Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Bourne Identity Bank Box!

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foreign [Music] foreign foreign hey everybody Adam Savage here in my cave regular Watchers of this channel are long-term Watchers know that I'm a humongous fan of the born identity and all of its uh trilogies all of its sequels um but Doug lyman's first born film with Matt Damon and Frank potente is one of my all-time favorite movies behind me you actually see one of the Red Burn bags from the bank this is one of the actual props from the film I bought it I also happen to own the waste basket from the bank and over here I own the safety deposit box from the bank now there's stories attached to all of these but they're not the subject of today's video uh the thing about the Bourne Bank box is there were two of them apparently made for the movie and uh one of them was for carrying and one was for opening and the one for opening has it's just got a tubular lock but there was no there is no plan for opening this there's no uh there's no actual mechanism and so a couple of years ago proto-labs a company that does prototyping for industry reached out to me and said is there something we could help you with uh we can build almost anything and I sent them the born Bank box and they sent me back a beautiful weld aluminum replica of it they did gorgeous work um it still didn't solve the problem of the lock and I finally honestly I've been thinking about this problem for years okay actually let me walk you through it so here is the issue here is the real box and what it's got is this lock here and I've got the key for that somewhere but there's nothing to that locked this is a big bent piece of Steel freaking stainless steel this thing weighs a ton so when they went to open the box the guy stuck the key and I went and then just opened it there was no look it's movie Mask but they didn't need to get a mechanism so they didn't that's efficient but for my experience one even though this is the original prop it's sort of it bugs me because it's not functional and every time I break it out I have to kind of go through this whole explanation so like I I'm gonna clean this up and put it into a display case where it can live its life as as the visual prop that it is so I'm going to put this over here meanwhile I'm going to work on turning this one into the bank box of my dreams now proto-labs did a lovely they built a lovely uh removable hinge thing which is great but it's not it's not it's not what I wanted it's not that I knew what I I didn't sorry it's not that they didn't deliver what I wanted I said I didn't know what I wanted they delivered something absolutely fine but I came across a lot recently this line it is a tubular lock oh it's got a nice drill proof um ball bearing up front but it activates like this well right now it activates where you lock it like this this brass pin comes out of the back and when you want to unlock it you turn it and it comes out but this this push button spring-loaded mechanism this is precisely what could end up being an actual lock right so what I can okay yeah it works in the reverse of what I need it to but I think I can fix it so here's what I'm thinking this push button lock I re-machine the casing for this so it works in the other direction I.E it no you push it no to lock it sorry you use the key to push it in to unlock it and you also use the key to and pull it out to lock it and it would sit in a little housing in here that would come out through here look at that isn't that perfect so all of a sudden I was thinking I finally know how the lock mechanism works and it can actually work I can make it actually work and then I thought about the hinges right so now the hinges are the other issue which is uh there are no there isn't a visible hinge in the boring identity so you don't want to see a piano hinge here and then I thought about it and I thought These Guys these guys are perfect these hidden hinges so what I can do is I can machine a rail that goes under here and under the lid and these bolts in here one on either side and then they will be able to open up and it opens up and it's got what looks like this lovely you know it's like a nice high security hinge like I feel like everything about this will look the way I want it to look when I'm all done so there are multiple steps to this build I gotta grind out the old hinges here I got to figure out how to bolt stuff to the aluminum and not see it that's another one oh and I am actually going to remake this sheet from scratch I have a metal break here uh I can easily bend a knife and I want to fill I want to fill the Gap that ends up being here oh and uh the handle turns out to be the handle of a toolbox the old owner of the bank box figured this out for me uh and so I will also be installing uh uh the handle for carrying it um so yeah it's a this is an interesting one this is an interesting one in which the actual movie prop the actual movie prop does not give me the experience that I want out of owning the movie prop it's not funny it's the only piece of my collection that's actually that's that is like that so I bought two of the locks I have four of these hinges I might even have some more on these hinges but uh so um there are a lot of steps yeah there are a lot of steps to this um I think first and foremost is actually prepping this so it might be uh it might be removing these guys [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh big beautiful piece of