Add a CG Car in Real World Using VFX | Blender VFX Tutorial

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so hey guys what's up MPS here and welcome back to another excited visual effect tutorial today we are going to create an amazing CGI using blender and after effect so if you have not drive your car yet I will show you how we can easily drive with the help of czi so without any more delay let's get started this video but before that please hit the like button subscribe our channel so that we can you know before moving next I would like to highlight one of our amazing coures called modern visual effect which will help you to understand the czi and it will help you to add visual effect into your realistic real world footage so I will put the link of my course in my video description you can go there and check it and you can create all the amazing effect and I am also planning to add more chapters in the future so let's get started this tutorial let's go let's de let's watch it so here we are inside after effect I will simply select my footage drop on this icon and it will create a comp or I can right click go to the track and stabilize and choose stack camera go to effect and control advance and enable detail analyze wait to process it so you can see we have enough points available on the ground and this is what I want to do here I will try to drive a CG carard so I will simply move my cursor over here and set ground plane and origin and also I will select and solid and camera so it will create a solid over here I also move my cursor over here and create solid and if I want I can also create some else over here but that's enough for me and if you want to check you can select this and apply a grid effect and maybe you can press s and scale it a bit press W to rotate it and if you'll play you'll see if it's properly sticking on the surface or not it's almost good to me and we can you know move further and we will use a addon call a to Lear to transfer this whole data inside blender if you want to track this footage inside blender I have a dedicated Video available on my channel which will explain all the workflow so I'll simply open blender and before doing anything I know the resolution frame rate so I will quickly change it so I will go to the output properties and here I'll make it 1080 by 9020 and change the frame rate to 30 and if you want to know what's your frame rate of the footage so go to the composition setting and you'll see all the details over here and here I'll make it two 4 three pretty much this is the frame I have the next step is to Simply go to the after effect select your camera press U and select this both position and orientation copy it and go to the blender and click on this button called create camera and it will create a camera over here and also the key frames so if you'll go to the camera icon and if I click play you'll see it has a movement going on and just like the camera I will reveal the transformation contrl C to copy all these four values and go to the blender and click on this create plane and it will create a plane perfect you can see now the next step is to also transfer the second one so I'll select this one it's not necessary but I'm going to add it just in case if I need it so create plane that's it now I want to use the same footage over in blender so that I can see if it's properly sticking or not so I will go to the camera camera properties over here and also go to the background and choose add image movie clip and open and I will load the same footage over here and here you can see it's starting from zero so I will select the camera transform and move this key frame one frame farward so it will start from one now we are able to see your photage so I'll simply Cel the camera camera properties and here also enable the opacity full and let's play and check so you can see it's floating in the air which I don't want and this is happening because of the wrong focal length so if you'll select the camera and you will see the focal length it's by default 50 which I have to change so first I'll go to the 3D tracker camera and here I'll copy the focal length by pressing control+ C go to blender and paste that and also divide it by 1.77 778 and boom now we have a perfect camera tracking going on over here you can see and guys uh and guys if you are a beginner I will highly suggest you go and check out some of our amazing tutorial which I already created on our Channel and all those videos are step by step so it will help you a lot if you're are struggling and if you're not able to you know solve your camera not able to fix the orientation not able to fix the glitches please go and check out I will put all the tutorials link also in my video description and also on this maybe this or this I button now if you think orientation is a little bit off we can fix it and also if I create a cube you can see the scale is pretty much big so I can also fix the scale so for doing that I will create a new empathy I will rename this so now I will select the camera transform and with holding shift select the play L transform and in the end go and select this contrl and press contrl p and choose object keep transform select this press s and scale it down create a cube to see so this looks decent I can press RZ and maybe I can just rotate a bit let's add a CZ C which I downloaded from sketch F I will also put the link of this footage 3D model available in in my video description so you can go and check it download it and use it and tag me so I can see that what is the file import gltf and I will use and press M to move this