Act Like Men | Matthew Maher

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well the fall in my life still echoes to this very day but I rejoice that God can take even the greatest fall because on the cross of Calvary what he did for us paid the sin debt in full in fact he went to the Father said they owe nothing they owe nothing because of what I did father do not account it to their account negatively now as I stood so wrong in the world this is why I wasn't watching because I wasn't watching out for where I was was blind blind by the the enemy's tactics when it's so far and it's too late sometimes when you turn around and realize how far you drifted now to not be aware of your surroundings is to not care now literally take a second and consider are you watching are you aware of self are you aware of situation are you aware of where you are spiritually consider where you are today and how easy it is to drift just read a story about a guy literally was in a tube off the shoreline literally floating comfortably drinking alcohol time passed he awoke to sirens he awoke to horn he awoke to a voice he came to disoriented didn't know where he was he had drifted more than a mile off the coast and had the Coast Guard not entered into the equation he didn't ask for it didn't ask to be saved had the Coast Guard not brought him back this man disoriented would have been lost at sea and most likely perished is anybody there in that float you last guy got drunk and found himself so lost I need you to take a look at where you're at right now look around where are you are you drifting anybody knows if you go into the ocean the current can be either very strong or even very subtle yet if you lose sight of a fixed point on shore what happens you find yourself drifting now let me say it like this some of you lost sight of the fixed point some of you in here tonight have never even had a fixed join both parties drift both parties go and turn around and you're not where you should be you're not where you thought you'd be and it happened so easily we are called to watch here's the theme verse for this exact event the antidote to drifting in life is watching watching where you're at watching because the drift can take you so far complacency can get you to drift you come the standing strong yet leave also wrong come to church tomorrow morning you don't go deeper in your faith because you've never encountered Christ complacency is the most dangerous place to be for a Christian some of you are drifting down the current of compromise you're compromising in your heart you're compromising in your decisions and you think nobody sees it but there's a God that's watching and he's calling us back from compromise some of us are compromising and it's affecting our family some of you are drifting in comfort you're not compromising you're not complacent you're just comfortable life is good it's luxurious and it's that current that's taking you so far from the fixed point Corinthians Paul writes into the church there he says watch stand fast in the face act like men be strong again to watch is simple to be awake is to be vigilant is to be aware of your surroundings as Paul is writing it he's speaking to the church us he's also using military terms he's talking about Sentinel or soldier you know what the Sentinels primary role was to watch the cam no other role his assignment was to watch the camp and here's this based on his eyes came to security of the camp based on how he was observant based on what he was watching around him came the security and the integrity of the camp I'm telling you everybody in the air how old you are you have a camp that you're watching out for are you aware of what's going on around you that very camp their security your family your children they're dependent upon your watching what are you talking about I'm talking to watching over your home I'm talking about watching what enters in through your TV what comes in through that cell phone are you watching what your kids are cooking on are you governing all that because the enemy loves to subtly move in through those avenues watching this is remarkable back in the day you could have the most impressive fortress the highest walls to protect a whole city did you know that an enemy got smart he said I cannot get through these giant walls I'm not going to sacrifice all my men you know what they started to do they started to walk directly through the gates the entire city could be compromised because of the gates why you know why they would send ladies to seduce the gatekeepers why send our whole army when we could send two provocative women and they could just seduce the gatekeepers get in town get the secrets return to the camp and sell it all you know what else they do they would send bribes to the gate monies they buy out those watching the gate and based on the gatekeepers the entire camp the entire town the entire city was either protected or the possibility of being destroyed you know what your gates are tonight your eyes what are you allowing to enter your eyes what are you allowing to enter your ear gates what gentleman are you allowing to enter your heart gate because based on the state of your heart let me tell you if you have a compromised heart you will have a compromised life simple as that are you watching pornography or are you living by integrity now some of us were in here for pastor Victor Hudson's session he sent her down on that he talked about some of the roots that produce the behavior of watching pornography I don't want to get lost in some of the astonishing statistics and facts that are with men and pornography but I'll tell you