Addressing your assumptions about us | leaving the mormon church, therapy, working together

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(Izzy laughing) (bright cheerful music) (Izzy laughing) - There's strains of that, that are so true. It's painful. (Izzy chuckles) (gentle lilting music) - Sorry. Cheers to that. (crowd laughing) Hey, you, you should stand that close to the camera more often. - This is the middle east - No, no, no. Welcome to Assumptions About Us. You have a bunch. We've never done one of these, so they've just built up over time and more mysterious. Right? We keep it. - So this is stuff people assume about us. - It's called an Assumptions About Me and we polled on my Instagram and we boiled it down to the most common ones and the best ups. So starting with the most common assumption, I assume that you don't drink alcohol. Boy, Oh boy. Are you wrong. - But boy, oh boy you. - let's be honest - Are almost right - Okay. It took us awhile, but you're assuming wrong. - We started drinking alcohol about four years ago. - Yap. And speaking of which, I got a little something for you - A plug. (soft playful music) - This video is sponsored by June shine. Oh, we diving in. You at times. Get jealous of each other's successes. - Whoa. - Oh - Yikes (soda can hissing) - Yeah. Oh, um, we do meaning I do, Johnny is really - It's complicated. - Amazing about supporting my dreams and whatever I wanna do. And honestly, I think I've been an amazing partner in terms Of supporting you - You have, absolutely. - But It's hard to be doing the same thing. - It really is. Especially when there's numbers and it's like. - Numbers - Apples to apples numbers. - Yeah. And it's not like the salary that you're assigned once a year, it's literally weekly or daily that you're getting these analytics and metrics back. - Yeah. - It's hard to not compare, you know, your yourself. - Part of it is that, we started out on unequal footing when it comes to career stuff because of our sort of, because of just cultural things. It is didn't work outside the home, for years. And I did, and it was sort of my job to be the worker and her job to be the caretaker. And that's what you know it's a choice. - It starts so much before that though, in the way that you're raised and the things like, and how seriously you're taken by like your teachers and your college professors and your mentors and your coaches and like everything like you, I don't think can even see from the time that you were born, how differently you were treated and the things that you were provided enough. - Well, this got deep, real quick, but by enlarge, you are so supportive and that jealousy or whatever, like is not. - You are excited to get up and work on your projects each day. - Oh (Izzy laughs) - I wish. - No. - no. - Especially lately this year, last year. (spirited uplifting music) - I wake up tired every day. - Yeah, you do. - The thing that gets me out of bed in the morning is Japanese breakfast. Like literally, like I think about Salmon when in the morning, I think about Salmon - I think about coffee, Johnny actually got me an alarm clock coffee maker. So I can up to the sound of my coffee. - Coffee, like inches away from her. - Head. - Head and ears and nose. - It's wonderful. - Yeah. - We don't wake up excited to do our projects. There's a lot of discipline that we've had to build up over time. - Especially. - Things do things by deadlines. Be reliable, be communicative. - Especially when building a startup, we're building this startup Bright Trip. We have been for a year and a half. That is, that takes such big visionary foresight. Like you, you can't, it's not short term buzz. It's so much everyday sort of grappling with like, is this gonna be what we want it to be? And how do we get it there? And it's never been done. - And It's so exhilarating. But there, yeah, it takes a lot of like discipline. - Yeah. - And like grit to push through. - The, the only way the assumption is true is, On a day like today, I did wake up feeling excited. - okay, me too. - Oh my gosh. Okay. So the assumption. - What were you excited about? - I was excited about my day of mapping and researching and doing a bunch of. - So in the day you get to get amped and dive deep? - Yeah. - That's where I see your biggest. - That's that's. - That's who you are. - Yes. Amen to that. I love that. (Izzy laughs) - I actually love like managing our team. So I do sometimes like if I have a day lineup of meetings, I can actually get into that. But mostly I got excited cause I made a TikTok. And I think that's the most excited. I felt for a long Time, - That is the most excited I've seen you in long time. - Nice to do Something that I don't know anything about. - Yeah. - And I can't stress about. And I can't think about like, I know nothing about it. So I'm just like, well, you can't go too wrong. - Yeah. - So. - Hi. Hi. I want to talk to you about JuneShine, the sponsor. So (sombre music) JuneShine is hard Kombucha. - Hard