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every person in this world has their very own special features which make them unique in this video we show you ten people with the most unique skin color these ten people have become famous for their uniqueness and they certainly learned how to rock it before we start don't forget to hit that like button also subscribe to our Channel and turn on notifications so you won't miss any of our videos let's begin number ten kudia Diop first on the list is the melanin goddess kudiye job this beautiful 19 year old senegalese woman has become a world sensation because of the unique color of her skin as a child she used to be made fun of by those around her but make no mistake she fully embraced her own body a few years later as a teen she joined the colored girl Inc a group which promotes self-love and celebrates women of any in all backgrounds thanks to this particular group kudiye started getting noticed by the world and by the age of 17 she decided to start modeling and completely won over the internet with her amazing photos she is now an internet celebrity having at present over five hundred thirty eight thousand followers and Counting on Instagram being such a spirited person she fully encourages people to embrace their own individuality and as she so frequently says if you're lucky to be unlike all others never change number nine Connie Chu while kudiye drop is our melanin goddess gorgeous connie chu has gained a reputation of her own due to her albinism the Chinese sensation has always stood out to the crowd for her pale skin tone and white hair and despite being the youngest of four children she was the only one born with this unique skin color when she was young Connie and her family moved to Sweden where she took an art in journalism course by the age of 24 she became the world's first fashion model with albinism a career path she started by working with one of Chanel's fashion designers jean-paul Gaultier now at age 50 she is still a relevant model who juggles her modeling career with her jazz singing career number 8 Steven Thompson next on our list is Steven Thompson much like connie chu this charming American man also has albinism originally from Brooklyn he never dreamed of a modeling career and so at age 17 he chose the path of musician his instrument of choice was a piano with his main focus being jazz music by 1990 he decided to give his modeling career ago but by that time the alternative aesthetics fashion tendency had not yet kicked in so he wasn't very successful until he met Ricardo TC an art director for Givenchy who decided to have him become one of the faces for his spring/summer 2011 campaign this small yet meaningful revolution started by Ricardo TC turned Stephens world upside down placing him on the map and so his successful modeling career began at present he is not only a musician in a model but also has endeavored into painting he's become known for his painting canvases that take inspiration from the work of goys El Greco and even the surrealist movement more so and to the curiosity of many Steven is also a burlesque performer his most recent project involves the launching of a burlesque show called the ranch where he plays the enigmatic role of Ghost Rider number seven Winnie Harlow perhaps one of the most physically sensational women around the world Whitney Harlow is a lovely Canadian woman who happens to have a skin condition called vitiligo for those of you who don't know vitiligo is a localized deep pigmentation of the skin which created well-defined and symmetry prone white patches on the skin this skin condition first appeared on her belly at age four and slowly started to spread all over her body over the course of the years including face knees and hands her unusual appearance managed to attract the attention of American supermodel Tyra Banks who immediately took an interest and invited Whitney to compete in the 21st season of America's Next Top Model her appearance on this elite competition has placed her on the map even though she placed fifth nowadays she has taken an interest in the clothing brand Desigual becoming its brand ambassador along with the Brazilian supermodel Adriana Lima number six Nakia Phoenix although freckles are commonly associated with caucasian people the truth is that they can appear in every race the American model Nakia Phoenix is the perfect example of that Nakia is someone who easily stands out to the crowd for her skin tone freckles and somewhat reddish hair however being so different looking made her a target of bullying she often mentions how her schoolmates treated her as if she were an alien making fun of the fact that she was tall and skinny or claiming that black people don't have freckles eventually she learned to love her uniqueness and fully embrace it which was the main reason a member of the alternative apparel company noticed her and approached her it was through this company that Nakia Phoenix started her modeling career despite being quite successful with the alternative apparel company she continued to notice how she kept being dropped from shows simply because of her race and different physical appearance nevertheless she persisted and thanks to that persistency she managed to become the public face of