How to build landing gear in stormworks! Stormworks Tutorial!

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hey yo what is going on guys welcome back to another video in today's video what we're going to be doing is we're going to be showing you how to build landing gear on a basic airliner in the world of stormworks so with that said let's go ahead and get right into the video okay so last episode i showed you how to do the wings this episode i'm going to show you how to do land gear next episode i'm going to either do the actual jet engines or navigation lights or actually sorry all the lights you need on a airliner so we're going to go ahead get started with it so the first thing you want to do is actually find space for it so typically if you have a fuselage with two blocks of space you're gonna wanna cram it way way way closer to the front where there is space so what i've done here is i've simply hit it under this dashboard right here okay what the heck happened here all right there we go let's now that we've fixed that i'm going to show you how to actually work on it so basically you're going to want to either hide it under the dashboard if there is space down there and you're also going to want to have space for robotic pivots will be which will be the door so what i've done here is i've added two basic pivots just spinning pivots with the positive uh positive facing up and the negative facing down so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and start with the landing gear so let's go ahead and grab a piston um we're gonna go ahead and make it as high as this piston goes so it'll be okay we actually need to raise this by a block okay nope okay maybe if we actually not we don't need this to be all the way down here what we could do is we could just raise this up by block just like that okay now we can get a wheels we're just gonna use this wheel for it so what we're going to do really quickly actually go ahead grab a robotic pivot this one right here and this will steer the actual uh nose wheel so we're going to go ahead and place it down and we're gonna place a suspension okay now let's go ahead grab a wheel and we'll just place it down just like that okay there we go so this is going to actually turn the plane so this will fold up directly into here so let me double check the lengths so if you are going to use the piston keep in mind that it will extend out one block so always add a block to the length so this would be about six blocks so we're gonna go seven blocks so we're gonna have to make sure that this wheel uh stops right here so we need to go seven blocks so it is eight blocks so how we're going to fix this is we're going to simply select this as well as the pivots and we're just going to simply cut it and we're going to paste it one block further forward just like that and we're also going to go ahead and fix the floor just like that okay so that is the front line of gear now we're going to go ahead and place down the foundation of the back line of gear so let's go ahead clear this all these extra wedges that we don't need um and we're going to go ahead and let's let's check this out so if i have a basic land gear wheel it should fold up into here but i may need to fix that so um let's go ahead and actually measure this out so let's go ahead and just close this off right here so this is actually going to be the cargo bay or not the cargo bay the landing gear area so we're go ahead and use this for landing gear since the plane is not too heavy so we're going to go ahead and actually delete this right here just in case we need that to be part of the fuel tank this is where the wheel is going to be stored so um we need to actually make the wheel fold up to go into here so let's go ahead and go along here so this is exactly it's five blocks off the ground so we go ahead and line up with that so it'll have to be all the way down to here which will be four blocks off of here so this is four blocks we're going to have to make the landing gear about four blocks high off the ground so we'll go ahead and we're actually gonna have to calculate so let's go ahead grab a robotic pivot this one right here will work so we're going to go ahead and place it right here this is definitely going to be changed but we might just get lucky and we're going to have to place it somewhere along here so what what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna have to make it so the positive folds inward so the positive arrow faces the inside or sorry towards the inside and then we'll just repeat the same on the other side so we're gonna have to invert that one so press u when you do place it down or before you place it down okay so now let's go ahead and make the actual landing gear so we're gonna have to place i believe the piston from here so let's go ahead grab a piston okay let's grab a wheel all right there we go so this will be our suspension um so let's go ahead calculate um actually you know what so this does need to be slightly different um so how i'm gonna do this is i'm going to actually uh make this len gear exposed just the piston will be exposed so we're going to simply cut it and paste it over a block just like this so let's go ahead and merge this just like that and there we go we're going to leave this as is so this right here when we do fold it up it will uh actually be shown as like a simple block so let me go ahead and actually show you that so let me make some supports really quickly just like that and there we go the plane supported let me grab the throttle lever okay this one will do okay let's go ahead connect it to here and here so