Adam Savage Geeks Out Over Weta Workshop Props from Spectral!

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hey Adam we have another giant box that arrived at the cave from Prop Store of London our friends at Prop Store one of my favorite favorite kinds of packages to get and when that arrives it means they probably have a major auction coming up soon uh in this case it's for the movie spectral which is a Netflix not original but exclusive Netflix exclusive film uh came out last year um pretty well reviewed I haven't seen it but it's got a 80% on Rotten Tomatoes which is actually higher than some of my favorite movies so I it's I I it's now in my list to watch um and we don't have any idea what they've said no I know it's a film has soldiers and creatures and armor and the people who worked on it it's w Workshop our friends at WETA Workshop under the wonderful guidance of Richard Taylor so we know that the props will have um that will they will be deeply detailed because that is what weda is known for um and and I'm very excited to crack into this let's take a look okay um first we have that then we have oh these are the certificates of authenticity let's not look at those all right um we also have that okay we also have oh man there's a whoa there's a lot in here hold on um oh wow this feels um WETA plasma rifle okay so I guess that is something called a plasma rifle I think yeah wait no there's more no surprise a plasma rifle oh my gosh I just I broke a nail hold on it looks like we have some costume pieces wow dude okay wait I think that might be it let's see this could be some type of headset there's more dudes they um wow hold on maybe a a whip with a cord of some kind all right shall we uh divvy this up yes but hold on I cracked a nail I have to fix it oh my God wait I've broken a nail and I don't mean I cracked a nail um because I don't care about my nails but I cracked I I cut into my nail with a knife that I was using the other day and I cut it from the inside of the nail out so if it cracks it exposes my skin and that's bad so I'm just um gluing it back there we go just some cion accolate yeah super glue this is what happens super glue can't fix this is what happens when your friends who are chefs give you knives for for I got a chef I got a chef's knife from a chef friend on my birthday and it is it is sharper than anything that I have cut stuff with recently so I was setting up to cut some green onions and you know how you let the knife kind of ride on your fingernails in this case it just went right through my finger just right into it oh yeah luckily I stopped before it cut all the way through which would have really compromised me at this point if I keep the crazy glue on it for a few days it'll it'll yeah it'll be right this rain okay back to the unboxing I don't know all right that's going to be that's definitely going to be the cool thing so let's um why don't you start with this and I'll start with this by the way Pub store also has access to um the I it's probably Uline right the the catalog with the biggest Ziploc bags ever um and we save all those CU they're awesome oh man okay so this is clearly costume Parts got a t-shirt we've got a we've got some uh we've got some military overshirt with some elbow pads that are cast urethane we've got some pant similar same cast part same look military style belt so those are all custom knee pads yeah and is that even SE that's additionally sewn on could yeah so this is all custom work really nice to look like waxed canvas but it's actually a lighter cotton um that's definitely uh that's definitely something you want to make your actors more comfortable instead of like a waxed heavy waxed canvas you make it look like that but instead it's lightweight these are sort of futuristic BD use interesting we have something here oh these are boots all right well these definitely are boots that are a little too small for me um but they're beautiful again some kind of they look like standard military boots they look used yes they totally look used as they should worn made for a film and Adam you got a helmet to go who so this looks like it's like a modification of A Bike Helmet or something actually looks almost entirely custom wow oh no it's an outer shell of yes I think you're right what looks like a bike helmet with oh these are cast rubber but they're meant to look like like night vision goggles okay wait here we go I also see uh wiring inside which tells me Electronics yep so oh there we go so this goes here and I can still see through it oh you have visibility I have some visibility but I can put put it up like this and in fact to protect the actress this is all rubber nice this is all uh medium density urethane rubber which means that this could handle a lot of abuse so the actors could do stunt work and there's definitely some lights in here and I'm kind of curious if there's a voltage listed on this cuz it'd be fun to fire it up see I think the lights are in there those look like yeah you're right it looks like they're so maybe was there a chance that this could have have been like on the ground and lit from the inside to to give it some backlighting on the ground oh wait there's wir these aren't lights these are that's just glue oh that that's that's that's actually glue for extra padding that's no longer in this helmet so the lights are the lights are here in the eyes and oh there's a one of those is broken I'm trying to see oh yeah so definitely this saw some action as it were on the film beautiful delicate screen work done here M um also really kind of surprising and wonderful that this is laser cut yeah acrylic or ABS in order to make it actually functional so the actors could make it go up like that and it blends with that urane so well that is a lovely piece that's really cool that is awesome so we have a full military tactical unit night vision or spectral Vision let's say what do you got there all right this some hosing parts for for Chen oh this is like a pack of some kind this is probably some probably a battery pack right like something that straps back here and comes up into a into a helmet this is I like this bit of like movie archaeology we're doing CU we haven't looked at the the COA yet so like hm for