People said I would burnout...

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what is happening everybody Chris here it is finally time to release this video I didn't think I was going to do it but here it is massive amount of chaotic blocks and a chaotic business some pretty severe burnout might be the best block I've ever made before let's get started isn't it crazy that cherry can darken up that much in just a couple of months in the shop so we have cherry walnut and Maple Purple Heart Wingate and paduk [Music] [Applause] [Music] gosh [Music] dang there it is 300 Gall worth 300 gallons of sawdust we are all planed 600 board feet worth ready to go my mom's coming up she's going to help watch the kiddo and I'm going to get some serious time in then my wife's going to take off for the holidays and go see her family I'm going to stay stay here and work so I'm going to get like 24 days straight yep bye it's a lot of work but it's exciting to be able to just work 7 days a week for a while and get stuff done so most of my material come straight line but I do have to use the tracks saw and straight line some of it and because you're taking such a little bit at a time it makes a huge mess probably one of my least favorite things to do then we go from there to the band saw which is a enjoyable experience using this lagona band saw with the power feeder and just being able to put the material in there you know once it's all set up and dialed it's relatively safe you don't get your fingers around there you know and it it's fairly automatic you still need to hold the power feeder and make sure it doesn't slam when you get to the end of the material but compared to being in the little shop with the little table saw it is a night and day difference and you don't get the bind that you normally get when you're using a table saw and you're doing rips [Music] so so the strips are all cut and we started gluing the way to build these chaotic butcher blocks is a little bit of a repetitive process so you start out you Mill up all the material and then you glue up random species this time lapse of gluing up all these random panels was taking over a 5-day period of time I really wanted to show the depth and the amount of work it takes to create this many panels now I had some really bad chip out on the planer so that meant it was time to change my blades after about a year and a half of having the planner it was time to rotate them at 90° I have to admit I wasn't really looking forward to this but it it was wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to [Music] be an hour and 45 minutes to change 174 cutter heads on the sheer Tech lagona head totally worth it but man that is a pain oh man that thing's like a new planer [Music] Cuts Like it was new [Music] again I can't tell you how many people who have seen my chaotic blocks in person they look at the blocks and then they look at me like how did you do that and really it it is not a complicated process it is just a repetitive one so after your first glue up you PL all the glue you surface it and then you rip them you know on the table saw or the band saw you rotate them at 90° and glue them up again and then you repeat that process three times at a minimum so finally got out of the house want to share a little something with you guys thanks for better help for sponsoring today's video you know last year I faced a lot of burnout you know having a kid starting a business going through Co um you know and I've I've had some stuff that I've wanted to reach out for some help before too uh before all of this but I got burned out I worked my butt off building the shop doing all the videos and uh last year I faced some pretty severe burnout and uh it's not for everybody all the time but for the right person the right time it's definitely worth reaching out and talking to somebody about you know don't take my word for it do your own research see what's right for you I was always really intimidated by uh going and meeting a therapist in person if you need need to talk about family issues relationship issues business issues sometimes it's good to be able to find somebody that you can uh talk to about it you know nice thing is you don't have to be stuck with a therapist you can choose your own one you know you talk to one for a little bit if it doesn't work out you can talk to another one thank you better help for sponsoring today's video appreciate it so the second round of glue-ups is completed on this the top one is uh the knife handles which I have two more glue-ups on while I'm building all these chaotic blocks I'm just finishing the last batch of my EDG grain cutting boards coasters and cheeseboards for Christmas for my customers I'm doing the inventory and launching them on the website and then at the same time I'm shooting our collaboration with carbon Peaks which turned out amazing these sanmai Damascus knives with my chaotic handles just amazing so I have a video on that as well and then at the same time I built my wife this chaotic bench while she was gone the video did really well and my wife really loved the bench even though there's like a thousand comments on that video that people say she just didn't like the bench little too fancy for her house okay we got knife handles regular chaotics one kind of chaotic fade and one other kind of chaotic fade so I have two different styles of chaotic Fades that we're going to try here [Music] now it's on to the final assembly of each panel here's where you need to take Extra Care on the final design of the way the chaotic is going to look especially on the Fades the Fades were actually pretty hard to [Music] do pretty excited about this was able to glue up two panels at one time since I wasn't adding any individual strips during the glue up so got a lot done last night there's uh six panels in here [Music] [Music] [Music] the technique and the design of making these chaotics is not my own I believe it was from MTM Woods in Russia uh at least that's what I've heard I'm not so sure about that I don't know if it was an article in a magazine I've seen somebody else locally here in Alaska make some bansaw boxes in the chaotic design and that was about 8 or n years ago but I would like to give MTM Woods a big shout out he is a huge inspiration to many cutting board makers like myself at this point I'm putting together 10 pre-orders so I need to make sure I get the right dimensions with which customer wanted which block [Music] how does the thing go buy it nice or buy it twice I'm really lucky I've had a couple of friends who have come over and helped me with this machine just in this video alone this machine cost me $100 hour worth work so this initial run is going to be with 37 grit and it's