into a new collection called car select highly s and make it scale scale until it looks decent to you so right now this looks okay for me so this is little bit small so I'll press s so the next step is to create a 3D scene so first go over here this is in a collection so I will click here and it will disable this so first I want to create a 3D floor so for that I will select this plane I will press tab to go inside the edit mode press two and select this Ed press e x and move it all the way till here select this one e x and move it till here select this three line press e y and just move it all the way till here kind of this and uh so basically I was trying to create a rough floor where I can drive my car e and just move it like this so let's play and see also I can enable x-ray view so I can see if it's working good so yeah this is pretty much fine and I hope you got the idea the way I set up this scene okay controls to save this we have our car right let's make it enable disable transparency select this ground press h to hide it and also select this one press h to hide it okay so now I want to separate this from this null then I will combine everything together like this whole base in one object and or all four wheels in a separate object so that I can rig it in a easy steps Okay so press maybe three select everything or I can simply select right click select High Press alt p and choose clear and keep transformation so if I will reveal this you can see we have a lot of nulls going on over here so I select all the nulls scroll down press shift and select all this now delete this so now we have only the objects now I will enable xray vision or xray View and I'll select all these okay so I will simply drag select G to move and you can see we still have few object left so I'll press shift and and I will try to select everything G and yeah not this one okay so G you can see perfect so now we separated this base so I'll press shift and highlight any of one object and press contrl J so it will join everything with that and same I will do with this uh you know wheels so I will select the base press h to hide and also rename this to the base and now select all the wheels control highlight and contrl J to join same I will do with others you can check this you can see you can select and move and check if now I want to move this origin into the you know almost in the center so I will select this press three right click set origin to the mass volume and herey same I will do with set origin mass volume perfect now I if I want I can just rename these things so now I just rename this so enable the base and this is front right so I will press F FR this is front left f l perfect so we have four wheels and one base this is perfect now I will use an add-on which is RBC so here you can see it's a physics based vehicle rigging add-on so if you'll try the free version you can rig only one object which will be car limited setup and limited control and all just I tried to see if it's really good and yeah it's really good so let me show you how you can do it so press seven and uh now let's press n and I already installed this addon okay so I will select everything press three and just move it almost in the almost over here so now uh I will select again everything press CR a and apply all transformation set origin to the center of mask and perfect we are ready to move now I will open RBC addon over here select this add car okay add rig basically select this body and make it vacle body select this Wheels One by once and assign a role like this is front right this is front left this is below left and this is back right or below uh right something like that okay let's click on this generate rig and it will add generate a rig and you will also you will also see a controller over here and if you go to the camera view and this is also created uh you know ground by default so I will go to the RBC add-on collection over here and you will see a option called RBC ground so I will simply disable or hide them okay I will enable our ground plane which we created earlier like this one okay and this works based on the physics so for interacting with this ground I have to enable physics also over here so I'll select the ground press contr a and choose scale make sure scale is applied go to the physics properties and choose rigid body and make it passive go to the Sens sensitivity and enable Collision margin and make the margin maybe pretty much two and let's play and see if it's happening something like that you can see something happened but our car is not driving so I will go to the control over here and I have few options just like I have option for the drive so just increase the number and you'll suddenly see it's moving oh my God this is really good right so let's make it in a way which will look good in our scene so I will select this press RZ and just rotate it like this press gy and move it all the way till here and uh let's play and you can see it's moving forward and there are few more control just like steering so let's me make it one and let's see what will happen you can see and the good thing which I like a lot is like I can also key these numbers let me let me make it minus and see you can see and if you'll notice over here it's behaving like it's a flat plane to fix this I will select the ground and make the save to miss and now let me play and you will see a bump you can see perfect so the next step is to here is also option called motor torque so if I'll make it 12 it will increase the motor in more high speed and it will behave like this let me make it even more like