Add Water And Reveal A Beautiful Doll! Blume Dolls Secret Surprise Garden Unboxing

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oh i just love house plants but they need constant care so i knew you'd like my present what present sammy i brought you a flower that you have to water just once and it'll bloom forever wow i'm intrigued let's go here's a present i hope you like it oh my sammy this pot is so huge and there's so much interesting stuff in here let's see wow it's a bloom set it's been my dream to get one 30 surprises inside one mini friend one glam hairstyle seven beauty accessories four mix and match outfits two sticker sheets and 15 secret surprises also there's a little doll in this set that will grow again and again so what have we got in the back well well it's roughly the same stuff well time to start our unboxing we turn the key and pull it out then do the same with the second one i wonder what's inside all we have to do now is tear off the plastic and pull up this flap there we go there's an important warning here before we water the flower we should press this button still finish with the packaging already i can't wait to see your reaction we're about to find out who's hiding in there sammy i think it'll be something really wonderful oh the flower hasn't sprouted yet it needs good watering let's take a look at the lid what have we got here uh-huh mini catalog let's see who we have in this collection [Music] i'm gonna open it ah guys there are so many cool girls we examined in our last bloom episode there are instructions on the back that we have to read first we push the pink button done pull the heart out of the lid oh we forgot about that then water the soil and watch the dog grow and inside there's a flower house waiting for us that one can plant and watch the doll grow over and over again a mini watering can is hiding underneath the heart-shaped lid it's pink too my favorite color it's so cool let's hurry up and fill it guys while sue is gone don't forget to subscribe to our channel and give us a like and be sure to write in the comments what you think of today's unboxing i think it's time for someone to take a shower let's go grow flower be big and pretty [Music] our girl has grown up ta-da come here my thumbelina you are a beauty you've got a super stylish bright bathing suit and a soft butt of hair we can pool and remove it let's see what's in the house now the instructions said that the flower can be folded back right let's get the lid off oh it comes off easily and then cool here and see what's inside and here are the stairs for our little fairy i'll just get everything extra out of the way time to press the magic button what's gonna happen look the flower has grown even taller our doll even has her own balcony and here's the furniture for her interior design let's put the chair and the cozy table over here so that our fairy can have [Music] lunch what does she keep in such a tiny box i wonder oh i believe this is a love letter from her admirer i'll put them back let them be her secret so what's in the wardrobe oh it's such a pretty dress let's take a closer look at it i love this multi-layer skirt with a gentle color transition i have one just like it this cabinet is even smaller what's in it i think these are hair accessories a hair dryer and a hairbrush guys do you have something like this at home look this hair dryer is so cool it's yellow and this super cute hairbrush has a flower on it [Music] so it looks like the size of these accessories is approaching zero i think you'll need this thank you sammy that'll be very helpful sammy's right it's not easy to get something out of this cabinet without tweezers let's see what we got this time around hey these are trendy white sneakers it'll be very comfy to run around a meadow wearing these and let's open the next cabinet and it looks like there's another stylish accessory here oh check out this posh bow the purse will match that dress perfectly the upper cabinet also has some secrets in store for us where are my tweezers ah here's a casual everyday outfit a cropped summer tunic and tight-fitting shorts lovely i'll close this door and open the next one who knew that the tweezers would come in handy one and two these are the cute sandals that were inside they'll look great with that layered dress hey basket come on over here it looks very nice with this bow and flower on the lid what's inside i wonder oh it's a bottle of perfume i wonder what scent our fairy likes i'll put the basket back in place and move on to the main part our huge mirror oh we had a little bit of an explosion here i'm glad our mirror didn't break let's check out the stickers that were inside oops one of them is upside down there are so many photos of our friends here on the other one there's a cozy fireplace candles and flowers just right for decorating the house let's open the doors and pull out the earphones they are so cool i've got similar ones to listen to music guys what music style do you like write in the comments let's do a small trick for our fairy voila [Music] it's not christmas time yet but presents are falling out of the fireplace already thank you i was so into my magic i didn't notice you're always welcome i got carried away but it's good that sam's paying attention we almost missed these trendy glasses here wow hey wake up buddy i know you're hiding something oh it's a little flower so cute you look pretty good together i think this here is your chair the next box is coming up what else is hidden in this house wow it's such a cool mushroom alarm clock and it definitely won't let you sleep through anything important let's secure this box here and take the golden treasure box i bet there's something precious hidden in here oh so far i can't tell what it is let's take a closer look i believe these are pretty little birdies so tiny and cute it's such a pity that there's only one cabinet left oh and there's something oh delicious hidden inside a small teapot a cake my mouth is watering and of course a mug guys check out this adorable tea set there's so much pink in this house i think i'd enjoy living in this bloom world what about you and the finishing touches there time for our fairy to try her first stunning outfit on ready fashion girl time to dress up one arm and then the other one perfect your eyes are so expressive the shoes now turquoise sandals will match this dress let's try them on we only need to round up the look now here's your purse beauty [Music] time to change the outfit ready yay great isn't it what can i say anything suits this girl wow that was some impressive finale i tried hard sammy and thank you for the present will you help me clean up here now i really have to go what do you mean by [Music] sammy hello guys today we're going to unbox new interesting dolls they're called bloom the slogan here says where outrageous grows there are 22 dolls in the collection look we need to water the soil with a can and a new friend will bloom let's see wow such amazing dolls are waiting for us inside wild hair that wows all right let's open the wrapping it's not as easy as i