one inch thick delron Del Ron Delran d-e-l-r-i-n is the product name for acetyl a c e t y l acetyl it's a polymer funnily enough you cannot use acetyl for projects on the International Space Station because it never stops off of that thing and you can't have that all right so show show let's see let's see this would be a 0.625 or 5 8 diameter hole it's a 5 8 diameter slot with a 5 8 diameter slot so I could figure out the math on that uh this I will slice into two slices yes yes yes that will be yeah nice so I'll slice these and two let's see here it can just be it's too far excellent we do not turn on the dust retrieval for Delran we do not turn the dust retrieval on for Delrin because it makes rat's nests which clog my dust retrieval Delrin on the table saw bad mojo for your dust retrieval [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] now I need to do a little math what I've got here which is a quiet foreign I think are going to live one is it three should I do three I think I should do three I think three looks great so that is going to be yeah let's do this what is one half of 1.59 is 0.795 what is one half of 2.12 2.12 1.06 okay so I look at that oh what oh oh yeah look at that it looks like I actually know what I'm doing holy cow that is just beautiful once I nailed that I'm going to then put these in the vice together and Mill it all flat yes okay so now I have to do the other hole so here we go [Music] foreign 's good it's just that last one okay let's do a test fit this is great oh oh yeah oh that is great look at that all right we're gonna Mill These flat right now [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God [Music] [Applause] all right so the problem I was having was that these steps were off by here and there by like 10 thou which was enough to throw this whole thing off so I'm throwing some washers in as a spacer you're never going to see these all closed but that allows it to close completely flat [Music] that will allow it to complete close completely flat so I'm going to do the same thing on the other ones here add in some washers I thought of all sorts of other solutions for the same problem like Machining down this but it wasn't perfectly consistent that was going to be a lot of work for a little return whereas washers just allow me to adjust yeah we got the last four [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right now countersink oh I'm so happy with that that's great [Music] so now I think the next step is to bend a piece of metal to be the new one of these um [Music] all right so I can already see that I'm gonna need to uh yeah yeah yeah all right this was the piece I'd started with this is what I just made so I'm gonna end up trimming this down to match that curve and then I'm gonna have to find yeah I'm gonna have to find a hole I should be able to yeah I expect I will uh yeah it's coming together uh I have successfully made a hinge it is in here I have successfully revent this piece and it is sitting on here and I'm now about to figure out how to yeah how to attach this to the hinge without seeing it I could do that with VHB very high Bond stuff which could work but I'd rather not do it with that it's going to be under some pressure I want to use screws and I was thinking about something as small oh these are buttons flat heads it's an awful lot of very gentle curling so I'm going to add some folding power [Music] foreign [Music] that is fine that is fine just double checking my parameters here that can move I will adjust that later so I think we kicked it normally I wouldn't uh drill with a 256 bit I'm going mostly into plastic which means that I think that it's totally fine all right as soon as I get this one in I have two two bolts in place I'm just going to test the fit and fitment and it's good I don't even just keep clamping ladies and germs that is absolutely magnificent I'm so happy with that oh that's great look at look at that oh awesome so there's a hole in the box underneath this I am trying to match it up and what I want to match it up with is 0.625 5 8. that will get me two half inch that will get me to 5 8. okay so that one right Mark it it's always easier if you drill a pilot hole first for the uh beautiful [Music] [Music] excellent lift those it opens up I love it okay the question on the table is how do you take two pieces of aluminum that are meeting at a aligned hole and turn it into a lock and I spent a lot of time looking at Tumblr tubular locks like this and thinking about a mechanism that went up to the top here and grab something over here and then I saw these which were a settable push button now they are the opposite of what I was hoping they were which is to say that this is their unlocked position and that's their locked position and I want the opposite so I took it apart and here's what I discovered reader there is a um there is here yeah look at my open mouth so there's a little pin here and it's a spring pin and when I press on it oh the whole Barrel comes out now I see on the other side of the spring pin is a solid pin oh and it rests in here and that's when I discovered that if I want oh right yeah so that's when I discovered that if I want this to be set up here I only need to drill a hole up here and then that is ready to go uh-huh yeah I'm kind of digging that right so what I'm gonna do is first and foremost I am going to drill a second hole here to allow this lock to be locked in both positions the in and the out position that is one secondly I am going to uh and widen the hole on