Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Staple Sorter and Organizer!

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ah so let's see how do i how do i how do i i didn't  make any plans about this intro greetings tested   fans adam savage here in my cave today's one  day build is another shop infrastructure build   behind me is the sorting container i made  for all of my staplers yeah for all of my   staplers nail guns etc and a few additional power  tools oh my god that's where the circular saw is   i forgot that i put it there i forgot  that i put it there and i like misplaced   it last week and i had to go ask my  son to return my corded circular saw   whoops okay so this uh this container is  radically successful in its integration   into the shop it fits in a space that was in no  man's land and on top of it i had a sword emo case   one of these guys an extra one and it was full  of the staples and nails of various sizes but   it was not an efficient distributor of those  staples and nails and the fact is i now have   enough staples and nails of different types and  different lengths that i really really really need   better access to them i'm coughing because the  smoke is covering san francisco today if you're   wondering when this was shot this was shot during  the fires and the parts per million is around 150   in the city right now yeah we're all feeling  it anyway it's time to build a proper sorter   for the nails and staples to go with the nailers  and staplers and it's gonna go right on top of   this cart so i may wheel this cart out and uh  start to figure out how to make that container   that is where my sorter is going to live  right there so here are the sorta mo sorters   that have my various sizes of  narrow crown staples nailed i think those are 16 or 18 gauge  nails 23 gauge nails t50 staples   and i actually i possess a wide crown  stapler and i need to stock up on some   wide crown staples right now the only size i  have hold on let me hold these up to my arm are one and one and three quarter inch wide  crown staples uh so i'm going to have to   just accommodate for i'm going to give  myself five sizes of wide crown staples   everything has to live here on this footprint  and it can't go higher than 15 inches because   that's how much room i have in there and i  think i'm gonna build this entire cabinet   out of this uh i think this is eighth inch luan   uh and i'm going to build it in a tavern slot  construction so it should be a lot of measuring   and figuring at the beginning and then a very  fast assembly at the end but we shall see oh oh   i am also once i get these in those contain once  i get all of these in the container that goes here   that's when i'm actually going to implement a  brand new um visual system for parsing which   staples i need to use ah that's gonna be  cool all right let's get let's get started i have all of the pieces of wood cut out i am  going to make this uh sorter for staples eight   bins across and three bins high that gives me 32  spaces i have 31 bins gives me one extra space   um these are the sides they will get slots sawn in  them on the table saw here and then these are the   10 pieces that make up the body these are  the horizontals these are the verticals   what i need to do is make some  careful measurements on these   and on these in order to make the slices that  i will make so that these can all tab and   slot together and it's going to be a little bit  laborious it's just going to take a little time my horizontal pieces are cut out i am i made  this job easy i forgot to say this at the   front i made this job easy by choosing a three  pull a three ply luon plywood that's the exact   width of my table saw blade and that makes these  slots very easy to do the math on and figure out   and uh get them right so these  pieces when i'm done will all do this business now here's the thing about tab  and slot is you can actually go too far with   these i mean sorry you have my permission  to go farther than the halfway point because   they can go a little farther and  be brought back into orientation   plus you'll notice i did each cut twice because  i was bilaterally symmetrical all of that is the   longest way of saying i'm really pleased with how  these went it's now time to do the verticals and   normally i don't like bringing my hands into that  kind of orientation with a table saw but um with   my ability to hold it steady i felt comfortable  doing that uh and i thought that that was actually   a little bit uh better for me than using the sled  for this just for getting the measurements right   your results may vary stay safe now it's  time to gut the verticals i made a mistake   uh it's not a critical mistake because i can  recover from it but i said i was doing eight   by three i'm doing eight by four high i  just i had a little brain fart it's not   i and i said it i said eight by three high  which gives me 32 bins everyone should have   understood that my brain was not working  so eight by four bins yes time to cut the verticals right so i need  this right okay here we go so i have all my pieces of wood cut out there we go um it is a total of  seven eight nine ten eleven twelve   thirteen fourteen fifteen pieces of wood there's a particular reason i  love tab and slot construction it maximizes the engineering ability of the  plywood and minimizes the amount of space needed   for that engineering so i get the most amount  of structure for the least amount of additional   structure required to hold that structure  together