Acts 16: How to Handle Stress

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good morning welcome to sandals Church I'm glad you guys are here and man wasn't worship amazing this morning let's give worship team a hand I thought they were incredible absolutely awesome today we're gonna be looking at Acts chapter 16 where some incredible things happen but more than just incredible things happen the Apostle Paul experiences incredible stress an incredible stress through a stressful situation where he's beaten stripped naked imprisoned and literally left for dead anybody ever had a stressful day or week raise your hands okay you know what the things that amazes me as I look at our society today people are more stressed now than ever our kids are stressed you know that the elementary school children are dealing with stress in extraordinary ways I mean literally they're overwhelmed with stress and there's always that fantastic age front side of junior high that's literally torture that's so bad you can only go through it for two years but right junior high is extraordinarily stressful then there's high school and all of a sudden you realize that you're not gonna be a kid forever and your decisions are going to determine your destiny some of you are 40 and you're figuring that out but you should have figured that out you know like at 16 but then you get to college man and it's just each and every step after that then you're stressed out am I gonna be single forever then you get married you like oh my gosh am I gonna be married forever then you're stressed out because you can't have kids you're like oh my gosh we got to have kids then you have kids and you're like home stressed out we had kids right I mean life gets so stressful you know it's amazing I'm 45 years old and and now when people talk about death I'm like it's not that bad you know it's not that bad it's not nearly as depressing as it sounded at one point time because we are stressed out now here's the thing all of you are dealing with stress in your own way you know women deal with stress in their way men deal with stress in their way older people deal you know stress your way you just take a nap you know younger people we can't sleep that's how we deal with stress so we're we're all over the place in terms of how we deal with stress but a lot of us don't handle it in a healthy way for example one of the issues that's on the California ballot this year is the legalization of marijuana why is that people are stressed out and the church is no longer a viable option Jesus is no longer a viable option and so what many Californians and Americans are turning to is a drug-induced stupor to deal with and numb their stress and the Bible says this do not be drunk with wine but instead be full of the Holy Spirit you see alcohol drugs and things we turn to do have a temporary numbing effect on us and if we're not careful they will control us and the Bible says instead of turning to alcohol and drugs for stress turn to me don't be full of that but be full of me you see we used to be a whole lot more real in society we didn't call them bars but we called them a place that sold wine and spirits isn't that amazing we don't call it that anymore but the Bible says don't be full of wine in spirits but be full of my spirit God says and that's my prayer for you today that no matter what you're going through no matter what's happening in your life I pray that the peace that comes from Christ the peace that comes from Christ would control your thoughts and you could learn to be grateful I didn't just make that up it's found in Colossians 3:15 that's actually God's prayer for you and God's prayer for me so let's pray right now and just open up with the word of Prayer and let's pray that the peace that comes from Christ would control our thoughts and we could learn to be grateful Heavenly Father god I pray for those of us who are married single young and old God who are facing financial stress physical stress emotional stress Lord and relational stress I pray that the peace that comes from Christ God would control our minds for the next 30 minutes Lord and we would experience your Shalom your peace your wholeness and we would leave here Lord better than we were when we came in God because the world that we left to come in here will be waiting for us when we leave and so I prayed the thing that changes is not our circumstances but our point of view I pray this in Jesus name Amen so how to handle stress look at your outlines Before we jump into act 16 I'm going to give you two quick pointers that I think will anchor you as you live in a stressful world in order to handle stress I need to trust that first of all God loves me God loves me you see part of the problem in the world today is you are all a number you have a Social Security number when you go to the hospital you take a number right you're a number you have a driver's license number your loans have a number when you call the deal with financial stress you know emotional stress it's taken number take a number take a number and I want you to know that with God you're not a number your name he knows you by name he knows your name he knows your story he knows your situation and he loves you he loves you think about how less stressful the DMV would be if you walked in it and you were loved amen can you imagine you would be greeted with one of those cookies that Justin was talking about sit down and enjoy right I mean think about how different it would be if you were loved think about how different it would be if you went to the hospital and you were loved you weren't a patient but you were a brother or a sister or a son or a daughter think about how different stressful situations would be life would be very very different and we need to understand that I may not be loved by people but I am loved by God He loves me the Bible says this I am