the inside and machine a little lip here that fits into that hole so that it registers and is a nice flush mount that means on the back side I can make a plate that holds it right up against the thing and then I can screw it down with this guy and I can hold it all in place there and I can probably do that with just two screws into a little bit of a an aluminum plate should be really straightforward uh and there it is like um and one day I have solved two mechanical problems with this box I've been thinking about for freaking ever man it's been a long time coming so um um yep yep that's great yep wonderful foreign [Music] they're delightfully self-centering these bets so I want to drill that foreign so I successfully drilled the hole there that works now I'm going to machine a little step on there [Music] all right oh oh this is so exciting a leaf there so if this works correctly then this should allow me so happy [Music] I am uh because I'm impatient I'm holding this lid up with my head while I put in the registration plate that will hold this whole business in its proper orientation and I'm just going to get one of these in here [Music] okay foreign [Music] [Music] so the way the handle works is this is from a toolbox I can't remember which one exactly but it goes in the toolbox using these little sliders I'm going to take those out drill all the way through them put a piece of all thread through use a piece of this black painted brass to cover it up in the middle so you can't see it and put a lock nut on either end on the inside of this with some washers and all that should mean that the handle moves in and out beautifully oh let's um all right so this is a little hard to show but what I've got here is a handle with some holes I've got some all thread which is going to go through those holes uh it's going to get covered over here in the middle by this black piece of brass and on either end will be a washer and a lock nut so it's all in here [Music] oh oh wow wow okay this is gonna be curious this is [Music] there we go [Music] foreign foreign there we go that's it see it coming through there yes oh excellent okay so put a washer and a washer foreign other thing I want to do is I want to put a plate in here that goes across here and in fact I'm probably going to tap it right into there with some tiny 440s just to hold it there yeah I think that's what I'm gonna do it's gonna be its own secret compartment here if you look here you can see how the handle works [Music] all right so what I want to do is I want to measure the inside of this which is 11 and 7 16. foreign sexy I don't mind seeing I don't mind seeing that sexy yeah right right happens [Music] [Music] come on thank you [Music] my born box first seeds I am very happy with it so the next step is to fill these lines with some black rubber and interestingly I have lots of quarter inch and eight inch black rubber but I need one that's more like 16 inch this is about 60 thou the thickness of this aluminum which uh for those decimal junkies at home a sixteenth of an inch is 62 thousandths about a millimeter and a half um and San Francisco happens to have the greatest hardware store in the world uh it's called Center Hardware I've been shopping there for 30 plus years it is an amazing hardware store where the people that populated actually know what they're talking about and they uh will help you find what you need and so I went in and I was like do you guys have any black neoprene one millimeter one and a half millimeter rubber sheet and they're like nah nothing just it's yeah we get that they said we get that request all the time and we don't have anything like that and so I'm like all right I keep wandering I look at the tape aisle look at the weatherproofing aisle and one of the guys comes up to me Chris and he says hey what about this vinyl wall based kick uh you know what do you call that kick guard I'm like that's absolutely perfect thank you and it is self-adhesive so it handles all of the issues that I need so we're gonna put the black rubber here then we're gonna put in the false back and then okay so there were two bank boxes made for the film and one of them was for the carrying over to Jason Bourne and the other was for the opening in front of Jason I own the carrying one um and it's interior slightly different the interior of the visible one has a black interior with a step all the way around the perimeter yeah so I'm going to make that step I might even make it out of black sintra if I have it um and that is actually that step provides the support for the green felt container that holds all the passports and that other good stuff so yeah more born box very [Music] foreign [Music] look I have this opportunity that's kind of what I want to do I kind of just want to use some Thin very high bomb and hold that there I am going to build a um a PVC a sintra black Sentra box that sits in here and frankly that's also going to be part of the strengthening of this I I'm never going to need to see inside there and the VHB will hold that I'm going to spray the top uh line of this black because uh that's what it is in the real thing uh I'll figure out the height of that by looking at some screenshots but first i'm going to get the VHB on here again VHB just stands for very high Bond how did they come up with that name I wonder about an inch tall really think it's just about an inch and it sits about an inch and a half below so two and a half inches [Laughter] and it doesn't look too far off [Laughter] [Music] four and three