i'm gonna spawn in really quickly all right so this um is fully extended when it's actually all the way in it'll just be a bear landing gear so let me go ahead and fix this really quickly so what i'm going to do is i'm going to place a simple wedge right here and then this will go right there that will fill in the block afterwards so now that now when i place it in words so let me go ahead actually delete this wheel really quickly to show you so i could fold it in all the way so when it is folded in all the way it should oh i guess this suspension got caught as well but it should look like a flat block and then this triangle or wedge so that will be good for there so let's go and place the wheel back okay now we go ahead and make the actual hatch itself so let's go ahead and select all the way to the end which is right here let's go ahead cut it let's paste it and a shortcut we can use is we can actually drag it over to the other side and paste it just like that okay so let's go ahead and delete this and place this back and now we're going to grab some robotic pivots but first let's delete those places so we can actually place the robotic pivots so how this is going to work is the arrow is going to face inwards uh just like that so that when we give it the number one it will open and when we actually close it it will close by returning to zero so now that we did that we have the landing gear itself let's go ahead and delete the supports to see if it can be stable by itself if not we'll have to place more weight on the front and we're gonna have to go ahead place more weight in the front so let's go ahead grab some white blocks just like this and we'll just simply place them right here and here as well all right let's go ahead and spawn in okay does still seem to be a little bit heavy so let's go ahead fill the front of the actual airplane with weight blocks so that it is a little bit more front heavy so that the front lining gear does a little bit more work i guess we could say alright so let's go ahead and basically fill the front of it completely with weight okay now we gotta find a quick balance between those numbers well not those numbers but a quick number between those weights so let's simply spawn in it did spawn in perfectly fine i think what i'm gonna have to actually do is just delete a bunch of this weight so let me go ahead delete oh not that far but just a bunch of this so let's go ahead delete this as well as this row of weights and we'll delete this as well as this and we'll go ahead delete this as that all right and that and these and that and there we go so what i'm going to do is i'm going to simply select the block this right here i'm going to copy it i'm going to save it and i'm going to save it as a strong piston strong piston oh i'll just go with piston there we go okay let me go ahead copy it okay what i'm gonna do is i'm going to go to my xml save files so i'm going to go ahead find the vehicle folder which i will go ahead guide you guys along so what i'm going to go to well you guys can't see it but what i'm going to go to is the local disk or the hard drive i'm going to get a user my username appdata roaming stormworks data vehicles and then there you go now a quick way to do it if you do have a lot of save files is look or just paste in the name so i have it as piston so i'm going to go ahead type in piston okay once i find the actual pictures i'm going to go to the one that looks like a document and i'm going to right click and press edit okay once the actual notepad full of code pops up you go press format word wrap if it is on that's great if it's not do that okay then what you're gonna go ahead and search for is max force [Music] all right if you do get a actually no oh shoot not max force a max force scalar so uh it would actually be max underscore force and then under score scalar and then you can find it so the direction should be on down and once you find the first one there should be two i'm gonna change that to i'm gonna go with the five okay and then i'm gonna go to the next one so i'm gonna press find next i'm gonna change that to the exact same number i'm going to press file save and then i'm going to go back to stormworks clear content load content piston then i'm going to press paste and then merge it then i'm going to do the same on the other side just like that there we go and there we go now it is five times stronger see just like that okay so that was the actual landing gear itself now we got to do the logic so we will do the logic really quickly so let's go ahead and grab a capacitor this right here we'll need three of them so we'll need to place three just like that make sure these are at the front we had to actually move it back a little bit just to right here okay now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and grab uh three compact numerical switch boxes which if you don't know they are the exact same as putting a numerical switch box and putting a constant number just like this and putting it to the on and then putting this as a one but i've simplified that to my personal need as a compact numerical switch box just like this so that it's much easier to do so how it's going to work is it's going to be a three second sequence we'll go ahead and start with this right here so it will actually no we need to start with the middle so we're gonna go ahead and go into it and we will change the change time or sorry charge time my bad uh at zero and we'll put the discharge time at two seconds so two seconds after well two seconds into the process it will close back up well sorry not close back up but it will stop i believe