Earthwork Volume Civil 3D 2019 (Cut &Fill)

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hi I'm 1 to 6 today I'm going to teach you how to use civil3d to analyze a four-volume in this video we will learn to how to calculate the current view volume how to draw the radium blue area and also how to create a 3d model that one setting for matrix first of all you have to confirm and make sure all your settings are correct before you proceed to the next step you now I'm going to teach you how to convert all the unique in matrix first you have to check the droving it is and go to drawing setting and first you have to check whether these in okay in meters and then you go to ambient setting make sure all these are in meters volume also in meter okay okay second go to option and then you have to check the template are are even meter also is too we have to confirm it in the meter if it's not meter you can click browse it and then you change the matrix and then the second one is this one it is not in matrix you have to change to metric should sack severe matrix in order to calculate the kind of ammonium we need to compare to surface one is a proposed surface area one is original ground level surface they are three method to create a surface so I'm going to teach you one by one how to creating the surface method one define surface from tax this is the survey plan usually we get from the survey year so now I'm going to show you how I convert the text to the surface as you can see there are two types of of the text we have now one is this one is color and its color so we can select both that after the rewrite click and select similar we check and see whether anything left if yes then we select the text again right-click it and select similar okay we have to make sure all the text from the surveyor that means just the levels have to select first and all the text yes okay and this text also select similar okay after that you just crack quick isolate it okay this is the point where we get from the surveyor now we have to convert it into the surface which we want first of all we have to make sure all the text it has the Z value if you cannot see that value you can usually what I do I like to use the quick properties from these things you can click from here you can search for your quick properties and this one you tick after that you show the creep over T's in your tab you might don't show so here how I play it to show it usually I click this one from the text I want to show the check position for that things they appear okay so it is very convenient for me to show the exact position and I see when I check this the exact position is not in the correct value so the first step we have to convert and of the text to the correct exact position you can select all these things after that you just type move text to elevation which this one is a bit on that and then you will find that just now which one which is not correct one now he all become courier d 59.3 we had to go to another point and Chauncey sixty two point two seven okay now this other level are correct and have go to the level Vichy one already but I'm not sure whether this aisle can differ not of course because AutoCAD they cannot read that il so I have to convert this il will make it a become value instead of desert alpha but inside how to do that you can reduce fine okay this is the steps you can type right now in the level and then you replace with three zero we want to put three zero means then we saw the value and see the value we know that this is the available you just click replace all you see as you can see all input level exchange to zero zero okay and then we click done and then we have to redo the things again and make sure all this value has moved to the value v1 wait horn there's another very news is not horror yet I probably am is look at this and I have s so we have to change the s lasting to 0 also we cannot let them things okay now we again we click find ups and change it to zero one zero miss efficient replace all if you want to replace it zero you can just remove that but I want to put one zero to make me convenience and replace all make it 4-0 that's all done after that we move text to Elevation again and now we check again you see I'm sorry move text move text to Elevation select all the text enter and check in yes now it's on the correct very already the next step the next step we have to change these things to see a 3d for drafting you can you just drop in a notation but for symmetry D to create a surface we have produces civil 3d mode see what Tiffany mode okay as you can see here here are the items that we usually do week you can create the points you can play the groups but most importantly we have to create two surface now we will show you how to use the surface so you can click on that you drag click you create new surface okay now usually I'd like to create a new layer for that means I can create the new yet layer i like to put it c 3d co3 do geo this is my style you can create your own style also and you can create anything this you one can create a new one okay so i created the one for my layer then appeal okay and then the surface i write original ground level okay after you create a surfer you click down this here you can see this is the og all surface so we have to define define what is OCR we have to make the level this all this point and maybe come to surface the different so it click definition and then we go to drawing object we right-click and add and are you doing to point we just twist text okay after that okay it's select all the text and then we enter okay one things I forget just stop it when we create the the layer across a layer so I open it again yes dear here is my layer this is a my surface my first surface is surface actually what is sure I just aligned because I haven't setting it for for my for for this surface yet actually you can setting it for Horace you can show it properties and then you can see you can see no you can click Edit surface start you can you want you to show display display or something like border control elevation slopes elevation let's say apply and see easy this is surface the deeper blue or miss is very high and this one is very shallow and this one is high okay and actually you can change all this change the color you can right click surface properties and then you go to undelicious and then it is just elevation also you can actually make it into a few few colors here they become it a different a different if I want just one to two color and click on the level from this level to this level is this color this level to this level is this color actually it's okay it's up to you you want to color three color and whatever color you want is okay it's just show how the things you also can have see to check whether you start your point or any problem like arrow so that you can by clicking your things letting it in surface you see right click it can view object and you can see the 3d 3d modeling you see if form here I can further actually there is two things not really correct which I won so first of all I believe is this point and this point I believe there's something wrong and make this official