The Life of 74th/75th Hunger Games Careers (History Of): Cato, Clove, Marvel, Brutus, etc

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career tributes are among the most brutal and savage tributes to ever enter the Hunger Games arena they trained their whole lives for their moment to shine during the games and when chose him they show no mercy to those weaker than them there are some of the most fascinating characters in the series but unfortunately they were barely covered in the films so in this video I'm going to tell you everything you need to know about the careers from the 74th and 75th Hunger Games as well as give you some history on Korea tributes in general now remember this is based on the books not the movies but to have some pretty big differences before we start I make new videos every week so make sure you hit that subscribe button enter a notification zone to make sure you never miss a movie claim video now let's get started a career tribute or a career is a tribute from either district 1 to or for the wealthiest and most powerful districts out of the 12 and Panem growing up they attend a special combat academy to be trained by mentors who are victors who have won the games in the past and they do this until they're 18 and when they do turn 18 they volunteer themselves during the reaping it's seen as a great honor to participate in the games and represent their district training before the games is actually illegal but district's 1 2 & 4 get away with it because of their wealth and the fact that they're closer to the capital because so many kids in the career districts want the chance to honor their district and compete when they turn 18 there used to be quite the commotion when it came to the reaping as multiple people would volunteer to combat this they had the mentors from the combat school handpick who they thought to be the top of their class instead of drawing names like the other districts still if the careers do win the games they are seen as heroes and amass great Fame and wealth and more often than not it's normally the careers that win the games as they are the best trained the strongest most agile and normally the most aggressive in the arena for careers the willingness and in some cases even enjoyment to kill their opponents before the games even start cultivated from years of preparation and support of the families and fellow district citizens giving careers a tremendous mental and physical advantage over the other tributes however it can also give them the disadvantage of arrogance before the games even start the careers normally begin to form an alliance amongst themselves forming strong bonds and trust between each other so that when they are teamed up in the arena their alliances make them even stronger than they already were in some cases the careers recruit tribute from other districts that aren't career districts but only if they show exceptional skill and value having a team allows them to secure weapons and supplies and stops other tributes from gaining them and they have a great advantage when it comes to the bloodbath the race to the cornucopia in the first few minutes of the games their alliance of course can't last the whole games however and once their targets from the other districts start to thin out they begin to turn on each other another thing the career struggle with is the fact that they can't handle the lack of food the way the poorer districts can as the careers have never gone hungry the way Katniss and tributes from the other poorer districts have looking at the 74th Hunger Games the careers from district 1 were marvel and glimmer the careers from district 2 were Kato and clove and the district 4 tributes were never named together the six formed an alliance from the very start all of the 74th Hunger Games careers were huge having at least 50 to 100 pounds on Katniss and they projected a look of arrogance and brutality before the training even started they had their eyes on Katniss and Peeta because they had outshine them during the parade with the amazing costumes that Cinna and Portia had made them during the training the careers tried to recruit Thresh from district 11 a giant boy he was at least six and a half feet but Thresh refused to join them throughout the training the careers tried to intimidate the others showing that they had no fear of anyone and showed off how skilled they were with the most deadly weapons they were provided the careers for the 74th Hunger Games all got scores between eight and ten from the game makers though Katniss Everdeen from district 12 once again beat them getting a score of an 11 which made them even more eager to kill her at the start of the games during the bloodbath clove killed the boy from district 9 and tried to kill Katniss throwing knives at her but Katniss blocked them with her backpack in the bloodbath the district for career mail was killed swimming that was surprising as the careers almost always make it through the first day in the film the careers were very chatty and they ran around mocking the other tributes but in the book which as I said is what this video is based on the careers were much less chatty and more stealthy and menacing after the first day there were five main careers two boys and three girls the boys being marvel and Cato and the girls being glimmer clothed and the unnamed district for girl however later on they recruited one more person Peeta Mellark from district 12 an event that has pretty much never happened before a resident from the poorest district teaming up with the Careers together they hunted down one tribute who stupidly made a fire leading the careers right to it after killing him they walked away but not hearing a cannon Peeta turned back to finish him off while Peeta was gone the other careers discussed killing a moth but realizing that he was the best chance at finding Katniss the girl who had scored an 11 from the game makers and arguably was one of the biggest threats they decided to keep Peeta around by the time they came face-to-face with Katniss they were tired sick and coughing and they had raspy voices katniss climbed a tree and mocked down making k2 attempt to climb the tree as well but he failed after realizing they couldn't get up to her they set up camp right below her waiting for her to come down little did they know there was a tracker jacker nest above them and Katniss made it fall down from the tree at dawn the Careers lost two members to the tracker jackers Limor and the girl from district 4 after Cato saw Peeta help Katniss escape from them Cato badly injured pitas leg and he was no longer part of the career pack this left just Cato Marvel and clove lands however they went on to recruit the boy from district 3 who was not named specifically because he knew how to read activate the land mines and they put them around the cornucopia which housed their supplies one day the three main careers left him when they saw three different fires and thinking they found new targets they left though the fires were really at the version set by Rousseau the Katniss could blow up their supplies