Adam Savage Reviews a "Perpetual Motion" Machine!

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hey what what's that hi hey everybody I look a little manic today cuz I just woke up hi um Adam Savage in my cave with a package a package that has arrived and yes it has to do with perpetual motion damn I'm rocking a Doc Brown this morning um I'm like overly distracted by my own hair hold on there we go ah better okay oh now you can't see my eyes okay never mind hi everybody um one of the most popular videos we have put up and posted in the last few years has been my examination and investigation of a perpetual motion machine at the Royal Society in London we will include a link to that video in the description below um I had so much fun reviewing all the Easter eggs and McGuffin and red herrings that were built into the beautiful construction that the Royal Society has in its collection of a bicycle wheel that spins without without apparent external influence for years at a time and I think I know how it works and I think it uses a little electricity and a little electromagnet and a little tiny circuit that uh is properly timed uh and I explained that and I mean all sorts of wonderful wonderful contributions from everybody in the comments and everything recently um one of my favorite YouTubers Steve mold uh put up a video about a Perpetual em motion machine and I went and bought it I think you could consider this video a promotion for Steve mold's Channel because I'm not going to get into the Weeds on this machine uh because Steve has already done an amazing job of it we'll include a link to his video and his channel in the description um I've been following Steve for a few years now I met him at uh uh at a little YouTuber convention uh last year that Dustin from smarter smarter everyday put on was fantastic amazing just a a insane Gathering of every single human I watch on YouTube um and Steve mold I when I met him I had just watched one of these videos he was doing about uh water solving mazes I think uh and he was like well I thought to him myself he says in the video I thought to myself someone should build that and then there's this pause as he goes and then I realize I should build it and there was this I don't want to say helpless look in his face it's more like res res he's resolved to to the Future that is in front of him which is it's going to be me um it's a feeling I love and I know and I see and delights me anyway um Steve is endlessly curious wonderful at explaining the results of his curiosity uh and because of him I went on to Etsy and I bought the self-same Perpetual Mo motion machine that he covers in his video and we are going to put it up today we're going to try it out the perpetual motion which is another version of of free energy was one of the more controversial uh stories we did in the early days of Mythbusters because there's just I'm so sorry but the noise to Signal ratio out there on the internets for uh perpetual motion the noise to Signal ratio is one yeah there's um it is really hard to determine factor from fantasy out there uh okay that's hint now this carries a power supply see here these are Handmade by this Etsy seller or William Lee's perpetual motion simulator [Music] simulator on 18650 Flatt top well I'm just going to have to go find one of those wa one second okay give me a second amazingly I also don't have one of those I'll be back when I do that'll be next week sorry about that guys hello it is uh it's a couple days later well sorts of all sorts of let me just there we go okay hi hi everybody uh I believe that when I left you I had this beautiful perpetual motion machine that I had received from Etsy and I was looking for a uh what do you call it 18650 battery yeah 18650 battery and I found my stash of them it's not a common item for me it's a couple of times a year item and those are the hardest those are the hardest items to store because you don't want to put them so deep maybe I should just put them under batteries but I maybe I need a third B that's what I need a third battery drawer I had to talk this through with you in order to come up with the with with the answer um so uh as I as I have recently said in this edit um I'm not going to get into the Weeds about how this works because all of that is covered in Steve mold's Beautiful video about this perpetual motion machine I'm very grateful for the person who made it uh that I was able to order it on Etsy and receive it because their Etsy right after Steve's video came out their Etsy store was like everybody we're gon to get you your stuff and it's going to take longer because of this video that just came out and I was part of that um Rampage um but here is the uh here it is in all of its beautiful Glory it is a a a very unassuming block of wood with some Secrets hidden inside including a switch which is um capacitive touch and yet you can't see it I dig that I really dig that oh right so let me turn that back off oh no I'll do it uh for normal um they send it with five ball bearings there they are and uh let's put put one in and watch it go let's get you a better angle on this I'm so happy right now oh oh I can take it pretty quickly I guess oh that's the one [Music] oh [Music] so lest you be fooled by this as excellent as it is as fooling I want to show you what it looks like if you do not have so um this has a trick in it it's got a beautifully designed little electromagnetic uh uh uh uh Arrangement here that can detect the ball and give it a little bit of a goose with an Electro magnet there's actually a couple of them uh I think Steve mold's video link is in the description here is what this machine looks like when you don't have it on here it comes yeah doesn't do barely anything um so let's turn it back on it's got also this capacitive switch here um I really want to say as a designer to me all design red Downs to a to communication and the real question is is the communication clear and one of the reasons that you saw in later seasons of Mythbusters more arrows and more lines and more labels on stuff was because I wanted the audience to always know from every camera angle what was supposed to happen in that shot and when you look look at this this is doing that same kind of work you see this bowl you see this hole you see this track you get oh okay I see this and there's nothing here but that the wood has nothing broken on it there's no logo on it it is just a clear set of objects in perfect continuity with each other this is a long way of saying I think a lot of designers especially if things like this tend to add something at the end because they think it needs more and I really appreciate the uh auster refinement of this design um and uh like I said introduce yourself to The Wonder of Steve mold's magnificent YouTube channel and His Marvelous obsessions and his incredible ability to explain them to you uh and you can pick this up on Etsy we will put it link to this in the description he's getting a lot of orders and he'll get a lot more from this so be patient thank you guys for joining me I'll see you next time thank you so much for watching that video your support allows us to make more of this great content if you'd like to help us on a deeper level even head over to tested dstore docomo doesn't love stickers our anime inspired tested logo in Japanese follow the process not the plan it's not a process it's not a problem to solve it's a process to manage other aphorisms that have come from my mouth um and we have just made a full set of our Demar badges in sticker form so you can cover your toolbox with all of your screw-ups and celebrate it with other makers thank you guys so much see you next time
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 396,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, tested adam savage, perpetual motion, perpetual motion machine, adam savage tested, adam savage, perpetual machine, perpetual motion devices, perpetual motion machines, perpetual motion device, free energy, the royal society, adam savage mythbusters
Id: ZJvCP8q-SI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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