I suddenly go come up like this I believe this two point which is not correct we you can check on that ok we can fill the surface and actually I don't want to see I can pretty to back so I really display order I sing it to back so from there just now we we know we know that this two point actually it's that makes sense we we have to check it back again we can right click I'm solid and then you can object selection we can see we can from there we can see it again whether the two pointer correct is real the reef seventy seven point four seven or not if really yes you can let it but if do you think this point is not correct you have to delete if you found it because for surrounding there suddenly got to point come up I believe this some mistake for several years you can just click delete okay but it's okay this is just demo only I just show you how to create the surface now these are metal one how to create the first surface to define surface from point okay continue from three defined surfaced from control line yes method 3 how to create a surface from the contour line and this is this one first you have to make sure how this contour I are in 3d polyline which mean it really is in the 3d one you can select similar after that you can click on and see how is it is the jewelry at 3d yeah it's like that okay I believe all this thing will give you a 3d and this point if is not very like continuous my Emma have a little bit difference so jewelry for myself I don't prefer to use this method but I will show you how to convert it also okay so you can select other points now it's select similar after that same right great I saw that the object okay these are the contour lines and yes just see which is not 3d line and you have to remove it okay you'll make sure all artists are the spot 3d polylines which means it really has the levels okay if you want to check whether this line are in the correct value or not actually if and don't do it this way for each contour line it have a specific value for the things which mean if I put a point I use a point I use a point P o int I create a point on the things I have to click snap step me on the other things and then and you click on the point you find that it's on 60 which means this canto are in 60 and this one is correct and I will show you another things and at the point in see this one lower down one is 59 any point 3 on the contour line if he's a same same same level okay know this after we come from all these points are correct the next step we have to convert it into a surface the same matter also a week we do we create a new surface and then we choose the layer which we want after that we rename it as OGL original ground levels this one is contour contour to surface done okay after that we submit we define it we use contour and then just click OK wherever this one the distant we don't okay enter now you have the new surface for that things exactly were it may have slightly different because this is generate by the surveyor so now we can compare three of that just for for your checking only increases any difference as you can see this this three surface we create this first surface will click on this is like this and another surface is like this it's very fluffy the same except this point and this t2 point because I believe there is this two point not really in the collet value is quite far and actually we can delete the two points if you want it's written like that do do it in this way but I will show you in later on this is how we create the surface from the contour step two great proposed surface now after creating the audio surface we have to process the next step which is correct the proposed platform in order to propose platform now we have to close the specific riff okay so we have to draw one platform on this one and you can directly copy your proposed the form into it and and this is what I prepare before I do this okay as you can see I want to create a platform in this rate boundary and I want to make this one in one platform this one one perform this one platform so I just want to show wherever I want to see about the others I will close the layers okay I just left this one as you can see the mainly AutoCAD the best way to create a platform I prefer to use contour so which means you have to choose polyline for the platform which is a flat and also the platform which are flat for those which are not in flat I prefer to use 3d polyline so how to create this 3d polyline says this is the road this is various levels from 63 going up going up until here sixty three point three to two and fifty three point eight zero and also as finally at 65 so I close the polyline first I hide it okay so I have to initially so I will have to create the point first create a point at the edge of the roads we're from where to where okay since I create and make it example I click point point okay point first I create one point and then I am a level ssse3 and then the second point I wanna kick at this level I will make it and at the level is says 65 65 so I create a line to connect death so for the middle one actually you can interpolate that or you don't have to do that also never mind or you if you have another levels you can use the point create another let's say this one is 67 so you click nice to do that so as you just do use preferred lines you see of you just polyline for this because we have two different value for that 55 53 and this line is 65 67 okay so in order to convert this line to become 3d polyline you have to click this two line and click join join now and this line will become 3d polyline so for this road you need to create two to contour which is 3d but in 3d if you have different level which is from 6363 up sixty three point three eight this is what i want a brook looks like 65 and this one in between that you can use polyline to connect this two point but if you don't want also never mind this is an example okay so we go back to here first after you draw all the polylines you have to make sure there is some space between these two different perform this is because AutoCAD view automatically generates one slope for this two levels says d65 these ECC 3.5 it is a different level Otto can you ultimately generate the slope for that David directly mesh the suit okay so now for the Scimitar we have to create surface the surface I choose one be performed level for that click ok next one a quick propose from the name and then I choose contour for this all this line are selected okay so we go to the next wishes enter and we can see our proposed perform or because I crossed the layer I have a turn on yes I turn on the layer okay sorry this is OD @ PG not a solution P what's going on heaven define it is it PW he very smile and to hug you again it's okay oh and yeah this is my levels so I can get this if you can see you object this is platform which I want but okay and this is the route you see very smooth up to there and this one this part which is I don't want this extra part so how should I do for that actually we have the boundary for the things okay we can send it back first okay you see I just want in red color on it the boundary or the record only for the beyond bar even