meaning it has alcohol in it. - Yes, but it's naturally fermented. - Woo. - So there's no like vodka or anything and it's better for you than other alcohols. it's gluten free, it's lower sugar, it's all organic. It doesn't have all those chemicals. It's like the good stuff. - Ok. - But then it still has super fun flavors like honey ginger lemon and blood orange mint, which were delicious. We've been loving these. It also doesn't have any artificial coloring or like different like syrups or flavors. June Shine Kombucha much less toxic for your body and the environment. We're going to do a little. High-five about - All right. - Maybe a shimmy. - Shimmy. - We're big kombucha lovers. We drink it all the time. - Organ. - We love it. - Cause we're our hippie roots, man. - Yeah. - So it's easy on the gut and give you less of a hangover the next day, which like as parents, we really need that little handout. You know what I'm saying? So if you want to try the better tasting, glutten free better for you alcohol try JuneShine today. It is available in over 10,000 retailers nationwide and you can get 20% off plus free shipping by clicking the link below. And thank you JuneShine for sponsoring this video. Now let's get back to those assumptions. Gosh. Okay. This one's really great. Johnny thinks he is the funny one in the relationship, but Iz' the actual comic. - That's like. - Duh du duh! - There's strains of that. That are so true. It's painful. (Izzy laughs) (crowd jeering) - You're very fun. Well, you have lot of that butts and boy, oh boy are some of them funny. - One in 10. - You also have an incredible sense of humor. It makes you one of the most fun people to be around the way that you think about that. - So the way you're talking to me right now is the way you talk to somebody who you're sort of trying to like? - No, I actually, I find you funny and we really align on our senses of humor. - We do. - But I would say that I'm the more performative one between the two of us. - And you are more sort of. - I'm messing with you all the time. - Yeah. - And like I'm. - Part of it is that, my humor, most of my humor, 60% of my humor verges on like, I think it's so funny. And like, no one else really does. Like I have, like this thing that I think is so like, it just tickles me. - But I've converted to your. You've converted to good amount of it. - Yeah. - But, I just have no audience for a lot of my humor. And so I just, you are my audience. And sometimes it's just not funny. - I'm happy to be here. - You are sometimes. - I'm happy to support. - And other times you're not. This is Izzy's the funnier one in the, in terms of like good, hard hitting home runs congrats on the home run. - Hey, thanks. you read 100 plus books a year. - Oh my gosh. - I was listening to a John Green podcast where he said something to that effect. He did say he didn't read that many. This last year. I aspire, I do. - I mean you read a lot of freaking books dude. - I read four books a month consistently. - Okay. Well that's like almost 50 books. - Yeah. I mean, I wake up an hour before I have to get up with the kids to read. - Yeah. - Like I set aside time every day unless we sleep in. - Yeah. - But most days - yeah. To read (indistinct). Yeah. You read it at night too. - Like depression. Who's that? - Yeah, what, anxiety? Never knew her. - No one actually sticks around. - All the time. (gentle serene music) I don't read that many books this year. I have years when I read maybe 15 books, maybe 10. And then i. - You read a lot though. You read the economist, you read a ton of articles and they contain a lot of information. - But this year I have taken in the least amount of information, not pertaining to the videos I'm making or the stuff I'm reporting on than ever before. - I'm excited to see where this goes. - And It's just been a weird year. I started learning Italian. And so a lot of my discretionary sort of reading time has been. - Not so true. - Studying Italian vocabulary and grammar benefits. - And you started swimming? - Yeah, i started swimming in the evening. - so do you have have these kinds of like big goals that are your goals right now? - That are like way good for my wellbeing. And like reading will maybe be that this year a little bit more, but i don't know. - You and Johnny have a hard doing something that you're not passionate about. This can be answered quickly. Yeah, - Yeah. - Yeah. But there's a lot of things that we're not passionate about. Like exercise or you know what I mean? Like there's things that we do every day that we're not passionate about like. - But that are that. - Lead to our passion. - Yes. Yeah. And that's a big thing. Even in our work too, like - We do have a million things a day - half a week is meetings or admin or other stuff that's like, I'm not passionate about it, but I'm passionate about what it will create or what it will allow me to do. - Yeah - Here's the thing I want to dispel though, is that we have jobs that are