Rena yep yep y yep yep this is the defensive array lethal sustain no it doesn't get keywords she gets 18 shots just 18 that's the keyword actually it's the 18 shots threes there you go no AC that's fine because I have a really bad save youve cover seven up save actually oh six up cover six up you should take a cover though although I do have a three up save on the leader chick so here's the first four sure sixes I'll take cover and then they have feel no pains this is what I get they no pains no no feel no PS they could be good you kill two yeah and have two more these are on sixes sixes and fives oh so one left left six and then five okay so he's and this three cool so just the leader lady just the leader lady six 12 heavy onsa shots at the Battle Bots the robo suits eight hits sixes don't do anything cool yet but just you wait here they come oh6 here come the sixes these are Dev mhm and those are wounds safy zero nice here's my something two up I think I think so where is my two up save yeah take two damage they have five wins yes and a three they have four WIS one's down down to two Okay okay okay d DES gonna get pistols probably I'm gonna shoot you with pistols well three of them have thunderhammer are they two-handed thunderhammer they one these guys are holding pistols stardy chain swword and bolt pistol or thunderhammer or thunderhammer and then I assume the chains sword can swap for a fist so you have two pist M MH [Music] mhm mhm mm oh you watch out one win no a you're good great awesome cool what assault iner scissors they're on the balcony going to charge me time yeah dud uh the two hell blasters are going to shoot and not overcharge your battle sisters die sisters die die one okay uh got one you did not over jge correct summer yeah we you kill yourself with hazardous could you shoot on death yes oh that is pretty cool uh we are done shooting because teleport homers signals signals I don't know why I chose to do these things in your deploy Zone you just you went all in but I probably shouldn't can I put them not to play with I just it on a habit but if I'm only doing two quarters I should do my two quarters yes you can do that brid yes that makes a lot more sense you want this ones back over here yeah look it just you were preparing for next turn when they don't die you know was just was really exciting I just ABC brid I just wanted them in your deployment Zone um cool charges charges uh these assault intercessors are going to charge your battle sisters yes yeah double ones dang you're going to make it they made it uh Dante and friends will charge battle SS and sarim seraphim yeah and Celestine yeah mhm mhmh mhm yeah mhm mhm I'll take a closer look oh he might fail no we're good dang uh cool I should I guess I'll just move I'll move those now there's no reason to pile up charges that I need to resolve Dante standing heroically on this balcony looking down on you like you guys are losers py humans not made of gold this tree is lovely is he but it's so in the way but it needs to not be there oh the tree it's beautiful it it is beautiful it is beautiful it's placement you can blame Adrian um but uh will darn you Adrian of of but um yep um that's the one yes hope they're having a good dinner where do wherever it is did he ever say where it was no he didn't want I know where it is cuz I got an email are you allowed to say can you say can you say what no I I don't what if what if they're watching right now he said don't say it they're probably already there it's 7 o00 I know but he said don't say iter just tell just whisper it to me secret he doesn't want to get he doesn't want to get mobbed by the paparazzi you know they're trying to have a good D what's the first letter of it I don't remember but you know the name of the restaurant you just don't know the first letter that's how does that work that's correct just whisper to me brid did you recognize the restaurant nope okay uh there's so many restaurants in the bay I mean honestly you could probably say what it is and I wouldn't recognize it either what's the type of Cuisine it seemed like a Seafood Steak House I think let me I love steak houses I'm not going to check why are we talking about this doesn't matter well what if we wanted to go after Lieutenant yeah we wanted to like go enjoy you want to go you want to go to dinner with me'll be closed lieutenant and friendo she ignores me too are charging that lady that was really scary she was she's the Palatine that we thought was a palanquin Oh someone in chat uh disc uh said what a a paltin is Palatine is and I forgot and it's it was it's long gone Lindsay one job what like there's so much going by in chat okay yeah but that was the most important message of the whole night oh oh oh oh oh a Palatine or paltinis is a high level official attached to Imperial or Royal courts in Europe since Roman times it sounds Roman yeah does it I wouldn't have guess it does sound like like a Roman but it makes sense everything else is kind of everything Imperial is kind of Roman yeah uh these assault intercessors are charging both no 10 both what going the two units that are over here zepim and Lady face oh 10 is quite far 10 is very far just Jupiter says it's it rhymes with Motel briger would definitely take me to mael Taco Bell Dude Taco Bell had like a press conference they had like an E3 were you a part of this conference I have to imagine you but they announced a bunch of really cool uh dishes that they're doing what of a Baja Blast gelato they made like a Baja Blast cream pie is just everything Baja Blast no they also have like other taco stuff they're making like chicken nuggets or something chicken nuggets yeah I don't really I they make tacos I didn't really understand it like you know did you ever see when Subway uh started making pizza they did briefly and they still make soup and I don't think anybody eats Subway sou well Subway anything I don't I'm I wouldn't go to CH to Subway for chicken noodle or any I don't know that I would either if I was in the mood for soup I think I would probably like Panera or something Subway okay all right so try to pitch me Subway it's like the craziest so I have to go to Subway cuz it's like the only thing on the way home that's open when I'm done climbing on the team so you have to go to have to go or you could just F I need protein and I not going to cook my arms are dead I get home and I'm like I can barely get the Subway to my mouth anyway they have foot long churos they have churros at Subway foot long churros very interesting oh foot long pretzels but what is a also strange and interesting weirdest foot long cookie it's like a cookie Loaf and is I think 20,000 calories it's ridiculous it's like $4 for a foot long cookie please tell me you haven't gotten this before no I haven't gotten it but I any of them I'm morbidly curious I look every time I go in and I look at that I'm like is this a joke like is this a prank is do they have them on display there they're just like sitting there for 3 days cuz nobody's bought them seen them they just have like a it's like all the way on the left it's like where the specials just a meme they're trying to see who would actually make they're trying to get that you know foot long craze again you know remember they were just $55 now they're like5 or something yeah well inflation that's crazy and Shrink flation also Little Caesars terrible $5 hot and ready my friends and I lived on that for like years a big not only do they raise the price but they also cheapened all the ingredients yeah that's right that's right it became gross it is very gross I am done charging you good sir oh yeah I would like to begin honorable combat with you yes and you're in combat with celan right yes okay so no heroics no heroics need it you could heroic with um nah uh lady Face Lady face junith junith do you have Precision Precision I could use the generic trat with Mr danty Mr danty I think Mr danty would kill junith so I'm going to say now very likely yeah okay you can interrupt I can in fact interrup which is or I could fight on death worrying to say the least yeah I think 10 battle sisters not going to do very much yeah it's not going to do a lot I think this Palatine over here she is actually interesting is the thing you're most likely to interrupt with yes I think so too so I I also just keep in mind when you kill a character I can spend a CP and discard x amount of Miracle dice just stand back up they don't not why it's you out up to three sisters just frustrate me and then celest can just get back up too very frustrating SP a CP so then I wouldn't be able to interrupt you recognize that playing against this it's frustrating you know I play lar man I don't know what you you do you do I'm used all of it we're going to start over there and we're going to start with um The Assault intercessors the no I think the Lieutenant's going to do the job but first his two friends his two friends first his two best friends in the whole wide it two hell blasters yep punches and kicks I get an extra attack each cuz I charged wow and an extra strength cuz you charged two extra strength who extra that was our change in the FAQ uh these are lethal because Mr Lieutenant man mhm and then these are threes twos I'm strength six TW yeah yep and then we'll put two lethals in yeah uh and I have two four up saves mhm okay that was quick I have a three up save okay and I she only has one Moon so to keep going with the one moon lady she's dead and then now this is on the character yep um does Dante need to take a battle shock Dante gives out battle shock everybody okay okay that that's what CH talking about uh Dante's in comat with two no everybody's in six so it's that whole pile of people over there I might not even be able to interrupt that would be good for me this is the most important one cell stee yeah she's fine she's good uh we'll do jith I guess does matter JY she's hurt can't do it she's up and then B St so I can only interrupt C also no strs on anybody else and terante here's the lieutenant Lieutenant killing your Palatine no if you get up I will probably get up I swear swear is that a strat yes oh you wouldn't be able to interrupt I think I told you this Brier you just don't listen to me this is how our relationship works I speak to Bridger in one ear out the other this is very interesting I have a couple lethals twos all right four wounds six wounds sorry six wounds yes that's how many attacks I had a uh two this is a power a Power sword all right so she has a three of save M and three wounds yep so do the first and an invol and an invol of four so it's fours yeah and these are two damage so okay it's too late now I've rolled the dice she's dead um if she stands up it has to be out of combat but then you have the assault intercessors that could just walk back into oh and they could just punch her and they could just fight me anyways so I think you just let her die just let it go let it like that famous song Let It Go from that movie yeah you love that movie don't brid was singing that song earlier I don't think I've ever seen the movie start finish but I love the meme culture surrounding it uh now would be the time you interrupt yeah I'm going to double check to see what all I can actually get into combat and then decide from there yeah it's worth checking cuz three it's just it's not well while you're checking that I just want to thank Kraken shells for gifting five memberships thank you so much shells yeah we are up to 23 new members for this stream can we get it to 30 we appreciate that oh I'll bet you we can get it to I think we can I think we can the chat's feeling very generous today so very kind I don't think I can actually get they're supporting everybody in the comment Adrian and Mel going to an restaurant unknown to all but one of us we've got a lot of new faces in chat too and they're all you know so give them give them a chance to experience the Tuesday the special membership Tuesday not just the Tuesday Lindsay not only do we have members only battle reports on Tuesdays we also now have Mr Lea pain extraordinaire Mr Lea doing paint streams for members on Thursdays during the day definitely come check it out we uh had a vote I think it was Tuesday members voted what they wanted to see get painted so they decided on faces and then yesterday there was another vote to see like what kind of tutorial whether it was like a long format or more in- depth or like a quick down and dirty which did they pick they chose the incorrect one and they chose like a quick down and dirty you wanted to do a long form like oh yeah I have so many thought have to you're priming them for you know they wanted just the beginning they wanted the intro the 101 now you're P you paid way for the long form you don't get a foot long cookie the first time you go to Subway like that's probably the only time apparently Chad's saying that the chos are fire yeah so yeah I apparently Wednesday I I'll get a churro from somewhere please don't I'm not going to interrupt over there I couldn't get enough into combat and then the way I would have to Pile in it wouldn't work with coery would be great for you yeah so I feel bad every time that I go in cuz they're like trying to close every time I go to that Subway they're like mopping they're taking out the trash oh and you're just adding more proba like sealed some of the vegetables up stuff they're starting to like close down the thing I come in like an hour before they close but it's they're the only thing open and that's the only reason I go I can't help it Brian Willow once just wants to remind you that she stands up who stands up celest Celeste stands up at the end of the phas pal stand or whoever I I don't know maybe so if you want to get her up yeah I think I will you get her up yeah I will it's not not immediately but so she can't be killed in combat uh yeah yeah that sounds right that sounds like the kind of thing that would happen divine intervention yeah uh at the end of the phase yeah I guess I should actually read the Strat how many miracles I you want to spend I am going to spend two yes I'll spend two okay spending a two and a three two and a three she'll get up with two wounds as close as possible not in combat yeah there is where did she go the face end of the or right now or something end of the face end of the face whatever fine end of the face cuz they're going to move oh my gosh um so I'm fighting with Dante thank you Willow I appreciate that and sanguinary guard and they're going to go into celin and Company yes I only have Dante and four people fighting cuz I'm coming at you at this weird angle but that's all I need to be honest I think that's a lot of attacks yeah cuz that's uh 20 sanguinary go attacks it's not hit me and they're hitting on twos as we've been told I need chat to help me in most aspects of my life uh yes we mentioned earlier they're hitting on twos because of um Dante Dante Mr danty yeah just like M Mr Dy oh wait uh twoes to hit Cen Squad these are seraphim these are seraphim yes cool now we're not oh we already rolling cuz this was my o Target yeah was yeah it was the thing yep uh all 20 hit yep h two no extras it's kind of disappointing now after playing CSM sixes don't all turn into like a million hits and wounds yeah that oh I only hit with all of them that's kind of lame I want like 174% efficiency I don't know I don't know what this is uh we're going to W you on TW here yes strength your strength a lot seven and I'm toughness not a lot well