Adam Savage's One Day Build: Assassin's Sword!

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foreign Savage here in my cave and yes the label told me what is in the package sword Furniture is the order of the day what is sword Furniture well um I purchased this Leaf blade a differentially heated correctly forged blade as a blank from a company we'll include a link in the uh in the description and then I ground it to smoothness and I did some aging on it I rusted it and I cleaned the rust it still remains to be actually really sharpened but it is a leaf blade and I have always wanted one uh and like I said it's a real blade like a functional sword blade and I have no furniture furniture is the guard the grip and the pommel the parts of the sword that aren't the blade um so that is what I'm going to do today I'm going to make some of the furniture I might not make all of it there's also very plausibly I think I may end up putting uh something here and here but I'm not sure but it all begins with the guard and I I'm going to make that out of brass and I have oh this chunk of half inch brass to utilize for said and I'm going to proceed with doing some layout on this piece of brass and making myself uh my sword yeah my sword [Music] I had made this piece as a potential sword guard just to kind of get to know the shape that it wanted to be and I like the way that sits down in there so I'm likely to copy this to some extent on the guard but I'm also likely to add some other details like hmm I may have the guard come up here a little bit like that yeah [Music] so what is 1.75 divided by 2 1.6 .7 oh yeah [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] oh oh man I have continued to refine the uh the guard uh the arms were a little thick so I thinned them out I'm yeah this is starting to ah these are not my core competencies as a designer I have to kind of do it by hand so in the middle it always looks like uh but hopefully I'll be able to rescue that yeah we'll see [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] is coming along I like these lines [Music] I like their Christmas I'm going to work on them just a little bit more but see where I'm going with this I think I want to soften I want to like that there here and the same down there so I want to get a kind of a curve going there I think I do want to thin this out here you know maybe um yeah maybe [Music] maybe I wonder [Music] foreign I'm very pleased I'm very pleased uh this now has a kind of a nice gesture to it I uh I'm gonna pause here on this one and I'm gonna just give it a uh hold on foreign so I'm just gonna give this one a a pass of some Scotch Brite this often allows you to see the piece for the first time because you get these sanding marks on it that guide Reflections in certain ways and you can't really see it otherwise so you sort of have to do it this way oh yeah I can see some things I've got to fix [Music] um I'm quite pleased with that oh let's get that on the sword yeah oh oh like I know what I'm doing almost look at that that's really pretty Purdy oh yeah okay so yeah yeah I like that it's plain it's simple it's lovely it's got a nice line to it it augments the blade that curve and that curve they play well yeah I'm sorry I'm about to do this to you I I I I I I kept on finishing we had some other stuff to shoot I had some idle time and I sat there with some sandpaper and then some steel wool and I kind of finished this piece I'm sorry I did it off camera uh however everything that I did still applies right you saw me do the the the the spindle sander to bring it into form using the Disc Sander and my lineature to do some shaping uh I ended up doing a little bit of Dremel stone work because frankly every single time I've ever been to WETA and I see Peter Lion in his Workshop where he makes the swords he is always sitting at his desk with a Dremel and a stone tool in it um this is the kind of thing that I'm talking about this is the kind of thing I'm talking about and he's just sitting there going and now having just spent uh the better part of four hours uh cutting this out and putting it together I really understand that because as you sit there and you look at the reflections and you like see oh okay I need to work on that transition oh this one needs a little bit more smoothness oh that one's a little crunchy now I'm actually leaving this a little crunchy I think uh partly is because that's just my skill level with this sort of work but also if you go to the Victorian Albert Museum specifically and you look at high Precision Weaponry built in the 19th 18th 17th century specifically they're wheel lock pistols are something that I am totally obsessed with they're they're insanely beautiful but but they're clearly hand built and every part of them is hand built and that communicates and so there's slight irregularities in how the reflections move across these planes and how they right yeah I mean I you can see you can see it's not it's not perfectly symmetrical but then again I'm trying to build an older sword so this is it's got a really nice positive grab on there uh the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to turn a rough handle uh and I think I'm gonna make the handle a little bit long I'm gonna make it about this long which means that um I am going to uh make a pommel that goes into the handle uh in order to carry it Forward yeah I just want a little bit more grip I that's just me uh but it's going along nicely I may end up blackening this we'll see foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign bronze pommel yeah all right so the first thing I want to do with this pommel is I want to get it to interface with the threads which I believe are 5 16 18. day ah they are that's exactly what they are lock means that means I need to drill