thought okay getting rid of all this plastic wrap now we can get started here's the first accessory look it's so beautiful it has a floral ornament let's check the catalog and see which dolls are there in the collection [Music] wow so cool they're all so different here are the types mystical super rare rare and adorable there's only one mystical i wish we could get this one here are the instructions we need to remove the pink label fill the can with water sprinkle and cool hair like this will grow then we remove the doll pull out a ring and open this for surprises we can find clothes shoes bags and other accessories all right let's see which beauty is waiting for us inside ready guys wow we also got cool stickers look flowers photos home accessories i forgot water slime sam is here to help you your water susie oh sammy you're just in time well let's try it take some water i guess that's enough and water our flour a little more wow look it's growing oh it seems our princess needs some more water there you go okay now we can harvest here's our cutie such a nice girl bloomed she has wonderful blue eyes and a fancy swimsuit look at this hair reminds me of squishies okay little beauty wait for us a little right here next to groot i am groot hey he likes you meanwhile let's check out the accessories look there's so many secret boxes oh how to open this thing wow so cool i'll start with this little cabinet come on wow who's this little buddy that fell out i guess it's a tiny friend for a princess oh let's take you to her right here hello doll now let's see what's hiding in the stump looks like a bag wow cool i guess it was part of all the fashion shows of the season well well you just need to find clothes are you ready wow so many things it's time to dress our princess the blouse is already on let's put on the shorts there you go nice and here are your shoes one and two done now let's make the mirror for our cutie oh it looks nice here's your friend wonderful [Music] so the first doll we found is kanye she's from the adorable league let's open the next pot we'll try a bigger watering can and [Music] i finished sammy is right must be someone interesting wow look at this doll it's a real snow queen you have polar lights in your hair you know let's check to see what your pot keeps inside wow such an adorable house oops some water's here but don't worry [Music] wow what a fashionable bag it's so classy and elegant we'll try it on soon let's see what we have in the cabinet all right almost there done who is it whoa it's a tiny cute diamond now it's time for our little wardrobe what does it keep let's see wow lots of clothing we have a beautiful rainbow skirt ah a snowy blouse look it's covered in sparkles and also these fancy boots here's your bag milady we found jenna we are very lucky guys she's from the super rare series i can't wait to meet our next girl [Music] wow so many things i have to clean up a little [Music] i found that thing you spray on yourself every day we'll help our fairies bloom great idea sammy besides it's not a thing it's my thermal water which always helps me feel fresh it's time to water our new princess come on sweetie grow yay there's our beauty [Music] wow it looks like a twin of the doll we just unboxed let's go and compare them your eyes cracked a little because of your blush hide here while we unbox your clothes hop look at this pink room first i open this stump and take the bag out look it has this wonderful sky color very trendy let's try to open the cabinet come here it's our sweetie diamond and it matches the bag okay i'm going to carefully open the wardrobe oh such a delicate pleated skirt and here's a lovely bow fantastic while here we have a soft blouse with belle sleeves and a vest [Music] i've also found these cool sneakers let's put them on our queen before she gets cold there you go cutie [Music] i hope our sand can melt your icy heart [Music] okay we just met crystal she's also from the adorable series who's hiding here in the flowers i'm so excited to see our next princess you have to find a line and pull it down to open the pot you can take scissors if you have problems like me but remember to be careful with sharp objects guys better ask an adult to help you [Music] a little bit more yeah let's unwrap our beautiful pot and open the cover here are the instructions and the can i need to remove the label here and don't forget there's cool stickers in every pack this time they're purple and now it's time hands up i came to rescue this dolly watch [Music] wow it's a girl with blue hair she's so awesome guys huh you remind me of ariel look at this starfish in your hair so cool i wish i had hair like this little groot is a girl's dressing room today this hair suits you let's remove the soil layer and open up our room of surprises hmm what's there behind the mirror stump right come here it's a cute beach bag for a real star groot hold the bag please meanwhile we open the cabinet not so easy use your fingers hey hello who are you it's mr shell a tiny friend for our mermaid are you bored in there cutie there's your friend i'm curious to see which clothes our mermaid wears oh i can see something unusual oh it's a super cool summer jumpsuit look at this cute bow oh and an amazing pattern love it hey beauty it's almost done and your yellow sandals are here too wow it's magic come here little princess and check out your new house oh don't forget your little friend [Music] right we've got mermaid may from the adorable league pop where are you going buddy here's mermaid maybe just found let's open this pot right a little more yes nailed it i'm so curious to meet this golly but all this wrapping is holding me back [Music] oh the pot is such a beautiful blue color i love it what's your favorite color guys tell us in the comments meanwhile i'm close to finally seeing the princess oopsie take a look at the stickers we've already seen them in the mermaid pack hmm i wonder who's here this pot will open with a hair dryer and something else are you ready guys let's go let's help with the spray bottle come on girl i believe in you almost there oh i guess we've got the third snow queen but hey your house is different let's pull out the ring of soil and open the house for our beauty wow such a bright interior magic stump what do you keep i've seen this bag before let's put it next to the other accessories i'm not sure which house fits you better this one or the pink one [Music] do [Music] you
Views: 5,183,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slick Slime Sam, Slick Slime Sam Live, crafts, DIY, crafts ideas, DIY ideas, ideas for kids, Crafts for kids, diy for kids, family diy, family crafts, decor ideas, hacks, school hacks, school tips and tricks, tips and tricks for kids, learning video, tutorial, tutorial for kids, know how, how to, best crafts for kids, easy crafts, smart ideas for kids, diy ideas for kids, kids videos, kids diy, diy projects, diy family projects, diy kids projects, 5-minute crafts kids
Id: XL8zdo-NCDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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