convinced Circle that word convinced how does the Apostle Paul navigate stress he is convinced that nothing can ever separate look at this word us that's you that's me he's convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is found we're in Christ Jesus our Lord you see God has proven his love for you he sent his son to earth to experience stress did you know the Bible says that the reason we pray in the name of Jesus is because we have a high priest who understands our stress he knows what it's like he knows what it's like to live the human experience he has walked through life in all of its stresses he has faced face death for you died on the cross for you to let you know that God loves you he loves you so God loves you so no matter what you're going through whether you're facing cancer God loves you whether you going through a divorce God loves you okay if your kids have gone crazy God loves you and even your kids God loves you even if you lost your job God loves you even if you found out you only have a few months to live God loves you let his love sustain you you know what the problem is we're all so busy we forget to remind ourselves of God's love now the Bible says six days you shall work one day you shall rest and the day of rest is for two things number one you were to cease from all work and number two you're to focus on God and his love for you that's the Sabbath that's the principle six days you work one day you don't do anything you know the Bible says neither you nor the servants in your household are to work every even the animals are to get a break stop doing everything and I want you to focus on me Psalms 46:10 you can write this down it's not in your notes Psalms 46:10 says this be still and know that I am God some of you needed to take a chill pill this week and you need to just relax you know I'm not proud of this but for the last 26 days I calculated I had taken zero days off 26 days in a row you know how that affected me it affected me internally it affected me relationally with my wife it affected me with kids and guess what it affected my view of God and I told my wife this last week I said Thursday I said clear your calendar cut everything off we are doing nothing all day literally we have one thing on the agenda we are driving to the beach we are laying on the sand and getting burned that is all we are doing don't even pack sunscreen don't do it I'm just gonna get fried in the name of Jesus right so she did she's a great wife she took the day off she could tell it was serious I had that crazy look in my eye we went down to the beach he says you want him by the kids and said no that's stress I want no children present for this event we went down to the beach we had breakfast together we laid on the hot sand I floated in 72 degree water in the ocean and let me tell you something God is good god is good it is amazing what happens when we just take a chill pill and we remind ourselves that God loves me it's a whole lot easier to be reminded of God's love when you're relaxed it's a whole lot harder to remember that when you're stressed next God loves me and God has a plan anybody watches the debate this week between Hillary Clinton and mr. Trump I had to turn it off I had an anxiety and panic attack about ten minutes in okay some of you don't have children but if you have children you're like oh my gosh we are all doomed right this is terrifying and I don't want to be a political you know pessimist but I'm frightened okay and and the third-party candidate has smoke so much dope he can't name a leader from another country right that's our that's option C you know I'm seriously right all you people of the 70 stop smoking the pot man you don't even remember the 70s it's crazy right and I'm like and my son says dad are you okay and I'm like I'm not okay I need to turn this off isn't it nice to know that God has a plan even if the Republicans don't and the Democrats don't God has a plan and we can just rest in that we can rest of that listen to me if the church if the church can survive niro right we can survive either whatever candidate you know wins whatever candidate wins one guy that was running for president actually suggested this week that citizens may want to leave it blank I thought that is terrifying that is absolutely terrifying right God has a plan for I know the plans I have for you God says they are plans for good Circle that word good God doesn't want to screw up your life he wants to bless your life he has plans for good not for disaster to give you a future and a hope one of the things that causes me the most stress is I worry about my future anybody worry about enough money for retirement worry about paying for your kids for college some of you are worried about paying the rent like your futures like tomorrow you like I don't know if we have enough money to pay the rent no you know you don't right it's freaking you out and you're experiencing this incredible level of stress here's the good news you may not have a plan but God does and his plan is about how to save you isn't that amazing it's about how to save you how to redeem you how to reveal his love to you and God's plan the Bible says according to the book of Ephesians is centered on Christ God has a plan alright now let's jump into acts 16 the text that we're in here's how you need to handle stress in order to handle stress I need to trust that write this down this is important for all my little perfectionist that attend sandals church life will not always make sense amen it's not gonna make sense I don't know why women who should never have children are like Eve and they just give birth the entire human race and women who would make incredible mothers struggle with pregnancy I don't know it doesn't make any sense to me I don't know why stupid people get rich amen I don't know why some of you know me like how it my relatives an idiot