Adding Servers to a Windows Server 2012 Active Directory Network

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hello again as you know I am Eli the computer guy and today's class is adding servers to a Windows Server 2012 Active Directory network so by this point we've already installed our first server we've added Active Directory we've added DNS we have added DHCP we have added new computers to the domain new client computers to the domain we have added clients so on and so forth but we have not yet added any new servers so again I know with you guys especially if you're new you think servers are like a really big deal it's like wow a server but in the real world once you get out to the enterprise environment I worked on a single project where we deployed 200 servers into a data center for one project it was one client we did hosted solutions and they needed 200 new 1u servers and we had to put them all in make them all part of the domain and go through all of that mess so once you start dealing with the enterprise world servers become a core component of the network that you're going to be dealing with now if you're any real real enterprise world and you have a real budget generally all servers should be created to do specific tasks hopefully in a real enterprise environment where you have lots of money so you will have servers clusters of servers that will only do Active Directory you will have servers that only do DNS you will have servers that only do DHCP will have servers who only do file sharing who only do I is who only do Microsoft sequel so in the real enterprise world every one of these individual server services will be provided by its own Windows server or sometimes Linux or UNIX server I will warn you though in the non enterprise world in a small business world in the midsize business world where where money is considered valuable where $600 or $5,000 is nothing to sneeze at many times in those environments you'll have one server or you'll have two servers and they will have to do everything so one of the things that I want you guys to think about and realize is that the way that you build your network will be based as much upon the budget and the equipment and resources that you have available as as the actual technology that you can use so I've had some of my fans some of my followers talking about I talked about creating a file share on the active directory server before I talked about allowing roaming profiles to be stored on the active directory server before and some of the fans said no no no no you never do that no no you would never do that well it depends what's your budget how much money do you have what environment are you dealing with so overall in general you would want to have your own a file server separate from your own Active Directory server but in the real world sometimes all you get is one box that one server has to do everything but hopefully you guys have a little bit of a budget and so you're going to be able to add servers to the network so today what we're gonna be chyme going to show you is basically how to add a new server to your domain now this is a very simple process it is no big deal so the server that I'm going to show you is a fresh install of Windows Server 2012 so by this point you should already know how to install Windows Server 2012 all I have done all I've done is installed Windows 2000 server 2012 on to my virtual machine so basically we have one instance of Windows Server 2012 and I have done nothing else so you should know how to do that already all that's going to happen after that is so we install Windows Server 2012 then what we're going to do is we're going to go over to our Active Directory server so our server that deals with Active Directory we're going to act go to Active Directory users and computers and we are going to create a new computer account computer account for the server that we just created so I'm going to create a server called file or a computer called file in Active Directory users and computers then what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to that new server that we built I'm going to go to system from there you can change the workgroup or domain as part of part of I'm going to change that we're going to go through a little reboot process then I'm going to log in with the eat ECG the domain administrator account and then that that server will be part of the domain now one of the big things that I want you to remember with how Microsoft servers work and how servers work in general is we are now going to have a server that server is now going to be part of the domain and it is now going to do what for the domain can you answer what this new server is going to do for the domain it's going to do nothing because we have not yet installed any server services onto the server we have not configured it to do anything so this server by the by the time we finish this class it will be a server and it will be a member of the domain and that's about all you can say for we will go into other classes we're using a server like this we will configure it to be a file server or an iis server or any of the other servers that we'll be dealing with but right now basically I'm just going to show you how to make it part of the domain so that from that point forward you can start start start playing with it and turn it into whatever kind of server you want it to be so let's go over to the computer right now so I can show you how all this works cuz again it's pretty simple but you know this is this is just one of those kinds of classes that we've just got to do so right now this is my Windows 8 computer and again as I say I use a virtual box in order to administer my virtual computers and down at the bottom you will see I have two instances of servers open so I have this 2012 server that's the server that we've been dealing with and this is my Active Directory server and then I had this