I did roll Fair number ones for you good um so you'll have 15 wins on your seraphin seraphim have 15 oh my goodness y mhm mhm okay okay I have five sarapin before I get to Celestine and her homies and her celestian yes so I'll do five at a time these are five ofal CU I assume your AP more than AP two yeah so fives boom first five yep you killed three great the next two two yes you killed dead great have this celestian they two damage each yes okay fine uh the first two these are four pimples so one is slain or do they have a f pan no no uh ctin has a f pan if her homies are alive but they'll be dead by the time I put wounds on her so four cool okay so now this is all on CEST this is all wow oh my goodness Mr danty doesn't even get to fight yeah well he might he might um so she has up four p b uh five two at a time I guess sure that's two damage that's two more damage ah I also have all of Dante I wouldn't I wouldn't put resources into this she's dead cuz she's going to die and then on a two up at the end of the facee you get up but at the end of the phase end of the so I'll go pick up all those models and then two up to come back all right so it's possible she just doesn't any other Army I would feel like I'm in a in a commanding position right now I feel like you are on a commanding I I don't know man I don't know sisters they're just they're Trixie well maybe but I'm not good with them they're like Trixie Tang from Fairly Odd Parents oh my gosh that was a name I haven't thought of in years yeah that's what I'm here for that's that's what I Envision you I appreciate it all right I am going to pull in oh my sacrs your your sacent and junith cuz they're Shield folk and I sh folk am not afraid of Shield folk they're not good they're pretty they're actually pretty buns they're very durable they're durable but damage output is not good all right I'm only going to get one rank of assault intercessors interesses so I got to oh jeez knocking over this tree get get moss out of here all right so two are out which means I have eight eight eight times two three let's consult the times table probably does everybody remember their times tables 2 * 2 is four five and 8 * 5 is 40 crazy yeah that's a lot of attacks it's kind of too many attacks um oh wait I get hold up I get Miracle dice you killed a bunch of stuff I did um so the miracle dice for the iniates 15 is a five the miracle dice I think she I don't get the thing for her CU she's coming back I idea I don't know um but you killed the seraphim Squad Y and then I assume that cine won't give me Miracle dice either if chat knows if my two characters give me Miracle dice when they die I imagine you would get it but I'll wait to see what this uh this is 20 attacks I'm going to do this twice so this is threes and twos cuz we're plus two strength which is a lot of strength that is a lot of strength that's like the perfect strength someone say they buffed us we have been Leed Le boofed um cool yep I'm not going to mix up these dice with any other dice cuz I need this number of dice very important I have to imagine that they're probably dead I hope so CH uh that many AP two because we have S gives us an AP God this is so many five well that would be the [Music] squad that was half My ATT I got a miracle that was half my attack oh it's a six you don't know what's coming oh that was a six too double six yes lindsy you get a a miracle die for Sarah's dying because Celestine splits into a new unit then you get one for Celestine dying so you do get one for even if she comes back to life I thought you would get it yeah I'm pretty sure that's crazy okay so I'll roll one more what about the Palatine do we know who died and also came back so probably the same thing I would imagine so yeah you're going to get um uh okay so this is for Palatine and Celestine these are my Miracle I'll do one at a time so the first one c yeah it's a one excellent yeah and then Palatine so just in case I don't get it for some reason it's a five yeah I have a lot of mirac you do this is more than I could ever spend in a lifetime yeah chat was predicting you're going to have a lot by the end of this yeah yeah so but don't worry fate dice are still broken we have weird grudges you like things that nobody would expect us to be grudging about Miracle di is so dumb it's worse than fate dice but fate dice get nerfed it's dumb you get more Miracle dice than you ever did fate dice I mean and you have to frontload your Miracle dice I mean f di the character who turns everything into a six for lar is a lot better and cheaper than the character who turns everything into six for sisters yeah but you can do more with these than you can with the Fai that's you can bring back characters oh you can have more utility that's I'm saying you do more but the units that you're putting sixes on are way better than lar they're faster they deal more damage they're more survivable are better you can't change my mind sisters can't move shoot move yes they can every no no no no cuz that's like a nobody cares about pistols they're little baby pistol they have flamers yeah okay what that's like 8 D6 flamer shots it's not wraith guard wraith guard suck now they didn't suck for a long time but they do and they could move to move you look you you're making a point but you're not we're going to die on the same Hill together yeah we are all I have left is these assault intercessors uhhuh so they can move before it's your turn and once it's your turn my zepim I will fight your zerum you got to make those noises otherwise it doesn't work I wonder if I can get my voice that High um it's kind of like in the back of the throat yeah I I think we like the it's a muppet have you ever made Muppet noises maybe it was his child but not that was good we'll work on kind that was a little Yoda look it's kind of the same thing Muppets and Yoda are really Yoda is a muppet yeah yeah this is 25 attacks I was Ring wounds that Squad is ridiculous I got a four from a miracle di okay that squad's rolling wounds cuz it was on an objective that's well Nelly really good yeah I just lost like you lost a lot everything but you got these guys over here like the aggressive play against blood angels might not have been the move I don't know if this rapid Ingress was the move it was definitely the move no cuz I walked away now you're not going look I'm going to charge the tank what are you going to do against stuff I'll die I don't need the tank anymore it did his job yeah I did um oh I get to fight you with sacur Saints you do and junith you can mine hit don't forget let's start with junith junith uh she has four attacks and she hits on frees now cool there's no re or anything right nope nope okay need strength six so threes strength six One D AP do Force oh damage two what you killed the S I'm incredulous I'm impressed K the S uh is the Haler D the Hal okay and then these will wound on four you're T4 right I am T4 fours it might be fives might be fives let me consult they're string four oh they're string five actually but they're minus one to wound so then fource Force there you go so four of them two golly it's only one damage though uh they're pretty like I said they're buns their output not good well they don't exist for output they exist for they're like Turtle people yeah kappas turtle turtle kappas uh Forest yes yeah take another one another one another one bites the dust and another one oh are you touching my tank Bridger I am touching your tank what the heck Bridger I mean the auto is not blast it's not really going to do much but yeah but now I can't shoot at whatever I want you can can I oh I can you're just did a minus one now that's all I did okay so this is my melee into your interesses yeah uh-huh that's great and then uh Str six a three excellent good glad I wasted that time Ole Dole is that your turn Bridger that is my turn I'm not really standing on any objectives I got to get up and you're in my space so I got to go oh did you roll for cine oh no I didn't two up should I use the yellow dice of power you can't Miracle dice this I'm not Miracle dicing I'm just going to roll a yellow dice you can't do I would if I could you're good I was scared for you though I was scared for me too and she comes back with full yeah and guess what and her friends her friends will come back next well one of them best friendo uh she'll stay where she's at cuz she's not in combat yeah cool and then the Palatine I gave her two wounds with my Miracle dice that I discarded great so there we are that's my turn okay it going to be I got five for deploy tto wow and four investigate signals we got the bad ones out of the way and we also walked off of every objective well that makes you equal with me because I have no objectives either oh you walked off of everything except for mine somehow yes that's true you didn't believe me when I said I was going to zero you I was very skeptical and wrongfully so if I do one thing in Warhammer it's zero people on primary usually both players look if I do anything it's play the second half of the game with no models so we're on track you're good at it though this is a classic Brian and breger game we're on track uh you're up yeah uh so I go to 3 CP cuz junith is still alive despite your best efforts um I get a miracle Dice uhhuh and then I'm not on any objectives with any battle sisters wow so wow I uh don't get any extra you have a pile I have a massive pile of Miracle dice I have three six nine Miracle dice W and I've used a bunch yeah you have I have used a bunch you're going to need a miracle oh yeah oh yeah a primary though yes big old Donut get nothing secondary secondary let's see the secondary secondar secondaries okay how about these Brian tempting Target and which one's tempting um I think the middle I have a model right behind that building oh you do yeah it's it's yeah it's right there but I I mean I can't stop you from being anywhere exactly that's the problem um I guess if I tell you to stand right next to me that that's pretty bad for you so I'll choose the one that's next to my death company okay I'm mostly zero but yeah but I'll I'll hold it though don't you worry yeah my battle sisters already okay um so that's tempting so now battles shock I don't care about this one model anymore she could go stand on the objective tempting Target dra it uh she's probably repentia so probably not I think she I think but she's like the the leader she is uh leadership seven okay yeah she does pass okay cool she's the one with the whip she's the whippy lady yes yeah whippy lady OC one that's why she's leadership seven okay tempting Target and assassination who is a character for me to kill Dante Dante or the S priest lemon man lemon man Lieutenant ooh Lieutenant I'm going to go for lieutenant or leftenant as call um also I need to bring back one of Celestine ladies celestian yes um what else am I forgetting chat I have seraphim up in the sky still and I have my Demona in the as well yes space super I mean there's something in this rhino oh there's yeah there's 10 battle sisters in that Rhino a lot of sisters of battle what are you going to what are you going to do about that um I'll probably lose those inceptors yeah maybe or not you know say maybe all right let's do some moving I'm ready to move you move I'm going to hang out with chat um while you're chat while you're moving I do want to thank just Jupiter for gifting one membership he was trying to snipe somebody did not happen but hey that's okay we've got one more member yeah yeah here we go oh my arms are so big sore you're getting big really tired you're getting so big I I made made the the mistake of climbing two days in a row how could you do that it's a cardinal sin um very bad for all of your body uh your fingers and your muscles and your joints and if if you screw up bad for your bones I don't know what to do about this um You probably just let it go I think so I think uh you you still have six I killed like four when I have two death squads on your home you just find a new home stressful I think Celestine just gives up I go in there I Precision out Dante excuse me I kill him cuz he's a punk you can't kill Dante yeah I think that's the plan these sacur sings this guy are going to stay in combat this guy and then Celestine is gonna hop skip you're still my o Target I'm going to OverWatch you bro you can't OverWatch your perent combat bro true who are you going to OverWatch with with with my infernal pistols yeah but you can't shoot me out of combat this is house thing not the oh loser you're right this he's right I can be sometimes could OverWatch you with the assault you're in combat homie no you touch my tank that's what you get he's right every time yeah you're you're gosh all right um how do I get assassinated how do I killed Dante no you killed the lieutenant well yeah that's Plan B but if plan a that's Plan B sorry that's plan sorry that's plan a when it fails how do I kill Lieutenant Lieutenant's plan a Dante's Plan B and he said you Precision it with celest with celes yes which like I don't think it's a great plan but it's still turn two so I have one more turn for the Demona Fugue I definitely will make it to next turn I definitely will make it to next turn I don't know if you can hold on to that I got serap him in the sky that have some flamethrower pistols okay yeah let's see it I don't know where we're going with them but we're going somewhere we're cooking while you're doing that um Bridger would you be able to give us a closer look at the I'll give it a I'll try it thanks for the suggestion Lindsay yes yes yes I'll take it under consideration okay thank you for considering think about it very much appreciate consider very strongly it's going to be it's it's it's not going to be the best we've ever had I'll tell you that that is totally fine I think just chat would love a closer look at the man of all of the blood Angel models on the table and N of lemon just totally avoiding all the sisters yeah well you know there's nothing r on the tabl persisters that might also be an issue well nothing we want to look at certainly wow wow wow all right so the lemon man they want to specifically they want to see I don't know no they're not saying specifically but you know wouldn't hurt here we go here it is got the lemon morvin V Morin oh are you going to move morvin yeah she moves 10 I think it's morvin time Mighty that's such a long charge there's no way we just going you rapid Ingress so that you could move before look well you you played me you moved away I thought you going to charge the Rhino and then you just didn't I was shocked that you rapid ingressed to be honest also shocked I was shook I didn't know what to do you were excited about using the Strat that is true I was excited actually I'm just going to shoot what the heck you're not going to stay there no I'm going to move but I got to shoot other stuff so you can't score points Bridger you can't make me laugh but hand all right here we have the Last Stand of the sisters this looks like a this looks like a a a gaggle of mess I don't know it's definitely a gagle there were a lot of wings in here and then all the sarapin went away yeah now there's still kind of a lot of wings in here there's still a lot of wings yeah oh look Celine popped out hey wings wings she's looking at Morphin like you could have saved me have 10 battle sisters what do they do they shoot the dudes you do have 10 battle sisters in this rhino and a rhino I need to see the rest of the