Adding New Cat6A Ethernet Network Cable Around the House! Thanks to FS for Sponsoring this Install!

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ah it's that time of year again where it's finally cool enough to get up in the attic and run some more ethernet cable in the house we're going to be doing a total of eight drops uh some for some cameras and four ethernet drops behind our TV but there's only one problem the TV's mounted already and it's also too low so we have to remount the TV and after remounting it then we have to figure out where we want our new or our four new ethernet drops to go so let's go ahead and get that knocked out so we can get up in the attic and start adding more ethernet drops around the house and also by the way this video is totally sponsored by FS they heard that I had this project in mind so they sent me a thousand feet of cat6a cable as well as some other things that we'll show later on so yeah thank you FS for Sean saying this video I really appreciate that after many bottles I finally convinced the wife to allow us to move the TV from above the fireplace mantle onto the sidewall here and I mounted it before we have this decorative piece underneath it the wife went out and got this thing and turns out it actually impacted the TV but only barely so that means that it actually impacts the Samsung logo preventing us from keeping the TV more flat and on top of that it makes the cables behind where the sound bar is and very tight however I think the aesthetic looks good overall I'll be using this light in the living room as a reference point staying to the left of the light will allow me to drill a hole more accurately through the 2x4 so that way when I pass the cables through from the attic they'll be in about the right Place despite the sound bar blocking a portion of the TV it hasn't been an issue because once the content we watch here is in a widescreen anyway so the soundboard is in line with the black bars however I want to remount the TV higher anyway because I plan to purchase a center channel speaker that will be mounted underneath the TV so we need to raise it up at least 10 inches to accommodate any features in-wall speakers after removing the TV I did need to figure out where the bottom of the TV would be if I were to move the wall mount bracket higher up on the wall so that's basically what I'm doing here is doing some basic math trying to figure out where the wall mount needs to sit so that the bottom of the TV isn't blocking the center channel speaker in the future I marked up the wall and then got the pilot holes drilled for the TV mounting bracket and then after this we just need to figure out where we're going to pass the cables down from the top of the wall to the base of the wall [Music] I found these really neat wall boxes that allow you to pass electrical cables from the bottom of the wall to like a higher place on the wall and also they have little cutouts that allow you to pass other cables through them as well so like if you wanted HDMI or RCA cables or stereo cables whatever it may be you can pass those down as well and have two separate things now I could have rerouted the outlet there but I honestly I didn't want to mess with any of that it's just easier to set up something like this but we're not going to be plugging in anything from the outlet to the wall mount box or wall mount pass-through box whatever you want to call it we're actually going to be plugging that into a battery and then we'll be passing all our HDMI and ethernet through that box to up above below the TV so everything all the cable should be nice and hidden behind the TV and uh yeah things will look look great I think FS was also kind enough to send over a single gang Keystone plate with four ports so we'll be putting that probably right over here as far left as the electrical as we can go so that way there's just no interference I don't think there will be any way but we're going as far left as we can with that and then we'll run the ethernet down to here and then this will just go out to all of our devices that we have uh it may even run ethernet cables from here down actually that wouldn't make sense yeah let me run them down with this stuff it doesn't matter it'll be fine okay I think it's time to go in the Attic now and we need to drill a hole above where the living room TV is so that way we can run cables down that wall and then we need to pull cables from the network closet or from the living room uh to the other room but part of the problem I have is I only have one spool of cable so that means we're gonna have to pull each line individually but I think I have a trick up my sleeve but first let's worry about drilling these holes and then I'll show you what I think I should do or what the best approach is to do if you don't have more than one spool of cable uh I'm getting too old for this y'all are you fat for an old guy [Music] I have no idea if you guys can see me but um I made it over to where I think I need to be but I'm basically looking for that light bulb uh that's in the middle or center of the living room so we can use that to orient to where we need to be so we can drill down so I've got to find it just over there is the living room light so I'm pretty sure I'm oriented in the right place and where I need to drill there are four Nails in the way so we're gonna have to drill a hole between them hopefully not hitting any of the nails on our way through and then we're gonna pass all of our cables down through that hole uh through this 2x4 here with our hole drilled in the 2x4 in the Attic we're now ready to start running some ethernet cable through the house first up we're going to attach this ethernet cable here to the fish tape that's hanging through the hole in the wall we'll be using electrical tape to attach the ethernet