Add A Texture to An Object - Blender Tutorial

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soap you want some Flapjacks but Jack does not a flap and flap can't jack so you just settle for waffles instead hey guys I met this bike I'm kind of today we're back once again taking a look at how to add an image or a texture onto an object and we've done this before uh quite a long time ago and a lot of people said that some things changed and some things are different and it works differently now and you do it differently so I'm here to uh to redo this kind of thing and help you guys out so let's go ahead and the first thing you can see here is we have the default Cube all this stuff we're just going to use default Cube Today the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna go down to the material tab down here at the uh at the bottom right of the screen material Tab and I'm gonna hit this little uh this little yellow circle next to base color hit that little bad boy right there and we can change this to image texture boom so now once it says image texture it's going to open up this thing that says new and open now if you had an image already um set you could open an image right here or you can hit new and this will just add in a new image and then you can just you know and you can draw one in blender but we're gonna open an image like an actual image instead of drawing one in blender so I hit open and this one wants me to open it'll open up this uh your your file folders essentially so then what you're going to do is you're going to find the picture wherever it is whatever picture you're going to use on your on your computer pictures downloads wherever the picture's at and then you can select that picture and we'll go on from there we'll go ahead and choose this image which is an image of the North Pole now when you hit this in open and it won't show you anything but what you can do is you can go up here to material mode and you can see up at the top right hit this little material button right here material preview there's four circles up here in the third one hit the third one uh you can see now when you scroll in you can see the image of the North Pole on the um on the cube now everything's looking kind of weird it's kind of you know in all different directions and whatnot so how we can fix this is a couple different a couple different ways so let's go ahead and put our cursor in the top left of the screen until it turns into a little plus and it means just click and drag and split our window into two pieces and then this little button up here at the top left that says editor type and then we can click that and change this to the uh UV editor nice so once we do that we hit this little drop down and then select the image which is this is the image that's what it looks like um but you see it's all kind of like all over the place over here so what we're going to do is we're going to hit tab to go into edit mode and once we do that you can see It'll open up this little thing looks like a t like a cross on the left hand side on the image so this all of these little pieces is uh correlating to a side on this Cube So like um this piece so this I'm going to face select mode so face select mode up at the top you can select each face um this piece right here this is that this piece is that this piece is this one the middle and then that piece is this piece you can see what what I'm trying to get at here is you all these different sides correlate to a different piece over here now these are all like rectangles when they shouldn't be because this isn't really unwrapped properly so we can we can hit U to unwrap this and they can just regular unwrap and what that's going to do is it's going to unwrap it the way that it like really strangely so you don't want to do that just hit U and you can have Smart UV project light map all this stuff you can do Cube projection which is going to make it so that all of them are the same size of a square and then you can go ahead and like select each of these pieces by going to face select mode up here and then just hitting s to scale it I don't know where this one which ones are this on top so you can ask to scale it and you can make it bigger or smaller so you have the whole picture on the um on the cube there which is good so if if you uh need that to be exactly at the size of the cube there you go that's perfect now there the other one that I would recommend doing maybe sometimes for some specific situations is smart UV project and then hitting okay now you can see the reason I like this is because it kind of puts them all like you know in a nice little format um and you can hit G and move them all around and they're all separate and solo unlike the the other one we just did where they were all kind of connected so if we do that again you can see Cube if I hit G to move these they're connected see how it's like connected like a cube and it's very strange and it can look weird like this little piece up at the top so I wouldn't recommend that the one that I would recommend every single time is always going to be smart UV project leave all these um options the same hit okay and then you can go ahead and move these around what you want you can ask to scale them up move them around you know make this one there you know that nice little picture of the North Pole on the top there and you can do the same thing in the maybe on the bottom maybe this piece you only want the water so let's go ahead and select that piece hit s to scale it down and then just move it to the water only got the water in that one maybe on this side whatever side this is um you can hit g once again select this hit G and maybe you only want the Aurora Borealis you know hit tab to go in and out of this edit mode like I said before hit tab again select this piece maybe you want this one to be rotated so you move it down to the mountains and then you hit r or you hit R to rotate this you can see you can rotate like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it's spinning a little crazy but yeah you can rotate that one a little bit you know go crazy whatever your heart wants is exactly what you're going to get so that's how you add an image to an object um very very cool stuff very easy to do um hope you ladies and gentlemen enjoy the tutorial I hope you learned something new I will see you in the next one but until then [Music]
Channel: TutsByKai
Views: 402,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutsbykai, tuts by kai, kai, tuts, beginner, tutorial videos, tutorials, tutorial, how to, beginner tutorial, easy tutorial, simple, easy, animation
Id: mURA2g1rOSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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