Actors Painful Prosthetics & Costumes In The Hunger Games

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which costumes caused such an awful experience that jennifer lawrence literally ended up handing out autographs to anyone who asked we're checking out the intense and painful processes the actors of the hunger games had to go through when filming how did lawrence end up losing some of her hair let's dive in behind the scenes access this female part of my brain i didn't even know i have i was like oh my god elizabeth banks looked great performing on screen in the hunger games but the costumes were often very painful to wear it's very constricting and uncomfortable and that's certainly how i feel all of her outfits were custom-made for the actress and banks even got to contribute her own thoughts regarding fabric shapes and colors in the development process unfortunately she didn't get to contribute too much to the comfort level and many of the costumes were torture when the actress put on certain costumes it literally changed her posture as she found herself getting into character but fashionista effie's way of standing is far from comfortable for most people banks can't even pick a favorite outfit based on look because she's been left with such painful memories so instead her idea of a favorite was which one was comfiest to wear this green puffy dress oh my goodness while jennifer lawrence didn't have to feel the pain of actual poison fog she did undergo the intense time-consuming and uncomfortable process of having multiple prosthetic boils attached all over her neck and face having this much prosthetic attached with a special and not so comfortable glue made the experience pretty tough for lawrence no water the water helped at one point during the production for mockingjay literally thousands of pieces of prosthetics were used it's an insane number but considering they were for 250 people to wear over the course of four days it makes sense that means 250 performers also had to endure having these elaborate pieces attached to their body for filming being a natural blonde jennifer lawrence planned to protect her hair from becoming damaged by harsh dye treatments to go brunette approximately thirty thousand dollars was spent to make weeks for the actress to wear while filming i rented thirty thousand dollars of hair this would have been a great plan had they followed through but in the end lawrence was forced to dye her own hair and went through all of the treatment anyway it worked out for a while but ultimately intense damage was done to the actress's natural hair so she was forced to chop it off it got so bad that she went for a full pixie cut because she felt she couldn't get any uglier to make it all worse the wigs did finally end up needing to be used for mockingjay since lawrence's hair was cut too short at the time really we just kind of started cutting away and then just kind of kept just it just kind of ended up this way it was stunning but the butterfly dress that banks appears in was far from practical it was a memorable experience for sure partially because of the live butterflies fluttering around her but she pretty well wasn't allowed to do anything except act in it the actress couldn't eat walk or even really sit to make it worse beneath the work of art the actress was fitted into an awkward and tight spandex bodysuit and i'm so grateful that i fit into the sample sizes because otherwise they were going back in the trunks the famous fashion designer iris van gerpen was responsible for the wild shoes worn with the butterfly dress the avant-garde heels were extremely impractical and were even hard to wear just while sitting the designer shoes were on loan to the production and really did amplify the high fashion of the character but it did make it difficult for banks to do her job safely they might be the feistiest pair of shoes we've ever seen and we're not the only ones who think so it's hard to manufacture that when they do it so well getting all of the extras ready for the capital scenes was a massive feat not only did the makeup have to be precise a whopping 400 extras needed to be tended to head of makeup v neal was running a team of 30 makeup artists for an insane nine and a half hours all before being ready to film the capital scenes with the extras ready to go we are actually trying to implement a eyebrow bleaching scenario for all of them this process was intense and exhausting for the actors who had to wait the entire time sitting through loads of makeup prep and eyebrow bleaching the makeup artists had a rough time as well on their feet for so long doing grueling work efficiently and professionally see be prepared to have your eyebrows bleached what are we looking at a whopping 1800 different costumes were made for the capital scenes for the first movie the elaborate outfits weren't the easiest for the actors to maneuver in they found themselves limited by huge ruffles and ties the reaping ceremony was another intense costume day the performers were super hot and suffered an extremely unpleasant filming experience for long hours on set the conditions were so rough that even lawrence recognized it wasn't good so she signed an autograph for anyone who wanted one on set you know things that you only really see like in magazines that nobody would ever really wear in real life the first time tigress actress eugenie bondurant had her extensive makeup done it took around six hours to complete the whole process by the time the team went to camera bondurant still had to endure a long three hours with three different makeup artists working on her at the same time the actress also had to sit through getting tons of fake tattoos all over her body all of which had to have meticulous attention paid to them since the look had to be consistent with the tattoos needing to line up with the facial makeup naturally like a jigsaw puzzle the headpiece she had to wear was also so frustrating it made her delirious it's odd it's weird i don't really want to do this all the time jewel encrusted nails adorning elizabeth banks's fingers made doing pretty well any task like using a button or typing on a blackberry a complete nightmare the actress literally couldn't even go to the bathroom simply with the completely impractical additions banks actually had people on set with her who would accompany her to the washroom to help her manage getting toilet paper and unzipping her costumes filming catching fire in hawaii was difficult for a number of reasons and the wetsuit jennifer lawrence had to wear through much of filming didn't help her one bit at one point the actress was incredibly itchy and couldn't handle the feeling anymore so she had to resort to using rocks to help scratch the itch what lawrence didn't know was that the rock was actually a sacred stone and dislodging it was a huge insult to the community to make it all worse the giant stone almost hit a man this wetsuit reminds us of another very uncomfortable costume when i would take it off i would have just like red marks all over my body for josh hutcherson wearing a wetsuit was pretty intimidating since a it was so unbelievably form-fitting and b the wetsuits were very hot to wear all the time the actor would get extremely warm working under the intense sun and being super active on set which only made the wetsuit harder to endure god it's hot one of banks's most uncomfortable costumes was this large and structured red dress all the material itself wound up being super heavy leaving the actress to move around carrying loads of excessive weight not to mention the fact that she was also wearing small heels making it even harder for her to move freely let's go show them becoming caesar flickerman in the hunger games was no small task stanley tucci actually contributed some ideas as to how he thought the character should look and it wasn't going to be simple to achieve chuchi tried multiple different prosthetics and wigs before settling on slicked hair with dyed eyebrows and tons of heavy makeup the actor also had to sit through a bit of dental work a mold was used to take a cast of tucci's actual teeth in order to create false teeth for him to wear while performing this is what i want i want teeth that maybe look like this actress jenna malone had tons of prep to do before she took on her role as joanna but on top of it all she had to deal with some very uncomfortable accessories and additions when the actress was going through makeup tests in pre-production seven hours were spent trying to figure out exactly what her look would be for the different looks the actress donned different huge and elaborate eyelashes that had come from as far as germany and japan these delicate pieces were part of the two and a half hour makeup process the actress sat through for some looks you guys look amazing creating the hunger games films was by no means an easy feat for anyone involved we don't know who some of these experiences were more painful for the actors going through the process or the makeup and prosthetic artists not to mention the extremely long hours spent by the costume team which actor experience sounded most painful to you
Channel: TheThings
Views: 539,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hunger games makeup, actors costumes, hunger games behind the scenes, movie prosthetics
Id: DiDoBz6A9zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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