battlefield Brian you can't just keep me over here I'm only in one part of the battlefield bridg you killed me I don't know you for me there's the whippy lady oh whippy lady she's got a book and right behind her shov that book in your face on the corner wait who's that who's what oh that's your Palatine that's the no that's the repentia whip lady no behind way in the back oh in front of your intercessors yeah yeah she's going to kill the lieutenant and get liutenant get you assassinate hopefully that's her one job this turn kill Lieutenant get me assassinate and then die for the emperor you really need these guys to come in all right that's a cool model I like the base on that one demon M yeah yeah this is your time of need oh and I heal a wound on my Rhino you do so now he's not even wounded anymore what a time to be be alive this is I'm going too fast I'm sorry chat it's too fast I do want to thank Dylan Silva for uh becoming a new emperor welcome to 25 new members we just need five more as simple five more to hit the 30 I know right we do easy goals here on Thursday night tell us how easy that is Brian so easy almost like how easy it is for Bridger to kill my models um I think I I did the thing Bridger I think I did the thing Brian I think you did a great job I didn't look at the screen but I imagine did great only a few people Dr Mel could learn a thing or two cing nice I like the shade I know it's more of a it's more of a knock on Mel than than anything yeah it's not a compliment to you it was pretty shaky wow no not yours mels mels was pretty shaky on Tuesday but she was also very energized by the Space Wolves and all them so you know I don't yeah yeah oh hey thank you so much Charles cassier for gifting one membership and what's what's awesome is that Charles was gifted a membership by just Jupiter he's the one for and then he paid it forward so thank you so much Charles he so awesome see now we only need four just four easy look four is simple we can do four we can do four I don't know if we get four turns we could do four well we we're going to get four turns out of this game I think so you're going to hide the Demona somewhere want to make you play every turn okay are you ready for guns bridge I'm I'm so ready where are we starting we are starting with the Palatine yeah the palatin Plasma Pistol into has my pistol yeah I'm not overcharging now you be careful I will not overcharge if you kill a hell Blaster they could kill you yeah we're not going to do that you can shoot anybody else if you want I will shoot at an assault interor okay yeah excellent good stuff um we will do the flamer pistols from the seraphim into the death company the death company yeah you were making fun of my flamer pistols and you're about to get flamed yeah yeah pretty good I was making fun of them that's 20 32 35 shots look what that eight hand flamers will never be balanced in this game 15 they Str three it's another one of those things where it's like they're going to be terrible or they're going to be busted five I said 35 I have no idea I was distracting you other things I I said 35 or 32 I'll go with 32 35 sounds good to me sopam I just want to double check they actually have two and I'm not just super cheating I think they have two two Bol pistols five no I super l up to two I'm going have each of their two bolt pistols replace of the following so two infal four flamer pistol wait four hand flamers yes I super cheated there and then I have two Inferno pistols oh you shoot me with Inferno pistols this is no no this is the hand flamers it's 46 which is a much more reasonable number 11 12 14 15 yes you can't talk to me when to try to math dude FIV uh where is the strength three hand FL strength four whoa we got buff buffered yeah uh threes and sixes ow mhm I was laughing at your hand flamers yeah that's what you get I'm still laughing at your hand flamers I would laugh at them too uh I kill two two full The Vault pistols yeah that was then the superior has a plasma but I think it's only one I believe wait both of us have guns called Inferno pistols and they're different yes they're like very different one Plasma Pistol so no no I it's two hand flamers or two Inferno pistols so I would flam makes more are you going to yeah Plasma Pistol is overcharged ready wow it hits you it wounds you AP yes six two damage double six du six oh he's live on one do I kill myself do you no close and I get to move six inches now wow so uh we're just going to shim me on over but will you shake sh Shake do you remember the Harlem Shake yes yes that was a long time ago that was a yeah that was that was like 10 years ago dude yeah yeah that was more than 10 years ago was it yes yeah probably yes yeah that was like that's crazy the fact was more oh my God no way that's 12 years ago yeah okay half halfway to Y2K we're moving on uh we will do yeah let's do Vall let's do the cool stuff who you shooting Sho oh you're shooting there bud uh we're just going to put the melty meltas into the tank and then we're going to put um all of the heavy Wolters I can see into the inceptors everything else the my rules cards are conveniently the way everything in t uh let's do melt first now I could smoke here but you're rolling all hits and wounds so I don't think that's very worthwhile yeah I am doing that mhm yeah go ahead you're free to Goot so I'll do felis M just on twos and she wounds on fives I don't care I love it she wounds if you want uh this is where whomst L tank two damage and then her missile launcher Two Shots it hits you twice strength eight no strength nine so when you want fives fives yeah rolling okay that's a puny missile launcher yeah was really bad um then I have the heavy BL uh how many what's armor cont yes I'll go to one CP okay uh heavy bolters I have one wait I had covers I'm still give it back oh I'm never going to armor okay the roll boom it explodes and these on threes mhm you're T actually you're T5 right I might even be T6 be T I am T6 oh on fives yeah armor could temp have been just silly okay so four AP one which you don't care about back to threes yep but I do have the melty M MTI mels Jeepers Creepers I'll lose a whole inceptor yeah you that's just that's sad all right now I got the multi mels which is going to be six shots mhm into the into the tank the repulser yes everything hits but I got to check the Melt range because I might not you are in M range yes want make sure yeah uh fives fives four the pain brings you power the Pain Train has no brakes ap4 yes stra it dies like but I want you to roll This plus two I think you'll enjoy this I think I'll enjoy it can I saw the two ones first ah you take 14 19 uh 22 25 35 what plus two each yeah I did that oh that was what six to explode nope wait where do I charge now I don't know you on the objective I I don't know what you're doing okay I don't know why you put them over here I don't know man I don't know what's going on we are going to do some casti that's in combat yes into the intercessors he's in combat with the assault inter assault intercessors all right F I just want that to be clear don't for yeah rrolling because you're infantry oh yeah oh yeah are you minus to wound or anything no okay so these are wounding on twos cuz n rrolling cuz twin lincol that many at ap2 believe a [ __ ] armor cont tempted here go ahead okay well but just know if they don't die oh they're not we're going to fight in the parking lot it's AP AP one so I get threes well I have cover no dang it I just have like a delay on whenever I take away CP from you when do I get to our room cont never Bridger everything is buns AP one and you just have cover threes okay so this what's the damage two three three damage well that's going to offset my five up F the pain quite nicely yes um so three have gone through so here's the first guy he's alive on one why are you this way he dies funny story but then the next guy also alive on full so I'm trying you didn't see that one coming did you that was a sharp left turn look are you ready for my heavy blot blot blads yeah let's do it all right hdden on fours mhm sustained we're all going to pile around this tank punch it that many three mhm now these ones are two damage so naturally you'll fail all the saves will make no FAL pants threes well that's not really what I said but and then fives he's on one that guy that tanked all three damage he was a hero he's doing great all right I don't okay we're moving on Celine she like shoots laser beams yeah she's got a flamethrower uh so we're going to do her first where she she's going into your um inceptors yes so it is MHM oh I'm looking at the my other thing so it's D6 shots three three shots strength six so fours two hits two two wins ap2 fin ignores cover ap2 I didn't have cover to begin with should I have AR you should have conted no they're going to die to multi this so uh fives I wanted to be a six what's the damage I was going to stab you one oh okay he's on two I have one bolt pistol from the uh repent not the rep celestian celestian Gemini gem is that what they're called I miss chat was infuriated the whole time I was calling them celestian yes I agree uh now I just have some battle sisters to shoot you have a multia and a melta multi melta and a melta and do you have a guy on two wounds on two yeah start with the bolters okay and make this even worse for myself so three six eight Bolter shots MH MH M it's going to be fives to win T six they're chunkers how do you think they get them to fly uh extra big reactor this the melted gun mhm it's your it wounds you AP1 bajillion yeah it kills you dead this is the multi Mela two shots on a multi it hits you once dang it I'm going to see if you mhm and then I'm going to I'm going a miracle dice that's what I thought a three yeah or you don't have any threes that's awward I don't know how you don't have any threes I'm Miracle dice a four but when sister spend or battle sisters when they spend it they get it back get it back once per game different now Y and now it's a five you upgrade we're moving up so two hit and then twos no not twos threes threes okay two more kill the whole Squad and that is why we did not armor of contempt I was very skeptical that those multi Ms would do anything Prett much uh with Miracle di you have very good odds yep as we saw you sure uh castigator thei we put all of his guns into the assault intercessors do I need armor from tempting it's AP1 do I have cover probably rolling yes you are okay cool then two on mhm okay just just please die six three UPS just please die these guys don't even feeling pain so yeah but you'll make all of the three out I'll try yeah I know well that's a good start so three dead L three I'll let it go this is the uh heavy bladder mhm but two Shain mhm objection Shain uh three that many three UPS is this true link or is it oh it's this it's three heavy yeah it's like indidual uh thre that's another one D there's one guy left dang it yeah which one are you keeping um oh I didn't move my battle sister move your battle sisters okay they're just going to hop on I'm keeping that one I'm not going to make this obviously advantageous myself I'm the other side of the wall you can go wherever you want nope I'm going to hold the objective from the other side of the wall okay look you can go wherever you want man it's your movement face it is my movement face okay okay yeah MH any other shooting to speak of um wow when you put it like that Bridger no did no yeah everything has uh junits she doesn't have a pistol right I don't think it's a pistol uh her Squad probably has pistols hers is not a pistol but the sacr sac they have the HS they don't have guns I asse bet they have pistol everybody needs a sidearm in the 41st Millennium weird except pox Walkers weird they do have pistol and then the uh Superior can have an inferno pistol probably would have gone plasma I guess she would had a Plasma Pistol so I'll do Plasma Pistol from the superior overcharged sick uh then these are the pistols from the rest of the squad want hit you're good yep all two twos good excellent okay now we do some Char sorry did you overcharge your no you're uh this would have been really funny oh it told me more about how funny it would have been Bridger all right we're going to charge we got yeah you have a bunch uh saltin into Mr danty danty daniso she makes it yep is there anywhere you want her specifically I want I will I'll let you you'll figure it out I'll figure it out thanks homie so your Dante is already in base contact yes so I will do this that way he can't fight onto celos but I can Precision onto you that's correct I guess I'll base this guy so he can't go anywhere whatever that's with okay got cool 'll go Palatine Into The Blasters of Hell the palatin um yeah go for it wasn't far but like good thing she was right there what we call good enough yeah do you have any other charges um that you would like to I don't think so what is this Rena lady have repentia Sergeant she's got a whip but it's not good right uh repentia no it's terrible I think it's veryy good anti infantry four hey that's not bad yeah it's only ab1 that's like that's like strength four that's like my guns all right think that's so oh battle sisters I guess we'll charge into the S guard also oh cheeky B I'll use a six cuz I have a million of them sure and five it's 11 charge very good I well I imagine you fight first with SEL or the Palatine I don't know I'm going to go palatin I this a little cuz I'm going to base all of your dudes most well most your dudes you know so that way you only get like two guys that can attack onto uh C that's kind of all it took last time look Bridger I don't appreciate this I didn't charge so I'm not powered up oh that's true and I'm powered up because I mad at you it's true it's very true oh you want me to grab one of these sixes for charge oh yeah please or did you already do that I did not do that okay maybe I will interrupt and kill your Palatine my Palatine you want to start with the Palatine oh I need assassin that's right you're going to start with your pal I need it that is correct it is correct U so I'm going to discard a miracle dice forer boom boom so that way she does more wounds in addition did you want to discard a five um you know I could be tempted to discard one of my many you have one you don't have to get rid of a five you what I don't think you benefit from you used the five no I didn't I grab the one no you grabbed you grabbed a five are you sure yes you grabbed a five no I grabbed a one Bridger come on now you have grabbed a one look I could have grabbed the six and it wouldn't have changed anything where is she at where is Valentine there she is palatin palatin all right M so yeah she is four attacks plus one for the Relic and then that's all there is she hits on twos tell now and she's not leading a unit so that's I'll spend a CP for precision oh okay Lieutenant yeah I need him to die okay yeah he MH but if I don't kill him then Celestine can't kill Dante because I can't Precision on D oh she doesn't have Precision right I don't think you need Precision here I think I do because I have to kill the two first and did the be out of The Mortals I Bridger I have to make sure it's two gaspacho Marin they yeah uh strength four to strength five the threes the threes for Mortals and wounds that are two damag well The Mortals aren't too damaged Bridger yeah but okay that's the hell Blaster dead can allocate however I want I'm just saying you didn't need yes I did you didn't need