how did that how did that happen you invented a plastic doughnut and people bought that right huh how does that happen I mean some things in life don't make sense like the guy who owns the mission and he invented the frozen burrito I could have thought of that where were you and the frozen burrito idea came around you'd own the mission in you know what we should do with this burrito freeze it million Ares with the richest guy in Riverside really the frozen burrito come on come on come on okay some of you are blessed way beyond your level of intelligence and ability and it's not fair amen everybody else it's not fair it's not fair okay and some of you are brilliant and broke brilliant incredibly brilliant I don't understand why I don't understand why healthy people get cancer and literally people who inject Donuts intervene II ously in their arms live to be a hundred remember George Burns smoked his entire life man it's crazy I don't understand sometimes life's not gonna make sense and here's the thing it will stress you out if you try to figure it out life will stress you out if you try to figure it out it doesn't make sense and by the way God says it won't Jesus says this that God blesses both the evil and the good he blesses him both he promises though on the day of judgment evil people will be held accountable and things will make sense when we stand before God on Judgment Day but until that day life is like a circus and it's just weird it's just weird so life will not always make sense now for those of you who weren't with us last week we were in Acts chapter 15 and Acts chapter 15 is all about this issue to follow Jesus do you have to become Jewish what's the answer no they actually had a gathering with all the Apostles with the Apostle Paul Barnabas the eleven living apostles that Jesus appointed and Jesus's half-brother James the wise and they gathered together to answer this question do people who follow Jesus have to become Jewish and this is important for men because if you had to become Jewish they have to circumcise the foreskin on the tip of your penis and that's how you become Jewish okay you know like why does he say penis every week in church welcome to sandals this is just where we are in the text okay it's just where we are and some like I am never coming back okay I just stressed you out sorry listen here's the issue the church said what did they say last week and asked 15 is anybody remember no you don't have to be Jewish to follow Jesus acts 16 verse one here we go remember life will not always make sense acts 15 don't have to be circumcised acts 16:1 there was a young disciple named Timothy so hilarious his mother was a Jewish believer but his father was circle it Greek what does that mean probably not circumcised Timothy was well thought of by the believers he's a nice guy so Paul wanted him to join in them on their journey that's great in deference to the Jews of the area he arranged for Timothy to be circumcised before they left can anybody think of anything more impractical than being circumcised before you take a long walk I'm gonna run the Boston Marathon this week I was wondering what could impede my progress during the race circumcision right can you imagine he's like it slow down Paul slow down slow down why that's how they got around they're gonna walk thousands of miles the Apostle Paul says you know what we should do we need to circumcise you Timothy is like what about acts 15 read the last chapter sometimes it doesn't make sense and that's just where you are look welcome to the world welcome to the world Paul you got a crazy look in your eye put the Flintstone down you're making me nervous what is happening here okay look life will not always make sense next God uses difficulties to help direct me do you know what stress is it's actual pressure usually it's emotional pressure anybody ever been so stressed out you can feel pressure on your chest you ever had that it feels like someone's pressing on your chest now you may be dying but for most of us it's just stress it's just stress right it you can actually feel something pressing on you that's what stress is stress is pressure sometimes it's physical pressure sometimes it's emotional pressure sometimes it's spiritual treasure pressure I actually felt stress this weekend preparing for the message on stress that's awesome thank you Jesus right why you stressed out cuz I'm gonna preach on how not to be stressed out so God uses difficulties to help direct me sometimes God allows stress in your marriage stress in your finances stress in your health to get you where you need to be God applies pressure to push you in the right direction so check this out next paul and silas travel to the area of Phrygia that's how you say it and Galatia because the Holy Spirit had prevented let's Circle that word prevented them from preaching the word in the province of Asia at that time what did the Holy Spirit do created pressure that blocked them from going in a certain direction then coming to the borders of Messiah they headed north to the province of Athena but again the spirit of Jesus did not allow them to go there the Holy Spirit and the spirit of Jesus are blocking the Apostle Paul applying pressure to the physical mission of his life and some of you guys are experiencing pressure like Paul you're experiencing pressure at work doors are not opening doors are being closed you're experiencing stress and you're like I don't understand God I thought you wanted me to do this I thought this is what you wanted me to do I don't understand God why you would call me to do this and then close the door I want you to notice here that God has called Paul to walk in this direction but he's closing doors he's closing doors some of you are facing pressure at work some of you apply for a job you like you just know God wants you to have that job God closes the door you like God