when the other careers came back they were furious with the boy from district 3 and Cato took his life from making them lose their supplies this meant that the careers were now back to just three Cato Marvel and clove later on Marvel got the REO and killed her by throwing a spear into her stomach and Katniss returned the favor by shooting an arrow into Marvel's neck though in the film she shot him in the stomach now the only careers left or Cato and clove a few days later the game makers announced that there would be a feast to cornucopia and supplies for all of them would be there clove waited and when she saw Katniss there she attacked her clove that Katniss held down with a knife to her face and was about to kill her but thrashed the boy the Careers tried to recruit before the games killed clove by smashing her head in revenge for ruse death the little girl from his districts right before thrush killed her cloves screamed out for Kato and after she fell to the ground Kato ran over to her and clove died in his arms as he begged her to stay with him events that did not take place in the film this hints that there might have been something more between Kato and clove than we thought Baldy was holding clove Katniss escaped and Thresh was able to steal both Kato and clothes backpacks because of this in angry Cato decided to pursue thrash rather than Katniss and Peeta and he got revenge for clothes by following and killing thrash Thresh might have been bigger but Cato had more stealth and combat training after years of going to combat school in his district on the last day of the game's wolf-like mutations sent by the game makers chased Cato out of the woods and he Katniss and Peeta ended up on top of the cornucopia well up there Cato put Peeta in a headlock so that if Katniss shot him Peeta too would fall off into the pack of the wolf like mutations but Peeta stealthily told Katniss to shoot him in the hand forcing him to release Peeta and Cato fell into the pack of the mutts at first he fought the mutts off and Katniss heard the sound of his sword swinging against the cornucopia but eventually that sound went away and despite his great strength and skill the mutts got c1 after what seemed like hours of Cato screaming Katniss looked over the edge and saw a bloodied and desperate Cato who mouthed the word please begging Katniss to end his suffering and Katniss did just that by shooting him in the head with an arrow it was a rare year when a career did not win the games instead two tributes from the poorest district taking the victory the following year was not just any Hunger Games but the 75th the third Quarter Quell and to celebrate this as well as to torment Katniss snow decided to choose from the existing pool of Victor's meaning that this game house and were the most capable and expert fighters pretty much every tribute was on the same level as normal careers and the actual careers were far more powerful stronger and smarter than the average career because they had all won before this time around however district 4 which was normally a district that produced careers did not join the career pack as Finnick and mags actually teamed up with Katniss and Peeta instead the career pack for this Hunger Games consisted of Enobaria and Brutus from district 2 and Glaus and Kashmir from district 1 Enobaria had won the 60-second Hunger Games and she was known for having cosmetically altered teeth she made each tooth and in a sharp point and each one was inlaid with gold and to use their teeth as weapons Brutus who was in his 40s won the 53rd Hunger Games loss had won the 63rd Hunger Games and his sister Kashmir won The Hunger Games right after him throwing the bloodbath there was a rare moment in The Hunger Games when the careers did not secure the Cornucopia first as Katniss and her team had gotten there before they could this however did not stop them from killing many people during the bloodbath all four of the Koreas retreated into the jungle and later when they saw an opportunity to kill Katniss his group they stealthily followed them to the cornucopia their gloss slit wiris his throat but Katniss returned the favor and shot him down with one of her arrows Kashmir furious at Katniss for killing her brother charged Danner but before she got to Katniss Johanna dug her axe in the cache miss chest killing her instantly Enobaria went after Peeta but Finnick stopped her leading to Enobaria slicing Phenix leg realizing the fight was lost however Brutus and Enobaria barely escaped with their lives and went back to the jungle the two careers laid low for the remainder of the games and towards the end the two began to chase Katniss and Johanna Johanna cut Katniss is tracker out of her arm and spread blood on her to make it appear that Katniss was dead and believing this Brutus and Enobaria stepped over her thinking the job was done the two were then split up and Brutus renan's chaff and Peeta Brutus was able to take chaffs life but seconds later Peter killed Brutus as payback and O'Berry eventually found Beattie and stabbed him though it wasn't fatal but Enobaria was chased away by finish by the time Enobaria got to Katniss Katniss had destroyed the arena and ov area along with Peeta and Johanna were taken by the Capitol hovercraft and brought back to snow and noveria being from a career district who was quite friendly with the Capitol don't let her go home to district two instead of holding her captive and torturing her the way they did with Johanna and Peeta when the war between the districts in the Capitol started and oh very adjoined the rebels and when the fight was over she in the remaining victors voted whether or not there should be a 76 Hunger Games with the capital's children and Enobaria voted yes though this was overturned after Katniss killed Alma coin the Careers might have been the antagonist in the arena but really they were just as much victims as the other districts were they might have enjoyed the glory that fighting in the arena gave them but deep down they were just as broken and tortured as Katniss Peeta and every other tribute Finnick being the prime example as he was a career in the first they're games and more broken than most they might have been the bad guys in the arena but they did not deserve the life they were sentenced to by the capital thank you so much for watching guys you can follow me on social media and see more of my personal life and see more of this little dude you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook for movie's flame updates and I want to give a huge shout out to all my patrons listed below if you want to be featured in the next video plus get a bunch of other awards become a patreon today again thank you so much for watching make sure you press that like button and subscribe and look out for more great videos on the way you
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 1,013,334
Rating: 4.9434443 out of 5
Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games
Id: tFYT-9wtx54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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