kind of a two let me down the motor like five or [Music] something and if I want I can also key this and it will behave accordingly so this this this animation is pretty good I will come back almost over 60 frame and I will add a key frame in the steering and go the 70 second and make it like3 so suddenly it will start rotating the you know just play and you can see I I am I am playing almost in the real time and this looks good I can also drag this number like this let me show you how you can bake it so here is the option called record so click here and let's play and it will record and cast the whole animation and you'll also see uh you know option over here delete catch so now it's recorded in our system and this looks good now let's uh add some environment and talk about the rendering part okay and it's up to you you can play a lot I can go even more further and I can apply some uh you know different different key frames in the steering so it will behave like a drifting so let's go to the environment tab let's go here to the rendering mode and go to the render property and choose cycles and make it GPU and here you will notice something weird in in the wheels and also on the body I will talk and I will fix it in a moment but first let me go to the environment Tab and add the environment texture which will be our 360 map and quickly I will you know rotate this so and same angle so we will get also the reflection more uh you know good way I will select the base first and I will change this to the object and I will create a new material called ground and I will drag and drop our real footage over here and plug the camera into the base color and select this press contrl T and make this into the window and on the this video clip change repeat to clip or maybe uh extend will be better option also enable cycles and auto refresh and increase the frame number to th000 and uh increase the roughness a bit also add a RGB curse effect and just try to Bright our footage just a bit to match with our actual footage increase the roughness now let's select our ground plane go to the object data properties and go to the visibility and enable sadow catcher boom also go here and change this to the render region so I can only see through my camera and now if I will you know Zoom I will go to the RBC add-on and go down just you have to disable all this visibility so disable it also for other wheels and uh yeah pretty much we are done let's go to the camera view I think is there any Gap or something maybe just because of the let's go to the RBC add-on and on the ground select the ground plane so it's it's feel like it's a little bit you know it's feel like it's uh let me go over here and let me enable the timeline it's feel like yeah you can see it's feel like it's floating so let me fix it quickly so I just select selected the RBC ground and make it just a bit down so that I can select my uh original ground plane and go to the physics properties and on over here I'll down the margin to 01 press n and now I have to delete the cat and record and play again so you can see how easy this whole task is to add and do the all animation with this RVC so now you can see it's a lot better than before and yeah this can work for me and the next thing if you want to change the color you can just simply select this and uh this is the car pent so I'll go to the Sher editor and on over here I can simply add H and saturation value plug in between these notes for the base color and here I can just down the saturation and also down the value to make it almost black if I want I can just also add uh here color ramp basically maybe that will work or this value is also working so I can play accordingly basically I want to change the uh you know uh glass color so I will just go here and remove this Alpha slider and yeah this is all why I want so yeah this is pretty much it go to the timeline if I will enable the EV ambient Clos and two Factor two and if I will play you can see completely the whole animation how it's behaving and if you feel it's if you if you will believe like it's slow you can simply you know change the settings and that will be you know enough so yeah this is the tutorial and I hope now you can drive your CG car let me show you the rendering part so I'll will go to the rendering properties and in the render tabe I'll make it 256 and if you want to change the light path uh you know bounces you can do it but I probably leave these numbers and the next is go to the output properties over here and here you can decide a location where you want to export and once you are happy just go to the render render image and then after that you can just combine this in after effect and that that's pretty much it for the tutorial all right so thank you so much for watching this video thank you so much for loving me I M and3 and I will see you next time with an amazing tutorial until then keep working keep smiling bye-bye and take [Music] care
Channel: NPS 3D™
Views: 19,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, blender tutorial, blender car animation, visual effects, first vfx in blender, blender first vfx video, blender tutorial for beginners, blender vfx tutorial for beginners, ae2blend free download, vfx blender, blender vfx tutorial, blender easy vfx tutorial#, blender beginner vfx, easy vfx in blender, learn vfx for beginners, nps3d, blenedr 4.0, blender4.O, vfx artists react, blender cgi ad vfx, CGI Ads Using VFX in Blender, blender commercial ad vfx
Id: aQRuEPsXa30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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