like this when we watch those scenes the wiring that God designed in us is rewired in an unhealthy manner and as pastor Vick said there are certain chemicals released in the body dopamine and we crave it and it takes us let me say like a sin or pornography or lust will take you further than you ever want it to strain it will keep you longer than you ever wanted to say and it will cost you more than you ever wanted to pay and there's somebody that is coming behind you that is watching you what are you watching if they're watching you what are you watching you know what integrity is right integrity is the wholeness or wholesomeness of God it's having a sound mind than a sound heart that's uncompromised and based on an uncompromised heart I can make uncompromised decisions decisions that not only affect me they affect everyone attached to me my can't so I want to protect my I gates I'm going to protect my ear gates I want to protect my heart gate consider how easily the devil enters into your home through this stinking phone but I want to let my kids have the Liberty to be connected to technology no dad's you have every right and spiritual authority to check up on what's going on in this phone so that they can't enter into your home because they're watching what you're watching your heart cannot be compromised because whatever you promote you permit whatever you permit you promote whatever you permit into your heart you promote with your life told this story before but it's amazing to me because I used to sit at this table every single day in prison I was sitting for hours I would read the Word of God and I would journal and I would observe and I would watch and on this particular day at this particular table I overhear a conversation with a group of my peers I remember stopping what I was doing reading the word I look up with only I was 15 of my accountant for a reason there's a lot of them they were congregate and they just so happen to be blood and the Bloods were talking about what they were going to do to another inmate and here was their plan they wanted to set the inmate up so they can rob him you know what's inmate had that they wanted cigarettes cigarettes in a trunk and they wanted their cigarettes so bad their plot and their congregation are talking loud because they want everybody to hear the plan why they're putting out the message this is what we're going to do and not a single person in here is going to stop us I stop what I'm doing I'm kind of talking them down with my eyes people are looking at me what's Matt going to do and I'm talking them down they're not agreeing with my eye contact my watching my observance so they all ignore me and sometimes come up to me in time-space anyway my homie is a my cousins of blood you mean to tell me those blood cared what a little white voice salt I said yeah let me tell you why I live with them at this point live with these guys for not just days not just week not just months I live with them for years up into this point you better believe they understood what I stood for you better believe they saw that I was standing strong in the Word of God so they did not want to look at me because they understood that I did not agree with that well here's their plan set the guy up get him to lockup they can rob him it goes off without a hitch they send the guy over he's taunting the guy the guy heard the plan after trying to rob he's ignoring them it gets physical a fight breaks out like they planned like goes to the ground like they planned they're bumping up against the lockers of all metal trunks all metal the guard hears it just like they planned they call code code 33 just like they planned the guards come running down they throw these two guys on the ground a handcuffed them take them out like clockwork just like they planned they go into the area they grab the trunk with the goods in it they replace it with an empty trunk just like they planned my blood pressures rising again whatever you permit in life you promote it have been easy to look away I said that's got nothing to do with me some of my business I'll ignore it I had a good friend at this time he was my neighbor in prison his name was Little John Little John was my little neighbor we worked out together we broke bread together we spent a lot of time together Little John comes back from a rec movement he sees there's uneasiness entier heard the code he says Matt what happened I said you won't believe it they got so-and-so to lockup they got his trunk they're gonna break into it right now little John looked me straight in the eye he said are you going to let it go down like that I said you know I'm not he said okay no problem though John began walking down the housing in the direction of the Bloods where they had the trunk oh yeah let me help you with the story Little John is a 330 pound man former mob enforcer for a crime family in New York City little John takes his 330-pound self he walks down the housing and he walks into the area he grabs the trunk he walks back down the house unit he comes into the area he puts the trunk on the ground and he just sits on it they didn't like that they come flying out they come running down they come packing in now we got a problem we got all these guys in our area they're all saying the same thing all asking us why are we getting involved in what they're doing why don't we get this look away mind our business I'll never forget it Little John oh and that trunk calmly said these words if it has to do with Matt pointing to me it has to do with me point to himself and if you want what's inside of this chunk come and get it remember they all looked at each other