basically a skip plane so the the the blocks will be flat except the imperfections will still stay in there you know a little bit of depth difference will probably happen but the main part is getting a skip plane enough to where they can sit flat and cure for 7 to 10 days before they go through the final sanding [Music] [Music] at this point the wide belt is just making things really difficult for me [Music] [Music] so I do keep my blocks and boards stickered and covered anytime I'm not in the shop and it really helps with not having them warp on me that wide belt and I do love my Maverick abrasive sandpaper it it is really good stuff the winter in Alaska here has just been brutal as you can see I am still driving my rental [Music] car H that is the second time I've had to do that in the past month the snow here it's getting ridiculous this winter time to go pick up some Walnut I've said it lots of times but pretty excited about this well we made it the forklift isn't going to be able to pick this so I'm going to have to unbox it out here and Shuffle her in another little side project here I thought I was going to be able to retail these slabs you know locally up here in Alaska but it just turned out that it was just too much work [Music] work now onto the final sand through the wide belt so I'm going to go through all the Grits 36 60 80 120 and 150 and if they have a little bit of wobble on them then I take some masking tape and I shim them up on the bottom to get one surface flat [Music] bathroom is finally going in after a year and a [Music] half I tell you what this has just been the craziest six months and it has been probably two months since I filmed these chaotic blocks now I did just finish the pre-orders so I had 10 of them that were pre-ordered this is what's left I didn't film doing the other 10 blocks because I just needed to get them done and out the door and so this is what I have left because so much has happened and of course uh I've bitten off more than I can do so needless to say after all this I need to back it back down and and just hopefully get to a point I'm left spread out all right well that was fun while I'm finishing up these blocks here and I'm going to show you all the details on that I just wanted to touch on the icing on the cake of me being burned out was getting my truck total and dealing with insurance for 6 months driving two different rental for 6 months trying to buy a new vehicle in a horrible used vehicle market and it was just icing on the cake w [Music] [Music] I want to juice grooves and handles even after all these years from The Little Shop I still use this juice Groove jig that works great on the mft table little super clean clean your router bits I also use some blade coat while I'm doing the juice screws and then it is really nice to use the Glide coat to help get that router slide around a little bit better then I have this jig that I use for different bits different blocks and boards and different [Music] depths now after several passes of getting down to the depth that I need then I used a little micro adjuster to just take a whisker off of there for the final pass [Music] [Music] I add cardboard over the downdraft table then it doubles as a vacuum clamp table just some use 180 and 220 and trim them up to look like this so they fit nicely on here [Applause] [Music] [Music] it is really hard to convey how much sanding this actually takes not everybody Sands to this extent but I I really do think it's worth the extra effort one more day might be done in one more day so these are all sanded at 220 and the grain is raised these just need to be sanded with uh 180 and 220 and then 320 for everything else it's been a long road to get here [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh w [Music] favorite part so applying the board conditioner here is definitely my favorite part it the board is done you get to see the final final finished product this new wax that I make is uh it's really hard leaves a really nice protective layer smells good so this is actually mineral oil two different kinds a beeswax to get uh the the correct texture and the correct fragrance to smell then from there it's fortified with vitamin E and the additional wax head is it really hard as a caranova wax that seems to actually have have made a really good difference it really is as smooth as it looks in the camera I mean if you feel it it's it's like glass for i' have to say that might be the best block I've ever made before [Music] o [Music] so I've made a handful of these fade scales and like in the previous knife video you've seen I made the big batch of classic chaotic knife scales so I've had another amazing knife maker make me some knives to match some of these blocks so this is Peter over at septum knives he does amazing work here so I've played around with the the laser engraver for a little while now it's time to get these laser engraves so we can send this off to Baker Forge tool who makes this amazing steel for them to do a professional photo shoot with this so these are called parameter tests so I've done a bunch of parameter test and finally got the uh the logo to where I want it so here we're just setting the autofocus [Music] [Music] Snow in June can they make you snow man no so June is um men's mental health month and uh you know I didn't I've been struggling my whole life you know just like many other men and uh you know ups and downs and and it's uh you know it's one of those it's really hard to talk about and uh I have a lot of friends who you know a handful of friends who are who are struggling and uh you know there's been there's been plenty of times over the past 20 years where you know I've been deep deep down in those areas that are you feel like you can't crawl back out of and uh you know i' I've had a lot of ups and downs the past uh 3 years it's been been wild ride but you know there's um definitely been some lows and I just want to say to everybody who's also struggling you know grass can be greener on the other side when you get there and adversity does build character and strength and uh you know I'm proud of you guys so keep on keeping on [Music]
Channel: Kris DeVo
Views: 267,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood, working, woodworking, fine, diy, tips, tricks, slicer, small shop, shop, dewalt, festool, laguna, grizzly, tools, tool, handmade, hand, made, maker, makermade, Alaska, cutting board, butcher block, bowl, turning, craft, custom, funiture, maker made, exotic, food grade, hack, manufacture, blade hq, knife making japanese, custom knives, woodworking asmr, woodturning, wood turning
Id: C0uvQ05BofU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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