Skysplinter Drukhari vs Black Templars - A 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Battle Report

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welcome back to table toop Titans for another epic game of Warhammer 40,000 we are so excited to be here playing two fantastic armies my name is Adrien and this of course is Brian Lea how's it going Brian hello I am the other Brian as everybody likes to call me Brian to Brian to Bri classes yeah yeah we're taking we're workshopping it yeah we're workshopping it taking and really you guys are supposed to be workshopping it put your suggestions in the comments yeah yeah let us know and of course host today bye not other than lindz how you doing Lindsay hi doing great yeah doing great yes excellent excellent we've had a lovely day so far we're excited to be playing some more uh balanced data slate changes there's so much it's taking weeks to get through it because it's it's fundamentally changed the game uh I'm playing the sky Splinter Force the brand new jari Force that's shaking things up super excited this is like so jealous it's amazing right as a fellow elf elf player you can appreciate it yeah they let me have craft RS but Adrian won't let me play your I'm reclaiming my J Cari and the night Shields is back baby literally and figuratively uh and then of course Brian playing a very powerful faction that also saw some changes in a balanc data slate the black Templars uh the most racist of the Space Marines yeah but uh it's fine you know they're they're good guys it's fine they're the they're so angry uh it's going to be really cool I think you're shocked by the amount of models you have I have so many models it's insane like I had problems fitting them all in my deployment Zone and I have a lot of stuff in reserve right so I don't know what's going on here I don't have this many models in my eldo Army no this is going to be definitely a different experience for you um but maybe you'll widen your your horizons I already don't like it well of course if you want to see more of this content hit that subscribe button down below follow along we have content happening uh out three times a week at the least between battle reports we also are now doing hobby sessions with the members so consider be uh joining that it's a ton of fun we of course have full list for you with all the details let's dive on in and see what it's all about night Shields is back and we have the latest attachment the sky Splinter assault force that was newly added to the game in the last balance data slate this has completely revitalized the duari made them not only more competitive but most importantly more fun to play and ultimately comes closer to the reason why many of us started the Army in the first place this is a list I am thinking about taking to tournaments so I think it's pretty nasty starting off with not one not two but three archons my first archon is going to be joining a court of the archon who's going to be attached to a unit of five kabalites this is the half that is equipped with all the special weapons which is pretty sweet they're going to be starting on the board in order to take advantage of that sweet effect for perhaps jumping in transport later on my second archon is playing Jane and joining a unit of 10 incubi and riding around in their own Raider and my third archon is equipped with a nightmare shroud which disallows OverWatch on the unit when they disembark which is incredibly important here and of course is joining another unit of 10 incubi riding around in a Raider now this is the age of the incubi I'm hoping and so of course I also have dasar the master of blades joining a unit of five incubi they are going to be riding around in a Venom which of course has the Fantastic ability to hop back in at the end of the fight phase if there's no one next to you moving right along Le hesperax is back in a big way she's joining a unit of 10 witches also riding around in their own Raider the ability to get extra AP and Lance on this squad is huge as well as the Strat to once again move and potentially get in transport at the end of the fight phase moving right along we have the second half of that kite Squad just equipped with Splinter rifles riding around in their own venom for some scoring and Tech pieces and we have the Beast Master with his entire panoply of creatures who is fantastic for his points we have two individual Kronos that are going to be refunding pain tokens within 9 in and we have two two units of five Mand Dres for that sweet sweet upy Downy nonsense that you know we love here on tabletop Titans rounding at the list we have two units of five Scourge each equipped with four dark lances to be able to take out tanks and have that move shoot move ability that is so fantastic for scoring that's the list I cannot wait to show you how it works I'm extremely excited about this Army now before we take a look at Brian's Army I want to talk to you about Titan's dice you can roll like a Titan but hopefully not me they come in two flavors we have amethyst purple which which is that sweet transparent look and of course we have classic purple which is that matte look if you're a dice hipster like me check them out in the link below now for Brian today we're playing the black Templars who did see some points increases in the last balance dat of slate but I still think are quite strong we've got a ton of angry men in this list let's take a look first off we've got hell brck who is Brian's warlord who's joining a unit of 10 storm Brethren what an absolute Hammer unit we also have a Terminator chaplain equipped with 10 housers bones joining unit of 10 Terminators this un is going to be another very tough to move brick to the fact that they'll be benefiting from a five plus yo pan next up we have galus himself the chaplain joining a unit of 20 Crusaders giving them what another five up fil pain that's it for characters joining squads we have a number of scoring units in the form of two units of five assault intercessors they're great they're cheap they're going to do lots of work and we have unit of five Vanguard veterans with jump packs because we had a few extra points to give them so Mobility at the expense of the assault intercessors OC we have a single unit of three eradicators for some tank busting and two units of five infiltrators that are going to be sneaking in the Midfield blocking off deep strikes and scoring points and last of all a little bit of an experiment today the out Riders who are newly reduced in points yet again will they still remain on the shelves or will we see them more often on the table you let us know that's it for the armies let's see how this goes and let us know who you're rooting for and then we have the armies two uh massive forces of infantry there is a ton of models on this table it's crazy there's going to be a a lot of death I I genuinely don't know what's going to happen here so yeah it's exciting we of course have this beautiful overgrown City and uh we have a mission for you today let's take a look at what we have this is our uh deployment primary and Mission rule as determined by the cods first of all we have Search and Destroy which is uh the ravioli Style with five objectives table quarters uh the primary supply drop which is a very uh spicy one essentially we are going to have uh two out of the three objectives in the middle of the board along that ad Al disappear one in turn four one in turn five and uh basically the points are going to conglomerate right they start as being worth five points per middle one then it goes to eight each then it goes to massive 15 so you really want to control where where the final one lands and you really want to go second oh yeah uh and then of course minefields with chat Lov and I hate if you roll a six on Advance would take a mortal wound it's that knowing it best and uh pain in the butt at wor it'll matter at some point in this game actually for jari it actually is so we're going to forget to do it yeah and it'll matter and then chat will yell at us keep us honest chat we want to we want to hear about our minefields a unit will die because of it calling it now call shot huh yeah I don't appreciate that so it begins uh look with that it's time for the yield roll off let's see who goes first it's going to be Adrian with the white dice I got the yellow whoever rolls highest has to go first but rolls only no power this is only the second game that I've gone first on the I appreciate it I appreciate it good luck have fun that sucks I love it now uh I don't neither of us have redeploys I have a scout move with my Beast uh Beast Master um I think I I will go ahead and do it I'm just going to scooch though up just just a tiny bit and then we can get started let's do oh that sucks you have bottom of turn scoring now yeah well while you're thinking about how much that sucks I just want to thank just Jupiter for gifting one members thank you so up yes and I also want to thank C DRS for getting 10 memberships oh my gosh off the B thank you so much thank you both so much Jupiter you know Lindsay I don't know I don't like how you started that I don't appreciate it yeah you really got to contate those things you know uh do you want to figure out the objectives really quick oh my gosh okay here we go we already forgot about it I I'll I'll explain it and then you're going to roll it you're going to make me do it top down Yep this is to determine the uh Alpha the one that dis disappears first so this is going to be on a one two a three four or five six see what you got Brian which one you which one you want I want low roll I want to be over here you want to be in the middle probably over there I think I want to end the game in the middle yeah I would that would be horrible yeah so for this roll I would like you to roll this one disappears first I want that one to disappear first okay let's see it High Roll High Roll oh I knew this was going to happen okay okay okay good all coming up so far all right now for the Omega this is the last objective doesn't leave exactly so this is a 1 two 3 a four five6 it better be it better be that one that's the best of bad options right oh my gosh it better be that one come on low rolls only Brian let's go H oh [Applause] yes perfect perfect perfect going to be really weird actually Series of Unfortunate Events huh oh my gosh so again folks turn four this is going to disappear turn five this is disappear so it creates a very awkward path if you're not a faster Cari that could have easily backfired though so look that is that and I have to go first yeah you get the privilege of going first that's buns okay okay well I got a CP me too and I guess grimaldus will choose the F no pain for this turn I don't imagine why he would do anything else yeah right um yes easy peasy I think there's any other command face stuff right I'm missing you do have Oath but oh I do have Oath you can see your secondary first oh yeah let's do that see what's okay you want to see your the best it better be secondar the best secondaries I've ever secondar these are the best secondaries ever don't do it deploy and extend I can do those yeah these are fine yeah so deploy of course do an action either in the center or ideally in my deployment zone extend is hold your home base and one in the middle easy peasy liit I already have extend so I just got to figure out what I want to throw away to the middle to get telomers are probably the assault intercessors yeah I would assume they really just screening me out if I went first right exactly um and I don't know uh what else they're doing for me so they're just going to die for the emperor that's what they love to do right oh also they're not actually on the top they're on the bottom floor they just hero jumping down all so we're just going to move the guy homeboy here and then he's gonna it's not holy within I just have to be within right mhm okay yeah you're good just just touching within six hopefully everyone's having a love late Thursday wherever you are in the world uh let us new who you rooting for in today's matchup me for sure yeah I mean I'm rooting for you um so yeah so that is both my secondaries accomplished which feels good cool uh these guys move 12 oh we do still need to pick an oath Target oh yeah I don't know if you'll do much shooting and fighting but I don't have any guns really to shoot oh I should also mention uh eradicators are off the table Vanguard vets are off the table and the Terminators are also off the table uh so that's really no shooting except for the bikes I would imagine yeah uh so I really I think I'm going to oath the mandres on this objective because the very least I can get line of sight to them with these bikes here and they do have stealth so that'll help a lot yeah um so I think that's my oath Target because I can't really get to anywhere else yeah I guess I could advance and charge with these guys instead of the Felding pain but then they're like going to die over there for sure against your whole Army so that's not a good that's a good way for a swift death yeah I'm not going to do that so yeah I'm going to do the mandrick over here on this objective they're going to be my o Target and I'm just going to have these bikes well yeah chat is um trying to help you out Brian saying just table just table Adrian oh yeah that's I think that's the plan right yeah yeah I think that's a good plan yeah chat chooses violence again the surprise of nobody look at this look at this horde oh my gosh a bunch of bros whoa look I told told you I had a real problem trying to figure out how to deploy and now that the middle is disappearing why even bother walk over there I think you made the right choice given what you knew which was not much but that's the thing with this mission right it's awkward we have to like deploy not knowing everything yeah so that way you can fail everywhere that's perfect just like me look you can't fail anything you don't start right it's true I do need to hold that objective at least for a couple of turns yeah exactly um so I think I'm going to have the assault intercessors just walk walk up to it I guess I guess they'll have to advance so they'll Advance move up it's a one nice excellent ah yes good stuff perfect perfect so they're AR even going to touch the objective so they're not going to move out actually they're just going to stay in the building here yeah at that point you might as well right yeah cuz they would be like right in the open and I don't want to take dark lances if I don't have to yepo Big Summer Blowout cute Fen around um okay so hell and the sword Brethren are going to advance they're called sword Brethren right yeah you're good sword not a six it's a five so they're going to go 11 the key with this Army is if you forget the name of a unit just think of the most fratty name possible and you everybody a bro or dud inies nice nice well I just want to thank Blackbird for gifting five memberships thank you so much than you blackd bling Blackbird and then a nanny moose upgraded to Primark that's awesome oh my gosh Nanny moose welcome oh it's your old foe moose sorry it's anonimous an anous oh no I'm ready for violence Brian is is terrified of moose yeah yeah me you go watch the uh the hobby stream talk about this at length the mention of moose but that was that was it I couldn't pay much attention how do we even start that conversation we were talking about like was that the we were talking about the beach and like all the animals in the Water app you're afraid of the beach as well moose moose in the water are no they're not in the water Lindsay come on don't be silly uh no the you know I generally don't remember how the conversation started but you know how it ended I know how it ended and I think everybody's on board with me that moose are me my moose are terrifying they're dangerous actually no you said you would want a moose as like as a mount I still want it that's why I want them as a mount cuz they're terrifying nobody's going to mess with you if you're riding a moose like come on it's hard to argue with that logic actually it sounds like moose are like the uh the hippo of Alaska you everyone's all like oh there's so many dangerous animals in Africa you know the most dangerous animal the the most uh kills is hippos there's they they're absolutely just brutal and deadly and then you look at him in his Zoo when people feed him and stuff and they just look so nice yeah no like the little baby hippos they cute little hippos okay those are adorable a with their ears and then they grow up to be these vicious killing monsters you can be cute but deadly the animal kingdom is a terrifying Place yeah you're not wrong about that all ah I'm so excited to chop you up I don't know what I'm doing here probably a yeah I'm not doing a lot of stuff just shuffling around um I think these bikes want to get involved somehow I'm going to lose that objective if I don't put anything else over there but I don't think I can get get anything else on that far objective I could auto advance the bikes so they go 18 but then I take a mortal wound just makes it easier for you to kill me oh interesting although I will say this technically technically technically technically Minefield says in this Mission each time an advanced roll of six is made for unit and your ability I think says instead of rolling oh so technically I don't think you actually take it technically yeah do not make an advanced roll for instead add six to the move characteristic wow I got you covered look Adrian it's the small victories I didn't get to go second didn't get to keep the objective I want wound but I won't take that wound that's what really matters oh I need to grab my pain tokens uh we just going to slide these guys back a little bit sorry Lindsay just walking on screen so we're just going to have them so I'm starting with just three base uh if you aren't familiar with the sky Splinter it is not a replacement for the real space technically even though it's it's just better um and so I start with just three instead of the three plus one if you have an archon another one for a succubus another one for homonculus um so we start with a bit less we kind of need them more uh this is a list that I'm playing with to kind of test it out so we'll see all righty beautiful um so I have no guns to shoot perfect so I just I guess I could shoot here but I want to try and charge I think it's more interesting to charge than it is for me to kill you here um so I'm going to try charge an 8 in charge onto the mandri in the corner problem and I will I'm going to channel my in Bridger yeah it's not a nine it's not a nine but do it I'm going to try my bad you let's get that sweet eight come on Ryan let's go h h no all right close I got a CP fine you know what no hold I I can do my yellow dice the yellow dice you have you have opinions about these yellow dice I'll let you do it I'll let do it let's see it come on eight eight oh 11on wait a minute on something it's like an ultimate dice filter just different color dice yeah yeah that's from you did take brid's dice filtering class I was his first people yeah little known fact little known that's amazing uh okay so that's all the charge I got cool sounds great so uh we're going to try and kill you now you will try I will I will indeed so let's do some out Riders I have there not Vehicles right oh I have no CP any doesn't matter okay yeah here tank shocking a stardy chain sword you're ready so four attacks each one two three hitting on threes but rrolling cuz you my o pretty good roll for o not bad problem tuck these over for you pretty good pretty good yeah oh oh stealth is only shooting yeah yeah no you're good you're good mt3 sh people three it's not like it's fine it's fine all right six moons Five Guys shadow people though FES oh no oh yes they're so good every time yes but I'll keep you in combat so you can't disappear yeah exact that's that's important can't disappear um he's already kind of where he has to be so we'll do that sounds great sounds great look that was my whole turn Adan I love it oh how I hit you back hit you back no fine you don't have to I was expecting it five I just won no AP yeah beautiful that's what I thought all right um so at the end of my turn Lindsay I'm going to extend for five beautiful oh and then I will get deploy for baby deploy two uh three three yeah yeah yeah that's we doing in the middle the middle that's my turn beautiful thei we're just going to get a command Point start of the round yep and I I'm going to get two of your finest secondaries Lindsay okay your first two second things on objectives home objective area denial and extend that's not bad you can kill yeah you can kill those D good so AR denial of course be within six of the center and have Brian not be within six of the center holy and then uh extend so same thing as Brian hold my home base and hold one along the middle line right here easy peasy lemon squeezy I don't have anything in the command face would you like to bachel shock sir I wouldn't like to but I will yeah I don't think it'll matter right unless I mean unless you try to fall back with them but no it's not the end of the world which means we'll pass yeah of course yeah naturally naturally so we're good here and uh that's it I'll get going we can see how chat's doing chat chat is doing great uh we do have a quick question um where is it um what did what's the Detachment for the Templars oh sorry I'm doing the sixup fal pan V okay the name of it is uphold the honor of the emperor yeah so everybody gets a six of FAL pain and Leadership five that's pretty beautiful wonderful wonderful thank you thank you very poetic and then we do have a super chat from Hobby goblins Inc thank you so much hobby goblins for the $10 Super Chat and they say sky splitter Detachment has some legs good luck boys thank you they do they cool they got long legs I think long winged legs Mo real fast and I think they're going to be really strong it's so much fun yeah it's very reminiscent of old Harley Quin I've said it like 50 times I feel you're hurting my soul oh man but it's true it's true you're not wrong you're not wrong so this is 11 we'll just use the rest of our movement just to rotate [Music] yep yeah it's a super fun Detachment I think it's quite good as well which uh obviously helps um but it's it's awesome let's see see I had my M DRS in the back here in case we needed to screen uh well screen but also um investigate turn one oh yeah yeah uh we ended up not drawing it so and I'll probably end up picking up them up before the end of your next turn which means we'll probably want to move uh something something else back in case we need to do that yeah makes sense exactly um so we need to we'd like to kill you and take you off of viant MH that's the goal and then over here you do have a good amount of OC and spooky things we could just send in the the beasts you know I don't actually think they're even holy within six I think this guy back guy might be out yeah it looks like he is so you already have your secondary as long as you put something but if you shoot something I could devout push and then get holy within I could get that's so mean so uh watch out for that one Adrian so smart I'm so I'm playing elar with Templars right everybody gets to move yeah exactly I'd like to I'd like to kill them that would be nice you know I think he will even if I do move I think you just kill him anyways I need to commit enough right what I what I don't want to do is like put five cob lights shoot some Splinter rifles and then just ruin my whole you have to kill a model so if you don't kill a model then it doesn't matter oh okay okay perfect but also if I'm doing that then I'm not like armor contemp in somewhere cuz I only have the one CP I know I do want you armor contemp sooner than later so I can it it yeah um the longer that you wait on that the more annoying is it is for me mhm Beast Master they move 12 what I mean they WR like a hoverboard right oh my one of them is no the whole Squad moves 12 oh I guess it's like