Acumbamail Review- Perfection For Email Marketing!

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yo what's up guys it's trevor here and welcome back to another review today we're gonna be reviewing a combo mill now this is a new software or newish software that came out on appsumo now i'm on the appsumo sales page um so i'm gonna be showing you guys a review and give you my honest opinions about this tool and in this video at any time you can go ahead and go to the link in the description to check out uh combo mail um direct link to appsumo so here we go a combo mill is essentially a email and landing page builder so it is alternative to octopus omniscient and moose send now i haven't used any of those three i only use get response in clavio cloudview i use for shopify and get response i just did for affiliate marketing so not sure if i heard of any of those three so let's go on to pricing now so pricing starts at 79 dollars and it is a very simple to to understand pricing it is basically you have all the features that are included which is list clean automatic forwarding reports a b testing landing page editor automation customized tables just like clavio and all those other email marketing softwares and of course this is a lifetime deal which is amazing so for tier one you're gonna get 20 000 emails per month now that is quite a bit um depending on how big your email size is um if you're in how frequent you send out emails i usually stand out every single week from an e-commerce brand so 20 000 is enough for the size i'm at right now but if you're a bigger brand or you have a big audience then definitely check out the tier 3 and just find the tier that matches your audience size so it should be pretty simple in terms of pricing and then you get 10 campaign previews as the tier 1 and then up to 100 on tier 3. all right now let's jump back onto a combo mail so let's go ahead and excel those let's go to comma mail so we just signed up for a combo mail and on the free plan you're going to get 20 000 emails so i'm just going to click on keep my free plan and i just sign up for this so i'm going this with no other knowledge so inside here we have get your pricing plan which is probably gonna take me to um the pricing so you can see this is in euros um you can change the dollars so 25 72 and 225 in terms of pricing if you were to pay monthly and then you have subscribers prepaid and sms so let's go back and see what's inside here so inside newsletter we have home it's at home we can create a new campaign and this is most likely an email campaign it's going to create campaign just name it test campaign there's my burner email i'm just gonna name everything a test for now click on next which list or list would you like to send this campaign to so let's just send to myself um otherwise you would probably import your list here so creating campaign now it's going to show us the different templates email templates that they have so you scroll down a bit it has quite a bit of templates now compared to clavio the clavio templates are pretty good as well but actually what i've been using for templates for my own emails is canva pro and their selections of email newsletter templates that you can go ahead and edit so these templates take it for what's worth um i usually don't ever use templates in general but you can if you want so you can save templates or make custom templates here and then you can import templates from a form url and text in a zip file so that is pretty good but for this example we're going to just take a template so we're going to take this this one right here it's called animated teaser click on select teaser test let's go ahead and click save okay now it is going to load x that out so now we're in the design phase of a creating campaign so this one actually has a animated um percentage so to edit this okay well first of all before we go on to this i do like the layout already this this feels familiar to clavio um in terms of the boxes and what they have um it also is the ui is really good so far from first impressions inside rows you can add different rows so this is good i like that settings we have content area with content area alignment background color the fonts link color so inside content let's try to go we click on this we can adjust the width if we take off auto lift we can adjust it so let's turn it back on and it goes back to auto i'm going to full width on mobile we can align this however we want okay i like that let's see about we can edit this okay so this little box that pops up right here does look very professional um compared to clavio looks a lot better in terms of ui um let's do is going lifetime and then we can edit the font okay that's good um do like monster at already so let's do railway we can unbold this and just a typical you know font selector and we have all the settings here special links we can have this the unsubscribe link the gdpr change your information and view in brower sorry browser merge tags you can merge all of these into one and then you can have add links just all the typical email um marketing tools so far has so inside this can we so this is a gif all right it's definitely chip because we can go to this and then you can see the gif right there so this is not something that is edible editable um i didn't think so this is a gif so you can add your own gif right here um dynamic image um we have image link if we want to make this a clickable image um it goes right here and then we have the button to go wherever we want to so this would be you know jarvis ai for example we can have it open a new web page make a call or sms and then we have special links right here we can have the same links that i just showed you just a few minutes ago like viewing brow browser unsubscribe change your information renew gdpr um right here we have basic editing you know from border radius to letter spacing um we can align this however we want and overall the customization is there they even have a live chat or this is in spanish for some reason i believe that spanish but hopefully they do have email support inside here with desktop and then we have mobile as well with mobile and desktop so i do like that let's try something else like let's add a title check this out amazing um get custom html add videos icons stickers just as all the things that you need and then it com has a socials and unsubscribed links are down here and then this content is like a lot of content means it cannot be edited so mandatory so this powered by a comma mill i'm pretty sure on the free plane can't delete um but maybe on a paid plan you can so after you're done with the design click save um whoops accidentally delete the unsubscribe link let's go ahead and click next it's the sender to test the subscribers um the custom url of links tracking urls campaign url maximize your open rates okay and then you can schedule the campaign and then or you can send it now or send a test so let's send a test and i'm going to send it to my burner email so i use this tool called that's also on appsumo i haven't done a review on this yet but it's basically a email um kind of like a burner email little tool but let's make a new email let's name it a combo mail click generate and we got our new email right here go back to campaigns send a test email sent click accept and then in a few moments we should it should appear inside of burner mail and there we go we have the test we have drivers going um service is going lifetime and then we have all the things down here and then we have the powered by combo mail so overall it is very simple to use you shouldn't have any difficulties figuring out how to use campaigns now inside list you can add a new list name it whatever you want the list email the list language creating english click create let's create successfully click accept and then inside the list