it bro all right Five Wounds which is five Mortals put the two first two on your Lieutenant okay you got it dude h two more you want two more on the lieutenant on Lieutenant wait does he come with an inval buil in these days what's her AP anyway he does not have an inval she's ap2 does this give her extra so those fives would have save that's exactly what it she's three damage even cuz she getes plus one damage very powerful I'm a dummy ap2 St oh my gosh she gets one more attack and strength and damage cuz she's lost wounds I got one more attack which I hit yeah and I wound yeah keep going so two more on Lieutenant yep yeah now the now they're dead excellent good job paltin they are dead yeah mhm and then on threes they shoot one will shoot is p two damage okay great but I get a miracle Dice and it's a three look it was worth it brid that was assassinate that was worth it I will point out you did not need yes I did to Target me I was going to you would like interrupt oh yeah mhm oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah yes uh both my CP yes in R okay mhm what do we have over here what's going on what's going [Music] on so these two are going to fight celest yes this guy is going to come over here this guy is already oh he's a free agent wait that means this guy's a free I don't think I can fit two of them there okay so three can fight Celestine mhm two can fight battle sisters yes this one and Dante have to fight uh hover Cher hover chair okay so this will be 12 attacks in a Cell team yes she's fine she's got easy she might be fine I don't know she's probably not fine she's so far from fine 12 attacks so many you're still my own Target oh my gosh I am wait yeah that sucks y twos I mean it's it's already twos so I'll grab all those ones though whoa look we're flexing like I don't even think you need that many to kill her I think I do I don't think so she's got a four bin M and we're only winning on threes here Str five T3 we could have strank seven if we charged well that was very good Bridger that's a lot of wins on CEST oh you said it was only two and then it these are two damage right yeah gem Gemini here you want this one you can have this one oh she's alive Gemini she's dead Okay hold off on the last one just in case all of these are four just in case yeah like she didn't even try that very dead yeah she tried not hard at all I'm going to grab her for you how sweet of you do I get another miracle dice oh I'll bet you do I bet I will it's a one I have so many miracle I Bridger well there's three got a pile going on over 10 over here and I spent like three this turn two were fighting battle sisters so that'll be eight attacks so many [Music] attacks not o Target Two Hits is that great threes six wounds AP two on your battle sisters five oops you killed four great uh one is fighting sacr minus one to hit oh one hit minus one to wound oh no nice did you get the ption BL the Dante axe mortalis is that Dante yeah the preditions is gun does he give himself probably mod in this unit right yeah so he's back to TW same yeah look at him lethal nice not oath minus one to wound threes oh and then these two so four wins AP three on sacs yes four UPS where's that for cestine I don't know oh we got to do the battle shocks start a combat face battles shocks I'm sure chat was just yeah already going uh so this is Battle sisters yeah they are shocked this is Celestine who's dead doesn't matter and the sac yeah they are probably not good I bet you six but aren't you minus one or aren't I minus one you are a minus one thanks she definitely thank you for remembering apprciate that tank within range question mark well if it is failed for sure I don't think it matters I don't think it's within six um did you pull your four battle sisters no I and after that it's over to you my dude all right let's see this game's going quite poorly for you yeah I if I do say so if I do say so myself it's not not working out for the Sisters the turn one charge is questionable um with a lot of things this rapid Ingress also questionable it scared me I was I thought I was going to lose when you you were doing a lot I just didn't do enough like I didn't do anything into your sard well when I in the world where I got the rules wrong you you did do a lot true guys already touching yeah it's true it's true when you play correctly they're pretty good yeah sard are good oky dokie so let us do the thing yes uh I don't know battle sister's do in combat um punch and kick yes and bite let's do close combat weapons I have how many mod are six yeah I killed four so there should be six so this is the large has a chain sword yeah on fours excellent and then the rest Squad fives one hey one win take your uh sa you're winning on sixes picture uh that's all my comat so you can fight with oh yeah your ass so cool that's everything that's everything that I charge you with right cool yeah hey cool yeah that's fun for some like I like this uh this comment in chat I haven't watched in a while but when did JN get tats John got tattoo he's grew facial hair and shrunk like a foot I left the lemon man outside lemon man two four six are fighting do you know the lemon man Cherry lady the lemon man the lemon man the lemon man do I know the lemon man who lives on jury Lane one two three four is socer five yeah minus one to hit and wound six cool uh rrolling wounds were on an objective must be nice why do they still have that like every other unit in the game lost that um force a hit M rolling oh rolling wounds you said yeah wounds lethal no good that's Mr left tenant he's dead yeah yeah yeah you killed him oh yeah I did you did good uh so threes go to fours and we're R cuz we are on an objective and these are going to be ap2 because we have Mr Lemon man oh my gosh there a lot of wins you're going to kill the whole Squad no we're not going to kill the whole Squad here's four in bols from the shields okay so two dead next two oh these are one damage do you have two Wis no oh you're right your sisters I'm a sister man so you still have three left you doing great on your saves still three left no I lost three wait no you lost two oh so I lost three you've only lost three that's that's that's incredible exceptional yeah and the three are punching and kicking the side of your castigator cash get her threes and then sixes rerolling these wounds nope nope okay two then again just two a two I'll take one yeah wait I'll take two yeah you take your two damage you're down to eight eight all righty uh I will slap you back now my tank hit you twice my tank wounds you twice I assume it's ap0 it's AP Z I want to S who are they going to sacr who are they in comth I think celestin goes or not Jun goes into the sanguard and then I put everything in sanguard yeah actually AP1 I'll do junit then sard and then the sac Saints into the they A2 the sacs A2 when you ap2 one image oh yeah I remember that cuz that stuck out to me I was like that's that's very good Jun Boom for ATT uh normally is a six-man Squad she's at three so I'm not below half so okay this is into yes this is Jun yeah minus one does she h on two normally she hits on two normally I have plus one cuz down yeah I get your rule too and let me double check you're good you're good you're good no no the plus one to wound I want to see if I have to be below half or if it's half or below below half strength which I'm not quite below half strength so this is strength six so threes fours cuz one but A2 too fours yeah take a dead guy and then I have there's two guys left right with the HS are two guys left so these are threes to hit because it's minus one and plus one right yeah minus one plus one M the two doesn't hit though I neither do the two ones brid I I don't know maybe we got like a cool sister rule oh yeah uh four oh take your one Dage I will that's going to conclude oh you just get to decide when my turn is over BR that was your turn I thought that was my turn I was so rudely interrupted that will conclude my turn spaghetti so at the end of my turn I did get my secondary so I got five forsting Target and I did get five for assassin nice so I'm look I'm playing the game Richard you're doing great yeah not not doing primary well but secondaries you're doing great you've gotten them once got we've gotten them on one round oh no you got them both rounds we're making magic out come on she she was pretty mean to you yeah that was nice what did I do he trying to Humble you I think I feel I'm pretty humble I don't know like Brier is doing a pretty good job yeah all right we're going to go to blood angels turn three oh I get two CP a miracle dice a one well hey how many CP should you have Brian I have two you have two you're to two Okay cool cool I have to battle shock do you want to see your secondaries first sure secondaries are these two oh yeah bring her down and no prisoners down which T which you you can do have three vehicles so I have all of those War suits are Vehicles oh War suits are Vehicles their greatest weakness what was your other my other secondary was aison kill units kill anything two points per thing those secondaries work really well together they do yeah I you know I got the bad ones out of the way mhm true it's all good from here so I might say that I would rather you uh have the bad ones now assault intercessor not battleshock bummer bummer very brave death company death company can't be batt shock can they should be Fearless but I'm pretty sure they can be battles shock not today not today not today your primary is pretty good to just three just three I'm not on that I didn't make it just three points well you know it's more than zero it's six right character uh I don't know if a character holding the opponent's deployment Z counts I think it's just the the sights of power in the middle yeah yeah so it's just three right enough hey barely in the lead so look jokes on you could have table you this turn you're going to be so done could have another classic reversal um I can only do that so many times before the trick gets old you know I'm going to get moving look I still have the demon you up in reserve I don't know if you knew that yeah they're going to jump around the table and be really annoying and that's like do I just wrap it in in him now all you're going to have left no stop doing rapid um these are Assa while you think about that Brian I think it's time for us to look at some cuties oh I am sorry sorry I start I'm starting at the end here uh this is just a taste of what's going to come okay so this this right here is a wonderful puppy wrap this is Domino say hello to a very warm comfy Domino yes that look so cozy right I want to be that I want to be that right now a dog burrito a dog burrito yeah or just a burrito you know have you seen those burrito blankets ah yeah I know what you're talking about I've seen those also uh this right I don't know the name of this thing but it stands it's a cat standing it that is stressing me out I don't know why that looks horrifying it looks great that's scary that's like a Slender Man cat version yeah there's something about that elongated arms proportions are wrong or like is this probably it's probably in like mid leap or like mid reach or something you know it's scary it's cute it can be cute and scary Le can be true um here we have Molly in the sun I want to be I want to be Molly in the sun Molly looks kind of like a bear right yeah that fur looks really thick right I imagine that dog sheds a lot it is winter that's true is that a dog yeah that's a dog no it's it's a bear you're I thought I thought it was a bear anybody has a pet bear and you're not sharing photos of your pet Bear right we're going to have what are you doing we're going to have some words um here we have poptart and that name I can't get over the name poptart for a cat so cute um and then we have a Tesla this is a baby orgie look at those ears the ears are bigger than the dog it's great it's like they're so short do you remember the the McDonald's like the big the toys that they used to get with like the big head dogs that's kind of what that reminds me of yes I can't imagine going through life with legs that is there a joint in those legs or is that just one little stub I mean this this is a little p this is a puppy that is going to grow into his legs andow grow into his ears and head um I feel like it's very front heavy you know when he stands up falls into face plants everywhere yeah it does look very F heavy yes yes but yeah there are more many more cute pets on the Discord yes um yes yes so definitely check them out and go like them and call them cute oh cuz they are they're cute M do they have grenades dude I'm going to SP my one CP throwing grenades at you just a pocket sand they better not have grenades I'll be soad oh yeah they got grenade key they famously had crack grenades cuz they could do um the the Last Stand thing in seventh when you got charged by a vehicle you could just stand there and not run away you wouldn't jump out of the way and then on like a six you would throw a crack grenade in the hatch of the vehicle and on anything else you just died what Glory Glory or death I think it was a silly Death Or Glory maybe that makes Glory yeah death angory death and Glory I'm going to OverWatch you though the death C are you would you like to no I can't it's the movement face I'm overwatching because I roll hits and I roll wounds what with my castigator you do what now castigator rolls hits against infantry dude what this been happening the whole game oh that thing the whole game been going oh well that's a good start oh him that's a good start that's a better start three hits now I went on twos and it's twin linked oh my it's twin you better r that one any what oh almost AB one you say stop it I can't armor of contempt it's well you have cover anyways you're in the stupid building my heavy BLS these don't roll but they are suain objection sure Tre my God both of these please these are oh they're not linked I asked that last time yeah come on come on fail I'm trying so hard that's a problem for you sir in the end of the movement phase you get up it's crazy this lip dread is going to stand at the end of the movement phase he's going to torto those inceptors on one they do nothing and they die please be one please be one please be one and away they go wings of sanguinius I kind of over here you could have just moved over there no they're not that fast I only move 10 fair enough cuz they're chunky boys that's so sad your death company is still alive yeah they're great uh in my shooting phase or the moving phase whenever you throw grenades I'm going to spend a CP to throw grenades with my death company I don't know if I need this but it's funny throw these a battle sisters I every unit counts this turn I got to kill all the units uh six dice on four apps yeah four more look I'm not I'm not down and out just yet I got F no pain I got fups you get fups againsts against grenades well just against everything wow FAL pain five plus you ready for all these fups yeah oh well I mean no but so two D well everything dies on her or oh they don't have FAL pain oh so four of them die yeah see yeah I didn't think they had a fing no pain they don't have fing no pains that's why you thought they didn't yeah that would be why continuing my Rampage of shooting these assault intercessors that we jumped jump jump jump around jump they're going to shoot did I choose an oath Target no uh it's the lady face uh so these three inceptors are