birds and stuff and fiends and whatever else oh my goodness all right so this is my first game literally ever with no that's not true it's my first game this Edition with Beast Master and friends so I just want to try him out it's 105 points of a lot of wounds a lot of attacks they hit medium well feels like um but they're just a very flexible unit so let's go so we'll bring these up here we will then also bring over Lis boat we don't have any characters there so we have jar here really he wants to wait until there's a character to come out and snipe um get some pain pain tokens so I think we'll we have to go straight line we'll go here we could disembark fight and try to get back in maybe the move there's a bunch of angry men behind so many Angry Men here Brian they're all Angry they're all just yelling they didn't have helmets on all their mouths will be open scaming yeah yeah exactly uh um decisions decisions and then the middle the needle not even worth putting anything in the middle that's kind of my thought right I'm like it's going to go away anyways and you're just going to flood the board yeah so I think I might want to just trade a unit for a turn and then and then call it for now oh you heard him guys Adrian called it I wi game over call itward time of death uh so we'll go ahead and get these cob lights out and they'll move as well uh so we can go to 10 without the advance and these are just my plain Jane cob lights um all the special weapons are in the archon squad SS good yeah that way they're going to get four RS to wound and all that stuff I will advance them we at least can maybe try to screen you a bit so we'll move another five it's good and let's go five this way yeah well now I can't Dev out push to get on well maybe I could still aha not everybody no exactly I don't think it's I don't want to I don't want to um Adrian celticus is saying archon needs to be on the board to vect uh you can't do it from inside a transport yep that is correct Co so that's why we have the archon in the back here on the ground okay uh but I appreciate it there we go so that's the reason this one exists it's archon with the court with the five Cobble other cob lights so they're just sitting back here waiting to vect and then they can get into the free later on MH uh but I appreciate it so we're going there we could oh we could throw dark lances into them but then then I maybe move then you maybe move what are you going to do about Adrian um probably not dark than you shocking as that sounds it's only a D6 so I could just roll a one and then be like well that's true that is very true we'll hop over here and we can shoot down the sword Brethren at least yep we don't you don't have any big tanks for me to shoot which uh is hurtful but I'm trying not to take it personally so we'll jump this Scourge out here with their massive I don't know how to play tanks I'm honest with you yeah especially not Space Marine tanks I feel like I would just sit back and shoot with them which seems like the way to go but then also it seems like a waste it's hard cuz they're also not maneuverable so you really like deployment matters so much cuz you actually end up not moving that much over the course of the game you know uh which is pretty funny uh so we'll be there this Venom is now empty and I don't think there's a much we need to do with that or want to do with that um we're going to go ahead and scooch these back here scooch this Kronos up here uh I feel like jar might want to come in next turn keep both these like so and then this Venom we going to go six eight and then we'll advance that as well I think this Venom honestly might be our sit in the back kind of investigate yeah exactly and that'll kind of free up like I want to pick up the mandre cuz I want the courtt to be to do stuff later on y so that feels like the move there um and then what we can do in the meantime is scooch over these M DRS kind of screen you out a bit longer so I don't want some Vanguard vets in my back field nobody does I would like them there I think yeah yeah you're a fan yeah I'm into it only against you though yeah I don't want them against me I don't want right uh okay so we're almost there just so many tiny units we're good here we're good here we're good here um I feel like we're going to want to pop out with either these folks or these folks um I'm less concerned about these ones because they're I don't know I just saying oh did you fall back the the doer I did yes oh do you want to do a thing I think I kind of want to [Music] try oh but it's my only CP yeah I think I got to try I think cuz then it would just stop them from getting shot at exactly so I think that's I think that becomes so I'm going to spend the CP the Strat is called No Escape No Escape so on a four up mhm you don't get to fall back and if I don't roll a four up you might still die anyways oh that's have to roll incapable okay so you're looking for a four let's go please don't do this please I need better metal yellow dice oh I would have been no yes you you youed yourself son you played yourself beautiful do you kill yourself this actually sucks uh so on a one I just die we're good I think that counts on a Australian one it's like an advanced yeah for a second actually was like is it uh so he he just moves here bottom floor so we're going to be shooting here charging the Raider if there's survivors I tried you did try you did actually um I'm realizing so Leith and the the bikes or sorry lth and the witches they suck into anything that's not infantry that makes me slightly nervous I think let's do it let's show some strats to these my folks you're going to kill my infiltrators I'm going to kill your infiltrators we're coming to play yeah no no armor content kind of sucks maybe I should have waited look I'm not flush with CP like I normally am I don't know what to do I know you get like one a turn it's like a a peasant a plebian you are a plean plebian so we're just getting out this is uh we can go and spend the CP right now Lindsay this a new stra from The Skys Splinter assault Force let you get out of the transport after it moved and still charge so we're going to get out within three be nice so what we'll end up doing is put the witches into the infiltrators and put the Beast Masters and folks into bikes as much as we can um I think that is it yeah okay we can go on to the shooting see what we got should we do some Scourge oh power from Pain stuff oh no power from Pain uh we're going to power the The Scourge with pain yeah and that's it I'm yeah cuz they're not going to get a kill I only want to do it where I feel like I can get a refund back CU I only have so many power power Tok pain tokens power tokens so here we go four dark lances and A Shard carbine into the out Riders you ready for this they're going to they're going to Bob and weave hitting on fours unfortunately yeah but you re roll rolls no problem or oh no give me those give me those yellow dice n no no they're mine actually you know roll back it would be too powerful for me fours I hate scours that's it they're on the list one hit uh strength 12 so two it's going to be one I swear yeah ailan right uh three yeah so you get a save there's the one D6 plus two yep yep yep hopefully it's not another one it's a one it's not a one no it's a seven damage yeah and then we have The Shard carbine from the leader not likely to do much let's see what it is three shots you're not infantry perhaps I don't think so yeah I got a pretty chunky bike you are infantry on top of a bike that's true uh so I need sixes hey none oh no one damage what a dumb gun just don't don't even give him a gun at all uh and then we get to do our winged strike which is move six in after yep um don't actually know what I want I feel like I just run away run away it means you can deep strike here which makes me nervous but the now that I haven't killed you in shooting the Raider will definitely be able to come up and be a pain be annoying you exactly um real quick uh chat is saying that he can't fall back with a three plus with his vow it's a three plus with his vow with the No Escape vow No Escape uh no matter the odds vow is active I don't have no matter the ODS forget the name of it uh uphold the honor of the emperor let me just read this roll6 adding one to the result if accept any challenge no matter the odds Val is active 10 four up the unit cannot fall back this phas must remain stationary otherwise that unit that's not the Val I have yeah you have the f I have the fun painball which is uphold the honor of the emperor um and that's not this one the one that I get from uphold the honor is I just read it uh it's the fight on death I get it on a three up instead of a four up okay so I think we're good chat but appreciate it unless these cards are wrong which you never know I don't know but yeah let us know then Z that turns out different yeah it's the No Escape strap that's what you're looking at it's a four plus it's a plus one only if he has a different vow AC the one for my vow is the fight on death I'll get on three up instead of before makes sense cool sounds great uh we got Raider another dark Lance yes coming into you let's go it hits wounds on a two yeah every time no and then we got the Splinter rack nope just kidding we got rid of that uh this is just archon and and all that stuff so we have a blast Blaster blast pistol blaster on a three yes on a three three oh D3 I need a five up to kill you look I believe in dang it Miracles dang it in young girl heart we did it I was going for a different song I believe mirac that's actually better reference you know what I I DM I do uh so we got the power from Pain token which is gone other shooting um we do have the Kronos I might as well it's not amazing but this will be the flamer so it's D6 shots five shots uh [Music] strength four five dang it so fours with my spirit siphon oh my God just one oh but still I'm going to fail all don't die I need wound or two just one yeah yeah yeah oh no Brian no I tried so hard he's still alive he's down to one dang it he's okay dang it what look if he's going to be this dead I'd rather him just be dead yeah that's true right make it simple I do I have a spirit Vortex de D6 shots he's dead I got a hit though he's so dead oh my gosh I'm getting power from your pain four I'm feeling the pain oh go God May one for one oh he's dead what the heck what uh that's amazing well you get a pain token I do so I get one for that I also need to roll for the refund which I forgot we're within nine inches of the scourge when we spend one on a four plus we get one oh so you net one yeah I love it so I'm put these two here beautiful okay that works I'm not on the point but that works huh I can't wait for the rest of this game yeah it's going to be great speaking of which uh we've got dark lances all the way down here at the sword Breon yes you ready for this no pain tokens so only on fours with no rolls aha of course naturally naturally string 12 so twos oh my goodness it's a one ap3 would have cover yep uh so fives you got it oh I have F no pains Oh shoot that's fine I I Woll I I forgot that that's my bad but here when I fail them I'll okay fig it out uh I made none of the oh my gosh uh so it's D6 plus two each yep so if I would roll low eight damage so one's dead okay that's five damage yeah yeah you never know I can roll three sixes okay two are dead what the heck five damage oh no three de close and then six damage oh oh no she killed four that was how did you just kill four I okay okay Scourge you're back on the menu you're back in the list you get to stay around what the heck that's crazy four shots four kills that was very very lucky better lucky than good right uh okay um we have another one from the Raider dark L stress let's go really beautiful uh again we don't want to shoot here so we're not going to bother this we're not going to bother this I don't have any CP to do the thing anymore more so now you could if you want to good you're so kind I appreciate it all right we'll do that we'll do Splinter Cannon going in on threes W and then poison threes our anti-infantry you go it's poison is poison it's not that cool if you won but you got cover yep beautiful good you go uh Shard carbines three sorry it's two shots cuz we're not in Rapid Fire one hit poison yep no AP so I got three up there it is well there you go uh those ones you can do over here um the low Stak shots you know yeah yeah exactly don't matter exactly um I don't really want to make this charge longer if I was to shoot the Raider here and you killed this bike it's much farther for me to get in mhm um I genuinely want to see what would happen so we'll just do another shot at the intercessors so we'll go sideways with the Raider on three there it is classic and nothing important we'll we'll skip that that doesn't matter can't see anything can't see anything cool that's it not too bad not too bad not too bad oh god um excellent charge phase let's do this I'm not going to spend any power pain tokens you can spend them for rrolling charges which is cute at best um what order do we want to do this lth first I think lth first yeah although they'll actually get out of the way but they have to you just walk through your dudes right yeah yeah this L has more important I think yeah because if you fail you want to roll that one although you can't fail I can't really fail it one I don't like it matter but the Beast could yeah they would block Le exactly so we'll do Leith first just into the infiltrators it's a eight okay okay okay okay okay okay okay so again we have to base where we can I really want to be within 10 of the transport so I can get back in because it's a move seven a move or fall back so seven inches and then have to be within three to get inside so so if possible we want to do that which should be no problem actually we do love afterwards because these ladies still need to try to base we might end up blocking some of the beasts actually go like this go like this uh beautiful and then these ones can't so they go this way perfect and then we'll do the Beast Master and friends into the bikes and the intercessor infiltrators because you've done a good job kind of screening there it's a six beautiful we do have a re roll charge there from the Beast Master but we don't need it actually you know what in this case we do the the big yeah the Big B the Claude fiend Claude John sorry yeah yeah excuse meor gottle is not offensive but Claude is offensive to us uh yeah we're not going to get everyone which is okay this is so packed in here it's like a party yeah it's a serious party not a party I want to be invited to we got dogs and birds and Zoo it is a whole zoo serious party yeah yeah this is my kind of party uh beautiful that's it for charges shall we fight we have to yeah this is um I want to check the Strat for Leith and Friends M it is no it's definitely at the end of the fight phase so you're going to get a chance to respond um with whatever survives I think you'll kill the unit I'll kill one of them I'll kill the infiltrators then the bikes can go in um so start with the infiltrators cuz if you kill the them you get more room for the fiends and stuff to come in and you can potentially get more attacks on them right yeah that's exactly right cool so we'll do that thank you yeah which is going in uh lth has a once per game ability but she's not going to pop it yet Famous Last Words let's see her only opportunity to pop it yeah no you're going to give me more chances got Terminators oh God forget them off the table no you wouldn't dare uh oh power from pain so we will power both units yeah so leth power from Pain and the h circus power from pain so that's gonna give full hit rolls plus one AP now it's a new bonus and then for the witches they're GNA get Lance W doesn't matter as much here because we have no it doesn't matter actually I always forget the witches should have poison oh no they're only strength three though they don't she gives them plus one strength oh yeah that's why she's much better than a regular succubus sucubus let's just start with her though cuz she's the coolest only strength are you H the money fall right this melee Army has really not age well they're not doing any drugs these days they took away they like that's not well Li doesn't do drug not good for J Vision so I don't know why she gives them plus one strength when she doesn't do drugs yeah what do they say they say it's they just say it's Blades of death interesting so she's hitting on twos sustain two so every that's not a six I'm just going tooll yep let's go we got one six six so far you roll these cuz math yes Jesus so six additional she has anti-infantry oh two plus so winning on twos that's pretty good it's really good and so starts at two two goes a three plus one this plus she gives her unit plus one so it's actually ap4 so you have feel P feel pains these are all one damage yeah that's the constellation I made one oh my God Ryan so one two three four all dead wow I it's a six off pain right it doesn't seem okay okay okay unreasonable yeah yeah right that was just love oh my god wow what in the heck ouch uh they're not piling in yep but the fiends and stuff could yeah we can get a few more fights maybe yep um let's see so this one goes here this one again we do bigger bases no that one won't fit so we do just the Beast Master go here yeah actually doesn't get us much more cool gets us one more doggy and uh we actually lose a bird so I don't have a I don't have a good enough sense of like which profiles are more important to me yet so we'll find out find out together you ready for this I don't know if I'm ready for this pretty good great okay okay um all right you have four walloons each yes so we want to start with the Claude Fiend The Claude John five attacks getting on fours rolling [Music] rrolling oh my God and it's Dev WS so four is to hit still oh okay okay okay okay and then strength five so fours fours Dev you said Dev wounds oh my God no way that's just four wounds one just dead oh no feeling pain feeling pain you feel none of it I feel most of it oh my God so far at least oh my gosh Dragon Roll sixes too who can play at this game I see okay okay okay okay and then we got two Chima this is the doggos there actually Four attacks each wow right uh here we go this is fours with lethal hits so these Auto wound this rolls this is this is oh my gosh W okay and then strength five so fours is this unit okay there we go all these also or no not Dev but they get AP cuz they're powered so AP1 yeah so I got four this is what you're telling me that wasn't then I got F no pains problem myups see what you got here sees give me a six so you kill the one bike okay so we got one all right what's next and then we have one bird testing out the birds here razor wi razor wi feathers ch ch ch ch six attacks if this isn't the best profile I'm going to R right it's just a lot you know I think that's that's that's all it does uh fours rolling rrolling sustained sustained okay denied m uh strength three this is the hard part and no bonus so FIV fives and that that's it it's honest AP AP1 now cuz powered fours oh oh okay okay okay okay yeah I like it I'll take I'll you can't really move anywhere else so that'll be that and then so I get to fight now you're angry um I'm already based there so I can't do anything but I'm going to base The Witches here I guess yeah I was afraid you might say that and then I'm going to swing everything into the witches yeah they're they're fragile ultimately this is good so it's only eight attacks so I got no nothing crazy uh so we hang on threes and then wiing on threes yep you got it show me what you got oh actually fine six UPS uh four UPS in combat sir what don't we just have a four up in combat I don't know I don't think so but you you PR sure they no just sixes now God God mind blown this changes everything four pin BS what the heck look I thought they were still good with sixes that was very Nic you would F three though actually yeah it didn't matter at all so I lose three four up in wow so that's what the blah blah blah says huh yeah wow it's crazy what happens when you read the blah blah blah I know it's shocking and appalling uh you're already on the objective so I can't really stop you from doing consolidate beautiful and touch you there I love it can you still do your fallback thing I can't hand you can so it's I will spend a CP to do your thing to do the thing um for the for the benefit of chat let me let me find the name for y'all because we're it's a new rule so everyone wants to learn it does it pounce on the prey no that's what we did to get out now we're doing nope not that one hit and run can't touch me wraith like retreat funny cuz we don't we don't have wraith uh so end of the fight phase one jari infantry unit that's fought make a normal or fall back move if you're witches you can go any direction yep if you're not witches you have to get an extra transport and get inside so they're going to get an extra transport and get inside yuck so good I killed three witches though all right I mean honestly next time you come in I'll kill another three I'm screwed and then the next time I'm going to kill another three hey we're going to make a wraith like entrance yeah yeah that's right uh we killed one unit to get one power from Pain yes beautiful that turn wouldn't have been bad if I didn't also lose four of those dudes for no reason this was the unfortunate part yeah and that was just bad luck like losing a squad of bikes and like the infiltrators is fine but also losing four Dudes there that hurts that was just for no reason uncalled for I apologize yeah that was really rude actually not sure I appreciate that I 100% do uh so we can go and score it up okay uh we have five points on area denial cuz we have unit holding within six and then of yep and then we have extend battle lines five 5 five five beautiful crazy and with that we'll pass it over to the black Templars and you have a lot of OC on this point right they're all one but it's but it's more than me yeah cuz I only have four there right they're oc2 on the bikes oh that's right you did get one yeah yeah okay so on to me I do have B I don't have no bad shock no you're good no I was I thought they had two but they don't you want some cards um I would like some cards please I do get a CP for some car please give me all the the good in ones bring it down and no prisoners okay both of those are pretty doable here uh bring it down I can kill the Raider over there no prisoners I can kill the contents of the Raider potentially and the beasts and the Beast they seem like they're kind of tough to chew through though the beasts yeah they're they're awkward yeah is there's a lot of they have a FAL pain right no so these days it's just a sixup inval mhm but it's just a ton of wounds and sixup saves yeah it's just a bunch of wounds okay and units toughness four units toughness four but I'm walk in combat with you so you'll fight before I do and I think you kill me now yeah it's 19 wounds yikes okay well two bikes definitely can't do 19 wounds tell you what all right so in the command phase uh we are going to fup onto the uh uh uh Crusaders yeah there go um friend names and then I think that's all the command face stuff right right uh oh who do you vow to destroy who do I vow to destroy I vow to destroy oh actually I could advance and charge that's actually kind of interesting because I can advance and charge over here with the Crusaders then over here and the thing is disappearing that feels B this one's dis no this one's disappearing first yeah but this one eventually will disappear what I'm say so I'd have to charge here and then like you know what I will I will advance the charge I have to make a play and if I can kill this stuff here then I feel much better so I am going to advance in charge of all this instead um I am going to oath onto the fiend CLA peoples yep uh beasts and then that's it so movement yeah checks out beautiful beautiful so we're just going to move take this how is chat doing