eighths let's say four and a half one piece is going to be eleven and three eighths yeah one what is 11 and 3 8 minus seven sixteenths 10.2 all right so great so far my Thursday's been thoroughly filling why thank you for that I appreciate the feedback all right now I'm going to cut out the eighth inch acrylic um for the tray the tray doesn't look like it's an eighth inch thick it actually looks like it's 32nd inch and it looks like it's vacuum form but I don't have a vacuum form big enough for that so I'm not gonna worry about it um yeah I'm just gonna cut it out of this nice new acralite and I'll put a felt bottom on it and everything will be hunky doors foreign [Music] see now I may end up uh covering that aesthetically I'm not positive uh it's certainly replaceable should I need to but that's what I'm talking about here actually now that I think about it if I just put some age on the back of those [Music] let's be clear you know me you know how much I love Mechanical Solutions and I think you know tape is kind of a glue but it's also perfect one of my crew members on the Michael Stevens show I believe Bob was a big fan of Chris Hadfield and when we went to Toronto Chris Hadfield oh it was a Jamie show and Chris Hadfield came out uh and even came on stage and like played with us and had fun because Chris is great uh Bob came back to the tour bus that night Bob wasn't very demonstrative but he came back on the tour bus and he was like dude Hadfield he was like Hadfield is on the money and I'm like oh no I know he's 100 and he went no no no no and he pulled out a Canadian Bill and he was like he is on the money that was Bob's kind of joke Bob was the one who every night beat all of us at Jeopardy we watched Jeopardy every night after the tour we the whole crew would spend watch two episodes I think every night and Bob what's the only odd year that American president was elected and he'd be like 1889 1789 he like knew and I'm not even sure I'm right about that but like he knew those things my hair's already getting out of control anyway uh so I've got some I think I've got some weld Bond here let's see yeah that's well done [Music] so what's going on oh I could tape on my nope [Music] yes the glues for abs and styrene are not cross-compatible with acrylics even though the acrylic group acrylic glue does glue styrene quite well but not abs the other thing about about acrylic glue is it's by far the most volatile so you know the fact that I use this I don't know a month ago and it was still in the bottle the acrylic glue tends to evaporate much faster uh and the last one okay I'll let that set for a little bit [Music] there we have a lovely tray look this isn't the most beautiful of gluing but it doesn't really need to be its movie prop territory but it does fit in there really nicely fabulous uh and I wanna I wanna make a felt bottom for this and I have some felt so let's measure it so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to glue the felt to this piece and then I'm just going to drop it in there it's so much easier than trying to glue the felt into the thing it's so much easier [Music] uh yeah so oh are you kidding me did I really foreign patience I cut it just ever so slightly undersized I could have made that piece work but I would have been doing extra work just to get that across the line so that's me not wanting to unfold this thing because I'm so impatient it's ridiculous hold on to that piece [Music] I forgot to bring you over uh I sprayed some glue on both of these surfaces I'm going to lift this one up once it has been properly tacky still another minute uh let me get a little extra tacky and one one surface to another just laying this down right on top the hard part on the soft part [Music] you know thank you [Music] [Music] oh yeah sorry this this belongs on oddly satisfying oh oh yeah [Music] oh God it's hard to write this thing or an identity Bank box replica by Adam Savage 822 aluminum box made by Proto labs it's uh let's pull the tape off and uh take care of whatever gummy crap is Left Behind [Music] I can see you I can see you're not settling in but no that doesn't Okay um time to put some passports here the bank box is almost done it only needs some Bourne Identity money we've got some British pounds we've got uh Chinese Yuan we've got more British pounds some of these are yeah a lot of these pieces a lot of these monies are discontinued of all things um got some old movie money this stuff yeah there we go we got more of that some Saudi Reales foreign goes in and into it goes John Michael Kane's passport wow decarnos passport Paul K's passport the Russian news passport uh hang on we have a couple more I think yep we do uh we have Jason Bourne have some really good stuff here okay so that's the passports plus we have the credit cards the Black Card the correct phone card gold MasterCard I had these made by someone who makes credit cards for films um we have my impersonation of the correct contact lenses because those were in there too we have more credit cards at Club 2000 got a couple of those got an Amex got a Jason Bourne ID card I picked this up on eBay it's just kind of me being a completionist here is a replica tag humor link watch uh that's the boring watch I Didn't invest in a real thing this I believe is the correct German pocket knife these are absolutely the correct USB dongles in the correct color Insanity these are the correct discontinued uniballs oh yeah we have the correct contact lens case as well plus we've got a uh like to