sorry no no after we turn off the land gear it should take two seconds to actually close after we get the landing gear swinged out so this right here the middle one will be the actual lana gear folding itself rather than the door so the charge time will be one second okay the discharge time will be one second i believe okay then this right here will be the actual um this this action right here this last one will be the closing of the doors so we'll put the charge time of two seconds so two seconds in it will actually close it and then the discharge time um i think it'll be two seconds i might have to change this it might be wrong i think um wait hold on oh wait hold on okay so this first one actually has to be zero and zero so this will be the first thing that happens so this will first open up and then when the time comes when everything's folded away when you need to open again it will be the first thing to open back up then the actual landing gear will come out after one second and then it'll close after two seconds so we're gonna go ahead and change this last one to a negative one just like this so basically how that works it will actually we need to add more logic really quickly but basically what we're gonna do is we're going to place add this will go to here this will get here and this will go to these just like that and then this will go to the actual landing gear itself okay let's go ahead and connect these three up so how this works is one second in or sorry zero seconds in the door will open these doors right here two seconds in this will fold in three seconds in this will close with this inside of it so it should theoretically work so we're gonna go ahead and put a little foundation just like this and let's go ahead grab a toggle button and let's try it out and let's cross our fingers it works because usually i don't get it first time but if everything went right and i did everything right it should work okay that opens that oak all right perfect that works great so what we're gonna do is when we did fold out our land gear it looked a little bit thin so we're gonna just basically put that right there so now when we spun in we open it up it should look a little bit thicker there we go so if you followed that exact process it should work for you guys um yeah so don't forget to actually change the arrows to the right way if you do want to follow that exact step every step counts so actually you know what i think i think this middle hitbox right here doesn't actually count as a hitbox because it's extended because stoneworks works like that i guess i don't know i'm gonna double check on this so i think i could theoretically put a wall there and yes i can so this little thing will be sticking out during the flight but whatever it's fine it's the best i could do so now we're gonna go ahead to the front which is super super easy all i need is a capacitor and two doors so how i'm gonna do this is i'm gonna put two down two capacitors right here and here actually i'm gonna go ahead and move this piece of logic which is a part of the cockpit so i'm going to just paste it backwards okay this i'm going to go ahead and place side by side i'm going to grab a compact numerical switch box which is the same as a numerical switch box and a constant on or constant one to the on signal all right i'm going to go ahead and connect these just like this all right now this will be zero times uh zero seconds charge and then this one will be one second discharge now this one will be one second charge and zero time zero seconds discharge so they're basically just going to be the opposite now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and add the door so let's go ahead and grab a robotic pivot and we'll just simply place it down right here and then this will go ahead place right here there we go all right now we're just going to drag this to here so a trick i like to do is i like to just place these actual wedges in the same place just like this facing the same way without any mirror mode on and how this works is this wedge actually combines with this wedge and it makes these things the exact length in height so you can actually um well you could actually i don't know it just looks even i i guess i like it more so something you have to do for this is you have to put this up 0.2 speed 1.2 speed and then we will go ahead and connect the one with a one second charge to the actual doors and then zero second charge to the actual uh robotic pivots that actually lifts the line gear so now that we did that we're going to place the toggle button to these right here and all the charges shall go to the toggle of your actual on for actually folding your landing gear so if we look up there it worked and back here it worked okay so now that we did that i'm happy with this it works i'm glad it works so i hope you guys found this semi entertaining and informative so with that said i'm going to go ahead and end the episode here so thank you guys all so much for watching don't forget to like subscribe and join the discord it'll be linked down below and while you're at it you might as well turn on notifications so you're notified every single time i upload with new content so with that said i will see you guys in the next one so bye for now you
Channel: Josh J Gaming
Views: 760
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: stormworks, stormworks build and rescue, stormworks tutorial, stormworks plane, stormworks airplane, airplane, fuselage, aircraft, wings, build and rescue
Id: lpiF8izOYAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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