shoot the three seraphim yes in the middle of the table these are bolt inceptors so they have a ton of shots uh it's nine shots with sustained two are they twin links they are cuz there are sustain so that's a b and that's a d it's almost like you're playing chaos again dude it's kind of like that um this is too powerful BR you can't have sustained as an ability just too powerful yeah it's too it's too good uh three strength five yes and these are twin link mhm so all the WIS M AP all of them Juan AP Juan gives me fours look that was really good but oh ones left and these are yeah mhm yeah one what's the range on these 18 I was already out okay these these two have to shoot at Morphin foul which they will indeed die mvin well that was really good uh so two sustain here and two sustain there and you're T5 so these wound on no you T6 these I am T6 yeah FIV to wound twin linkid looking at five wins here for you bud AP1 AP1 damage two AP one damage you yeah mhm threes so you killed one yep but are you ready for this Bridger is it does it boom uh do they boom I don't think they do I'll roll it and see matters no doesn't matter um but I'm going to spend a CP I can shoot you so Rejoice the Fallen one zp you would do that to me oh yeah Rejoice the Fallen Rejoice the Fallen why would celebrate your people see custodians Avenge the Fallen no they're rejoicing you're like they're sacrificing we didn't like that person we are shooting let me just dou check I can actually pleas one adeptus sorus unit from your army that had one or more of it models destroyed as a result shoot back of the perhaps a minus one nope no minus wow they have a reactive reprisal at no minus one you roll all hit some ruins anyway doesn't matter so here is the uh heavy bolters from the two I going to do the two first and then I'll do more yeah you won't need you won't need it interesting you've got this look youve been saying that your T six five soon oh my go rolling everything roll all the guys Bridger you got a wound B okay two damage down to one multi melt I'm on one I don't well I can't stop them and then you you can shoot all your guns in any order you want and I'm shooting this order okay cuz I don't think it'll matter I don't get sa they're dead yeah they're dead they died like you can't roll low enough yeah that's what you get they all die cool ah oh wait oh you didn't kill no you didn't kill you I didn't kill D dang it yeah I was so excited uh one heavy bolt pistol into one lady yes with a whip yes that's a hit yes that's a winep that's a she has a three two yes I would believe it she has a yes uh they don't have guns nice wait these guys don't have guns correct they have pistols these are pistol Hammer dudes you're right older man oh one win that's a excellent we got one got another one look you've activated my trump card I have I'm now below half strengths plus one to wound dude we're going to shoot so many Inferno pistols over here no I hate how much you're enjoying brid it's the little things okay when you're playing Warhammer and you remember oh like oh that guy has a pistol like all these guys have grenades you remember it and it never matters but against sisters all the stupid little stuff matters it all matters so much it all matters we're like going to kill a whole Squad just with pistols how many times have you lost sisters oh pretty much every game oh so I'm just bad is what you're saying this game this particular match is very soothing to me oh yeah cuz cuz it was rough man my track record against sisters is a bad what do you mean you've never played sisters on the channel before not with blood angels that's for sure uh we'll put all this into the battle sisters so we can just get them out of the way as if they're an obstacle to be moved let's get them out of here so here's Inferno pistols at this point I'm just hoping for more Miracle dice you know all D you got invol on these bad boys oh yeah I do all right do you re for me being on the objective or is that that's different different folk you killed you great predition is a pistol predition you're getting PR conditioned pish hit wound one more please unas sir that restaurant's terrible dead you a moss I hate that place never I don't they put carrots and burritos what no so they used to be went down the street for me and I was always tempted to go to it but I never did and then it closed down I'm glad I never went to it now down cuz they put carrots and burritos you know yeah that yeah yeah I could see it you had a visceral reaction to that the only time that carrots are acceptable and like T even just tacos as if they've been uh like pickled with jalapenos or something tiny yeah and they're like slices like yeah yeah like rounds or something but a whole yeah they put basically whole Rock carrots and burritos okay we're just not going to talk about that really bad there's a place in Sacramento probably other places too but called gimm boys yeah they cover their tacos in Parmesan cheese what I so I went for a GT out in sack and I stayed with a friend cuz he had a anys I stayed with a friend and it was me Jake and will and a few other people he oh will oh you got to go to this place it's so good the tacos are so good he's like it's Taco Bell but better because it's like I'm like yeah okay okay so we went and we get the food and I get like a bunch of tacos or whatever and I open the first one and it's like covered in powder like what is this a defec I was like this can't be real like this is awful and then there was like the nachos that also had parmesan cheese on top of everything I was like you guys got a chill this is not good it's disgusting you guys got to stop I mean I would try it I tried it and I hated it immediately also they had like a whole beans in their tacos like whole pinto beans in their tacos well no Chipotle does no and Tacos burritos short Burros like do they have any other type of cheese or is it just Parmesan cheese well they had like normal cheese in dis but it was like parmesan on top of in addition to the noral chees coting was parmesan like the tacos were coated in Parmesan cheese and also super greasy so it was just I'm picturing like oily parmesan Che yeah it's disgusting it's like you know when you go to an Italian restaurant and there's like a little dish in the middle of the table it's parmesan cheese floating in olive oil and you dip your bread in it I'm picturing that they just poured that on don't never go all moral the story I will never go back I can't ever um I got a bunch of assault intercors that are going to shoot the pistols as well yeah 2 4 6 eight who do we appreciate not you assault intercessors they're going to shoot lady face what's her name Jun Judy but she has sac and I believe there's still minus one to hit let me double check I would believe that yeah so it's stillus one to hit so we're hitting on you on hitting you on four stillus one to Wi well yep that means this is fours and I might roll this if I do it's a win well here's the first two these are four pimes I made both and if you save you won oh it mattered if you could be roll it or not each time targets an enemy unit with a melee attack nope it's okay so nobody dies nobody dies ever I'm done shooting that was relatively painless it was pretty fun yeah charges assault intercessor into loone whip liting you're going to give me a miracle dice dude oh of course yeah nice uh death company into battle sisters yes in uh we have a long one here wish I had that 11 still eight you had to be nine away oh no you didn't you did up be down oh I did to be nine away and then I killed people so I'm even farther yeah uh so no everybody's already in combat otherwise yep so cool yeah so you start over there you your death company charge right yeah yeah yeah I'll fight with death company do you care where you go no it's too power for this guys so here's eight attacks on threes threes rrolling everything as I was told by chat thank you chat mhm great M thanks chat they did the thing where the ability has two parts and the first part is always and the second part is conditional this right and so you you see the condition you're like oh no no no I don't need but it's the blah blah blah it should be two rules they have space on the card for it to be two rules I guess I don't know they don't want to have units with multiple rules right it's got to be one ability why I don't know there are plenty of units with multiple abilities I don't like the rules Bridger why are you yelling at me I'm not I'll do all but one sixes I think that's I'm not yelling I have four left they're dead okay over here yelling at me I'm just right I'm sorry stop I'm sensitive uh you can't interrupt I cannot so I will keep going inter hold up it's a miracle oh my gosh the one on assault intercessor five attack yes great uh twos cuz we're strength like a million D and we're ring wounds yeah 5 ap1s on whip lady I think she's dead it's a miracle it's a six oh yeah yeah you have so many miracle I have all the miracle H it's over to you it's over to me it's over to you there are some ongoing combats junith you won Battle Sister you can fight with her I think that's probably the one to fight with everything into the S guard with junith and the sac one hit you got me good and you are below half now am I did you kill one yeah it's you and one I started as no two s all my all my pistols is nothing I don't re roll anything no but it's three wounds A2 for two uh can you just fail some yes that's three sanguinary guard I'm so good at this game three sanguinary guard uh now I got some HDs you ready I'm going to give you more pain Bridger I would love it more HDs let's see it uh one hit plus one hit do uh fource not that one it was a six it's a six over here oh what the heck that's um transposition of dice all right to learn those skills look there's only two sanguard left still too many I will fight with those two sanguard and Dante into I will never talk mess about junith again Judy she just put the team in her backpack she's been doing great yeah uh we did not charge four Tex each for the sard mhm mhm mhm two yes twos minus one plus one no your sanguard is threes right cuz you hit on threes normally oh you're right I'm hit on threes cool yep and then this would be threes so it's fours golly maybe two so the first two on my shield Bros they're holding out oh dang it they dead so they're dead they're dead and then Mr danty oh it's a miracle he has eight attacks oh my gosh I don't mean to alarm you uh I'm no longer minus one to wound or hit you sure yeah well the squad's dead right but it's all at once oh okay chose anyway to hit yes and that's a lethal and these are misses and then these would be twos but I believe they're threes matter won't matter there's so I'll do all but the last one so four openes cuz she's cool who junith is upset she's a oh she's a beast dude she's but now funny enough she is kind of not as good anymore I mean she's angry she's angry but she could be better put her scary face on a lot of animated movies with big scary faces it's true they like project out of people or it's like it's Mr Potato head's Angry Eyes yeah angry mask takes her eyes off would Jim Carry The Mask yeah oh yeah we talk about that movie a lot on this channel I make sure of it are you ready for some battle sisters to punch you love some battle sisters to punch me actually I want to go castigator C is going to punch you yeah cuz why not it's a hit not a wound excellent great uh I will fight with the assault intercessors indeed it's my turn right uh it is actually two four six still six and three still six and three but lemon man's going to get in on Judith if she lives if she lives she's going to live she's too angry to die she's got her Angry Eyes on yeah also I have a CP so she really now she has lost the minus one hit you have CP true I do have one CP you have one CP okay I have one C I have none CP none seps one seeps one seep none seeps none seeps none one seep two seep three seep three seep no seep all right uh threes to hit Judy well I'll be darn a mixed bag of not good yeah that was not good y it was I don't know if mixed bag was the right yeah well you know I mean there's a lot of sixes I guess it is a mixed bag but sixes don't do anything she's toughness four I am strength four four yeah cuz no charges no charges but I'm reing on all of my wins because we're loitering on this objective yeah I can I don't know how to take this from you we are koering on this objective that a word coning I mean you said it it's need a word oh that's two uh she has six wounds ap2 all of them it's a lot of hold we also have the lemon man yet to come the best is oh oh six WIS live on one but I have one more to and you have lemon man I have lemon man do you want to know about lemon man yeah tell me tell me about lemon man what what's he like um what's his home life like well as we said he's like a high school sorry a kids soccer parent coach shows up late usually driving a minivan kids are all over the place he brought lemon slices instead of orange slices no snacks no drinks um how did he get elected to this position that's what I want to know well it's a it rotates right all parents have to take a turn coaching but who's his kid how miserable is his kid he has a lot of kids but only one of them's on the team and four of them are just running around distracting people um he has five attacks 24 AP1 one damage4 ap11 I'm just going to roll it we're going to risk it for the biscuit she's alive she's alive on one five more attacks he hits on twos I guess wow that's I didn't expect him to hit on twos he's a character yeah there's a lot of characters don't hit on too one uh one yeah one AP one AP uh two because of the blood chalice I have so many Miracle di I might as well start burning them it's a miracle it's a how did that happen oh well lemon man lives up to his name yep uh we have I think junith overperforms for three assault testers fighting a castigator in perpetuity they're never getting out of here never not once bunch of hits bunch of wounds uh I doubt it we're winning on sixes well there's one and then we'll try again you ready for us to try again you get like four uh yep four that was impressive I saw the future I am a farer okay that's oh my down to four to four and that Lindsay will conclude no no no my battle sisters get oh how many are there there's three sisters you ready for them to fight yeah I missed you twice oh I might as well hit might as well wi okay then I missed you all the time okay great okay okay now yep okay okay what's it going be second uh bring it down a no Pro PR on the you got one bring it down for two for three three points nice nice ni nice okay and then no prisoners you killed one two three cuz you killed the sacer Saints you killed three units that's five right Max five yeah five uh no five for no prisoners wow okay oh you get primary okay yeah oh wow oh I goofed uh so in my is still alive so I go to three CP this is wild and it's a miracle I didn't want that one I'm filtering I didn't want that one oh my God you didn't want that one good filtering good filtering oh bad filtering you can't over filter the water gets I have two yellow dice over here I started with so many no yeah there like one there's a couple on ground there's like five on the ground it's fine whatever it's like five it's MBD um command pH stuff good command phase stuff I guess just secondaries and then I might AO secondaries okay you ready for these secondaries here they are cleanse and engage oh