advertising campaigns by coca-cola and targets number 5 Ava Clarke for those of you who haven't heard of Ava Clarke prepare to meet a very special girl ava is considered to be the only African girl that suffers from albinism but with beautiful green eyes and blonde hair this special condition of hers peaked many people's attention including those in the fashion and beauty industry Ava Clarke's most lovely and exclusive physical features have granted her over 86,000 followers on Instagram and a very promising modeling job in fact she managed to land modeling jobs with big famous magazines such as vogue and denim but despite all the advantages her uniqueness has granted her her skin and eyes come with a downside as the years go by she will slowly begin to lose her sight that means over the course of the years she will become legally blind but fear not in spite of this information Ava Clarke continues to live life to the fullest with a great attitude number 4 Lola Weil there is no doubt that Beauty is one of the most valued qualities in a human being and Lola teal is definitely a part of that she is considered to be the real-life black Barbie and honestly she's a force to be reckoned with Lola is a woman who possesses an incredible and unique beauty which has certainly helped her set her modeling career straight right from a young age she's not even 20 years old yet yet she has managed to conquer thousands and thousands of followers on her - gram page but unlike others who seem to set their lives in Korea around their beauty Lola Chu wheel has decided to continue her student life as a Los Angeles high school student in fact she's considered to be quite talented when it comes to speaking new languages as she is able to speak eight different languages in a fluent manner number three Paul Karason number three on our list is Paul Karason also known as Papa Smurf Paul Karason was an average man fair-skinned freckles in blond hair however all this changed when his skin slowly began to gain a bluish tone and his hair became full white unlike what some people might think this is not a normal disease or skin condition nor was it purposely done by Paul the pigment on Paul's skin was the result of a rare medical syndrome known as argyria argyria is a condition caused by an excessive exposure to chemical compounds of silver or simply put a form of silver poisoning it can either appear in located spots on the body or spread throughout the entire body like in Paul's case the reason he contracted argyria is because he started self-medicating to treat his severe face dermatitis unfortunately for him the medicine he was taking had some very strong side effects which died his skin a permanent blue tone he eventually learned to embrace his newfound skin color but alas died at age 62 from a heart attack number two Anastasia's Zhukova Anastasia should Cova known by many as Nastya has been called the most beautiful albino girl many times she was born in Russia in 1996 and her one-of-a-kind beauty has been recognized by many right when she was a child she's incredibly talented having a special gift for singing that she makes sure to share with the world anyone who would wish to hear her sing will only need to find her YouTube channel as she frequently shares her music videos there aside from her singing talent she has also taken an interest in the fashion in beauty world having participated in many relevant fashion jobs in Russia in fact she has even managed to change the face of the fashion industry in her home country number one taylor mole at first glance the 36 year old taylor mole looks like any typical model with a face green eyes and beautiful blonde hair however when she removes her clothing she becomes completely different from everybody else why well Taylor has a genetic condition called shimmer ISM which causes her to have two different skin colors this chair is omission is very rare and happens only when a pregnant woman has two twin eggs that fuse together inside the womb this genetic condition resulted in the very unique Taylor mole who was born with two different blood streams to immune systems and two different skin colors that uniqueness which separates her from everyone else is something that makes her very proud and so she felt like she needed to share with the world therefore starting her modeling career nowadays she's not only a model but also a somewhat famous singer and songwriter she's even interested in a career as a dancer so you could definitely say that she is a talented multitasker thanks for watching be sure to give us a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video also don't forget to subscribe to always be in the loop we'll see you in the next one
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,260,665
Rating: 4.8188844 out of 5
Keywords: unique people, unique skin color, people with unique skin color, melanin goddess, albino, beautifula albino, skin color, 10 people with unique skin color, most unique people, in the world, most unusual people, people with unusual skin colors, unusual, beautiful people, most beautiful people, strange people, strangest people, beautiful skin colors, unique skin colors
Id: juWpyFoA-cI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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