cable to that fish tape so if we just got to get all of this unspooled somehow so we can begin that process and as you can see here I've done this a million times and it works perfectly fine attaching ethernet to a fish tape with just electrical tape all right here's a closer look at that so you can see how it looks and then here's the server closet where we're going to actually be pushing that ethernet cable down through the wall and then grabbing it through the hole on the rear since we only have one spool of cable the important thing that I wanted to do here was I actually ran this cable all the way up the wall across the attic and down into the server closet where it's supposed to go and now that I know the appropriate length I'm just going to cut off I have excess on that end but I'm also going to leave myself plenty of room on this end just in case and then what we're going to do is we're just going to have three more cables the same size by pulling this cable back down from the attic and we will just make three of the same length with all four ethernet cables now matching at length I'm just using electrical tape to bind them all together and then I'll attach them to the fish tape that I'll use to pull them up into the attic with also using electrical tape this method is tried and true Wings work for me for many years now back into the attic we go once again so we can pull up those ethernet cables from the living room and then pass them down to the server room what's funny is I actually managed to get these stuck somehow while pulling them up thankfully my wife was home so we could work together to get those untangled or else I would have had to go all the way back down the stairs get them untangled pull them all and they go all the way back upstairs just to pull them up again so yeah thanks love all right cutter ethernet pulled down from the attic on this side on the server side I've got plenty of excess on this side I think that's going to be more than enough especially uh if we terminate it by like just an inch on each thing a couple of times so now we need to go back to the TV and cut that end off and uh we'll be ready to start terminating okay so we clearly don't need this much cable on this end so I'm probably going to cut about that much off and then we'll just use this excess cable to make cables in the future for whatever we need but at least we know we have plenty and we don't have to worry about anything all right so check this out this is actually a pretty nice cable it's a the wires are nice and thick the jacket's nice and thick and the colors are very easy to see as well I usually always have trouble with this in the past I've always thought these Brown cable was red uh but this definitely looks like it's not red so I'll take everyone's word for it that it is brown all right let's get to terminating part of the sponsorship FS also hooked us up with these keystones that I'll be using on this end and Fs also sent us some keystones or Keystone patch panel on their server side so huge thanks to FS for sponsoring this video and thanks for sending all this stuff over all four ethernet cables are now keystoned so that was pretty easy and we're just going to get these inserted into the single gang Keystone wall plate and then of course get that mounted to the wall itself and then after we're done with that we're just simply going to start cleaning up everything get whatever cables we need past from the top of the wall to the base of the wall so things like HDMI and whatnot and then we're also going to have to get the um electrical boxes connected together actually forgot about that part here's where I'm connecting the boxes together with the power cord that comes with them and I'm also pushing down an HDMI cable from the top box down the wall to the bottom box it's important to not screw down the bottom box until you pass through all of your cables because it just makes everything easier to pull them basically through the bottom box and see opening is on the bottom and not the top we have all our cables where we want them and we just need to get everything plugged in and we're pretty much almost done we just got the TV mounted again the video well then stand far away and let me know when the hooks are in the right place no come on out all right just stay over here where are you going stay over here you won't be able to see the hooks just stay right there with the TV mounted the wall this pretty much wraps up this portion of the video before we move on to running more Ethernet from the server closet to the outside of the house for cameras now I think this really turned out great as you can tell there are no cables to be seen anywhere because they are run behind the wall between the decorative piece and the TV and eventually I'd like to add a center channel speaker underneath the TV and that would look really nice and then we'll eventually have an in-wall left and and wall right speaker as well next to the TV and we'll probably have a nice surround experience and viewing experience in the future because of all the additives here in the server closet I had just finished adding the keystones to each of the four ethernet cables that we ran behind the TV and we'll be adding those to the fs patch panel that you see here foreign so what I want to do is here's my office and I would like to run a camera to be somewhere on this side so this backyard over there and I want the camera to be facing out this way towards the street so that way I can see uh like if anyone were to come towards the fence or the gate actually that's behind me and generally just to watch this entire area and out to my neighbor's yard I think that'd be cool so we need to get a cable out here somewhere and then what I would also like to do um hopefully is get two ethernet cables run on this corner