pretty much ideal to what we would dream of. - Yeah. - Like the passionate dream job. However, even at this stage doing this job, there is a lot of stuff that We do every day that we don't want to do. And like, we don't, it's not like even we hire people and whatever, but like, there is no such thing as a job where you don't feel like you like some sort of burden or slog. I don't believe It. - That doesn't need to be a job. Can just be a job. It's fine. That's what I tell myself. - Yeah. - On the days when I'm feeling it, it's like, okay, well it still accomplishes the end goal, which is to bring in an income to support our family. - Yeah. And to support our dreams in the future. Great. - Cool. - Glad we're on the same page. Cheers. (mugs clang) - cheers to that. (mugs clang) - i cheers ed you already. - That's fine - Do do a rewind I cheered her first. She didn't need to do that. - All right. Cheers to that. - I'm so confused. (Izzy laughs) (crowd laughs) - want to see If you'd go for it. (bright cheerful music) You have a deal about Johnny never having his own. (Izzy laughs) I'm reading this for the first time. - Okay. - Sorry. You haven't him about John having his, the old hairstyle back. It is written down and legally binding. (Izzy laughs) (soft uplifting music) - Wow. That cut deep, thanks. - It's legally binding. He doesn't want to go back either though. You don't want to go back to that? - I mean. - We were who were. - Yeah, amen. - We were, - Next. - we were, we've changed a lot together and individually from when you first met. - Holy smokes that is. - Wow. - They're true words that have never been spoken. Wait. - [together] true words have never been spoken. (crowd clapping) - When we got married. I was 22. You were 20 boy. Have we changed? We've grown together. We've found our identities. - We worked to grow together. - Yeah. - If we're being totally honest. - Yes. But we also had like a pretty solid like friendship. - Friendship. - That allowed us. It's been 10 years. - We've had a fun time. 10 years in December (crowd jeering) wish us happy anniversary - Still are changing. Like I started therapy last year and sort of thought like, Oh, I'll do this for a couple of months just to like, see. And like here I am a year later and I'm like, wow, I am changing so much. I'm changing the way I think. And like it's so it's so defining for me and empowering. So. - It's been such a beautiful thing to witness. - Yeah it has. - I'm not crying. You're crying. Okay. You both need alone time to recharge and reset. Hell yes. - Yeah. - Looks different. But yes we do. (Johnny laughs) - Thought that you were gonna say it's different. - you are always not to sure to go swimming, study Italian. You just want like very like quarantine time. I wanna watch the dumbest show that exists on planet earth for as long as I can master. - Yeah. - With as many snacks. - Yeah. - As possible. - And like Uber Eats on the way. - Always. - Burger. - Yes. - Yap. - Okay. Mental health. Oh, you have never had real struggles in your marriage. - What? - I mean, saucer words have never been spoken. We have struggled. We have had all sorts of struggles and challenges. - Yeah. - In our marriage loads every week, every day. Like it is a part of our marriage. Like it is in a relationship. - But also the big ones. We've had big ones. - Yeah. - Too cheers to that. - Cheers to big. And we've learned how to take them on. And we have not figured out. We're in the middle of figuring out a lot of it. And like, if there's one thing I can do to dispel the notion that because we are here, we have these great lives on the internet. - And we have great lives. I think that's the problem. - Yeah. - We have great lives. But with that, like that doesn't negate the fact that they're real human lives with real human suffering and real human struggles. - Yeah.And a relationship. - Yeah. - That has real struggles. sometimes i glare too far where I'm like everything you're seeing, isn't real, you know? And it's like, well, everything you're seeing is real, but it's not every. - It's not the whole story. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And it would make no sense. And it wouldn't be healthy for either of us, for what you're seeing to be the whole story. - Yeah. - That's our story. And it's something that like, yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. So we struggle in our marriage (Izzy laughs) and yet we work. - And everyone does. - Yeah. - Okay. let's move on from these. Okay. You have a weekly meeting to talk about family, how to handle situations with kids, et cetera. - No, We talk about it all the time. Always. And it's - Oh it's True. - It never feels enough. And it's like, what do we do about school out school now are tutors gone? And we don't have the virtual school doesn't work and blah, blah, blah. It is every day. - All the time. We do sometimes ban it from like date night conversations. - Yes. But like we're figuring out how to do parenting. - On