on this fine evening chat is doing great we do have a super chat from colme thank you so much col for the $10 Super Chat and they say I'm happy to see you guys play Black Templars my favorite chapter hands down yes well I'm sorry I'm the one that has to plan for you you're entering your space brain um it's just a phase phase yeah black Templars are such a classic ar your it's your Space Marine era that's you're looking that's way no that's too long too long Mom it's not a phase okay probably just not better not be a pH Brian Actually I don't even think I need to advance and charge I think I can May charge anyways okay yeah so I just move six I think if you can the feeling pain that's nicer yeah I'd rather keep the feeling of pain and then just like fail to charge you know uh yes cool cool so we'll keep that so we'll just keep the feeling of pain sorry I don't want to keep like flip flopping oh you are totally good look this is a friendly game we're learning these armies it's not friendly I need I need I need the win I was trying toow if this was Bridger we'd have a different conversation but you I like um but thank you for the support yeah um Austin perago says Brian it was great scene yet lvo yeah it was good to see you Austin I'm glad we didn't really get to hang out but we talked for a little bit Yeah but it was good to see you guys sometimes that's the way it goes you know yeah there a lot of I feel like I was really busy at lvo but like also I wasn't busy like I walked around a lot even though I was in class A lot right yeah but also like I was in class so I didn't get to hang out with anybody it's just a whirlwind you know it's like and then I met a ton of people most of which I don't remember their names and I will never remember their names you'll see their faces though in a year and be like you I know you see but then it gets to the point I know your face I'll meet them like four times and then it's too late like I move past the phase where it's okay to ask what their name is like I should know who they are and it's like I can't ask you but you think I know who you are but I don't actually know who you are yeah I I do that a lot like oh hey what's up I just don't use people's names just to kind of mas like wait for people to say their name yeah yeah like I the faces but the names I'm like I I'm sorry not that I don't care it's not that I don't remember you as a person it just the name is just it's just gone right so wind oh hey buddy what's up hey pal hey buddy pal I had a lady uh she asked she she asked for my name you know we we'd gone back you know we had um uh she's a customer at Gamecast and I see her every week and one day she's like what was your name again and iost yeah I told her my name but I did not take the opportunity was the perfect chance I know it was the perfect chance I know every time I see her she's like hey Lindsay what's up like no hey how's it going the trick is you have to find someone else to be like oh hey like someone who named that no you don't say the names cuz then you have to say like then you have to introduce want you guys to meet each other and then you hope that they introduce each other that's the wait for you to introduce him and then you're just like yeah that's the worst yeah I actually can't do that I'm bad at that in general though so that's my excuse this is the I don't want to drop anything over here but I like I feel like I have to so this one goes I could also try to go for that Raider actually so actually I think I will try to go for that Raider I think this is pretty spicy if I can get Terminators in and just like tie up all that stuff and then I can spend the Strat to make you like maybe not fall back yeah and this is my weak flank to be honest and that's the one that's staying forever exactly now actually it won't be a problem I have a strat to right yeah to move six when you come within nine but transport only but you'll but it have to be outside of n exactly so yeah so I just I I was just trying to look out for you Bri you know just an honest oh did you want to move this then cuz I moved [Music] Ting no no thank you though appreciate it y appreciate oh and I have eradicators what a time to be alive I have guns you have guns you have like guns three guns I got three whole guns what's the r what's they're melto 18 so you can't be in Mela cuz they just did melta so dirty these are cool guns yeah they are cool okay they're good it's just that's yeah well if that's the case then I'm just knock drop over here I think they're 18 in I guess should be n away those Raiders though not too many wounds yeah I'm hoping I can just pop it yeah I think so CU then uh I don't know what it does for me but gives you bring it down doesn't bring it down but it also stops you from hopping in and out of the boat with Lilith and if I can get Lilith on the table I feel much better about myself yeah and you can shoot the witch as well I won't get Lance it's actually very spicy and I'm actually very sad so dzar is in the Venom there right y okay cool I want to be as far away from jazar as I can I'm sorry jazar Master blades is that who you're referring to Chad Chad has been wondering uh they they feel like um drar has not been given his full name Justice yeah go or you know you have not been sorry you have not been giving Jar's full name Master blades there we go the master of blades yes they've been asking where's where's the full name you's got to you have to respect the titles folks M yeah I look so when I in my first test games with this this list I actually didn't have drar Master blades which made me very sad um but he's nice for a couple reasons you can put him in just a five a fiveman incub squad wait what uh take take some I just picked up The Eradicator that I put down oh nice that's a pro move where' they go and he gives you plus one to wound all the time so you're not reliant on getting in and out of Transport he's he's just he's just good and cool and he's D AR master blade so what are you going to do you know here come the Terminators I hate it I think the van vets probably stay up in the sky for another turn yeah I don't think there's a reason for them to come down here just yet uh I do however need to put these guys back because I'm a dummy and I pick them up yeah that's pro move scary scary cool cool cool cool beans and these guys are dead keep the van vets off the table for now my God nice nice save heating up oh man it's getting spicy back here right I'm I'm nervous I'll be honest I'm terrified I don't know what to do here um I am terrified I think chat's nervous too yeah chat chat's feeling it look I've had really poopy dials so far so it can only go up right I think they're warming up yeah yeah yeah yeah where's my yellow dice I didn't thre my fate dice that's what it was oh you took my fate dice away exactly all right I think I'm ready for some guns if you are ready to be shot I'm you know what I'm actually not so go straight yep uh I mean if you don't want me to charge I'll just get that too no okay so let's start with the eradicators okay uh that was such an aggressive K yeah these are melta rifles okay right melta rifle heavy two Mel rifle one Mel multi Mela um but they're the same so I can do them the same oh multi why does multi hit on for cuz it's like a heavy heavy better melt oh sorry two double the shots okay uh so these are the regular rifles I I can night Shield I might night sh I really don't want to the wies there where what else would I do with it I'm not going to run away from you coward I'm not I'm not a coward I'm not going to run away from you I all right I'm gonna do it I'm going to do it for the brand one CP nice Shields let's go these are the regular melor refls oh they both hit uh and then these are wound on threes twos uh no no strength nines the threes threes yeah yeah T8 right yeah yeah yeah yeah you're rrolling everything though cuz you are shooting a vehicle yeah space Oh My Gosh Ryan you had one shot I tried man I don't know my gosh four plus inol because of not Shields Shields yeah let's go all this is the scary here's the melty melta uh I did not oath you I oath the fiends you got four it's it's hit wound and damage no way oh my God what is this welcome come on I didn't two jobs I hit on fours this one didn't hit either oh no okay the dream's kind of alive in some ways I mean it's kind of if it's oh roll roll my gosh what is going on I don't like that filtering all right yes we'll take it all right here we go nice Shields no all right now I'll give my fate Dice and I'll put in a six yeah yeah exactly if I had one all right take take uh down to seven I believe nice uh I'm glad we night shielded though cuz yeah that was good you would have failed the other one honestly yeah yeah um okay well look that was all the guns in that Raider uh I probably could have nope whatever um I'll do the pistas into uh the CIT yeah sounds great yeah you should just yep here we go threes up if you won fives uh take one yeah you take that one I know oh he's just dead yeah he doesn't know any other way all right now here's what I really need to happen we're going to put the auto Cannon so all the bolters are going to go into the scourge yeah uh yep and I think I'm going to put the aut I'm going to put the auto canons into oh sry there assault cans that's what I meant yes sorry assault cannons sorry salty cannons I think I'm going to put them into only it's 12 shots but it's Dev wounds yeah so maybe it get cute and I like plink off a couple of wounds yeah that's fair I don't know um I'll just put him into the uh the Raider and then just kill neither one of the units yeah I think that's fair yeah so here's the Storm bolters Into The Scourge bring it B I have eight of them does the Trap one have one too he does right he does yeah and he has the same PS so three four five six seven little spooky eight here's nine yeah yeah uh wait yes n nine is the correct amount two of them have the big guns and they hit on TW no it's plus one against oath Target yes that's correct yes I mean that's pretty good pretty good okay when you're on threes here his thing uh no no they're rapid and then these are threes I kill Scourge cuz I did I did a bad thing okay all no EP just four though let's go they're dead barely oops you fool that was not my best move all right now we got the auto cannons into the Raider yep absolutely uh these are heavy probably so fours I would imagine threes they on threes why do these on threes you can never tell these days there's no logic here fives but sixes are Dev fives and sixes are Dev okay that's a Dev okay okay and two saves saes it your AP zero yeah fours oh four so take one and then a Dev so take two down to eight two all right uh I got some pistols from The Assault intercessors into the Beast pack yep you got it this is my o Target okay okay yeah four RS nice nice beautiful the re roll ones to wound is only in melee so yeah yeah okay so one cool uh yep if you one stick a invol nice cool okay you ready for some yardages yeah let's do it sort the easy stuff yeah so let do the intercessors in the middle he looks at the n in charge oh my gosh good thing oh my goodness today is coming up Brian right I mean you're pushing me off of all the second off the primaries that's good um we'll do the assault intercessor into the fiends m dang for this one no oh my gosh what do get him over here I guess yeah on this side is where I want them assault intercessors into Beast Master and friend it's so weird the squad is just called Beast Master but like it's definitely not yeah there's definitely more than just him that's messed up all right let's do grimaldis and his homies I need like a seven or something I don't know so this is here to here y yep oh nice I don't like this just call me Bridger so much pressure actually let's do the Big D first I don't know why these little dronies are going in yeah because you won't have two ranks through the wall so you want to get the good good stuffs uh so nine where's of course Galas is way in the back because I'm a genius yeah you can leave a gap for him right cuz you're you're not able to base anyways uh has to yeah that is true but even with the 12in move he wouldn't touch the wall okay so he can't Pile in and fight also yeah get out here so we're just I mean everybody has chain towards anys yeah so it doesn't actually matter but it just looks cool this way no I'm into it and I think that might be kind of where I'm at here totally fair oh so much pressure real question is f I'm GNA force you to come to me yeah no it's good this is this is what you want to happen this is where um the black to flers excel right you're going to take this middle of dare me to come get it I dare you and it is tough I double dare you I'm scared there so many models like we' been grabbing models for 10 minutes now right there's still more so many angry oh my God there's still more oh my god oh wait there's more where where are you pulling these from at first I was like okay you know this is funny he's almost done oh no no but then you you reached for more models like four more times all right all right here's the actual charge that matters so much to me the Terminators into thead into the Raider let's see it do your worst Bub I'm channeling my inner Bridger a nine I'm really channeling oh oh no looking for a three oh no oh my gosh what was happening you were a yeah you're a dice shark that's what it is I've been cooking them oh no oh no we didn't save our Scourge and we didn't screen whoops we made a double mistake there the worst part is this m Drake would have been like the perfect thing to just stand there just stand right here yeah I was like I can say my Dr that's great oh no oh okay how many CP do you have I have nothing do you have any fight for any not here so you're saying there's a chance Aron and succubus that's it I made all the charges yeah this is we're we're about to get beat up you're about to take my money maybe I should play blooding no I can't deal with two Bridges I need you to stay true to yourself you made me do this I know did you've unlocked my true potential oh no we done all right so we're just G to move here to there I guess we'll start with Terminators sounds fantas uh we'll start with El chapy ly yes and I guess I'll try to Pile in to get totally more dudes on absolutely um I do want to maintain the objective with some people and I feel like this yeah amount of dudes would easily get these two ranks here so I think I'll leave like that the two ranks fight yeah looks great so we start with chaffy Lynn beautiful um he has five attacks with the cus uh um you're not oathed on this guy so I'm hitting on TW beautiful M and then I have plus one to wound and I am strength five nope strength six so I need fours W nice uh AP is one one that's two damage five yep take your two all right we're down to six and here's all the Terminators and they folks these have all chainfist yep so that's that's neat It's Kind of Perfect here actually uh there's what three guys aren't attacking so that's seven exactly two three four so angry five six oh uh so normally hitting on fours mhm oh it's still hitting on fours four no one forch that was pretty good so good six do nothing though my goodness and these are anti vehicle three okay okay are you ready for this although to be honest what's your strength I don't want to talk about it you're probably going actually winning on twos uh it's rank eight so it' be fours to threes oh cool cool cool just let me have these cool I'm sorry I was trying to say taking away you're just bullying you're just innately cool I need sixes here all sixes uh no you got that was not a single one uh so on a six we boom I would not like to Boom cuz I might have my mandre I would like for which I would burn the world to keep alive D it yes excellent o could I touch him though oh you defin in unless unless you scream me out with some incy I just don't know cuz I want to get the charge on you actually I don't care into then you fight me yeah yeah which sounds nice sounds uh exciting so I think that's the thing we do just scream out yeah because you've already gotten rid of my transport ability so I'm not going to have that Lance anyways and you have no CP for precision right now can you fall back into charge no maybe I just touch you now it's not the worst thing you could do I think I probably actually will cuz if I touch you now you can't Precision my character and then I'll fight before you next turn exactly so then I can just Precision your character oh that hurts my soul or I can just stop you from falling back oh oh no it's all this goes from bad to worse to worse I don't like it at all un I it I hate it wow uhop there we we go while you're doing that I'm going to get some dice for the uh assault inter yes absolutely conely yes uh assault intercessors oh actually the worst part is I can't I'm not pain tokened one two I couldn't be three four and five all right I see p on ones we take Immortal hey uh oh uh oh one two nice oh I guess I'll move in a second yeah no worries I'll do that now actually before I move on and forget so I will go my three yeah makes sense I [Music] will I'll just put them both on the archon okay uh because next turn either I pass my shadow fields or I or I don't and I'm dead anyways so might as well okay so I will touch you yep Bring It On boom yeah I don't love chat yeah and no pain tokens so this is definitely the time to walk into yeah yeah yeah 100% And you are battle shocked cuz you're out of the transports you can't even trat not that you had CP anyways oh no wow wow but I mean you're the batt shock will go away on your like a huge no this is good I like it the fighting is my consolation prize but frankly I would rather not I'll just get more DET on the objective yeah exactly now this is a this is a lesson all I learned did you uh take from my pile of dice here yeah there was just some dice I decided to grab you monster sorry so this is assault intercessors into uh cites yeah cites beautiful oh they're very oh they're probably still very dead beautiful then threes again with full R rolls cuz we're on an objetive R rolls because you're on an objective those are good so far roll oh my g oh my g so this is uh five UPS W hey that was nice dice filtering no yeah you come to me Adrian I'm feeling the pain not the power and then everybody else will just kind of they're already on the objective I guess but yeah you just have to go to the center towards the center which you did beautiful um I guess I'll start with the intercessors again this will be very interest interesting yep I see what you're trying to do okay uh same deal mhm these are my oath Target though yep yep so rrolling hits and wounds oh so good because you're on an objective beautiful C is fours so I need fours y rolling oh jeez W what a good roll and then I got a r activated don't worry though there there's less rolls in the game oh thanks yeah yeah yeah I'm glad I got I got you okay okay okay okay if1 mhm is just sixes all in BS all day so here we go I mean look you made a ton of them that was very respectable we made six um okay so I think what we do is we take Birds first the three ones each one two three birds yep and then a puppy oh not the puppy like you just Brian kills puppies I'm just saying look I didn't put the wounds on the puppies you didn't uh puppy puppy this puppy go right beautiful now I do galdes he's like Pokemon yeah galdes and I'll just sneak onto the objective through the wall here to get a couple more guys to fight sounds fantastic come on can you stop it no I feel like I'm in danger here I'm in danger I'm in danger it's just we're going to go a lot of angry people base there base here and then everybody else will just touch the wall and fight through the wall I guess or not everybody else but the ones who can absolutely why does dude have a sword on his back like sticking straight up into the air he's just chilling wait that's grandal is he's a brok sword I hate okay um now going to figure out who actually is fighting right now just to the ability so I have at least I have a power fist m one two three four five chain swords and then two dudes that don't have either of those okay so here's a power fist I like it I like it oh boy here's a power no still not the right one still not the right one here's a power fist how many wi uh three attacks beautiful okay and then it's strength eight so I need threes twos two oh you're T4 yeah t uh so two yep six ofs oh nice that'll kill the last doggo down to the fiend and the three chain swords yep power fist three chain swords two guys that don't not gay uh rrolling though because you're oathed MH mhm and grimaldus jeez what is going on it's so cool oh my God jeez uh 2 yep oh my gosh my goodness I'll take the bad rul half Ryan half sixes all right and these are one each uh these are one each yeah so this will be the fiend and the Beast Master and then I have two guys oh don't worry they're dead oh but but wait there's more no make him stop he's already dead no okay uh I think I'm just going to sit there I'm not going to go any further you're pretty you're pretty comfy yeah oh my god wow wow what a turn right you just flooded the field yeah You' let me have this I did I gave you I wanted you to feel the power it's good Reon black Templars got a Nerf uh we'll hit you with the archon friends yep with the iny inby let's go ch ch ch ch ch ch ch okay so we have all of them alive unfortunately we are without rolls which sucks one two three four five and no plus one to wound which is the worst part yeah eight nine well so with an archon I would have full hit and wound rolls oh with a pain Tok that's pretty important yeah yeah uh we are hitting on it's going to be hitting on threes winning on fives mhm and that's it let's see H threes it's good it's good into it all right and then fives here no re uh rrolling ones from the archon oh let's go uh few ones right there's some ones in there thank you sir roll in the corner where they feel shame uh here you go oh one more there you are and those are AP two for two got four up invols and then five of FAL P brutal so brutal unless unless you fail oh yeah okay I wa not bad look oh my I don't want to you are so these are two damage each right so the first one Yep they're three wi each actually y so the first two five pains he dies that's my man then the next two he's dead so you killed two two perfect and we have the archon with the husk blade that are they're just they're just fine now h on twos uh still fives here that's pretty good wow that's great two two Dam so one guy down to one and you killed two well if you're going to fail your feeling pains I feel like I can maybe do something here yeah uh I'm not like super upset with that I feel like that's an okay trade uh it's a great trade cuz I kind of shut the unit down pretty well uh that roll off is going to be huge next time as well oh but I'm rolling it so and uh gosh the way this is going a little I'm a little frightened I will all the important roles I've failed but all yeah the attacks you know the the like everyday average Joe rules which are the important ones right cool I think that's it should we score you up yeah uh I brought it down oh bring it down no lot oh yeah it was just one so yeah three one because it was drawn randomly and then you're I'm at 10 wounds so you get four four yeah cut off which is nice uh what was my other one no prisoners oh yeah I killed a lot I think two units on objective no no prisoners just anywhere so that the Raider so you got your full five okay cool amazing and what was your primary oh I had five five yeah yeah cuz you had that one I didn't have that one the home objectives I think are worth a bit less double check that yeah the middle ones are all worth five supplies are um objectives be different oh you anything for so zero oh no well hey I'm about to get a zero too right you yeah uh good for each object they control in no man's land right okay okay okay so I got a big old zero cool that um we'll go to the turn I might have some upy Downy but we can do the thing you're so CP