other one so I can add a definition to the boundary which I can keep this one yes you see I select the line first then I had ad about risk it automatically come up like this this is what the surface of the proposed looks like see very nice very clean and clear sometimes you have to do this level many times and practice and practice you only can get a perfect surface okay that's all for the proposed surface step 3 creating or control sometimes we don't know the sport we calculate are correct or not like we went into an SBA meet as Berryman we need a control to make sure we have something to compare and the control our current value how to do that let's see in order to create a control if the issue is very easy we just just have to create two platform also later on we can compare so the first platform you can just draw a rectangular which is very big one and then with a center small one small one near the center but we have a specific dimension we give it tense times tense time stands okay and this platform may be the elevation becomes zero and this one we make it elevation become 10 which mean later on we what we get we will get something like 10 times 10 times 10 the volume should be 1000 and Q okay if the volume you could do cannot get this video which means the unit are wrong or something else is wrong because the area should be the volume should be in 1000 and M cube okay now we have to create two surface for the also so we create two surface we name it as the layer wherever is not important it just for test I'll just need for test okay it shows the test layer and surface have oh gee L as oh gee L okay another surface I create for same layer this is test proposed for the test oh gee L we define it using contour H okay we select the oshio and then we compare to another proposed we define that one as PG go okay now you have to choose the face for the test the test okay wait hold on is the surface yeah the tin surface is here but he didn't show up she already created by you didn't show up is because I didn't set the surface properties for that so you can do I did you can shop I don't want to show us okay because it isn't displayed elevation this elevation but it is in flat so nothing to show up show up okay it doesn't matter as long as this thin surface for that oh we have to cross check whether the waypoints are correct or not as we can see it in previous just now we found that there is a few points which on logic so we have to correct it after creating the control everything now we have to go to check whether the surface accordion as we can see there is two point here and chew toy at this point I'm not correct so you can either choose to correct a value or just delete the point on the so for for myself I prefer that they meet the point because this point will cause the meshing differently so deviously give like very an incorrect result so the trace is very easy since all those are linked I can just delete the point only and then this two point and this point if you wish give seven is seven point four at this point 50-something this point fifty something suddenly go to above 70 miss mean these 270 points are not correct so I just did it at two point delete and delete because of these two point are interrelated with the surface after at related things the ogia point a comma and area mesh mean is differently it's not worry you just just have to click reboot and then reboot okay now it will generate a new one now you can see again is there any arrows come up see the platform become almost flat already this is what we want that five analysis now we came to a climax where the stablish we want we can click on the analysis here and then we click volume dashboard come on ladies so we have to create and another to another surface for the different so same also we create one layer for that in mes 0 0 3d it is surface for the volume okay click that one click OK the name so we have to run two times the first one we say test test volume so we have to choose the best surface this surface for using OGL test ogia and compare surface proposed so what we should get should be something like okay if you show our that we have to air to check because there is something error at there so i believe that didn't hold on this something wrong with this new layer we have to check to get in see clean surface protests proposed it is volume yeah it's correct okay so we have to re reboot for that repeat for that for we chef everyone we just repeat on D Oh repute so as we can see now the body we get yeah exactly one thousand if you get not the result is not one thousand that's mean you have some error happened in the unit and you have to make sure all these are in cubic meter V 1 V 1 and this is a control with which we mean just now after that means control already wherever you calculate the volume is Cory already so for the second one I proceed to my proposed one I click volume also for the layer and then this one I put cut and feel volume and then base surface I choose oh gee I wish is pointless now we do one click ok so first i choose i chose the proposed one so compare yeah here is the cut & fill volumes which we want as you can see there is net net feel we need to fill this amount okay you can give you want to run a report on that this is your report kind of your volume for that how much is the cut how much is that few and much to the net seems like we need more of around 140 5mq to fill through the area that six the last step we have to color the red blue area wish wear red color means cut blue area means phew after we get the volume now we proceed to our next step which we have to make the where is the cut a few area to show in the plan so you have to select the clean surface okay you just isola eat okay for eg selection okay and then I feel volume just click reboot no you no problem and then you have to add the things which involve just now the surface for proposed volume and few just it is the surface after that you have to surface properties click on the analysis and therefore the elevation and then you click to because we were just one to color only wish ministry and blue for those photos below zero it release at this one become zero is not become zero for all levels this is below zero it means it means we're all of the above it means field so we change it to red color and this one we chose blue color okay say is like 1 6 0 or 1 1 5 0 you want one 5 point okay these two card then click like click ok as you can see for the pupa is just this one and the cut part is this one a few part and then you can just open back all the layers you want and then you can send this tin surface to the back ok yes there is how it is look like that's all the lesson for today thank you thank you for watching if you think this video can have many people please give me a like and share this video to whoever you think in this video thank you very much see you again later
Channel: One Two Six
Views: 16,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Civil 3D, 2019, Cut & Fill, Earthwork, Volume, Civil Enginner, Essential Skills
Id: etyOoEzTKDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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