this you know what you can do with morph fall engage and cleanse kid I have the demon that can just cleanse that's true you have this rhino and I also have the demon that can just engage you should probably engage with them now yeah yeah okay so I am going to Auto pass the morale on on the lady in the middle here okay she's a serapan cuz she's going to cleanse that objective and give you three primary and give me three primary I got point three primary you be up in points very soon I'm don't call it a comeback I mean I would never nice job thanks thanks Lindsay you're welcome I mean h yeah yeah don't call it a comeback we're we're going to get you I didn't call it a comeback we're going to get you you're you're going to get oh and my Rhino heals oh El rho I don't think I've ever had a rhino live long enough to heal uh it's going to cleanse on that objective so that give me five points for cleans lot of points I guess I should actually have it like a lot of cleanse points here sure right no it wouldn't be three off cuz for engage has to be three off right but that wouldn't you could keep missv um as as that is M MV oh I guess I actually have more battle shocks too uh junith is super hurt oh she is she's fine and then um the battle sisters also fine important castigator also fine you're good you're doing great so these battle sisters are just going to fall back because they are going to secure my engage for this quarter sure um then junith mhm careful that is junith would die uh I can't fall back and shoot but I can shoot in combat which is not anything for me I will just fall back Jun because I have a castigator that's just going to and shoot into some sard oh no with my AP1 armor contemp cover need to take cover junith will fall back I'm going to give up on this objective I don't know what we're doing here but we're doing it you can't have it you know what lemon man has for enhancements you have your uh your OC that's his lemons he's trying to help the kids here I got lemons and they're like no stay away we're good your car doors locking and windows rolling up oh yeah see you next week lemon man so there is a world where I'm within three of this sure and off of three of the quarters right that's correct so that's where she'll be cleansing you got it wherever that's at that's where she's said yeah yeah it's kind of a large space that you can occupy yeah which gives me engage for that quarter now I engage on this corner oh deug deug staging for when I get investigate next turn and also hiding so you can't kill me cuz I'm lown up very clever because now we'll make it to turn five very clever this is the only way we'll make it to turn five actually maybe I should just run into you make you table me then the game's over crash no but then you still play your turns me I tried that turn one work um it's Dave Matthews fan song I very popular the late '90s oh yeah yeah yeah ly knows oh oh yeah I got some bullets ready my mom listened to that a lot oh yeah oh yeah what I was going to say something I just shoot me I'm trying just let me shoot you okay let's do some uh Paragon warsuit SL morol we'll put everything that can see here oh and then that's it oh okay so I just have the two War suits I think that can I guess Mor so we'll do morvin First with her yeah Bolter that rolls for herself mhm she hits on Twos for sure but it's sustained one I believe might be sustained two she like a very fancy heavy Bolter it is sustained one boom and then it's strength six I keep looking at this where's it that six I'm not get the Paragon War SE that would that would do it was this the same too it's the same one but it's Str six okay so four go four three Wis fours two damage each okay that's a guy and then she's got her missile it hits you it does not wound you but did you R the one well I picked up the other yes it does wound you sa two five pressure that was DC two more guys but it doesn't matter I wanted that one to kill you Mom this is the heavy blers get that then this Yep mm and then fours no fives fives FES oh wait C6 yeah but you rolling everything I'll take this one roll those I'll take this one one first 11 one don't okay I have two multi melas yes but no Mel range so ah you don't need it those all hit you'll get them then threes here that's all of them so I killed him with a guy and then the next one is just yeah boom but he takes a but ton of damage he's do take a lot of damage oky doie look we're making moves happen Bridger told you don't call it a comeback I wouldn't I didn't uh the castigator in combat yes will shoot at the intercessors he's in combat with we got nothing to say to that yep I am hitting on fives though or I guess I'm already minus one but am we rolling CU your infantry I am there your twos are going because twin linked okay there it is get oldfashioned threes yep threes are what we get around here oh well maybe Dam these are three damage we've been through this we've been through this you'll kill one no you get you'll get two don't give me hope cuz I'm going to make two of these five UPS oh I'm [Music] sorry but then the next one I'll fail them all you're going to get two you'll get two see he's dead and then are you ready did you roll the saves you'll get another yeah is no no saves you have armor saves yeah we rolled those did you roll them yes I F three this guy zoned out all right I just look I saw the you got two you got two I saw that first B a pain roll and uh all I saw was red after that yeah yeah uh the heavy bter on fours uh sh sh threes two threes as well good you have another castigator I do oh oh you have cover right on sanguard yeah no okay they're like way out the open I trust you this is cator into the sard finally get to do it congratulations oh my gosh and these are twos are you minus one to wind yeah and a hit I don't know what they were I don't know do just keep just keep going you're winning me yeah cuz you have full hit RS yeah twos yeah if you can just fail it least two there's what three there two there uh at least two how many do I have I guess we should do this right no he's a two up as well I can this is doing it right boom I killed one I got more BR you ready you do have more and I am ready one sard left now we'll do it correctly hitting on fours cuz these guys do not roll on this one three Shain sure do T4 but threes to Fours y four twos please fail more let great those were even threes I'm trying that could have been anybody any space Mar would have lived um just charges I guess is that it morvin ball yeah cuz I think she'll fit through that door oh sure going into interesses into lemon man lemon man I'm going to use a six I have so many miracles you made it you're in 11 look at look at that beep beep look it only took her three turns to get there but we got there are you ready anything else any other chares uh I don't think so everything else yeah everything else is dead uh would you like to oh you have no CP is she doing the Thomas the Tank Engine song I'm going to tank shot you Bab bus one CP what's that's a good that's a good one she's strength eight Which is higher than you so it's 10 dice I'm tank shocking you by the way dice take sh fives yes two Mortals two Mortals fives yes do you know what I say to your fives fives fives take a damage all righty uh and then I'm going to spend a CP to Precision out that stupid sanguinary priest you're going kill the lemon Manon man he needs to die his intentions were very very if they were there he's a good guy he's not a good guy a single father doing what he can he's a lemon man he's a single father oh no you can't you can't kill him oh now he's really gone I'm making orphans today twos I assume yeah so this is Dev okay great which is three damage but I mean AP it's ap2 so take these ones on your he gets five UPS yeah well everybody gets five UPS they all get fives yeah well this one also too oh this Dev do your character I tried character Man's dead uh yes he has four wounds so it'll take two of these to kill him and then one will kill well you have a fing p on him right so you take six damage on your fun pains well first he takes four damage well no no it's three damage each first he takes six damage yep if you live oh LEM and then three damage on the next dude which just kills him it all happens at the same time he's already wounded okay I'm not going to roll I can't put you through this again but you I can't keep doing this to you Bri thanks bridg all right you ready for these Paragon par what in we a pair of gone War suits yes all right here we oh there's only two guys hitting on twos yeah cuz I'm down a model we're rolling because of morvin yep and then uh two three rolling rolling for roll oh grab that one I don't know what's going on I don't know ab2 two fives killed four kill four all right look we're going to take back that objective actually look Bridger uh don't call it a comeback you're not going to take that OB don't no not yet maybe tomorrow maybe more and I'll just push in good choice the song linday all right right uh that's all she wrote for me so it's a good one well I will fight you back yes is that three two Assa I have noidea how many guys are over there you have two Sal two in a bush in a bush hang out in the Shrubbery there's too much Shrubbery in this defense position they can hit you on threes yeah that was pretty good that was good uh five SW cuz your toughness six and we'll roll all of the H the things oh one one out four wins four AP uh one now three cuz you killed blood cut man lemon man had to die you taking damage taking damage uh down down three three on one of them yeah no 201 2011 War child says all orphans will be raised by the sisters so prepare yourself Brian you have just I have a pretty big church you have to take his kids to soccer practice now yeah and we'll see how good of a parent you are morph ball look we're just going to get a ruler and smack them on the knuckles when they misbehave right that's like a thing you do at church school yes look my school is full of nuns I imagine they're really mean you're ready for some bloody knuckles okay at the end of my turn yes yes I got engaged for big engaged Big for five and I cleansed also for five wa no look at that great turn we call it a good turn I call that one a good turn don't call it don't call it a comeback a good [Laughter] turn Okay uh at the end of yeah your yeah yeah it's a miracle oh my gosh what's up I got I got you're throwing them too hard I know you're going to you're not going to have look Miracles I can enact I have three yeah but are they that impressive I have 13 yeah but the Miracles have not been impressive this game wow everything's dead bridg very can't have a miracle if there's nothing to Miracle on I mean in classic Bridger briyan fashion I'm running a steam here I'm I don't have many uh guys I I played the second half of the game I don't have many guys left look more found her way into this game she's not going anywhere she took a wrong turn took her a while to get here but now she's singly if I lose it's definitely her fault that I lost she was out of the game for like two win it's also her fault it's true it's true uh I knew what I was doing I'll take a couple secondaries Lindsay okay Bo and bad ones you've had good ones now it's time for the bad ones how about these tempting and assassin tempting is so easy it doesn't matter where you put it I'm going to get it yeah I guess the Rhino one great okay uh and assassination morol or Judy Jude one jud's on one you couldn't do it could kill Judy you never do it I have so many miracles she'll live whoa baby uh 12th primary 12 primary 1 2 3 four boom whoa calm down there oh battles shock batt SP I spend my one CP the intercessors the intercessors uh Mr danty has to roll he does what if he fa everybody's going to battle he fails oh oh he's so good super good you're interessi one I might not I hope he fails please fail wait oh please tell me please please please please now they six no why yes no yes I was so close death yeah yeah well they're not OC anything anyways yeah but they suck why couldn't you have done that with your stupid inter gosh okay assassinate and tempting Target this is the tempting yes great you cool yep uhhuh mhm yeah yes great excellent okay you kind of you got me in a corner here you put yourself in the corner I'm just I told you I'm going to pins you bridg I warned you Morin's going to come in and it's going to be a pincer me in a corner I don't like being in the corner interesting I really wish this guy could teleport himself yeah he's a really weird home objective holder yeah seems like not the best use for him no but that's kind of his only use that's kind of what he does um okay oh you know what okay okay okay all right okay all right okay we're going to advance the assault intercessor at the end of the game here 3 n what do you mean end of the game it's only turn four Bridger no it's the end of the game you're right it's going to be soon he'll hang out right there at the bottom he's going to stand on that objective oh do I OverWatch you Bridger never mind my my flame P if you want to no I'm not going to kill you didn't think so yeah what I thought we're going to bring those two death company over here is somewhere yeah that checked out I can't reach they're far uh M Dante oh man Judy's like castigator is Jud unengaged that's true so he could shoot Mr Don tismo could you won't I will I will spend a CP because you're infantry OverWatch you yeah I'm out of seeps I don't think you will I think I will you're out of seeps I you will I'm out of seeps W but Mr castigator he's doing the thing before I lose this game super bad yep H you keep doing that nothing yet o that's not good I can kill the sard though that's not I could kill the sard you could could kill the sard you would would three up two up you would have cover for sure no cuz you should be before I move we' been over this three up three up please brid please brid all right I have heavy blads easy uh two hits thus far you're looking for four cuz this the same yes I was like these don't roll oh only the main gun does freak oh just what we need every time it's always just good enough makes it easy for me if you're going to succeed at least do it with style don't just be like I'm squeaking by because then it makes me feel oh I am squeaking by I can tell we're going to fall back with this all the inur oh no cuz we just need to hold this objective oh no so that you can't hold it I'm really morvin oh you're on your dude right yeah yeah they for um are you going to kill junith I'm not oh you have assassinate yeah you going to kill vult maybe try that's order uh on a two-up we're going to fling fling the death company fling yonderly one it yes yes it yes yonderly they are flung flung [Music] it's getting interesting now it's getting spicy it's get getting pretty cool they're going to have to take a nine okay I want oh I want melt up on The Inferno pistol yeah yeah yeah here we go I'm not ready for this y'all ready for this here is one Inferno pistol from sard into the Peron peragon warsuit yes two T6 strength eight three three do you have an invol I do I have a big invol is that it that's the one I have a four it's pretty good yep ption like Purdue that's sustain D3 sustain D3 OB so that's three hits from predition this is what we need at this hour this time in the game Dante is such a pansy in the book what yeah the the booking thean is what is it Devastation of ball you was getting devastated bro what do you want him to do hang out and