Self Install Connecting to the NID

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the text will have this hot to your home so it will be hot and ready you got your blue orange green brown the first module if you are Barnett customer which I'm not gonna get into that deep but if you're Bonnie customer you need a second module and you're gonna do the exact same thing on the second mod as you would the first but if you're just a single line customer you take your blue bot and you will go to these bottom lugs the red the green the yellow and black lugs you you will not use at all then you simply just take your wire get a couple inches of it straighten it out take your snips strip on then you got your red and your green let's take this out here and then you'll hook that there that's your ringside go see your red blue ghost red and this is your white it's light blue but it's your what don't take that put that around make sure you don't have any wires showing on the edges your white will go to your green tighten those down back in once you're done you just simply roll this up tuck it back in there wires in there pinched wires of king comb and that's your install on the need side customer side you
Channel: Cross OklahomaProud
Views: 43,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 6sec (126 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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