Add Captions To Videos On TikTok & IG Reels (Like Alex Hormozi & Grant Cardone)

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do you need to add super stylish captions to your videos that look a little bit like this well look no further I'm going to show you today how to do exactly that in Premiere Pro but first things first I'd like to shout out to another YouTuber and his name is Saturn's ring I watched his video on how to create this text style and I've added my own little twist to that tutorial so do check out his video I'm going to post a little snippet of it here and I'll also post a link to it first in my description so without further Ado let's jump straight into Premiere I'm going to show you how to create these funky captions and let's go first things first you're going to need to open the text engine by going to window and clicking the text button as seen right here click that bad boy and that will open the text engine in here you'll see a transcript captions or Graphics tab we're going to need the transcript because we're automatically transcribing these bad boys we ain't typing in no captions manually baby right we're gonna hit the uh triple dots in the top right corner and we're going to re-transcribe you won't have to click that you'll have a button in the middle that will say transcribe hit that button and this screen will come up this is where you can tell Adobe I mean Premiere where to pick the audio from for it to transcribe we're going to click on audio one make sure you select the corresponding audio layer where your voice is and I'm also going to not check recognize when multiple people are speaking because it's just me speaking in this clip if you have two people in your audio though click that button I'm going to now hit the transcribe button it will do its magic in the background if you get any issues let me know in the comments because sometimes it does fail depending on what audio effects you have on your audio track so give me a shout if you need a hand with that and I'll show you how to fix it but in this case we're okay Premiere is going to do its thing now's a good chance to check your subtitles through you can do any corrections up here by clicking on the text and typing it in but right now I'm just going to pretend that it's got every word correct I'm going to hit the CC button at the top corner and that's going to bring this screen up now for that style that we're going for you want something around 20 characters in maximum length so I'm going to drag this to around 20 and I'm going to maximum minimum duration I'm going to change to two and I'm going to change my lines to single because for that influencer Pizzazz we have a short attention man we want only a single line we don't want double lines and I'm going to hit create as you can see it's now creating the captions up here and boom we now have premiere's interpretation of my beautiful voice here so this is also a good spot to check any grammatical issues or any spelling mistakes and you may notice that we've now got a new timeline called subtitle I've got two because I've already done this tutorial without recording it just to test but you should see one subtitle track here are your individual subtiles now you're probably thinking well why do I need to do anything else that's the problem you see because Premiere they've done us a little bit day we're gonna have to use a third-party website to bring these captions from the subtitles track into essential Graphics why you may ask why why do we need third-party plugins because Premiere haven't made this a native feature and as it stands at the moment we can't transfer subtitle layers into essential Graphics the subtitles layer that we have is more geared towards the subtitles that you can toggle on and off on websites such as YouTube Netflix clicks and other online players you know when you click the button and you pick subtitles that's what this feature is predominantly for it's not meant to be done or used for styling reasons but we're gonna hack our way into the style okay with the website primed and ready we're going to go on the captions tab we're going to hit the three dots and we're going to export to SRT file this is a file that we're going to plumb into the website I'm going to overwrite the one I've already got on my desktop name it whatever you want once that's done we're gonna head to the website and we're going to upload an SRT file put in the web the file that you've just created it'll automatically encode it into an XML hit download XML and then drag that into your sequence this will create a folder that is named after the file as you can see here and inside that folder is the sequence that we need make sure this button is enabled that means it will Nest it into your timeline it's to do with formatting and it might not appear properly if you're using portrait videos so just drag that in it should appear as a green nest if you don't see it as a green Nest you've not clicked this button so make sure you redo that step so as you can see now on the video we have two subtitle tracks which is good one is essential graphics and the other is the subtitles file that we no longer need so I'm just going to disable that by clicking this button here that means we will no longer see the one we don't need don't delete the layer though because we may need as a reference later on down the line so now I can double click on this nest and there we go the Holy Grail we have essential Graphics in here and these are now editable and animatable as if they are essential Graphics layers and we've completely automated that we did not have to manually do it which is great quickly once again shout out to Saturn's ring on YouTube for showing me the tech star that I'm about to use if you want to copy the settings from my video by all means do so if you want to go check them out on his video I recommend you do check his video out because he's the original