then there oh gee step down there oh gee took one giant step forward literally took a giant step forward into our area he stepped closer to where I was there oh gee step forward yep and for all the vanillas in here oh gee means original gangster any point of that little John any point of that Minnie said - come on fellas you already know now that you got involved in what we're doing we're going to be involved with what you're doing I'm just curious why would you put yourselves out there like that little John said one word back to that question one word he didn't preface it he didn't outro it he said one word why are you getting involved what we're doing little John looked him in the eye and said integrity it's all I said they all looked at each other pride it note the word meant they left our area so while I tell you that story because Dietrich Bonhoeffer said it like this silence in the face of evil is evil itself not to speak is to speak not to act is to act God will not hold us guiltless it's when we see something that's oppressive that's unjust that's wrong that enters into our sphere and we overlook it because it's none of my business I reason yet God has called us to be men strong to watch to stand firm in the faith you know what stands firm means right means hold your ground hold your ground it's another military term picture the scene in the movie 300 where 300 soldiers are holding their ground against a Million Man March they lock together that's what we're supposed to do they stood strong they stood firm some of you are standing firm some of you are holding your ground tonight you're holding your ground and fear you're not willing to move beyond fear you are so worried about what other people think of you you're so worried about a co-worker making fun of you when he finds out you're a Christian you're holding your ground all right but you're holding it in fear you're worried about a classmate you are worried about a ball you are worried about the fear of men hey young ones in here you're so worried about the likes on social media yet forgot about the love of God some of you are holding your ground and failure you failed you messed up and you're staying there and when we stay in our failure we're saying that what we did is greater than what Jesus did we're saying that my failure God is greater than your character and his character speaks louder than any failure some of you were holding your ground and the flesh was hard to sing songs in church it's hard to raise my hands up in church because my flesh is having them pinned to the side some of you are holding your ground in the indulgence of the flesh whether it's drinking whether it's drugging whether it's popping pills you're allowing the flesh to keep you grounded yet God has called us to hold our ground and faith you know why I can hold my ground and faith because the one that made me is holding me I can hold my ground because the Lord is holding me I can hold my ground even through pain I can hold my ground even through any form of pressure I'm going to stay right where I am in faith because God has a plan I'm going to look to him I can hold my ground through any type of pain any type of pressure and even any type of problem hey Dad hold your ground and faith when things are going on in the house the children aren't cooperating hold your ground and faith don't come out of that don't try to fix it like we always try to do we're hardwired to try to fix this out of such let me tell you - God cannot put his hand where your hand is he wants to but every time you put it there he goes I got to take my hand back hold your ground letting God do what he wants to do through you husband's said it in the beginning of this session 1 husband's are we fight or flight or we holding our ground are we fighting for our wife are we fighting for our wives and children fighting with the same passion that we put into the things of the world consider it you know how passionate I wasn't our people in this room that know me from my past how passionate I was about the things of the world how passionate I was about pursuing women how passionate I was about looking good in front of people success in all the hype I stood strong for the wrong things people said to me before I got out of prison 55 months behind a wall what's not going to do when he gets out my own family what can we do to help Matt when he gets out and out of love but I said I'm going to stand strong and what the Lord has called me to do I would love to go do what you want me to do I would love to go to that opportunity because it looks good but I know what God has called me to do I'm going to stand strong and hold my ground and faith I didn't know what this looked like beyond these walls didn't know where he would take me but I knew one thing and I learned it early on that God will make much of himself through the individual who allows them to you see I know I am labeled a felon in society's eyes but I also know I'm labeled a son in God's eyes and I believe in that that's why I watch I stand fast in the faith and I act like a man which is being strong now there are plenty of males in church not enough men where are the men of character where are the men of conviction where are the men of compassion where are the men of courage where are the men that will stand strong morally where the men that will stand strong for their family tell me where the men are that will stand strong for their community men that are like search protectors you know the surge protector does right based on what a surge protectors plugged into other devices can plug into those outlets based on the source of power that the surge