Rich dude you're so rich this is crazy I hate this I don't know what I'm going to do with these it's a it's a hard life you I'm try not to spend it all at once right um I need to decide I still have van vets in reserve as well so you have van don't forget I appreciate it I need to do some screening you have these guys in the back so that's that's pretty screened out I don't know if there's any space here there should not be no no no so I think I want [Music] to you have two CP huh I have two command points that's so good what might I need to do investigate over here so I definitely want to pick up one of the mandres yes anything else is not going to be useful um no I'm just going to pick up both I don't think there's anywhere I'm not going to be blocked off from anywhere so might as well have the options we'll pick pick up both mrix then a Brian's turn and then the secondaries that will change the face of this game I don't know what I'm hoping for but captur out poost okay oh no bring it down bring it downst how okay these are fine these are fine we can we can cook with this so engage in all fronts B in three ideally four quarters Y and of course investigate signals do actions in uh each of the four corners two points each very feasible um we can we can probably do three corners and all that stuff so this is good this is good they don't rely on me killing Brian which feels dubious at this point uh cool so with that we'll each get a command Point as you mentioned um I have to take maybe a batt shock uh no pry good no I don't think two that's the archon yeah we're good perfect primary big old zero excellent beautiful the way it goes way do go um and we'll get into movement yeah ch um um I just uh so uh chat wants to remind you that anti-infantry 3 on the archon oh thank you apprciate I forgot about that cheers I will remember that you know what let's let's let's yeah we's say like three more dead probably right yeah yeah no sorry I was going to say let's get let's get this out of the way I would like to fall back here I will spend my command point oh it's so brutal I almost tell me is this is this a battle tactic just out of curiosity I don't cuz I really don't like this Strat and you haven't you haven't uh it is a strategic Ploy okay cool thank God I don't have to worry about it all right wait what is it wait oh they do have one oh two contemp that's that's the one I've been waiting for but you haven't needed it yet okay so what's going to happen here on a four up no no takesy backies it's brutal and then uh anything less than that I still can die when I run away exactly so four plus would be massive here come on Brian let's go get that three Li up you know you got got a li up yeah loosen up oh okay okay they telling me the chance but it is still desperate breakouts if I want to fall back which I guess I am cuz I declared I am so let's do it so we're going to walk away cuz sometimes folks that's just the best thing to do ones kill models now so we will not be putting that on the archon let's see H just walk away just walk away I see two okay I saw the two immediately and I was like oh it's bad so two of them will die and I'll I'll get moving so hi chat I'm so sad twice now I told you the important roll off yeah that's right look I'm counting on it I'll pull these two at the end here okay I did not to make it out uh chat is very excited to watch your dice Journey um this is an emotional roller coaster yeah I am yeah there there there's some people in chat who are like encouraging you to just use the yellow Dice and just not even touch the white dice the yellow dice I have they might be too too strong they they're pretty powerful if you want you know what I've my fake dice on this channel have been incredible with these Dice and then when I play art anywhere else yeah it's donkey buns so that's how it works you didn't realize that when you joined the channel yeah that's how they drew me in you know yeah like oh he's just going to win games with this fade imagine Limitless power only in this room it living space yeah ity bitty living space Oh man a MH yep well now would probably be a good time to look at some cute pets oh so cute yeah so say hello to all the cute pets of the week this here is Arthur who is all mixed up in this blanket can you see a dog in there I see bits of a dog oh my goodness but I can't put them together I see a cutie patootie yes yes I think is that a pit bull uh it might be yeah it might be so I have a pit also oh do you really yeah uh actually and it gets like pretty cold where I'm at at night cuz we don't like run the heater overnight right and she gets tucked in every night yes and wrapped in a blanket oh my gosh oh my gosh so cute and then she doesn't move until somebody gets out of bed in the morning wow you would think she's dead yeah yes um next up we have have Charlie look at those eyes oh my goodness I know such big eyes hi cutie Angel um here we have Jeffrey in a sweater speaking of being cold Jeffrey apparently Jeffrey really likes wearing sweaters so and hats is that a beanie or is that like what they called like the old uh uh like the peeky blinders hats yeah yeah they talking about oh it's a hoodie I think it's a hoodie I think it's I as a beanie like a like this person is like in a coffee shop in San Francisco yeah computer but the hoodie is cool too that's where you can find Jeffrey yes Jeffrey what's up uh here we have Jimmy Jimmy looks very disappointed whoever is taking this picture right right really um and then here we have Sunny look at that belly so furry oh my gosh that's all fur it's all F I don't even see the animal I know I don't see I don't see I don't see the cat it took it took me a few seconds to to to see what kind of animal it was CU I just saw fur I just saw belly and fur I was like yeah this is cute yes those are the cute pets of the week and you can see more on our Discord if you are not part of that already definitely join because you can see cute pets you can talk about Warhammer talk about Hobby all the stuff we like all of it everything memes memes lot of good memes recently A lot of the stuff just comes from the community folks so I highly recommend you join the Discord we have a link down below it's just a great place you don't have to be a member to take advantage of it so keep that in mind you also don't have to talk to partake there's a lot of good content in there even if you're not active like actively chatting definitely agree oh yes yes you can silently stalk everybody oh yeah no one would know that's what that's what I like to do I'm on there on the you look like that's what you would like to do yeah I'm a big lurker your secrets well you said lvo you're a people Watcher so this is just it all tracks yeah all right all right so true I love it so what we've done is we've moved this Raider over the massive 14 we're going to get out three go ahead and spend my only command Point Lindsay we'll do to be able to charge after we get out oo we're going to try to reposition deal with this problem I don't want to but I kind of have to like we know this is where the story ends on this half the battlefield this one I don't feel good about this is a problem I can solve today uh so that's how we're breaking it down so we'll spend a CP there I think I might OverWatch thought you might say that which is why this is the oh no OverWatch S no OverWatch dang it yes you tease me with unlimited power and then you put a lid on it I might not have all the tricks figured out but there's a couple I can I can I think manage dang that sucks so that's nice this one goes here these you can OverWatch but they are uh they're pretty tough yeah whatever yeah I'm over it they're decep it was only cool if it wasn't to inabe I I 100% agree uh so we'll do that did you want to get Lilith or the anybody out over there potentially yeah yeah I just wanted to explain where we at TH far the story thus far and then we have investigate signals so as we mentioned this this um Venom is going to go do science they're like hey what's that let's go check it out yeah that's that's me uh and then one of the nice things is we could shoot here so this unit is an has an archon so in shooting it's also full hit and wound rolls oh ni so we can put a bunch of special weapons this way and then charge this way and actually be like probably tough um yeah I'm just trying this this is 12 angry this is 20 angry men like it makes me feel any better is it is that cor just black Templar now oh there there's a yeah I own it okay it's mine forever this is a bunch of kids in a school bus looking at what's just happened they might just drive away if I'm honest um because I have no CP so I can't get back in here frankly um oh I CP on oh the get out this one yeah so that actually is a big problem for my investigate signals oh actually yeah no no no I was thinking about if I get OverWatch over there but like oh I don't have faith ice you will get rolls so it's six is roll that's that's marginally better I'm not I'm not saying it's the right option I'm saying it's a option you know you're just going to night Shield again and I'm going to be really sad again always night Shield always uh we are gonna get drar and the bully boys out here drar Master blades that's right I am so sorry maybe maybe we were doing that and this is nice because when we bring the Venom we can just hop back in the boat look I think that guy just dies yeah yeah that's how that works right some of us have old metal incubi it's a problem it's a problem and then gosh I'm so there's so many of them that makes you feel any better I don't know what to do with that Squad anymore right they've done the thing and now do they just sit there or do they just like run across the table proba they just run across the table Yeah my goal is to try to make that an uncertain decision for you I'm not sure what else do I have to hold that objective with like five intercessors and two bikes are not going to hold anything that wants to charge him yeah that's why I mind to just like send lean again to kill this stuff just so that you kind of have to spend another turn yeah cuz my other concern is like right now okay I go back but then you probably charge and kill my transport and then I'm I Morse again mhm whereas I can go in and investigate I don't know if it's the right call but I feel like it's it gives me the most options and gives you the most problems yeah so I think we might do that and then we'll bring the Venom over here I'm realizing I'm probably blocking the charge we did earlier we're going to do earlier but this kind of gives us more more answers so we'll do that uh we'll scooch these Scourge over I'm going to try to deal with one problem at a time you still have Vanguard vets yes okay that's that's fine that's fine so what we'll do is all good baby and then they'll jump they can screen Kronos can screen here Kronos can scream and oh god let's do it let's do it we're gonna do it oh boy might OverWatch here too I don't think so if I had more guns visible from this squad maybe but that's true I don't have a lot of shooting and there's no oath Target over there CU I killed the the clown Fiesta what did you call me an o no but it's like it was implied heavily implied uh so we're down three witches make sure I don't get out too many so we'll hop out there the boat will do science a man I want to shoot it so bad it's such a bad I think it probably is a bad idea as much as I want you to do it so we do that have two guys in melter range I want to but I can't I can't I can't do it I can't do it no you shouldn't I won't we'll go here CP for a fight on death it's one CP yeah oh because it's not guaranteed yeah but it's a three because of my vow oh man okay black Templar is pretty interesting army actually turns out yeah a lot of answers for a lot of the things it's a toolkit Army right it's like they they they've always kind of had that rep all their strats are one CP which seems kind of cheap bananas yeah but you're not getting CP I guess or a lot of CP yeah they maybe that's a tradeoff they don't have a thing for that you only get 10 CP per game unless you get rid of secondaries yeah you could be like grey Knights that have strats that are too expensive and then units that make them so they're just barely affordable sorry that was well yeah that's why you're playing the granites yeah I am still excited for them I think we've done with normal Movement we have reserves um gonna drop a single land Drake down here do I OverWatch this guy that's my question for you I think can you just do another five man squad there that's the reason I'm going to do that one first that's fine perfect so we'll do that which means this one can be safe uh we're not going to be engaging in this front I just don't think there's space to land MH uh CU you've done a great job with that so I think we come down you just use them to screen me for the bangro BS if you have like a hole somewhere yeah I think thing famous last words but I don't think there's any big gaping holes at least famous last words nine to here nine to here you want to come in this way that's not much I can do about it [Music] sorry I think we'll bring him here just just some more shooting yeah I need to kill this and this is a very tough unit will come in anyway supposedly it's tough but you just like killed three of them I know it was your job if you roll those f p like that I will be okay but if you roll even average okay that is going to be it for my reserves let's get shooting so this is when we need to empower units um I need to make sure I have enough for melee how many do you have I have three here only three not enough well you can get some by killing so just make sure you kill stuff you're just you're big yeah just kill stuff oh I didn't think about killing stuff yeah well that's what I'm telling you my bad sorry sorry have you tried killing stuff yeah consider not dying so here's the issue I would like to empower the Aron sweater I want to do the shooting here and then in melee I know I'm going to want it I want it in so many places well you can't do it in the five phase you can't you have to do it now no no I can but I got to think about it oh I understand right uh and I don't know that I'm going to kill I'm not going to kill anything in shooting cuz I'm putting a lot of shooting into this tough unit so at that point is it even worse right yeah exactly this is why I think I'm putting racks in my list to be honest uh over here witches they want to be everyone wants to be empowered man everyone wants it well we have three and you have three melee units that you want to send in yeah math seems to add up which mean but this means no no shooting yeah but if you're you're not going to kill anything anyways is it worth it for hit full hit and wound R rolls no it's not worth it it's not worth it I got to hang on to it you're right Brian you're very wise man I'm not going to empower anything to shooting did he trick find out he might might you decide I think we are discovering yeah just more about we we were discovering more about about Brian you to monster wait what do we discover hold up what a misse that you're devious I think suggestion every step of the way now I may also be helping myself two things can be true two for me oh you're okay okay okay okay okay so shooting investigate signals investigate signals investigate signals so many signals so all the signals are being investigated shooting you have a one wound Terminator here indeed so we'll go with M Dres first just's a lot of plink shots if you kill a model I can move D6 in O does it have to be an the closest whatever shot at me and kill the model has to be directly at them okay I'm okay with this but I appreciate that yeah thank you I don't think I would have done it anyways but it's good to know but look a class you getting my head I'm just letting you know what I can do Adrian I don't like that so your job to apply it I don't like it that way I don't have to think about it it's horrible three shots each mandrax on threes on threes cool thank you strength five actually so fours but devastating that's really what we want devastating oh oh it's devastating just two two feeling pains PHS you ready five all right okay you're staying true to your word I told you yeah I I appreciate that I do I do let's go for the front guys sounds good sounds good okay so that's MRA uh next up we'll do because of that still have a two damage one it's kind of do you have roll charges with a pain token with a pain token which is in the charge phase yeah you have to burn and it's not it's not after the fact oh my go what a so lame it's I'm okay with it again it's a powerful Detachment I don't think it's busted because of all you have to like it's a lot of resource shown you can mess it up yeah so Kronos hey this is the flamer D6 shots five shots uh strength four so fours no rolles if you won ignore cover uh strength four you said strength five okay yeah yeah oh no one damage Pinups okay can you finally make one hey you made one I'd rather him just die though N I want to make your charge shter now that's true actually and then we have the uh siphon which has to roll the hit two shots on threes nice beautiful winning on fours nice two AP1 oh my God Brian they're not dark glances at least what is going on I didn't like oh he's heating up all right we killed one kind we're okay what is happen guys not that tough it's fine he's fine all right now let's what a journey we have taken my goodness uh dark lances CH yep to them yep and shark carbine I guess so dark Lan is on fours Empower them that's for Brian's instructions no no no yes don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby oh no we're just going to keep playing this one yeah yeah sounds great send it this plus two seven okay uh I got it I have roll it got this well he dead look your charge is harder now it is it is it is probably significantly so significantly so but I wasn't confident before I'm basically counting on charging the character which is a nine that's not good odds you got to roll with the pain yeah yeah yeah we will we will certainly need that um Shard carbine uh two hits poison so one uh two up ready oh no no why what is happening you like this okay okay okay we're good we're fine what is happening right now fine Adrian did you keep switching the dice on me you rounds I don't know what's going on seriously if I stop now I can keep it at an eight and I don't know that I'm going to have enough shooting to make it worth like an inch is a lot on charges it's a big deal the math changes so oh I need to swooping death swop death Death kaka kaka sh they move and we're just closing our screen here I like every save on these Terminators I'm shocked and impressed yeah right I am also shocked also impressed I I I like it I like it Okay so we've got uh just two of the special weapons here um so just Blaster and Splinter Cannon Blaster I guess we do Splinter Cannon first cuz there two damage and then the rest are are just not going to shoot cuz again I don't want to I don't want to H you I'll fill all those S and you know I will I know that's very true uh anti-infantry three oh and sorry it was six so sustained which doesn't matter oh but archon so we rolling ones so three AP1 you do get cover three AP1 so thre yeah nice you're good you're good blanter easy nice roll because of won rolls small other shots we're not going to bother about that um again Lance we're not going to bother with boom boom boom a lot of small shots I guess I'm supposed to roll that you're supposed to I'm supposed to it's a bunch of oh God it's gone forever Gone Forever This is a blast pistol into intercessor from witches Lev it on a three nothing and then Splinter pistols two four six eight uh we appreciate no no it's only seven of them and then I shot the we so six they threes yeah they must right yeah fools anti-infantry four oh okay no AP ready for all these fails yeah I'm prepared I hope I'm counting on it you a pain one guy takes aage a beautiful put on this guy I don't like him anyways I love it and then over here uh Venom we'll start with the Splinter Canon threes beautiful anti- infantry three uh Splinter rack threes no sustain threes okay H three up okay yes on who I don't know what to make of you uh right here I'm just very confused I'm more confused yeah that's fair okay that's it for shooting let's go charges charges we're going to spend a pain token here to reroll our agent's charge that is all that is all we'll see if we you refund it it's actually important no four plus oh no no no yes oh okay so here we go it's an eight we're just going to go for it yeah it's F no problem no problem Oh you just need a four up 5050 never tell me the odds yeah oh always tell me the odds cuz I'll get it every time yes oh gosh such a relief okay what a sad time oh gosh oh gosh it was all looking up this whole turn is just been real downhill I climbed real high you're just hoping alth the way there are um sword Brethren waiting around the corner with a brick which I'm not happy about yeah it's a big brick it's a big brick a little bit less though the dark mes look too soon uh so here we go we have to base where we can so we'll go that way back the first thing we wanted to check was here and the rest basically inform formation formation beautiful like so like so um the Raider is out of range because it'll have to Pivot so uh cannot quite reach the razar the master blades and his bully boys going into these chumps cheap punks so half the Beast beautiful uh we'll throw venom in cuz why not oh yeah it's embarrassing but it's good enough good enough is good enough good enough for good enough work right that's what they say uh this archon is kind of standing in the open it's not my favorite uh we could take an 11 all the way over here to help our friends I'm going to do it just whatever for an 11 no problem well that's a good start that's one there's two ones in an 11 so that's all we need uh if you want another one I'll give it to you yeah yeah all right here we go here's another one I got so scared right oh he said the thing um Leith HPR and the her witches [Music] MH just into the intercessors there's no need to get greedy get greedy oh a five and a that's a one that's a six perfect it's an 11 six shs if you're going to make it you might as well make it on big numbers exactly so waste the charge now it's just going to have to be there because we can't reach anything else without getting any engagement with something we're not allowed to uh which is nice okay all right you ready Adrian I'm ready where are we starting I only have one CP so I can't interrupt I appreciate that I need to spend my power from pain so this goes away we're going here for sure yep and here for sure yeah this one razar blades look if jar can't do it no one can exactly um I feel like we looked at this up when we first played jari if I do I I place all of them in refund or do I want to do at one at a time in which case I might have more than I think oh I have no idea that's a question for somebody smarter than me or at least more well read yeah too then the person who read the blah blah blah yeah yeah exactly uh at the start of any phase you can expend one or more pain tokens from your pain po pool each time you do so select one unit from the army with power for pain ability till the end of the phase they gain the listed ability below uh and then Kronos says each time A pain token is removed from your pain token so yes so I could I could do it technically one at a time so we'll do it here first so on a four plus that's actually the only one cuz we were too far too far away yeah but that's good to know yep where do we start there's no interrupts but I do have fight on death you have fight on death on a three up yeah okay let's go here yeah well I think I've so here's my conundrum right I want to F on death to obviously want to kill the incubi but I have these guys that can do it anyways mhm but if I do it on Lilith and I can just wipe out the squad yeah on Lilith then you don't have to deal with that problem then I don't