actors i straight up forgot were in the office us | Comedy Bites

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you guys it's like we're in high school and we're at the cool table right yeah and were you a cheerleader no she was talking a little miss artsy fartsy in high school yeah she wore the turtleneck and everything that's hilarious that's hilarious where'd you go to school bishop o'hara hislop who cares we played you you you really look familiar did you uh you cheered for them didn't you no yes i did a w e s o m e awesome awesome is what we are we're the football superstars a w remember that we crushed you like 42 10. luke is going to use his laser pointer to point to account setup you click on that first then a whole new knot no no no luke come on come on not on oscar's head all right luke come on stop it what i'm stopping it that's what you said give me the pointer so you just want me to move it that's you're being totally unclear here i'm just gonna go ahead and move it no just power it down no no no no no not on angela's poop come on come on luke seriously all right fine fine i'll just go okay i'm going all right okay good job okay email accounts so we're starting with account setup oh my god is it in my eyeball yeah i think he's burning my eye michael do something shack up you have to stop this luke can i have that no okay i am going to count down from five five four i'm not kidding three two one give me okay are going to learn to be more professional luke that's what you're going to do luke what the hell was that i had to do that scroll it all right are we good you're okay he's okay i've seen this kid before he's one of the kids that sneaks onto my farm and steals my hemp yeah i know that guy he's that farmer that goes really crappy weed you ready to give me my discount no no okay what have you been doing in here this whole time what kind of business is this we're a paper company the best paper company in the whole wide world right do i knock it off you'd better think about what you were doing young man you better think about what you're doing no i'm an adult i don't have to think or do anything you're a kid you're a little snot-nosed punk kid who thinks he's better than everybody else because he's some hot shot and you don't know anything about sales so stop being a disrespectful little jerk okay sales yes sales you sell pizza last time i checked that's called sales you're such a loser what did you just call him a loser what did you say a loser what i wasn't okay with that water stop say it you just made this worse a whole lot worse i can make him talk michael freeze i'm in do you want to go over the rules one more time no no new new i'm looking in my wallet for money so you can tell me my fortune i promise it's worth it oh i can see you walking out of here and you're thrilled with your reading what are you michael what did you tell him nothing then why are his hands up bill he told me he couldn't show it to me but he has a gun okay let's call it a day nice job be good that's good good work everybody so you've just been bought by probably a lot of questions hi i'm christian slater what's it like to work for sabre let's find out together working at sabre means taking on the challenge of the road that rises to meet you savor respecting the past but opening the window to the future have you ever tasted a rainbow and savor you will you'll find it easy to embrace the saber spirit welcome we're very excited to go on this journey with you so you've been shown a nonsensical video you're probably wondering what's going on well you're not alone years ago the senator promised a left turn lane by the arby's so i want to know where in the name of horsey sauce is it well yeah you hold on hi i keep seeing this symbol in the accounts from last year it's it's all over the place i don't know what it means that's the reason kevin got fired it's his magic number he used to use it to balance his accounts he used to call that a colevin he told a mistake plus cleveland gets you home by seven he was home by 4 45 that day yeah yeah okay uh something like [Music] it's not that i want you not to say but [Music] is all you have to do to make it real is anyone filming this seriously aaron it's either taping or calling what would you do if my heart was turning into you know what walter jr is here why don't you come up and join us yeah oh come up and do something with me i'm just having a good time getting to know andy's friends here get up there and sing or i will cut your larynx and you'll never be able to sing again whoa come this on thing man i don't even may the good lord be with you down every road you wrong and may sunshine and happiness surround you when you're far from home [Music] and may you grow to be proud dignified and true and do unto others as you'd have [Music] cheers cheers get your own guitar morning dwight who are you who am i i'm jim we've been working together for 12 years we're joked white you're not jim jim's not asian you seriously never noticed hey hats off to you for not seeing race all right then jim uh why don't you tell me about that sale that you made yesterday uh wellington systems sold them 10 cases of 24-pound letter stock or were you talking about creek or murphy because i didn't close that one yet but i'm hoping i've got a voicemail from paul krieger waiting for me please enter your password you have one new message no no no no that is sensitive information only for employees not outsiders dwight cut it out i'm trying to work you don't work here you're not jim jim i got us that dinner reservation greek goes 7 30. oh great can't wait jim's at the dentist this morning and steve is an actor friend of ours i don't know who you are but you are not jim this is jim hmm you
Channel: Comedy Bites
Views: 651,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy Bites, amy adams cameo, beloved sitcoms, breakout roles, classic television comedies, comedy nostalgia, comedy trivia game, dwight schrute, funny tv series, holiday special quiz, iconic tv moments, jenna fischer, michael scott, office humor, pam beesly, quirky characters, steve carell, surprise actors in the office, the office american version, the office characters, underrated performances
Id: DlR0nDvnZvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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