Introducing Our Fiber Optic Home Lab!

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first thing we're going to unbox today is the star tech vertical cable managers for for both racks we're going to put one on each rack on the outside to manage the vertical cabling the vertical cable management is important when you're feeding cables between your rack units your gear especially fiber you want to protect all of your patch cords as much as possible and this is an essential piece of a rack in order to do that thing with vertical cable managers is oftentimes there's a proprietary uh you know organizer style it's not standardized as the horizontal rack units for mounting so in this case we have these pegs that will line up with the holes on on the racks themselves and split into two parts it's part of the cable managers you have access points to feed into the vertical from the horizontal and then up or down up or down the rack yeah so that's all you need really just something solid and next thing we're opening up today is our shipment from all right so what do we got here for the cross connects from the outside plant rack to the inside plant rack is on the rear of the racks and we'll show you that cabling in another video uh but then on the inside plant rack we're actually going to be creating circuits by assembling the different spools on the outside plant rack together in order to do that I got very short SC APC cables to just cross connect within that same rack unit patch uh you know patch panel half a meter is the shortest I could find if anybody has any idea where we can find even shorter apcs let me know in the comments below but otherwise we'll get started with this and so we've got 12 uh 12 patch cords for the the 12 the first 12 fiber strands that we're bringing in from the OSP rack and from six spools and we'll be able to cross connect those six spools uh 13.8 kilometers worth of plant for the first phase so excited about that we're already already one third of of the space on the on the OSP rack will be be installed for this for this first phase here so very exciting so yeah so that's what these are for the cross connects we've got mostly cable management but uh we got the uh uh they call it the fhd um it's it's not an lgx uh it's it's kind of a proprietary fiber high density fhd fiber adapter panel this is the SC APC and this is usually what we use in Telecom when you're doing outside plant interconnects you know into the inside plant so for everywhere that we have the OSP stuff it's going to be scapc based connectivity that's the way that we do it in the field that's the way we do it in the lab we'll be talking a lot more about that and why and upcoming videos but yeah so this will be connected to the patch cords for uh for that so I also got some of these smaller vertical cable managers here this is a one New Vertical cable manager I figured until we get the second full Star Tech vertical cable manager we'll try these out on the inside plant side because we only have a few patches that we're going to be planning on running right now so I got a bunch of these help clean up the inside plant rack a little bit and you know keep things nice and clean as we grow grow the rack so those are those are good and then the other thing we got are the horizontal cable managers one rack unit these are just some very basic uh horizontal cable managers and we're going to be putting all of the cable management in place on the OSP rack now so that all we have to do is insert our spools we've got complete Cable Management in that rack especially in that rack we want to protect that it's basically set it and forget it so we want it to be fully outfitted so yeah so that's uh that's what else we got so um I guess we can open up one real quick here yeah and then I'm going to pass it off to Irving so you can get started on racking and stacking got a racket and stack it man all right so we got those so yeah so this is just uh and oftentimes with cable managers uh they'll be met metallic so the the uh the Star Tech vertical cable managers you know it's a nice solid steel based but I'm gonna try out these plastic uh horizontal managers see how durable they are they got pretty good reviews so there you go it's got nice uh finger Channel access yeah I believe oh okay swinging yeah it's it's actually a reversible swing so you can swing it down or you can swing it up so it just depends on how you want to connect it uh so once again just give me more versatility depending on design and deployment the layout it's always good to have as much flexibility as you can in your racks um so yeah so that's you know it's nice and durable I think this will do fine again this rack is not going to be touched much once it's put in place so I figured that we could be a little more economical with that and uh try these out so yeah so I'm excited let's let's start racking all right everybody today uh well we're going to be finishing up the cable management setup for our home lab because regardless of whatever home lab you have cable management should be one of your priorities because we know dang well one little bent Kink whatever may be could take down the whole system so you have to make sure that everything's secure everything's safe and protected no matter what you do so the first thing we're going to be doing is adding this vertical cable manager now it's a very simple install you can see here on the rack it has these Notch openings that you will find right on the cable manager all you would have