have to deal with that problem ever again and then these guys can just move over next turn that's very very true but it's on a three up and you have a four from vulnerable save so I think it's better to go there because I just have to sit there and deal with them anyways with galdas right I think I'm just going to lose a turn that's just what it's going to be I'm just going to have to do that you're still playing for primary then yeah so I think I'm going to fight on death over there okay cuz if I can like Whittle you down enough then it's really easy clean up over there or maybe I just I don't figure something else out I think that's fair I think that's what I do I'm going to spend a CP for something what's it called will you armor contemp so I can vect it please vicious vicious repost what are we dueling is this like arrol Flynn I don't think duel do they they just they brawl they they would only duel on their terms like they feel like they duel they're like duel me and then the one time that someone else is like duel me and they're like uh no cuz I'm crazy right yeah but repost makes it feel like it's an elegant fight yeah it's definitely not an elegant fight with no they're just kind to bludgeon you with like a male this dude's got a where's he at homeboy got a hammer look at him he's got a big old Hammer there's no reposting with that is that a word reposting repost repost it's like a it's like a I know what it is like is reposting a word oh I don't think so where's do there any yeah Dr Mel she probably knows she's painting another room oh that's right chat space W's coming actually good time to mention next Wednesday is Valentine's Day day Happy Valentine's Day everyone uh so to celebrate that every year Mel and I like to do a special Stream So Tuesday the debut of the Jungle wolves against their sworn enemies thousand Sons now now are going to be playing so if you're not a member yet that would be the game to become one for I'll be honest it's going to be real fun this is 30 incubi attacks hitting on threes rolling wounding on fours rrolling ap3 two damage I'm curious we'll find out yeah here we go freeze you don't have any sustained or anything crazy right no nothing extra nothing extra dishonest pain dice beautiful we miss with two yes yes so normally winning on fives we have Lance so four is rerolling because of the beautiful archons uh thinkk you sir oh my God so good darn gosh darn good thank thank thank you come on ah not a great conversion but a good first roll so no complaints these your ap3 this is great two damage each four for days that was okay it was pretty bad actually like it was really bad I feel like 40% that was that was way yeah that that's not right uh these are two each two each all right here's my so here's the question can you do it yes yellow dice to offet uh one is wounded no is not wounded so you do you needell yeah going to get a floor dice he rolling yellow dice folks watch out yellow Dice from the floor too how does that work uh well it kills me you know was the fail so one down okay next one two down three down all right there stu oh no four so three down and one's down to one down to one okay which means now I have to do one at a time yep you got it so he's oh oh legend legend still alive what the heck don't call it a comeback all right so he's dead Okay so four and I can do the last two yep so you killed four and one's down to one and then you still have your Aron right archon five attacks four and one's down to one twos and threes anti infantry two three four five five yeah you have one in the chap left yep twos beautiful and fre what the heck wow got a little cocky there little cocky okay go so I got to do this one at a time cuz the uh chaplain also has damage no that's right I forgot so this is on the Terminator Okay four yep four inv oh no all right fips yep get this out of here get this out of here all right oh no got one uh no he's dead he's already at one wound oh you're right then these saves are on the chap chappy land chapy land he takes two but it's only two cuz he has damage right I like it and he takes one takes one beautiful beautiful he is down to some number of attacks wounds I mean I forget he's down to four down four okay and now I have five dice to roll to see if I fight uh oh it's where I pulled them for you it's on threes it's so nasty it's on Tre I don't like this Brian don't like it oh no it's on threes what a bummer dude yeah however they're like I can't win but wait before I die actually I hit you it's like sword fighting with your like siblings as a kid like oh you got me but actually that was oh no okay it's chain fist but two is the squish super two oh ow what did you get hey guess what you know how you like aspect Warriors stop it I'm an aspect Warrior so five plus in b no well I K too look you kill I kill two it seems fine it's reasonable day right yeah easy easy uh I'll pill the two that are closest to the angry men in the fin threes let down so sad so disappointing look I hate black tempers I don't know why you gave this Army yeah um yes get within the engagement range we'll keep them barely on the objective just to get away okay um and we get a pain token cuz we killed the unit oh bummer yeah next up let's do D hard Master blades and friend actually I know this is lame but we're going to do the Venom first cuz we have one I'm sorry blade veins there's our we do it yes strength five so threes yes blade beins how dare you waste my time how dare you waste my precious time all D Master blades let's go so we can do the demig glaves with the single blade or the dual blades um single blade dual blade what's better so single blade is more ATT devastating oh link and I'm not Lance no I am Lance I'm winning on two already yeah I do the twin link because you're winning on two rolling wait isn't that an argument for the opposite yeah probably uh the three I'm thinking you want more attacks cuz I mean it's it'll be a five up save regardless yeah we have F the pains oh it's only sixes all right we'll try it so we'll do the dual blades so it's seven attacks hitting on twos wounding on twos rrolling the twos well I can't help you there wow Brian I can't help wow oh you know what uh two things cuz I'm very bad yeah battles shock tests start fight phase for incubi it's mostly for my pain tokens so let's do here first you're oh I would not have been able to fight on death though it's my mistake just see for the pain tokens I'm lead five across the board because my vow okay there you go you're good and these guys oh oh I have no more CP so I don't know what that means for me um it's just for pain tokens I I need to be better about that anytime you fail battles shock or I kill a unit oh I got so it's cute a thank you sorry about that winning on twos yes with roll yes nice now they're only two so fight oh okay that was Master blades two each two each get those sixes going he's M he was already gone anyways he was he was his foot in the door he okay door oh no it's like you're going up slowly that's all you killed four wait there was five you killed all them uh I I think you had one more no that was all the ones we can do all the it's fine you it's okay okay that's fair yeah I had such a good turn and it's all gone down I know here's hop I'm still galus and angry man is still going to be a problem no over here that's all I got left yes yes um I don't pile into the bikes because I want you to have to deal with me next turn yes that makes sense so we pile around get two ranks easily um and I don't pop L Lis ability because it also gives her a three invol and I'm going to need turn so we'll start with her though uh eight attacks hting on two sustain two injection rrolling everything that's not a six so good that works beautiful anti-infantry 2o oh no she's so cool she's so good I love it beautiful wow so many all right you ready all myups made one two three this is exactly what happened last time she's not oh I made one this time nice oh wait no one was already wounded oh oh no the witch is never no exactly yes power from Pain uh we're just going to sit there yep as we do yep you get to fight me back with your uh so he's got four attack five attacks five attacks it's on two it okay you know what uh and then he's string six he's not leading a unit anymore so oh still twos though oh yeah he's drink six St no problem tree five plus Andes oh my God I don't deserve this I'm not going to glit too much cuz the next turn is going to hurt I'm trying to preserve some dignity um beautiful K doie end of the fight phase oh so we got a pain token from lith killing a unit yep and then end of the fight phase we're going to have dyar Master blades and pop in the Venom lame beautiful H H love it all right I'm I'm like running out of stuff here I feel like we're going to flip flock back back and forth until nobody has anything left I honestly think that's the pacing of this game yeah I think so who's going to run out first score okay score what's it going to be we engaged on three fronts for three points indeed investigated three quarters for six that's big that is huge it you're up on points and nobody has any primary no well not yet you're going to get I'm get primary get primary yeah a big old five on all right bral absolutely brutal I'll take those so proud of you Brian thank you I worked hard for those primary you did you and I CP wait we're sure you're going to get that primary right I'm as well jesz uh so I have the bikes on there two four have one two three4 actually I didn't Pile in so I might not even be so I have and this row of dudes against the walls also yeah you got it you got it yeah oh we me sweat you did so I get five five big old five top of three so next turn one next turn it's one byebye so you can't even oh you'll score on your turn I will score on my turn I'm sorry unless I take you off of it I'm a little worried about that okay so uh battles shock uh chappy land is no longer hurt or below half strength or whatever beautiful um and nobody else is so I guess I just have my secondaries please your secondaries well here they are prepare yourself I'm not ready boom area den and overwhelming uh both of those are doable overwhelming kill stuff on objectives Lilith is there and that's two points and then uh the witches too I got to kill that venom venom yeah incubi are also on a point unfortun I think uh the job for these sword Brethren is to take you off that middle objective yeah that's fair there fair and then they just sit there and die but I like the sound of that I don't know what to do okay so we are going to do some movement yeah let's do it movement now how confident am I that if I leave here I can kill these witches who would you have left to do it two bikes rators and eradicators okay okay so the answer is I'm not confident at all no the shooting will be devastating devastating devastating it depends how how much you get done with that oh both Target and galdes oh my goodness okay galdas advance and no am I GNA am I going to leave if I leave I have to advance and charge correct correct that's the decision right yeah very interesting so I think I'm going to oath Lilith Y and I'm going to advance in charge with grimaldus and I'm just going to pray that through oath I can kill that right checks out I like it okay um yes and I still have vanets too yeah don't forget to bring him in this turn yes this toin this toin cool cool okay so yeah I'll Advance charge with grimaldus uh and then we're going to just keep on keeping on sounds fantastic so I don't know if I've never noticed this before or maybe this is like new but we've had two new members but it doesn't announce them what it hasn't announced them maybe they don't want it announced but we do have two new members too bad they just like like people who have just joined they yeah they just as opposed to gifted yeah they just joined yeah usually it announces it'll say well welcome welcome happy to have you as part of the the team maybe you want to see some uh Space wols versus thousand suns oh yes two highly coveted armies for the channel um it's going to be very cool you could move the Venom when I walk with I could yes a flat six flat six yeah oh I think I just might give up on area denial so I keep hearing about this this puppy on stream oh yeah earlier I don't know I have you check did you check it out mm haven't had a chance to yet but people keep popping in saying hey there's a puppy on Liam's stream messed up wait they're saying it now uh is this a conspiracy I I don't know maybe I mean we have not confirmed it yet so neither confirm nor deny right yeah right I know we should really ask Mel because people were saying this when we were doing the uh hobby stream earlier player uh and if anyone would have abandoned ship for a puppy it would be M yeah right so right she's the one to ask mhm all right are you going to you going to want to do your thing here oh interesting oh I hate this so so you have advance and charge advance and charge okay that's spooky I'll let you think let me finish while I finish moving these one bajillion de models oh gosh okay so folks the question is do I want to spend a CP to move 6 in with the transport only um I guess I'll be curious what your charge is to the court when you get a chance and then the another question I have to ask myself is how else am I going to spend these CP um getting in a boat is nice I don't think I need uh KN shills this turn in the sense that like if The Eradicator shoot the Raider over in that corner I yeah exactly and I need to shoot you have a six up inv shooting as opposed to a four up in combat I need toink off as many of those six UPS during shooting second and I can't activate my three up until the fight phase so yeah that's definitely definitely the move there I think I'm going to go ahead and do some measuring and we'll see um this is a tough call it's very interesting yep so you try to make me make a hard decision okay now it's your turn to make the decision I know we're just making things difficult for each other okay um so it's only a seven to the court which bums me out um I could slide this way which makes this an eight maybe a nine it might still be an eight to be honest ah I literally can't see with the Moss gra that a nine so I can make that a nine which is they also have uh rolls for free roll charges yes Crusaders roll advance and charge rules is it worth it it's failable a nine or seven is failable I could move towards you oh you could do that get get my area to now yeah exactly I think the AA denal is going to be tough just because you have so many the amount of bottles don't physically fit I don't think I can I kind of gave it up on it because it was either I had to throw away hell brick to the middle and I didn't want to do that right because right now there's like a decent charge over there onto the in or yeah the incub yeah exactly and you know the game's going to have to move here yeah so I need you to not hold that objective this will disappear so if I can get something over there to put pressure on you that direction yeah what I'm looking to do yeah no I definitely agree I'm GNA oh sound good no do sound good don't look it's fine it's fine we got it sounded crunchy he broke off the base oh no that's okay okay you have to have fought for w like retreat just there's so many options right it's like if he charges here with okay I'm going to do it I'll spend a CP my one CP yep so we're going to move the Venom six inches this way yep make this a nine from there sure now if the blade Brothers want to come backwards then that's another deal but what you say cool okay stressful of them and then you have the Kronos over there so have Vanguard vets so I think I just Bank on a nine in charge on Van vets that would be actually really good and then they can get my area to now perfect perfect uh but if I fail where do I want to be right behind the building yeah ready ready the important one this is good tactics and I say if I fail but really when I fa yeah yeah it is inevitable like Thanos right oh that poor boy let me get you another one thanks no problem thanks pal buddy buddy boy let me get you look I take no accountability for that model wow oky dokie um do I fall back with the chaplain probably not why would I fall back with him what does I do for me he can't fall back and charge can't fall back and shoot yeah it just gets me out of combat and lets you charge next turn if you don't kill him which you will kill him yeah if you fail the charge it keeps him alive MH I think I will fall back then if I so just in case I fail the charge he doesn't also die so you have to put resources into an ex turn yeah it's just like another thing for you to kill that's fair I don't think it's really worth it but we'll try it yeah and I [Music] um uh no I guess I can do that either way yeah might as well so actually have no CPS I can't do anything I need more command points and more uh ping tokens it's falling back here so he's on the objective but yeah yeah beautiful I hate it okay um guns the clock I guess yeah let's do it I'm going to start with uh I'll start in I'll start with the out Riders mhm so they have their uh wait meltos wait no they have twin bolt rifles oh that's on the the quum yeah yeah yeah so I'll do the obviously I'm going to do the twin bolt rifles cool so four shots into witches on witches yep and you are my oath so yep threes nice rolling beautiful Y and then these are three rolling two linked yep that's the tickling sound of the guns so four of them now you got six now I got six see I I never had anything else perfect so three dead Okay so that's them uh I do have eradicators now we're just going to how many left uh five four and and four and it's notal all right all right it's fine I got uh so this is a r characters into him this is the regular gun rolling for oath and then these are twos oh six of inv Bob and weave if you can dodge a ball ah and then this is the mty melter meltas yep uh rrolling for oath and then on a two okay six so one and Lilith one and Lilith look this is this is doable now yeah yeah yeah it's not good but it's possible Right it can be done okay uh now I think all we have left is charges so beautiful I will start with the out rers not sorry not the out rers the eradicators yep six should be question Mar I hope so uh think so I am not even looking over there no I think it's a seven dang it no you don't innately roll charges anymore right yeah I know it's just the oath yeah it was just o uh so that sucks that really sucks I'm not going to SM CP there because I need it there so we're just going to do the out rers now which makes me big sad but right it is what it is yeah it's like trying to use the resources the least amount of resources to have the most impact Y and I'm running out of units so I need to make everything matter or every decision matters much more now absolutely um so sore Brethren into in yeah yeah what do we need here you know I have no idea I hope something whatever I roll it's a five oh two fives that no hey I don't like it I love it oh oh no RAR oh gosh they just keep coming it's cool it's cool it's fine this is fine I told you like we're just going to we're just slugging each other in the face back and forth until there's nothing left yeah there's going to be nothing left yeah frankly for me in a second o wow nice self burn there I like it yeah yeah right come on I believe in you Brian I don't know about chat but I believe in you I I believe in me Chad Isle I believe in my ability to roll less than I need uh so this is the van vets into the venom venom you ready for the [Music] nine I feel like you do no ah it's so many points if I get it you need I would need a nine I would have to cuz you got to get holy within six so you want a bit more than a nine really yeah cuz you need to get past or you if you kill it if I kill it yeah I'm just debating this is a 90 here they have a free roll though oh oh okay yeah I think you for sure roll it right but my I yeah right no czy oh just looking for a three no my soul and it's a bit more than a nine it is a bit more than a nine well shs a good bit ad can I move six in again the other direction now please oh it's brutal nicely done nicely done look you can't you can't stop can't what I think the phrase you're looking for is you can't change the PA past and you just did yeah you illegal actually sorry I'm gonna have to site you for that illegal all right now this one uh we're going to go into the uh Court cool and that's a seven with a roll folks don't stress going to be bad the first time that's okay that's okay oh my God you didn't even need that R what the [Music] heck how is he doing it so oh so scared this is crazy oh my goodness this is wild real life is this just fantasy ah so you two are remain of culture all right have you seen the Muppet version of that I have not yes it's very good so good it's amazing this is insane oh my God insane in the membrane okay okay okay we got a lot of models to move there we just need to survive this turn goodness if we can weather the storm we can weather anything like if you weather the storm I think I'm just done yeah it's a big if though cuz you're going to hit me back pretty hard if I don't take out some of these units I just wish I was inside of more boats that's all I want and we're a seaf fairing people and uh we don't like being on land so the rest of these guys can't so are your seab boats just kind of like floating around on the land yeah yeah they um yeah yeah we bring the water with us is actually filled with water okay okay okay so what it is is the bottom is actually like normal kind of grab technology but then this whole inner part you can't tell it actually is just like floating so it's like very wibbly wobbly but it makes them feel like they're on a real boat it's very in Practical if you're not an elf you can still get seasick you can yeah yeah and they get off and they have like sea legs too so they're like yes that's the minus one to hit yeah well I'm this is this is a crazy turn just like last turn um okay so I you have no interrupts no but I do have power paint paint popping off with the power pain tokens uh leth naturally yep and we're going to do her once per game ability thrilling spectacle so it's important this I got I got lucky I needed one witch to survive because means she's still leading the squad so so we're going to have all that unless I kill if you kill it first actually you're correct which if I don't kill one witch so never mind but anyways so we're power from Pain there um we're not next to the Chronos we are oh man I can't interrupt like who who survives this if anyone survives this maybe I just let them die this one so many angry men and I'm going to do the plus one attack also for when that comes up I think they're dead no matter what they are I don't know that they'll die I don't have a ton of attacks into you yeah I'm just more I'm touching you now yeah so you can't really go where you want and I'm blocking off the middle objective exactly we're experimenting we'll we'll power pain here oh this unit fights first so sorry I I just what does that mean fora do you have a you have no CP right so no Precision nothing crazy no Precision nothing crazy I'll be able to fight yeah but you'll get more guys into fight and I'll get more guys into fight oh that's true yeah so I'll pain I'll definitely power from Pain there um no he's NE to Kronos do I even know how to play this Army all right that's it sorry uh so yeah in the fight phase hell and the sword Brethren are going to get the plus one attack perect um because I don't care about the damage so I will start with the van vets though just so I can swing these guys around oh we got to do fight first sorry oh I'm which I'm realizing leth also has Adrian do you want to not I I this looks really bad I'm so sorry any charges you want to change please it's just looking at it's just looking bad to uh to Brian I play Templar all the fight first I see I am so sorry uh no that charge would still have to happen I can't not do that charge and then this one that one feels H I feel like