protectors plugged into it can literally protect from surges when there's a wild storm and a surge comes through the outlet the surge protector protects it from further damage anything plugged into the surge protector will not blow out because of the source of power that it's plugged into what are you plugged into dad you know you're a surge protector did you know that if you're not plugged into the one through God there's only one many will tell you there's all these other ways to get to God to get to heaven is only one true God he came down to prove that he was the only one way jesus said I am the only one way I am the only one truth and I am the only one life and only I can bring you like an elevator back to my father father's plugged in you know this is this is rahl if your children your daughter's especially do not have you as an outlet they can't plug into you you better believe they will find something in this world to plug into they will find another young man to plug into because they're looking for you for validation and if you're not getting your validation from your Heavenly Father you will not be able to give it to your children husbands you are your house band so that word means you are a house band you are literally the rubberband of protection and provision over your household you are wrapping your arms around your wife and your children and you do not allow other things in this world to enter into your house you protect you know what's amazing about this surge protector thing this is remarkable to me that for almost five years when I was in prison there was a man that came in every Monday night every Monday night this man came in and ministered to the broken to the defeated to the inmates to the felons he came in he didn't look at us based on the khakis we wore and he spoke licensed to us so while society was telling us to stay down this man came in with a message to lift up this man was a surge protector this man is with us tonight this man did the breakout Bible study session this man is pastor Victor Hudson he was a surge protector let me just show you if you were able to plug in to Pastor Victor Hudson when you were locked up with me what you do please stand right now [Applause] able to plug in to a man who's plugging into you dear that people are looking to plug in my father was a surge protector whether he knows it or not my two other brothers are here our oldest brother passed away in 2005 hardest time for our family in 2005 to stand next to a casket with a 28 year old man in there who just had a daughter four months prior was a hard time you know I'll never forget it my father stood next to the casket that was my brother Anthony it was my brother Mike and that it was me whether he realized that I was watching him allow us to plug into him to have a son in a casket yet still have the strength in Christ to allow his children and his wife to plug into him it is only in Jesus Christ and that strength and that Holy Spirit power that you could be that surge protector I could go on and on about my actual father here and now even in times of prosperity he never lost sight of eternity and we were all able to find our grounding because we plugged into him the L Moody said it like this husband's that if he wanted to find out if somebody was a Christian he wouldn't ask the pastor he would ask that person's wife can your wives beyond this day find you as an outlet to plug into because you're plugged into God because here's the reality what you are plugged into becomes the producer of what comes out of you plugged into alcohol you will produce a hangover plugged into pornography you will produce an unrealistic reality plugs into these things of the world you say I don't got those problems plugged into success at your soul's expense Jesus said it best what good is it what good is it to gain the entire world yet in that pursuit losers soeul you lose the very thing that God came to redeem let's put it like this what did God give in exchange for our soul what did God give in exchange to get our soul back he gave us Jesus he gave us his everything he gave us heavens resources in Christ Jesus because whatever you are plugged in to will actually come out of you just sat with the man not too long ago I could not believe this I'm in the process of writing this message I'm having this conversation with this older guy and he's literally out of nowhere starts to tell me how he dedicated a latter part of his years to finding a certain real estate in a certain clime at you know why get this quote unquote so I can leave a legacy to my children and he used the word legacy I couldn't believe it you see legacy is not something you leave someone legacy is something you leave within someone it's the spiritual impact that you make within someone here he was leaving them real estate yet he neglected to teach them about the real estate heaven what good is it dad man what good is it to leave your children material success but teach them nothing of spiritual significance what good as it will rust it will fade will be destroyed legacy what you do within the heart of a person proverbs 13:20 2 says it like this a good man a godly man leaves an inheritance to his children's children think about the sequence the impact he makes on his children is so powerful that it echoes into his children's children a godly man leaves an impact spiritually a lasting legacy in his children's children lest you sit here today and say you know what I've blown my entire life I got these latter years left I don't know what God can do with me can I tell you that your life is not defined by duration your life is defined by donation by