to do is slide that Notch within and then push down to secure it so we're going to be doing that now I'm going to place it at the topmost spot make sure that's in make sure the bottom one is aligned and then just push down nice and secure so we're going to be adding the second one to it always make sure and inspect that no cables are in the way before you install anything once more first notch in aligned with the second and push down and there we have it now that's these are the two vertical managers that are completely installed at this point just without the cover uh and we're slowly going to start bringing in our patch cables into the vertical manager silver now the reason I'm not separating them all completely now is that I'm actually taking off the horizontal cable managers um and adding the new ones that we saw in the unboxing video now the neat part about this is that the way the bare fiber reels are connected uh they're spliced into pigtailed SC APC pigtails and then connectorized through the scapc adapters here very short they're secured they're sitting within this cable manager here so we'd have to be very careful to disconnect them and then uninstall and then reinstall the new one so I'm going to be doing that just want to make sure that this is held in place and not everywhere while I'm trying to do this so I don't lose sight of which fiber or patch cord I'm working on uh we're going to be doing one at a time at least to pulling this all the way through so we're not getting confused or getting any kinks or bends or twists so let's actually head to the back of the rack here give you a better View see this bare fiber lighting's a little harder to see but that's the APC connectors and all you'd have to do it's very simple in there we are now these oh use your PC s in UPC to APC sometimes when you buy these spools they come pre-terminated sometimes you can specify what type of connector you're going to get other times you know you take what you can get especially if you're on eBay or something like that so in these cases you just use the coupler uh actually it doesn't matter what type of color the coupler is it's it's still going to be compatible but you just want to make sure that the the patch cord transitions back to the connector type in this case an APC that you really want all righty we're just going to be sliding these on through up still to be one up here we are that one in the front all right then whenever you pull cables out you want to make sure you have a visual on both sides both ends you possibly can okay seeing all those we're just going to hang these here temporarily it's already managing cable the way it should all right I think we're going to do is uninstall okay make sure there's nothing else inside it's always one flying off of there I want to make sure thank you dealing with the bare fiber you want to make sure nothing hits it and there we have it all right now what I am installing is the horizontal cable manager that Aaron uh unboxed in the earlier video here we're just going to be replacing the existing cable manager with this one so make sure lines up to where you want it to be okay grab the little petri dish Aaron always has a tool for something thank you sir all right now that I got two screws in just for stability let's see how that looks already pretty solid dude this is really nice I want to see now if I did it at the bottom that's how it'll look that is pretty darn slick so now we're going to be taking the patch cords that we had here and re-running them all right these first two I know that I know they're different lengths and stuff so yeah just on the bare fiber side there's fish those to the back through the first slot two these two are for this one A3 always label your hair always label your patch cords and anything that you have here documentation is key documentation is key so A3 so this is a three spool uh so we want a One a one one and a1.2 pull these over in these I'm gonna get fished through this first slot here the third spool is here these will be fished through the second slot all right and we'll easily just close that and look at that it's already coming together you have to clean every time you unplug it or plug it back in you have to clean the ferrule and the adapter piece for simple fact that dust and dirt is one of the leading causes of fiber outages and downs uh you know it's it's a good thing to get into the habit of uh uh any install anything that you do you want to make sure that it's completely a hundred percent good to go by the time you leave so what you want to do just like the tip it with a ferrule into your cleaner he'll give it a nice gentle once you hear that ripping sound you know it did its job now you connected one more time now they do have fibrom fiber microscopes that you can use to view the feral land ooh The Fairly don't want to let it go this time to view the federal land for any damages cracks dust dirt or any other obstructions that might affect your fiber optic cable so slight mess have happened we forgot to label the patch side of these two UPC adapters so quick solution so you're not running around everywhere if you can identify the labeling on the patch panel side or the connective side all you have to do grab your visual fault locator plug it in make sure that it's powered on and don't look straight into it but you can see that we can verify the red light on the one side and quickly identifies the path that we need to make it work [Music] thank you all right a quick bare butt glance