now I don't want to charge but I feel like I will well I'm not anti-bike very spooky Leith his strength cuz she's still in the unit she's only strength four but it's still plus one though right or she's leading the unit no three to four oh excuse me so she's winning on five but you like I I do you want to know the full profile so if I supercharge no I'm just not going to think about it and we're just going to do it okay stick with it we're just going to do do it yeah yeah just do it do it so you do a fight first and fight first exactly so choose which one you want to fight first uh I would like to fight first here obviously yeah yeah obviously only a fool wouldn't do that yeah of course all right all right let's go so L first so we are doing the thrilling spectacle 12 attacks yes hitting on twos rrolling everything that's not a six thank you let's go one six it's fine it's fine it's fine fine it's good let's go what is going oh no oh no it was so bad you deserve it I don't deserve math that's not math you deserve it five yeah but they will be ap4 just don't roll a lot please oh oh okay po it was very poop you ready for these fips yeah go ahead tricked you yes it's not even a bike though no and then my little pal wi my little my little buddy pal and then five for her oh oh oh uh you be three so you got six six up six six up six followed by a six up six one damage I didn't I didn't kill a bike did I nope oh that's devast that is devastating I learned no lessons wow I know all right now I fight into archon and his homies yep that's all I got okay um I do have to swing around to get more dudes in combat so D end there I [Music] guess then Galis we going around so he can actually fight everybody else is kind of stuck where they're at I can't I already have the maximum number now that I've added galdes no worries do this gal actually I'll just swim back more that way when you're Inky by decide to get out if I kill the thing be like hey stop yourself okay um so I have grimaldus and one two three four five let's try again one two three four five six seven eight nine dudes nine and galus where are you beautiful all right everybody has the chain swards yeah I like it I like it and galdes already did his thing so there's nothing crazy going on so I'll s galus just because it's cool yeah I'm into it actually you're all one uh no court two wounds the you could always just take them on the C first so I'll just do the squad first and then do this after sounds fantastic okay minus one to wound that's it so five attacks per chains sword so this just a casual 45 attacks Jesus just a casual Jesus 20 God said promise Brian you prom is not many attacks 30 I need 15 15 more well here's I'll just do 30 I should probably got 15 on the floor but we'll do not yeah sword five attacks h on threes they're so angry and rrolling everything from Gales oh my God oh my God oh my gosh oh my god oh I can't look at it oh my God I can't look away they're only string four though okay so winning on threes but going to Fours yes oh I think we missed one no I missed that one okay that was look that was my miss all right that's my Miss P that was it that was the Miss P that's worse I'm sorry I asked yeah how could you bring that up right all right so you got those sa then I got 15 more di Jesus and then gas isn't this neat Adrian it's horrible this is horrible um AP one AP yes okay yeah I'll put on the Cobble lights first so five UPS nice okay uh three more yep that's math all right so they're dead okay oh my God oh my gosh okay Medusa I don't care about Medusa so Medusa next with five of pinol dead okay okay uh let's see who else we have who can we throw under the bus this is absurd this is an absurd amount of attacks it's an absurd unit it's 100 attacks if all of them fight yeah this is insane so brutal oh she's dead too uh so no and that's not even including Galas how many T does he have dead oh leame leame L she's dead too okay okay he's got five attacks wow 105 attacks this is a problem okay slith no problem you can't kill slith I failed every five of and the archon two plus Shadow field are you going to fail it immediately I mean one damage these are all one damage I'm going to do regular yeah yeah see bridg thought I was crazy I did take a wound though all right so this are the rest of the attacks and I'll doal after oh this is not how this was supposed to go rrolling look I missed one makes feel any better it's horrible man threes uh to Fours cuz it's simultaneous yeah yeah just that many not that many think I hate it um you should you has four wounds these are one damage each yeah okay this is crazy at a certain point no no okay here we go okay he's down to one and it's two ups until until so I might as well just oh okay look gal is is the man for the job though you ready look he rolls for himself not really looking like it kind of a chump actually okay okay twos yeah all right take that chump ultimate Shadow Warrior let's go twos yeah what a loser can't kill him he's the gingerbread man well now he's on in combat yeah he's on and he has no one to lead but my still lives look for all this EP that I've been using armor of contempt I know I know I need to I need to learn new tricks um I can't get into combat with you which means I go to the objective yes and he's already basically there so have to like stop here I guess we still have the power so I'm just going to hunker down on this even though it's going to disappear mhhh next turn so you'll get probably five on Prime oh actually maybe not no I think I will get ning wow this is wow see lethal game it's brutal you gave me a 20-man blob yeah and just said charge things with it I told you I'm doing it you know what so I will learn nothing about the Army except that this 20 man brick has 105 attacks it's so much it's too much I think yeah uh over here yeah let's do it let's do it uh technically I have five first but you can't acate now technically I'm just going to do my B actually actually we're gonna we're gonna B oh yeah yeah sounds good so this guy this I guess it doesn't really matter um okay sword Brethren and helbert yeah wait don't want to do the attacks here oh I guess yeah that makes no no that is a weird order yeah I like it though this is Vanguard vets into the Venom they all have booty weapons so four attacks hey but you have Lethal Lethal lethal two three why have 20 attacks why is these guys have so many attacks this Army is crazy they're veterans Brian oh oh no not the best veterans lot of sixes though look at this this is good wait what no what lethal oh yeah cuz they charge you charge you charge this is you turn that 10 that nine into a 10 oh I dropped one FIV fives boom AP1 yes six okay I have six wounds five UPS I just want to that's all fail all of them please just want to live Oh my Jesus no that's going to be a five okay see I had to do this one quick to catch up so I you take four down to two yes it's not my favorite place to be it's my favorite place for you to be yeah look now it's hell brick and the sword Bros hell brick so let's you have a bunch of incubi before we get to archon eat Ines and I have five attacks normally oh wait these all have swords and I have two hammers I think I actually mhm two Hammers and four Swords hammer time so I'll do the swords first yes or does he has a sweep it's ap3 I want to do hbert I want to do his sweep first okay five 12 attacks normally but plus one for the sword Brethren thing y absolutely so hitting on twos oh actually I forgot to do his mortal thing um oh on the charge nice on the charge yeah so these will miss cuz they don't y okay all so these will hit but I forgot to do his mortal so in the fight phase on a 2 to three are you tank shocking me yeah basically his D3 Mortals on a 2 to3 a four to five is flat three and on a six D3 plus three don't you dare well take D3 D3 I mean it's that's not take your one incub by death pry good uh sure and then these will wound on two beautiful cuz rest yeah sorry let's go aspect Warriors so three four five six seven left three four five six seven not that I not that you're going to kill all them fives here oh my God you killed almost all of them one more okay they're all dead go hell Shadow Fields whole baby I'm doing it I'm just doing it you're just doing it yeah two up rolling it whoa no well that's how it works yes you either make them forever or you fail the first one look now we go oh wait they're all dead uh oh no no only one's still alive still alive now we go with the Hammers he's kicking It's hammer time so I got three attacks normally but it goes to four nope hang on fours yep oh no oh and then he's a wound on twos with devastating oh jeez kind of um API yes it's ap2 oh okay he's dead yep no power from my pain yep oo he keep stealing this W oh yeah wait wait one here no got your covered got your [Music] covered so you can uh you can slap me oh wait I got to do Lilith you got to do L I'm still over there what if you don't kill that witch um I w't cry that would be crazy so this is my chain swords and you are oathed I am oathed of moment you are ooi rrolling the hits beautiful less rolls though don't worry I know right threes here thre no rerolls no rolls okay so we have a one witch for unfortunately for you because she's going to live she dead and then three of invs from the thrilling spectacle takes one damage on L so she's down to I think three yeah there you go I'll I'll I'll put it on her for you yeah down three you're so kind appreciate that thank you thank you um I will forgo my bladed vein attacks yeah that's right yeah yeah yeah yeah so we SC up let's do it what's it going to be uh what did I even have for secondar you have I killed stuff I got overwhelming FL for the max yeah five is five right no it wasn't the max I killed the witches I killed inkai and or yeah you need to kill two units so you I got the Max and then AR yep what you got five on that five five five actually no cuz you're within six actually oh right so actually I didn't get it at all we're so dumb I didn't get it at all and than three as well never mind I'm going to get rid of it okay you getting rid of it cuz I want a CP so those G two CP that was a we messed that up together yeah that good we yeah we're really good at this game we're like no get a longer charge so then you don't have to kill the Venom literally the point of the secondary and even if I killed the Venom the Inu just get out yeah there was like no way there was no way to get it Smart Genius uh end of Brian's turn I will pick up my M Dres again okay that one I already knocked off the board so that's perfect uh and we forgot the battle shock again I was going to do it when we activated so let's just do that here see if we get a power from ah oh yeah take that oh no I Like It Cool oh wait does that mean I continue my battle shock into your turn yes oh that's not good that's actually important important no no and no strats okay anyways uh that's it over toari okay I'm scared you get a big old Donut for primary so bad so brutal oh is he battle shocked yeah that's the question of the day isn't it well let's do secondar first yeah let's do secondaries before we but no primary secondaries no primary Primm I would like don't take my home good secondaries good secondaries okay oh yeah bring it down the Outpost bring it down overwhelming [Laughter] Force easy yeah actually deploy is easy cleans not it's not amazing it's not my best work not the worst all right Lindsay I'll I'll take it I'll take it so deploy Homer scores three points by do it in the middle yep Five Points by do it in Brian deployment Zone definitely feasible um and then cleanse is do actions on objectives outside of my deployment Zone I need to do it on two to get five points you have to control on I believe and I have to control when I when I complete when you complete it so there's certainly options I would prefer to capture the enemy Outpost but that was not I would prefer bring it down for you personally oh my God can you imagine uh okay battle shock yes so I'm not gonna Auto I'm not Auto pass I ain't no coward let's go let's go oh poop yeah that's what you get no the Venom is no no not to think about that um Leith is is by herself but not below half yep the Raider is not below half nope this archon is not below half nope technically technically feels like it that's it we're good just there morale it's brutal definitely below half my my personal morale yeah well your AR on too both of you guys you know he just lost that's all his childhood friends wow you know that and I would do it again he's such a bully look at he's just trying to you know Fay people's flesh let him do his thing this brick of dudes is so oppressive I don't know how I'm going to deal with it honestly cuz I need to deal with this for the last turn but then I also need to deal with this just in general if you don't deal with that they just walk over there there so it's a problem you have to deal with now but also later I hate it um no primary for me I'm only holding my back which is good big old zero n I'll get moving we can see how chat's doing and I got to figure out my life here I got there's Al a lot of like dead models I think feel like I should clean up here oh no both sides The Edge yeah like I said this is a bloody game it is a I'm going to end the game with like 20 dudes it's going to be those oh my God uh cool I was chat doing uh well hive mind mini says and Brian has earned his nickname brutal Brian brutal Bri brutal after this game maybe honestly if I make Adrian cry then maybe it's the one it's the quiet ones you got to watch out for yeah right we all know but um dang it because I also want the Venom I wanted the Venom to do stuff yeah I think we can can fall back and shoot right with for a CP oh no I can't so actually it doesn't matter anyways oh you're batt shock h no it's real space raid and it batt shocked sorry yeah but we can we can homers in here which is fine so that's a relief cleanse is tougher you don't have OC here except for the Terminator yeah which is like one probably probably still he is oc1 yeah oc1 I don't know how I solve that prob and no strats on The Big Unit is really poopy right because that's where I would want armor contempt ex could this is where I put my CP if I had and jokes on you you just don't get to use V all game yeah that's true Kronos is oc2 a what a tur so we could just float over and be like do nice little Clans we got actually a good amount of coverage in front of you so we could do that the incubi really want to be in a boat oh there's more incubi oh yeah there's another I'm trying so hard to kill these incub six eight nine of them oh you're going to kill hell I'm going to try I can't fight on death yeah battles shock clutch everyone's like oh out of face battles shock doesn't do anything watch this game I might still lose but that's okay uh oh did we break that we did brid is not playing is not here break to I mean unless it suddenly ends in like the next minute which it might it might no not in my turn that may be in Brian's turn yeah I just chat who they think is going to win like what their predictions are so you know see let us know it's all going to be Adrian somehow we have no faith in this you're playing elar any flavor of Eldar can always win at any point honestly they could yes uh it's maybe not your flavor of alar oh Mario says that I says they think Adrien has a chance who's said then Mario Fuentes what's up Mario thank you appreciate it Mario come on manio I think I'm I'm I'm in it but it's not good in it I'm thinking about so I can cleans over here with the Kronos mhm um this feels dubious uh that's say that's being generous if I'm honest over here you've got four OC yes um I could start cleansing with the hope that Leith wins this fight and kills you should just does still have fight H that was the thing that was the thing or if if your squad dies that's why it mattered to have someone in my squad I think let's see uh well don't look in case I need to cheat wow no she just has it it's the succubus I think that have to be leading to get fight first a loser that's pretty nice that's pretty nice so she will fight first but as we've already proven she struggles into yeah she did two wounds with pain to maybe she does three wounds this well if I kill one the oh that would work and then I don't die that would work um I think we try for it that's our best bet but now you have a four P only correct so you're saying there's a chance there's absolutely a chance so what you're really saying is I should OverWatch this rad ooh ooh yes I'm not going to you could I should I'll I'll vect it so we'll move here with the intent to cleanse we just got to play the points folks play the points so we do that we cleanse um guys the loser and then maybe eventually I'll Get Behind Enemy Lines we get you got bring it down next turn I'm manifesting it for you I think so y I think so I would like this to not happen though this is going to go away before you score it actually this I don't know I've been protecting this for so long it doesn't matter it doesn't it doesn't except for capture any out post which is I'm going to get this is my bring it down this is my plan bring it down so we'll get out this way I just don't either this is my only chance this is oh you have two CP I have two CP when did you get that this turn I got rid of areas now oh that was smart cuz now you can interrupt here if you only had one then maybe maybe I just all and try to kill you yeah I think that probably would have been the way to to go yeah but what you can interrupt I need more than one unit to do it so we're just going to go with dzar Master blades and the bully boys into here this is stressful I just I need to draw that secondary the Venom uh we'll think about that it's battle shock a m it could just die it just die probably just stay probably just stay and be like you can't I probably can't you wouldn't punch a Venom with glasses I wouldn't and then incubi over here coming in let's do it so just so we're aware the high Marshall himself yeah if you're in combat with him yeah that ability to do Mortals just always happens it's not like a charge is he like a radiated this this Godzilla at the start of the fight phase it's like one enemy unit with an engagement range of this model unit roll D6 and then this stuff happens what in the heck this guy what why that don't make no sense what's he doing I don't like that uh I'm going to put this archon in this here it is it's the light reflecting off his bald head blinds you as you come in I'm blinded yeah he just like shoulder checks you as you you walk in like puts his head down so you're blinded like yeah yeah yeah boom no 100% that's what it is 100% so we're going to go whoop and then we're going to go whoop like so um we could take an advance as well nah we'll stay there so we can still shoot uh we will you've hidden this time he's learning he's I didn't hide the first time I got shot real bad didn't hide over there I got shot real bad right oh my goodness okay and then I think this is the angle we try to cut 14 yeah so over here for the eradicators we can see one Eradicator is all we need and then Venom you already got overwhelming Force I don't already got all the kill stuff I got over course I got no prisoners and I got bring it down yeah so now I just got to move I'm not going to shoot you because I don't want you to devoutly push so I guess I will stand on this objective I don't know I'm I'm lost and for Lauren we'll do that um Reserve time reserves Ville yes um we do one man Drake where is he where's the one I've lost him he gone forever one here let me know if you want to OverWatch I don't perfect thought you might say that and then five main Drakes over here get the idea oh there they are back in the corner beautiful all right see if we can do this it's going to be it's G to be tight I hate that my guys are batt shocked that think bu yeah it's nice that's a big deal battle shock it matters yeah every once in a while sometimes so we'll invest we'll deploy homers here in your deployment Zone yep we will cleanse with the Kronos cleanse with the Raider yes and and pre and pre yep shooting wise the emperor no we're not praying to the emperor we're playing to V please V protect us uh I think he would kill you for pring to him right Let's do let's do Venom into the Vanguard V that we're in combat with do so on fours oh I don't think we're okay one second what's up I got to think about pain tokens but we're not doing it here for sure one AP1 oh two two damage oh six UPS wait oh be six filtering that time oh it was a lie fours and three one no AP for one damage okay okay cool um pain token I only have two so I'm definitely not pain tokening anything uh speaking of which Scourge into the eradicators over there cge the scourge of the uh before you do that yeah just remember I can move D6 to get potentially back on the objective I like it you're so kind no it's okay you're not going to do it oh yeah well cuz you're not going to kill anybody oh okay I hit one a that's a worst case scenario wi's on a three ah it and then Shard carbine uh it's actually be out of range well poop uh we can scoot why couldn't you do that into the sword bre in the first time I know that's the that's the wild thing honestly it could have easily gone that way oh I totally forgot this guy do you mind no we'll just scooch him back you already got bring it down yeah you want to put him within nine so you can get your paint token yeah he's within night got I appreciate it I did have to move around the building other they shooting other shooting over here mandres into Terminators um no we do Raider first because you have nobody's injured uh no cuz I want to save it for assassinate oh go I've already got the point um so we'll go into sword Brethren Raider nice good Raider it's good it's good talk uh blast BL pistol Blaster pistol Aron doesn't sound as cool when you have to say pistol pistol uh yeah so yes D3 oh spicy dicey one's down to two um good there good there nothing with the Kronos uh now we'll do MRE there I think I'm GNA get I'm going to put on a hammer CU I think I want the swords more than the Hammers two four six eight 10 m Drake shots on threes I like it and then fours uh devastating devastating devastation disgrace one save one Dev save okay o so two damage can we get one can I get one yes oh down one dang it so that was basically nothing cuz my melee weapons are two damage uh beautiful that concludes this here turn sorry nope you heard it turn's over no no uh charges let's go do I want to do any pain dice rolls five 5 in charge I hate that I measure that cuz now I'm going to fail it 5 in charge let's go oh dang it I wanted it so bad right like I was 1,00% certain that I was going to fail it so we have to base if we can we'll use it to get just a little bit farther as well just cute there's angry men charging us uh incubi into yeah just into the sword brother mhm let's go oh my gee oh my goodness what does that mean means you got to touch me everywhere it does actually that is hold on wait hold hold very personal [Music] um oh it's so interesting in the worst way possible no I don't think I can get too clever with it we can get back in would like if you're alive so the debate was like yeah right come around this way oh we didn't charge this guy okay so that makes it easier so we just go this way um if I get back in then I obviously have less OC on the point but then if you're charging in you're probably killing me anyways so I'd rather be able to get back in yeah so we need to make sure we're in 10 inches so we can move and get in uh we'll have to be there there there for basing there for basing there for basing perfect cool so that's that that's it in combat more nothing here okay let's do it you ready for HRI uh yes oh it's the yellow dice too powerful so this is for Mortal wounds against the uh in yeah so two to three D3 four five is flat three on a six D3 plus three into the oh no what a l down these dice you can still kill Jes that's very good Mr Mr Man could have been better though we'll get these three