Adding a NEW Room to my game! | Indie Game Devlog

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how's it going everyone my name is saul and welcome back to the channel on the last devlog we worked on making decisions matter in the game and we achieved that quite nicely in this step vlog we're gonna be working on revamping the quests even more you might be wondering how so well first of all we need to add an inventory system into the game so you can pick up quests take them to your desk and assign guilty from there because the current assignment for guildies is just kind of ugly and i hate it so we're going to change that if you like what you see here and you want to see more please make sure you like and subscribe there's about 60 of you who watch the videos and don't actually subscribe and i'd really love it if you click subscribe just quickly some of you explained in the last video you were a bit confused about how the alignments work so i'm going to explain to you with a graph so as you can see on the graph you have a numbers between 100 and minus 100 on the x and on the y alignment falls between them quests have decisions which also contain these alignments so considering where your guildy's alignment is the nearest one to them that's the decision they'll make and now each decision isn't guaranteed to be successful but they'll make the ones that best suit them or suit you depending on how it goes in the future i hope this graph kind of clears up a little bit if you have any more questions please comment down below and i'll do my best to explain so this week started off on the monday when i did the indie dev stream and i worked on corona console for the first time in a long while on this stream i first of all start off by improving the stats page by throwing the guildies icon on there because i made that ages ago on stream but i just never finished it the next thing i was going to do was work on making the player's office which is needed for the next milestone however janik boyson who you may know suggested to me why don't you improve the ui finally and i was like i hate doing ui and he told me about nine slicing in unity which is beautiful basically you can make one like tile in whatever art program you use import it into unity and you can set it up for ui to use perfectly and it's really really nice so i did that instead i made a whole bunch like placeholder ui and did that for the next two days or so just making nice ui which the game now has and i must say having actual ui in the game makes it so much better and i'm very happy i added it in now i can actually get started with the milestone which is to make the inventory system it only needs to be a simple inventory system just where you can hold the quests but we'll see how it goes i'm not sure if i make the most efficient way but we'll just see what happens with it right so we're in week two now and i've been working away at this like last few tasks of the milestone there's still a lot to do but i'm on the current job of revamping and i ended last week on saying i'm gonna set up the inventory system and that's what i've done this isn't your standard inventory system where you can hold like apples or something like that it's just an inventory system for holding quests and it was really quite easy to do all i do is i just take the game object from the quest port and put it in a different panel and it looks really nice and it works really well i also designed some ui for that and i made colors that kind of fit the player and what kind of bag they'd have and i think it looks good so the reason you put the quests in your inventory is because when you take them you need to take them to a special room to assign guildies to the quest and once you've done that you can then hand the quest to the guildy if that sounds like there's quite a few steps involved don't worry you will be able to automate the process in the future or make it easier in the future just you wait the next thing i wanted to get done in week two was setting up a brand new room for the guild which i really tried to show off and i was really excited to do art for actually [Music] so a new room exciting right oh yeah i thought so too basically the player needs an office you need to be able to get to your desk and relax well not exactly you need to be able to get to your desk to assign guildies to your quests so following on from the inventory once you get a question you're into your inventory you go to your new office you go to your brand new good looking desk and you clicky on it and you assign a guildy to the quest i added a few things to the quest for now as well so you can see what the guild looks like whilst you assign it and that will stay until you've given it to them just because i think it makes it easier to identify which guild am i giving this to again you don't really have to wonder you can just say oh it's this one that looks like this now the desk i think i'm quite proud of how it looks there's a front and a back to it i just need to make the sides but i'm not sure how to go about that just yet like how should it look but i have plans for it you also notice there's like a little paper stack on it which is a separate object because i have an idea of like when there's no quests the paper stack like disappears and when there's a quest the paper stack reappears so we'll just go into that now i'll admit the inventory system and the desk system probably aren't the best in the world basically the quests they just kind of like swap between the two panels which is probably not the best idea i need to think of a way to like take some back into your adventure rather than swap them all but i'll come on to that in the future for now the other new thing i added was when you take a quest rather than assigning the guildy from the quest board we actually have to go to the guildie slide either in a brand new interaction for the kill these when you can give them a quest and you'll send them off if you try to give them the quest which isn't valid for them they just won't do anything on top of building the new room i actually added some more tiles as well which you might be able to notice to the guild and i added some brand new art for the quest board just because i wanted something that wasn't just a purple square and the quest exits kind of disappeared it's now invisible and they just walk towards the actual exit of the guild i also updated some of the ui panels just to make it look a bit nicer and that was basically all i got done in these two weeks of development i had a lot of like had a lot of prior arrangements on the past two weeks with university i feel like i've got a good chunk of stuff done at the same time finally to end off this developer let's just talk about what's going on in the personal life so on the monday of week two i did a bit of work on my c plus plus project because i'm trying to learn c plus plus because i know companies like that it was really quite a fun project and i had someone in the chat who actually knew about c plus plus a lot more than i did so they were really able to help me out and we got a basic like pickup system set up where you can walk into a coin and you get one added to your total throughout the week as well i've been helping casual dutchman and matt ball with their games and you can check out their videos it should also be live now i will put a link down below in the description you should go watch it more devlogs are better right another university just taking up a lot of time with group projects and having talks on there's not really been much else i've been up to the uk's actually getting some nice webinar so i've been trying to go out more for walks and that's about it soon we're still in the lockdown so there's not too much i can do but soon we have to go for picnics in the park with a friend as long as you stay socially distanced which i will obviously do so to end up i just want you all to be to make sure you're staying safe i hope you're having a lovely time and i'll see you in the next video there'll be stream tomorrow so make sure you come check that out on forward slash games by seoul and i will see you there and talking about twitch the next video that's going to come out will probably be like a little highlight video of just all some of the best moments and clips we've had on twitch so make sure you stay tuned for that thank you everyone for watching and i'll see you in the next video goodbye you
Channel: Games By Saul
Views: 153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indie game devlog, unity, unity engine, game development, indie game development, devlog, indie devlog, indie games, programming, game programming, unity game devlog, unity game, unity indie game, unity indie devlog, unity creating inventory, unity inventory system, unity tilemaps, unity pixel game, unity adding rooms, unity new room, indie game questing, indie game quests, gamesbysaul, indie game community, indie game, game dev, indie game ui, unity UI, unity easy UI
Id: 6Yv1HUBaPvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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