file server so this is the brand-new server that I created and there's nothing on it's just it's just 2012 server so what we're going to do first is we are going to go over to my Active Directory server so this is the Active Directory server and again we're going to need to go to Active Directory users and computers so we open up server manager and we go to tools from here we go down to Active Directory users and computers so this is the same MMC that we've used because like a tenth time we use this thing so you should be getting pretty comfortable with it now and what we're going to do is we're going to go to computers so computers is where we're going and what we need to do is we need to right-click on computers we need to do new and we need to do computer so we are creating a new computer account for this domain so I'm going to call this computer file so I believe in very very simple server names remember as an administrator you're probably going to have to hand type in whatever server name you give these servers a zillion times maybe a zillion and one times so the longer and more esoteric you make these names the more obnoxious you're making your own job it's not going to make your users lives any worse it's not gonna make your CEOs life any worse it is going to make your life worse so if you notice how I name my servers is pretty dirt simple one so I can remember what all my servers do and two so it's really easy to type in to the UNC to say oh I need a I need to get to a share on the file server whack-whack file Wak share that's really easy to type you know if it's whack-whack file server us oh one site for yeah that's just just just a pain but anyway so you're gonna call this file computer name file and all we do is we click ok so the main thing we just need here is we need a computer account that we are going to can act our file server - so now we're going to minimize this and we are going to go to the file server now again depending on what your environment is I am using a virtual environment here these servers are connected with the internal network within VirtualBox you can do this exact same thing so if you have two physical computers you install cert the server on both of them you can connect them that way so don't think just because I'm doing this virtually that it has to be virtual this can either be virtual it's to be physical you know whatever but it was so ok so we are sitting here at the the file server so what we want to do is we want to go and we want to get a little search thing and what we're looking for is system so that system we now go to settings and what we want to click on is system here so this is what we are looking for so system you guys should be used to this gives you all the information the main thing that we're looking for is down here that says computer name domain and workgroup settings so what we're going to do is are click to change and so this is a little bit different um then uh then the client computer Windows 8 or Windows 7 or Windows Vista is there's no wizard to this you get this little Change button and that is it I actually find this a lot easier that reminds you of way back in windows NT 4.0 but basically you don't get any fancy wizard what we're going to do is we're going to click on change and it's going to ask for the computer name up here so I am going to change that to the computer name that we created in Active Directory users and computers so file then we're going to go down and it says member of I'm going to select a domain and my domain is eat ECG so whatever your domain is put that domain in there and we are going to click OK so it's going to go it's going to try to talk to the Active Directory server to say hey somebody is trying to add this server to your domain is that ok so then what is now asking for is a user account with in Active Directory that has permission to join servers to the domain so in general domain administrators can do this but if you use organizational units and permissions and all that you can have somebody else be able to add servers if you really want it to so anyways but the username is administrator and the password is the password and we are going to hit OK so it's going to go it's going to see go to goes the Active Directory server says ok his computer is trying to connect to the domain is it allowed to connect and ask for username and password as long as you put in the right user username and password it will say welcome to the domain that's it ok now the big thing again remember with this windows and servers a lot of times you have to restart computers so don't forget to restart computers because if you forget to restart the computer then you can have all kinds of problems because it won't connect to the domain properly and you'll have just weird issues so it's going to have to restart so we click ok close and we do the restart now so basically during this restart process it's going through and is making all the modifications to this particular server so that it will connect to the Active Directory server and pull all the security policies and permissions and all of that stuff from Active Directory now instead of the local accounts so depending on what your how fast your server is you know the reboot time is either really fast really slow this one shouldn't be too bad let's see it's clicking along a little bit there you go so it's applying security sessions and there we go so now all we have to do is control-alt-delete to sign in so I just need to insert the control-alt-delete this is a physical computer press control alt delete' but since this is VirtualBox I have to concerted and then it is going to ask me to login ok here's the extra credit question have you been following along with this track what is wrong with this picture should I log in from the screen if you said no your correct why if you look up here to the username you will notice it says administrator but it wants