that's true you can always I like that you're striving to do better you know what I say to that take two battleshock tests no give me more power from Pain one [Music] hre batt power and over here well they're fine regard this oh no way no they're fine they're fine oh you're five yeah you okay uh so as far as powering people up hel what are you doing perfect there's actually one over there on L already so we'll do that mhm anub by here uh see if we refund it with the Kronos nope see with the refund that one with the Kronos yes uh oh so we get one back here and then uh I don't uh I don't see spend it if you got it okay well the truth is if I kill the squad I get it back so that makes it worthwhile for the small Squad it's generally worth it yeah uh cool that's it that's it for the fight fight of the start fight start of the fight face stuff you have an interrupt yeah uh wait oh I do I do look at you but they're battle shock yeah so you can't interrupt here it's not super interesting and if it matters I'm going to do the plus one attack again for theity absolutely um so just in case you get Saucy I should do the out riters first so that there's no interrupt opportunities that makes sense let's do this so L let's see if she can redeem herself she's back down to eight attacks fight on death is that kind of cool no right um your ap3 it's very risky ap4 could armor contempt to try to get an armor save that's not terrible kind of bad it's you it no cuz I'm in the boat ah no my armor is contemptuous so bad all right two sustain two objection denied come on come on yes look at those that's a lot of too it didn't hurt us but it didn't help us no and now we need five yeah come on come on spider Snake Eyes yo holy moly why did I contempt this you ready for these sixes into sixes sixes let's go six I one oh it's there's A6 a look totally worth the CPU save one word sixes she killed this no way she killed this let's go you did two last time and she just killed the squad spiky like that oh my goodness sometimes you just don't rollness gracious sweet miles a fire that gives us the power from your pain I love it uh moving right along okay let's do that was painful I like it yeah powerful let's do dressar Master blades we don't have to let's do it it'll be fun give dice we can not and say we did right so we're going to do sweep attacks seven yep here we go twos yes the roll oh this why we power the pain power the pain I told you to do this and you weren't going to I didn't and you said if you got it spend it which is a horrible Financial advice but in this case it's good ep3 sixes oh I would have lik that on my bikes but pretty good two damage each uh oh I just got to make one six year and then I'm not completely dead yet yeah no not not to him alone okay one you got this ohow nice genuinely shocked same so two okay okay okay two and a half this is good this is what you want it's a three three okay you got to kill two with the rest of the QB uh we'll see one two three four five threes R rolling and then fours to threes fours to threes so dumb go why it's don't get me started don't get me started I'm in the same boat as you homie yeah it's so dumb here we go A3 83 ready for these sixes for days I made one okay okay we got two left see if the power uh sorry power pain the feeling pains the feeling pain I oh okay and then just the rest to times two on that guy he's fine he's fine yeah I'm sure he's okay walk it off just thr some dirt in it he's a Space Marine he can like get his torso cut in half still be okay put him in a dread knot put him in a dread knot I don't think they're okay when they're in the dreadn Brian uh we got a power from Bane debatable I think they're fine um over here this is not a lot for who me The Mortals was huge I'm actually losing three is hurt like 12 attacks uh nine yeah one two three four five six left so sorry it look dice one two three four five six on threes and threes rolling everything let's go h a threes roll yeah that's how we do it Ah that's how we roll brutal awesome and then threes again D oh it's beautiful oh my goodness what's ap a bajillion one bajillion you get saved AP you get saved there you go uh how many dudes are left uh these all two Dam them yeah yeah so there's six guys there y to think of the math before I get to you have one go one wound and then one two three four F this a big Squad I can't think of the uh so I have one guy and one wound this is one two three four five six dudes are still there so I have to save the last one right yeah six total okay so I have one more to roll after this just in case I fail all these and hbert the whole n okay so I did make that one I knocked over then this is the last one mhm cuz this S I can't it okay these are all two damage right they are oh my goodness okay one guy on one wound yep all right he dies we got one and I can do these two at a time now yep dang I wish I was five I know right uh so it's two dead yeah well I guess you're keeping shotgun I'm I got you okay oh oh so close four okay five uhoh oh forget oh we mess oh I messed this up so bad how did I do that we can you can retake those saves six wait a minute hold up maybe was the one you got I don't know so just roll those as involv so these are ap3 but these are involes on Hell uh so it's two damage which he takes one s he takes two he takes two Jesus how many wounds left uh he's got three left he only has Five Wounds what a chump he yeah he's a bully but bullies often hide their insecurities um through their bullying yeah this is archon twos roll beautiful and then three with poison [Music] rollas rast boards oh no going make two he's fine he fine fine see this is where I would fight on death that's true if I could the ink by batt shock so big that mattered oh that's that was massive that mattered so much oh my God gosh oh this is intense this is brutal what a bloody game right now I don't know what to do anymore I thought I was pretty good and now I feel uh I think you're still pretty good I'm going to get some primary at least this is int wait no that goes away that goes away I'm not going to get any primary no you get no hey Bri Tred so hard hey the good news is you're the only one that has scored primary this game take that is so low it's so low it's on the ground oh my gosh Jesus I worked so hard to get the middle and I was just gone you work so hard in the end nothing even matters uh so sad we won't pile the guys that would have to base they're going to get in the transport anyways but um wolf indeed uh you fight first with your Vanguard vets oh yeah I do see if you can unlock that would actually be really nice so I don't have lethal anymore would yeah cuz I didn't charge but I need them to not be in combat that's really important this would be fantastic and it's it's not unreasonable that was good have I don't understand why they have so many attacks they're veterans veterans they've seen some things they learn how to punch faster oh you got three s you got to make if you won two saves if you w two five you got to make two I need them to not be oh no if only I can armor of contempt should I re one no certainly not uh boom Oh my gosh all right dang so I'm going to get him closer to the objective just in case I get capture enemy Outpost yep I'm closer absolutely just in case look you and me both the two of us we oh maybe they go this way actually no I've given up you're going to get capture en out post and it's just going to be a thing and I'm going to get it and we'll just trade capture enst points honestly yeah if you just keep me even you win and I win cu the primary right I'm going to just sit on that at the end of the game just yeah that's I think my game plan here because then I'm out of luck um pain tokens I got two more from this from this yeah and that's did you get your one from the bikes already I did yeah will you did you get your one from these guys I did yeah can you see the one that's on that building just going to tryy to be better about that okay end of the fight phase I'll spend a CP have this unit move this is and get back in the Raider yeah really is right we'll put them here stupid objective goes away and you're not even going to let me score that one and I have to stop you from scoring it yeah heck yeah this is poopy let score it up okay we have deploy Homer for five yep cleanse for five you took the lead again just B two points this is so close oh my gosh I can't handle the stress Brian this is too much all right let's do it that's it over two the temp so command a yes yes uh oath you want to see your your secondaries oh yeah let's do that yeah yeah okay secondaries these are your secondaries which was the one you looking for I want capture enemy do L don't do it sorry a thank you oh assassin is easy though and engage is not done actually but it's easy to get because get over there engage here and then the van vets come yeah there's no problem here easy and of course this middle one Z get out of here all right uh so no primary for me we are going to uh oath Lilith she still has to die nothing has changed yep because now she's assassinate points yes so uh my only question is do you have oh no yeah yeah yeah sorry sorry sorry for a second I lived in a world in which she was a vehicle so your Ric's got four year-old against her if you give it to me I'll take it you know if you're offering I you know what I'm busy that day so yeah good good call oh and I go to two CP I'm rich again oh I get one uh okay so engage how do I engage here what do you want galdes galdes what do I do oh yeah I have to pick something for galdes yeah but that could be related to like how do you engage right I think it's another Advanced charge probably am because I already have a six pain which is fine to offset the two damage of the inba I can't get to him this turn so they're going to hit me before I hit them mhm but I have so many dudes there I just don't know if I have enough bodies that's what I'm saying I don't think you have enough and I just won't fail battles shock and I'll fight on death that's right that's all you got to do so easy yeah no problem so we're going to advance and charge and we're just going to walk to that objective can't believe I've gone through two of the bricks but the most important one is still here uh yeah Advan charge we got to try to get that kronis so here comes the advance for grimy D oh this is big they can reroll for Freez oh this is big okay okay and it wasn't a six it wasn't a six yeah oh yeah minefields I forgot uh 11 so we are getting right up on this gosh wow wow wow that also means I have to find out what I want to do for engage uh you have nothing on that objective it doesn't matter anything to you I I have a Venom but yeah yeah actually never mind I thought I could maybe get to the scourge but that's not going to happen far yeah they're too far for fan BS friends but you can get an engage with them easily yes and that's what I'm going to have to do yeah because the eradicators are going to engage over there and then uh I have engage over here with the chappy landan I need something in this corner or that corner and if I send him to their to the incubi she's dead so it seems I think that's fair that's fair I want to capture out post I just left all this what a loser hey guys everybody okay he's just getting everyone hyped up uh 12 where does 12 get them that's too far of charge but it would get me engage and it stages me for next turn which is really important actually so we're going to do that we're just put behind this wall yep so that way next turn I won't get shots from dark lances oh smart and then uh if you don't deal with me when I pull capture enemy up right make sure you're engaging though you have to be more than three Poopers where is the come on through to the other side I like how the what's up I like how the confidence grows that you're going to pull capture Anapolis say it's it's just a little bit more confident there's a lot think on it yeah I have so many points tied up in this cat TR Outpost cuz I know you're going to get too well I'm obviously going to get it yeah obviously need to get it yeah clear that much is clear yeah obviously all right I got to get the the wall so I'm going to take dark glances but you know what it's going to happen armor contempt and cover and you have an invol and an invol oh my God Storm Shield why armor of contempt No I wouldn't cuz I would vect it for turn you only have four turn six maybe I put too much emphasis on this thing like you scared me with it I didn't want to use any of my strats I know right so in a way it kind of worked you know the problem is you have too many other good strats yeah and one CP a turn yeah it's brutal yeah honestly okay oh I got to move the eradicators eradicators eradicate boy y actually I should probably stay outside of engage otherwi be cheating I could move the boat you could indeed move the boat it it I won't okay all right are you ready for some guns yeah let's do it I'm ready for some guns so we're going to start with the really only guns I have which is the eradicators uh into Lilith hesperax so this is the regular meled guns okay that's one regular melted gun okay okay okay these are twos better not roll one here oh you didn't and I'm in melto range oh no so you'll automatic kill anything that goes through yes four plus invulnerable save rolled one at a time to make it better or worse ah yeah classic classic a I will die no great you bought valiantly though perfect so that's assassinate assassin and that gets you no primary I've got two here but you'll have two there I'll have well I'll charge you and touch you so you can't Point don't Point don't leave it okay so I guess I have the chaplain he's got a a gun right yeah yeah um I'll shoot the Chronos I guess sounds great yeah I don't know whose wins these are AR probably Aron uh Raider is not wounded right no whatever I it doesn't matter I'm shooting the Kronos yeah sounds anything beautiful uh no cool cool excellent waste of time charges we are going to charge into Kronos with the Cru not Crusaders what are they called Crusaders yeah um it's oh gosh it's a four it's a four Paradise oh why did you fail it with yellow di I would have cried would you stop using them never this is my whole identity is wrapped up in these dice a mustache and yellow dice it's all I got in life yeah you make weird [Laughter] choices Oh no just the two of us it's just too much we can make it if we try how many okay let's see all right I don't know we're going to have to figure out attacks later yeah there's too many model move we're just going to pretend that I did this correctly here comes the VAB bus this is my objective for always I hate that they have traveled across the whole they have they started here went up there and now they're all the way back here this crazy uh Eradicator is going to go into the Raider yep youthful I'll be so I'm going to base you so you can't move anywhere I take the objective off you and you can't have it next turn no Shenanigans from that Raider maybe maybe come with something do you have oh chap I guess will go into the Kronos as well sure boom beautiful oh actually can I you want to walk in that charge there yeah yeah yeah thank you of course not my M Dres I forgot they existed yeah that's the idea y yep makes sense that's why I was standing like this the whole time all right so let's do you have no inters you have one CP though what does that mean for me pain tokens oh yeah ning okay I'll do chap into MRA five attacks bring it boom bring it hither then twos a take that good five plus Shadow Fields Shadow People okay two dead nice and I'll just walk back into you so you can't upy Downy uh then these guys will Pile in and fight with some number of models and I'm going to pretend like I'm going to do this precisely yeah yeah yeah sounds fantastic I'm just going to get as many dudes on the point with that go this is enough to make me never want to play this unit honestly because such a chore such a chore oh gosh yeah and you can go through one while this guy could be AC cross we're just G to not that it matters this might just be it I don't put him down to actually chat what do you do against Crusaders like how do you with your army how do you deal with it this tough like really like three damage how do you avoid it it just traveled across the whole Battlefield just stand in front of it I guess yeah stand in front of it block it yeah that's just be better have you tried not dying oh wow I did not think of that or or yeah did you try killing him well that's my question like who kills it I don't know maybe no not even you're going to shoot them they're going to walk closer to you no because you're going to night spinner them I feel like night Spinners are good against them yeah probably actually because it's minus not only is it minus two move it's minus two advance and minus two charge yeah I like that minus six movement total is a good way to shut them down I can't Ally night Spinners can I uh go play seventh edition and Tow all right and you could do that he wants to play seventh edition with me oh dark days that's super uh oh I didn't even count the models over there I'll do Galas first yeah and then I'll let Adrian count while I try to read my rules real quick uh five attacks galus perfect and he rolls but he doesn't need to strength six I assume I need fives oh H yeah def is a lot so you got one so far actually hold on hold on hold the phone are you minus one to wound no but it might be T8 oh I lost no t7 suffice uh a sorry one one four no ap2 sorry yeah take two damage two damage can I have feeling pain thank you five up one down to six then how many uh how many doers uh you have one power fist one power power yeah do that six here power Feast yeah okay okay strength eight so threes nice I like it HTE it uh fives two damage two Dage fives okay nice down to four and then 1 2 3 four five 6 seven eight nine regulars oh 45 45 attacks just casual 45 three four so this is 20 so I'll just do we have so many D I'll just do 20 then 20 and then five yeah yeah three is rolling rolling MH oh my gosh it's so good I wow then fives man five yeah oh no yeah there you go and then keep those two right because this is for your next volley 510 15 go ahead I was trying to give you more uh AP1 fours or no and fives up oh I got now here's 20 can I have five more so I them all together I think I'm fine yeah go for it any5 I think you'll be okay you'll live this he's fine you I got rolls what are you oh sorry sorry sorry sorry thisy throwing your dice out look at this guy I knew I was wrong I was just throwing your dice out FES a big old bucket of fists wait you got to touch it otherwise it doesn't count it's fine oh God oh God your hubish will be the end of you these are all fours and you need that one more dice okay oh close oh actually don't forget feel the pain uh that uh explode on a six no paint toen uh no he doesn't get one when he dies only the racks only when I kill you not when I die oh yeah only racks I see what you're saying yeah yeah just the racks uh I guess eradicators will I'm not going to bother I don't care the eradicators aren't going to fight it's not a big deal that's fair um that's everything that's everything that's all I got beautiful it's all you got it's all we got I will consolidate to be more on the objective but outside of that there not really much else I could do beautiful Brian I'm scared I'm terrified I guess these guys were there so oh W so he's just piling the guys on that can't reach the Raider into closer to the center of the objective lots of bodies there uh end your turn I will pick up my one M Drake here yep and oh um I guess I'll fight real quick because I could I get assassinate take everything I can get two this is like visually difficult two four six threes I couldn't the daers weren't Computing fives oh three saves uh none I forgot you ready don't do it no you could give it to me no you have to claw for everything you get I do I literally do all right all right that's my turn I got engaged yep or three quarters ready to score it on up when you're ready how's it going yes what was it uh so back to secondary scoring secondary scoring uh I got engag for three quars engage for how much uh three yep three points on engage and then what was my other one oh ass I got five look she she's worth more than five but you can gosh this is going to be close this going to be okay it's only third the primary is killing us this game it's so low oh yeah how come you guys aren't what we don't know how look get a lot I get zero and you're going to get like one million one bajillion dud uh we do get a command Point each oh I'm up to you're so rich you wouldn't be if I could vect you though yeah well which is by the way still on the table well not on the table I'm going to transport but yeah it'll happen this um could I have no exture enemy Outpost and Behind Enemy Lines bring it down and uh I something else assassination be pretty bad let's let's meet in the middle here I'm okay with this it's like the better his half is better okay with it my I'll take it shs you can always spend your one command I feel like no I have two I have two you can spend one definitely cuz I need I need all point I'm going to get rid of bring it down and instead we're going to get behind capture any overwheling no oh gosh okay we're still in it oh my gosh there's like the but now Brian you have to get you have to get captured post I only have one turn left br no we'll see if that's the proverbial nail uh no primary for me cuz uh because of there angry men everywhere because of my tactical AC should have God maybe I should have pain tokened I have so many pain tokens now like now you have too many paint tokens I do it's a problem yeah uh cool mhm I'm going to get moving yep and grooving let's do this thing I'm going to wait for capture enemy output it's coming you guys you small rain I don't I don't look I have former content now you do unless I battles shock you I want battles shock that's galdes B I don't know anything about galdes except for the book of Hell re I don't so all I know that's the best reference actually um how's uh how's chat doing Lindsay uh chat is doing great fug says this is a learning game we'll teach them how to score primary next game right now we got to work on the secondaries right that's step one yeah yeah yeah no all right all right that'll go next turn also I know so you're playing for nothing but I need to stop no I need to stop you from getting eight points on this I won't get it it goes away next turn is turn five this is turn four this is turn four this is the end of yeah bot turn four yeah that'll go away that really doesn't matter except for overwhelming Force okay I would like to overwhelm you with Force while you're while you're thinking about that we do have a super chat what's yeah and this one is from Matthew Powell thank you so much Matthew for the 10 new zealande dollar Super Chat they say they ask what is the best glue to attach green flock PVA also I want to get into lurana is getting a 24 booster pack box too many should I get a starter set to have to ship from UK as it isn't out in New Zealand I feel like that's I think you have to ship everything New Zealand I know right right uh Brian's the the green flock expert so I'm going to let him answer that question he loves it so much always yeah I heard talk of it on the stream today so yeah yeah yeah yeah big fan I'm so upset that this is a question and that it was super chated how dare you no green flock ever yeah but if you're going to PVA works fine yeah yeah yeah PVA is fine I probably don't use super glue because it can tend to like fog uh it has like when it dries it can fog sometimes and you obviously don't want that on yeah any of your models or any of your basing stuff PVA should be okay just uh you can probably seal it also after you apply it with like water down PV over the top of it to make sure it stays but back to what I said earlier don't do green flock goblin Green basing and green flocking on your basing is dead let it die it's 30 years old and we are