a 5 16 hole that is at least yeah just through there and then that's my interface so I make that down to half an inch do it anyways okay so uh we have here a guard the the the frame of a handle and the rudiments of a pommel I'm going for a kind of a glammed ring sort of set up here I may send this to be down a little bit narrower here which let's get a yeah just to get what I'm looking for uh and then the back here is going to be rounded that is uh going to be a rounded moment it's a little like glammed ring in terms of its layout uh and right now that's just way too heavy so when I cut this here that should be about the right weight and if I need to take weight out I can uh but yeah I'm just working on this on the lathe right now so let me just take this out you can see I I tapped the hole this sits inside the half inch hole I drilled there it's a nice positive grab of everything uh but now that it's been roughed out I want to fine it out you know can I just say once again how beautiful how beautiful bronze swarm is just stunning brought this is bronze swarf um so bronze work hardens which means you get these kind of differential colors it's like light color here and then this dark color here it's really beautiful beautiful don't get me wrong it's grippy it is super super grippy and by grippy I mean it'll grab your and it'll it'll yeah you've got to be careful and gentle with bronze like brass [Music] ask me how I know um [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign I'm not sure I love this but uh I think I may need it to get a little so a couple things one is the balance point is like here so about three inches in front of the Guard makes a sword feel a little bit heavy but to be honest with a leaf blade it is a a slashing blade I also can get an extra hand on this so it's kind of like a hand and a half sword even though it's also like a at any rate I am unsure about where I stand with this right now so uh I polish it up with a little weenle or wennel polish that I learned about from WETA I'm going to take this home for the weekend and just sort of think about it and think about how I want to do some of the design features I'm very happy with the guard the grip is great I'm going to give it some string ribs and then cover it with leather a lot the the your standard sword wrap this I may end up rebuilding I'm not sure I'm just going to spend a weekend with it and just think about it and just think about what I want to do good morning everybody it is a chilly day in San Francisco by chili I mean it's like 48 degrees it's not that chilly um it feels chilly feels chilly to us the this is a forged and roughed out blade I bought online a couple of years ago it came it's differentially heated uh I did all the final grind here on my lineature it's still it needs to be sharpened then I rusted it then I cleaned it because I wanted an old looking blade I'm very pleased with how the blade looks uh I made this guard out of brass and then I made this bottle that I made I didn't expect it to look like a bottle first I had this thing which really just feels like a cheap curtain finial because it looks like a cheap curtain finial and then I made this out of some stainless that I had and it's just not it's just not that interesting uh and so then I looked up and I thought you know the problem is I'm lacking a lot of one and a half inch stock I've got some two and a half inch stainless but I don't wanna I don't want to grind out an inch of material because I don't have the right stock I just I I don't like that makes me crazy so then I looked up and I saw this which looked like copper but I even labeled it with a c because apparently I thought it was copper but now I look at this end and I think that might be brass which is fine uh I think this is in fact brass so I'm going to make a new pommel out of this brass I Now understand the shape that I want we'll get that uh and then so three three things one I'm gonna remake the pommel two I'm going to wrap some twine at regular intervals around the handle here to create the texture for grabbing it three I'm going to blacken the guard for I'm going to soften the edges here uh just to I just want to soften the edges a little bit then I think I'm going to etch three planets in here uh and then we'll be pretty we'll be pretty close I think of this interesting blade as an assassin's blade that's the narrative I have for it that it's light it's relatively short it's for Close Quarter I'm going to make the new pommel even a little bit bigger so it's center of gravity is really like yeah it's actually going to end up being probably right about here that's just an inch ahead of the guard and I like that it feels nice and Light uh that's what I think of this an assassin's blade from when I don't know but I know the shape of the pump so we'll get that going and then we'll do the other stuff [Music] Alexa [Music] that is what we're looking at here the rough out of my bottle pommel uh and this is the new tentative end of the Palm one right now what I'm about to do is I'm about to swoop out this like that yeah um maybe you should see it from this angle but hey I guess I could try it from that angle let's see what we can do here's what we're doing we're gonna do this business all right we're gonna lay it like a like it's wood okay so let's see here [Music] okay [Music] thank you foreign [Music] I am I like this I like the way this feels I like the way it looks I gotta make a grip on this thing I like the balance the balance is right where I want it about an inch in front of the Guard it means it's light that's why I like it it's it feels light it feels like from here plus it gives you an extra hand if you want one I know I love me a Bastard Sword foreign I like the shaping on the grip I'm gonna add some twine and leather to