Inventor Rubber Boot Adaptive Assembly

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well hello and welcome to our cad tutorial videos please make sure that you subscribe and uh follow us if you have any uh cad tutorial ideas that you would like us to demonstrate please leave those in the comments and we'll be happy to do that for you today's video we're going to finish up our spring boot assembly in the previous video we created this adaptive spring that changes as the piston is uh drawn in and extended out we'll demonstrate that before we get started so we'll just drive that one constraint and there we can see our spring is engaged and working all right so today we're going to go ahead and make the boot so i am going to create a new part file and i want to make sure it's in the right folder okay once i'm in the new part file i am going to go ahead and offset the plane at the end of the piston with a zero distance offset the plane at the end of the cylinder again with the zero and i'm going to bring in the axis down the center so those are my three work features we'll go ahead and start a sketch and we'll place this sketch on the yz plane okay now it's time to do our sketch let's start with creating a line down here and then we'll start to create some angles that will represent the boot geometry i want to try and avoid any automatic adaptation or constraints and i feel like i already have some i see some 90 degrees in here that'll mess this up okay so let's try it again all right if i can get three good ones in here okay that looks pretty good all right at this point i'm going to take an equals constraint and place it on this piece and this piece i'm going to throw and throwing a constraint on to the ends of each of those work features that's what's going to make the connection between this and controlling our dimension i can't remember if i put equals on here and here i did all right let's put a dimension there now and we'll make that half inch okay from there i'm going to put equals on each of these all right then i'm going to take and create a sketch line as a construction and we'll just stretch it across i'm not going to place a dimension on this but i'm going to try and control where these points are all right let's do the same on the bottom [Applause] and okay let's establish a dimension off of this piece to the center and we'll set that 0.5 as well all right that's looking pretty good no dimensions on our construction lines so that they're allowed to change we're now going to put an angle dimension across here to here it's showing 121 degrees and some change right now we're going to change that by right clicking on it to a driven dimension notice the brackets that way it can change and adapt to our geometry changes we'll set the second dimension of the angle to the first one and we'll repeat that process down all right good my final dimension is going to be a line dimension on one of these straight edge edges and we'll set that to let's try one now let's add a little bit more to it 1.1 okay and that should finish that line everything should be in good shape we're going to go ahead and offset this down at .05 oops let's undo that i left that construction piece on do it again all right that's good finish the sketch up we'll now take and revolve the geometry along the axis good okay at this point we'll come in with a fillet command okay so i fill it at all our radiuses and i'm going to change my view to wireframe so i can get the insides while we're here so we'll come back and fill up those all right looking good change our view back to shaded and we'll go ahead and add a material do rubber all right before i move on i'll go ahead and turn the visibility of my two work planes in work access or my work features off and we'll return back to our assembly model go ahead and change a view a little bit and we'll come on up to our control driven dimension right click on it and drive it and this should work nicely for us there we go we got ourselves a rubber boot that is adaptive that is running uh at the same time as our adaptive spring so this was a very fairly simple assembly that demonstrates two adaptive features in the same assembly model being controlled by a single constraint remember that original single constraint was a mate between this face here and the inside of the cylinder with a distance that we're running between one inch and four inches i hope you enjoyed this video again please subscribe to the channel leave some comments um for some future uh models like this thank you
Channel: Morrison Institute of Technology
Views: 951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nq4_kffB_7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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