right if i had at any rate i love   tab and slot i've been doing it since i was making  my first tool sorters in my toolboxes in the 90s   and you will see just how quickly this goes  together because i'm just going to let it free   roll i mean they may time lapse later but i'm  going to free roll this so i'm going to get a   little bit of glue i do want i do want it to be  permanent i'm going to get my 22 gauge layer and   i'm going to put some small nails in this oh i've  already got them some 5 8 inch nails are perfect air supply they were such a great band okay  so uh we're gonna do the tabs and the slots   first i'm just i'm so excited about  this going together it's literally been   an hour since i started these are very  fast constructions when they have it so um do six seven then i can turn that  over and start to feed these guys   again this is where it gets a little  bit fiddly where you just gotta kind of come on anyone who's done this  knows this particular dance   it's not it's not overly complicated it's just that should make the third one much easier but again my tolerance is so classic me  the tolerance is just a little too tight oh yeah nothing that little taffy tap won't help oh yeah let's just double check this is so i don't make the watson die inside  subreddit and that is fantastic okay so now   that look at that there is almost no way  you could make you could more maximally use   the space allotted for 32 bits there there there  really is almost no way you could make a lighter   faster structure that took up less space i  appreciate that i love that about you jerry uh okay that so we're gonna you can hear when it's hit  bottom for the most part yeah take okay that guy now okay i for did i forget to put blue on this  it's not where glue is super important where glue is super important is  more than the top the bottom yes   yes right there and that will help hold  this in a nice orientation this this is   going together so fast oh right right right  right right i almost forgot i'm going to put   this on and then i've got something to do with  the next one so put a little bit of glue here um i want to be clear like i built that i built  that stand for my nailers a few months ago with   the understanding that the that the bin i had for  the staples and nails would need to get rebuilt   lest you imagine that i always have a  grand plan it took me months to figure   out exactly what size that thing should be  yeah it did it took me months so here we go nice okay so i have some of my bins some of my bins only go halfway and i don't want  them to go farther so i actually need to suck in   just a little stop and i'm just gonna you  know what i'm just gonna do that with hot glue i'm just gonna do that fastest  and it'll be a reversible a reversible fix but i have to cut i'm only gonna do seven if i have  to add another one later i will   um and i'm just gonna use i don't wanna use that on the bottom perfect i'll be right  back while my hot glue gun is heating up i was all set to use this piece of wood and  then i found a scrap over on the bandsaw   and i just cut these guys out that's  they're perfect they're absolutely perfect   so we're gonna just put one yeah  that's what we're gonna do just like that i'm gonna have a snack while my glue gun  heats up all right i've got my pieces glued in   i'm about to glue in the top or the bottom i'm not  sure which is which this is um when i say it took   me months to figure out the structure for this  um i know that this doesn't seem like the kind   of structure that would require months of research  or thinking about it but really the issue i had   was one of information i didn't have enough  information for to come up with a design   um and what i mean by information is i didn't  know what i needed it to hold so i was thinking   oh should it hold t50 staples  well that's one kind of solution   should it hold um should it hold all of the  staples in the shop or should it hold some   of them or you know i you have to you have to  come to answers to these questions in order   to figure out the structure that you want to  build to hang on to stuff so that's what i spent   months doing kind of assessing as i was going on  projects what sort of i'm going to get up here we'll go with the narrow crown just for  yeah there we go not going anywhere yep okay so uh let's see this that's not the  front that's the front that's the front   so and these guys go on the bottom terrific   awesome oh right and now this guy goes on the  back right okay so this is one where i really   didn't give myself enough room and this is  the last big piece of lumen i have is it   she's gotta have something oh i see you down there  uh hidden pieces of wood nope that one's too good well that would do it but it's  weird just a tiny bit too small okay   stay there you know what yeah  we're just gonna go with that it's not gonna fully cover  but that's fine i don't need   it too i just need a little bit of extra structure so so that's the back that's the back that's the back   good hmm just put the difference there i don't  want to toenail into luan anyway all right now we're making great guns  great progress the question is what's   the top and what's the bottom i think  that's the top i'm going to label it top oh that's great look at that that's just  glorious all right so i'm gonna hold that down love it now it's time to label these so i can  easily retrieve the things that go in them   how am i going to do that well  it's time to make another list time to make another list and