what you leave let me give you some context and some process behind this there are also two other people here tonight they have no idea how near and dear their family and the impact that their brother and son made on me and he was only 12 years old when the Lord called him home in 1997 in a car accident 12 years that Here I am 20 years later mentioning his name Matt Laster on a stage talking about the donation that he left behind talking about a zeal that this 12-year old boy has for life and a zest about the things around him and he had a relationship with Jesus so we can rest assured that we did not lose him because he is with Jesus Christ and that's the place where he has been found forever I know this must at twelve years in that young man's life some would say what a tragedy I say no what a beautiful story that for only 12 years his life still echoes today and he made an impact on my heart that when I bring him up it's proof that he left a legacy new he's only 12 years old [Applause] watch stands fast in the faith act like men be strong lest we leave here tonight chewing on nails and trying to catch a grenade the final part verse 14 let all that you do be done with love this is not a superficial love this is a self sacrificial love this is not about emotion this is about pure devotion this is a lay your life down type of love this is a love that looks like Jesus let me say it like this this is love John writes not that we loved God but that he loved us let me give the gospel because somebody needs to hear that tonight you don't know Jesus bluntly put you came into a church you were invited by a friend you're just sitting through this you're tolerating it you don't know Jesus I'm not about religion I am NOT talking about denomination I am NOT talking about tradition I am talking about Jesus Christ God's only begotten Son the one that came and did what you cannot do and you cannot deal with the sin issue in your life and he came and laid down his life and he went to this cross and they brutally nailed him there and he allowed them to I think who are we serving a god that would allow us to kill him a God that planned it because he in three days he knew that he was going to beat back death conquer sin raise again and if you're saying that's just the story I'm here to tell you a fact it is the most validated event in the history of mankind the resurrection of Jesus Christ atheists write about it and they come to the conclusion that he is alive and they give their life to Him I'm not talking about checking a box on a Sunday I'm not talking about going to get communion I am talking about coming have communion with Jesus I'm talking about encountering the one true God that came to visit man in Jesus Christ what's that got to do what love I'll tell you what that got to do it love that He loves us in spite of us he loves us no matter what we've done against him nothing we can do can separate us from his love translation God will not divorce you there's a father or husband here you're considering that d-word you're saying this does not meet my expectation so I'm going to cast you out and God saying I would never do that to you and I need you to trust my love to love them but you never let me love you so that my love can go through you to them so so easy to divide and divorce when it's your own type of love selfish love yet the gospel says that I will not divorce you that I came to die for you I ask if you've never made that commitment in your heart men the most important commitment you can make the strongest decision you can ever make you've heard some of the speakers talk about this person Jesus and you've never encountered him I'm asking you to make that a reality tonight I'm asking you to consider where you are to choose the leaves and not know where you're going to end up for all eternity is the most foolish decision you can possibly make but to give it all back to God give him your heart to give him your soul will become the wisest decision because jesus said if you hear what I'm saying and you do what I'm saying you're like a wise person that built his house upon the rock and a storm will come and it will hit but based on what you're built on me you will not fall he says that same person who heard what I said it doesn't do what I say I'll liken him to a fool a fool who builds his house on sand and a storm will come and it will hit and it will rock that house and great will be that fall do not let that fall be you now let's just see how many coastal people are represented tonight because since we're not dead we're not done we've heard it let's do it let us pray southern heaven I thank you once again for these very men who have been ordained to be in this house tonight to hear you speak through your servant's father I pray that they are moved by your word move to make a decision in their heart as they stand standing strong order they would not be ashamed to raise their arms Lord that we would stand in all of you that we would stand with hearts surrendered arms lifted up in all of the one who gave it all you gave it all you gave it all and you expect nothing back but our hearts and we want to give that to you now we thank you and it's in Jesus name that we all say it amen [Music]
Channel: Soldiers For Faith
Views: 15,842
Rating: 4.8436484 out of 5
Keywords: Religion, Soldiers for faith, Soldiersforfaith, SFF, SSf, Soldier, Soldiers, Soldier for faith, faith, Soldier of faith, Jesus, God, Christ, Christian, Come and see
Id: 5Pn_piBJ4fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 40sec (1840 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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