a science fiction film where would someone wear this also from a budgetary standpoint this looks like a fairly complex piece of Hardware but check this out these wires are held at Bay just by zip ties by an arrangement of zip ties making them into a kind of a skeletal framework yeah that's that's a nice bit of um uh this is also a hard rubber so again this is meant to be it looks like it's metal but it's actually bendable urethane rubber so the actors won't hurt themselves if they fall on it they won't break the props if they fall on it's very durable um so clearly a this this was a belt right there's two two quick connects there so I'm guessing this was some kind of battery pack that was part of the costume looks like we've got a full costume here oh you could totally put this and wear it oh magazines so these are wow wow oh that's really cool um these are I'm guessing these are going to be part of the plasma rifles what do you want to bet yeah yeah you could set the type of ammo here Bo and again these are uh these are cast resona singular Parts all right and some tells me this is maybe another piece of the costume maybe another headpiece I'll say oh mask oh okay oh yeah check that out with a a voice modulator a voice modul oh look at that and some internal details so clearly these are silver details mean that we were supposed to see the inside of this um here put it on let's see it yep yep I like that I think you got to combine that with the helmet y y um so I wonder how this attaches if it does um and you're right there is some wiring so it looks like this might have actually been semif functional that's really cool okay wait let me is this that's all that stuff right that's it y um oh that's just padding okay so we can put that over here this is the thing we'll have the most fun with like how was inventory it's a tag what a plasma rifle what have made some really truly amazing rifles for films like force District 9 even alysium they made some really great for yeah this oh dude this is this is this is cool wow holy balls look at this is insane with twin screens oh my God I so want to call the guys at weda and be like what do I do to light this puppy up oh my you got a hose there some of the cabling um clearly so I'm yeah look at that and there's no specific Barrel so I'm guessing this is not a a a a projectile shooter but perhaps some piece of Kit to deal with the spectral a a horror it's a plasma rifle energy rifle oh dear you got to hold it it's really it's quite light oh yeah yeah and a lot of the the rifles they had made for previous films were uh rapid prototyped um and I I don't see ones were rapid prototype often this one that it's hard to tell because WETA often builds their own rapid prototyping equipment this is not kit Bash from from any original Source this is digitally designed and then and then fabricated with real screw scws and oh we've got um I don't even know what that oh that's a some sort of termination for I'm trying to see if there's a a switch on this cuz it doesn't look like it's just a stat oh wait wait [Laughter] wait yeah so there's that clearly something for being able to see something yeah um that's funny it's literally just a twin double a holder sticking on the end here yeah um this is funny it's like the um exhaust ofine yeah yeah this is that is that's beautiful design really really awesome I mean that's one of those things it's so great I mean when a company like w a workshop works on a film they want to bring not only their build construction but also the design aesthetic and if it's a film that maybe didn't get a wide release in this case it was an a Netflix exclusive there's amazing just like so many props and costumes from it that you can get access to this auction is going on uh now till August 4th and they have other costumes other props we're going to look at the the coas just to confirm all right so here we go this is a light up plasma rifle and accessories lovely so ah it turns out that backpack yeah that that uh is what goes with the rifle ah and so do these uh magazines of some kind so it doesn't look like these plug into this but clearly uh yeah there is a there's a bunch of stuff that yeah we'll have to take a look at the movie and see how the costumes play you have a tactical helmet yep that made a lot of sense and then a helmet chin stunt helmet chin right so clearly they made several different kinds um this one plugs into something and then a background Soldier fatigue uniform which is uh there you can put the whole thing on and you would be a badass uh futuristic soldier that is really it's it's the work is so beautiful and I I also guarantee you that like whatever people end up buying this for on the auction is less than than it cost to have this made for production right um there's tremendous amounts of work and person hours and Ingenuity in making these things look great and have a kind of a an act of realism to them the the small details on here the 44 the little bits of numbering the internal camera lens kind of looking stuff it's it's magnificent yeah the weathering here I I bet that's where you plug in to the the pack to the ah yes look at that see yeah it comes in like that oh and this yep yep yep all right so clearly we're going to have to make a a mannequin display for this or something yeah awesome uh thanks Prop Store for sending us this stuff and the auctions going on right now so if you want to check out other props and costumes from spectral it's on Prop store's website we'll have a link below meanwhile I'm going to go ghost hunting [Music] sorry
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 654,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adam savage, tested, testedcom, prop store, spectral, auction, netflix, weta workshop, gun, movie, ghost in the shell, behind the scenes, adam savage weta workshop, spectral movie, tested adam savage, adam savage weta, weta workshop adam savage, richard taylor, spectral review, tested weta workshop, adam savage tested, adam savage workshop, spectral trailer, tested weta, netflix spectral, plasma rifle, rifle plasma, plasma rifle spectral movie
Id: u-BxRb89Qsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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