what are you doing some of you are in a dating relationship oh my gosh this is the one this is the one I know he's the one and then that door closed and you're like oh my gosh am I ever gonna get married right some of you are like I think my marriage is gonna make it and that door closes and now all of sudden you're going through a divorce you're like God where are you the door to that relationship has been closed you like what do I do where do I go you see sometimes God closes doors to help direct me to where I need to be look at proverbs 19:21 it says you can make many plans any planners in here yeah I'm not a planner I just fly by the seat of my pants but I love planners you have a plan the Bible says many are the plans of man's heart but the Lord's purpose will prevail so you can plan to go to Asia Paul's like we're going to Asia God's like nope nope nope nope and guess what you can fight God all day long guess who wins God God wins you're not going to outmaneuver God you're not going to do it check this out act 16 9:00 that night Paul had I want you to circle this word a vision now here's what needs to happen some of you need a new vision for what work will look like you need a new vision for what relationships will look like some of you are stressed out about your kids you're like I want kids and I want them not to go to jail you need a new vision for what your kid's life is going to look like you need a new vision you need a new vision of what your marriage is gonna look like you know sometimes the best way to save a marriage is to get a new vision of what it's supposed to be like you need a new vision yet God is closing doors financial doors relationship doors friendship doors and what is God trying to help you he's trying to help you get a new vision for life and part of the reason that we're so stressed out is because we're stuck in the vision we've had about the way that life is supposed to be from when we were kids and we've come up with this plan for our life and God is like that is not my plan for your life and we're stressed out because God's plan and our plan isn't the same plan you got to get a new vision God give me a new vision for how I'm supposed to love my spouse my kids my friends give me new vision for what my career is supposed to look like give me a vision of what my financial life is supposed to be look like give me an a vision that night Paul had a vision a man from Macedonia in northern Greece was standing there pleading with him come over to Macedonia serve leads words and help us so we decided to leave for Macedonia at once having concluded that God was calling us to preach the good news there Paul had to get a vision a new vision of what direction to go I want you to notice here that even the Apostle Paul got it wrong sometimes give yourself some grace you know the hardest person it is for me to forgive myself you need to learn to give yourself grace the Apostle Paul went the wrong way twice two times made two mistakes you got to give yourself grace yeah you blew it you messed up your money you didn't take care of your body you screwed up at work okay let's let's let God redirect you let's allow this stress or stress to redirect your life and go in another direction okay next point how to handle stress you got to remember and trust that even the most irritating people in your life are loved by God how many of you guys would say that most of your stress comes from a person don't point at them but raise your hands okay well most of our stress comes from people anybody have stressful people that you work with regens yeah but you can throw them under the bus because they're not here all right there's stressful people you work at with at work there's stressful people anybody ever have at a neighbor that just stresses you out oh my gosh Tami and I we had a drunk neighbor with one of our first houses and he drove us crazy literally took all my wife's pots dump them upside down so that he could climb over the fence because his wife had thrown him out smashed all our pots it's crazy stressed me out I was never so grateful to move as when we moved okay sometimes people stress you out anybody have a family member like you don't want him to die but you'd be okay like like you said God I'm not saying kill him I'm not saying kill him but if it was their time we would all be grateful we would all this Thanksgiving there would be Thanksgiving yes as I'm amens yeah yeah man right I want you to understand this even though most irritating people are loved by God they are and what we do you know what stresses us out is we focus on the sin of the person rather than the heart of God for the person and when you're focused on people and their stupidity guess what it's gonna make you nuts because people are crazy people are stressful people don't do what they say they're gonna do people lie people I haves anybody ever had people lie or write to your face I mean you know they're lying when their mouth is moving yes even the most irritating people are loved by God God has a plan to redeem even the most broken people Act 16 one day so he's gone to Macedonia he felt like God called him to go there one day as we were going down to the place of Prayer so where is Paul headed to a place of worship and there he met underlying this a demon-possessed slave girl do you know that there are irritating people at church there are stressful people at church on Sundays here at this campus we hire a police officer to help us with the traffic because the light is not done yet and and you realize that at some point we're gonna have to build some kind of parking situation here amen because it's stressful okay but we'll deal with that when you give the money so right you want to know what happened last week last week the police officer that was working out there actually attends our church he was on duty yeah out there so he's out there and