Acrylic pouring on a vase - great Mother's day gift idea!

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hey guys mix media girl here so mother's day is coming up and a great project is to make a beautiful vase um so we're gonna go ahead and acrylic pour over this face for this project i am using artist loft ready mixed pouring paint you can get this at michaels artisloft is a michael's brand or you can mix your own pouring paint or use a different pre-mixed pouring paint i just felt like using this today it holds lines beautifully and it dries really glossy so i'm starting with white using some red there some yellow i'm going for kind of more spring-like colors but i've been using a lot of pink recently so i wanted to get get back into using a little bit of blues actually and if you haven't used the artists loft ready mix pouring paints before they're a little bit on the thicker side so i think they work quite well for vases underneath here i have an 11 by 14 canvas which takes a lot of paint so i'm often asked how i determine how much paint i put on the vase i always have a canvas underneath i always do a two-for-one project so i just use the amount of paint needed for the canvas and that covers both so and to figure out the amount of paint needed for the canvas i multiply the sides this is 11 by 14. so 11 times 14 and then i divide that by 16 and that gives me the amount of ounces needed now this bowl that i'm using which is a silicone bowl lowly buffet silicone bowl it only fits 10 ounces and that should be right around the amount needed for this canvas alright so i'm going to go ahead and place this in the middle i do have this up on a cup which if you've ever done vases before you probably learned quickly if you set it right on the canvas that you have no way to take it off of the canvas when you're ready so the cup enables it to be moved once you're ready there are a lot of ways you can pour the paint on here i'm going to kind of go in a bit of a circle one really important thing when doing bases um is remember you're putting enough paint in there for the whole canvas so whatever colors you put in the cup first like the first first first ones are going to be the ones that end up on your face okay so if you want you know yellow on your face put that in first otherwise it'll just all go on to your canvas so like you can probably see i'm not going to end up with really a ton of blue on here and the green i had is running off and just the the first colors are going on here i'm going to bring you down here just so you can see kind of a side view look how awesome that is okay now if you're unhappy with the colors that end up on here you can always refill your bowl and just pour again i actually really like this so i'm going to leave it i do want to point out one other thing you can probably see here the paint's kind of like shooting and that's because this is a thicker heavier paint so as it's dripping it's dripping kind of violently so it's so this paint creates even a bit of a different reaction than other pouring paints even you know my own pouring paints or other pre-mixed pouring paints this paint always comes out a little bit differently so i'm gonna go ahead and let this sit and drain for about two minutes and then we'll come back and we'll do the canvas all right i let this strip down for probably two to three minutes um so i'm going to move this to the side i'm going to carefully pick up the cup here now even if you do accidentally touch the bottom of your canvas a little bit it's not the end of the world because the paint's going to keep moving so it'll cover up any of those spots now we're going to go ahead and tilt our canvas and take a look at these crazy designs that are made by doing this so i generally speaking like to let that that hole kind of fill in a little bit and that will affect the design so you can either let it fill in completely and then that won't cause the paint to move around it or you can tilt when that circle is still there and you'll get just a little bit of a different pattern because it will basically pour around that hole if you know what i mean so i'm going to kind of i'm just gonna do it now when it's not quite fully full let's just change up the the pattern there just a little bit which i'm i'm okay with all right hopefully i used enough paint for this i haven't used an 11 by 14 canvas in a little while been using a lot of 10 by 10 canvases i don't know why it's just my favorite size okay there we go this is so unusual the patterns on this are just awesome so at this point i'm gonna let these sit here for probably a couple hours the vase is gonna move just a little bit more and then i will bring you in for a close-up on both all right we're back it's actually been about four hours so here's the canvas i think this looks awesome totally crazy some really interesting designs on this one but i really like it and i think it looks good from a few different angles so here's the vase which actually came out a lot more red white and blue than i intended but ironically we we have some patriotic holidays coming up so i guess it's pretty fitting actually but i really really like this i think it's gorgeous the lines are just so beautiful so guys um hope you enjoyed this video and just as a note i seal my vases with resin so i'll let this dry generally for about a week and then seal with resin so feel free to use this project to make your mother something awesome for mother's day and i'll see you all next time
Channel: Mixed Media Girl
Views: 22,066
Rating: 4.9720278 out of 5
Id: ZyxieY27jCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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