Building A Stove From Mini Bricks For Fish Frying

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[Music] the way of the samurai is hard and thorny [Music] not everyone can understand and accept it the samurai is often terribly hungry so that he can eat a huge kinder oh sammy don't be so dramatic phew i found an incredible fish recipe but we don't have a walk how can i not be dramatic the samurai is facing many obstacles all right all right you got me i'll make a walk for you out of um bricks deal arigato shook konichiwa craft hello everyone sammy has continued to explore the japanese culture recently he found a new recipe we are going to make a fiery craft today that's why we need a heat resistant mat i'm going to make a stove with a traditional wok pan this one hi guys sue why are you outlining the wok are you gonna cut something out no that's just not to be mistaken about the size of our future stove i made a special layout that will help us build it properly samurai is telling me to help you with this craft hmm well i don't have a task for you yet how are you planning to cook your dish first i'll fry the fish to a crisp then i'll add vegetables a bit of water and braise it ooh sounds good have you ever cooked fish before no like you're there i'm sure you won't leave me alone the code of this camera i said a real samurai never leaves his friend behind i think that's the code of sammy not the samurai fine these are my rules but you will help me won't you sure sammy but first can you help me put the bricks don't forget these bricks they have special notches they are for the central part of the stove thanks for reminding sutan voila you're welcome you're so neat today a real samurai should be careful and accurate i can say you could be a real samurai how do you figure that well the real samurai had not only martial art skills but also creative skills holy cannoli i got it i'm gonna go practice with a sword great idea and i'm gonna fill our future stove with little stones they will keep the stove warm inside by the way i forgot to tell you that our stove will actually work we'll put the logs light the fire and cook a tiny dish now spread the little stones evenly this way [Music] moisten the surface you can use a spray bottle for it by the way we need to put several more brick layers [Music] look i'm making a little curve here it's needed to put a walk on top more stones guys give a thumbs up i'm waiting by the way where's sam then he'll complain that he missed some part and you can hit the bell button not to miss anything too i think i want to build a little more no problem so i can get some rest i assume you finished i can't spend my samurai time only on building i should master my warrior of life skills i will have to fight the evil [Music] the base of the stove is ready let's keep constructing dinner time we'll have fish the one i'm gonna catch now no i can't wait that long i'll go get fish from the fridge so how's it going i'm making a chimney for our stove yeah why do you smell like fish i prepared the fish for frying i took it out of the freezer washed and cleaned oh good job but didn't you want to fish one by yourself i understood that fishing without my cup of tea wow the fridge sammy by the way did you know that the samurai must be skilled in some art usually it's poetry i am skilled oh prove it how many ducklings can you see oh wait wait i know the rest quack quack quack one two three that's a counting rhyme for kid sammy you can't trick me fine i think that's a genius piece even if it's not mine guys support me give a thumbs up sammy you're cheating this goes against the code of the samurai true samurai always tell the truth hello sami where'd you go whatever in the meantime i applied the grass let's speed it up there's still so much to do [Music] we'll need one more piece for the stove it will be made of concrete i prepared this mold beforehand we need our concrete to set in the shape of a circle also we're going to fix our construction with these rings great idea how did you figure it out oh i didn't construction workers did sammy all concrete constructions are made this way these metal inserts are called rebars i want our stove to sustain high temperatures and be sturdy there we go everything's so easy when you say it i wouldn't have guessed that some of your ideas impressed me too sammy oh like remember that cardboard dinosaur you invented recently oh yes i still dream about it sometimes then i wake up and go to look at it yeah it's so cool i especially like how it moves i think all of our crafts are cool and this one is gonna be one of the coolest guys give a thumbs up if you agree and we have to wait for the concrete to set [Music] rock solid let's place it right here sammy it's time to prepare the firewood for the stove i'm on a tuesday and here's our wok the stove is ready so wait how can i cook without a spatula what spatula someone too much drama i'll make a spatula for you [Music] sammy has many requests today but nothing can frighten us cool let's grind it down voila and shape it with the sandpaper this way do you know what else i forgot what a basting brush i even found the material to make it everything for your dish oh the greatest chef sam i'm dying to know what the super dish sam's going to cook is let me tell you one interesting fact about this kind of pan your food won't burn even if the wok is very hot the ingredients are kind of floating above the surface of the wok that's all about physics a steam interlayer is being formed on the bottom of the pan i need one more thing this is a special lid it's amazing and i need a brush wow check out our cute little tools and the lid fits nicely i also prepared the firewood everything must be perfect so let's test our stove [Music] guys be very careful with fire light a fire only under adult supervision i did the most important thing i put on my cook suit bring the ingredients for your dish while i'm stoking the fire did you talk about the safety rules sure fire is not a plaything [Music] let's get started [Music] it's hot enough [Music] let's add some oil spices and herbs here comes the main ingredient the fish [Music] shiver me cheddar's what a smell i love cooking in the open air yeah even my appetite is bigger outdoors i want to add some soy sauce too that's a real mini walk guys remember to subscribe let's add some vegetables see you guys don't forget to give a thumbs up
Channel: SLICK SLIME SAM - DIY, Comedy, Science
Views: 2,035,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slime, slick slime sam, MINI STOVE, Miniature Stove, miniatura de fogão, miniatorespace, Making a mini stove, How to make, miniature bricks, miniature, how to build a MINI STOVE, stove, diy, DIY Miniature Stove From Bricks, how to make, mini stove, how to build, mini bricks, bricklaying, miniature stove, mini brick, build mini stove from brick, mini oven, how to, diy at home, for kids, kids craft, kids videos, stories for kids, Building A Stove From Mini Bricks For Fish Frying
Id: -3jCc3unj0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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