of the house as well as ethernet cables on that far corner of the house as well so that way in the future if I want to add more cameras I can have them watching this way to the yard and that way into the yard as well as the rear gate out here all right you guys can't see this but I've got my soft fit kind of pulled away a little bit I'm going to use these rods to help push the ethernet cable up into the attic from this side since there's like a wall that I kind of have to crawl over and I don't want to hit my head on some nails so I'm thinking with this is about 15 feet of Rod uh with this I can push it far enough into the attic where I can grab it and then bring the cable to the server closet so that's the game plan I've never used rods before I've seen people use these on their channels and a lot uh yeah I don't know it seems to work for them hopefully I can get it to work for me and I probably don't eat it this long but we're gonna we're gonna go with the max length here because I don't want the cable to fall out or fall back through when I am trying to reach it from inside the attic or like going back up inside the attic and this is what I mean by having the soffit pulled away just a little hole there because I don't know how to unlock the soffit so that way I can run the ethernet cable through all right so just like before going to use electrical tape to wrap around the ethernet cable and the rod so that way they stick together real good and we don't have to worry about them unbinding you can I think you can use any tape you want but I don't know I've just been using electrical tape for years now it's never done me wrong [Music] all right well I'm apparently stuck on something so I guess that means I'm pretty much all the way in listen I'm just gonna go inside the attic now and start pulling on the other side almost impossible to tell but the rod and ethernet cables right there so we just have to make our way through all of this to get there and uh that's gonna be fun here's another reason why I didn't want to try and walk over there not only is it just a awkward tight space but there's even and I didn't know this until now um I guess some cardboard or something kind of blocking where that soffit is don't know what the purpose of that stuff is it's only on this side of the house funnily enough but yeah so it's good that we we had that Rod or else it'd be hard to get through there it's getting dark quick so we got to make this cable as quickly as possible so that way we don't we can do this while we still have sunlight and I don't have to like get a flashlight or anything so this looks like a good spot um yeah we'll just mount it like right here [Music] [Music] dreaming [Music] okay we finished just in the nick of time it's getting a little dark out here so glad that we could get that mounted now we just need to go on the inside of the house and finish the other side of the cable and we'll be done with this camera out and I don't need to be running cable right now what I'm going to anyway because we're already this video is already getting kind of long and I just wanna get as much of it out of the way as possible so okay we are finally done running ethernet for now so I got both ends of the ethernet cables finished late last night after I start recording because it got too dark and also there really wasn't much else to show after making cables we got um thank you just now we I got my last ubiquity camera configure to watch or adopted and set up appropriately so that way it's watching the gate and most of the side yard or some of the side yard and oh that was that was a lot of work man I was going up and down up and down up and down and I think we got a total of six cables run I decided not to run the last two or three yeah three ethernet cables that I wanted to because they don't have cameras for them anyway uh so like in this video you saw that it only had one camera to actually set up and I ran an additional line for another camera but again I was like well I don't have any more cameras I'll have to buy those at a later time so I might as well just forget it for now and we'll get back to it a later date so that's the game plan moving forward but I think we're done with this video and uh FS I gotta I gotta say that 23 gauge Cat6 cable is very nice um I actually had to go out and buy a different set of pass-through RJ45 connectors because for some reason the ones that I would typically use well I typically use Klein but at my job sites I always I'd use ideal because they're extremely cheap and they work and I've used these with tons of ubiquity cameras but for whatever reason I actually had to stop using these ideal pass-through connectors and pick up some Klein ones and as soon as I switched the Klein pass through my G3 cam G3 Pro Camera worked immediately so not really sure why this connector wasn't working I didn't yes I tried two just to make sure that I didn't technically three because the first one that I crammed it was fine it was correct correctly color coded the camera was getting some power but not data which was weird so you know cut it off redid it because who knows maybe I made a mistake made absolutely sure that one was done right and it again had problems third time problems and it took four tries with and finally with a different connector to make that work so anyway we are freaking done uh hey I think I already said this FS thank you so much for sponsoring this video and sending over all that ethernet cable I have so much more left over so that means we'll be using it again in the future and um wow yeah I got nothing else to say peace I guess see ya [Music]
Channel: SPX Labs
Views: 226,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rbCK8vqvP8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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