Add Bling to Your Terminal With Neofetch and Powerline Shell

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the most powerful tool we have at our disposal as Linux users is the shell the command prompt the bash shell which is the default shell in most Linux distributions now the shell it's not attractive it's not sexy it's rather plain looking how can we add a little bling to our terminal I'm going to show you how let's get started so adding a little bling to our terminal here what we're gonna do is we're gonna install two programs to give us you know a little pizzazz a little pizzazz to our shell and I'm gonna be using Manjaro today in this demonstration in Manjaro the default shell is bash but you could use these these programs I'm going to show you today you can use these in the seashell zsh you could use these in fish but today I'm going to demonstrate this using bash so we're gonna install two programs one of them is called neo fetch a neo fetch neo fetch and the other program is called power line shell power line - shell now neo fetch is a very popular program it is in a lot of Linux distributions so this should be a simple sudo apt install neo fetch in some of the recent of boon twos and a lot of the Ubuntu base distros on arch sudo pac-man - capitalist neo fetch I believe neo fetches in the main line archery bows or it could be in the aur it could be wrong about that a power line - shell there is a power line - shell and the arch aur but do not install that the best way to install power line shell regardless of distro is to use pip pip install power line shell you're gonna need root privileges so you need to execute that command as root as su or using sudo invoke sudo sudo pip install power line - he'll so I'm going to fire up a VM and I mean just a second here and this is a VM of Manjaro here let me log out here and log back in the resolution is a little weird VirtualBox guest additions and that was not the right password for this VM there we go alright so this is open box I'm gonna go ahead and launch a terminal looks like the terminal I installed in this VM was termite a really nice terminal of course we have our bash prompt here here you know it's a very plain-looking prop it's your standard shell prompt it has my user name DT it has the name of this machine DT PC and then of course it has the dollar symbol the dollar symbol signifies we are our regular user our home user if that dollar symbol was instead a hashtag a pound symbol that would signify that we were root okay so sudo Pegman - capitalists neo fetch again I'm not sure this is in the repos or not okay neo fetch is in the standard archery pose I thought so and it's probably in the standard a boon to repos Fedora Susa Gen 2 neo fetch again is a very popular program now then I installed neo fetch if I type neo fitch in the terminal to run run that program that is neo fish really really cool now that is really cool but I don't want to always have to open a terminal and then type neo fetch for that to execute I want that to execute as soon as I launch a terminal how do I do that well we need to edit our bash or C file let me show you how to do that so we need to go to our home folder so let me open up a file manager I have the PC man M file manager installed here so we need to find our bash RC file in the home folder in the home directory here there is a hidden file called dot bash RC and basically this is the config file for bash for the bash shell you open this in geni where it'll be a little more readable and let me zoom in so you guys can see what I'm doing here but anyway this is our bash RC file now you don't want to play around with this file too much unless you know what you're doing but anyway we've installed neo fetch the very last line of the bash RC file I'm gonna type the word neo I'm gonna save this let me minimize it let me close this terminal and launch a new one so launch termite again and Neil fetch now runs as soon as you launch the terminal as soon as the bash shell is executed neo fetch is executed as we'll very cool now let me show you power line shell so let's install power line shell again the best way to install it in on any distro where you have sudo already installed sudo he'll install power line - chill if you don't have sudo on your system like debian doesn't use sudo out of the Buffs you have to actually just type su su to get to a root command prompt and then just type pill install power line - shell so pseudo pimp install power line - shield give it root password alright pill is not installed by default here on this was man Jaros I three edition so I actually have to install pill so sudo Peck man - catalyst and I believe it is Python - pip it's the name of the program in arch it is so this will install pill and now I go back and do sudo pip install power line - he'll okay it is installing power line - he'll now let me restart the bash prompt now we still don't have our power line here we need to create a config file alright looking back at the github page to create the config file you can actually generate a config file with this command here so type that here in my terminal I run the command and now when I restart bash simply type bash in the prompt and hit enter and we still don't have the power line shell yet because to run the power line show we have to go back and add something to our bash or C file again just like we did with neo fetch let me show you what you need to add we go back to the github page first again Bash is what we're using you guys they're using zsh or fish you would edit your Z as Z SHRC file or your fish config file but in bash we need to add this to our to the end of our bash RC file we need to copy that and paste that in the bash RC so I'm gonna go right here actually I'm gonna create a space right above where I pasted neo fetch earlier and now I'm gonna paste this what I needed to add for a power line to work alright I'm gonna save that minimize it now let me restart the bash shell again be a Sh of course and here we are we have neo fetch and we have our power line now the power line does not look correct probably doesn't like some of the fonts we're using let me see if I can find a font that will work with power line - show so actually neo fetch gives us some system information the default font here in the shell is a boon - mono twelve now I set that up because I love a boon to Mono space - font it's a beautiful font it's easy on the eyes it's easy to read that thought though it's not really compatible with power line now there are some versions of a boon - mono that were designed specifically with power line in mind so some of the power line glyphs will display right I know in arch in the aur there is a package called a boon to nerd font actually there's a package just called nerd fonts which is a collection of several matched fonts for power line auntie install that since it's in the aur I'm gonna do yah worked space - yes capitalist and then nerd fonts like it's complete we'll just download them all I'll pause the video for a second while I install these alright so I finished downloading the nerd thought package now this is available and the arch aur for those of you running arch space distros now for you guys running other distros you know debian-based distros a boon to base distros gen to base distros what-have-you you may need to install some other font package but you need to install a font that is patched to properly display power line glyphs so now that I have some fonts for that I need to actually configure my terminal to use those now you guys running things like kinome KDE XFC the standard terminals and those desktop environments you would go to the top menu and choose preferences and you'll have like a drop-down menu for fonts or whatever and you just you know click whatever font you installed for power line me I'm using termite termite requires me to edit a config file so let me open up my file manager PC Mandel theme here and the config file for termite I believe is found in dot config slash termite yep and there's a file called config in that folder and in this config file see where do I have my font set I actually wouldn't expect me to change the font here in this video you know that kind of threw me for a loop I expected power line shield to just work but I need to change the font from a boon to mono to a boon to mono all one word space nerd space punch and I'll make it a little bigger instead of twelve point font let's make it thirteen point five and I save that file let's close that file and close termite and reopen it and there we have neo fetch with some great system information you know OS host Colonel uptime packages shell screen resolution window manager window manager theme icons thermal terminal or what terminal program are we using termite terminal font now reads Illume - mono nerd font 13 pixels CPU GPU memory very cool and then now the prompt instead of just being a rather plain shell prompt that you're used to seeing now has this power line theme and if you want to you can create your own power line theme as far as adjusting the colors and the layout I'm not gonna get into that but you guys that want to know how to do it check out the power line shield github page I'm gonna link both neo fetch and power line shells github pages in the description of this video so you guys that want to again add a little bling to your terminal you know six it up a little bit that's how you do it before I go I do need to give a special thanks to my patrons all my patreon supporters a que Ron mr. Neely pops John Bryan crawl Craig Carlos Rob Matt dark when Mark Christian Jake Benjamin Steven B Steven Z Marcus interceptor Bob Lee or Omar Silvio David Alex Bruno Mike Manuel Nick Eduardo David Tony Michael and - Bella you guys Rock you guys help make this show possible peace guys [Music]
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 112,599
Rating: 4.8854127 out of 5
Keywords: Terminal, shell, bash, zsh, fish, command line, bling, sexy, neofetch, powerline, Linux, Arch, Ubuntu
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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