the a lie. They're fine though. You want to pet? No. - Yes. - Next. - Yes I want a dog. I want a dog Iz' let's talk about it right now. I want a dog. I want a dog. - maybe when we have a house with a yard. - I want a dog who. - I'm like with your next wife. - Sorry. - You go on business trips a lot to leave and leave your kids behind with family. - Not this year. - Not this year. - Yeah. We used to, and then we would always schedule time off after. - Yeah. - But yeah, we traveled a lot and spend a good amount of time with our kids, but it was our job. Like it was work and like, it took me a while to take that as seriously as I take my role with them. - Yeah. - And I needed to own that and it was good. - Yeah. - And it, and it led to career growth , but we also it's, you know, it's a constant like dance that we're doing to make sure that they're getting enough of us and we're, we're getting enough of us and we're getting. - Yeah. - Careers are getting enough of us, so yeah. Okay. you don't listen to popular music. This is meant to be a compliment, not a good diss. I, being timeless into popular music. - I mean. - But I also like some music, maybe that takes me a little bit more time to find, but we love the taste Swift. - Dude, if. - What's your favorite song?, ♪ baby you're a firework ♪ - No, no - [together] Teenage - Teenage dream. - How does it go? - Having a teenage dream. - How does it go? - I don't remember. (dramatic music) But one of my favorite songs of all time is Carly Rae Jepsen, Runaway With Me. I mean, come on that song. - You are still practicing Mormonism, but you don't identify as a member. - Mhh wrong. We are not practicing Mormonism and haven't for years. And don't identify as anything other than (indistinct)post post Mormons, I guess that you would say. big part of our upbringing, big part of our culture, big part of my therapy, but not anything that is part of my identity. - Now I've projected it entirely and I'm reaching a really nice place of apathy and it feels great. - Yap. - If I'm being totally honest. - To be totally honest this time. - And i am. What was that? - We've sort of We've sort of avoided it for a long time because it's sort of an uncomfortable transition. It has been. And we're talking about it more, maybe if it's appropriate, but like, I think, it's safe to say that we've sort of moved on from that identity. - I agree. you two never fight and have great communication. This is a quick one. Let's not spend too much time. We fight and we have great communication and sometimes we fight. - And sometimes we have terrible communication, sometimes it's great. - But we work on our communication continually. - We're working on it. - I don't think not fighting is like a badge store. I think that's a really weird thing. It's like, it's okay to express your feelings in a clunky way. As long as you're committed to like doing better than you let the person communicate how they feel. - Yeah. - About being at the other end of that. This one, this one's great. I assume that you are both Taco Bell addicts. - Oh my gosh, you assume so right. Just today. - No wait. - Just today We were in the car. - How are you gonna do it? Like I did? - No, there's no way I can do it like you did, but just in the middle of the car we're driving, I was like, man, that was fun last time, we went to taco bell and Izzy he out of nowhere, she had thought that the Grilled Cheese Burrito had been discontinued and it wasn't, it had actually, it was just discontinued in this like random town we were in at one point. It's actually back on the menu, the Grilled Cheese Burrito and Izzy goes the Grilled Cheese Burritos back! And just like Screams it way louder and Way more extreme and guttural. And (Izzy laughs) almost like fear-inducing frankly. (talking gibberish) - I assume that you were always productive. This is especially good after last night. and that you never have an evening just sat on the sofa. - Listen, I have a robot brain sometimes that makes it hard for me to tune out. - That's what you called it? - Yes. Literal, but maybe I do - [narrator] you unlock this door with the key of imagination beyond it? - You don't know? - I don't know, I had to clarify that. - It was like a metaphor. It's like proverbial. I don't actually have a robot brain, but maybe I do. - [narrator] Key of imagination - Disclaimer. - Maybe i do. - That's impossible. - I tend to have this obsessive industrious mentality. Sometimes that prevents me from having a night that's chill, however, last night and usually on therapy days when I like really let myself feel. - Uh-huh. - I came home and I just like binged all these, shows like ooh men, The Vice, I have to say The Vice series on how the song was made. These pop songs from the two thousands, like Papa Roach Cut My Life Into Pieces or It Wasn't Me by Shaggy. These Vice documentaries are so good. I watched them and loved them. - And do at least one week that I, after therapy, I don't leave the couch. And