control another French driver's license which I don't think is correct another one of those oh another right we got cufflinks yeah we got some of those we got the key chain that's also in there we've got the multi-tool that was another piece that's in the original one um oh oh right we have yes we have the other Nicholas lames here uh come on where is oh am I missing that passport huh hang on I might have to redo this one I think I have to redo this one we got the picture of Franco potente and Bourne uh we've got this was there was an airline ticket in there and I found this old uh late 90s Air France ticket which I liked um and then I bought these uh fake gold bars which are U.S treasury gold bars in fact uh from what I understand you wouldn't have issued this to an agent like born I just like the gold bars what uh what the agents in the field often had apparently some of them the couple that I spoke to were what are called bot necklaces b-h-a-t which are necklaces of gold beads of different gram weights uh and allows uh basically untraceable this is very traceable you know where this came from um this is movie money uh it's not attached to a stack I'm just going to tear it up [Music] yeah and then this guy can go back oh oh oh oh oh oh we have one more thing we have one more thing okay so in addition to all of this yummy goodness uh to all of this yummy goodness we also have one of Jason Bourne's stunt weapons this is a p228 but this one's made of rubber and so this is what this is one of the pistols that Matt Damon's running around with in that film I also have an Airsoft version of it which fires Airsoft pistols and um anyway so those two guys live there yeah and now we put this back on top and I think actually let me put that heavy guys um oh yeah I guess they do belong on the bottom foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] there we go now I can lift this up oh can I I can walk around with it oh apparently I can go foreign [Music] it for the client and low all the stuff they had is all there yeah that's all good hey dudes Two Dads one of the very earliest you you don't know this but one of the very earliest huge rating videos we had on the channel was me just taking the audience on a tour through my Jason Bourne Shelf [Applause] [Laughter] because um I totally have to redo this and I'm going to redo it right now um specifically [Music] I don't know why it was because we showed me taking people on a tour through the level of insanity that I had gone down in order to make my Jason Bourne stuff and people went nuts for it with like hundreds of thousands of hits and this is like 10 years ago um and it feels like a nice coming all the way back to fruition to actually uh create a bank box replica that I feel personally for me more than satisfies the movie experience that I want with such a thing and moreover it's actually sustainable like it actually I can store it like this and then I can break it out and I can unlock it and show people how it works oh wow that's uh I am slowly going to go back in and redo all of the money I was working with some semi-ok scans and I was kind of going hell-bent for leather but given that a lot of the bills in there like like this one for instance uh are discontinued this Frame French francs he's wait these are discontinued uh which means I have less legal to deal with to uh to replicate them um with many of the ones I have in here either I did not put anything on the back or I I have a full stack of one-sided with the back with a back on the back end uh with the American dollars what I did was all film money that I purchased uh from companies that supply that so technically that should be on the up and up um so yeah I'd like to do I'd like to do a better a better set of the money uh and I gotta figure out what the Swiss bank key fob might look like that's definitely a thing um and I want to redo the French driver's license specifically because the first one was done on an inkjet printer and boy has it faded and I noticed less fading from my uh uh from my laser print so I'm gonna do a laser print of this thing let's see here contents of red bag thank you foreign foreign and then we're going to put it right here right and put it right there on top see how it's what it's the rf's will actually line up and carry across but it'll give it this yeah see that that's great now I want to actually cover that with sticker paper because that's real um so what I'm going to do is I am going to fold it am I going to fold it no I'm gonna actually do the sticky paper before I fold this [Laughter] foreign [Music] [Laughter] use the paper as my own cutting guide [Laughter] to cut out the sticker paper thank you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you guys for joining me for this this is fun I didn't expect to um get so far with it but I could not be more pleased uh I would love to I'd love to know what you think that the Swiss bank key fob should be do you work in a Swiss bank tell me what the key fobs look like I will replicate that for this um other than that at any rate that's all I have for you today this is Adam Savage signing off I'll see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 231,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage, one day builds, one day build, bourne identity, bank box, replica, prop replica, build, go bag
Id: 6sIVD8BXtsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 38sec (3398 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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