this is the list  of the broad categories of staples and nails   and then it is the list of what each of each of those labels has on it that's a nice shot i have made here come a little closer i have made all the  labels i have made them on a piece of styrene   which if you can see you saw in the video uh  in the time lapse i pre-scored so when i'm   done with all these all i'll need to do is snap  them and they'll all be ready to pop on here one   two three four five all 32 but these labels here  you can see each one i've got uh 23 gauge nails   that's the measurement up top that's the most  important thing is the measurement so it's   i put it up top but this isn't the whole  label oh no because i am now going to   glue an example of each of the staples  and nails exactly on the label itself   every shop i've ever seen that did  that was an intuitive place that was   exactly the kind of sorting and arrangement that  makes me happy i need the visual it's all about   communicating the information as fast as possible  about what you need and this is how to do it yeah that's not the book that i wanted um okay  so now it's uh i'm gonna do this on the time   lapse because it's a you know it's going  to take me like 40 minutes just to do this   pull out one of each of these types of things and  glue it right here with some cyanoacrylate glue   let's get a little perspective it is going well and we're on the home stretch  we have every bin has an example of the   staple or nail that's inside of it with the  size and the type on the front this this is   i've been wanting this for a long time i've  been wanting one of these for a long time and   finally figuring out the structure  is making me very happy i am using   something that i normally don't use in the  shop for a permanent solution and that is   hot glue but i did some research and  i found this specific type of hot glue that is a high strength glue and i'm also uh  if you saw on the time lapse i've toothed up   i've just made some hatch hash marks on the  plastic here you can see yeah there you go   you can see those hash marks those uh  i'm putting those also on the backs   of each of the labels so i'm giving i'll show  you what i'm doing scratch describe scratch   sort of like five four or five passes for  each one let's see yeah there you go see that   yeah so each one of these 18 gauge nails  this is a half inch this is an 18 gauge   nail there i've written half inch so i'm just  gonna put a little hot glue on the back here   and i hope that between the tooth and the use of  the high strength hot glue that this will stay   it might not i don't know what i'll  do then maybe i'll toss in some rivets   actually i can toss in one rivet on each one  of these i don't have the energy today no   rivets but if any of these falls off rivets  okay um we can go back to the time lapse   well you saw me pull out the drill i got all  the labels on here and then i was thinking if i   every shop i have ever seen that had bins like  this many of them the labels had fallen off every   shop i mean i love the organizational ethos  but it clearly comes with a caveat which is   you know these are abusive environments  they're hot they're cold people   bang around things get thrown things drop so  i was thinking i should just add rivets it's   going to take me an extra 10 minutes on this  build and frankly it's those little decisions that i've started to make more and more and  more and they have to do with that commitment to   just the right amount of craft like i could  have not put rivets in here and it would have   maybe taken me months and months and months  to get around to putting rivets in there   but if you do it now i never have to think about  it again i know that these labels will always   stay there now the staples themselves might  fall off after a few years but that's easy   to put on the label takes a little more time  and when something takes a little more time   to repair it takes longer for you to get to  that repair so we're on the i keep saying   we're on the home stretch maybe i don't say  the camera but i keep saying it to myself let me get out rivet gun okay so now we're just gonna  burn through this nice and quick i'm just gonna put it you know what  i'm actually going to play uh let's   talk about assembly lining here so as you  notice i kind of did every operation i did   on each of these bins kind of i would  complete the full set of operations   and the reason i do that is because assembly  lining is faster than you know if i just took   each one of these bins drew a separate label  for it glued it on and put it in the thing   um and then there's this other aspect that  i do which is as i'm going i i manage my   let me get my thoughts in order the other thing  that might not be the obvious component of this   build is information management i talk  about order of operations all the time   on the mill and the lathe um and even with  soldering brass but it really matters here too   so first i took out all the staples and i laid  them out in size order then i managed to make sure   i had enough containers to hold them all then once  i laid them all out and put them in the containers   i made a little side label on each container so  that i could double check that one the right size   was in there the right label was going on and  each time i attached a label i was making sure   that that label was going on the bin that  it should be going on um that kind of   there's a famous story about uh the the  sea change that federal express initiated   in