die loser he used his jump pack for like 13 seconds and then immediately was out of fuel and how long they last in Canon all this moving 12 in every turn is silly it's absurd they shouldn't be able to do that cuz a jump pack lets you jump it doesn't let you fly all the time threes to wound uh a a lot mhm that's very bad for you no I can tell yeah do you look on your face gave a lot away uh that'll be D6 plus two for each so the first one's dead yeah and then the second one crazy also dead also dead now it's just funny o it's a miracle how how that happens it's a six it is a six I don't know what that means for me I have so many sixes okay okay oh boy my dead pile is just growing into the table now it's no longer on the side of the table I can't do both Brian can't do both I can't can't do both of them do both the secondaries that's correct so which one would you choose well first I'm going to shoot this seraphim with a heavy bolt pistol yes going to give me another miracle it hit yes you you've done plenty of Miracles today that's a wound three up she good I have so many I start picking these up the landing I need more charges you need more miracles I'm out of the dice I only have three dice left cuz I have you know 3 6 9 12 15 Miracles here a lot that's a lot of Miracles a lot of you know what's also a miracle we hit our membership goal thank to Cobra Commander for gifting five membership thank you I sent Cobra the video me cl a that's sweet you really did send it to i s to so many people did you put in the Discord I feel like that's I should put in the Discord put in the Discord I'm very proud if you're not part of the Discord my accomplishments join the Discord join the Discord see climbing something that doesn't look very impressive it doesn't but it is impressive though yeah okay took a long time and if you wanted to see what Bridger looks like from the back watch that video you see my back right now that's my back you're you're giving it away now they're not going to watch the video gosh you're bad at this brid I'm going to take this short charge I made it wow this is hey look my I made assault intercessor into serin made it done great boom easy boom now unfor giving up ball I'm I'm going to send danty dant to this objective danty huh Mr danty Mr danty into this rhino that was a 10 I need I needed that for later I need I needed that oh I'm sorry that you have to just make your charges Bridger I'm so sorry that was an important don't you want to hold the objective no okay that was an important okay here here we go here we go now into wait if I go to morvin I'm not going to do anything if you go into Morin she probably just kills you but do it and see what happens you might kill her who knows I roll really bad and you roll really well ah I was kidding do what does that mean we doing this what does it mean brid are we doing this this happening why are all of our games like this I don't know you have like three units it's kind of fun though well we'll start with them yeah that's it uh eight power fist attacks yeah three is rrolling she's not even leading a unit anymore she doesn't get the roll oh that's bad re yep rolling yes must be nice to roll that was pretty good on T6 strength eight uh strength 10 threes thre remember black rage yeah that was that was good obnoxious it was a good rule there you go five I got four pimol you ready I'll do the first four that's what I thought yeah thought going to happen yeah it's kind of man I don't know yeah it's kind of what I thought was going to happen uh one sanguinary guard into a rhino twos yep and fives nine eight n oh okay that's a shame uh Miss to Dante Rhino nine attacks I lost my Rhino oh that's a lethal lethal and then uh what does he go up to he goes up to strength nine and you're T9 I'm trying to find a card I'm pretty sure I'm T9 but I don't know what I do with my tank cards well I rolled a four does that matter oh they're over there uh I how did you put your cards over there no those ar your cards these are my cards what the heck these are all my cards what what am I what well just roll your saves oh my it's called a sororus rhino it's not called a rhino gosh that's so annoying what's the oh I guess I'm n by the way yeah that's we did it right yeah you did okay boom can't do nothing about that boom no no but it's a miracle it is a miracle such a miracle I have so many miracles uh you can fight with more oh you beta I have rag rats uh five attacks two no oh my go no there's no I'm grab these for you here oh how sweet of you two three she's strength eight strength eight yeah she's like strength 12 ap2 Liv please damage two oh sorry three three three three okay so the first one probably dead sixes he's definitely but this guy guy zero damage triple six oh you got him excellent I had to try um I had no choice I had try I can't you're oc2 so you'll have more OC on doesn't change yeah okay all right uh lady oh right I got to do this fight five attacks into [Music] fil twos twos three and A1 four I'll hold off on the last one no she still it's a miracle my favorite part of this Army all right that's gonna do it let's do it to all the Bangles yes what do you get at the end of your turn I got that one the one where you told me to be no place tempting Target Five Points on tempting zero points on assassinate I don't even want it get get rid of it get your CP I'm not going to kill anything anymore I ran out of steam so then on to me I get two CP because junith is miraculously alive ridiculous it's another miracle I'm out of yellow dice by the way so I can't have any more miracles this game until I spend some Miracles you have to use I have to use them but I have nothing to use them on that's the problem saves you supposed to use them on your sa do we do we see this these are my Miracles you're supposed to be using them I don't need them hit phase the wounding phase no this is my problem with lar this is why I don't care about having six fate dice it doesn't matter to me ever uh what do I get for primary I get zero zero yeah o yeah I mean to be honest it's a very tight game it is I do have secondaries to look at though okay your secondaries how about huh don't be captured it's going to be Capt behind I already have behind you're ready for I'm ready for signals and I can just move the cast get her back to his signals and I got three qus Tri we're playing this game triple signals triple signals and it behind for one we're playing this game all right I'm ready let's see it I'm going to throw hands please don't okay okay so first things first yeah I'm the real we're going to investigate here we're going to investigate here yeah wherever the nine is we're going to uh and then I'm already positioned I even called him I'm putting him there to Stage for investigate so I got that one um junith is kind of awkward here so we're just gonna we're just going to put on the objective I didn't choose an oath Target I feel like if it's your opponent's turn you can't choose an oath Target anymore it's too late in castigator we just oh in castigator we're going to kill these dudes whether you like it or not yeah we're going to kill Mr dant DMO oh you going to come fight me I want to fight you I'll win this oh in my command phase she's going to do the ultra epic buff where she gets three attacks extra three extra plus three on everything yeah yeah I'll fight you um oh win too I have that was all of my movement to be oh I got a battle shock actually oh dang um that might not actually work so castigator on four wounds ble oh don't fail this ah wellever he didn't care um junith battle shock don't fail this okay well somebody's got to hold that objective right Poopers it's not them battle sisters I need them to not fail here wait why does it matter if they if they got B the sisters no the those don't matter we're holding objective if I kill you I can't then hold the objective well it would reset on my next matter uh and then nobody else needs a battle shock so it that pass the one that actually matter you're good just don't be using any stratums on junith or the casc I don't think I had one use on him okay are you ready for some guns Bridger little bit um balls just can put everything into you armor of contempt of contemp boom this is her thing just yeah did you do the plus three it's not shots it's only is it one of her guns get plus oh it is yeah yeah here's three more shots more all I know inside and out I that model just okay so six hits that's crazy uh strength six you're looking for threes oh minus one wound you're looking for fours why you do this to me uh AP1 but you cont tempted no yes I put so many bullets into this squad I have another gun I have a command point though you going to spend it here I need besto friendo he's not even a good friend gives minus one to wound we still get it that's really big not in combat I have another gun I need it oh my gosh why are you like this one it's one all right I'm out of command points Lindsay it's a big gun it hits you uh wounds on a two normally but now a three it wins AP two so you got a three up save if you make this I'm going to throw a dice at you oh my gosh yes no yes no all right castigator into the stupid intercessors on fours rolling though because your inter infantry and then these are two I was going to pick him up and then I remembered I get four ups and you're like trying not to hurt me right now fours it's only A1 you get three UPS they're dead oh no okay I'm I'm out in the open I just assume everything is covered now because right in front of you yeah it's fine it's fine I'm fine uh look all I got is charges charge me all right V don't look just cuz I have so many I'm not I'll use a I'll use a five one you can't fail you're right in front of me look boom I have so I needed to free up a dice so that way I could uh you get a new one so I can get a new when she dies exactly I get it you know what's going on all right don't forget plus three five attacks but now eight attacks hitting on twos hitting on threes hitting on threes I just want to that sucks no that's why I needed to I needed to keep him around no he's important two now threes I'll do the first two yeah oh my gosh you really got to use more Miracle Dice Man no got to use more Miracle dice A2 so these are four UPS if I had another CP I was going to armor no he's dead my boy my boy the last s guard oh my gosh if I die to Dante I'm G oh you're going to die to Dante today is your day my boy F back it attacks oh I should have tank shot nope L eight attacks oh my goodness two I like those ones oh yeah that's what you get this for not picking an oath tget that's a lethal though that's a lethal that's a lethal uh strength six strength seven thre two a three what yeah I'll take two damage two damage excellent she is down to six you've activated six my trap card now I'm plus one to hit now that you're no longer minus one to hit jez why doesn't he have a death mask he should Fancy's death mask okay look that was my turn and I feel like that was a good turn I did what I needed to are you OC more than one I am oc2 no yeah scrub I'm OC one so at the end of my I actually scored quite a bit of points you did nice so I get investigate signals for six you again and I Get Behind Enemy Lines for three you could win again I'm just a winner I'm going to max out my second you're going to max out second actually probably not although you only get three primary no I'm in the middle unless you you could be B I'm oh I can't aut I can't Auto you're batt shock I'm look I'm in this game with zero primary so I'll let you get three you have three you have three we're in this game chat we're doing it Bridger doesn't get to continue aren of Terror no he doesn't get to start a r there it's we're we're on the Rampage right now oh hold up it's a miracle four okay there's so many all right I have to battles shock this lad I I need you to fail this so desperately I please I need you to fail this so Des need him to not fail cuz he's a cool guy fail fail fail fail fail you're not five you're six we're in it we're in it so I only get three primary you want two secondaries no I don't need secondaries doesn't matter what you tell me to do I'm going to maybe it matters maybe it matters what what are where my secondaries L engage um it's these two oh CL you oh you're batt you can't even do it and you're no OC and you don't control L one can you this game is looking up yeah so I have I have a strat to fallback where is it I'll OverWatch you fall back and charge it's not fall back and shoot oath oh and I get a CP three I'm three CP this are crazy I'm going to oath you say anything other than v wait shooting and charging is what cancels actions yes so if I'm in combat I can start cleanse and then I need to kill you so that I control the objective and then cleanse yes but I'll fight first I'm not afraid of you sir I'm brid was a bully you guys hear this not afraid I'm not afraid anymore of you I'm afraid cuz this Strat doesn't let me shoot what can I do what can I do what can man Doo such Reckless hate I definitely choose fall yes what is this interessi do Brian you can't keep doing this man I'm going to you can't stop me can't keep getting away with it I'm going to get away with it I learned no lessons can't keep getting away with it it's not fair it's just it's not okay we could kill oh stop it we could kill Judy she gets back up she hasn't died yet and I have CP why do all your people get back up I have a c i i three CP and 20 bajillion Miracle dice dude what do you think is going to happen this is why I hate sister you just you can't you can't get rid of them you can't stamp them out the end of the game always comes around they're like oh two sisters fly on this objective and I win the game woohoo look if it makes you feel any better nothing here flies J flies [Laughter] sir okay we got him chat no I'm going to I'm going to get you you're going to win somehow I have three game pieces and I'm going to figure out how to use them and win one of those battle shocked one of about to die to morol my most hated model in the entire game oh my gosh how are there three of me and there's like still 20 of you um you know I don't know I hate sisters this happens every single time Brian look you can't beat them they are unbeatable maybe you can't beat be him I feel like I gave you ample opportunity and you just choose to not there's always like two models left that just do whatever they want if you kill more of invol I don't know how I score a primary next turn if I makes you feel better I'll get like three jith yeah but you can't make it all the way to and you bottom turn yeah but you can't make it to bottom turn yeah you're right I'm just I'm GNA I have to kill junet OverWatch oh we're going to teleport him yes but I can just watch you anyways right right no doesn't count moving teleport him oh we can't I can't see we're going to T to T over there we're going to we're going to teleport him somewhere he's going to fly like a bird fly like a bird he's going to fly away I don't know where my home is just OverWatch morall she's in combat oh she's a vehicle Big Guns Never Tire yeah big guns to never Tire can't be used for OverWatch yeah can OverWatch doesn't no cannot do it you can't shoot out of combat with OverWatch yeah you can chat if you're Titanic you can't OverWatch at all is that what you're thinking no no no big guns never Tire the same thing with um firing deck you can't use both of those rules when you OverWatch you can only use I knew firing deck yeah