basically I sit there, Johnny brings my Uber Eats to me. I watch Love Island or The Bachelor or Kardashians or Real Housewives, like just something really, really terrible. - Just diva night. - And I just like, yeah, - I would say one of the best thing that's happened to our year, it was that we created this policy were on days with therapy and it doesn't have to be the day of therapy, but like I take the kids and you're off one night, a week. - Mhh. - And vice versa. I'm off one night, a week that has been like sacred. - Yeah. - It has been a sacred thing. - Yeah. Johnny speaks seven languages. - I wish. Womp womp. I speak English and i speak Spanish fluently. I speak French semi-fluently. I studied it in college and lived in Belgium. And now I speak Italian kind of. Like I could have a conversation with you in Italian. - You don't have any clutter in your home. - Wait, Hold on. This is a perfect moment for me to plug my language learning course. - Ooh, Okay. Italian language learning course. Goodbye. - It's great with Nathaniel drew. And it's a lovely course. It's really hard on. - And it's me documenting my journey to learn Italian in the name of the course. - You don't have any clutter in your home. I want you to answer it. (johnny grunts) (dramatic music) - We have clutter in our home. - what? I thought you were going to be like really nice. - No, no, no, listen, we have clutter in our home, but it is a constant battle. Every three months I find ourselves being like, first off we have to reorganize this. And like, how did these new items get into our home? We are working on this. We have been for years. Like. - Be more conscious on It's so easy to just consume and like, we. - We do better. - We do. - We also live in a basement. - No, We do better but I wanna do better. I wanna do better. - We all wanna do better, Johnny. - okay. - Wait, you're raising feminist sons. - Hell(beep) yeah we are. - Yeah, we are - like to an extreme. - Mhh. - Our kids are going to be so deeply versed in the notion of equality And like gender - Which i really heard. - Like like it's not even a Chance. I mean, they. - We've rejected so much of that in our dynamic. - Yeah. - That we're hoping that helps - Not a chance. The culture will try like to like win that war with them. But like, we will be there. - You prefer a deep talk over small talk. - Yeah. I'm interested in like juicy stuff right away. - Same. - Remember. - And if I'm feeling really fatigued. Like if I'm having a hard time, it's really hard for me to do the small talk. That's like the first thing that when you. - Totally (indistinct) - You do Small talk in a really sophisticated high energy pleaser way. - Yeah. i definitely pride myself in my small talk skills. - Yeah. - If I'm not doing well. - You just like, you don't have the energy for that. I remember in 2018 Buffer Festival in Toronto, it's like a YouTube film festival. we saw Julie Gnocchi for the first time who we like loved her channel and we approached her and started chatting her - We love here. - We love her so much so fun . (soft inspirational music) Okay. Just like this Isn't supposed to be sentimental. It's supposed to be part of the question such as like chill for a second or like go into your Zen mode. - I'm fine. - So, we go up to her and we start like talking and like , we start like asking her deep questions about her life, like within like five minutes and she's just sitting there answering. And then like we asked another question. She goes, "Oh my gosh, this conversation got really deep really quickly. You guys are asking so many good questions. " It was like this smile on her face. - But also just like. - like kind of like what is happening right now. Yeah, We love Jullie. - That happens a lot actually, that people are caught off guard by like, we're just like, tell us your secrets. - Not secrets. Tell us your story. - Mhh, we do the hot seat game where we are like, tell us your secret. - Yeah, we kind of do it. - Okay. Um, Johnny is the bigger diva. - Whoa, no. - Oo yeah. - Not a chance. I have my diva moments. (Izzy laughs) - I am the ruined through the bigger diva across the board. Bring me my coffee's, snuggle me, you have to tag me, you did it wrong, spread the blankets - Yeah, i could it be the diva? And sometimes i like. - I even diva about our space. Like that's not being a diva. I'm - You're more conscious about our space. You're just a diva at times. I can be a diva from time to time and it feels really good. And I'm like, i should do this more often. - I'm shocked when he does it. And I can just see like the release of it, that's your grip - Yeah. - This is interesting. Okay. That you're a great mom and good person who can get easily frustrated with other people. - Wow, it's hyper specific. - woo ow, you reading my diary? (Izzy and john laugh) - But actually I was like, wait a minute. Did you write this? - Bunch of my therapy sessions. - So Izzy is very, a good mom, Like that is like. - I can't with this