somebody gets upset at him blows to the intersection flips him off yeah and I know this because he sent me a note which by the way last weekend I was preaching on anger awesome you know so this person flips him off and then he says he sees them drive up and turn into our parking lot and get out and go to church Wow Wow right and I'm like I'm so sorry welcome to sandals you know it's just like you know maybe they were telling you you're your number one but did you know that even going to church can be stressful and you might mean some very very unhealthy people here at church the Apostle Paul goes to prayer underline this he made a demon-possessed slave girl that's quite a bit of adjectives one sentence to describe a person demon-possessed slave girl she was a fortune teller who earned lots of money for her masters she followed Paul and the rest of us shouting so she followed him around these men are servants of the Most High God they have come to tell you how to be saved and this is irritating Paul it's irritating she's falling around irritating him underlying this this went on day after day day after day until Paul got so exasperated let me tell you how to really translate that word ticked off he got so frustrated and so angry he yelled at her listen what he said he yelled at her he turned to her and said to the demon within her I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her and instantly the demon left her but you know Paul didn't do this in love he was ticked he was ticked isn't it nice to know that God can still bless somebody when we're an idiot right God can still God can still do a work when we blow it you Paul so Paul blew it let me just tell you this that person that's irritating you you have no idea what's going on in their life you have no idea how they may be under attack and so when you come to church and somebody's rude to you somebody flips you off in the parking lot or somebody's nasty to you about where you're sitting down understand they may come to church and that woman may have just been smacked by her husband those kids who are snotty and flip-flops may not have had breakfast because they're abused that person in the parking lot may have just found out they have cancer do you know that people often come to church because they're stressed and they're looking for hope they're looking for hope and how sad is that that this woman has to follow Paul around four days four days before she receives healing and you're sitting in church worshiping can you stop crying you're interrupting my worship right you looking at that mom with her kids running all around shut your kids up in the name of Jesus and you don't know you don't know that her husband cheats on her bed he beats her and that he has abandoned her to raise those kids on her own and she's just in church today hoping hoping to hear something that would change your life remember even the most irritating people are loved by God and amen that means there's room for you and how do I know that God loves me because he loves everybody and that includes me but you know this is not the end of the story Manny gets brutal the Apostle Paul's day goes from frustrating to just straight-up bad has anybody ever had a day where you're like what could possibly go wrong you know worse than this anybody ever had one of those days and you know as soon as you see those words you know as soon as the words come out of your mouth we're all gonna die does everyone know that it's gonna happen this is gonna happen and that's what happens to Paul so he healed the demon-possessed girl but you know what she was used to tell the future she was used and she could see that something was special and unique in Paul's life and by the way some of you don't believe this but I actually had this something like this happened to me my son and I after school one night he was at a play or something but it was in the evening it was dark we went to 7-Eleven and there was a very very unsightly young man sitting next to 7-eleven who was obviously homeless and drug-induced and he looks scary and so as we walked into 7-eleven to get my son a Slurpee I moved my son from one side of my body to the other side of my body to keep me in between him and this scary-looking individual and as we walked into 7-eleven I had to literally walk around this guy and I saw him reach out for me and I kind of looked at him and we made eye contact and this is what he said to me he said you're a pastor aren't you and I stopped it froze me my tracks and I said how did how did you know that I'm a pastor and this is what he said he said a voice just told me you are he didn't say God he said a voice and I realized in that moment this individual wasn't something to be feared but he was someone who needed help her masters hope for wealth were now shattered and so they grabbed Paul and Silas and dragged them before the authorities of the marketplace this just went from bad to worse a mob quickly formed against Paul and Silas and the city's officials were ordered ordered them stripped think about that they were stripped naked publicly and beaten now the way that they would beat you in the ancient days is they would have a rod that was about two feet long and about as thick as the small end of a baseball bat so think about that think about beating somebody up with the skinny end of a bat still going to hurt and that's what they beat you with publicly and according to the Roman law you could beat someone up to 40 times with it a rot 40 times so he was beaten with wooden rods they were severely beaten and then they were thrown into prison Circle that word severely he's had a bad day severely beaten and then they were thrown into prison the jailer was ordered to make sure they didn't escape why cuz they've ticked off the whole town so the jailer put them into the circle that's work the inner dungeon the inner dungeon think about this