go back to list we can click on it we can import subscribers delete unsubscribe all the things that you expect inside the email autoresponder so we click on test we can go to subscribers we can add we can export using plain text manually mailchimp list okay that is good um i wish to have a little bit more features like clavio or get response but they have the csv file which most get and most some email responders have um you can export as a csv and import inside a combo mail so that is perfect beside feels we have um basically when you import you can insert different names and different fields okay so forms this is to create an email form probably to um capture emails so let's try something let's do a pop-up we can have a pop-up display on our website so i do like tests test pop-up click great only for paying users okay so i guess we can't do this um we can't actually test this on this paid plan unfortunately i mean the free plan size settings we have basic list settings notifications audiences advanced this is all pre pretty typical stuff compared to clavio inside templates we have the templates that we used right here we can duplicate it update the thumbnail or we can click on new template and choose another one of these now they've 861 so far and that is quite a bit to choose from so if you run out templates definitely try out canva pro and their list of templates that you can go ahead and customize now inside automations this is going to be hopefully this is going to be good smart rules that trigger actions such as auto response or follow-up so you can create new automations great click create and then this is similar to clavio and where like if we click on edit the list that we just created which is test trigger when a new person subscribes to the list [Music] we can apply this existing subscribers if we want to just leave that unchecked right now click apply you can't drag this anywhere so now trigger when someone when somebody goes through our list or sorry in our little pop-up that we create inside the pro plan only when they go into the pop-up they will be sent to the test list inside tesla's we can add a trigger right here if we out as soon as they are subscribed should we um add a delay we can add a delay for one minute so let's say we want to do the add to the mailing list wait 30 minutes and then we want to send them a email send email campaign the sender's name subject line in the sub domain for links so let's go ahead and delete that what is this exactly terms and conditions okay this is the behavior like open shipping clicks on your link so this is the behavior kind of like delayed different conditions before your email gets sent i can figure out which one is exactly the email believe it's template what's web hook okay the url that you want to send it to sms send sms click close let's click on template so this is actually the email we probably want to set up the campaign inside the campaigns tab first and then habits have it select right here send put in the sender's name and subject line and click on apply so automation is not as straightforward um as clavio probably because i have more experience with clavio but this should be pretty simple to figure out but inside here you can add i mean click run after you set up all your automation inside reports we have basic campaign reports a test campaign how many emails click-through rate actions we can delete the campaign duplicate it so inside new inside a newsletter tab it has everything that we need um smtp dang it we can't we can't try out the smtp on the free plan so smtp um unable to try on the free plan so but we can try so if you get this a combo mail the any of the plans so 79 you will have access to smtp and that should help with um ip blocks when you're sending out emails from my knowledge now obviously i'm not expert at email marketing otherwise i wouldn't explain smtp like a piece of cake so from my understanding smtp is just there to avoid ip blocks and getting a dedicated server to send emails so we don't have access smtp and the free plan but if you get any of the tiers you'll have access to that um inside sms we can create sms campaigns so this is very similar to [Music] no spaces underscores are allowed and there may sender [Music] [Music] um shoot our list test was click create accept and then we can edit add in the subscribers manually or probably at csv that's right it's getting hot in here we can add the phone number [Music] and then [Music] we have reports so after that we can send up set up a different [Music] campaign for sms great campaign being edited testless so let's add a subscriber as example so i have manually there we go just click on add it must be mobile with prefix one two three one two three click add what maybe it's like this error occurred hmm maybe it's just something going wrong but for now it can't figure out the sms campaigns but email part does work really good so if you're only using this for email that is solid it doesn't say how much sms campaigns or how many contacts you can send with sms so that's actually questionable now inside of pages you can finally make landing pages and let's see how nope they have a lot of different templates we have 146 different templates to choose from and if you were wondering what that papa was just they trying to upsell you to get a developer or a professional to build your landing page but these templates they look like they will do let's go ahead and create a test pages you can add the title to the description we can customize our google analytics add our own scripts share this page enable the page right here and then we can go inside design and design the page so it gives us the same layout as the email part titled text images and all this stuff so it looks like this creates a little page kind of like click funnels but nothing like click funnels actually um inside mobile we can see the mobile view so this is probably just like an email what the exact purpose of this page is probably just going to be an email capture form either for your email campaigns or some sort of way where you send traffic to to capture their emails and send the offers so overall this is very similar to the email part let's go ahead and click save and close so that is one page okay but how do we actually get this oh i'm so it says right here we we have the url you can copy the url but it is actually disabled on the free plan so this would be the url you would send your traffic to to capture email or yeah basically just to capture email and remarket to them inside reports where basic page reports you know the how many times it got visited it clicks the subscribers and for some reason this is still in spanish so i'm probably sure um it's in english but i don't know why i'm in the europe time zone so so that is pretty much it for a combo meal um what do i like about this email part is excellent the campaigns the list the templates automations the automation need a little bit more work it's missing a few features um reports are solid smtp i didn't get to try on a free plan sms it's missing a few features pages very similar to email so if you're just using this for emails only then if you're sending you know like 20 000 emails per month then this is perfect you don't need to upgrade anything past tier one so i do like this um well i'll be pl replacing clavio no because it has great integration with shopify now if you don't use shopify or any other integrations then this will be perfect just to send out emails too so if you enjoyed this review make sure you smash that like button and until next time take care
Channel: Trevor's SaaS Reviews
Views: 691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Acumbamail Review, Acumbamail, Acumbmail appsumo, appsumo acumbamail
Id: Raa4u_svJSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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