to login to the local account so it's the administrator account on file the local computer since this is now part of the domain we do not want to be using we don't want to be logging in using a local account we want to be logging in using a domain account so I hit this back button I then go to other user then here this will automatically say eat ECG if it doesn't for some reason I can do eat ECG / and in this stray tour and so what this does here at the beginning is it says where should I look for the account and then this is the account so it's this is saying I should look at the domain for the administrator account if I put in file here it would look for the in the internal computer instead of going to the domain so eat ECG / ministry and again the password is the password and so now it's logging in please wait applied settings bla bla bla bla bla bla and now we're going to get to the server screen a second or two and so that's all it takes to add a server to the domain again the server isn't going to do anything for right now it doesn't have any shared files it doesn't have I is doesn't have them in a sequel doesn't have anything it's just a server that is a member of the domain from this point we now get to start playing with it but I do just want to show you if we go over back to the 2012 the active directory server if we double click on file we can see the information for file and we look at the operating system tab we can see that it's the Windows Server 2012 Standard for us evaluation edition so that's all there is to adding a server to the domain again seems pretty simple but just one of those lessons that we have to teach you so now what I can do now I have this server that is part of the domain I showed you how to share files before I showed you how to assign permissions to files I showed you how to assign quotas to files I aura folders I showed you how to assign screens to folders now what you can do is on this new server this server called file you can share a folder on the server called file called share you can set quotas you can set permissions you can do all of that and where I showed you those roaming profiles before well instead of putting those roaming profiles on the active directory server you can store them on this final set now that it's a member of the domain you can work with it just the same way as we have been working with the active directory server so it is just there again all you would be doing is for the UNC instead of saying whack-whack server wack share you would do whack-whack file Wak share okay what I'm saying again we are going to be doing more stuff with a server we're gonna get all powerful and cool but before we get all powerful I got to show you show you how this is done because in general and that's what you guys have to understand about the real business world what you guys have to understand about the real technology world is we really are limited by the resources that we are given that we are granted by the organization we work for again in the best of all worlds every server should have a specific purpose and it should be locked down tight in order to provide only that service so if you have an iis server if you're going to be running a web server on your internal network you should have a server that is only iis and you should lock that thing down lock the firewall down lock the permissions down lots of security down so all that it can do is provide iis services because especially with your web server that's a vulnerable but that's that's a huge vulnerability on your network so if a hacker can get and compromise your iis server the hope is all that they would do is compromise that one single server that is what we want to do the iis server the file servers the dns server the dhcp servers the Active Directory servers we all want them to be individual servers but again at the end of the day if our organization gives us two servers that's that that's what we got to deal with again in the real world when you're buying servers the least a server is going to cost you is somewhere between two to three thousand dollars and the average server is probably going to cost the organization about five thousand dollars to get it installed so again it's a c-level executives when they're looking at it $5,000 is a decent amount of money that's that for a lot of employees that's two months salary so do they pay do they pay an installer do they pay a worker two months salary or do they buy one server especially if you try to break all the services out amongst lots of different servers you may not be talking about by one server you might be talking about buying ten servers ten servers maybe $50,000 in the c-level executive right or wrong they may decide they don't want to spend $50,000 for ten different servers they may think it's a waste of time they may think it's a waste of money they may be dumb they may be stupid it may be wrong headed for the end of the game the end of the day right they're the ones that sign the check it's our job to make the systems that we have work so so so that's what you deal with so in the real world again and the perfect world every server does its own service in the real world you get what you get and you and you try to try to try to work with it but this is how to add a server to Active Directory and from here we can start adding all kinds of fancy stuff and by putting it on this secondary server we don't have to worry about anything we're doing affecting the Active Directory server so with that this class was adding the servers to a Windows Server 2012 Active Directory Network I am Eli the computer guy and oh as always I enjoy taking this class
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 181,066
Rating: 4.8595257 out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy
Id: amzSIpx9fvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2013
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