and what we have here and you can see as long as it's not covered properly fed through the back alignment for this is a little spooky on the top half let it clip and there goes our first horizontal cable manager flowing into our vertical Cable Management back into the patches all right now let's move on to the next one [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] I know [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] vertical cable manager is now installed at least on the OSP side uh we got one two three three more yep three more horizontal cable managers to install and then we'll be ready to show you the full picture thank you [Music] so now we just finished installing the last horizontal cable manager we also put in place the vertical cable managers we also had to run rerun a few of these uh patch cords to fit into the horizontal cable managers and then even did some visual fault location testing to make sure that we had the right patch cords per the right fiber spool so our OSP rack is now not fully set up because we're still missing our bare fiber but as far as the cable managers and the prep time prep setup it is good to go I really like the fhd adapter panels out of out of all adapter panels that I have used so far in my career they seem to be the most sturdy most durable um one of the biggest issues I have with uh fiber panel adapters it's how loose the actual adapter sits within the chassis of the the FDX fdh panel or lgx panels so we got a little bit of room to wiggle with a little playroom but that's solid that's not too bad as you're working with it you need a little place so things don't break a lot of the other ones it's a lot more play a lot looser sometimes the adapters don't click appropriately so this is definitely a recommendation at least from my side since we're done with the cable management side we're actually going to be adding uh dx1 panel we got to replace the current panel that's in here where are we placing it up here yeah all right once we placing this one here so you want to push hold on first I want to make sure one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve that's the way they've broken down up in and then pop all right well I probably should have taken the back offers gets a little more difficult to take that this stuff off once you get to the actual installment piece so right now we have eight fibers yeah so we're going to open up eight of the ports one through eight why are you doing that before you put it in it just it's a little easier to manage your uh your adapters and the um SC uh scapc connectors or the feral connectors when you're messing with the back side of a patch panel anytime that you're dealing with the back side if you don't have the appropriate tools I'm pretty sure you do uh to you know to either disconnect or connect certain uh you know pigtail connections or Fiber connections if you don't have that tool then you'll probably be using your fingers the majority of the time and at least for me trying to pinch these things off from a distance where not you don't have a lot of visibility does not become the best practice so the fact that you're able to take these off to help you with install and the second part is you got to make sure you clean them before you do anything else so this it's not the tip but you got to clean the hole so I have six open here we're going to be taking two more seven and eight cleaning those and now that they are cleaned it's time to install it popped in nice and solid you can see just how nice it looks with the LC UPC adapter all right so what we're doing here we're just transferring the fiber terminations that were on the other fiber patch panel to the fdh Fiber store one right now I'm having some trouble with velcro but that is done so we're we've identified one and two on this end and we're going to transfer this one over two one and two on the back end of the new fdh panel first we want to clean the tip all right tips are clean time to Plug and Play all right fibers one and two are installed okay so we just got the first two fibers installed on the new fdh fiber patch panel we're running to fibers three and four now [Music] thank you [Music] there we go so now all eight fibers are now fully transferred to the fdh fiber patch panel all completely cable managed giving the home lab a nice cleaner neater and a more professional one all right thank you guys so much for tuning in to our finalization of our home Lab video just a quick review of what we did today we added vertical cable managers horizontal cable managers we had to reroute all of the patch cords so they are symmetric to each other as well as reroute the cross connect between our OSP side of the rack to the ISP side of the rack we also had to move the eight fibers that are terminated from our old lgx panel lgx to our fdh panel uh which is sturdy great great uh or compact more compact yeah yep yep most definitely so we were able to do all of this today the home lab should be up and ready to go for future videos future testing uh and future equipment review but before we wrap up or we just got one more little uh enhancement to the rack in the lab that we should share with oh you're talking about that one all right I think I think we should time will line it up [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Telecom Craft
Views: 5,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 44qdVnNubKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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