20 Scenes Where Actors Were Actually Terrified

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oh jesus ghost tv shows and movies are full of jump scares and scenes that have us watching through the cracks between our fingers it's all part of the fun but we discovered actors from huge shows and films like stranger things and harry potter were just as terrified during the filming of those scenes from intense method acting haunted set locations and even actors facing their deepest phobias we're uncovering just what scenes from your favorite movies and tv shows left cast members petrified seriously i could just do like a whole bowl of nougat we were all on the edge of our seats when eleven ventured into the void to try and find heather the lifeguard in stranger things season 3. we might have thought the scene was intense but for heather's actress francesca real it was horrifying doing the drowning was actually in a pool with a black bottom which was terrifying for me the moment katniss sees peeta's sunken face on tv after he's abducted by the capital is dark what's even more heartbreaking is that katniss's reaction is actually how jennifer lawrence responded to seeing the video for the first time the director knew j law hadn't seen josh hutcherson in a while and if she was shocked with the video they'd be able to capture her genuine fear on camera talk about intense method acting are you there for the most part the euphoria cast seemed to have an amazing time on set except on their last filming day of season one when they were on location at an abandoned mental hospital that had shut down after 40 patients lost their lives there was even a morgue actress sydney sweeney is still not over the spookiness it was the creepiest place that i'd ever been to and we were filming there all day and all night dude you were good on that and he was just like we all know that the cranks from maze runner are just a combination of talented actors and makeup artists but that didn't stop dylan o'brien and thomas sangster from genuinely being afraid to film with them take a listen the the little guy oh he was terrified yeah in a twisted way their fear probably made the final cut even more realistic for voldemort the harry potter casting directors had to make sure they brought on an actor who did intimidating well they succeeded not only was ray fine scary as voldemort but daniel radcliffe says that he was terrified any time he had a scene with rafe i remember when i was 15 doing the scenes with rafe for the first time he was even scarier than alan was at first rafe genuinely scared me for a few years you cry for that the witchy vibes and the chilling adventures of sabrina weren't always the greatest the showrunners were dedicated to making sure that all the pagan rituals were done accurately which made it a little too real for actress tati gabriel who played prudence she always feared that they would actually be calling out to the supernatural i do smudging just to keep my energy clear when we step off like let's leave that behind yikes was she who led me back to the material world wedding jitters aren't just reserved for real weddings according to robert pattinson kristen stewart was terrified when filming the bella and edward wedding she knew how important the scene was to the story and was so scared that she'd messed something up it even made rob a little nervous she walks out and she's absolutely terrified i hadn't been nervous for the entire scene before she walked down the aisle daenerys may have been fierce while flying her dragons but for amelia clark it was like riding a very scary amusement park ride behind the scenes she's actually sitting on a big green shell that she had to be careful not to fall off of at all times at least they eventually got her a harness and just use it do you know the scene in game of thrones where jon snow is being chased by the bolton cavalry kit harrington would like everyone to know that it wasn't a green screen instead kid had to stand there and actually fear for his life just so they could get the scene filmed he called the experience very scary are you scared jason madeleine pech hid her emotions in this opening scene of riverdale the actress has a huge fear of deep and large bodies of water and ironically one of her very first days on set she was forced to face it i was having a panic attack no one knew i was freaking out i had to wear these beautiful valentinos in the boat when i got in so i was terrified of stepping in the boat can you think back to the first time you experienced seeing pennywise on screen come join the clown edge you were probably pretty freaked out well imagine having that same experience but in person that's what happened to the young cast of it they weren't allowed to see alexander skarsgard in his pennywise costume until the moment they filmed together their on-screen reaction is 100 percent real surprise one of the many jump scares in season one of haunting of hill house wasn't entirely scripted and terrified actress kate siegel and elizabeth reeser the director instructed victoria pedretti to pop out earlier in this scene than expected to get their real reaction it wasn't just jennifer garner's character in her netflix film who found herself saying yes to some not ideal situations jennifer had to face her fear of roller coasters in the film yesterday thanks to her fear in real life they were able to capture some realistic footage is it bad that we're laughing i hated it it went higher on the second side the transfiguration classroom in the chamber of secrets was full of actual live animals well one of those animals a monkey absolutely petrified the young actors while they were filming on set apparently it was engaging in some very inappropriate behavior daniel radcliffe even went as far as calling it traumatic very well the first time michael kane saw heath ledger in his joker costume was the moment the cameras were rolling that meant michael was taken aback and even a little terrified he'll frighten the life out of you he did that to me the first time i saw him i forgot every line terrifying the conjuring story is terrifying but actress vera farmiga did a deep dive into the history of the warrens and all things supernatural before taking on the role her research left her constantly in fear while on set she was so spooked that she expected to see real-life supernatural occurrences like children levitating every corner she turned in pitch perfect 3 rebel wilson had to continuously film a 20-foot jump which wasn't great for her fear of heights each time the director said action she was terrified i know i seem really tough but i am afraid of heights i had to do this 20-foot jump 10 times and each time i was petrified jennifer aniston had a traumatizing underwater experience when she was five leading to this scene she filmed in her film cake to be unbearable the director needed her to continuously keep submerging herself under the water and for jennifer it was near impossible it took me 30 takes i will never do that again for ryan reynolds every day on set of his film buried was a struggle one of his biggest fears is claustrophobia and he was constantly in a confined space on set it triggered him emotionally and what you see on screen is really how he was feeling it was tough buried was really really tough emotionally and physically we're hoping that scarlett johansson at least knew what she was signing up for when she auditioned for a film called we bought a zoo but that didn't stop her from having a huge fear of the birds that were on set something about wings and beaks and the flapping i am terrified of them but she got through it in the end congratulations in other words fear on a movie set isn't always a bad thing for performance sometimes it improves a scene we just can't believe that in some of these scenes we couldn't even detect that they were terrified it just proves how amazing these actors are could you sense that the actors were terrified in these scenes [Music]
Channel: TheThings
Views: 828,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dylan O’brien, Emilia Clarke Game of Thrones, Harry Potter Cast, Jennifer Lawrence, Kit Harrington Game of Thrones, Kristen Stewart Twilight, Leonardo DiCaprio Titanic, Ryan Reynolds, Stranger Things Cast, The Conjuring 3, TheThings, stranger things actors, harry potter actors, hunger games experience, Millie bobby brown scared, actors not acting, scenes where actors
Id: mUV6BgQiY6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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