but I think big big big guns never tire is the same thing I could be wrong if I'm wrong let me know I do anything with this turn I could charge [ __ ] with with a one one assault yeah that that kind of tasty yeah we we'll give him the old teleport huh it's a one and he dies please just once I need it to happen okay all right come [Music] on we want of different verses of that song okay he needs an nine he's gonna help his old buddy danty Kraken shell says big guns is only in your shooting phase all right okay uh here we go let's get a nine let's get hey everybody let's put some energy into this one assault intercessor no let's not do that that I'm not allowed to use strategy huh oo looks like he's I can't roll it he's battles shocked I just want you to not have it for Dante it's not going to matter you're are you ready for me to smack yes smack me Brian I'm hitting you on twos now smack me with my five attacks excellent I love this your toughness five uh four four I'll do the first two a human and just I'll just use exactly what I need okay and I I need that back no my Miracles no you can't have it [Laughter] ap2 four up safe either way I'm going to go with the four up armor because it's cooler it's cooler that way cool and I have a CP for this he's good he's good Dante's good okay my turn there's got to be a strat in here it's got to be got be a string here somewhere no no none of this do anything I've tried so hard to kill this model this squad has lived so long oh no what you got from dog no no nothing jok's on you Morin's not going to die here either probably not no well if you just get back up she's my old Target though you cannot get her back up no uh Charles cassier says there they are devastating there was a six in there I I don't saying that they are devastating there was a six in there is devastating I am devastated yeah so you take three damage to her still not dead but three and she can get back up also nuh one adeptus Ro character your army that was just that's not Morin ball yeah it that's what it says restriction cannot select St celest cannot choose Mor cannot Target the same character cannot choose one of all because she's busted and it's not fair oh busted says Mr Dante over here this just tanked my whole Army for five turns he's just a guy you should be dead a man you're in a mech suit gilan should have let him die all right that's four lethals for you oh my god what what is this look at this this is ridiculous I'm tough to six fre six wons don't die don't why didn't you hold any oh you did hold one I did hold one well you're already de yeah do I explode well does she I'm going to spend a CP though so it doesn't really matter she can't get up CP three Miracle D look at that she died and she's back up wait hold on she's not there I consolidate I have the next turn no no I consolidate here okay and then yeah I get the objective woo do anything didn't I have a secondary no you did not why was I doing I don't know I do I have uh hold the middle I have to hold the middle you have a tempting Target oh no no I never I never said it in you have cleanse and secure no man's land oh secure and I did the weird cleanse thing that we talked about yeah but you moved no I didn't move you did move you Consolidated that's you allow to do that you can't charge no cuz it's move and then the shooting phase you do your thing what is that I stayed in combo with you I don't but you just moved I consolidated oh my gosh fine what Lindsay that's a seven-point turn no that's not it's a five it's a fivepoint turn I get I get secure for two and cleanse for three it was good it was good play though oh my God was I don't know was good play it was I do get a miracle dice for you killing her it was out for the turn I was thinking outside the box there Brian okay here we are this is this you three is this correct yeah I spent three Merle days over three okay okay how do I win I don't know only down 12 so if you get all the objectives you just win that's not true well let's see your secondaries yes first and foremost Leist that you can only get one point on that I can only get one point on yeah but it's a good point okay here's what you can use to get one point area denial easy no prisoners also easy so do either of those I will kill this one inter next you need to do some battle shocks oh bummer okay let's do the castigator yeah it's fine yes let's do more B also fine yes uh junith also fine okay nobody failed Battle shark I don't know how I get on how do I win this game for sure uh so if you that's three right there that's three could get her up here right CU then that would give me another six that okay but if morvin that's 12 she just has to stand there actually and then so that's can I get 15 on primary what's the max on primary yeah you can get 15 now okay but be warned uhhuh uh Dante will battleshock you in the combat yeah if she's battles shocked she can't so Kraken Shell's saying is she battles shocked she can't use the Strat uh Nelson saying yeah she can't get up we did batt oh we didn't do batt shock on her we did batt shock we did not battle shock on ball if we battles shock on ball then I lose to you're minus one cuz I have a spooky mask Chad if I lose because of this battle shot I will rage she's good she's she's good okay well you still have to get through another one somebody has to stand next to Dante in the command command phase no no I don't in the command pH you want to know something in the command phase sorry in the combat no I'm just going to walk on the objective yeah and then there's a combat phase you're oc1 you're within six in of me up to batt oh my go I have a scar mask gosh okay all right okay okay all right all right go junith is going to advance yeah she she's taking the six she gets the middle she's on the objective I'm going get so this I just got to kill Dante I'm going to get you castigator is going to ch's going crazy right now it's got to be a fair fight Brian yeah it's got be a fair fight sh suggestions but it's an even even suggestions for both of you so I'm just gonna you know just let it just let it ride just let it ride yeah sometimes you just got to Ride the Lightning I don't want I can just tank shock you no I'm just going to tank shock you but first I got to shoot oh I got to put all my guns here this guy has to die CU that's also points at if you kill anything you get points and if you stand anywhere air denial you get your secondary you did your secondar oh second are done but he's only going to get one point from that getting your one point all right I'm just like I trying to score points that I can't actually score so we're just going to shoot OverWatch when you moved oh do it you're my oath Target and I have ption ption ption and if you kill me right now I would love to I will cry a six is sustained B three I will and it's going to wound you on threes and it's melta melta two you're standing right in front of me six six no why I should be winning ah St D3 oh my gosh pressure three hits he's going to get you he he sees you with his pistol oh my God three's to [Music] win two win two in boms sir don't fail these all right cuz one of these failed instantly kill you oh he remembered oh he remember it's a miracle Chad Miracle dice he used one of his 30 Miracle dice oh my gosh this is why I'm stockpiling him I'm just too powerful now it's for this yeah all right now you know now we're just shooting you I don't care about charging you anymore we're shooting now you you tried to get shiky on me I did I wanted to do The Honorable thing charge you I saw through the veil you know and we're going to do it with the castigator not even you're not worth her time he can't do it castigator for he can't he's not good enough he's going to do it he's not worthy on for because he's hurt it's not worthy and he's rrolling unworthy two's rrolling it's not good enough AP one lot of Threes lot of Threes lot of Threes lot of Threes that's a shame I learned no lessons ever you can't stop me sisters never change hey you can spend your Miracle dice to get him back oh yeah actually I just put models back on the table that sounds like a fun interactive ability I hit the game with 15 mirac good game good game okay wait what's the final score so I will get 15 on primary 15 primary wo nly you can't stop me I zeroed you for like literally the whole game the entire game you cannot keep sisters down I gave you ample opportunity to win did you you just decided not did you I did I failed so many saves failed all my you made all the sa I did yeah I did I did what I could yeah for the Bengals well it was a really good first game for these this matchup I think it was a really good showing it was a nailbiter took it all the way to the end almost killed you in OverWatch in the last turn of the game I would have cried so much so cool oh my gosh how both these armies got a lot better they're very strong I had a lot of units like they didn't do anything really too many units I I lost a lot turn one and secondaries it's like Orcs I just had so much stuff to keep coming waves of you yeah yeah that was great I was you had everything in my on that objective and I was like I cannot break this brick especially cuz I put V in the worst place possible such a bad rap but look she won me the game and almost also lost me the game at the same time this is part of what I hate about ball is in in two turns of the game she dominates it yeah like it doesn't take much she's just like oh yeah bunch of melas's just Auto hit and wound and the roll everything is obnoxious we never fail charges cuz we're sisters we have Miracle dice so then she also kills everything within 12 inches of her well she didn't though and then you killed her Dante fought valiantly in this game he's an old man he's he's ready to retire he wants to die I know he does say Gillan should let him but yeah she's uh oppressive she is for sure and I I remember fondly the beginning of the Edition and sister players were like oh it's terrible Paragon War suits are so bad and then they played with it and it was ridiculous yeah yep I am exhaust so MVP ball junith dude really she killed like four sary guard and one yeah she way over perform she did great it's got to be junith I think sard were my MVP they sard yeah they lived on that objective they took so much punishment dude they took so much punishment hey minus one hit minus one wound powerful pairing of abilities on a two up save yeah five attack blend y crazy yeah well that was fun yeah uh how you doing Lindsay uh yeah we have we're doing great uh uh chat was very excited about the end yeah they they we have a a Cobra Commander says what a wild and crazy game uh 2011 War trial says great battle um yeah and uh thank you 2011 War child for gifting five memberships as celebration for a great game thank you so much bringing our total up to 36 which is six over our goals we're overachieving overachieving we're too good nailbiter of a game too good overachieving and then we do have a super chat yeah is it Adrian from the restaurant no oh no now you watching the game yeah uh no this is from not so Average Joe thank you so much not soever Joe um for the Super Chat and they say 10 sang guard and Dante combo are still very expensive for Less points you can get 10 van vet with SS sang priest and Dante which Squad performs better sard yeah yeah yeah wound is so I mean you guys saw it come up every time here it mattered so much with the minus one to hit and moon and even on something like the sacs where they're not nearly as tough the minus one to hit and moon kept them alive protecting junit for so long it's it's the full package like they're in um there's a fancy name for the two armor that's not Terminator it's anyway they're in fanasy two up armor mhm there's a 30k name for it that we that we still use artificer artificer armor yeah so they're in artificer armor uh they hit on twos which vangar vets don't they have infernal pistols which vangar vets don't uh they might want to hit and wound yep which which is nut so buto uh and their swords are better they have two damage swords don't have two damage swords you lose out on the Storm Shield but you don't really care really because you have a two armor save you have armor contempt and you'll be in cover most of the time anyways so you it doesn't matter anything that you're taking an invol save on you just have a good armor save against anyways so it doesn't really matter they're appropriately priced 10 Inferno pistols is ridiculous yes it's absurd It'll like kill a knight they'll just like stand around a knight and just drill into its ankle with pistols and then they'll go home and charge the next one oh man yeah great game that was fun mhm uh with that sorry I realized I was in shock I have to do the outro with that uh don't forget to tune in on Saturday BP British Petroleum is back also known as Brian Pullin Brian Pullin is making a return it's going to come in and throw off a cape and then play some 40K and then after that we're going to playing some some old world for a lot of next week old world a lot of it's going to be Monday Tuesday Wednesday old world Thursday is combat Patrol potentially or yeah it potentially yeah okay um cuz I think it's then Saturday old world again throw it on the floor it it's just are you done Saturday next week yes you and Adrian are gone Saturday and Brian's gone too and it's just going to be me Bri we're going to work out what we're going to do on Saturday at the very least it's going to be another combat Patrol okay um but we'll see we'll see you should try climbing climbing I've climbed before no I mean for the show oh yeah like just ask them politely to turn off the copyrighted music and then the audio will be scuffed and pretty bad and the internet's going to be bad so the video is probably going to be bad but like someone live streaming yeah yeah let's try I'm not sure anybody wants to watch me climb they'd watch you climb you're very passionate like to watch passionate people do the thing that they're passionate about I'm not passionate about climbing so if they watch me climb I would be like yeah whatever you'd get up like two two like go up like two things and then fall down and that would be it basically cuz I didn't Boulder either like when I climbed I didn't Boulder at top rope you did top rope yeah I want to get back in the top rope or get into it I guess in the first place anyway Saturday Brian Poland British Petroleum BP coming back 40K y Sunday we will be behind the scenes practicing the old world here yep you don't get to see that Monday old world Tuesday old world Wednesday old world Thursday combat Patrol Saturday combat Patrol that's the next week really busy week jam-packed it's a very busy week jam-packed so also a hobby stream on Thursday in addition to the that's right yeah hobby stream for for members and Tuesday uh Old World game is only for members but there's a Monday and a Wednesday so you're not going to miss everything yeah you're just going to miss Tuesday exciting one that's going to be the nail biter one with that we're going to have to catch you next time on the [Music] [Applause] [Music] tabletop [Music] he
Channel: Tabletop Titans
Views: 25,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40k, 40k, Games workshop, Tabletop, Miniature, Wargaming, tabletop titans
Id: 9hDnusER2d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 15sec (13575 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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