Adalia Rose: The Girl Who Ages Too Fast | BORN DIFFERENT

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remember to look right here there that looks not fair I could talk to a person like joiner I just told her like yo you were born different much is who you are and she owns it I like to do YouTube videos for my fans because I love oh yes [Music] okay in her case like we don't put any fear into her or like explain what progeria is or even say the word progeria we just treat her like a normal 10 year old just try to give her the best life I ran out of time soon thank you she sees herself as being different there's days when she goes I wish I had hair I wish I'd look like everybody else but then she goes and says who needs hair anyways I have a bunch of eggs I like to do makeup I like to play Barbies I like to play on my phone and like carefully guess we like to watch me like Anne Frank my brother's sometimes Aikido Club so I guess not right I'm basically like everything you know your cars on my favorite take that prison cycle me right just be I am lose me or kill her and she said she thinks you're cute yeah nothing yoke easy it can be hard some days especially at night when [Music] everybody goes to sleep and you know I'm just thinking about the day was thankful for another day I guess I thought he has a rare aging disorder called progeria well her food's ready daddy ready cut it up for you and everything it's I opted for me everybody makes fridge Aaron it's what makes you age I uh girl and she just makes a lot of it so that's what makes her age faster we don't talk about life expectancy or any possibility of this could happen or that could happen to her I mean we just live day by day I mean anything can hurt anyone right exactly yeah [Music] what the gays are a surviving class I was very young friendly I can't make her open my present well in the beginning when we first started her Facebook it was just for you know giggles it was surprising how fast it grew [Music] which is like 14 million people on our Facebook and all her subscribers on YouTube I definitely think it's fair to describe a tally as a diva people have been asking is about it on his eye so the story about that is that stop she's very self-conscious about it but so surfers I basically like scar tissue for me I basically yeah I'm her puppet having a social media superstar 11 year old it's crazy especially when we're out in public you know a lot of people recognize her they say good things to her all the time I love all your videos there's constant comments of how she's inspirational and half and she was like stop her every time she hears those things it makes her really happy smile lady daddy baby new tissue yeah are you really gonna tell me my nose oh you can do whatever you want for your birthday so it's my favorite part right here yeah why do I keep saying I guess it's just weird and I'll talk to them all right how do you look Dahlia do you think he's fast to say you like a little bit of a diva ah better Lara your oh dear they're cool they knew [Music] we went to the mall and we got some ice cream chili chocolate syrup and we with the players I got a lunch and in Sierra like my pants okay my favorite thing about being her mom is watching her grow and like seeing is how different she is from everyone just seeing how she takes on every day and just learning from her as well [Music] I could describe with Anya's a while morning yeah stubborn determined driven courageous crazy convenience to me when I wanted you [Music] you
Channel: truly
Views: 13,378,163
Rating: 4.8962336 out of 5
Keywords: amazing news, amazing stories, amazing story, amazing, barcroft media, barcroft tv, barcroft, documentary, real life, '2018', Born Different, Adalia Rose, Austin, Texas, Youtuber, diva, Internet superstar, Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome, progeria, genetic condition, medical condition, dwarfism, premature ageing, accelerated ageing, Barcroft TV, 236336, September 2018
Id: 13lyWAY8iBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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