that and then I may add a um a little feral hair at the top of the leather foreign [Music] [Music] so I have taken my grip and I've added some twine which I use thin super glue I drilled little holes all the way up I stuck a little twine in pulled it back super glued with the thin super glue about the first half inch once that grabbed which grabs quite quickly I pulled it around and then sliced up top and I've got some pretty good transitions here I don't think they'll show Too Much through the leather then I've taken a piece of leather roughly shaped to fit this I've made it too tall because I want to be able to wrap fully and then trim back so what I'm going to do is I'm going to coat the hole inside of this with barge glue and this would barge glue and then I'm going to uh then I'm going to start to do the and then I'm once I start it I am uh I get ahead of myself sorry because I have leather transitioning around to leather I want to thin the edges to be very thin it's called skiving s-c-i-v-i-n-g and uh I can see this really really excellent skiving that that Peter lion did on my Boromir sword is just so gorgeous I'm gonna try and do the same thing oh fresh barge glue [Applause] oh that's gonna look neat so let's get this all the way around where it's gonna land oh that transition's not bad at all we're gonna okay so that's where it's gonna lay we're gonna pack that up then we're gonna trim this back to here all right and then we're gonna skive this all the way back I have to tell you every time I'm doing stuff like this I am simply picturing my friends at Wet at Workshop watching this and being like Oh we got that bit right oh I got that bit wrong [Music] literally every time I'm doing this I'm just thinking about how many years all my friends there spent making all those swords for it's not just six movies The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings also all the Narnia films Warcraft I mean you name it the Great Wall foreign [Music] lots of arch glue that's what I need [Music] [Music] all right we're going in are we going in maybe we're not going in you know what I'm gonna let that sit for just an oh what am I doing I am [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign we're gonna try it out oh this feels kind of I don't mind saying oh that feels great and that looks great I'm really I know I know it's a little bit like boromir's pommel oh I've got my two minute pieces of brass here and I am going to uh I'm going to uh clean them and darken them I'm going to get an antique finish on these they've been brought to a fairly high polish uh first I want to let's go over them entirely with some acetone to pull off any oils might still be there nice bright finish and this is a stabilized liver of sulfur foreign [Music] [Music] so while that is soaking I've got some of this um Modern Masters uh black patina aging solution and I just did a test here on the on the sword guard on the Tang actually and I'm going to blacken the whole blade here and then I'm gonna polish it back just because I I like that look I want it to feel kind of kind of neat like that foreign this isn't really given me much so I'm actually going to get rid of this rinse these look I can see that it is imparted a much Golder finish on the brass which is definitely a step in the right direction but I really want this to be um be dark not gold although the gold is neat the gold is definitely neat [Music] so let's just do this uh-huh see just like that oh yeah much better check out how beautiful that finishes I'm just like super happy with that I think this is a reasonable place to pause the sword building there will be a Scabbard trying to get it to shine and cross whenever you see someone holding a sword in a movie and like glints off of it I want to tell you that that's probably an actor doing like 30 takes where he's like pulled out the sword and they're like get it to Glenn and it's like well I'll give it a shot but I'm really pleased with this patina I'm gonna you know muck around with it here I'm gonna let it get kind of beat up I am probably gonna make a little a little metal covering for this out of some 20 thou brass or stainless or something um but it's really starting to feel of a piece and this is something that I notice about Peter Lyon's work is that like every piece of it [Music] you can in manufacturing make things too perfect I firmly believe that like you know I'm glad United Cutlery exists I'm glad they make the replicas they make of the blades and the things that they do from the films however I frequently find their manufacturing is so precise it pushes me away it doesn't feel like it's handmade um and so all the final bits of sanding on this are all done by hand rather than by machine because the look is more genuine more authentic and something about Peter Lyon's work that I really notice at any rate yeah we're just gonna see how this thing weathers I know it's a little like the Mortal blade there's a lot of inspiration from WETA here um but this is a great place to pause thank you guys so much for joining me for this second part of the one day build of the sword and I'm sure there will be more see you guys next time bye
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 280,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage one day build, one day builds, tested one day builds, one day build, one day builds adam savage, adam savage tested, tested adam savage, adam savages one day builds, swords, sword griding, sword weathering, fake sword, sword build, evapo rust remover, adam savage weathering, adam savage sword, adam savage, adam savage builds
Id: mCmaT2mha7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 43sec (2503 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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