international shipping and the sea change  that they initiated was that fedex i think if   i remember the story correctly fedex was the  first company that considered the information   about their package to be as important as the  package itself the package has no value unless   they know where it is and so they treated  the information about where the package was   with the same assiduousness that they did the  packages themselves and i look i you know when   i'm doing repetitive projects like this and you've  seen me do them and you've seen me screw them up   when i've screwed them up it's because i have  not been managing the information about what   i've been doing and especially when you've  got like i mean you saw this this is a fairly   really straightforward simple half day build  and yet there were many opportunities for me   to screw this up um the other thing to think  about when you're thinking about multiples   years ago i was working on a project with  jamie and it was a this big uh sphere   with detents all around  the sphere like i think 105   and the the mechanical aspect of building this  sphere and putting the detents on it was not   um overly difficult but when you have 105 things  to deal with every change that you make and you   have to do times 105 it's going to suck up  time so when you have like highly repetitive   projects like this you really want to manage  your information manage your time and know that   you know if you have 105 things to do and you've  got to do an operation that lasts five minutes on   one of them that's that's 500 minutes that's  that's nine hours give or take yeah that's a   full day five minutes to fix one thing a full  day to do them all and that's if you don't stop   realistically it's like a couple of days all  right now we're going to go through and maybe   they'll uh ramp this with sound because  that'll be fun i think i'll start on the bottom i know i'm throwing them all over the place that's  what sweeping up is for at the end of the day oh this is now these are never gonna go anywhere  they just live here i gotta tell you when you if   you are new in the working world and you are like  working for a company and you're doing a job like   this if you're bored spitless and kind of not  paying attention your boss is going to notice   and if you do a job like this but you make  sure that you're getting it right and you're   being assiduous it may it's still gonna suck  but boy is your employer going to notice that   and if they don't notice that if they take  that kind of assiduousness for granted   they're dummies because you can't take that  for granted you have to reward it celebrate it   give it a bonus those kind of things okay um  i'm gonna make this a non-permanent connection   i'm just going to literally put a dot a dot  a dot and a dot and that'll keep it from did i just drop now the one over here was the  one that i only had like 75 nails   classic move classic move savage all right so yeah see i didn't have nearly any 3  8 nails this also helps me uh inventory   and make sure i know what i have in stock okay there that's all that's a half inch and the rigs go back bam yeah time for some pretty shots oh my staplers now have their easily accessible  expendables sitting right next to them the   entire cabinet has come home and  it lives where it is going to spend   a good portion of the next several years  of its life and i'm very happy about this   addition to my shop infrastructure i've been  thinking about this for a while it's nice to   finally get to it thank you guys for joining me  for this one day build i will see you next time adam savage here in my cave with a thank you   to everyone who has joined the tested channel  memberships thus far it truly allows us to keep   up this high level pace of video production and  frankly it energizes us a lot to talk to you guys   in that vein i have also loved diving back  in to doing the live stream specifically   tested member questions have been phenomenal and  other tested family members are going to be doing   their own live streams soon keep an eye on this  space to find out when and where and we have also   heard your feedback and we've decided to add a new  membership tier at 4.99 a month that is comparable   to the tested premium membership package we used  to have members at that level will get all the   supporter level perks and in addition to that  they'll get access to our premium video archive   behind the scenes updates and members only vids  of course tested patrons still get the most   access to me and the team they get build diaries  first dibs in the q a and influence in future   builds that you'd like to see us make so we hope  you'll click join and find out more about tested   membership levels and we truly hope you will  actually join thanks guys i'll see you next time
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 280,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adam savage, one day builds, adam savage's one day builds, tested, testedcom, adam savage one day build, one day build, tested adam savage one day build, one day builds adam savage, one day builds tested, adam savage tested, adam savage one day builds youtube, nailer, stapler, harbor freight, pneumatic stapler, pneumatic staple gun, storage, storage rack, build, tool organization, shop organization, workshop organization, workshop organization ideas, workshop storage build, staple
Id: AumnIehXwyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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