OG of this method check his video out and get the settings from there as well as a bunch of other preset goodies which are really great for creating these types of videos I've already got the captions file in my bin because I've followed this along with his video and watched his settings so what I'm going to do is just select all of the essential graphics and I'm going to drag the text Style on and there we go we have that star that we're looking for so now if you want to open the essential Graphics tab you can do so by going to window and scrolling down to essential Graphics that will open this window make sure you have a layer selected and as you can see up here we can now go in and control these subtitles as a central graphic so we have a lot more control over the animation style in there so the main settings that you want are here you want this font which you can download for free if you search on Google check out uh Saturn's rings video he'll have a download in his video as well that you can get that from and these are the settings here if you want to follow along and copy them so quick thing about textiles they don't save to your Premiere by default as there's like a preset that you can drag up whenever you want you have to save the preset to a Premiere project file and then work from that Premiere project file as if that is a template and to do that so say if I want to make this text a bit bigger and I want to save that as a preset I've made it now 100 in size I need to click on the style button here and click on create style this box will appear and I can now type in my new name for my preset so I can call this new captions hit enter and that will then save this file into your Premiere bin down here and again the only way to get back to this file again and again is to save this project as a template or create a template project file and we rework from that every time so what I'm going to do now is just delete that because I don't actually need that right so now we have the text on our timeline as an essential graphic what can we do with it what shall we do with it well we need to add that color in this is the only time you need to add anything manual to this process and it's also at the same time when you can start checking for spellings and change any text should you need to because once again these layers are fully editable you can go in there and tweak them if you need to so I recommend in the coloring and the spell checking and formatting all in one go rather than having to repeat the process again and again and again that speeds up View and it allows you to work for potentially a client fast to provide this as a service so how do we add color well I have a workaround that's kind of going to speed that up for you I've created a captions color palette which is based on the popular colors that we probably need for this I'm just going to lock that off there and I can put this in the description if you want but I'm pretty sure you can mock this up or just screenshot it and import it as a picture into your Premiere project so what are we going to do now well let's start adding color now my method of doing that is copying the text that we want to color clicking the prepare and then picking the net the bit of color that we want move on to the next one select the word you want to color pick the pipette and pick a color that we want so this is also a good time to start spell checking so what I'm doing here is looking out for the words I want to color but also mentally in my head I'm just going through and making sure it kind of makes sense so um yeah just go through add all the color that you want obviously you don't have to do it to every lens you know if for example that is kind of you know some just connecting words for like YouTube I can probably put that in Red so yeah just go through add the color this is a quick way of doing it it saves you a couple of clicks I guess and it also means that you get the exact same color every time because I don't think Premiere allows you to use swatches to give me if I'm wrong I'm not too sure I don't think it does I've seen other people using this method as well and I've adopted it in my own workflow so I'm just sticking to this for now but you get the gist so you can go through here start adding all these bits of color that you need to add and before you know it you've got the style that you need to go for and then once you're finished with that we can get rid of that captions PNG that we no longer need the color palette and now time for a bit of the magic I'm going to go back to the test clip and as you can see there it's a little bit small but that's because it's scaled down from the nest so I'm going to scale that up to say let's go to about 80 and there you go we now have those subtitles on our video ready to rock and roll so yeah that's the quick way of adding these captions in Premiere Pro and that concludes this tutorial if you have any trouble whatsoever drop me a line anywhere you can find me and I'll be happy to help you out I'll take some time to help you go through it step by step if there's anything that's not clear likewise I'd really appreciate if you could drop me a subscribe and potentially leave a comment in the comment section if you have any suggestions fire away I'm all ears if I can help you guys make better content then I'm doing my job correctly so yeah once again shout out to Saturn's ring again go check his video out in the description and I hope you enjoy your editing Journey folks as always happy editing
Channel: Ash Beechey
Views: 8,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: premiere pro, Alex Hormozi Captions, How to make captions like alex hormozi, add captions like alex hormozi, grand cardone captions, tiktok captions, instagram reels captions, add auto captions to video
Id: mS61fidnUsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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