nowadays when you go to prison you know most of them you can get TV you have rec time their games the Apostle Paul has taken to the inner dungeon you know what's down there nothing but rats and disease and filth there's no sewer system down there so when somebody goes number 2 where's it go all over you it is filthy it is disgusting it is the whole of the basement and Paul is taken there he's taken to the inner dungeon and he is clamped there with his feet in stalks so even if he could move away from the feces he can't because he's trapped now I don't know about you but I never had a day like that around midnight mm-hmm hunter like this Paul and Silas were praying and singing that would not be me amen anybody else I would be in the old I would be in the corner of what the heck is your problem God that's where I would have been in the corner what's Paul and Silas doing praising God and singing hymns why because Paul knows he's loved by God and he knows God has a what a plan and he knows that it doesn't always make sense right he knows but he is praising God and he's singing and the other prisoners underlying this word this is Sookie or what listening listen to me if you're Christian your family members your friends and you co-workers who know you are a Christ follower watch how you handle your stress they watch and I want you to hear me very very carefully and clearly how you handle your stress will either lead your non-christian friends and family members to Jesus or away from Jesus your stress and how you handle it can lead someone to heaven or to hell and you need to understand that there is more at stake there's more at stake your kids are watching your friends are watching your family members are watching people are watching how do you handle your stress so everyone is listening everyone's listening and then suddenly there was a massive earthquake massive earthquake an earthquake that was so nasty the prison was shaken to its foundations all the prison doors immediately flew open and the chains of every prisoner fell off this is a miraculous event everybody's free the jailer woke up why because there was a huge earthquake to see that the prison doors were wide open he assumed the prisoners had escaped so how does the how does the warden handle his stress the same way many of you do he drew his sword and planned to what kill himself this is how the world without Jesus handles stress life would be better if I just died no life is better because Jesus died for you and it's completely different and we need to realize this so he drew his sword ready to kill himself but Paul shouted stop stop look at this don't kill yourself underline these words we are all here not just Paul not just Silas but all the other legit criminals that are on death row they're all there we're all here the jail are called for the lights why he doesn't believe him and he ran into the dungeon and he fell down trembling before Paul and Silas then he brought them out and asked sirs underline this what must I do to be saved you know what he's saying how do I have what you have how do I have that listen when you go through stress when you face cancer when you face divorce when you think face bankruptcy when you face a situation with your kids a family member or a friend how you handle yourself in the middle of your stress will lead people to Jesus or push them away he says what must I do to be saved and they replied believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved along with everyone in your household look at verse 33 even at that hour of the night the jailer cared for them and washed their wounds they were beaten so severely that their bloodied I don't know if he knows but they were beaten with wooden rods so badly their skin tore their bloody their beaten he cared for them and he washed their wounds then he and everyone in his household or what immediately baptized in the middle of the night I've never been to a three a.m. baptism in the middle of the night why because Paul and Silas handled their stress in a way that glorified Jesus and because of that people got saved listen I would love to promise you that there will never be days or you will go something through something like this but the reality is Jesus Christ said in this life you will have trouble you will Paul had any but whatever a great Paul I had a bad day being stripped naked publicly beaten dragged and thrown in a prison right that's a bad day but through it all Paul handled his stress and brought glory to God and because of that other people got saved listen God loves you God has a plan for your life and life will not always be fair and it will not always make sense but know this in the end God will make it right trust in the Lord the Bible says lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him that is the beauty that Christ offers and I hope that you will be blessed by handling your stress in a better way today let's pray Heavenly Father God thank you for this amazing church lord I pray that you would enter into every person's life single and married young and old father men and women no matter what they're facing no matter what they're going through right now in this moment I pray that they would know that they are loved by you and God I pray that they would know that you have a plan for their life and God no matter what they're going through in the end it will all make sense when we stand before you on Judgment Day because your plans is to give us a future and a hope your plans for us are for good and not for disaster Lord thank you for loving us and I pray that you bless us with the peace that comes from Christ amen
Channel: Sandals Church
Views: 11,092
Rating: 4.7471266 out of 5
Id: m3VI4aAY0tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 29sec (2369 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2016
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