Acoustic Blues lesson for Older Guitar Players

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um and so we're going to play the 12 you know kind of a 12 bar blues in the key of e all right so anytime i say e7 that's called the one chord in the blues and i like to you know i play it this way e7 like that it's basically an e major chord with the ring finger off so we got that but also e7 implies your standard 12 bar blues vibe like [Music] like that and then there's gonna be lots of cool tricks and little fills in between that we're gonna that i'm gonna definitely show you you know some of my favorites all right so we've got e7 and we're gonna go and then when we go to what's called the four chord we're going to do one of my favorite things to do with a7 which is called the land of a7 and i'm going to just review that with with you right now basically i start with a regular old a7 chord that most people learn and it's going to be a middle finger on the second fret of the d string and an open g string and then ring finger on the second fret of the b string and then the high e string so right off the bat a variation is you could add your pinky to or you know you know pinkie's best um to the third fret of the high e and you still have an a7 which also lends the fact that you can have it on or off in the middle of the chord [Music] that kind of thing but the land of a7 is really cool because any of these little shapes that i'm about to show you are going to work or sub be substituted for an a7 chord so you can do these in any order um but i'm just going to show you as we climb up so we start with that a7 chord and all the strings are strummed open except for the low e string if you can avoid it i usually mute it a little bit with the top with you know my thumb so we got that okay then we're going to look at the middle finger there and i'm going to slide it up a whole step and then i'm going to get my index finger on the third fret of the b string and i'm still strumming everything except the low e very so we have cool and we move it up to the second shape and that's still going to work for an a7 it's like an a9 um suspended four is what you would call that but you don't have to worry about that okay then i'm gonna notice i'm i'm just gonna keep track of my middle finger because my ring and index are gonna be sharing those we've already done the only two shapes we need for the whole thing all the way back up to the to the original cord again okay so we have this one and i scoot it up to that one then i'm going to move my middle finger up a half step and now i'm going back to the original a7 shape so my ring finger is on the fifth fret of the b same and you know my middle finger is on the fifth fret of the d so that's the next shape then i can move that exact same shape up a whole step [Music] okay so that's the last one we did middle and ring finger on the seventh fret so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to move my it's kind of we're already did this little move down here the first two and we're just going to do it again so i'm going to move my middle finger up a whole step so now it's on the 9th fret of the d string and i'm going to add my index finger to the 8th fret of the b string that's our next shape [Music] so so far we have [Music] very good news this last one we did where my middle finger is on the nine of the d and my index is on the eight of the b that exact same shape is moved up a whole step [Music] okay now middle finger goes to the 12th fret of the d [Music] ring finger goes to the 12th fret of the b now i just move that up a whole step to the 14th fret i'm back at the original a7 with these two notes being an octave higher so here are the shapes [Music] do [Music] and you can move them in any order once you get comfortable with them [Music] you know guys write entire songs with that idea all right so what we're going to do right now is we're going to play the 12 bar blues and for the e7 we're just going to do a very standard thing because we're going to build off of that in a minute but all i want to do is just climb up that land of a7 and you know i'll just play through one time to demo it for you and then that's a really good thing to practice even if you were to you know pause or stop right here and just work that land of a7 in different combinations um if you haven't already then you'll be doing some cool sounding stuff you know and it's really emphasizing um that you know the open strings it's shimmering it's it sounds really beautiful and that's what's cool about it being on the acoustic so check it out we're going to do e7 one time then we repeat [Music] now we're gonna go to land of a7 [Music] right back to that one time [Music] then we're going to do a b7 which hopefully you know that already [Music] and we you know we do b7 to a7 so to a7 you know you can just add any of those moves from the land of a7 so we have b7 3 and 4 and a7 and the turn around this time i've showed it differently before we're going to go like this e7 so e7 to a7 ii e7 to b7 2 and then it starts over so it's going to sound like this you can go ahead and try and play along with me and the other cool thing is if um when we get to that land of a7 part it doesn't matter if if i'm doing it in different combinations they're always going to harmonize pretty well with any of the shapes of the land of a7 so if i'm on this one and you're playing with me and you're all the way up here you're gonna hear it still sounds really sweet so just experiment with that i'm gonna play through it like four times and um and then i'm gonna show you some cool tricks for the for the e alright so here we go one two here we go [Music] [Music] back to e now b7 [Music] to a7 [Music] e7 k7 e7 b7 starts over now here we go land of a7 [Music] back to e b7 a7 [Music] turn around e7 a7 e7 b7 back to the top e7 [Music] a7 [Music] see that any combination get ready for the turnaround b7 a7 [Music] turn around k7 e7 now b7 last time through here we go make it count [Music] get ready a7 [Music] so when we end this we're gonna repeat the b7 check it out b7 [Music] a7 again b7 [Music] k7 b7 [Music] a7 break and then a lick below and then we just do that turn around e7 [Music] e7 so you know you do a little break there's some [Music] g7 a7 [Music] and then some more licks or uh or if you know the e9 chord which is i've covered a lot in other lessons you could do a half step lower into it or half the pier into it like [Music] or even an e7 a high uh has to pirate look at the other bandmates or a power jump whatever it takes right so that is the the recap of the land of a7 we're going to actually expand we're going to add some seasonings some toasted tasty note seeds on top um some cool embellishments and things like that they're gonna that you can add to this so that's gonna be the next little module stay tuned we're gonna work on the land of e7 and uh some cool tricks with what we just did
Channel: GuitarJamz
Views: 676,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Acoustic Blues for Older Guitar Players, Are You Too Old To Start Learning Guitar?, aocustic blues licks, acoustic blues riffs, how to play acoustic guitar, acoustic guitar tricks, important blues guitar Chords, acoustic blues lesson, acoustic blues Tips for Older Beginners
Id: Qgj2i_TBm0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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