we have moved on as a society as a culture as a people yes mhm mhm yes yes thank you thank you for answering that uh that question I don't know anything about the magic stuff though that's not a question this is that's the Disney game Brian yeah this is the Disney TC don't even know about card games um and yeah I would say getting a uh getting a booster box and a starter box and a starter set is like that's that's the way to start out I mean you get the starter you get the the starter deck and that's like a fol form deck that you play with but then you get the booster packs to like you know once you learn how to play then you can you know add in the cards that you got from the booster packs what is this card game Disney it's Disney characters and you beat up on other people's characters pretty much yeah nice like you could have like the different like you could have the the Tangled deck you can have like the the Elsa deck you know you can have the Stitch yeah it's like oh this the M Mike wasowski meta we right now but I will say lurana it's had its 15 minutes of fame because coming out soon is going to be the Star Wars game Star Wars unlimited is uh going to be where it's at yeah you're telling me it's not even limited that's a card it's a card game yeah it's going to be the Star Wars Star Wars card game or like part of the no it's totally separate from lurana it's what huh it's totally separate from SE from yeah I just assume it will be part of it because it's Disney it is Disney yeah so are they are they it's different companies interesting yeah so it's Ravensburger for lurana and asade day for or Fantasy Flight for Star Wars Star Wars that's Weir Fantasy Flight it's atomic mass proba atomic mass does most of the Star Wars stuff nowz Fantasy Flight had uh Legion they had X-Wing they had Armada now atomic mass has all those yeah properties but all of it goes through Lucas Films LLC so I'm not sure what companies get what yeah either interesting I'll be curious to see yeah it'll be so it's coming out beginning of March so we'll see how and they're the they're really hyping it so we'll see if it to the height you know is lurana going to be pushed away oh I hope so gosh for Star Wars come on it's Star Wars Star Wars right Star Wars Star Wars I feel like there's but also Disney yeah but Star Wars is also Disney I'm not a rabid yeah but you know that the Disney people the Disney people and Star Wars people can be the same people obviously but can't be the same people I don't know I you I don't know I'm curious yeah I don't know the whole thing is very very interesting like the the counterplay between like the counter play the counter there like there's the collectors there's like the Disney people there's the card game people and like seeing these different communities interact with it it's been very interesting it seems strange that they would have they would license out to a company like another card game already have a card game that they could just incorporate the Star Wars Universe into strange to me to help just grow that one card game instead of having two that are now competing even if they're different companies it's all part of Disney right so like yeah Disney gets money either way I guess so they don't really care but like well they're still in yeah I don't know anyways um I've moved I'm going to make a play because uh if I don't make it I lose anyway so I want to OverWatch oh I can't I can't OverWatch wait I can do the AR you can you can no no I thought I could no you killed the one that that that you killed that guy no so you may OverWatch me you may I have like what 20 pistols uh probably not even all can see you have like basically 20 15 yeah I'll do it I have I'm FL Command right here's my 15 and I'll do I'm sure galus has a better one so here's if only it was normal shooting you know yeah that would be good I agree uh then I assume yeah threes and then this is my Cronus I don't know why I would do him that's weird I like it though um zero probably dang now I have to check Crusaders I think they're heavy pistol bolt pistol bolt rifle heavy bolt pistol AP one wait do the small guys have regular ones and the big ones have big ones yeah probably for sure all right no let just say it's fine no I'll say this on a four up that one was in your favor no no I insist I insist I don't want to win this dies oh he could put okay four plus first in my favor yes okay we're fine that's right see that's how you got a strong arm your Pony okay gas light me into it yeah exactly that is movement worth it shooting we're going to empower the scourge all right before I throw it over there we'll refund it maybe on a four plus nope Kronos nice he Kronos man it's power and have a lot use and I can't use I can't take you can't take it with you Brian don't know if you know can't be buried with it you know you're on your way to be buried I'll put it here because we all know that you're going to get capture the Outpost and that's very important that you don't oh there's a Venom there there's a Venom there there's a Venom there's a Venom there's always a Venom there that's it the rest is not worth it okay let's do this Venom into the um vard fits H let's do this uh Splinter Canon threes with a roll oh if these are sixes it's sustained yes threes anti- infantry look I got three UPS you do cuz I got cover I hate that be a shame if you roll ones and twos it'd be a shame if uh we fight in the parking lot uh that's what it comes to two damage oh I got I got fups a six a fup would be huge here oh not the yellow dice what if I roll the white I oh you see you need to trust the process and then Splinter aack R roll clean token nope threes all right two three UPS skin one damage e this time nice nice shs well that was disappointing uh Kronos and r uh flamer five hits your T6 on your fives just one a one boom good oh and then uh the siphon two shots on threes oh nice nice and fives nothing uh Scourge into them power for pain fors okay with a roll come on come on come on come on power the pain strength 12 so twos twos one nice okay uh I got cover on some dudes so I have five UPS yeah that sucks that sucks I made one no nice no am I checking the AP yes yeah it's three uh so how many uh I failed two fil two D6 plus two I probably shouldn't do this four four and five which one do you want to do first uh four okay and not I know so he's dead and then five yeah yeah oh keep the melty melter melt a man it it's not what we needed oh Shard carbine uhoh yes threes uh all right just two these are threes yeah oh and looking for a six oh my H hurts my soul nice hurts my soul um shooting scoot yeah I just don't know where I guess here yeah I mean that objective disappears so now that side of the table doesn't matter at all right especially since you've already gotten engage exactly and investigate the secondaries are kind of over yeah except for when it get except for when we we get C that's right I'm glad we the thing is if we both get it then I just lose exactly that's why we both have to get it yeah that's true that's true like I got three chances next turn to get it cuz I'm getting rid of one I don't much appreciate this your tone of voice here um GES blasters blasters Blaster hits It's archon wounds may3 uh five cuz cover five over well fine Blaster missed and dark Lance uh I just got to I just got to get started on these boys miss beautiful ni all right cool that's it um charges yep big Squad of incubi going in first oh well you make it I mean I do but it's like not pretty not good oh sorry this is not even that Squad could you have done this with like just are last turn something I know right uh and then lone archon yeah he's fine for the glory and now I fight first oh Kronos Kronos sorry two and a two you're probably five yeah let me know oh you're fine yeah yeah you're okay and then over here Raider Raider Raider Raider Raider Raider Raider Raider there only two wounds left but you're going to fight it anyways cuz you're close to me I'll charge the Raider sorry boom all right T Shock no no okay uh and Venom no yes so you tried to rush me through it so I would forget that was my plan tank shock just Kidd that's it let's get fighting start the fight phas battle shock test on Crusaders you think I'm going to fail every time come on you red lad too dang it dang it okay you know what's even better what's that don't do morals right don't uh so start a fight face stuff uh we'll empower the incub and you have how many wounds on him he's full he's full two three whatever their full wounds is that's what he's got I will not be killing that person uh you have an interrupt I have an interrupt incubi yeah just think about you're ap3 right this will be ap3 yeah exactly um that's it anything say yep I'm going to spend two B on death and armor of contempt oh I didn't expect that I will vet armor of contempt No C you two now from now on like I think it's kind of counterproductive to do both yeah because if I'm arm contenting I'm like playing on them living fighting on death and playing on them dy I think you all in now I think down I I had so many CP I just didn't know what to do they were burning a hole in my pocket Adan kind of hurtful kind of hurtful uh so we'll Pile in so the thing I wasn't able to and I I think here's a legitimate big mistake that I made I should have been more on the lookout for a way to snipe out Galis when you were all the way over there yeah throw in drar he dies whatever kill Galis get rid of the feeling of pain get rid of the Vance in charge then I can actually I can stop this squad I think it's too late um but I can still Precision out grimaldus the Pain Train has no break train oh wait you can Precision yeah and then you'll put it on him and not his retinue cuz they don't well you allocate the Ws I'm going to do it let's screw it let's go boom but you know what's crazy what's crazy you're going to fight on death he's going to fight yes let's go f anyways this is the Dual of the century archon into grimaldus twos oh no wow rrolling it's fine it was deliberate it was deliberate poison so threes rrolling pain it's fine H okay AP so I guess AP doesn't matter uh how many WIS does he have four so two out a time two out a time yeah so here's if you three can I put them on his cytes no because they don't have character because they're not part of his keywords character oh gal's keyword oh I see I see see so I'm allocating to his to him him yeah got you uh these are AP what three down two so probably your four it's a four one yeah two damage take another one okay so that's four damage right yeah now we see the feeling pain feeling pains my God all right take another one have another taste I will learn no lessons yes I just need to make one one six I just need to make one six that's all it is no five yeah you got a five p p he gives a squad oh you're advancing charge I did yeah I did advancing charge you don't have the feeling pain this turn he dies though yes we got him on a three we'll wait till after all the make it more dramatic one two three four five six did you draw assassinate this turn no I just want to kill him you jum threes rrolling ding ding ding ding ding ding nice thank you thank you and then normally fours now threes rrolling whoa very spicy oh my gosh these your ap3 down to ap2 for five five ups there's a lot of dice though like this is actually a lot of D Hon oh one go up honestly yeah got five of saves Jesus oh my God Ryan stop it that was so good uh okay look I can do this six UPS six UPS that's the worst part you could okay one oh two three four that was like quadruple one right there four and a half will he live you K five five you kill five and galdes but so here's five do they fight on death yeah see so does some number of them do so three of them do OD and then this is galus on a three up right he's going to punch you in the throat right he punches you in the throat so three guys in galus so two want us first yep five attacks nice okay then on twos yeah yeah come on you scrub uh aspect Warrior five up okay so two dead okay and then this is three guys that fight two they roll CU gal cuz this do they would that I'll say no I don't know no cuz I killed him first yeah yeah it's yeah then three recently okay not twos no they're Str four or five or something and AP AP1 one so fours I rolled too many dice but that's fine killed all the you roll too many dice it could it could have kept going oh I see what you're saying but we were good actually just K by perfectly well now I got to take out five dudes and hold this yeah and then I'll fight with the other archon boom he's going to but he's not powered so unfortun here I just feel like it's this is cool because it's evidence that if I had played a bit better you could deal with yeah I and I like I prefer seeing that rather than just being like ah nothing I can do right so this is the other archon non- empowered so ones will miss oh no ones no I know right and then threes a poison and I if he was owered he wouldn't get the rerolls anyways cuz he's not leading a squad so these are ap3 uh no two down to one okay so that that's owering could have mattered oh no too each uh so the first one wow here we go oh he's alive second one he's now dead and then the last one you kill two yeah you kill two all right and but okay do they find death I don't think so no okay yes oh boy I'll take you out of the Raider I guess I don't really want toight the Raider if I'm being honest yeah that makes sense wellp um Kos real quick four taxs with my spirit tentacles fours um I didn't Empower fives yeah nothing cool nice chapion win into menra let's do it okay sure good job buddy good job chapelin what are you doing man two two okay FES shout out people I can't I can't roll in the Box stop it just Shad what you disrespecting them that was beautiful all right now I got to fight back with my unit I know I have a proposal for you oh what is this oh let's let's do little personal there we go I know you want to see if you get caption on any Outpost I think you have it no matter what so you just want to see if you do that how sweet of you yeah let's do it this was this was the last ditch attemp it's co but with all the in that making you do a million attacks against two up saves yeah that would be painful sounds good um secondaries secondary post can do it I'll redraw immed wait hold on let me move on to the next oh yeah sorry and I guess we can do mine real quick Behind Enemy Lines did I actually get that yeah you do D oh the lone M Drake so five on that yep and the other one was overwhelming so nothing so okay and then Brian you're looking for capture en I want it so bad want come on come on I need it I'm like feing for it no oh no getting rid of cleans immediately okay getting rid of cleans spending one [Laughter] oh so good at this game no this and then I think does Adrian get it though that's the real question oh yeah we got to see if I get want yeah we got to see if Adrian gets it all all right come on come on Lindsay let's go I've already redrawn so I don't get any doovers here this is it let's see it let's see it let's see it hold yeah yeah it's amazing oh we're so good we're the best we're the best at this game oh my goodness I love it I love it I love it so I'll get that Brian however is going to get 15 points in primary on his turn alone plus eight for capture plus three for secure cuz there only one objective and then I'll get we got the capture oh no capture is eight for me and uh there's no way I secure anything in the middle right so we have Max our secondary look at we're the best it was the primary I got it was zero primary oh that was too oh my god really really really fun game oh my goodness two powerful armies flexible armies it was cool that was like good Warhammer you know we were throwing Haymakers God that whole game right every turn back and forth I am so impressed first of all by the black Templars like they are just a truck that is so hard to stop yeah you know yeah for sure they just keep going do you have a uh what's your VP o cuz that's I got to know I feel like the incubi are great they're always great but lth actually punched really high for a lot of Point did she killed so much stuff she killed the infiltrator she killed a unit of intercessors and she finished off actually she killed the whole unit yeah of the bikes that's right her witches like didn't do a single wounded it was all her yeah so her for sure especially cuz she's kind of on the chopping block unfortunately because witches suck witches are bus but but that makes me want just this game alone makes me want to keep her so she's so cool she's so thematic and like she just fits the Army how the Army wants to play so and like fishing for sixes is so much fun you're just like can I get it and like pop off ap4 is amazing uh how about you MVP for the game look I got to I feel like it's pretty obvious here but it's got to be sword Brethren and grimaldus right oh my gosh oh my gosh they are just so they from the throughout the course of the game they went from my deployment Zone mm to that far objective to the middle objective and now they're at the end of the game here they went objective to objective every turn such a brutal the Crusaders are just amazing with him like the durability the mobility it's just so many bodies yeah and it's 105 attacks I can't like that's insane 105 who designed this unit and if you had want needed to at any point spend a CP give sustained or lethal even if I want lethal you have the re roll from galdas that's crazy oh my goodness they're amazing I was trying to find an opportunity to use that Strat to going into another vow but I just never had the CP a reason to do it yeah yeah know you I think you played it really really well I knew you were uncomfortable at the start because this is not your St style of game but I think you picked it up well and you just played like good fundamental Warhammer right play the play the the secondary dominate the primary pushed me off of it that's a denial game right I think you did a really great job honestly yeah so my turn one I felt pretty good and then you hit me pretty hard and I was like oh you tell me kind of we're throwing Haymakers that whole time I like oh I don't know what I'm going to do here I don't have like a lot of stuff and then just blow for blow you matched me that whole game it was awesome yeah I really really enjoyed it I think I'm I'm loving the Jakari I love the sky Splinter you can see where they are kind of fragile sometimes where you can Mis misplace them so I already here I think I learned a lot about how to how to place things better how to screen better obviously like screening those Terminators This was avoidable um that was that was just a big mistake right um so it's cool I like games where I can walk away and say I learned a lot from it they are so cool and it's I think the the success with this Army is going to hinge on the movement phase as typical for Eldar but I think this more so uh than probably CF or harlequins just because when you position the Raider when the guys get out the Raider can't move anymore right the guys are what's moving so the Raider has to be in a spot where you do your charge you do whatever then you get back in or like the Venom whatever it is so the movement phase is so important for a really fragile Army like this it's going to be all movement yeah every game you're going to have to like relearn how to play against your opponent because changes obviously opponent to opponent and I think that's really uh Dynamic for an army oh yeah 100% so I'm I'm super excited to play more test it out let youall know how it goes yeah cool cool um well before we close it out we can finish up some questions and then talk about what's coming up this week on the channel we've got um a few more uh this one's from James Carmona thank you so much for the $2 Super Chat and they say should have just overwatched the Raider I know like every time every time man yeah than James appreciate it yeah I wanted to so bad I was like all I should just shoot the Raider shoot the raid just shoot the Raider do it look we can't all play CSM James it doesn't work like that for everybody not everyone gets full rolls with people exploding everything shanans so thank you for that James and then next up we have a two-parter from Daniel Herbert thank you so much Daniel Daniel says um there's an argument that I if you CH charge that if you charge but don't get enough on the rule to end Base to Base you don't have to end an engagement because the rules don't explicit explicitly state it and you can move away and closer I think it's a ridiculous argument but want your opinions on it read the charge phase rules and have a good laugh shink let's take a look so without reading the rules this sounds more like a gimmick than obviously it's not intended but AB that's uh you already said it's ridiculous and I agree with you that it is ridiculous and anybody who's like actually trying to do it should probably stop trying to do it yeah they should stop playing the game yeah uh because it's obviously not intended like that and even if it is a rules oversight that hasn't been corrected it's pretty obvious what the intent there is yeah exactly so just don't do that just just don't yeah yeah I mean because if there I mean if you don't make enough to get Bas to base you just have to end with an engagement range yeah I don't and if you can't do that then you don't get to move that's all the is yeah I would be shocked to see any argument at all yeah or any to ruling in their favor if the the distance is rolled is insufficient to move within engagement range of all Targets while maintaining unic coherency the charge fails Noti just it fails you can't move but yeah so if someone's trying to make you play that way just just don't play that them find a because even if there was a letter of the of the law that would be like well actually technically it's just not wor they're not these aren't the kind of people you want to play with even a tournaments for God's sake so anyway sorry if you had to deal with that before but I appreciate the support thank you yeah thank you mhm yeah and with that that's all we got yeah amazing thank you everyone for your support uh really really fun game yeah Saturday bridger's back bridg CSM uh we're gonna be playing chaos space RS versus the Orcs it's going to be very interesting cuz CSM have taken a lot of hits however we think they're still very strong uh the Orcs took a couple hits and uh there are many of the units speed freaking units that got a lot of help and points so we're going to do a bit of testing still playing good stuff but also testing out maybe do some of these speed freaks have a role in you know more competitive lists so that's going to be a ton of fun Bridger versus Brian you're going to be taking the Orcs yeah not my Orcs my Orcs are not done and probably will never ever like ever be done I think in the I I recorded the intro for that episode and I think I think I estimated three years yeah was the estimate estimate yeah three years so you have three years close pretty good it's pretty close but it's going to be it's going to be fun yeah I'm super excited to play the Orcs I don't have a lot of this speed freaks stuff like in theory that's like my favorite I love bikes right my Elder I love bikes and I like things that move really fast and speed freaks is Right real fast it's going to be awesome so definitely tune in for that and if you're a member keep an eye out tomorrow we have a behind the scenes look at January in the studio so again thank you everyone so much for joining us uh we really appreciate the love and support catch you next time on the tabletop bye bye [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Tabletop Titans
Views: 31,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40k, 40k, Games workshop, Tabletop, Miniature, Wargaming, tabletop titans
Id: TkVuxpSxzm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 25sec (13105 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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