one. (Izzy laughs) - It's feels great like. - I feel like my soul is It's like whoosh. - What's come out? Where is she? Okay. - Let me create a black hole there. - Okay. While you do the black hole, I'm gonna comment on it. - OK I'm gonna stop with it. - You can do a silent interaction, like a mime. now I'm done, i don't wanna do it. - So yes, like if there's anything that Izzy does, (Izzy laughs) that is like the thing she focuses on. It's like being good for those boys for our two little boys. Like that is the number one thing. And thank the Lord because If. - If there's anything, I focus on (Izzy laughs) - that's. - If if I can even find one thing she focuses on. - It's being a mom. (Izzy laughs) - No, it's on my mind all the time - That's the priority. However, that I think Izzy is human. Like we all are and yeah. I'm easily frustrated. I have high expectations of the people around me. I do. - Yeah, you do. - And I have little patience. - Yeah. You do. (Izzy sighs) Take a deep breath. - Sorry. You wake up early. Well now we can't. - No. It's like every human is programmed differently on when their circadian rhythm is optimized to wake up. - Yeah. - To try to force everyone into this notion of waking up early is wrong-headed and not good for your health. - Wrong-headed? Are you from Thomas Jefferson? like time period? (light airy music) - It's wrong headed. - wrong headed. - Okay. Kids are coming girls got to move on - kids are coming dude. Yeah. Girls got to move on. - Okay. But this one is good. Johnny has always been good at editing and video and doesn't have to try very hard to make them fit. Thought. He makes, - I have been in the trenches with video scrappily, teaching myself and putting so many millions - Self-taught. - Of hours. - Self-taught. - Yes. - To the nth degree. - But so many hours and so many failures and some so much suffering frankly, of like it not being good enough. Well, before I was ever at Vox, like there was a whole backstory to just a lot of years of leveling up and, and getting good at this stuff. - You've been Extremely persistent. I also think like there's no insight, the into amount of hours that are spent coming up with ideas, developing those ideas, researching those ideas, writing those ideas. - And some of it's not glamorous like, like what you see in the final video looks like I just like, sort of came up with this idea and like wrote it and it's like done and I mapped it, but like some of it like it's just clunky and slow and uninspiring and. - And frankly, you didn't even think that you were smart enough to do what you do. - Totally, for years. - You have so many insecurities about your ability to learn and write and read. - Yeah. - So, props to you. - No, that's not the point. - I feel that. - Thank you. But the point is that like nothing comes for free and a lot of the stuff that you see or that we make or whatever has come at a cost of a lot of hard work and a lot of obviously opportunities as well. - Yeah. But, it didn't just come. It wouldn't just come. And any journey towards making amazing stuff is going to be a journey of a lot of slog. - True. - It's just a fact, but. - Slog. - Slog is sort of a gross word. I still regret saying it. - Speaking of slogs, subscribe to this channel. - Whoa, nice. I need you to do that more. I need to tell people to subscribe. - Thank you so much for watching. - Yeah. - We are so happy to be here. - Yeah we are. Can I have another one of those Kombucha? - yeah, You can, they're not cam boot kombucha - They're canned. - Check out my merch'. I have amazing sweatshirts that "say not here to make it comfortable and feelings" and they're centered all around mental health. Johnny has Patreon. - Isn't it kind of ironic that I'm not here to make you feel comfortable is actually a really comfortable sweatshirt. Isn't that sort of a crazy paradox. - Wow, it's actually they're comfy. - Super comfy. - And also, think I'm not here to make you comfortable. I'm just going to say it. I'm not here to make you comfortable. And I'm making TIKToks - You're making very fun TikToks. - I don't know how long it will last Because it's terrifying, - Oh my God, awkward silence. - Press The buttons all around and you will be taken on magical journeys. (all laugh) - Oh my gosh. I want that. What you just said. I want that cut and on repeat in my headphones, the next four weeks. - Bye. (soft upbeat music)
Channel: Iz Harris
Views: 308,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iz harris, johnny harris, bright trip, travel youtube vlogger, mental health youtube vlogger, female youtuber channel, female youtubers, filmmaker youtube channel, assumptions about us couple, reacting to your assumptions couple, leaving the mormon church, getting married young advice, marriage and therapy, couples therapy, mental health and depression, exmormon, mormon church, why i left
Id: 4qa6nYpODCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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